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中宣部、中央外宣辦、國家新聞出版廣電總局、中國記者協會於六月中旬,迷你倉 聯合印發了《關於在新聞戰線深入開展馬克思主義新聞觀培訓的意見》,決定在對全國所有報社、通訊社、電台、電視台、新聞網站、新聞期刊社的新聞從業者,包括尚未領取記者證的聘用人員共三十萬七千人進行思想培訓。 有關部門的該意見今年六月份已完成了籌備工作,對中央和地方主要文件倉聞單位、新聞宣傳管理部門等局級以上的領袖和新聞工作者一百九十一人先行培訓。中央電視台台長胡占凡已在六月份表示,廣告也要體現馬克思主義新聞觀。他的這句話開啟了國內的媒體整風運動的序幕。正值馬克思主義新聞觀培訓向整個中國的最基層的新聞採編人員蔓延之際,國內媒體亂象的整風運動也如火如荼,重點整治網絡社區的謠言,收緊輿論,提高執政黨權威。■存倉

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Rising govt revenues make social initiatives possibleBy Xu Xiaoxuxiao@chinadaily.mini storagecom.cnRelying on the wealth accumulated during six decades of economic growth, authorities in the Siming district are now focused on improving public living standards.The district was established in 1950 in Xiamen, Fujian province. It is now the economic, political and cultural center of the renowned coastal city.The district government said “fortune” and “happiness” are the key words for today’s Siming.The local officials pointed out that increasing government revenues are an important indicator of public fortune and a major financial resource that the government uses to improve the local quality of life and for other social undertakings.In 2012, the district reported government revenue of 13.3 billion yuan, an increase of 20.3 percent year-on-year, signaling record growth in the past five years.In the first half of 2013, government revenue approached 9.1 billion yuan, the largest of all the cities in Fujian.The officials said the fortune comes from the city’s abundant business opportunities brought by its born geographic advantages as a close neighbor of Taiwan, as well as its preferential policy environment as a part of a city that is listed as one of the four special economic zones in China and a pilot in cross-Straits business cooperation.Tourist attractionsThe unique natural environment there also makes the district appealing to both residents and tourists.Embraced by mountains and sea, Siming district has a pleasant climate.There are several renowned tourist resorts along the 10-kilometer beaches. Fifteen of Xiamen’s top 20 resorts are located in Siming.The most attractive among all the resorts is the 1.77-square-kilometer Gulangyu Island, which is about 500 meters away from the city proper across the Lujiang River.Featuring blue sea, green trees and colonial-style houses, the serene island is also known as “the garden on the sea”.According to the district government, Siming’s tourism revenue reached 39.2 billion yuan in 2012, accounting for 70 percent of Xiamen’s total.In recent years, the government has highlighted the service industry and several emerging industries.It has a booming high-end consumer goods market, making it a trend leader in Xiamen as well as Fujian province.The Paragon Center is Fujian’s first and largest high-end shopping mall, gathering some 80 globally renowned brands, including such luxury names as Gucci, Burberry and Montblanc.Another luxury shopping mall called China City has a 200-meter-long corridor for showcasing renowned watches. Here consumers can find luxury watch brands, including Piaget, Jaeger-Le Coultre, Omega, and IWC.China City also has the first Ferrari and Maserati showrooms in Fujian province.In addition to these luxury shopping malls, high-end hospitality business is another propeller of Siming’s development.In Siming, there are 48 star-rated hotels, accounting for 61 percent of Xiamen’s total.Many hotels combine first-rate facilities with Siming’s regional characteristics.For instance, the Hotel Nikko Xiamen gives guests a sea view through French windows in the rooms.The district is also on its way toward becoming a luxury yachting hub of Xiamen, with the Shangshan International Yacht Club now under construction. Local government officials said “the club is expected to introduce a new lifestyle to local people” when becoming operational.Pivotal roleSiming district is playing a pivotal role in Xiamen’s initiative to build a cross-Straits financial hub.According to the district government, in the first half of 2013, the district’s financial and insurance enterprises generated revenue totaling more than 6.6 billion yuan, an increase of 9.3 percent year-on-year.Government officials said these companies have offered strong financial support for local growth and cross-Straits business cooperation.Another driver of growth is Siming’s advantages in terms of high-quality human resources. The district is home to seveself storageal renowned higher learning and research institutes, including the prestigious Xiamen University.The district government has also implemented a talent plan, with a 100-million-yuan fund to support talent development.The district also regularly hosts academic activities, inviting famous experts and scholars to give lectures to local researchers and students.Amid rapid economic and social transformation, the local government wants to make sure that all the residents, especially those lower-income families, can enjoy a better life.One of the efforts is the “warm-heart supermarket”, an invention by the district in May 2004. In these supermarkets, donated goods are displayed on shelves and needy people can choose what they want for free.The goal of the supermarket is to let people get help while keeping their dignity, government officials said.So far, 1,200 families have received continuous help from the service.Now the “warm-heart” initiative has evolved into a public welfare brand, including 11 supermarkets, 26 online schools, six classrooms, 12 canteens and 40 community funds under the same name.Investment projectsThe Siming district is bringing a number of investment projects to the 17th China International Fair for Investment and Trade, which opens today in Xiamen, to seek potential partners from China and abroad.The following are the major projects:Developments relating to the cross-Straits financial hub. Haixi Jingu Plaza: an office building complex with total floor space of 400,000 square meters.. Kaiyuan Industrial Park: a development with total floor space of 1.53 million square meters.. Tefang International Center: a commercial and cultural facility with 387,000 square meters of floor space.. Xiamen Financial Center: a 49-story, 212-square-meter building.. Zhonghang Zijin Plaza: a five-star hotel and other commercial facilities.Guanyinshan area. Guanyinshan Plaza: a hotel and an office building and other facilities.Sports and culture. People’s Stadium: a sports center combining cultural and commercial facilities.. Longshan Creativity Park: the largest creativity park in Fujian.. Xiamen Industrial Design Center: a facility combining design, R&D, technology transfer, information consultation and other functions.. Straits Fashion & Art Center: a facility for fashion design and performance.. Siming Architecture Design and R&D Center: office building for architecture design and research firms.. Hongwen Fashion Industry Park: a facility combining fashion design, exhibition and experience.High-tech development. Siming Photo-Electronic Building: an R&D service center for photo-electronic enterprises in the Xiamen Science Park.. Xiamen University Science Park: the only university science park in Fujian.. Cross-Straits e-commerce park: office buildings for e-commerce businesses.highlightUnique HistorySiming, which means “missing the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)”, was given its name by renowned general Zheng Chenggong.After the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) force defeated the Ming in the north, Zheng still led an army in Fujian province to defend the struggling Ming.He named the place where his army was stationed as the Siming prefecture in 1650.Zheng led a navy force from Xiamen to Taiwan to fight against the Dutch invaders in 1661. After several decisive victories, the Dutch were forced to leave Taiwan, and the island became Zheng’s last stronghold against the Qing, which had already seized most of the Chinese mainland.Zheng was a diehard loyalist to the Ming Dynasty, which made it impossible for him to return to the mainland. Unable to return to his homeland because of the continued strife, he died in 1662 in Taiwan.In the early years of the Republic of China period (1912-1949), Siming county was established with an area covering today’s Xiamen city and Kinmen county of Taiwan.In 1950, the Siming district was founded at the central part of Xiamen.A huge Zheng Chenggong statue has been erected on the Gulangyu Island to commemorate this national hero.迷你倉

