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百度日前宣佈,mini storage將推出一款預期年化收益率為8%的現金類理財產品。業內人士認為,如果不是純粹宣傳“噱頭”的話,這一收益率讓幾乎所有債基品種都自歎不如的“神秘”產品,其運作很可能加入了高比例的杠杆。雖然其風險通過投資銀行間類利率類券種可以有效控制,但產品持續性有待觀察☉記者 王誠誠 ○編輯 于勇姍姍來遲的百度甫一加入,便給眼下如火如荼開戰的互聯網金融市場又添了一把火。日前,三大互聯網巨頭之一的百度宣佈,10月28日,旗下金融理財平台將正式上線,屆時推出一款預期年化收益率為8%的現金類理財產品。這一收益率足以讓幾乎所有債基品種黯然失色。業內人士表示,如果不是純粹宣傳“噱頭”的話,這一收益率讓幾乎所有債基品種都自歎不如的“神秘”產品,其運作很可能加入了高比例的杠杆。雖然其風險通過投資銀行間類利率類券種可以有效控制,但產品持續性有待觀察。收益率8%? 可愛的不可信!按照百度日前發佈的公開信息,“百發”由百度金融中心、華夏基金聯合推出,由百度的第三方支付平台“百付寶”運作,年化收益率高達8%,將採取限量發售的方式,由中國投資擔保有限公司全程擔保。最低投資門檻僅為1元。用戶通過註冊百付寶買入,每天可在賬戶內看到收益顯示,贖回本金及收益可于第二個工作日到賬。而購買“百發”的錢,則可以隨時提現。換句話說,百度就是打造了一個收益率可以達到8%的“類餘額寶”。這不僅是目前正在運作的餘額寶,以及貨幣市場基金收益率的近兩倍,也讓市面上所有的債券基金黯然失色。畢竟既能提高如此之高的收益率,又能保證流動性的金融產品,就像是一台“永動機”。雖然美好,但是卻違背了風險收益並存的基本規律。用一句俗語總結,就是“可愛的不可信”。到底什麼樣的投資標的能夠達到如此之高的收益?這般具有神話色彩的創新又能持續多久?記者採訪多位市場人士表示,如果不是純粹宣傳“噱頭”的話,這一收益率讓幾乎所有債基品種都自歎不如的“神秘”產品,其運作很可能加入了高比例的杠杆。雖然其風險通過投資銀行間類利率類券種可以有效控制,但產品持續性有待觀察。“這麼高的收益率很可能是結合了杠杆加以運作。”資深基金研究人士王群航昨日接受記者採訪時表示,如果按照互聯網金融平台傳統方式,單純掛�基金公司旗下貨幣基金的話,很難達到如此之高的收益率,如果這一收益率不是純粹“噱頭”的話,答案很可能是加入杠杆,且杠杆比例不低。據其推測,如果按照目前市場上貨幣基金4%self storage平均收益率計算,這一產品的杠杆需要達到1:9左右。也就是說,目前“限購”銷售的高收益部分是杠杆份額,而公司自有或者其他資金可能需要按照高比例支付大量資金作為優先端認購,享受低收益。坊間也有傳聞稱,華夏旗下貨幣基金只能帶來4%-5%左右收益率,8%的其餘部分將由百度方面“貼錢”補足,百度的做法屬於“賠本賺吆喝”。但營銷效果顯著。無論是上述哪種情況,前期風險和收益均是有保障的,投資者上線首日“瘋搶”的局面或許不可避免。但產品數量和持續性有多久就不得而知了。為你的“活期”資金找個新去處不知是出于的“違規宣傳收益率的避嫌”還是澄清“現金產品8%收益率”是個誤會,昨日百度昨日又針對即將出世的新產品進行了新的解釋,稱百發是一個計劃,不是一個產品,是一個組合形式的理財計劃。此前披露的華夏基金只是這一計劃的一部分,後續還有更多的產品加入。按照新的解釋,“百發”將是一個匯集市面上互聯網金融產品的超市,包括P2P貸款、團購性質的信托等高收益品種,都能在這一平台上實現。如上所言,8%的收益率應該可以實現。根據百度目前披露的情況,未來將提供“�籌金融”、“粉絲金融”、“團購金融”等。所謂“�籌金融”,是指百度通過積聚互聯網用戶的力量,同金融機構進行溝通,構建互聯網金融產品和服務。這種模式可以快速匯聚用戶小額資金,實現更高的收益目標。“粉絲金融”模式則是將特定的粉絲群體屬性與金融機構的創新產品相結合。用戶借此可以獲得創新型、定制型的金融服務。金融機構可以降低獲得客戶的成本。“團購金融”模式則是將目前已經較為成熟的團購模式與金融創新相結合。用戶借此可以獲得創新型、定制型的金融服務;金融機構可以降低客戶的成本。接近百度、華夏此次合作的人士指出,金融產品的垂直搜索與對比、創新型貨幣基金等理財產品、P2P平台以及對傳統金融的全面改造,將是互聯網企業進入金融領域的幾個切入點。記者瞭解到,圍繞上述計劃,百度已經展開了一系列動作,目前正在低調內測“百度金融”,支持車貸、房貸、消費貸款、經營貸款以及信用卡搜索。百度金融中心會成為百度在互聯網金融領域為用戶提供的一系列定制化、簡單化、平等化理財產品組合的載體。雖然最終的答案要到10月28日才能揭曉,不過,此次百度的目的達到了,那就是為自己即將推出的金融平台賺足了眼球和人氣。對於普通投資者來說,也沒有損失。在全民互聯網理財時代來臨之際,那些還躺在活期上錢該換個去處了。迷你倉

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LAS VEGAS, Oct.文件倉 22, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- To meet heavy business demand for secure, cost-effective mobile app development both on premise and in the cloud, SAP AG today announced the 3.0 release of SAP(R) Mobile Platform and a cloud version powered by the SAP HANA(R) platform for real-time enterprise performance. The latest versions are intended to provide unmatched productivity for developers via a comprehensive set of platform services, an open standards-based architecture and by embracing a "bring-your-own-tools" (BYOT) strategy through integration with third-party development tools. Millions of developers shall be able to use SAP Mobile Platform to create beautiful user-centric employee, business and consumer mobile apps, rather than spending time learning new tools and protocols. The announcement was made at SAP(R) TechEd, being held October 21-25 in Las Vegas.