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Source: The Philadelphia InquirerOct.mini storage 23--If she lived in Oregon, Washington state, or Vermont, Barbara Mancini could have handed her terminally ill father the morphine he wanted, and there the story would have ended.But in Pennsylvania, it was just the start of a legal saga that has refueled the national debate over assisted suicide and cast the 57-year-old Philadelphia nurse as either a compassionate daughter comforting a dying man, or a criminal enabler in his death.Under the state penal code, "a person who intentionally aids or solicits another to commit suicide is guilty of a felony."Mancini was arrested Feb. 7 and so charged. Conviction could mean up to 10 years in prison.In a hearing two weeks ago, state Senior Deputy Attorney General Anthony Forray said that Mancini pressured a hospice to prescribe morphine for her father, that she handed him the drug believing it would kill him, and asked for more when it didn't.Mancini's lawyer, Fred Fanelli, said she acted out of love in giving Joseph Yourshaw, 93, of Pottsville, the morphine upon his request. Fanelli also contended that what Mancini did was legal even under Pennsylvania law, because Yourshaw did not need her help -- he could have obtained the morphine himself -- and his intention when he took it is unknown.Laws that went into effect in Oregon 15 years ago, in Washington state four years ago, and in Vermont this year would allow actions like Yourshaw's and Mancini's. So would current bills in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Both are patterned after Oregon's law, which says that if two doctors deem a terminally ill person mentally competent, he or she has the right to be prescribed a lethal drug dose. A daughter could pass it to her father without fear of penalty.In Pennsylvania, and in this case, the issue is intent: Did Mancini hand Yourshaw the morphine knowing he would end his life? Or did she do it so he could ease his pain?In Oregon, that distinction is not important.Perhaps the most telling aspect of that law is how few take advantage of it.Among the 32,000 Oregonians who died last year, 77 ended their lives after legally obtaining lethal doses; 38 others got drugs but didn't use them.Yourshaw was under hospice care, with end-stage diabetes, renal failure, and heart disease, when he drank the morphine Feb. 7. Against his daughter's wishes, a hospice nurse called police, and Mancini was charged that day with aiding a suicide. Yourshaw self storageas revived at a hospital, only to die four days later.Mancini has been suspended from her job in the emergency room of a local hospital. Her legal fees have topped $90,000, said her husband, Joe.Supporters of Oregon's statute say that laws against assisted suicide, such as Pennsylvania's, were not intended for cases like Mancini's. They apply to putting guns in the hands of unstable people, or bullying teens into killing themselves."Joe Yourshaw wasn't suicidal, even if he did intend to advance the time of death," said Barbara Combs Lee, who led the effort in 1997 to pass the Oregon law and founded the advocacy group Compassion & Choices."That's a rational end-of-life decision: I'm dying. My only choice is how long the process goes on, what it feels like for me, and what memories I leave my loved ones."Opponents of Oregon-type laws argue that doctors should save lives, not help end them with lethal prescriptions.In 1997, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that Americans do not have a constitutional right to assisted suicide. But, Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist wrote, "it is widely recognized that the provision of pain medication is ethically and professionally accepted even when the treatment may hasten the patient's death."Justice David Souter concurred that terminally ill patients may take medication "to alleviate pain, even when the medication is so powerful as to hasten death and the patient chooses to receive it with that understanding."In 2006, the justices upheld Oregon's law and urged states to serve as laboratories."It's quite moving when you look at the evidence in Oregon," said State Sen. Daylin Leach (D., Montgomery), who introduced a bill like Oregon's. "There has not been a single case of demonstrated pressure or fraud. Look what happened. People get the medication, and . . . often they don't wind up taking it. Knowing that if it gets too bad, they have a way out is all they need."His bill, however, "isn't going anywhere right now," he said. And until it does, "situations like this will continue to happen."A similar bill introduced in New Jersey by Gloucester County Assemblyman John J. Burzichelli has cleared the health committee and is "working its way through the process," he said Tuesday.mvitez@phillynews.com215-313-3518@michaelvitezCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Philadelphia Inquirer Visit The Philadelphia Inquirer at .philly.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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美國一間公司打算搞「氣球太空遊」,mini storage讓遊客不必經過嚴格訓練即乘坐「太空艙」,由氣球將他們送上離地面3 萬米高的平流層。氣球所到位置仍處於大氣層內,屬於太空邊緣,開發公司表明,行程標並非讓乘客體驗失重狀態,而是俯瞰地球弧度和星空美景。該公司計劃每人每程收7.5 萬美元(約58 萬港元),冀最快在2016 年展開活動。為國際太空站提供硬件的亞利桑那企業Paragon,旗下的World View 是最新計劃加入太空旅遊戰團的公司。前者聯合創辦人波恩特(Jane Poynter)周二宣布,將於數月內開始售票,今年內開始試飛,盼最快3 年後送人「上太空」。今年試飛數月內售票每個太空艙由兩人操作,每程將接載6 名乘客。為應付高空3 萬米的環境,重達4 噸的太空艙將裝上加壓大窗戶和生命支援系統,以保護乘客免受輻射、微型流星體、極端高溫或接近真空狀態下受到傷害。根據計劃,太空艙將在新墨西哥州儲存部的美國太空港出發,以氦氣球送上高空3 萬米,落地時會先脫離氣球,機師再用儼如滑翔翼的翼傘控制下降,以在預定地點登陸。專家:技術上不會離開大氣層3 萬米左右的高度是少數軍用飛機與研究用氣球可以達到的高度,但專家認為技術上它仍不會離開大氣層。事實上,其他太空旅遊競爭對手的飛船所到達的高度更高,甚至讓旅客感受到失重狀態,但World View 強調,旅程焦點在於旅客可在不穿太空服和不戴氧氣罩下一覽地球美景。根據申請文件,每次航行總長6 小時,其中兩小時是逗留在高空賞景,其間旅客可自由活動。這項計劃仍須得到美國聯邦航空管理局(FAA)批准,FAA 表明,安全標準將與環繞地球的載人太空船一致。「太空旅遊」如今成為多間新興企業熱烈爭逐的市場,連維珍航空創辦人布蘭森所搞的維珍銀河公司亦如此,但其計劃是以太空飛機載乘客衝上110 公里高空,並讓他們體驗幾分鐘失重感覺。(華爾街日報/路透社)迷你倉