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  漫畫:CFP供圖  8月29日,self storage據媒體報道,西安市長安南路華東服飾廣場北側一家餐館開業時,懸掛的祝賀條幅讓過往路人為餐館老闆的“人脈關係”所折服,5家祝賀單位分別為:西安市公安局、市檢察院、市工商局、市城管局以及市監獄管理局。  餐館自制政府部門條幅為“撐面子”  9月2日,一名在場人士告訴中國青年報記者,8月29日,該餐館門前許多熱氣球將數個條幅拉在空中,很是扎眼。  “條幅是紅底白字,大致內容就是這幾家政府部門恭賀‘西華門吳記羊血大王開業’。那些熱氣球飄起來至少有三層樓高,引來很多圍觀群�。大家都在議論,有人說這老闆夠有背景的,也有人說是在胡扎勢(方言,即顯擺)。”他回憶說。  據該人士介紹,“圍觀者大部分是看熱鬧的,覺得這肯定是個噱頭。新店開業,為了吸引更多人注意,來這吃飯。整體上的感覺,這家餐館弄得氣勢有點過大,非常刺眼,影響肯定不好。”  據他介紹,這家餐館整體建築面積為400平方米,經營區為一層。“原來的老店在西華門附近,老闆準備了半年時間,剛剛搬到新地址。我想,他是希望今後在這兒做買賣更順利些,就聲稱是政府部門送來的。畢竟不知情的人看到這些條幅,再想來滋事肯定會有所顧忌。條幅上提到的公安、城管、工商,都是和他開店關係比較密切的單位。”他說。  9月2日,西安市公安局雁塔分局(以下簡稱“雁塔分局”)相關工作人員就此事回應了中國青年報記者。  據介紹,8月29日,西安市公安局雁塔分局明德門派出所(以下簡稱“明德門派出所”)接到群�舉報稱:長安南路華東服飾廣場北側一“羊血大王”餐館開業時懸掛市檢察院、市公安局、市工商局、市城管局、市監獄管理局“祝賀開業大吉”的條幅,引起周圍群�的質疑。  明德門派出所民警接到舉報立即出警,將當事店主楊某帶回調查。據瞭解,涉事店主楊某系西安市未央區人。事後,楊某已承認:為了擴大新開業飯店的影響力和知名度,避免在經營過程中一些不必要的麻煩,擅自在街邊一家廣告店花費2000元製作了政府相關部門的祝賀條幅。飯館開業當天,楊某未經相關部門同意便假冒政府機關名義懸掛了上述5條祝賀條幅。  雁塔分局相關工作人員表示,楊某的做法是自我炒作,屬於虛假宣傳,不僅構成了侵權,同時損害了政府形象,誤導了公�。目前,楊某已被依法處以行政拘留的處罰。“商家要合法經營,以誠信取勝。假冒政府機關名義發佈虛假廣告、進行虛假宣傳,破壞政府機關在群�心目中的形象,屬於擾亂社會秩序行為,應承擔相應的法律責任。”  事發後,楊某解釋稱:“以前老店生意不錯,因為拆遷不得不搬,籌備了6個月,將原有資本加上借貸的60多萬元,總共投了100多萬元進去。花2000元做了這些牛氣的橫幅,沒想到讓自己觸犯了法律。”  他表示自己“意識還是淺”,“新店是想撐個臉面,本來說不要氣球,後來說有氣球氣氛好一些,一弄氣球底下又得掛些字,所以就想寫這個(條幅)撐個面子。”  明德門派出所民警李新紅曾向媒體介紹,針對楊某的處罰依據為《治安管理處罰法》第51條規定,按照相關規定對其處以3日行政拘留。  經營者為何要和政府部門“套近乎”  此次事件最終以一場鬧劇收場。不過,這樣的鬧劇曾在多地上演。  2010年8月,四川省郫縣紅光鎮一家名為“妙味天香食府”的餐廳開業。當天,餐廳門口懸掛了該鎮政府和派出所等單位的祝賀條幅。此後,紅光鎮政府黨政辦主任表態“條幅是酒店自己掛的”,並稱“不允許借政府之名炒作”。  2011年9月,黃山市祁門縣一家茶餐廳開業,門口赫然懸掛安慶市人民政府、懷寧縣人民政府、祁門縣人民政府等部門的祝賀條幅。事後,牽涉其中的政府機關均否認與此有關。該茶樓老闆則解釋:自己是外地人,初來祁門開店,人生地不熟,擅自制作政府祝賀條幅,是想以此顯示自己有背景,避免受欺負。  餐館開業竟不惜違法違規借政府之名炒作——一些經營者的聲音似乎可以回答這其中的緣由。  李英慧在四川省南部某縣經營一家酒樓。“在我們縣上,這家酒樓算是規模比較大的了。一二層為飯店,三四層有客房。餐廳面積有300平方米左右,經營了將近20年。主要是做家常川菜,賣給過路的司機,或者承辦當地酒席。”她告訴中國青年報記者。  她表示,從一開始籌備開酒樓,就得和多個政府部門打迷你倉道。“比如,有很多手續需要通過政府部門審批,餐飲業主要是工商、營業執照、健康證、衛生許可證等。衛生許可證每年都要更新一次。消防、衛生也都有檢查要求,這些審核每年都要更新一次。”  “前幾年,我們還和一些政府部門存在債務糾紛。比如,他們來吃飯的花銷會欠著,有時一欠就是好幾年,我們也只能扛著。這兩年稍微好些了。像我們這種小地方,基層幹部的權威很大,我們做買賣求的是平安發財,肯定不願意和他們有過節。”她說。  此外,她也承認,當地政府部門很多公務消費也會在酒樓進行。“這部分收入對我們而言也很重要。另外,酒樓和政府部門關係較好,也可以避免很多社會上的麻煩。總之,不管是為了給別人看,還是為了經營需要,沒有哪個做買賣的人不願意和政府部門搞好關係。”她說。  王萍(化名)是北京市海澱區一家餐館的經營者。“餐館不大,90平方米左右,主要經營川味家常菜,到今年已經開了9年。”她告訴中國青年報記者。  “和政府部門打交道的地方很多。比如,最近相關部門來查餐館的煤氣管道是否合格。如果沒有單獨的煤氣間或煤氣間有易燃品等,工作人員來檢查時都會拍照,然後經營者確認是否存在問題,再接受整改。整改後再拍好照去相關部門,同時接受罰款。罰款是有依據的,還會開出罰單,到指定銀行去辦理,交完款會有回執單。”她說。  不過她表示,這屬於“規範的操作模式”。“還拿檢查煤氣管道這個事來說,也有一些管理者在鑽空子,尤其是在偏僻、較小的片區。有時管理部門來檢查,說罰就罰,說罰500元就罰500元。罰款也是當場給現金,依據、罰單、回執什麼都沒有。這種情況下,你就必須和管理部門搞好關係。如果認識人,可能打個招呼就算了,如果沒有,就得認罰。”她說。  “經營者肯定願意和城管、工商、衛生、公安部門搞好關係。而且,這樣一來,周圍的商戶也不太敢找麻煩。”她說。  “除了開業之初有很多打交道的地方,餐廳開起來後,衛生許可、營業執照、員工健康證、自來水合格檢測等,都得定期檢查。如果有熟悉的人,事情就好辦多了。很多都不用親自去,找別人把資料拿去就可以。而且,可以更早地瞭解到新政策。”王萍說。  商家“權力依賴”引反思  許多商家打出政府“旗號”,引起不少學者的關注。  “這一現象折射出的深層社會問題令人深思。商家之所以想方設法與政府‘套近乎’,說到底還是為了給自己抬身價。這在很大程度上緣于對權力的崇拜和依賴,期待借此來顯示自己有背景、有後台。”媒體評論員翟春陽表示。  “曾有多家媒體曝光地方政府公款吃喝打白條事件。從這些事件中我們可以感受到,在政府職能部門面前,飯店經營者明顯處於弱勢地位。”他說,“如果不接受官員打白條、主動與之套近乎,甚至會面臨經營風險,關門停業都是有可能的。尤其在一些欠發達、偏遠地區,由於對權力的監督、舉報渠道不暢通,商業經營中對官員、行政的依賴程度更高。”  國家行政學院公共行政教研部主任竹立家認為,當前在公共管理中,很多人對行政權力都存在較大的依賴性,常常樂於尋找權力庇護。  “經營者希望借此尋求特殊政策,依靠行政權威幫助自己。其實很多經營者的解釋已經道出了其中原委:擅自掛政府祝賀條幅,無非是想顯示自己有背景,避免受欺負。與其說這樣的心理是一種權力崇拜,不如說是對權力的畏懼。”他說。  他認為,這樣的現象值得深省。“政府部門原本應俯身為公�服務,但是現在不少幹部卻成了公�服務的對象。一些基層幹部行為失範、失樸、失德比較嚴重,‘吃、拿、卡、要’成了一些人的生存手段,損害了幹部隊伍的整體形象。作為餐館的經營者,不滿足官員要求,他們可以找到很多辦法刁難你。”  “更讓人擔憂的是,這類畸形的官文化不斷衍生並滲透至別的領域。在這種情況下,出現假冒政府部門的條幅就不足為奇了。”他說。  國家行政學院經濟學教研部副主任張孝德表示:“理想的狀況下,政府、市場各司其職,政府提供良好的社會秩序和市場環境,商業機構依法經營、照章納稅,政府對市場應該是服務而非控制關係。這是健康的經濟社會應該具備的秩序。而現在商家打著政府的幌子行事,說到底還是社會或市場環境欠佳。管理部門要反思,如何為商家提供更加健康有序的經營環境。”他說。 (駱沙 羅元媛)標簽:楊某 做買賣 條幅 打白條 行政拘留文件倉