(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20110126/AQ34470LOGO)"Today's most successful businesses run mobile, so to stay competitive companies need to move quickly to implement a future-proof mobile strategy on an integrated, open, standards-based mobile platform," said Anthony Reynolds, senior vice president, Worldwide Mobile Sales and Solutions, SAP. "We worked extensively with customers and partners to design and build our breakthrough new platform to provide a seamless user experience that lowers total cost of ownership for IT and lowers total cost of development for any type of mobile app. Early interest and feedback is fantastic and we are excited to bring this new platform to the broader market."With a forecasted 102 billion mobile apps to be downloaded in 2013(i), many app developers now prefer to develop for mobile devices over desktops."Our research shows that all applications will be mobilized, making full application lifecycle management critical for protecting mobile investment," said Chris Marsh, principal analyst, Yankee Group. "Companies will look to integrated platforms along with open standards and interoperability to gain longevity. The leading mobile app platforms will be characterized by open and extensible architectures, an API management and data orchestration layer, extensive developer libraries, agnosticism to tools, infrastructures and standards, integrated testing and analytics and a rich ecosystem."As the leader in helping companies large and small mobilize their businesses(ii), SAP plans to offer one of the most mature and proven mobile app development platforms. To expand on the previous integration of Sybase(R) Unwired Platform, the 3.0 release of SAP Mobile Platform shall integrate the primary mobile application solutions from SAP -- including SAP Netweaver(R) Gateway technology, Sybase Mobiliser and Syclo Agentry -- to meet current and future mobile app use cases. The combination is envisioned to provide businesses of all sizes and in all industries a complete, highly flexible platform capable of handling mobile requirements for designing, building, testing, deploying, scaling and securely optimizing any app for any user."User adoption of the apps we created with SAP Mobile Platform has been tremendous," said Peter Matzek, business product owner, Varian Medical Systems Inc. "Four hundred engineers were running the field service app within a month, and as soon as word spread about how great it was, the rest asked, 'How can I get it?' Having the tools you need to do your job better is a good feeling, especially when you are helping to save lives."Broad Set of Platform ServicesTo deliver a cost-effective solution for designing employee, business and consumer mobile apps, SAP Mobile Platform shall not require re-engineering of processes, resources or existing infrastructure. The platform is designed to keep developers "out of the weeds" and focused on creating a compelling user experience building on essential core and application services. These are envisioned to include core services that run in mobile apps, such as authentication, onboarding configuration, life-cycle management, logging and data integration; app services targeted for more specific functions around mobile commerce, including couponing, loyalty and mobile banking, and geolocation. Support for native, hybrid, meta-data driven, mobile Web and SMS app architectures is also planned to be featured.Open, Standards-Based PlatformTo provide a premier user experience for developers without requiring training on new tools, SAP Mobile Platform is intended to offer a future-ready architecture based on open-standards and open-source technologies that incorporate the latest mobile technologies. These shall include offline capabilities using the Open Data Protocol (OData) standard; OSGi architecture with Spring and Equinox frameworks; open-source Apache Cordova container with platform plug-ins; extensive use of HTML5 both in the product