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【香港商報綜合報道】蘋果當地時間周二推出了更輕更薄的新一代iPad(iPadAir)、配置視網膜顯示屏的新iPadmini以及新一代的筆記本電腦、工作站等產品,迷你倉並宣布免費升級新一代作業系統。但多家外媒分析認為,蘋果的發布會並沒有帶來什麼驚喜。蘋果欲以高端的配置和定價來確保自身市場地位,但創新能力的缺失也使得蘋果正面臨越發激烈的市場競爭。 1 輕盈iPadAir係「自我剽竊」 蘋果增強了iPadAir的商務功能,為其配備全新的64位A7處理器。新款內置有M7協處理器和雙麥克風,外觀採用與iPadmini一樣的窄邊框設計,比上一代iPadmini薄了20%,iPadAir重量僅為1磅(四代重量1.4磅)。 iPadAir依舊採用9.7寸視網膜顯示屏,主攝像頭依然為500萬像素,前置攝像頭為120萬像素。iPadAir16GBWiFi版499美元起售。 據了解,iPadAir可以說是iPad4的升級,除沒有指紋識別功能外,搭載蘋果全部的新技術,同時也變得更輕更薄。但有評論稱其實則是一種「自我剽竊」。美國科技博客TheVerge就表示,儘管iPadAir的設計較舊款要輕薄得多,且具有更高的便攜性。但從近幾年蘋果發布的iPad產品來看,蘋果對於iPad的運作並沒有明顯的創新。 分析稱,在面對競爭對手紛紛開始嘗試以有意義而非花哨的方式來實現差異化的同時,蘋果也應一改近期以來「漸進式創新」的步伐,以確保自身在平板電腦市場的領先地位。 新iPadmini定價太冒險 雖然憑藉著極其出色的便攜性和較低的價格,iPadmini一經推出銷量非常理想,但分辨率不足的屏幕則成為第一代iPadmini最明顯的弱點。不過,蘋果此次終於帶來配備Retina屏幕的新iPadmini。此外,除了屏幕的重大升級之外,新iPadmini此次處理器的升級也相當給力。分析稱,新iPadmini可以說是同價位產品中最出色的小尺寸平板電腦。 但新版iPadmini的售價也高達399美元。對此,美國博客網站Businessinsider認為,蘋果給新iPadmini定出的高價格實為一種「大冒險」的舉動。彭博社表示,在三星、谷歌和亞馬遜等多家公司均推出廉價的平板電腦的情況下,激烈的市場競爭無疑給蘋果帶來更多壓力。 不過,路透社則認為,蘋果正在追逐整個平板電腦市場,並試圖同時滿足消費者和企業的需求。因此,相比搭載Android系統的廉價設備,蘋果可能更加謹防覬覦高端平板電腦市場的微軟及其SurfacePro。 老款降價抗衡競爭對手 與推出新品同樣重要的是,蘋果將老款iPadmini的售價從329美元下調至299美元。蘋果說,它將銷售一系列平板電腦,從去年推出的、售價299美元的iPadmini到起價499美元的新款iPadAir。這將使蘋果產品的價位更接近競爭對手。競爭對手已將平板電腦價格壓到低至229美元的水平。蘋果CEO庫克在發布會上說:「我想不出還有哪種產品能如此快速地做到如此程度。」他指出,蘋果已賣出逾1.7億部iPad。 另外,東京市場研究公司Advancmini storagedRe-search日前預測,蘋果將在2014年底推出55英寸與65英寸屏幕的高清電視機。 2 新iPad料助推平板銷量超PC 《紐約時報》網絡版周二刊文稱,蘋果對iPad進行升級後,將進一步增強這類產品的吸引力,從而推動其儘快超越PC。 Mac電腦已退居二線 蘋果前CEO喬布斯去世前曾表示,PC時代已基本結束。他說,平板電腦更加便攜,而且更易使用,所以可以切斷人們與傳統PC的聯繫———後者就像卡車一樣,只是用來承擔最大負荷的。 平板電腦已蠶食大量的PC市場。據美國市場研究公司Gartner的數據,2012年的平板電腦出貨量大約為1.2億台,幾乎是2010年iPad剛剛面市時的7倍。另一家美國市場研究公司IDC則預計,平板電腦銷量將在今年第四季度首次超過PC,2015年將首次實現年銷量超越PC。 據了解,Mac電腦已在蘋果公司退居二線,該公司的主要利潤來源變成iPhone和iPad。 小尺寸平板或熱銷 雖然平板電腦市場增長迅猛,但平板電腦的普及率仍然落後於智能手機。Gartner預計,今年全球的智能手機出貨量將達到10億部,而平板電腦僅為1.84億台。 不過,對於蘋果的競爭對手而言,小尺寸平板電腦卻讓他們大獲成功,部分原因在於低廉的售價。但蘋果似乎也從中嘗到了甜頭。自從去年末發布低價iPadmini後,iPad的整體平均售價出現下滑,表明iPadmini的銷量可能已超過全尺寸iPad。Gartner分析師米拉內斯預計,隨著智能手機市場日趨飽和,小尺寸平板電腦將繼續熱銷,預計今年聖誕購物季將成為小尺寸平板電腦的天下。 3 免費iWork或憋死微軟Office 值得關注的是,蘋果應對競爭日益白熱化的平板電腦市場的法寶除了提供更多的產品選擇外,還提供免費的軟件。據悉,蘋果對iLife套服軟件和iWork套服軟件進行大幅更新,同時宣布這兩組套件在新款iOS設備予以免費供應。分析稱,蘋果此舉意在增強iPad的商務功能,對抗微軟Surface等主打商用辦公的平板及PC。 《金融時報》稱,微軟之所以遲遲沒有向iPad推出Office軟件,是為將其作為自家Surface平板電腦的賣點來推廣。但當蘋果面向該平台力推iWork辦公套件時,Office或許已錯過最佳的機會窗口。 據了解,蘋果的iWork中包含了字處理軟件Pages、電子表格軟件Numbers和幻燈片編輯軟件Keynote。雖然相較於用戶基礎龐大的Office而言,這套軟件仍屬於小眾產品,但分析師表示,在蘋果將iWork套件的價格從30美元下調到免費向iPad和iPhone的新用戶提供後,已足以吸引很多用戶,完全不必繼續等待Office的發布。 iPad與 Mac始終獨立發展 在此次發布會上,蘋果CEO庫克取笑微軟及其硬件合作夥伴,稱蘋果的競爭對手令計算行業的未來更加撲朔迷離。他們先是發展上網本,現在又想把PC變成平板電腦,把平板電腦變成PC。誰知道他們接下來還要幹什麼? 庫克表示,蘋果始終將iPad與Mac獨立發展,因而明確了發展路徑。迷你倉

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文件倉 莞松山湖發力跨境電子商務日前,中國跨境電子商務大會暨海貿會第3屆年會在松山湖舉行,來自俄羅斯、中東等國內外近千名電子商務精英齊聚論道中國跨境電子商務未來發展之路。近年來,東莞大力推進產業轉型升級,同時亦在謀劃更加便捷、迅速的莞貨營銷之路,而電子商務則成為莞企創建品牌、開拓市場的首選。作為跨境電子商務領軍企業,敦煌網依託東莞數萬家製造業企業對電子商務需求的巨大市場,與松山湖高新區簽署戰略合作協議,投資4.9億元建立莞貨分銷中心平台,平台搭建後的前3年計劃吸引2萬家商戶進駐,預計實現交易額逾33億元。冷運軍存倉

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儲存 濟南市民在趵突泉公園內觀賞菊花。 ■新華社迷你倉

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正所謂“臥榻之側豈容他人鼾睡”。近段時間,儲存互聯網巨頭在移動互聯網入口應用市場的爭奪上劍拔弩張,甚至互相下架對方產品,手機助手產品可謂首當其沖。趁著百度、360大戰正酣,日前深圳迅雷宣佈殺入手機助手市場。據迅雷副總裁張延東介紹,其產品最大優勢在於“誠意”。按照張延東的說法,在應用內容上,收錄的應用以質量為重,不偏袒自家產品,並綜合應用的質量和實際下載量,保證排行榜單的客觀。實際上,作為移動應用下載平台,快速下載是市場最為看重的體驗。迅雷稱,手機助手依托雲加速服務,迷你倉載更快更省流量,並能為用戶減少下載、更新應用的流量消耗。值得一提的是,迅雷的雲加速服務對合作伙伴開放,目前360、U CW EB、獵豹等瀏覽器和91手機助手安卓市場等應用分發已經採用了迅雷雲加速的下載服務。工信部的統計數據顯示,2013年中國移動互聯用戶已達4.64億,傳統互聯網巨頭紛紛搶食這個香餑餑。有業內人士提醒,縱觀移動應用市場競爭激烈,前有豌豆莢、91助手、應用匯,後有巨頭百度、騰訊、360,雖然各家套路不一,但為用戶提供好的服務和體驗才是長久之計。(盧亮)儲存倉