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Source: Tulsa World, Okla.迷你倉價錢Sept. 07--Head coach Bill Blankenship fears his team may have believed its press clippings. Assistant head coach Denver Johnson mulled the possibility that some players had felt entitled.If last week's 34-7 loss at Bowling Green shows the University of Tulsa football team one thing, it's that they're probably not as good as they thought they were -- or as bad as they looked.That kind of loss should remove any sense of entitlement."You do worry about that coming off a very successful year," Johnson said. "There's a certain comfort or complacency, maybe, that sets in and maybe you kind of take it for granted, like, 'That's how it's gonna happen.' "Everyone dreads it. No one wants to believe it. But coaches at every level fight it."We have really good hindsight," Blankenship said, "but it's hard to have foresight."Now, with Colorado State in town intent on giving the Golden Hurricane an 0-2 start, what does TU do about it?Oklahoma and Iowa State are up next, so Saturday's 6 p.m. home game against the Rams is pretty close to a must-win game.Quarterback Cody Green took some heat this week for his uneven performance at Bowling Green, but Blankenship and his staff insist defeat was a total team effort.Look no further than the TU offensive line to substantiate that.With three new starters up front, the Golden Hurricane needed a consistently efficient blocking effort against the Falcons, but didn't get it. Game-breaking running backs Trey Watts and Ja'Terian Douglas, who averaged 6.0 and 6.8 yards per carry last season while rushing for 152 yards per game and 10 touchdowns, managed only 2.0 and 1.8 yards per carry against BGSU, respectively, and never got close to the end zone. The longest run by either man was 7 yards. Green also couldn't get any space when he ran the football.Bowling Green returned eight starters from a defense that ranked sixth nationally in 2012. So give credit where credit is due."They're good," said Johnson, who coaches TU's offensive line. "Not to take anything away from Bowling Green, but we should have played a different ballgame. And had we played a different ballgame, I think the outcome probably would have been different."At 34-7, that sounds unlikely at first. But it was only 6-0 at halftime, and Tulsa had left 13 points off the board with missed field goals and a red zone fumble.Guards Jake Alexander and Stetson Burnett are Tulsa's only full-time returning starters on the offensive line. Center Gabe Moyer previously had five car迷你倉er starts, left tackle Garrett Stafford had two and right tackle Davis Walton is a newcomer with a year in redshirt and two in junior college. Experience isn't plentiful, but it's certainly not nonexistent.If the O-line had gotten the running game going, maybe Green feels a little more comfortable and doesn't miss those open receivers. Maybe kicker Carl Salazar is relaxed and hits those field goals.In any case, Johnson didn't push the self-destruct button for this week's game against Colorado State. The same five guys will start again, he said. That's a good thing, Blankenship said."I feel as well as I did before that it's the right guys," Blankenship said. "I think there may be a little more of a learning curve than what we were hoping."Said Johnson, "We had kind of expanded our offense a little bit, and I think there was a little bit of confusion, which causes you to play hesitant sometimes. Some of it was technical. And sometimes you've just got to tip your hat to (Bowling Green). Their interior linemen were good players."So there it is.Saturday night against CSU, Tulsa will simplify a few blocking schemes, Watts and Douglas will find some running lanes, Green will relax and hit his receivers and maybe even Salazar will split the uprights.Johnson said "we were as shocked as anybody" about last week's result, but looking back said maybe he should have seen it coming."I never got a feel that we had a great sense of urgency against Bowling Green, which we should have," Johnson said. "Johnson, a veteran of 28 college football seasons, looks at the early turnover and two missed field goals as a perfect teaching tool to move forward."I think what guys don't realize is, you come off a great year like (2012), you were probably six or eight plays away from being .500. That's any given year," he said.Blankenship recalls a similar scenario last season, when TU lost 38-23 at Iowa State in the opener, then simply got better each week en route to seven consecutive wins, an 11-3 record and a Conference USA championship."We weren't very good in the offensive line after Week 1 (last season)," Blankenship said. "But we've got great coaches and really smart young men that learn how to play. They're gonna continue to grow and gel and I'm confident coach Johnson will get them to play well."Read John E. Hoover's blog at tulsaworld.com/johnehooverCopyright: ___ (c)2013 Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) Visit Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) at .tulsaworld.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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Source: St.文件倉 Louis Post-DispatchSept. 07--BALLWIN --Firefighter Kevin Bacon could tell by the tone of the dispatcher's voice that the call was serious."I was on the ambulance that day, but the call was for a vehicle fire, so I grabbed my gloves right out of the gate," he said.The driver had been southbound on Highway 141 that afternoon in July 2012 before he suddenly veered off the right side of the road. The SUV careened into a ditch, then went airborne, barrel rolling into a yard below the highway, on Green Lantern Lane.Bacon's ambulance from West County Fire & EMS got there first. The Mazda Tribute was on fire with smoke so thick it was filling the back yard.The SUV had landed upside down, and the driver was pinned underneath."I looked underneath the wreckage, and I thought, 'This guy's dead,'?" Bacon said. "He was folded in half, and he was a blue-purple color."Bacon's partner, Cody Jennemann, ran to the front of the yard to tell the other firefighters to bring a longer hose.Meanwhile, the fire was spreading quickly and starting to burn one of the driver's shoes.So Bacon, who stands 6-foot-3 and weighs 230, picked up the more than 3,000-pound SUV and threw it on its side. Then he pulled the driver away from the vehicle."I'm extremely strong," Bacon said about being able to lift the SUV. "I had just lifted weights before the call came out. I think that helped because I was warmed up when I got there."Bacon said that once he got the vehicle out of the way, the man's torso flipped back into a normal body position and his color improved."I saw his stomach move, and I thought 'Oh, this guy has got l存倉fe in him.'?"Bacon reached into the driver's mouth to clear his airway, and he gasped for air."I yelled, 'This guy's alive,'?" and we loaded him up and were moving," he said.The driver, Norman Scherrer, 50, of Valley Park, had broken several ribs and his back in two places and had to have a stent placed in a heart valve."I basically was unconscious for a week," Scherrer said in a recent interview. "It was touch and go."But Scherrer survived, and five months later he was back to work as a laborer for Missouri American Water Company."They say cats have nine lives; I don't know how many lives I have, but I know I used up one of them," Scherrer said. "I was very, very blessed to have lived through this one."Scherrer said he didn't remember anything about the crash, but he described his rescuer as an extremely special hero."What he did was a miracle, is all I can tell you," he said. "I owe it to him."Bacon, now 38 and a 14-year veteran, shrugged off the praise, instead saying that the most impressive aspect of the rescue is that it took only 11 minutes from the time they got on scene until they arrived at the hospital.Bacon was awarded the Class II Silver Medallion from the Greater St. Louis Fire Chiefs Association in 2012 for his efforts. It's the group's second-highest award.But he said knowing that Scherrer was walking, talking and back with his children was better than the award."That's what this job's all about," he said. "It's why we come to work."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the St. Louis Post-Dispatch Visit the St. Louis Post-Dispatch at .stltoday.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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Source: Bangor Daily News, MaineSept.自存倉 07--BANGOR, Maine -- When it comes to drug and alcohol addiction, there are differences between men and women, and that means treatment programs need to be different, local substance abuse providers learned Friday at a conference about addiction and recovery."Some of the biological differences are pretty well known," Trip Gardner, chief psychiatric officer for Penobscot Community Health Care, told the group during a panel discussion. "Most of the studies show that women get sicker -- quicker."They have a shorter time [to getting sick] from use, to regular use, to dependency and are more likely to get consequences," he said.Gardner spoke at the "Addiction and Recovery for Women: Celebrating Empowerment and Renewal" conference hosted by the Husson Institute for Continuing Health Care Education and held at the Hilton Garden Inn.He was flanked on the panel by Superior Court Justice Andrew M. Mead; Bangor police Officer Jason McAmbley, community relations officer; Guy Cousins, director of the Maine Office of Substance Abuse; Anne Giggey, director of the Hope House, a homeless shelter for those with drug and alcohol abuse issues; and Christopher Gardner, special agent with the Maine Drug Enforcement Agency.Across the room was keynote speaker Christine E. Grella, a professor of psychiatry and biobehavioral sciences at the Integrated Substance Abuse Programs, Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at the University of California, Los Angeles."Women and men follow different pathways into treatment and present with different clinical profiles," Grella said.Men are often urged by a loving spouse or family to seek treatment, whereas drug and alcohol addicted women typically seek treatment on their own and are often in relationships with users of the drug or alcohol they are trying to escape, the UCLA professor noted.Having children in the mix also complicates things for women, who worry about the social stigma associated with addiction, as well as the fear of losing their little ones, she said.Women often show up at the doors of the treatment facility with emotional and other baggage that needs to be dealt with, Grella said."When they make their way to treatment, they present with more complicated problems," she said, listing mental health, trauma, parenting, lack of economic self-sufficiency and relationship problems amongst some of the issues many women abusing drugs a迷你倉新蒲崗d alcohol need to deal with as part of their treatment."Treatment for substance use disorders among women is most effective when it addresses the broad range of issues that accompany substance use among women," she said."Women are often dealing with depression and any number of other issues, so the addiction treatment needs to address not only using the substance," Grella added. "For women, stopping the substance is just the first part."When women learn to "slowly unpack those issues" -- and Grella admitted that "it's a process" -- they are more successful with treatment.Three women in recovery spoke at the conference, telling stories of using drugs to overcome past traumas, "fooling" business partners and loved ones before falling into the hole they dug for themselves, and their struggles to pull themselves out."If you are stuck in the past, it only leads to one outcome -- relapse," said a young mother in recovery named Sarah.Taking proactive steps to stop people from using drugs and alcohol by encouraging education or future career paths, even if it's a minimum wage job, can steer people away from problems, McAmbley said."Jail is not the answer," the Bangor police officer said.MDEA agent Christopher Gardner noted that different parts of the state are dealing with different drugs, with meth and methamphetamines a problem in The County, bath salts and diverted prescription pills a problem in the Bangor and Rockland areas, and heroin showing its ugly face in Portland, southern Maine and along the coast.Gardner said he knows the work he is doing pays off because he often hears from people he has busted."We have people who send us Christmas cards saying they wouldn't be alive today if they hadn't been arrested," he said.When a nurse in the audience asked what to do for homeless clients when she knows they need services but have nowhere to turn, Cousins answered by introducing a new program called "The Path," which is designed to help with the transition from homelessness."There are a lot of resources that people are not aware of," Cousins said.Just taking the time to talk to people suffering with addiction by itself can be empowering, said Alanna S. Stetson, former director for the Husson institute."You may be planting a seed," she said.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Bangor Daily News (Bangor, Maine) Visit the Bangor Daily News (Bangor, Maine) at .bangordailynews.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉出租