and for building apps; and HTTP REST APIs common across the on-premise and cloud versions of the platform.Unparalled Developer Productivity Improvements To optimize productivity while helping reduce development time and maintenance costs, developers shall still be able to choose their preferred development tools, augmented with software developer kits (SDKs) provided by SAP and libraries for building native and hybrid apps. Additional capabilities to help reduce total cost of development shall include common SDK for both on-premise and cloud mobile apps; WYSIWYG development environment for HTML5 apps; BYOT support; standards-based data integration; and offline/synchronization support."'Bring-your-own-device' is dramatically increasing smartphone and tablet usage in the enterprise, thereby elevating mobile apps to the mission-critical sphere for all businesses today," said Morris Beton, general manager, Developer Programs & S存倉rategic Alliances, Intel. "The requirement for mobile apps demands that IT provide a highly scalable mobile platform for effective support. To better understand how SAP Mobile Platform provides a foundation of valuable tools for IT and developers in a single deployment, SAP and Intel engineers benchmarked a representative system under a full range of mobile app scenarios. We found the 3.0 version can easily scale from hundreds of users to thousands, delivering the level of support users expect from enterprise IT organizations"Unified Cloud Offering for Faster, Simpler InnovationThe cloud version of SAP Mobile Platform 3.0 is built on the SAP HANA(R) Cloud Platform, an open, standards-based platform-as-a-service (PaaS) that shall allow SAP customers and partners to build and deploy custom applications in SAP data centers around the world. The cloud version shall also allow for rapid deployment of packaged, highly scalable native and hybrid apps on iOS, Android, Windows 8, Windows Phone 8 and BlackBerry. As part of SAP HANA Cloud Platform, mobile cloud version users also have access to other services, including analytics, integration, security and SAP HANA.SAP Runs SAP Mobile PlatformInternally, SAP relies on the unique ability of SAP Mobile Platform to scale and support more than 55,000 devices and 60 mobile apps across all business functions, including sales, marketing, services, development and operations."We run enterprise mobility at scale and require a highly secure and flexible platform to support all major mobile device types," said Mike Golz, CIO, SAP Americas. "SAP Mobile Platform is the industry-leading solution that allows us to quickly evolve with the rapidly changing mobile market. We anticipate significant developer, IT and business benefits from the latest release based on the integration of best-in-class SAP mobile technology into a single, end-to-end solution."A 30-day free trial of SAP Mobile Platform is available on SAP(R) Community Network in the Developer Center for SAP Mobile Platform and a free mobile development course is available on the openSAP platform. SAP also wants to collaborate with the best and brightest developers to build a community of amazing mobile apps and send the winner of its upcoming "Mobile Game On" app contest on the trip of a lifetime in 2014. To learn more, visit .sap.com/mobile.For more information, including additional announcements and coverage from SAP TechEd Las Vegas, visit the SAP Newsroom.