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Source: Daily Mail, LondonOct.儲存 23--Happy days! The mood in the City is bullish to say the least. Dealers are super confident that the fabulous Footsie will crash through its December 1999 all-time high level of 6.933.87 level, possibly before Christmas.It rose a further 41.46 points to a five-month high of 6,695.66 yesterday after weaker-than-expected US September job numbers.It seems counter-intuitive, but the weak payroll figures effectively ruled out the possibility the Fed might begin tapering its bond purchases before Janet Yellen takes over from Ben Bernanke as Fed chair in January. Wall Street advanced 38.30 points in the early stages to 15,430.50.The powers that be are also adamant that a mega bid is brewing in the financial sector and it could hit dealers' screens within the next few weeks. If so, the heavyweight sector could propel the Footsie above 7,000.Perennial takeover favourite RSA Insurance attracted an above-average turnover of 21m-plus and closed 1.8p better at 123.9p amid tasty talk of a European cash offer in the region of pounds sterling 6.6bn or 180p a share.Broker JP Morgan sparked early buying interest by lifting its target price to 141p from 132p, advising clients that it believes RSA's UK underwriting results have 'turned the corner'.But it was revived bid gossip that pumped up the volume. Over the years Italy's Generali, Zurich Financial and Allianz have all been mentioned in the same breath, but it was UK rival Aviva (2.4p cheaper at 438.4p) that was yesterday tipped to make a move.Aviva in late October 2010 rubbished a pounds sterling 5bn offer from RSA for its property and casualty operations in Canada, the UK and Ireland. No discussions ever took place and RSA's move at the time was considered to be a sign of weakness which left it vulnerable to a bid itself. Since then there has always been the chance that Aviva could turn the tables on RSA and launch a knock-out cash offer.Miner BHP Billiton jumped 77p to 1950.5p on a strong first-quarter production report. Production in iron ore and petroleum have been strong. Management has continued to drive down cash costs and rationalise capital expenditure, while hefty disposals have further strengthened the balance sheet.Buying in belated response to an Investec recommendation and target price of pounds sterling 19 helped international bank Standard Chartered gain 26.5p to 1522p. In a note entitled 'I don't care... I love it,' analyst Ian Gordon says Standard is priced for an implosion that he cannot see. On 2014 forecast earnings, it is still the cheapest UK bank. Fill your boots! UBM slumped 56.5p to 697.5p after the media and marketing services group warned it expects full-year underlying revenue growth 迷你倉o be at or below 3pc with fewer new launch events in the fourth quarter and weaker market conditions in Brazil and India.Better-than-expected full-year results helped property group Development Securities jump 22.75p to 225p. Peel Hunt lifted its target price to 230p and said once the Edgware Road development is realised ? within next 12-18 months ? cash resources will total one-third of the pounds sterling 274m market capitalisation.Cinema chain Cineworld rose 10p to 399p as dealers were not surprised to hear that trading in the third-quarter slowed due to hot weather and weaker film releases. Nevertheless, box office takings still rose 1.4pc and is 7pc up on the year to date. Numis has a target price of 450p.Shares of Spirit Pub Company, at 74p, were as flat as a pint of homemade scrumpy following in-line fill-year results. Pre-tax profits improved 6pc to pounds sterling 54.3m. Recent trading has been strong with managed pub like-for-like sales up 4pc.The London Stock Exchange firmed 6p to 1653p following the appointment of Suneel Bakhshi as chief executive of LCH Clearnet.Worries about Fowler Welch, its distribution and logistics business, dragged Dart Group 27p lower to 223p. Otherwise, the first-half saw strong growth from its Jet2 airlines and packaged holiday business. Some 635,000 passengers used Jet2 holidays in the first six months of the year.AIM-listed Daily Internet fell 1.75p to 2.25p following a pounds sterling 3m placing at 1.5p a pop to help finance the pounds sterling 2.5m acquisition of Netplan. The transformational deal transforms DI into a mainstream managed hosting service provider.In-deed Online eased 0.5p to 8.5p following its reverse takeover of Epic, the UK leader in e-learning with businesses in the US and Brazil. The enlarged company will be called Learning Technologies which will be the only listed e-learning business on the market. Andrew Brode, chairman of quoted RWS, will be a major 40pc shareholder.Magnolia Petroleum edged up 0.2p to 2.7p after securing a new pounds sterling 3.1m three year credit facility.___Stock Spirits Group, the biggest vodka producer in Poland and the Czech Republic, gave its sponsors JP Morgan, Nomura and Jefferies a hangover on its market debut. Offered for sale at 235p, the middle of its original 210p to 260p range, the shares touched 240p and then collapsed under a weight of selling to close at 226p, a discount of 9p. Well over 44m shares were traded. Chief executive Chris Heath trousered nearly pounds sterling 2m from the sale of some of his 2.8pc in the float.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Daily Mail (London, ) Visit the Daily Mail (London, ) at .dailymail.co.uk/home/index.html Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉

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  中國全國政協副主席杜青林訪問保加利亞  應保加利亞國民議會邀請,存倉中國全國政協副主席杜青林率領的全國政協代表團22日至23日對保加利亞進行了友好訪問。訪問期間,杜青林在索非亞分別會見了保國民議會議長米科夫和副議長瑪諾洛娃。  杜青林向米科夫和瑪諾洛娃轉達了中國領導人的親切問候和良好祝願。他說,中保傳統友誼基礎深厚,保加利亞是第二個同新中國建交的國家,這在中國已經成為一段美談、一段佳話。近年來,雙方高層交往頻繁,經貿、農業等領域合作成效顯著,在國際和地區事務中保持良好溝通協調。實踐證明,中保是相互信任的好朋友、合作共贏的好伙伴。中方願與保方一道,繼續推動中保關係全面深入地向前發展,造福兩國人民。  杜青林介紹了目前中國經濟社會發展情況。他說, 中國正在通過不斷深化改革來釋放經濟持續發展的動力,引導各方面加快轉變經濟發展方式,切實提高經濟發展的質量和效益,打造中國經濟升級版,實現又好又快發展。他指出,中國的發展離不開世界,世界的發展也需要中國。中國倡導的建設“絲綢之路經濟帶”,具有特殊重要的戰略意義。中國真誠歡迎包括保加利亞在內的各國企業積極參與中國改革開放進程,共享中國繁榮進步的機遇和成儲存。  杜青林還介紹了中國共產黨領導的多黨合作和政治協商制度、中國全國政協有關情況。他說,加強對外交往,增進中國人民與世界各國人民的瞭解和友誼,是中國全國政協的一項重要任務。中國全國政協願加強與保加利亞議會及相關組織的友好往來,相互學習和借鑒,為推動中保關係發展發揮積極作用。  米科夫和瑪諾洛娃高度評價保中關係。他們強調,明年是保中建交65周年,中國全國政協代表團來訪,是兩國交往的一件大事,是進一步發展兩國關係的好兆頭,使他們更有信心加速推進兩國關係發展。他們對中國在經濟發展和社會進步方面取得的成就表示欽佩,表示保中兩國有著深厚的傳統友誼,中國是保加利亞的重要合作伙伴,兩國合作空間廣闊、潛力巨大。保方願進一步深化雙方在經貿、農業、旅遊等方面的務實合作,共同推動雙邊關係、中東歐國家-中國合作取得新進展。保議會願加強同中國全國政協的聯繫,為增進兩國人民交往、促進兩國關係發展作出貢獻。  中國新疆維吾爾自治區政協主席努爾蘭·阿不都滿金、全國政協副秘書長仝廣成、民盟中央專職副主席張平、中國駐保加利亞大使魏敬華參加會見。  杜青林一行還參觀考察了色雷斯經濟園區,與普羅夫迪夫市市長及市議會主席進行會晤。迷你倉

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手機內置指紋解鎖系統其實唔係新�,mini storage不過經Apple重新包裝又變成iPhone 5s最潮功能;反而估唔到第一個死跟,竟然唔係死對頭Samsung,而係相對低調�HTC。今季新機One Max加入指紋解鎖功能之餘,仲係一部5.9吋巨芒手機,加埋全高清1080p解像度。嫌iPhone芒細冇高清,仲想玩埋指紋?One Max可能係你杯茶。Spec.系統:Android 4.3 處理器:Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 1.7GHz四核心 記憶體:2GB RAM 制式:LTE、HSPA、GSM 屏幕:5.9" 1080p 鏡頭:HTC UltraPixel f2.0 28mm(主)、210萬像素(副) 儲存:內置16GB、最高64GB microSD 體積:164.5×82.5×10.29mm 重量:217g 售價:$6,198 發售日期:10月23日 查詢:HTC(3155 0888)軟件先行好多網友睇手機都係以spec.行先,所以第一眼見呢部One Max未必會like,佢用上Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 1.7GHz四核心處理器夾2GB RAM,�唔少旗艦機已用緊Snapdragon 800�時候,單睇規格好似同年頭部One差唔多。之不過,HTC就�軟件方面下工夫,佢用上最新�Sensself storage 5.5並加入RSS Feed同BlinkFeed搜查功能,加埋5.9吋全高清屏幕彌補不足。差少少係手機重量達217克,比Note 3更大件啊!掃指紋開鏡頭講番One Max最主打�指紋功能,佢將指紋認證區擺�機背,令用家使用時更加就手。記者試玩佢�解鎖就同iPhone 5s有少少分別,原來佢係用「掃」�形式認證,初初掃好易對唔準位,需要時間慢慢適應。解鎖之外,仲可以利用指紋快速開app,好似一掃即開相機功能,算幾方便。實試掃瞄指紋準確度幾高,用手指直掃、橫掃甚至打斜掃都一樣認到,習慣�幾好用。好笑指紋app自iPhone 5s之後,唔少人都話想試指紋解鎖,唔想換機的話,其實Google Play上其實都有指紋解鎖app! 乜指紋都解Fingerprint Screen Lock之不過,呢類app就係好玩居多,好似呢個Fingerprint Screen Lock,裝完後放手指去scan,之後機身震3下就解鎖。睇落神奇,但其實係人放手指上去都可以解鎖,戴手套都開到,得啖笑! 倒數扮掃瞄FingerScanner另一個叫FingerScanner�app亦同樣玩�多過實用。安裝後就識自動運作,首次使用要先設定1到10秒倒數時間,例如揀3秒的話,當用手指放上屏幕3秒後放開就會解鎖,班friend望見就以為你用緊指紋解鎖咁神奇喇!迷你倉