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Source: Pittsburgh Post-GazetteSept.mini storage 07--We're all at risk of getting rabies from feral cats that live in outdoor colonies throughout the country, according to a new article published in the scientific journal Zoonoses and Public Health."Any effective control program will need to be multifaceted and will likely need to include the removal of free-roaming cats," says Jesse Blanton, an epidemiologist with the Centers for Disease Control and one of the authors.Cats and dogs should be playing by the same rules, says the article: "Requirements for rabies vaccination and prohibitions against free-roaming should be applied to cats as they are generally applied to dogs."Five of the authors work for the CDC, one for the U.S. Department of Agriculture and one for the American Bird Conservancy. Most of us have never seen this journal. Some might wonder, what are "zoonoses"? They are infectious diseases, including rabies, that animals can give to people.The American Bird Conservancy issued a news release about the article.In recent years, the group has issued many news releases decrying the large numbers of song birds and other wildlife killed by feral and free roaming cats. An estimated 60 million to 100 million feral cats roam throughout the United States, the article says.More than 90 percent of rabid animals are wildlife, especially bats, raccoons, foxes and skunks, the article says. But feral and free roaming cats come in contact with wildlife and then come in contact with people, putting us at risk, "especially children, as they are more likely than adults are to approach cats."There are "dramatic shifts" in the numbers of domestic animals with rabies, the article says. In 1946, reported rabies cases were 8,384 dogs and 455 cats. In 2011, the documented rabies numbers were 70 dogs and 303 cats.Thirteen rabid animals were reported in Allegheny County in the first eight months of 2013 -- six bats, six raccoons and one cat.Here's the official rebuttal to the article from Alley Cat Allies, which supports trap-neuter-return programs for feral cats:"This is fear mongering, and it can have disastrous consequences for cats," said Becky Robinson, president and co-founder of the group, which claims 500,000 supporters.The article "that calls for eradicating feral cats is biased and grossly exaggerates the potential rabies threat from cats," Ms. Robinson said. Rabies vaccines are "a standard and immensely valuable element of [trap-neuter-return] programs."These programs have been "extremely effective in stabilizing and reducing cat populations," and more than 330 counties and cities "endorse and embrace TNR," Ms. Robinson said.The Zoonoses article said trap-neuter-return programs do not reduce numbers of feral cats, and said cat colonies "might actuaself storagely increase" because people are feeding them. The authors express concern that feral cats get only one rabies shot in their lives.The article calls for "removing" roving cats, not killing them, said Grant Sizemore, cats indoor program officer for the American Bird Conservancy. He suggested that shelters and rescue groups could find homes for the feral cats that are captured.In a phone interview, he said it would help if there were stiff penalties for people who dump cats, but he conceded that would be hard to enforce."The people who care about animals are clashing" over this issue, Mr. Sizemore said. "We are all animal lovers and we are not cat haters."His pet house cat, Amelia Bodelia, experiences the joys of the great outdoors but always on a leash or in a tent.People who trap, neuter, vaccinate and release feral cats are trying to be part of the solution.Locally, the Homeless Cat Management Team has spayed and neutered 14,000 cats in 13 years. Go to .homelesscat.org for clinic dates. Appointments must be made by calling 412-321-4060.Some clinics for ferals are free, thanks to donations. Prices for pet cats are $50 to spay females and $35 to neuter males.Spaghetti for catsA spaghetti dinner to benefit FosterCat Inc. will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. next Saturday at Wallace Memorial Presbyterian Church, 1146 Greentree Road, Green Tree (15220). Tickets are $9 for adults and $4 for children. There will be auctions and raffles and jewelry, art and cat toys for sale. Get tickets at .fostercat.org or call 412-653-3660.Crafton dog swimAlthough public pools traditionally close on Labor Day, the swimming season isn't over for dogs.The first annual Doggie Paddle will be from 1:30 to 4 p.m. Sept. 15 at the Crafton pool, 117 W. Steuben St.The event host is Pool Together, a committee formed to help with the borough's $1.5 million renovation of the outdoor pool.Dogs are invited to "swim their paws off" for $10 per canine. The donation is $1 for spectators. Proceeds will go to the pool work.Local pet vendors have donated prizes for categories including best swimmer and most unusual pet swimwear. Doggie lifeguards will be on deck, but owners are responsible for their pets. Aggressive dogs will be removed "and sent to the doghouse."Dogs must be up to date on vaccinations and possess a current dog license.Pet Tales appears weekly in the Saturday Home & Garden section. Linda Wilson Fuoco: lfuoco@post-gazette.com or 412-263-3064. Got a pet health question? Email it to petpoints@post-gazette.com. It may be answered in an upcoming Pet Points column by veterinarians at the Point Breeze Veterinary Clinic.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at .post-gazette.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY SOCIETY ANNUAL CONGRESS, BARCELONA, September 7, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --Joint-initiative between European Commission and FC Barcelona recognised forboosting smoking cessation in EuropeToday, the European Lung Foundation (ELF) and The European Respiratory Society (ERS) announce that the European Commission / FC Barcelona'Quit Smoking with Barca'programme (.迷你倉quitsmokingwithbarca.eu) has won the 2013 ELF award at the ERS Annual Congress.(Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130907/638296 )The campaign, that has seen more than 70,000 people across Europe register to become ex-smokers, is the first initiative of its kind between a major public institution and a world leading sports club. The campaign has drawn significant praise from the scientific and medical community across Europe for promoting the lifelong benefits of quitting smoking.The ELF Award will be presented at the opening ceremony of the ERS Annual Congress (7th - 11th September, 2013), an event which gathers around 20,000 healthcare professionals to discuss the latest advances in respiratory medicine. 'Quit Smoking With Barca' has been recognized specifically for its contribution to improving European lung health.It was a unanimous decision to honor the campaign with the award, according to ELF Chair Monica Fletcher: 'What impressed us most about this campaign was its unique approach to reach people who have previously not been successful at quitting smoking, or hadn't even tried to quit. The campaign has helped these people quit for good, making a significant impact in our shared quest to highlight the importance of good lung health.'A major catalyst for the European Commission and Barca working together is their shared commitment to protecting people's health, says Paola Testori Coggi, Director-General for Health and Consumers, European Commission: "We are honoured to be here alongside FC Barcelona to receive this award for the 'Quit Smoking With Barca'campaign. I am pleased that the positive impact we've made through this partnership has been recognised by the wider health community. 70,000 Europeans have signed up to 'Quit Smoking With Barca' and nearly 400,000 are trying to quit with the wider "Ex-Smokers are Unstoppable" campaign's smoking cessation tool, iCoach . We hope to continue to inspire even more people to reap the benefits of a smoke-free life."Dr. Jordi Mones, head of FC Barcelona's medical area and the driving force behind the club's involvement in the campaign said, "We are delighted to have been able to collaborate with the European Commission on such an important public health issue. We are proud to stand alongside the EC, especially here in our city of Barcelona, to collect this ELF 儲存ward. It shows that thankfully our message is being noticed and that our combined efforts are making a positive difference. At Barca we firmly believe in our motto 'more than a club' and we promote values of respect, health and social commitment. The 'Quit Smoking With Barca'programme allows us to live that motto."Tobacco is the single largest cause of avoidable death in the European Union (EU) accounting for almost 700,000 deaths each year.[1] One in four (26%) of all deaths from cancer in the EU is caused by smoking, and smoking is responsible for 85% of lung cancer deaths across the EU.[2]'Quit Smoking With Barca' was launched in December 2012, to build on the success of the EC's "Ex-Smokers are Unstoppable" campaign (.exsmokers.eu). By harnessing the support of Barca's millions of fans, this unprecedented partnership set out to help many more of Europe's 140 million smokers tokick the habit forever.--------------------------------------------------1. European Commission. Special Eurobarometer 385 / Wave EB77.1 - TNS Opinion & Social, May 2012.2. European Commission. Tobacco or Health in the European Union - Past, present and future. The ASPECT Consortium, European Commission, 2004.Notes to Editors'Quit Smoking with Barca'is unique public health programme developed by Saatchi & Saatchi Brussels (.saatchi.be). The programme is a joint commitment between FC Barcelona and the European Commission to take a stand against smoking and the nearly 700,000 preventable deaths caused by tobacco in Europe each year( .quitsmokingwithbarca.eu [.quitsmokingwithbbarc%C3%A7a.eu ]).iCoach (.exsmokers.eu) is a free, proven digital health tool already helping nearly 400,000 people across Europe in their quest to give up smoking for good. iCoach and FCB iCoachare also available as an app for both for iPhone and Android (.exsmokers.eu/mobile).The ELF (.europeanlung.org) is an organisation dedicated to providing information to patients about lung disease and raising public awareness about the importance of good lung health. The ERS (.ersnet.org), Europe's largest membership organisation for respiratory professionals supports advocacy, training and education for tobacco control and smoking cessation activities in Europe .The ELF award is given each year to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the service of human health in the respiratory field.Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130907/638296Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130907/638296Tonic Life CommunicationsCONTACT: For more information please contact: Tonic Life Communications,Orla Barnewell, Mob: +353(0)86-8576076, Email: orla.barnewell@toniclc.com;Matthew Coy, Mob: +44(0)7817-227-458, Email: matthew.coy@toniclc.com新蒲崗迷你倉