(i)Gartner "Forecast: Mobile App Stores, Worldwide, 2013 Update" by Sandy Shen and Brian Blau, September 5, 2013(ii)Gartner "Magic Quadrant for Mobile Application Development Platforms" by Ian Finley, Van Baker, Ken Parmelee, David Mitchell Smith, Ray Valdes, Gordon Van Hulzen, August 7, 2013SAP(R) TechEd in 2013: Las Vegas, Amsterdam, and BangaloreSAP customers, partners, and technical experts are expected to convene at SAP(R) TechEd in 2013, the company's premier technical conference. Hands-on workshops, demo-driven lectures, and Q&A sessions on the latest developments in analytics, mobile, cloud, database, and in-memory computing enable SAP TechEd attendees to enhance their skills while making valuable connections with peers and IT experts from the SAP community. SAP TechEd is being held in Las Vegas, Nevada, from October 21-25, and will be held in Amsterdam, Netherlands, from November 5-7; and Bangalore, India, from December 11-13. Follow SAP TechEd on Twitter at @SAPTechEd and join the conversation at #SAPTechEd.About SAPAs market leader in enterprise application software, SAP helps companies of all sizes and industries run better. From back office to boardroom, warehouse to storefront, desktop to mobile device - SAP empowers people and organizations to work together more efficiently and use business insight more effectively to stay ahead of the competition. SAP applications and services enable more than 251,000 customers to operate profitably, adapt continuously, and grow sustainably. For more information, visit .sap.com.Any statements contained in this document that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements as defined in the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "expect," "forecast," "intend," "may," "plan," "project," "predict," "should" and "will" and similar expressions as they relate to SAP are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. SAP undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from expectations. The factors that could affect SAP's future financial results are discussed more fully in SAP's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), including SAP's most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the SEC. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of their dates.(C) 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and other countries. Please see .sap.com/corporate-en/legal/copyright/index.epx#trademark for additional trademark information and notices.For customers interested in learning more about SAP products: Global Customer Center: +49 180 534-34-24United States Only: 1 (800) 872-1SAP (1-800-872-1727)For more information, press only:Scott Malinowski, +1 (617) 538-6297, scott.malinowski@sap.com, EDTSAP Press Office, +49 (6227) 7-46315, CET; +1 (610) 661-3200, EDT; press@sap.comPhoto: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20110126/AQ34470LOGOSAP AGWeb site: .sap.com/儲存

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張有義近日,迷你倉中央紀委及各地陸續通報違反中央八項規定精神的典型案例,主要涉及大操大辦喜慶事宜借機斂財、違規配備使用公務用車、公款旅遊、上班期間外出賭博等問題。《第一財經日報》記者對已經公佈的120起事件和問題進行樣本統計後發現,公車私用問題占比最大,為26%;其次是公款旅遊問題占比13.3%;借婚宴等收受禮金的行為,占12.5%;公款吃喝問題占比10%;吃拿卡要占9.2%。2012年12月4日召開的中共中央政治局會議審議通過了“八項規定”,即輕車簡從、減少陪同、簡化接待,不張貼懸掛標語橫幅,不安排群�迎送,不鋪設迎賓地毯,不擺放花草,不安排宴請;精簡會議活動;精簡文件簡報;規範出訪活動;改進警衛工作,減少交通管制;改進新聞報道;嚴格文稿發表;厲行勤儉節約,嚴格執行住房、車輛配備等有關工作和生活待遇等。今年3月、7月和9月,中央紀委共通報了22起違反八項規定的典型問題。其間,部分地方紀檢監察機構亦開始向全社會通報所轄區域內違反八項規定的典型問題。截至8月底,全國共查處上述問題1.2萬余件,被處理的人員近1.4萬人。至今,各地仍在持續不斷曝光類似問題。公車私用最嚴重在120個樣本中,公車私用問題31個。這在中紀委和各地的通報結果中也是最為普遍的現象。而其中因為公車私用釀成交通事故的比例約在40%。公車私用問題歷來是黨政機關治理的難點所在。有關部門在監察公車私用問題時,往往採用實地走訪、現場記錄、拍照、錄像等傳統方式,效果mini storage不理想。