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【本報訊】前日在深水�帶妹上學時、遭小巴撞傷再被車轆輾壓左手的十二歲女童李芊雪,迷你倉昨仍留醫瑪嘉烈醫院深切治療部,在病榻上她仍心繫胞妹,多次問及「阿妹有無事呀?」其妹昨午放學後,由父母及教友陪同到醫院探望,但她因年紀尚幼未能進入病房,仍不忘託父親入病房向胞姊轉達一聲「加油」,鼓勵胞姊堅強面對傷患,盡顯姊妹情深。昨午李父偕同親友到醫院探望愛女,他步出病房後表示,女兒受創骨折的左手「係皮外傷�」,加上手術成功,女兒mini storage慢慢康復,並可進食,但未知傷愈後會否有後遺症。李父讚揚女兒堅強勇敢,留醫期間更多次問及:「阿妹有冇事呀?」。他又在社交網站留言感謝好友對女兒的支持和代禱。此外,不少網民在facebook為李女打氣及禱告,祝她早日康復,「繼續精靈活潑可愛,快樂平安」。事發前日清晨七時許,李女帶�讀同校的七歲妹妹,搭小巴到長沙灣上學,惟下車後在距離學校不遠處過馬路時,遭一輛駛至的小巴撞倒及捲進車底,左手更被車輪輾壓受傷,送院治理。迷你倉

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NEW YORK, Oct.mini storage 25, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Gemesis Diamond Company - the world's principal distributor of gem-quality lab-grown diamonds and diamond jewelry - today announced the e-commerce launch of its fancy pink collection via Gemesis.com.(Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131025/CL04470)Available in "blush" and "brilliant" shades, this new palette of pinks joins the brand's existing inventory of eco-friendly, socially responsible, lab-grown diamonds - currently available in the purest Type IIa colorless and rare fancy yellows - all of which are physically, chemically and optically the same as high-quality mined diamonds.Gemesis' fancy pink collection boasts high clarity in a selection of stunning round lab-grown diamonds. As with its beautiful yellow hues, these pink diamonds have all the brilliance, quality and color of their mined counterparts at an exceptional value. Until recently, these high-quality fancy color diamonds were only available in mined form, further enhancing this new consumer choice."We are so pleased to present consumers with this breathtaking selection of fancy pinks for the very first time," stated Gemesis Director of Marketing Martin DeRoy. "Before now, only the elite have been able to own fancy color diamonds of this quality and beauty - but now, these stunning yet sustainable styles are accessible to mainstream consumers."In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Gemesis is hosting a special pink pendant giveaway on its Facebook page from Oct. 25-29. The Brilliant Pink Angel Halo Pendant features a 0.50 carat center (0.66 carat total weight) set in 14K white儲存gold and has a retail value of $2,348. The winner will be announced on Oct. 30.As Gemesis lab-grown diamonds are origin guaranteed, any concerns related to "conflict diamonds" or "blood diamonds" are eliminated. A significant value to consumers, all lab-grown diamonds (over 0.23 carats) sold on Gemesis.com are certified and laser-inscribed by the International Gemological Institute (IGI). The Institute is the world's largest independent laboratory for grading and evaluating diamonds and fine jewelry, renowned for its quality services, extensive experience and expertise.Gemesis engagement rings, wedding and anniversary bands, earrings and pendants are available in a variety of metals, including 14k and 18k white and yellow gold, platinum and most recently, rose gold.About Gemesis Diamond Company Gemesis Diamond Company, a privately-held organization headquartered in New York, is the world's principal distributor of gem-quality lab-created diamonds and jewelry. Available in the purest Type IIa colorless and rare fancy colors, these diamonds possess exceptional cut, color and clarity, as well as identical chemical, optical and physical characteristics of mined diamonds. Gemesis Diamond Company is able to offer consumers individually created diamonds of top quality, as certified by leading independent gemological institutes, at exceptional values. For additional information, please visit .gemesis.com.Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131025/CL04470PRN Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.comGemesis Diamond CompanyCONTACT: Lauren Bristol, 919.277.1168, lbristol@fwv-us.comWeb site: gemesis.com/迷你倉

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CHINO, Calif.迷你倉, Oct. 24, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Versa Technology, an industry leader providing businesses and enterprises with quality networking equipment, releases a state-of-the-art wireless access point with dual band radio. The VX-AP320NA wireless access point features stable performance and dependable, uninterrupted coverage for clients in areas with high-density Wi-Fi. This wireless access point showcases a data rate up to 300 Mbps. The unit also features two 2x2 MIMO dual-band external antennas, 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz."This is the most comprehensive wireless access point Versa Technology has ever produced," said Shaw Tien, vice president of Versa Technology. "Since 5 GHz speed is the future, the technology allows for even faster connection and less interference."When it comes to connectivity, the VX-AP320NA wireless access point is a class of its own. The unit's dual band radio feature ensures that connectivity is flawless. With dual band radio, network administrators have the ability to manage a simple transition from networks with the option of 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz radio bands. Stations and wireless devices on a wired LAN are placed on one network, allowing for stable communicati自存倉n between units regardless of a wireless or wired connection."The VX-AP320NA is the next step in our commercial access point line," said Joe Williams, director of channel sales. "This device will be particularly valuable for our hospitality customers who are facing more traffic on their wireless networks due to increased use of Wi-Fi enabled smart phones and tablets."Full press release available here: .versatek.com/power-over-ethernet-technology-blog/?p=56About Versa TechnologyVersa Technology, leader in last mile technology, is located in Chino, California. The company has offices within the United States and abroad in Korea and China. Versa Technology offers fiber and copper for last mile solutions and distributes innovative networking equipment such as Power over Ethernet and networking equipment, and VDSL2 and DSLAM units. In addition, Versa Technology provides quality Ethernet extenders, PoE injectors and a variety of networking equipment. The company meets the evolving demands of technology by offering customers quality equipment that is cost effective.Versa TechnologyCONTACT: Becky Yeh, becky.yeh@versatek.com, Versa Technology Inc.,1-800-989-2797Web site: .versatek.com/迷你倉