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Source: The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, IowaSept.文件倉 06--Pressure can crush rocks, but it also can create diamonds.Ryan Blaney has handled big expectations for a sparkling start to his NASCAR career.Blaney will look to repeat his performance last September at Iowa Speedway when he returns to the Newton track for the NASCAR Camping World Trucks Series Fan Appreciation 200 presented by New Holland on Sunday, beginning at 1 p.m. Practice and qualifying are Saturday.Blaney became the youngest winner in series history at 18 when he reached victory lane at this race in 2012.The 19-year-old from Concord, N.C., was recognized as one of NASCAR's future stars, being selected to the NASCAR Next 9 in 2012. He also has to contend with being the son of NASCAR Sprint Cup driver Dave Blaney, but he doesn't shy away from the challenge."I never really felt it as pressure as much as opportunity to make the best of the situation," Blaney said. "I found it as motivation to do better. If they aren't supportive, prove them wrong. If they are, show I can do it."Actually, it's always been a confidence booster for me."He doesn't mind the comparisons to his dad. After all, the older Blaney has more than 450 Sprint Cup starts and more than 100 in the NASCAR Nationwide Series. The third-generation driver strives to be the best in his family, and overall."I just want to keep progressing and get better, and hopefully exceed the level he has," said Blaney, whose late grandfather, Lou, was an accomplished sprint car driver. "That would be incredible."Auto racing has always been a shared love for the family. Blaney said he spends 90-percent of the NASCAR season with his dad, split between their home and the race track. It means a lot to have someone to talk with about auto racing every hour of the day and each day during the week, even though their opinions occasionally clash."It was huge," Blaney said. "Not a lot of families can do that. I've been fortunate to 存倉ave a dad who knows what is going on and help me out, working on the car. We've had a lot of late nights working on the cars."As much as his father has influenced and assisted in his development, Blaney has moved into a beneficial situation, racing for Brad Keselowski Racing, owned by the defending Sprint Cup points champion. Blaney said it is "cool" racing for Keselowski and that he picks Keselowski's brain about racing as much as possible, gaining advice applied on and off the track."I'm lucky to say that it's the best to have an owner that is also a driver," Blaney said. "He knows what is going on and the behind-the-scenes things. He's very involved with the team."Blaney sits seventh in the points standings before this weekend. He has five top-five finishes and eight in the top-10. Blaney earned his second career victory at Pocono (Pa.) Raceway to open August, winning the same weekend Keselowski won the Nationwide U.S. Cellular 250 at Iowa Speedway. The weekend, and his first win after switching from Dodge to Ford manufacturers, keeps providing a boost."We're still rolling on that Pocono win," Blaney said. "The confidence level is still up with our team."Previous success at Iowa Speedway helps as well. The combination a good truck, a solid driver and things playing out in their favor produced a memorable performance last year. Blaney said a repeat is possible, despite a less successful performance here in July."I was already very comfortable with the race track. I had a really fast truck right from the start of practice," said Blaney, who has raced at Iowa Speedway in different circuits, serving as a last-minute replacement in June's Nationwide race for Team Penske. "We're going to start close to how we were last year. I think we'll have a really good shot."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Gazette (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) Visit The Gazette (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) at thegazette.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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Toyota's Asian Avanza takes you on an austerity drive down memory laneStop press.迷你倉新蒲崗 Toyota has invented a time machine. It is called the Avanza, a vehicle that will turn back the clock for up to seven people at a time.Step into the Indonesian-made MPV and you will be transported back to the days when hard, hollow plastics dominated car interiors.And when air-conditioning controls were completely manual, gauges were lit by yellow incandescent bulbs, calibration for switches were mere stickers, and the steering wheel could be adjusted only for tilt (and there is no steering lock).Quite easily, the Avanza takes you to the 1980s, when you could peek into the sleeve of the handbrake lever and see what is underneath, or pop the bonnet by pulling a T-shaped lever that reminds you of the choke of old.Really "retrolicious", man.Also, if you leave the headlights on after leaving the car, there is no chime to warn you. You will discover that only the next morning, when you try to start the engine.The car will, however, make all kinds of beeps - when you lock, unlock the doors, open the door, close the tailgate or do the hokey-pokey.And they are very loud, piercing beeps, which were the rage back when disco was the rage.The Avanza is a basic utilitarian seven-seater targeted at emerging markets in South-east Asia. In most of these markets, it is selling like tie-dye T-shirts in the 1970s, largely because of preferential taxes accorded to locally assembled products.But in markets with more sophisticated vehicle tax structures (such as ours), the Avanza faces an uphill task. At about $130,000, it is by no stretch of the imagination a budget buy.It is nevertheless among the cheapest new MPVs you can buy here, now that cars such as the Kia Carens and Honda Freed have bowed out because of prohibitive COE prices (the latter is Indonesian- made too).And if you take the car for what it is - a functional, no-frills vehicle that seats seven - it is not half迷你倉出租bad.It is best, however, with no more than six onboard. The middle seat in the second row is really not all that comfortable.The Avanza's tallish, boxy stance also means it has adequate headroom for all, and good visibility for the driver.It is surprisingly driveable, thanks to a lively 1.5-litre four-cylinder engine paired with a humble but effective four-speed autobox. You would think such a modest naturally aspirated power plant would be anaemic, but it is not.While its century sprint timing of 15 seconds is nothing to shout about, it has enough low-end torque to make city driving relatively breezy. Gear changes could be smoother, but the ratios are spaced intelligently.The car goes around corners with more body movements than a pregnant hippo, but steering response is otherwise nifty and direct.It is not entirely unpleasant at the helm. In fact, the Avanza delivers better driveability than its modest bearing suggests. It has a tight turning circle and is sprung to handle the varying quality of roads in the region.The Asian Toyota is also reasonably refined in the noise-vibration-harshness department. And it offers a decent amount of versatility as an MPV, with second-row seats that can be folded and flipped. Third-row seats can be folded but do not collapse to form a flat cargo area.While the car is generally austere, there are two features that surprise nearly as much as a Coke can in an archaeological dig. First, rear air-con blowers with fan speed controls. And next, a USB port.The car is also fitted with two frontal airbags, anti-lock braking system and electronic brake distribution.Even so, it is still not a thriller of a carrier. For $19,000 more, you can get a Toyota Wish, which is better-looking, better built, more versatile and appeciably more efficient despite its bigger engine.Or if you want to go budget, go all the way with the Suzuki APV, another Indonesian-made multi-seater. It costs about $122,000.christan@sph.com.sg迷你倉