近日,有消息稱,中紀委明確表示將試點推行公務用車統一標識、GPS定位等制度,加大公車管理力度。公款旅遊娛樂居第二在120個樣本中,公款旅遊娛樂占13.3%,為16起。以學習、研討、培訓、工作考察等名義,使用公款旅遊享樂的現象,是僅次于公車私用問題的頑疾。《黨員領導幹部廉潔從政若干準則》早已明確,嚴禁用公款旅遊或者變相用公款旅遊。但是,上述現象有愈演愈烈之勢。如何根本治理,還在於財政制度的進一步深化,尤其預算制度的公開和審計的及時到位。借婚宴等收受禮金排第三在120個樣本中,借婚宴、滿月酒等收受禮金的問題占12.5%,為15例。第四是公款購物、發放福利,用公款購買購物卡、高檔煙酒和發放福利,與公款旅遊實際上違規的性質相似。在120個樣本中,此類問題占11%,為13例。第五是公款吃喝,在120個樣本中,公款吃喝問題占10%,為12起案例。第六為吃拿卡要,黨政機關幹部以各種名目吃拿卡要甚至索賄的行為較為普遍,在120個樣本中,占比9.2%,為11例。第七則是慵懶行政、違規執法問題,在120個樣本中,此類問題占8.3%,為10例。第八是違規飲酒、娛樂,在120個樣本中,此類行為為8起,占6.7%。除了上述易發、常發的違反中央八項規定的典型問題外,在120個樣本中,還存在冒領徵地補償款、冒領扶貧款、冒領截留危房改造資金等違法違規行為。上述大部分案例中的當事人均受到了黨紀政紀處理,部分人員涉嫌違法,有的已經被移交司法機關。儲存

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By CAO YIN caoyin@chinadaily.mini storagecom.cn The largest global campaign against child pornography, in which China played a pivotal role, has been hailed a success. Operation Angel, launched in April, has led to more than 250 arrests worldwide and blazed a trail in multinational operations, law enforcement officials said. “Child protection is a global issue,” said Yang Shaowen, deputy director of international cooperation for the Ministry of Public Security. “The campaign is a vital step for participating nations in protecting our youth.” Authorities in 20 countries and regions took part, targeting not only the people running illicit websites and host servers, but also those uploading indecent images. Russell L. Hunt, legal attache for the FBI, spoke highly of the campaign and praised China’s contribution in providing and analyzing evidence for investigations overseas. Four websites were shut down, and police on the Chinese mainland detained more than 180 suspects in 30 provinces, with 19 more in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and 46 in Taiwan. The FBI arrested two people in the United States. This month, Australian representatives said they had identified two suspects, while in Germany one man has been arrested and two more are under investigation based on evidence provided by the Chinese mainland. New Zealand is also looking into one suspect. “Investigations are still going on and we’ll continue to provide help to other police forces,” Yang said. Joint probe The FBI first contacted the Ministry of Public Security in September last year about suspected child porn websites that were hosted on servers in the US but managed in China. A preliminary police investigation discovered 4 trillion bytes of child porn, including videos and photographs, on websites with more than 1 million members in more than 130 countries and regions. Children: Porn websites target of global campaign Police in Operation Angel focused on suspects in 10 countries. Chinese officials visited the US in November to discuss a joint probe, and it was agreed US authorities would supply raw data and Chinese police would offer analysis. “Both sides also decided to launch a global law enforcement campaign against child porn,” said Gu Jian, deputy director of Internet security for the ministry. On April 17, police liaison officers from 20 countries and regions were invited to join the campaign. It took just over a month for the firstself storagearrest, with Beijing authorities nabbing two suspects, identified only as Liu and Yang, on May 25. Liu, 32, allegedly ran the website and had made 80,000 yuan ($13,000) from charging members to access and share obscene images. Police said Yang, 28, owned the host Web server, although he has denied any involvement in child porn. Both cases have been handed to prosecutors. Under Chinese