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【香港商報綜合報道】美國聯邦房屋金融局(FHFA)昨天公布,儲存與摩根大通達成協議,後者同意繳付51億美元(約395億港元),了結2家政府控制的房屋按揭擔保機構(房利美和房地美,簡稱「兩房」)指控該銀行在金融風暴前出售按揭抵押證券(MBS)時有誤導成分。 聲明表示,自2005年9月7日至2007年9月19日,摩通出售給房利美和房地美價值330億美元的按抵押貸款支持證券,但對證券做了虛假陳述並隱瞞了關鍵事實。此外,摩通還在2000年至2008年向房利美和房地美出售了按揭抵押貸款,對貸款品質也有不實陳述。2007年美國房地產市場泡沫破裂後,房利美和房地美因此損失數十億美元。 2008年金融海嘯後,「兩房」持有的按揭證券面值大跌,令到它們嚴重虧損,最後要由華府出資拯救。事後負責管理「兩房」的FHFA,其後指控出售按揭證券予「兩房」的銀行誤導,把高風險按揭組合包裝出售。根據和解協議,房利美將獲得約19億美元賠償,房地美獲得約32億美元賠償。到目前為止,FHFA已對包括摩通在內的18家公司提出訴訟。 賠款資金池增至 1783億 摩通是與FHFA達成和解協議的第四家公司,但並不承認有違法行為。此前,花旗銀行、通用電氣和瑞士銀行也與FHFA達成了和解協議,花旗銀行與通用電氣沒有公布和解金額,瑞mini storage銀行為和解支付了8.85億美元。摩通是美國資產規模最大的銀行,總資產高達2.5萬億美元。根據摩通今年第三季度財報,為達成和解協議和支付罰款,摩通當季增加了90多億美元準備金,將賠款資金池增加到230億美元(約1783億港元)。 摩通較早時與美國司法部,就按揭證券及壞帳達成整體和解協議,涉及130億美元。FHFA原先是參與該項和解的其中一方,因此現時不清楚上述整體和解協議是否仍會落實執行。 「兩房」是美國聯邦政府支持的抵押貸款融資企業,持有或擔保美國價值約5萬億美元的住房抵押貸款,約佔有50%的市場份額。「兩房」並不直接向房貸者發放貸款,而是從放貸機構購買貸款,再將其打包成證券出售,或直接從放貸機構購買抵押貸款支持證券,也對抵押貸款提供擔保,收取擔保費。「兩房」的存在為美國房地產市場提供了更多資金,同時也施加了市場影響力。次按危機爆發後,「兩房」瀕臨破產,在獲得聯邦政府1875億美元援助資金後被政府接管。 馬多夫稱摩通縱容其行騙 另外,因操縱巨額「龐氏騙局」而獲刑150年的馬多夫聲稱,華爾街各大銀行都明知他所操縱的騙局,並與其串通一氣,幫助他從投資者那�詐騙了數百億美元,令許多人流離失所。他特別指出摩通是主要的罪魁禍首之一。受馬多夫言論的影響,摩通現在又成為了監管機構的最新焦點。self storage

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【本報訊】新進男歌手梁柏廷Jero與男同志肛交後,文件倉訛稱拍下兩人肛交的片段,並夥同女友人勒索對方共二十五萬元,案件昨在區院裁決。法官裁定男女被告勒索罪成後,指案情獨特和被告有部署,下令索取兩名被告的背景報告,把案件押後至十一月十五日判刑,兩名被告要還押監房看管。男被告梁柏廷(原名梁迪斯,又名梁家進,二十一歲),被控三項勒索罪。女被告何美嬌(二十一歲),被控兩項勒索罪。控罪指,男被告於去年二月十日勒索男事主X兩萬元,兩名被告再於去年二月二十一及二十二日先後勒索X八萬元及十五萬存倉。法官裁決時指,梁在同志網站結識事主後,約事主到自己的住所,再與事主肛交,梁是有心鋪排與事主發展進而勒索,女被告則負責押事主去借錢,有份參與和協助勒索事主,男女被告因此都罪名成立。男子旁聽拍攝被帶警署此外,一名李姓的旁聽男子(年約三十多歲),在開庭前以智能電話拍攝庭內情況,男被告發現後向法庭投訴,李向法官解釋是要向朋友證明自已到了法庭才拍照。法官一度把李的電話沒收,之後交予警方處理。警方把李帶返灣仔警署期間,李向記者表示:「影�先知唔俾影!」案件編號:DCCC 106/13儲存