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By SHEN JINGTING shenjingting@chinadaily.迷你倉com.cn Apple Inc’s new iPad products are likely to give the company a rebound in China’s tablet computer market, especially during the upcoming New Year holiday season, since iPads are popular gift choices in the country, analysts said. Apple, still the No 1 player in the nation’s tablet computer market, sustained a blow when its second-quarter iPad shipments sank, according to figures from International Data Corp, a global market intelligence firm. Apple sold 1.48 million iPads in China in the second quarter, down sharply from 3.04 million in the previous quarter, with its market share shrinking from 49 percent to 28 percent, according to IDC data. Samsung Electronics Co was second with 11 percent of the market. China’s Lenovo Group Ltd was third, with an 8 percent market share, IDC said. Although the third-quarter figures have yet to come out, IDC China said that Apple’s performance was “not satisfactory”. In contrast, Android-based tablet manufacturers, both international and domestic, built up market share in China during the second and third quarters, IDC said. On Tuesday, Apple unveiled a new thinner, lighter tablet computer called iPad Air at a product event in San Francisco. Apple also released a new iPad mini with a 7.9-inch Retina Display, which offers a higher pixel density than the earlier iPad mini. According to Apple, the iPad Air is equipped with a 9.7-inch Retina Display and weighs just 1 pound (about 450 grams). It is 20 percent thinner and 28 percent lighter than the fourth-generation iPad. Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice-president of worldwide marketing, said that the new iPad Air is eight times faster than the original iPad, which came out in 2010. Apple will offer its iPad Air in the Chinese mainland starting on Nov 1, the same launch date as in its home market of the United States. However, initially, there will be only WiFi models available for Chinese buyers. The new iPad mini will be available globally later in November. Both new iPads will come in silver or space gray, Apple said, disappointing some prospective customers who were hoping for gold iPads. Tablets: Competition among producers is increasing swiftly “We predict the introduction of the new iPads will boost Apple’s performance in China in the first quarter next year, or as early as the fourth quarter this year,” said Liu Nan, an analyst with IDC China. He said that many people had resisted the temptation to purchase older iPads as they awaited new models. Those cautious people had a significant impact on Apple’s sales in China in the second and third quarters. However, Liu said that the holiday-related rebound would be limited, and Apple probably wouldn’t exceed the market share it achieved in the first quarter of 2013, when the iPad mini made its debut in the Chinese market. The upcoming New Year holiday season and the Chinese Lunar New Year will c儲存倉eate a shopping wave for Apple’s new iPads. These are prime holidays for gift-giving, and iPads are popular present choices. “I would like to buy two iPad Air devices to send to my parents, so long as the prices aren’t too high,” Wang Qiang, a Beijing white-collar worker, said on Wednesday. Wang said that he is very interested in Apple’s new products and plans to buy some of them within three months. “If you look at the tablet computer market, few companies can deliver products as good as the iPads. So it’s easy for me to decide,” Wang said. Apple said on its Chinese website that the starting price of the WiFi only iPad Air will be 3,588 yuan ($590), while the iPad mini with Retina Display will cost a minimum of 2,888 yuan. Chinese customers can buy the new iPads next month in Apple’s retail stores, starting with the WiFi only models. Xiang Ligang, a Beijing-based telecom expert, said that third-generation iPad models still require Chinese authorities’ approval to be sold in the country. “Before Apple sells 3G iPads in China, the company needs to apply for licenses to gain access to China’s wireless networks. It’s unknown whether Apple has got the licenses or not,” Xiang said. Officials from Chinese telecom operators said on Wednesday that they hadn’t heard of any plans to introduce 3G iPads with subsidies. “We have not cooperated with Apple to introduce 3G iPads to the Chinese market previously, but we can’t exclude that possibility in the future,” said Wen Baoqiu, spokesman for China Unicom (Hong Kong) Ltd, the nation’s second-biggest telecom carrier by user base. China will once again be among the first countries to get Apple’s newest products, showing that the company is paying more attention to the nation, said Liu. “There is no doubt that China offers great potential, so Apple has to invest more resources in it. But on the other hand, the intensifying competition in China’s tablet computer market also forced the US-based Apple to take it seriously,” Liu said. Dickie Chang, a Hong Kong-based analyst with IDC, has said previously that the market share of Android-based tablets, such as those produced by Samsung, is growing rapidly. Chang said that is because “there is a much bigger user base that is already familiar with the system, because of the smartphones they use”. In 2010 and 2011, Apple had more than half of China’s tablet computer market, but its share contracted because of stronger challenges. But Yang Haifeng, a telecom expert who is also chief editor of Communications World Weekly, said that Apple still has a dominant position in China’s tablet market that no other company can match. “In the tablet sector, Apple doesn’t face the same challenges it’s encountering in the smartphone market. Apple seems like the only choice for high-end buyers,” Yang said. We predict the introduction of the new iPads will boost Apple’s performance in China...” liu nan analyst, IDC China. 迷你倉最平

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記者陳蘭君子中國經濟三季度“成績單”已相繼出爐,self storage令人欣喜的是,在國家一系列“穩增長”政策的支撐下,經濟增速扭轉了此前連續兩個季度的下滑,反彈至7.8%,呈現出穩中向好的積極態勢。但同時,業內專家也提醒,目前經濟仍穩而不強,唯有咬定轉型升級不放鬆,才能真正迎來中國經濟新的春天。“克強指數”穩步回升用電量、鐵路貨運量、新增銀行貸款組成的“克強指數”,被�多經濟學家和分析師作為研判經濟形勢的重要指標。值得注意的是,這三個指標從7月份開始出現連續回升,顯示出三季度國內經濟內生動力不斷增強的態勢。從鐵路貨運量指標來看,統計顯示,2013年全國鐵路貨運量除1月份同比增長1.6%外,2月份至6月份同比持續為負。而到7月份,隨著國家宏觀經濟形勢企穩回暖,這一數據也開始“柳暗花明”。7月份,國家鐵路貨物發送量同比增長達到4.7% ,一舉扭轉了上半年同比持續下滑的局面。而8月份、9月份鐵路貨物發送量繼續保持上漲趨勢,且同比增幅逐步提高。交通運輸部最新數據顯示,第三季度鐵路貨物發送量同比增長7.2%,為今年以來季度數據首次轉正。央行近日發佈的數據顯示,9月份中長期貸款增加2457億元,環比增加145億元。由於9月份新增貸款同比增加1644億元,助推前三季度新增貸款規模達到7.28萬億元。對此,業內專家認為,無論是鐵路貨運量的回升還是信貸增加超預期,都顯示出國內需求正在增加,宏觀經濟正逐步複蘇。用電量持續好轉除了前兩項,用電量數據也是“克強指數”備受關注的一張“晴雨表”。國家能源局近日發佈的9月份全社會用電量數據顯示,9月份全社會用電量4448 億千瓦時,同比增長10.4%,實現了兩位數的連續增長,並創下了年內的次新高。如果說9月份數據傳遞利好信號的話,那麼,這種利好可以追溯到7月份。數據顯示,7月份工業用電量同比增長9.7%,升幅也較6月份有所擴大,這表明經濟發展處於活躍期。8月份,我國全社會用電量更是同比增長13.7%,實現年內首次兩位數的增長,創下了25個月的新高。尤其是作為工業經濟繁迷利倉度“風向標”的工業用電量,由於今年以來中國經濟增速有所回落,一直表現“欠佳”。然而,8月份此數值一下躍至12.0%,出現了大幅回升。廈門大學能源研究中心主任林伯強對此分析道:“8月份用電量的回升主要得益于工業回暖的拉動。8月份工業用電量同比增長12%,實現了年內最大漲幅。”因此,“從克強指數組成來看,三季度經濟基本面已明顯好轉,三大克強指數在七八月份明顯反彈,9月份也實現一定反彈。”交通銀行首席經濟學家連平概括道。轉型更待發力中國經濟已經進入轉型發展的“第二季”,“調結構、促改革”已成為引導當下經濟運行的“主旋律”。展望未來,中國經濟“航母”只有咬定轉型升級不放鬆,才能真正迎來中國經濟新的春天。回望過去半年,黨和政府出台了一系列“穩增長、調結構、促改革”的政策措施,推出了簡政放權、貿易投資便利化、利率市場化、擴大營改增試點等多項改革;出台了鞏固農業基礎、化解過剩產能、減輕小微企業負擔、促進民生改善等政策措施,有效地緩解經濟下行壓力,穩定了社會預期,激發了市場活力。展望四季度,促改革調結構的力度有望更大。國務院總理李克強10月18日主持召開國務院常務會議時明確要求,四季度要以更大力度推進改革和結構調整。面對政策措施落實中的薄弱環節,各地區、各部門務必要加快完善和細化配套措施,以務實高效的工作,讓政策措施儘快“落地”。但同時,我們也不能忽視未來潛在的壓力。“結構調整現在有一個良好的開局,初步呈現出向好的態勢,但我們現在也面臨不少挑戰。”國家發改委經濟研究所經濟形勢研究室主任王小廣分析道,一個是經濟增長對房地產的過度依賴,且難以擺脫,結構調整將面臨巨大障礙;另一個是許多落後的產能將被淘汰,效益差的企業會破產或被兼併,企業能否把握住加快結構調整的黃金時期至關重要。中國銀行宏觀分析師周景彤也表示,在經濟複蘇過程中,四季度仍然存在一些不確定的因素。外部主要是美國財政僵局與QE退出的時機和力度,都會對中國經濟造成一定的影響;國內經濟風險主要集中在產能過剩、房地產市場和地方政府債務上。迷你倉