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LOS ANGELES, Sept.文件倉 6, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Forex International Trading Corp. ("Forex") (OCTQB: FXIT) today announced that it has signed an evaluation agreement with Micrologic Design Automation, Inc. ("MDA"), a leader in software development for electronic companies manufacturers, specializes in development of interactive software tools and online verification software to enhance cutting- edge next-generation development of electronic devices. MDA has signed certain evaluation agreements to promote Micrologic's technology for Integrated Circuit (IC) design with one of the industry leaders of electronic manufacturers and with Forex. Forex is contemplating investing in MDA to support Micrologic's market penetration."The biggest challenge today for the largest electronic manufacturers in the world is to deal with unparalleled complexity in the development of next generation, smaller electronic devices while enhancing performance. Reducing the size of any electronic device today is one of the biggest bottlenecks in the current and future development of new generation of smartphones, tablets and computers, and the manufacturers are start feeling the pain already," explained Dr. Danny Rittman, CTO at Micrologic. "One of the most important goals of Micrologic is to achieve a significant increase of speed of an Integrated Circuit (IC) design cycle.""We are excited to have the opportunity to invest in MDA as it engages with one of the largest global semiconductor companies," said Erik Klinger, CEO of Forex International. "Our company is always on the lookout for promising technologies, and seeks to partner with those companies to help them to achieve success. It's a win-win situation in that the company has a strategic partner that they can count on, and our shareholders win through the success of that venture."About 存倉icrologicMicrologic Design Automation, Inc. is a high-tech software company that is developing interactive and online software solutions for larger electronic manufacturers development with its proprietary technology nanoToolBox(TM), an interactive electronic design automation tool suite. Micrologic's software tools interactively perform reliability enhancement with automatic correction to the user. Micrologic solutions reduce cost, speed time to market and improve reliability and performance of complex small nanometer designs to develop the next generation of electronic devices. Micrologic received certification from the leading electronic organization in Japan who is integrating all largest Japan world known electronic manufacturers called STARC. Micrologic is headquartered in California and operates its R&D Center in Haifa Israel.For more information please visit .micrologic-da.comAbout Forex International Trading Corp.Forex International Trading Corp. was incorporated in 2009 in Nevada and is headquartered in El Segundo, California. The Company's principal business activities have been to engage in foreign currency market trading for non-US resident professionals and retail clients over its web-based trading systems. While these trading operations have been closed, the Company continues to operate in the consulting segment of the foreign currency market, leveraging its contacts and knowledge, and its consulting expertise in the area of foreign exchange. In addition, the Company is analyzing investments in joint ventures and is selectively pursuing acquisitions in the areas of financial services and technology.Forex International Trading Corp.CONTACT: Micrologic Design Automation, Inc., info@micrologic-da.com; orErik Klinger, CEO, Forex International Trading Corp., 310 957-2064Web site: .micrologic-da.com/迷你倉