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【朱俊彥╱台中報導】台中市美德街有22年歷史的「阿嬤肉包」,迷你倉店內包子只有4種口味,其中2種還得事先預訂,由於包子皮Q、餡多,咬一口會「爆漿」,每個最便宜12元,可說物美價廉,每天都吸引大批民眾排隊等候買包子,常供不應求。 《蘋果》扮美食秘密客排隊20分鐘,才買到熱騰騰的招牌肉包及竹筍包,剝開薄薄外皮,滿是湯汁的肉餡,咬上一口,包子皮軟中帶Q,嚼勁十足,肥瘦適中的絞肉內餡,紮實好吃,味道鮮美,沒有調味料喧賓奪主的口感。竹筍包內餡則多了清脆鮮甜的筍角,讓人忍不住豎起大拇指儲存「讚!」 店家表示,開店以來始終堅持真材實料、薄利多銷,每天可賣2、3千個包子,之前1個包子只賣10元,直到去年受不了原物料上漲壓力,不得已漲2元,但老顧客還是捧場。 「一吃成主顧」 72歲的莊姓老主顧說,他吃這家包子4、5年,每個月都專程從太平區來買1、2次,「這家店的包子好吃又便宜,很多人都是一吃成主顧,難怪每次來都要排隊!」不過該店位在中國醫藥大學附設醫院商圈內,停車不太方便。 介紹在地人才知道的巷仔內好味道,鎖定小店或攤販,記者扮祕密客試吃,吃完再採訪mini storage

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「在一個很沒有人性的環境中,迷你倉我始終保持我的人性」,行政院長江宜樺在接受民進黨立委陳明文質詢時脫口而出這句話。當時陳明文強硬要求江揆為「毀憲亂政」道歉,江揆卻嚴詞拒絕。想必這句話在江揆腦中盤旋已久,才「一吐為快」。暫且不論政治立場如何,「保持人性」這四個字,肯定讓許多人心有戚戚焉,台灣政壇鮮少人性已久,先不說政客「只問立場不問是非」,近年商界不斷爆出黑心食品,不也是失去人性到令人心寒嗎? 人的可貴在於人性,基本人性就是普世價值,其實並不複雜難懂。中國人「已所不欲,勿施於人」,西方人「你要別人怎樣待你,就要怎樣待人」(DO AS YOU WOULD BE DONE BY.),講的就是人性。對黨同伐異的政客、唯利是圖的生意人來說,設身處地或許很困難、將心比心挑戰也太高,轉一個方向思考,簡單的檢驗標準就是:說一句話、做一件事之前先想一想,假設別人這樣對待你,你能夠接受嗎? 如果今天行政院長是民進黨籍,在野黨以強硬的態度提出質詢,卻只是為了一個有爭議(其實是莫須有)的指控,甚至不惜拖垮整個國家的發展,這種政治焦土策略,民進黨能夠接受嗎?如果那些賣假油、假麵包的商家,想到這些東西自己家人也會吃進去,親人子孫的健康甚至生命安全也會受到傷害,他還做得下去嗎? 江院長引述「人性」,並據此拒絕道歉,政壇終於出現了有肩膀、有勇氣說「不」的政務官,有識之士莫不感到慶幸。但更深層的思考應該是:社會是否已經對「失去人性」的亂象姑息、認命太久,甚至已經習慣、麻木了?江揆提到「在這個沒有人性的大環境中」,大環境固然指的是政壇,但放大來看,整個社會不也是如此嗎?作為人,無論政治立場藍綠、無論社會階層高低,做人處事的基本要求應該相同,所作所為、所是所非應該符合人性。 「科技始終來自人性」是一句耳熟能mini storage的廣告語,表示科技產品研發製造也許是理性的計算,但產品的設計行銷卻必須融入感性,因為產品終究供人使用,必須考慮人的需要,因此需要滿足人性。高科技公司已理解,單純的技術突破無論多麼眩人耳目、多麼稀奇酷炫,如果不能回應使用人的需求,終究難以得到市場認同。 可嘆的是,科技業已知道要回歸人性,但「管理眾人之事」的政治人物卻早已忘記人性;比較殘酷但寫實的說法是「或許政客早已忘掉自己也是人吧」,因為不尊重自己為人、拋棄了自己的人性,政客的行為就成了亨利.亞當斯所說的「散發有系統、有組織的恨意」。英國政治學者約翰.麥克里蘭(J.S. MCCLELLAND)提到政治的作為時說:「其實我們並不是要實現什麼理想,只是想從非理性中解放出來。」在日日為雞腸鳥肚瑣事爭鬥不休的台灣政壇,想實現這個卑微的希望,看來困難重重。 德薄者志輕,在一個缺乏以基本人性自我約束的社會裡,黑心食品、黑心商品、黑心政客…,黑心的一切,只會更多、只會更加層出不窮,因為「黑心」事件層出不窮,黑心商品不是個案,早已成為遺忘良心、失去人性、道德集體潰散的社會現象。 在這樣的氛圍裡,當江宜樺院長說他始終保持自己的人性,或許會激怒質詢他的立委、甚至整個在野黨,但多麼盼望朝野政治人物能夠記住這句話,並回想自己從政的本念。相信沒有人願意當自己有了權力與影響力時,反而失去自我,成為社會亂源。別忘了惡念惡行如回力球,一旦拋出,遲早會回應到自己身上。 「人性說」道出許多被黑心食品、黑心商家、黑心政客搞得人心惶惶的大眾心聲:是的,我們的要求不多,只希望人人本於良心、回歸人性。期盼在一片混濁的世道人心中,不論在哪個崗位、扮演哪個角色,都能勉勵自己找回人性初心。人說,台灣最美是人情,不是嗎?人情是什麼呢?人情就是人性本善正面能量的集體呈現。儲存