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Source: The Telegraph, Nashua, N.迷你倉最平H.Oct. 23--Whether because of efficiency, the recession or a sweeping change in habits, New Hampshire keeps on burning less gas.Since 2007, the gallons of gasoline used for transportation in New Hampshire has fallen 5 percent, to 774 million gallons in 2012, according to data just released by the U.S. Department of Transportation. State data, including sales of diesel, which makes up roughly 15 percent of sales, shows a similar pattern.The decline isn't slowing as the recession eases: Gasoline sales fell six-tenths of a percent between 2011 and 2012, translating into about 5 million fewer gallons burned; and total fuel sales fell very slightly through mid-2013, according to the state's more up-to-date figures.Does this mean we're driving less or just that we're driving more efficiently? After all, average vehicle fuel mileage is climbing because of federal requirements and the recession led some people to switch from gas-guzzlers to smaller vehicles.It's hard to know for certain. The closest hard data for New Hampshire is the number of vehicles that pay tolls on the turnpike system each year: It peaked in 2007 at 115 million "transactions," fell a little in 2008 and dropped sharply in 2009. Since 2010, it has been stagnant at around 108 million per year.The federal Department of Transportation estimates total mileage driven on all U.S. roads. Their estimate peaked in November 2007 at about 3.04 trillion miles over the previous 12 months and fell sharply when the recession hit. Since 2010, the federal DOT estimate has hovered at 2.96 trillion miles over the previous year (known as the "12-month moving average"), a roughly 3 percent decline from the peak.And what about fuel use? According to the federal government, in 2012, the United States consumed about 134 billion gallons of gasoline, roughly 6 percent less than the record high of 142 billion gallons consumed in 2007. In other words, gasoline usage nationally is falling somewhat faster than estimated miles driven, just as it has fallen in New Hampshire even as the number of vehicles paying turnpike tolls stabilized. That's a hint of increased automotive efficiency rather than more people sitting at home.There's no sign of any change soon."With the increase of hybrids, and as different types of (alternativ迷你倉-fuel) vehicles emerge into the market place and the fuel standards go up ... we estimate that (fuel use) is going to go down about a percent a year," said Scott Bryer, chief of the Road Toll Bureau of the New Hampshire Department of Transportation -- "toll" in this case referring to taxes paid on gasoline and diesel, not the tolls paid via E-ZPass and quarters handed over at all those Merrimack off ramps.From a public policy point of view, this decline is bad news because America pays for most of its roadwork through fuel taxes.If we buy less gas and diesel then there's less money to pay for work.The state Department of Transportation has sounded an alarm about this: It told the legislature this summer that it has only enough money to repave 300 miles of state roads in each of the next two years, less than its goal of 500 miles, or 10 percent of the state highway system.Governments throughout the country are trying to figure out what to do, since raising fuel taxes is politically difficult.The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, normally an opponent of taxes, wants the federal gas tax hiked for the first time since 1993.An Oregon town is going to try an experiment in which volunteers are taxed based on the miles they drive rather than the fuel they consume. Since this requires putting "black boxes" in each car so the government can determine how far it has traveled, it would be a tough sell.There are also hints that all this fuel and road-mileage decline might be signs of long-term shifts in driving habits among Americans.In 2010, only about 28 percent of 16-year-olds had their driver's license, compared with about 46 percent in 1983, according to an analysis of data from the Federal Highway Administration and the Census Bureau compiled by University of Michigan researchers.However, the lack of transportation alternatives in most of New Hampshire makes it less likely that people will abandon individual cars any time soon, as compared to habits in urbanized areas.Incidentally, there are 1,158 gas stations in New Hampshire.___David Brooks can be reached at 594-6531 or dbrooks@nashua telegraph.com. Also, follow Brooks on Twitter (@GraniteGeek).Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Telegraph (Nashua, N.H.) Visit The Telegraph (Nashua, N.H.) at .nashuatelegraph.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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擁有數億美元身家的網路創業家Bo Peabody說:機運是生活的一部分,儲存人在某個時候會走運,最好是「看到機運能認出它」,甚至懂得創造機運。 42歲的古明正或許沒有萬事搶在前頭的靈犀,卻懂抓住生命中每一個時運:大學玩社團,因此接觸領隊工作;朋友介紹客戶,一個牽一個做成業務;更把一路貴人當機會耕耘,以「多替別人想一點」博得好評,如此從日薪100元的小領隊,玩成旅行社總經理。 採訪╱郭美懿 攝影╱董孟航 所謂「機運」,或許是創業成功的最大因素,網路創業家Bo Peabody說:「我夠聰明,知道自己正在走運。」因此把握時機,在短短幾年內創造上億美元身家。 42歲的翔慶旅行社老闆古明正,自認也有「機會運」:大學延畢,才有機會帶團;朋友介紹客戶,一個牽一個做成業務。就連創業,也拜房價飆漲之賜,「買的預售屋繳完錢了,才發現沒錢裝潢,又把房子賣掉,拿100多萬元的價差開公司。」 這一路看似瞎貓碰到死耗子,其實是他有膽抓住機會,才能從外行人跨進旅行業。古明正說:「我一直有貴人相助。」第1個貴人,是高二參加救國團活動的領隊姐,鼓勵他在社會組錄取率不到30%的年代,以高職學歷報考大學。 低薪帶團 磨出技巧 「我原念高工,考試都跟人家搶最後1、2名,學期末總擔心留級。」即使從工科改念文組,他大學仍重考2次,才考上文大中文系,選填理由也很簡單,「只有2個科系可選,一個是中文,另一個是國劇。」雖然吊車尾,無礙拓展人際,他徵選進入社團「康輔社」,有了接觸救國團的機會。當時帶活動日薪是100元,與加油站、端盤子相差甚遠,但他學到許多小技巧,幫助日後薪資翻漲20倍,「從不知道那100元有這麼大的效益!」延畢那年等當兵,他獲朋友邀約:「救國團缺領隊,要不要來帶團?」打開進入旅行業的大門,從此在領隊、業務這一圈打轉。只是迷你倉作一段時間,卻發現自己太多想法,無法在老派公司發揮,旅行社業務也老給外界不好觀感。但他偏要改正「油嘴滑舌」形象,用「多幫別人想一點」,驗證差別。 誠懇路線 感動貴人 「客戶沒網路,我就拉弟弟去辦公室幫忙牽網路線;有人覺得我這一團只賺你2萬元,不必投資,我是連制服都做。」甚至有客人希望旅途結束前,就拿到隨團拍攝的照片,他立刻買隨身型印表機,如今也成業界基本配備。他笑稱自己走「誠懇路線」,連前東家老闆娘,都願提供資源當「練兵場」,讓他建立客戶與人脈,操兵3年後獨立創業。公司成立初期需龐大周轉金,也是家人朋友幫忙。這一路有貴人牽成,穩穩做出口碑與業績。「搞不好當年唸得好,出社會才發現不是興趣。」懂得把握機運的人,自也能將逆境當成轉機,如他掙脫學歷、科系限制,把「玩」當成一門事業經營。 【古明正小檔案】 年齡:1971年出生(42歲) 學歷:文化大學中文系畢業 經歷:大學參加康輔社,接觸救國團,此後陸續擔任旅行社領隊與業務、旅遊網站AE等,2007年創業成立「翔慶旅行社」 每月團費收入:600~700萬元(毛利約5%) 電話:(02)2516-8222 網址:.oeoeo.com.tw 【我的內心話】態度才是重點 學歷是一個門檻,有相關背景當然好,但非絕對,像我接觸許多金融客戶,本來就看《商周》,QE(Quantitative Easing,量化寬鬆)專業術語也要懂。有人沒網站、2~3個員工就開旅行社,但我就是想不一樣,態度才是這一行的重點。 【夥伴看法】寵愛客人 合作愉快 我們合作6年,一直很愉快,古總追求完美、甚至龜毛,願做一般旅行團或會議團不同行程,好比寧願不賺佣金,也要介紹有特色的餐廳;車站報到臺、易拉展,也算他帶起來的風氣。他不會砍價,只希望客戶享受最好的服務。self storage