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高等法院早前裁定《明報》四年前一篇社論,迷你倉誹謗足總副主席貝鈞奇(見圖),法官區慶祥昨認為《明報》未有參閱其他報章更詳細的報道,未能獲「有限制特許報道權」,須依照陪審團所建議罰款五十萬元。明報發表聲明會考慮上訴,貝指裁決公平公正,不擔心《明報》上訴。正考慮上訴二○○九年三月三十一日愉園對屯門普高的足球賽事,被質疑打假波,《明報》同年四月十日刊登一篇社論,指足總副主席貝鈞奇對屯門普高班主的背景前言不對後語,並批評管理不善。貝早前入稟控告《明報》誹謗,高院陪審團經審訊後裁定誹謗指控成立。法官昨在判詞中指出,《明報》一方雖辯稱已盡傳媒責任採訪報道涉案社論,但參照當時其他七份報紙報道,清楚交代了自存倉鈞奇對記者 提問的回覆,反而《明報》沒採取足夠公允和負責任的步驟核實相關資料內容,因此以「有限制特許報道權」作為抗辯理由不能成立。貝鈞奇接受電話訪問表示,裁決公平公正,體現香港是法治社會,顯示尊重事實根據。他堅持「真相大白、討回公道」,並不擔心《明報》上訴。《明報》編輯部昨日發表聲明,表示不認同裁決理據,正尋求法律意見以考慮是否提出上訴,並指根據英國上議院一案,被告誹謗的傳媒若已採取合理可行的步驟求證核實,並如實扼要報道被質疑一方的陳述,顯示其為負責任的新聞媒體,應可受到「有限制特許報道權」的保障,維護新聞及言論自由而毋須承擔誹謗責任。案件編號:高院民事八五四──二○一○。記者 吳清廉迷你倉新蒲崗

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迷你倉出租 cqcbepaper.cqnews.net/cqcb/html/2013-09/07/content_1674109.htm...昨日,市民在奧特萊斯搶購打折商品。 本組圖/重慶晨報記者 楊新宇 攝 昨日,奧特萊斯搞周年慶,由於大量私家車蜂擁前往,造成機場路...迷你倉

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self storage 未能提供文字內容。.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/1305013/world-will-benefit-americas-welcome-chinas-rise迷你倉

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女子毆打保安。警車視而不見。(視頻截圖)本報訊(記者薛長明 張宇 實習生張瀟暉)9月6日上午,迷你倉價錢一輛車號為甘A·59***的奧迪轎車在進入甘肅省人民醫院後,試圖將車停在應急通道,此舉遭到醫院保安的阻攔。事後該保安好心為奧迪車找到了一個停車位,但該車女司機不但不領情,反而叫來兩名男子對保安進行毆打。其間,女子不停地狠踹保安下體,致使該保安下體受傷,目前正在醫院接受治療。中年女子發狠 猛踹保安下體當日上午10時許,記者趕至省人民醫院時,打人的女子已經離開現場,被打的保安還躺在地上不斷呻吟,而在其身後就是打人女子當時駕駛的車號為甘A·59***的奧迪轎車。談起剛才的一幕,一位目擊者稱:“真是太過分了!”該目擊者告訴記者,大約在9時40分,他路過省人民醫院應急通道時看到,一名中年女子正對著一名保安撕扯,其間該保安為了自身安全只是用雙手不斷向外推擋該女子,以防該女子踢到自己。就在此時,附近又跑出來兩名男子,兩人和該女子將保安圍在中間,女子連續兩次用自己的膝蓋猛撞保安下體,保安應聲倒地。在醫院的監控視頻上記者看到,保安倒地後,女子並未收手,而是沖上前去,再一次用所穿的高跟鞋猛踹保安下體,疼痛難忍的保安蜷縮在地上不停地翻滾。此時,醫院的另外兩名保安趕到現場勸架,打人女子乘勸架的保安不注意,再次上前腳踹倒地的保安。視頻顯示,在整個過程中,女子用膝蓋撞了保安下體兩次,用高跟鞋分別狠踹保安下體和腿部各3次。其間,另外兩名男子則不停地攔阻其他上前勸架的保安。警車揚長而去 難道是沒看見從監控視頻中,記者注意到,在該女子毆打該保安期間,一輛車身印有“公安”標示的迷你倉車行駛至此稍作停頓後,避開打人的女子揚長而去。據醫院保安張先生介紹,警車路過此處時,因為該女子正在毆打保安,一些站在道路中間的圍觀人員將道路堵住,導致該警車無法通過。見有警車過來,其中一名保安大喊:“警察,有人打人了!”但是沒想到的是,該警車不但沒有停車阻止女子的暴行,反而是等人群分散後,徑直駛離了醫院。由於監控視頻的角度問題,記者無法在監控視頻中查出警車的車牌號。但是對於警車遇到此種事情時,裝作沒有看見的舉動,許多目擊者表示無法接受。好心反而遭打 同事氣憤難平究竟是何原因引起這場爭端?醫院的一位工作人員向記者道出了事情的真相。據其講,當日上午9時20分,該女子駕駛車輛將車停在醫院120急救車應急通道上,此舉立刻遭到醫院保安陳先生(前文所述被打保安)阻止,其間雙方就此發生爭執。隨後,陳先生見該女子是駕車帶自己的父親來醫院看病,多方調停下,為該女子挪出一個車位。沒想到的是,該女子不但不領情,反而認為保安故意找茬,所以才發生了後面的事情。“這個女人太過分了,如果不是醫院有規定,我真想當場將她揍一頓。”醫院的另一位保安告訴記者,當時他看到該女子的暴行,上前阻攔時卻遭到該女子的謾罵和撕扯。由於醫院規定所有工作人員在遇人挑釁時,要做到罵不還口、打不還手。鑒於此,雖然當時趕到現場的有多名保安人員,但是大家都只是盡力勸阻,並沒有對該女子實施強制措施。隨後,記者通過該女子所駕駛的車牌號查詢出,該奧迪車為私家車,車主姓魏,家住城關區南河灘。經醫院診斷,被打保安下體直至目前依然有淤青現象,至於是否存在後遺症,尚需進一步觀察治療。目前,警方就此事已介入調查。儲存