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  昨天,儲存國航官方微博再次對“問題燒餅”事件致歉,但聲稱當日航班封存的燒餅經權威部門檢驗符合食品衛生標準,未發現致病菌落。  本月初,有旅客反映10月6日國航CA1268航班配發的牛肉餡燒餅過期,導致多人嘔吐腹瀉。國航第一時間回應說,航食公司將配發普通國內航班的冷藏食品(保質期4至5天)包裝袋包到了冷凍食品(保質期20至30天)上,並對此深表歉意迷你倉為保證安全,國航將這一批次食物封存檢驗,但並未透露負責燒餅衛生檢驗的機構名稱。  國航表示,在處理此次事件的過程中積極整改,進一步細化了管理流程,加大對供應商的監管力度。同時進一步明確了處置程序和授權關係,加強對一線員工處置能力的培養。  對國航的兩次道歉,不少網友希望國航能進一步公佈詳細的檢測報告,並拿出令人信服的證據說明其航食供應鏈的安全可靠。self storage

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NEW YORK and COLUMBUS, Ga.自存倉, Oct. 23, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- IMAX Corporation and Carmike Cinemas Inc., , the fourth-largest exhibitor in the U.S., today announced a new revenue sharing agreement for 10 IMAX((R)) theatre systems to be installed in new construction projects and existing Carmike multiplexes across the U.S., including locations in Georgia, Tennessee and Texas.(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20111107/MM01969LOGO )"Carmike ranks among the largest and most successful exhibitors in the U.S. and we're pleased to expand our partnership," said IMAX CEO, Richard L. Gelfond. "We're also delighted to see the continued demand for IMAX domestically - particularly in the Southeast region of the U.S., which continues to present expansion opportunities for the Company."In November 2012, Carmike acquired 16 entertainment complexes from Rave Review Cinemas LLC, which included seven IMAX theatres. In August 2013, Carmike acquired three multiplexes from Cinemark USA Inc., which included an eighth IMAX theatre. Those acquisitions, along with today's agreement, bring Carmike Cinemas' total IMAX commitment to 18 theatres."As we continue to aggressively grow the Carmike theatre network throughout the U.S., we are proud to build on the success of our existing IMAX theatres which have further enhanced attendance at our entertainment complexes since the acquisitions," said David Passman, President and CEO, Carmike Cinemas. "By delivering audiences blockbuster content in its highly immersive format, IMAX has created a truly differentiated brand and entertainment experience that we believe will serve as a key anchor attraction in our complexes and continue to have a positive impact on our operating success."About Carmike Cinemas (.carmike.com) Carmike Cinemas, Inc. is a U.S. leader in digital cinema and 3-D cinema deployments and one of the nation's largest motion picture exhibitors. As of June 30, 2013, Carmike had 245 theatres with 2,476 screens in 35 states. Carmike's digital cinema footprint reached 2,373 screens, including 232 theatres with 940 screens that are also equipped for 3-D. The circuit also includes 19 "Big D" large format digital experience auditoriums, featuring state-of-the-art equipment and luxurious seating and 7 IMAX((R)) auditoriums. As "America's Hometown Theatre Chain," Carmike迷你倉s primary focus for its locations is small to mid-sized communities.About IMAX CorporationIMAX, an innovator in entertainment technology, combines proprietary software, architecture and equipment to create experiences that take you beyond the edge of your seat to a world you've never imagined. Top filmmakers and studios are utilizing IMAX theatres to connect with audiences in extraordinary ways, and, as such, IMAX's network is among the most important and successful theatrical distribution platforms for major event films around the globe.IMAX is headquartered in New York, Toronto and Los Angeles, with offices in London, Tokyo, Shanghai and Beijing. As of June 30, 2013, there were 767 IMAX theatres (634 commercial multiplexes, 19 commercial destinations and 114 institutions) in 54 countries.IMAX((R)), IMAX((R)) 3D, IMAX DMR((R)), Experience It In IMAX((R)), An IMAX 3D Experience((R)), The IMAX Experience((R)) and IMAX Is Believing((R)) are trademarks of IMAX Corporation. More information about the Company can be found at .imax.com. You may also connect with IMAX on Facebook (.facebook.com/imax), Twitter (.twitter.com/imax) and YouTube (.youtube.com/imaxmovies).This press release contains forward looking statements that are based on IMAX management's assumptions and existing information and involve certain risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from future results expressed or implied by such forward looking statements. These risks and uncertainties are discussed in IMAX's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and most recent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q.For additional information please contact:Investors: Media:IMAX Corporation, New York IMAX Corporation, New YorkTeri Loxam Ann Sommerlath212-821-0100 212-821-0155tloxam@imax.com asommerlath@imax.comBusiness Media: Entertainment Media:Sloane & Company, New York Principal Communications Group, Los AngelesWhit Clay Melissa Zuckerman/Paul Pflug212-446-1864 323-658-1555wclay@sloanepr.com melissa@pcommgroup.compaul@pcommgroup.comFor Carmike:JCIR, New YorkRobert Rinderman/Jennifer Neuman212-835-8500ckec@jcir.comPhoto: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20111107/MM01969LOGOIMAX CorporationWeb site: .imax.com/mini storage