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  據新華社哈瓦那10月22日電 (記者 劉彬) 古巴政府22日宣佈�動貨幣及匯率統一進程,儲存以期改變現存的雙軌制貨幣政策,即國民貨幣比索和可兌換比索並存的局面。  作為古巴民�呼聲最高的改革內容之一,這一決策于19日召開的古巴部長會議上討論並獲得通過。  發表在古共中央機關報《格拉瑪報》的官方聲明說:“此舉將提高生產率,促進分配及再分配機制的有效性。”但聲明未給出實施這一進程的具體時間表,只是提出這一進程將由面向法人逐漸過渡至自然人。  迷你倉上世紀90年代起,古巴陷入經濟危機。時任古巴領導人菲德爾·卡斯特羅于1993年授權批准美元在古巴境內流通以回籠資金。一年後,古巴宣佈廢除美元流通,改為使用可兌換比索。  古巴政府以比索支付國民工資並支配國民經濟,近年來比索流通範圍越來越小,越來越局限于農貿市場,絕大部分消費場所如商店、超市、飯店、酒吧和咖啡廳等使用的都是可兌換比索,私營經濟體也更青睞可兌換比索。貨幣改革將對古巴經濟和民生產生巨大影響,涉及工資、養老金、商品價格以及稅收等領域。儲存倉

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蘋果周二如外界預期發表全新IPAD AIR及第2代IPAD MINI,迷你倉其中9.7吋螢幕的IPAD AIR比上一代IPAD更輕更薄,但價格維持499美元。第2代IPAD MINI也首度採用高解析度的視網膜顯示器,足以看出蘋果吸引新用戶的企圖。蘋果執行長庫克(TIM COOK)周二表示:「我們將IPAD設計成最棒的工具,凡是使用者最常見的功能需求都能一次滿足。」蘋果特地將第5代IPAD定名為「IPAD AIR」,目的就是強調輕薄外型。IPAD AIR重469克,較上一代IPAD輕了四分之一,且厚度只有7.5公厘,較上一代薄五分之一。IPAD AIR和IPAD MINI都採用速度更快的64位元A7處理器。蘋果行銷長席勒(PHIL SCHILLER)表示:「使用者拿在手上將有完全不同的感受。」除了外型升級之外,蘋果這次也將重心放在軟體功能。IPAD AIR首度免費內建文書處理軟體及媒體編輯器,其他包括ILIFE及IWORK應用程式也都免費提供。然而,IPAD AIR並未如外界預期內建IPHONE 5S的指紋辨識技術。蘋果這次釋出誠文件倉取悅用戶,無疑是感受到來自四面八方的競爭壓力,其中包括諾基亞周二發表的LUMIA平板電腦及微軟周二開賣的SURFACE 2。研究機構IDC統計,去年第2季蘋果在平板市場仍有60%市佔,但今年第2季跌至32.5%。為了吸引更多新用戶,蘋果特地將16GB容量的入門款IPAD AIR價格維持在499美元。16GB容量的第2代IPAD MINI售價399美元,雖略高於第1代推出時的329美元,但蘋果周二將第1代IPAD MINI降價至299美元,刻意與亞馬等的平板電腦拉近價差,搶攻年終旺季銷售的企圖心明顯。周二發表的2款IPAD都將在11月上市。此外,蘋果也發表價格更便宜的MACBOOK PRO新款筆電,13吋螢幕售價1,299美元起跳,厚度僅1.8公分,重量不到1.6公斤。15吋售價1,999美元起跳,比舊款便宜200美元。不過分析師與投資人對蘋果的新產品評價不高。ENDERS ANALYSIS分析師伊旺斯(BENEDICT EVANS)認為發表會「了無新意」。投資人也感到失望,使蘋果股價在周二收盤下跌0.3%至519.87美元。存倉

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央視一套正在熱播的美食節目《中國味道》吸引了許多人的關注,迷你倉由合作媒體南方都市報推薦的“最牛民間吃貨”蠔爺陳漢宗在近日播出的節目中力壓群雄奪得了“金筷子獎”,在壓軸環節里蠔爺征服所有評委的美食作品是一道正在申報非物質文化遺產的古老美食:菜茶。這道令《中國味道》節目第一次出現評委全部投贊同票的美食究竟是什麼東西呢? 說起菜茶,很多廣州人也未必知曉,過於罕見的身影讓“吃在廣州”的本土饕客們都 不 知 其形,不識其味。根植于汕 尾 海 陸豐地區的菜茶,即便在東南沿海,也是一 種極其脆弱的飲食基因,或許只有老一輩的農家人才記得那碗熱氣騰騰的菜茶究竟是什麼味道。 就地取材的菜茶融合了當地最鄉土的食材,炒米、魷魚幹、蝦幹、鹹肉、鹹豆幹、大地魚粉……海邊人的味道由此滲透出來。新鮮的青菜迎合了時令,保持了脆爽的口感,也讓菜茶的營養均衡起來。中國的傳統飲食講究美好的寓意,這一點,菜茶也不例外,蒜頭象徵著精打細算的聰慧,芹菜取其勤快的美好意頭,菜茶的每一道食材都有獨特的講究。 菜茶講究儀式感,有了可遵循的流程和儀式,傳統的味道才算完整。依次將焯過水的蔬菜、乾菜、粉絲放入葵花碗中,澆self storage熱水沖泡的擂茶,點上幾顆花生、炒米,再撒上最天然的味精“大地魚粉”和胡椒粉提味,最地道的海邊滋味就飽滿起來了。 將菜茶帶給全國食客的是汕尾出身的“蠔爺”,在他看來,菜茶是兼具民俗、傳統與健康的民間美食。菜茶又叫“丁茶”,海邊人家生過小孩之後,都會炒上菜茶與鄉鄰分享喜悅;搬遷探病時,菜茶又是一例最不失體面的“過運茶”。菜茶也是傳統佳節的必備之物,元宵節過後,勤勞的人們即將進入新一年的農耕生活,此時吃上一碗菜茶,將先前的油膩分解掉,勞作的節奏才算開始。葷素搭配,營養均衡,低脂少油非油炸的菜茶與時下健康的飲食觀念不謀而合。 本報記者作為媒體代表在節目現場發言時提出:對美食的認知態度不能僅僅停留在娛樂和功能性滿足上,作為生活方式的飲食和方言一樣都是傳遞古老文明的秘密基因,承載歷史的建築物或典籍會被焚毀,但味覺的傳承卻忠實地延續了上古先民們重要的生活樣本,這或許是一個所謂吃貨應該負起的文化責任,因為隨著時光的流逝,一代又一代人的凋零,在現代文明的生活方式衝擊之下,我們的後世子孫很有可能再也吃不到這種古老美味了。 採寫:南都記者 閆濤 實習生 侯娟攝影:南都記者 黃集昊(除署名外)迷利倉