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Is Hong Kong suffering a brain drain? The question is being asked as more citizens are said to have left for good, while fewer foreigners come to live in the city.迷你倉 The latest census figures seem to suggest the ebbs and flows go beyond usual fluctuations. Between mid-2012 and the middle of this year, 4,000 more people left than settled here; a similar situation pertained a year earlier. The number of emigrants rose 8 per cent year on year to 3,900 in the first six months of this year. The figure maybe a small drop in an ocean of seven million people; it is nonetheless a phenomenon that warrants closer attention.Arguably, there is nothing wrong when people come and go. The two-way traffic has been part of a free and open city like ours. Being the gateway to mainland China means there are always foreigners who come for new opportunities; and there are locals who leave for greener pastures for various reasons. It may therefore be premature to say a brain drain is under way; and even if there is, it appears less serious than the exodus sparked by the uncertainties in the run up to the handover. However, if the trend continues, it will be a cause for concern.That people are perhaps looking at better options elsewhere is unsurprising. As reported in this newspaper, immigration consul文件倉ants and academics attribute the current outflow to the usual factors such as high living costs, worsening living environment and an oppressive education system for children.The perception of intensifying political bickering is also said to have played a part. Admittedly, the way the city is evolving is worrying. There appears to be more confrontations than co-operation; the performance of the new government and legislature still leaves a lot to be desired. Officials are facing growing difficulties in securing support from Legco and the public. There are fears our core values and freedoms are eroding. There is, indeed, a growing sense of frustration and helplessness; and a big question weighs heavily on some people’s minds – is this the Hong Kong we used to know?It remains unclear whether another exodus is looming. Although we are nowhere near the gloom and doom forecast in the run-up to the handover, analysts say the outflow this time could be due to a perception the social and political environment is deteriorating rather than mere uncertainty. If so, the government has every reason to be concerned. Politicians also have a responsibility to ensure Hong Kong remains a good place to live. The public looks forward to their constructive suggestions rather than stunts and rhetoric.存倉

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TSX/NYSE/PSE: MFC SEHK:945?WATERLOO, ON, Sept.self storage 6, 2013 /CNW/ - Manulife Financial is the first Canadian company to be issued a license to administer federal Pooled Registered Pension Plans (PRPPs), a new financial solution which many Canadians want and need.The company was issued its license to be a PRPP administrator by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI).In December 2012, the Government of Canada finalized the Pooled Registered Pension Plans (PRPP) Act regulations, marking the creation of a brand-new workplace retirement savings plan - and an innovative opportunity for Canadians who currently do not have access to a retirement savings vehicle through their employer.The OSFI approval is the first step in enabling Manulife Financial to introduce its new and easily-administered PRPP aimed at helping more Canadians to save for their future."The one thing employers, employees, government officials and industry experts agree on when it comes to our retirement savings system is that many Canadians are not saving enough," said Sue Reibel, Senior Vice President, Group Benefits and Retirement Solutions at Manulife. "As a leader in providing group retirement solutions to Canadian business, Manulife is committed to helping to close that gap. PRPPs have been designed to make it simple and easy for Canadian small businesses to provide a cost effective retirement savings plan to their employees.""I congratulate Manulife on being the first out of the gate to receive official approval to administer PRPPs," said Kevin Sorenson, Minister of State for Finance. He added, "Our government encourages those provinces that haven't tabled PRPP legislation to do so quickly. All Canadians should be able to take advantage of this new and innovative low-cost savings option. PRPPs will help address a gap in private savings and leave more money in the pockets of savers."Important first step Once final registration of Manulife Financial's PRPP product is received from OSFI and the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), the product can be offered to federally-regulated businesses across Can迷你倉da, and to any business or self-employed individuals within the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Employees of businesses in the Yukon, Nunavut and the Northwest Territories are also eligible to participate in a PRPP, even if their employer has not yet implemented a formal plan. The provinces of Saskatchewan and Alberta have also passed their own Pooled Registered Pension Plans (PRPP) Act. The next step for these provinces will be to develop the regulations necessary for the legislation to be implemented. Once other provinces release their own PRPP legislation, Manulife will offer plans to their residents, businesses and self-employed individuals."Today's approval marks an important first step in enabling many more businesses to help their employees put money away for their retirement," added Ms. Reibel.? "We are hopeful that the federal government's efforts will serve as a model for all provinces to move forward with their own PRPP legislation, in an effort to provide more Canadians with access to workplace retirement savings plans."About Manulife Financial Manulife Financial is a leading Canada-based financial services group with principal operations in Asia, Canada and the United States. Clients look to Manulife for strong, reliable, trustworthy and forward-thinking solutions for their most significant financial decisions. Our international network of employees, agents and distribution partners offers financial protection and wealth management products and services to millions of clients. We also provide asset management services to institutional customers. Funds under management by Manulife Financial and its subsidiaries were C$567 billion (US$539 billion) as at June 30, 2013. The Company operates as Manulife Financial in Canada and Asia and primarily as John Hancock in the United States.Manulife Financial Corporation trades as 'MFC' on the TSX, NYSE and PSE, and under '945' on the SEHK. Manulife Financial can be found on the Internet at manulife.com.?Manulife Financial CorporationCONTACT: Media Contact:Jana MillerManulife Financial519-594-4597jana_miller@manulife.com文件倉

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Government watchdog will look into claims of influence-peddling in DPP lawmaker’s caseTaiwanese Justice Minister Tseng Yung-fu resigned last night after internal investigators accused him of using his influence to quash criminal action against a prominent opposition legislator.迷你倉The special investigation division under the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office said in a news conference that Tseng and the head of the Taiwan High Prosecutors Office, Chen Shou-huang, intervened to stop prosecutors from appealing against a not guilty verdict in a breach-of-trust case gainst Democratic Progressive Party lawmaker Ker Chien-ming.Even though no money or bribery was involved, investigators still viewed the alleged act as improper, and said the irregularities should be subject to impeachment and disciplinary action by the authorities.“For this we have referred the case to the Control Yuan” to see if Tseng should be impeached, said Yang Jung-tsung, a spokesman of the division.The Control Yuan is the island’s top government watchdog responsible for censuring or impeaching senior government officials. Neit文件倉er Tseng nor Chen would be charged with bribery nor other crimes because they did not receive any financial rewards, the investigators said, adding that Wang and Ker as legislators also enjoy immunity for statements they make.Prosecutors did not file any appeal against Ker’s not guility verdict.As a member of the prosecution authorities, Yang said the division had asked the Justice Ministry’s prosecutor evaluation committee to see if Chen’s alleged actions required a disciplinary response.The investigators said that wiretaps on Ker’s phone in a separate judicial case in June revealed that Ker sought help from Chen and Tseng through legislature speaker Wang Jin-pyng. Tseng and Chen yesterday sternly denied the allegations, while Wang was not available for comment. Tseng later offered his resignation in a meeting with Premier Jiang Yi-huah, who accepted his request in a bid to facilitate further probe in the case, the cabinet said in a statement.The allegations have dealt a blow to both the administration of President Ma Ying-jeou and the pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party.存倉

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self storage 未能提供文字內容。.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/1305011/hong-kong-must-kick-its-bad-habit-overconsumption迷你倉

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