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NEW YORK, Oct.文件倉 10, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- MAZ, mobile publishing platform for mobile and tablet devices, announced today that they have updated hundreds of iPad and iPhone apps for iOS 7, as well as apps on Google Play and the Amazon Appstore, bringing new designs and functionality to over a million end users that currently use MAZ apps.MAZ publishers like Forbes Magazine, The Economist, Inc. Magazine, V Magazine, American Media Inc., and American City Business Journals, along with hundreds of others, have brand new versions of their apps now available on the iOS 7 Newsstand. The updated apps not only match the minimalist aesthetic of iOS 7 with a flatter, cleaner user interface design, but they also now feature web and social media content in the Store section as well as easier access to Clippings, the revolutionary way to share content from within an app simply by tapping the screen with two fingers.All MAZ apps now allow publishers to aggregate various content sources into a central hub, including not only digital editions of their print products, but also streaming news feeds from their websites, blogs, and social media outlets like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram."Newsstand apps aren't necessarily known for being the most cutting-edge apps on the App Store, and we want to change that," says MAZ CEO, Paul Canetti, "Publishers should think much more broadly than just replicating the print experience. We believe that an app should be a source for all content relating to a particular brand - web, print, free, paid, social, video. Your app should become the hub for your brand."To coincide with the iOS 7 design update, MAZ timed a variety of new feature releases so that the updates would have more to offer than just a fresh coat of paint. As always, MAZ made it incredibly easy for their clients by building and submitting all of the apps using the 存倉latform's unique automated system."Using MAZ just couldn't be any easier. iOS 7 was released, our apps were updated automatically, and now they look and work better than ever," commented Chris Tarrow, Tablet Production Manager at American Media Inc., who publishes several titles with MAZ including Star Magazine."Our aim is to make creating and maintaining apps a pain-free activity," added Shouvik Paul, VP of Business Development at MAZ. By contrast, publishers using custom developers, in-house teams, or platforms that require manual app submission, had to scramble to get their apps updated.MAZ also updated its web-based creation software and Android apps, unveiling MAZ Publishing 4.0 to coincide with the iOS 7 release. Some of the new functionality includes enhanced layout design tools, and new marketing solutions that allow publishers to better communicate with their users through customized push notifications and the ability to feature specific content in the app.For more information about MAZ, please visit mazdigital.com.To watch a video called "MAZ in 60 Seconds," please visit vimeo.com/75424217.To try out MAZ Publishing for free, please visit mazdigital.com/try-it-now.About MAZMAZ (mazdigital.com) is a mobile publishing platform that allows publishers to create and distribute rich digital content for tablets and smartphones. Founded by former Apple and Adobe employees, MAZ gives publishers easy-to-use tools to make their content come to life by adding interactive features such as video, audio, HTML5 and e-commerce, as well as powerful analytics. Apps created with MAZ also include a unique social media feature, called Clippings, that allows users to "cut out" and save or share anything that they see on the screen via email or social media.CONTACTS: Shouvik Paulphone #: 1-855-MAZ-DIGITALemail: hello@mazdigital.comWeb site: .mazdigital.comMAZ Digital Inc.Web site: .mazdigital.com/儲存

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One Media iP Group Plc("One Media" or "the Group" or "the Company")Exercise of options and issue of equityOne Media iP Group Plc (AIM: OMIP), the digital media content provider whichexploits intellectual property rights around music and video, announces that100,000 options, at an exercise price of 2.存倉75p, were exercised on 22 October2013. The gross proceeds of the exercise amounts to £2,750.00.Accordingly, application has been made for 100,000 new Ordinary Shares to beadmitted to trading on AIM and it is expected that admission will take place onor about 8.00 a.m. on 28 October 2013 ("Admission").In accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules (DTR 5.6.1R) theCompany hereby notifies the market that immediately following Admission itsissued share capital will consist of 64,953,698 Ordinary Shares. The Companydoes not hold any shares in treasury. Shareholders may use this figure as thedenominator for the calculations by which they will determine if they arerequired to notify their interest in, or a change to their interest in, theCompany under the FCA's Disclosure and Transparency Rules.Enquiries:Michael Infante One Media iP Group PLC +44 (0) 175 378 5500 Chairman and CEOLiam Murray/Jo Turner Cairn Financial Advisers LLP, + 44 (0) 2071487900 Nominated Advise儲存Claire Noyce/William Lynne Hybridan LLP, AIM Broker +44 (0) 207 947 4350/ 4361John West/Niall Walsh Tavistock Communications, +44 (0) 207 920 3150Public RelationsNotes to Editors:One Media is a digital music and video rights owner. The consumer led but B2B(Business-to-business) operation looks to exploit its catalogue of over 170,000music tracks and over 5,000 hours of video by recompiling the content for salethrough over 600 digital music and video stores worldwide. The Company has ateam of Creative Technicians who digitise the content, create the metadata andre-compile and prepare the digital music & video releases using bespokein-house software.Additionally, One Media makes its library of content available for TV shows,movies, adverts, games and websites. One Media operates an online sync databasesystem that enables music supervisors to explore the library and select tracksfor music briefs.One Media focuses on music performed by well known artists from every genre,including; pop, rock, reggae, R&B, children's music, karaoke, jazz, soul,blues, rap, hip-hop, gospel, world-music, plus stand-up comedy, spoken-word andover 1,000 hours of classical music.One Media is eligible for Enterprise Investment Schemes ("EIS") and VentureCapital Trusts ("VCT").ENDXLON迷你倉