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南都訊 記者溫平平 澳門與廣東省小汽車駕駛執照互認互換或將成為可能?前日,儲存澳門交通事務局就兩地駕照互認互換制度咨詢澳門交通咨詢委員會的意見。澳門交通事務局新聞發言人昨日就此事回應記者採訪時稱,雖已有制度方案,何時正式實施尚未有時間表,而廣東省交管局則表示,尚未能透露更多詳細信息。初步構思已經出爐澳門交通咨詢委員會兩專責小組分別舉行工作會議,聽取交通事務局介紹《內地駕駛證與澳門駕駛執照的互認/互換制度》的工作情況。過去兩年,在國家職能部門主導下,澳門特區政府相關部門已和粵方展開商談,雙方在“互利共贏”及“對等便利”的原則上,亦借鑒了粵港互換駕駛證的模式作為經驗,期望在友好合作基礎上,逐步實現互認駕駛證。初步構思是,凡持有澳門特別行政區輕型汽車(B )類駕駛類別或以上駕駛執照,可免試換領內地駕駛證的小型汽車(C 1)和/或小型自動擋汽車(C 2)類;持內地駕駛證的小型汽車(C 1)以上和小型自動擋汽車(C 2)類,可在澳無須換領澳門駕駛執照而直接在澳門駕駛原駕駛證內對應類型的車輛,同時無需向澳門治安警交通廳辦理登記手續,駕駛期可按原內地駕駛證有效日期為止。持澳門居民身份證及有效內地機動車駕駛證人士可迷你倉試換領澳門駕駛執照。推進三年多還沒落地針對該項政策,澳門特區政府早在2010年就與廣東省公安廳進行討論交換意見,澳門特首崔世安在2012年度施政報告中也曾明確指,澳門已�動兩地互認駕照機制,擬訂《粵澳小型汽車駕駛證互認方案》供粵方研究,爭取早日達成共識,全面推進換領駕駛證務實方案,同時將細節性探討澳門機動車輛進出橫琴的計劃,與粵方完成過境車輛的管理具體研究。不過,昨日針對該項政策方案是否已具操作性及何時實施,澳門交通事務局新聞發言人則表示未有時間表,但就明確駕照互認互換不等同于兩地車輛可自由跨境。而省交管局則表示,對此事尚未能給出詳細信息。目前內地與香港駕駛執照互換已實施一段時間,內地居民只要領取到香港駕駛執照,理論上亦可以申領本澳的駕駛執照在本澳駕駛,只是過程較為麻煩。在澳門,坊間則有不同聲音,有往來粵澳兩地的澳門居民認為,該項政策若實施,弊大於利,如增加交通道路壓力,雙方駕駛習慣不同更會造成交通安全隱患。有交咨委負責人認為,兩地駕照免試互認是大勢所趨,是澳門車輛日後自由進出橫琴的先決條件之一。這有可能加劇澳門的交通壓力,當局必須早有預案。同時,澳門亦可根據實際情況,制訂措施限制內地車輛進入澳門。self storage