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SANTA CLARA, Calif.迷你倉, Oct. 18, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Incenting 6-12 grade students with free computer tablets, Silicon Valley Bank, financial partner to companies in the innovation sector, is teaming up with several partners to help engage young people in computer science. The company joins the Level Playing Field Institute and Virginia Advanced Study Strategies to introduce STEM skills to young people through new programs using low cost tablets this fall. Video."We need to create a tech-savvy, highly skilled workforce to fuel innovation in America," said Greg Becker, president and CEO of Silicon Valley Bank. "With a continued emphasis on STEM skills we can put people to work, stay competitive globally and keep developing the technologies, medicines, devices and innovations that are solving human problems and improving the quality of people's lives.""Teaching STEM skills to kids is not a brand new idea, but we have to ensure we broaden its appeal for everyone," said Aneesh Chopra, former CTO of the US. "Government, business, the education system - we all have to keep the pressure on and the activity level high to turn the tide and get people interested and trained in subjects that are going to enable a stronger, technical workforce.""Diversifying our tech talent pool is an imperative for the tech sector. More diverse engineers and entrepreneurs will bring about a new type of innovation that Silicon Valley has yet to see," said Mitch Kapor of the Kapor Center for Social Impact, one of the event sponsors."Silicon Valley has a desperate shortage of talent," said Vivek Wadhwa Vice President of Innovation and Research at Singularity University. "At the same time there are hundreds of thousands of children who are left out of the digital economy. I am really excited that we are taking advantage of technology from the developing world to bridge this digital divide of the developed world."Two new programs aimed at giving young people access to mentors in computer science and tools to develop apps are kicking off this school year:1. California Bay Area Hackathon: Level the Coding Field"This hackathon allows us to expose a large number of kids in a weekend to computer science, and get them excited about a different path in life and a different set of opportunities," said Sumaiya Talukdar, Director of Strategic Partnerships of the Level Playing Field Institute.Silicon Valley Bank partnered with Vivself storagek Wadhwa of Singularity University, AT&T, The Kapor Center for Social Impact and Datawind to devise and deliver two weekend-long hackathons hosted by the Level Playing Field Institute in the Bay Area this fall. More than 250 6-12 graders from low income and minority groups underrepresented in computer science will compete to win cash prizes for the best app, judged by a panel of investors, technologists and educators. Each participating student will also receive a free Datawind Ubislate 3G Tablet, courtesy of Silicon Valley Bank and three months of a 1 GB Wireless Data Plan, courtesy of AT&T. Events will be held on October 26-27 at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View and November 16-17 at Connexion at Jack London Place in Oakland.To get involved, contact Level Playing Field Institute for volunteer opportunities and information. Follow the event on Twitter with #levelcodingfield2. Virginia: Computer Coding CompetitionVirginia Advanced Study Strategies is partnering with CodeAcademy, TeamTreehouse, and several foundations and businesses throughout Virginia to introduce middle and high school students to computer coding. Students will be given access to computer application development software and challenged to build a working computer app. Those who are successful within the timeframe of a school semester will be recognized in January 2014 for their success, earn a digital badge for their career portfolio, and given a Datawind Ubislate 3G Tablet.Follow VASS on Facebook and Twitter.About Silicon Valley BankBanking the world's most innovative companies and exclusive wineries, SVB's diverse financial services, knowledge, global network, and world class service increase our clients' probability of success. With $23 billion in assets and more than 1,600 employees, we provide commercial, international and private banking through 33 locations worldwide. In 2012, Forbes Magazine ranked SVB among America's Best Banks and Fortune named SVB one of the best places to work. .svb.com.Silicon Valley Bank is the California bank subsidiary and the commercial banking operation of SVB Financial Group. Banking services are provided by Silicon Valley Bank, a member of the FDIC and the Federal Reserve System. SVB Financial Group is also a member of the Federal Reserve System.Silicon Valley BankCONTACT: Carrie Merritt, SVB Financial Group, 503.574.3705,cmerritt@svb.com, @SVBCarrieWeb site: .svb.com/迷利倉

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有百年歷史西門紅樓的北廣場,mini storage竟有店家搞色情,大剌剌在門口擺放潤滑劑及各式情趣用品廣告促銷招牌,許多家長帶著小朋友經過看見被問起「潤滑劑是做什麼用?」頓時面紅耳赤,不知如何回答;而市府對合格的店家也沒輒,只能道德勸說。紅樓是西門町地標,為台灣首座官方興建的公營市場,亦是今日台灣保存最古老完整的三級古蹟,每年吸引參觀人潮超過百萬人次,假日來往人潮絡繹不絕,許多家長也會帶小朋友去逛創意市集,或看劇場表演。不過,市議員潘懷宗指出,往紅樓方儲存走去可以看見左邊有間很醒目的店家,門口擺放上面寫著露骨的營業項目廣告招牌,店牆面海報也讓路過民眾側目,常有親子經過,小朋友看見問起「潤滑劑是做什麼用的?」讓家長是面紅耳赤、啞口無言。潘懷宗調查,該處整排店家原為北市市場處管理的傳統市場攤商,後改建由市場處承租給商家,他質疑在古蹟門面讓商家大搞色情;西門紅樓是許多國內外遊客觀光景點,不免會影響觀感。市場處副處長許玄謀表示,紅樓北門廣場店家營業品項皆有合格登記,如有觀感不好也只能道德勸說。迷你倉