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Source: The Palm Beach Post, Fla.文件倉Oct. 22--Payrolls showed a slowdown in job creation in September, with a surprising drop in tourism jobs, but households reported a better employment situation and shaved the unemployment rate to 7.2 percent.After a nearly three-week delay, the Labor Department released September job numbers today. The job engine has down-shifted since the beginning of the year, with only 148,000 jobs added in September, down from the 178,000 average for the first six months of the year.The report "reinforces the impression that the labor market was losing a little momentum heading in to the shutdown," said Josh Feinman, global chief economist at Deutsche Asset and Wealth Management. "The labor market is continuing to create jobs. ...It's just frustratingly slow."Tourism may be on the downslide nationally, but opportunities are high profile in leisure and hospitality and related retail jobs in Palm Beach County. Both Hurricane Grill and Wings, Winn-Dixie and Comcast are holding job fairs in the next week.Peter Guala and his business partner Tom Markert are opening a Hurricane Grill and Wings in Boynton Beach next month, so they are holding a job fair Thursday through Saturday.People have stopped and asked about job opportunities as they've seen the construction, Guala said, and interest seems to be high from those in the restaurant industry."Our employees are from the industry, most who are looking for a change," he said.Many economis存倉s say the shutdown cut $25 billion out of the economy and slowed growth to about a 2 percent annual rate in the October-December quarter. That's down from estimates before the shutdown that the economy would expand at a 2.5 percent annual rate.The tepid job growth makes it more likely that the Federal Reserve will maintain its level of bond purchases for the rest of this year. The bond purchases are intended to lower long-term interest rates and boost borrowing and spending.The shutdown likely further slowed economic growth and hiring. Temporary layoffs of federal workers and government contractors will probably depress October's job gain. That means a clear view of the job market may not emerge until the November jobs report is issued in December.A tight job market has discouraged many Americans from looking for work. The percentage of Americans working or looking for work remained at a 35-year low last monthThe September jobs report showed that some higher-paying industries added jobs at a healthy pace. Construction companies, for example, added 20,000.Transportation and warehousing gained 23,400 jobs, governments 22,000.And average hourly pay ticked up 3 cents to $24.09. In the past year, hourly pay has risen 2.1 percent, ahead of the 1.5 percent inflation rate.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Palm Beach Post (West Palm Beach, Fla.) Visit The Palm Beach Post (West Palm Beach, Fla.) at .palmbeachpost.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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今年廣州銷售的1418套經適房引來10141戶輪候家庭的爭購。昨日,自存倉廣州市住房保障辦舉行經濟適用住房評分排序儀式,排序靠前的2127戶“幸運兒”將可望獲得選房“入場券”——《配售通知》。不過,在正式選房前,這些家庭還需要經過購房資格複核的考驗。廣州市人大代表、政協委員、市國土房管局政風行風監督員、申請家庭代表、新聞媒體以及市公證處公證員等共同見證評分排序過程。南方日報記者 鄭佳欣實習生 杜靜2127戶可獲得選房入場券隨著申購代表按動�動按鈕,廣州今年1418套經濟適用房申購家庭名單在投影屏幕上快速滾動並最終排出順序。早早地趕到現場的申購代表劉小姐緊張地注視著投影屏幕。家住荔灣區的她從出生起一直住在一套老舊的公房里,16平方米左右的一房一廳,要擠下劉小姐夫婦、1歲7個月的兒子,還有年過半百的老母親。劉小姐說,四年前她就拿到了准購證,但是為了醫治重病的父親,家里花光了積蓄,兩次輪候最後都選擇了棄購。“這是我最後一次認購機會了。”市住房保障辦相關負責人介紹,經適房分配採取評分輪候制,取得資格的家庭按綜合評分高低輪候經適房。“住房越困難、收入越低,綜合評分越高,所以部分新增取得資格的家庭評分會比輪候時間較長但收入、住房相對不困難的家庭評分高。”據悉,此次的申購家庭綜合評分分值區間為20—134分,選房順序由綜合評分高低確定,分值相同的系統隨機確定先後順序,選房順序排在2127號之前的家庭將取得《配售通知》,而綜合評分為98分以上(含98分)的家庭才有機會獲得《配售通知》。市住房保障辦解釋說,今年取得《配售通知》的家庭入圍分數比去年高的原因有:一是今年推出房源數量不足去年的1/3;二是去年經適房認購中,綜合評分在91分以上取得《配售通知》的家庭約1500戶放棄選房,經過一年以後,大多數又參加了此次意向登記;三是去年經適房意向登記結束後又新增了一些評分在98分以上的高分家庭,取得《配售通知》的家庭中約400多戶是今年取得《准購證明》的輪候家庭。今天起復核購房資格此次經適房銷售首次採取先評分排序再進行購房資格複核的做法。10月23日—10月28日,市住房保障辦在泰安花園銷售中心和市國土房管局網站(http://.laho.gov.cn/)公佈評分排序結果,並在相關媒體上進行公示。公�對公示家庭資格有異議,可在此期間通過撥打電話83185555、遞交舉報信(地址:越秀區豪賢路仁生里36號市住房保障辦事窗口,郵編:510030)、登錄市國土房管局網站(網址:http://.laho.gov.cn)網上信箱投訴和舉報。10月23日—11月19日,市保障性住房事務中心會同相關單位對已意向登記的申購家庭進行購房資格複核。經複核,如發現有家庭情況發生變化未申報,市住房保障辦將取消其本次購房資格;如申購家庭情況發生變化後已不符合申購條件的,還將取消其申購資格。如申購家庭對複核結果有異議,可在規定期限內提出申訴。11月20日,市住房保障辦將在銷售中心和市國土房管局網站(http://.laho.gov.cn/)公佈投訴舉報和購房資格的複核情況及複核後的房屋選房順序。經資格複核後,市住房保障辦將于11月21日—11月24日按房源數量的1.5倍向符合資格的申購家庭發放《配售通知》,選房順序號超出房源數量的申購家庭,如有剩餘房源,方可認購房屋。貸不到款退房將納入下一批房源推出11月25日—11月30日,獲得《配售通知》的申購家庭將在規迷你倉的選房時間到銷售中心現場認購房屋。市住房保障辦表示,取得《配售通知》的2127戶家庭按照選房順序依次認購房屋,如有房源剩餘,市住房保障辦將根據評分排序結果從2128號開始通知申購家庭繼續認購。如果仍有剩餘房源,以及申購家庭認購後因信貸審批不通過等經濟方面原因申請退出的房源,將作為分散房源納入下一批經適房房源推出供應。如2012年,廣州市推出供應5050套經適房,剩餘57套房屋(含認購後退出的房源)作為分散房源與今年新增房源一併推出供應。市住房保障辦表示,因信貸審批時間不一,認購家庭申請退房的時間也不定,如有的房源被認購後半年才申請退出,該辦將根據退出時間納入下一批房源推出。聚焦焦點11.9萬戶家庭輪候經適房經市政府批准,自2013年4月12日起,廣州市市轄10區暫停受理申購經濟適用住房申請及准購證明延期申請。市住房保障辦介紹,該辦要求各區分局、街道辦事處(鎮政府)5月1日前將已受理的經濟適用住房申請錄入經濟適用住房管理信息系統,5月1日全面關閉經濟適用住房管理系統的申請信息錄入功能。暫停受理經濟適用住房申請前,廣州全市約有5500戶家庭提交申請,處於待審核狀態。經各級審核部門聯網審核,截至10月17日,4613戶家庭經審核符合申購經濟適用住房條件取得准購證,約800戶家庭需要補交資料或已補交資料正在審核中,其餘家庭審核不通過。據統計,截至10月17日,廣州市累計取得經適房准購證且處於輪候狀態的申請家庭約1.9萬戶,其中今年新增取得准購證的家庭共有5444戶(含4月12日前通過審核的家庭)。焦點2下一批將推3300套經適房面對1.9萬戶的輪候家庭,所剩無幾的經適房存貨何時再推出備受關注。市住房保障辦介紹,下一批經適房房源主要為社會力量建設的東建菠蘿山、穗和人和項目約3300套,但何時推出,要看建設進度而定。其中,菠蘿山保障性住房項目位於天河區岑村龍船頭地段,距離其西南的科韻北路約500米,交通方便。北眺火爐山,環境優美。項目由9幢經適房、9幢公租房、18幢廉租房組成,層數13至19層。總住宅面積366119平方米,小區配有小學、幼兒園、公交首末站、商場、肉菜市場、社區居委會、文化活動站、社區衛生服務中心、居民健身場所、老人服務站等公建配套,其中經濟適用住房共1571套,戶型為二房一廳。人和保障房項目位於白雲區人和鎮廣花公路以南、方華路以東,西距機場高速約1.7公里,地鐵3號線北延線從地塊東北側通過。地塊總占地面積155747平方米,總建築面積為396106平方米,包括住宅建築面積263340平方米。項目擬建設經適房2520套、公租房1630套;該項目設置商業、肉菜市場、社區服務中心、文化活動中心、衛生服務中心、幼兒園等配套。其中一期有1792套經適房,二房一廳896套、三房一廳896套。3焦點選房結果網上公示如何防止開寶馬車、住經適房的違規行為在廣州出現?市住房保障辦表示,此次評分排序之後,10月23日起,該辦將在泰安花園銷售中心、市國土房管局網站上公示評分排序結果,公示內容包括申購家庭的選房順序、申購人姓名、身份證號碼、評分、准購證號碼、戶籍情況等,同時相關信息將在10月26日報紙公示。本次經適房選房結束後,市住房保障辦將首次在市國土房管局網站上公開選房結果,公開信息包括分配對象姓名、所認購經適房套型面積及所在建設項目名稱等。圖片說明:昨天下午部分申購家庭代表來到現場見證排序。 南方日報記者 梁文祥 攝mini storage

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【特訊】澳門東望洋企業投資約三億人民幣,mini storage於江門市蓬江區江沙示範園區興建旅遊式食品生產基地昨日正式奠基動工,以擴大產能配合產品出口外銷及拓展內地市場,預計明年八月份第一期工程落成投產。該公司董事長甄瑞權表示,將按照立足澳門、面向內地、走向國際為經營目標,嚴格做好食品衛生安全工作和質量的把關,打造成為一個富有澳門特色的優質食品企業。奠基儀式昨日上午十時假江門市蓬江區江沙示範園區舉行,江門市政協主席趙基耀、江門市人大常務副主任梁清兆、市委副書記聶黨權、市委常委曠仁山、蓬江區區委書記王積俊、五邑大學黨委書記王克、澳門中聯辦協調部處長及助理陳耀華、江門同鄉會會長梁伯進、常務副會長黃曉媚、副會長鄭安庭、大豐銀行常務董事副行長秦立儒、鶴山雅圖仕印刷有限公司董事長馮廣源、東望洋企業有限公司董事長甄瑞權等出席並主禮。同場,江沙示範園區食品產業園舉行掛牌儀式,江門市及蓬江區領導為食品產業園揭牌。王積俊致詞祝賀東望洋旅遊式食品生產基地奠基圓滿成功,並介紹蓬江區江沙示範園區概況。他表示,目前江沙示範園區食品產業園已聚集了東望洋、康師傅、天地壹號等知名食品品牌企業,區內各項配套設施日益完善,毗鄰佛開、江珠、江番等高速公路,交通便利,同時,已落戶江沙示範園的華電分散迷你倉能源站項目已動工興建,可為園區企業提供熱、電、冷能源,為落戶園區的企業發展創造優越的環境和條件,未來,蓬江區政府將以食品產業作為園區產業發展的重要方向,期望把食品產業園打造成為華南地區重要食品生產基地之一。甄瑞權致詞表示,東望洋企業是一家業務多元化的企業,在澳門投資有房地產、酒店、酒樓、旅遊、餅店、手信店及製餅廠等。隨著江門的經濟進入快速發展期以及澳門旅遊業的興旺發展,為烘焙及手信行業提供良好的發展機遇,而隨著業務發展不斷壯大,東望洋企業在澳門的製餅廠產能已經不能滿足市場的需求,為此,東望洋企業投資約3億元人民幣,在江門市蓬江區江沙示范園區建設一個以食品加工為主,現代食品物流為輔助的大型現代化烘焙食品生產基地,以滿足港澳地區、內地市場和出口外銷的需要。他稱,東望洋企業未來將按照立足澳門、面向內地、走向國際的經營目標,嚴格做好食品衛生安全工作和質量的把關,大力發展高品質的麵包、糕點和手信業務,打造成為一個富有澳門特色的優質食品企業。隨後,趙基耀、梁伯進、甄瑞權等一眾嘉賓共同揮鏟,為東望洋旅遊式食品基地奠基石培土。出席活動的江門同鄉會副會長還包括:陳溥森、梁振權、黎榮添、夏俊英、馮華埠、黃德秋、淡國峰、陳素燕、鄭玉伶、朱景方、林潔薇、司徒信生等。文件倉

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