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  ■《旅遊法》的實施令團費就算在淡季也不降反升,self storage精明的消費者自然要貨比三家。(資料圖)  ■新快報見習記者 徐利欣  記者 鄭光隆  林良田  團費上漲,報團人數下降,自由行的人增多……雖然《旅遊法》實施還不到一個月,對旅遊市場帶來的衝擊十分明顯。面對《旅遊法》實施和旅遊淡季的雙重影響,廣州各旅行社紛紛調整產品結構,推出更多的優惠來吸引遊客。業內人士認為,目前的旅遊市場進入調整期,價格也在逐步回歸合理,估計春節前旅遊市場行情會“回暖”。  10月份之後是旅遊行業的傳統淡季,往年旅行社推出的產品價格一般都往低處走。但新快報記者發現,受《旅遊法》實施的影響,目前廣州不少大型旅行社推出的產品價格不降反升。以國內游為例,價格比往年同期上漲了兩成左右。  面對突然上漲的價格,報團的人數明顯下降。市內迷利倉家大型旅行社在《旅遊法》實施後至今,總體報名人數較去年同期下降了一成以上。  面對淡季以及《旅遊法》實施後報團人數的下降。各旅行社紛紛推出多項優惠措施,力求突破“僵局”。  此外,自《旅遊法》實施以來,所有旅行社及導遊的“加點”、“自費”行為一律被禁,這讓原本保證旅遊景區客源的最佳“捷徑”被阻斷。據旅行社估計,景區的營業額與去年同期相比普遍下滑超過五成。因此,“十一”過後,國內多家景區負責人來到廣州攬客,主動贈送門票,力求加入旅行社規劃的線路行程中,以求出路。據南湖國旅常務副總經理鄭年軍透露,今年國內上百家4A、5A景區“遇冷”,主動提供上萬張景區免費門票,旅行社將這些景區加入“暢冬游”的採購體系中,替換原有的部分同類型景區,降低了成本,使得該產品價格下調15%-35%。徐利欣、鄭光隆、林良田迷你倉

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迷你倉最平 楚天都市報訊迷你倉

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 【專訪】第六十屆澳門格蘭披治大賽車下月九日起舉行,迷你倉大賽車委員會聯同交通事務局昨日上午向交諮會介紹《大賽車期間臨時交通安排》,有三條免費巴士路線,包括由外港碼頭往亞馬喇前地巴士站和綜藝館,方便市民和旅客。 今年的第六十屆澳門格蘭披治大賽車將在十一月兩個周末舉行,日期是十一月九至十日以及十四至十七日。 交通事務局交通管理廳協調處處長莫垂道稱,今屆大賽車橫跨兩個星期,賽事期間繁忙路段封閉,加自存倉本澳的車輛增加,對交通造成壓力,當局將加強向市民宣傳路面情況,並會將道路工程施工時間盡量壓縮,以及在晚上施工。今年會安裝一百二十對閘門,比去年增加十對,主要在仁伯爵醫院的新急診大樓、住宅的停車場出口,以及將馬路的出口從防撞欄更改成閘門或擴大閘門,以配合大型巴士通過。 交諮會公共交通及社區關係專責小組召集人郭敬文憂慮大賽車造成交通擠塞,但認為大賽車是澳門盛事,希望市民盡量配合,做好出行安排。◇迷你倉

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繼去年社交網站「一哥」facebook(fb)後,儲存最矚目上市亮點──微博網站Twitter宣布,以每股17至20美元招股,集資最多16億美元,估值達111億美元,料下月六日定價。對於招股價上限比預期低,外界認為Twitter刻意壓低作價,以確保股價於首日掛牌時上升,慎防重演fb上市失誤。分析員和投資者普遍認為Twitter招股價相對保守,上限僅每股20美元,低過該公司上月估計每股最高值20.62美元。私人研究機構Triton Research行政總裁華萊士稱,相信Twitter欲觀察投資者認購反應,招股價偏低為日後提供上升水位。首掛免重蹈fb覆轍Twitter積極避免重蹈fb覆轍,除了低調申請上市,選址紐交所上市,以防納市再故障,如今壓低招股定價,勢要營造超額認購局面。去年不少fb高層及早迷你倉投資者趁該公司上市,紛紛沽貨,反觀仍在虧損中的Twitter,當前股東卻有意保留手上大部分持股,創辦人之一兼單一最大個人股東威廉斯,其持股量將在首次公開招股(IPO)由12%降至10.4%。早期投資者、私募基金公司Rizvi Traverse持股料由17.9%降至15.6%。另邊廂,日本即時通訊應用程式開發商Line昨確認正考慮包括上市等多項集資方案。較早前《日經新聞》報道,若Line上市,將可能明年夏季於東京證交所上市,報道未有披露預計集資額,但該公司估值料高達1萬億日圓(約102億美元),仍遜於Twitter。另外,微軟本年首財季純利按年升17.2%至52.4億美元,或每股62美仙,期內銷售額亦增16%至185億美元,兩項數字均勝市場預期,原因是Xbox、商業軟件和雲端服務的業績錄得增長。self storage

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【本報訊】港人到內地旅遊或公幹,存倉遺失財物、遇襲或遇嚴重意外引致傷亡等突發事情不時發生,港人可向入境事務處協助在外香港居民小組求助,該處會向內地相關部門聯繫,並提供適當協助。據入境處資料顯示,今年首九個月,該處共接獲一千五百二十七宗在外港人求助個案,而去年全年則共接獲一千七百九十一宗個案。港人在內地遇到突發事情,可致電入境處廿四小時熱線電話(852)1868求助,該處人員會聯絡內地有關部門,提供適當協助。43歲男失銀包 流浪近3年另外,入境處又儲存醒市民,假如在內地遺失金錢、身份證明文件等物品,應先向公安機關報告,並索取報失證明。如在遺失身份證明文件後,需要協助返港,可聯絡入境處、駐北京辦事處、駐粵經濟貿易辦事處或駐成都貿易辦事處求助。○八年六月,一名四十三歲男子到湖南衡山旅行被人偷去銀包,財物及身份證明文件全失,他並無向在港家人求助,反而行乞流浪,由湖南到廣東佛山,至前年五月底才被人發現,當時他神志不清,兩個月後始由有關部門核實身份,再由港府駐粵辦人員協助返港,結束近三年的顛沛流離生涯。迷你倉

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Source: Milwaukee Journal SentinelOct.儲存 24--Just in time for Halloween, there's a website that claims to be able to tell you if somebody died in your house.People who believe in ghosts -- and you know who you are -- are probably most likely to spend the $11.99 fee per search on the bluntly named site, DiedinHouse.com.It's common, of course, for people to die at home of natural causes. I certainly wouldn't hold that against any house. When you consider the many places you can cash it in, having a previous owner pass away at your home might be seen as good luck rather than bad.Then again, do you want to live someplace where a ghastly murder happened? Or more than one? These are some mighty unsettled spirits."There's people who do not care at all, and people who just don't want to know," said Roy Condrey, who launched the site last summer at his home near Columbia, S.C."Then there are people who do want to know," he said, and who might back away from buying a house if they find out the fatal facts about it.Wisconsin law does not require sellers to tell buyers about a death, unless it also caused some adverse physical effect on the property, said Mike Ruzicka and Scott Bush of the Greater Milwaukee Association of Realtors.But the association advises its members that sometimes it's best to disclose things like that up front to avoid problems later in the transaction.Condrey relies on police reports and other public records, media accounts, Social Security death records and other data to do his searches. He is coy about exactly where he all looks, but admitted that digitized records don't go back much before the 1990s.He offers no guarantees, but says the site will get better with time and improved algorithms. He claims to be selling 1,000 searches a day after a recent spate of media coverage of his unusual business."All I can tell you is that I've got millions of records of people who died in houses, and your house might be one of them," he said.Actually, a search by his迷你倉site says my 122-year-old house is not one of them. But just to show that the computer broke a sweat, the results included a list of 15 to 20 "known owners and residents NOT reported as deceased."I called two members of the family who lived nearly 90 years in my house, and they could not name anyone for sure who died there. Again, not that I would worry if they had.Condrey's Died in House results proved hit and miss for three other searches I did involving local houses where I knew murders had occurred.One house is in Wauwatosa not far from where I live. A man killed his wife's lover in the kitchen there in 1999. Newspaper accounts revealed only the block rather than the exact address, which is typical these days.My search for that house on the website came up empty. So I went a step further on the infamy scale and searched for the south side house where Laurie Bembenek killed her husband's ex-wife in 1981. Bembenek was a former cop and she was pretty, so the case was huge and got national coverage, especially after she escaped from prison."Died in House did NOT find information relating a death to this address," the instant result stated. The site promises to search further on each submitted property and get back to you by email in 30 days.Finally, I pulled out Milwaukee's crime of the century by serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. I went back to the search page and put in the address for Dahmer's grandmother's house in West Allis. He killed three of his earlier victims there in 1988 and 1989.This one they got right. Well, almost. The site flagged the murders at the home, but incorrectly listed a fourth homicide that Dahmer actually committed at a Milwaukee hotel.Knowing what happened there, the question is whether you'd live in that house. Somebody does.Call Jim Stingl at (414) 224-2017 or email at jstingl@jrn.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Visit the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel at .jsonline.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉

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旅遊業前景向好,儲存罕有出現發展商及基金等搶投酒店活化項目。政府推出標售的中區紅棉路美利大廈酒店活化項目,昨日截標反應出乎市場意料理想,共接獲18份標書,為近年標書最多的酒店項目,入標財團包括長實(00001)、新地(00016)、A&F基金,以及信置(00083)與資本策略地產(00497)等合組的財團。市場料該項目成交價約22億至32.2億元。地政總署表示,上述美利大廈酒店活化項目昨共接獲18份標書。昨日截標現場所見,入標財團包括有大型地產商,上市酒店集團及亞太區基金等。信置表示,該公司與資本策略地產及帝國集團控股有限公司等合作遞交有關項目的迷你倉書。市傳該合組財團可能包括新地非執行董事郭炳湘。另入標財團還有永泰地產(00369)、富豪國際(00078)、帝盛酒店(02266)及A&F基金等。另新世界酒店入標代表James Simmonds表示,上址地理優越,公司獨資競投。華大地產(00201)主席鄭啟文亦稱,計劃將上址改建為四星半級酒店,提供650個房間。屯門兩地招標值1.4億此外,屯門青山公路──大欖段,及小欖冠峰街兩幅住宅地昨日招標,美聯料兩地估值共約1.401億元。另外,荃灣深井陳記廣場向城規會申請由政府社區用地改劃酒店用途,以將現時的臨時商場重建1幢22層高酒店,提供96個客房。儲存倉

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