laws, people who distribute obscene images face up to two years in prison. Hamish McCardle, a police official with the New Zealand embassy in Beijing, said governments around the globe must work together to protect children. “We must maintain a strong message to criminals: Child porn is wrong and the international police community will find you,” he said, adding that the key to preventing such crimes is educating children, parents and teachers. Wang Ping, managing director of the Chinese Society for Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Research, said child porn websites can cause people to imitate what they see. “For some adults, the websites provide a platform for obscene behavior, and they also imitate what they see in uploaded pictures and damage children in real life,” he warned. Cross-border crime China has an estimated 600 million Web users, and police handled 25,000 cases of online crime nationwide between June and September. With cross-border crime soaring, Vice-Minister of Public Security Chen Zhimin said international cooperation is vital. “Chinese police are very keen on joint investigations, such as Operation Angel,” he said, adding that they not only catch crooks but also “establish trust among countries”. The ministry previously worked with the US to tackle obscene websites, and has reached agreements with other countries to cooperate on drug control, telecom fraud and terrorism. This year, Chinese police arrested a major drug trafficker along the Mekong River with help from Laos, Thailand and Myanmar, and has cracked more than 6,000 telecom fraud cases with Southeast Asian countries, including Singapore and Malaysia. China has established law enforcement partnerships with 83 countries and regions, Yang said. We must maintain a strong message to criminals: Child porn is wrong and the international police community will find you.” Hamish McCardle Police official with the New Zealand embassy in Beijing 25,000 cases of online crime Chinese police handled 25,000 cases of online crime between June and September 迷你倉

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  一場在西湖邊的全武行,mini storage再度引發大家對無證自行車的討論和爭議(本報近日連續報道)。  昨天,被打攤販小王傷情已經有明顯好轉。上午,他的姐姐王女士也再次趕到湖濱派出所,配合警方調查。民警表示,他們正在全力調查,有消息會向社會發佈。而類似的衝突已經發生不止一次,湖濱派出所也多次參與協調。  昨天下午,上城區城管局聯合公安、工商、街道等部門,對西湖邊非法出租自行車開展集中整治,對湖濱路和學士路、龍翔地鐵出口等處占道、無證經營的自行車進行查扣,共查扣19輛。  西湖邊的無證自行車攤由來已久,但沒有像如今這樣集中,甚至因它產生鬥毆流血事件。  昨天上午,本報記者繞著西湖轉了一個圈,統計的結果讓記者也很驚愕,半個西湖幾乎被無證自行車攤包圍了,而且都是熱門景點。半個西湖都快被無證自行車包圍  昨天上午10點左右,陽光燦爛,西湖邊的遊人也多了起來。記者從北山路、經湖濱路、南山路、楊公堤,繞著整個西湖轉了整整一圈,發現西湖,四周已經五彩繽紛。  從慶春路拐進湖濱路,路口就有一個無證自行車攤,“淺綠色”的單車、雙人車,十多輛停在人行道上,繼續往前走,靠近玉壺春,就是“黃色”了,一字排開的黃色自行車,一個老闆模樣的中年男子躺在椅子上正在和邊上的保安聊天。接近學士路,顏色又變了,藍色!這邊攤主的車型很豐富,四人車都有七八輛。  湖濱路逛一圈,走不了1分鐘就能看到一個車攤,時不時還有大哥大姐舉著牌子熱情招呼,“要租車嗎?”  不過,進入南山路,路邊的無證自行車攤明顯稀疏了。只有到柳浪聞鶯、雷峰塔景點附近,才可以看到成排的無證自行車攤,因為這裡本來人流量就很大,所以自行車攤只能騎到人行道上。北山路上的自行車攤集中在保俶路口、青少年宮門口。  一圈下來,除了楊公堤,北山路、湖濱路、南山路上都可以看到無證自行車攤,記者統計的車攤數量為51個,而這僅僅是非休日、淡季的情況。此前,城管的統計數量為90個。  其中,絕大部分車攤都集中在人流密集的湖濱路、北山路。換句話說,半個西湖差不多已經被無證自行車包圍了。各種力量瓜分市場學士路成了無證自行車的大本營  看似西湖邊的無證自行車雜亂無章,但其中有不少的“規律”。  首先,無證自行車攤,背後往往都有根據地,後面的老闆一般在附近有固定店面做生意的,兼做自行車租賃。  其次,按照實力,這些無證自行車攤販分成兩部分,“主力”集中在遊客密集的景點,湖濱路就是主要據點。昨天,記者從湖濱路拐進學士路時,眼前的一幕讓人有些意外,已經分不清機動車道和非機動車道了,到東坡路口,學士路上滿滿當當停著各種款式的自行車,目測至少得幾百輛。  走訪中,記者也私下和部分攤主聊天,學士路就是他們的“車庫”,車老闆就是學士路上一些商舖的老闆,拉上親朋,有的還僱了老鄉,遊客多的時候,就安排他們把車子騎到人多的地方吆喝。“城管來查的時候,我們就說自己騎車出來,他就拿我們沒辦法了。”  憑借著人多力量大的優勢,這些商戶已經形成了自己的幫派,控制著湖濱路、北山路的自行車租賃,他們的領地self storage對不允許別人來插足。所以,10月20日,初來乍到的小王,就因為把車子停在了他們的勢力範圍挨打的。  除了這些主力,還有一些零散的“小股力量”,零散地分佈在南山路等地。“比如湖濱路的商戶不可能把車子推出太遠,那樣來回做生意也不方便,所以他們也就顧不到這邊了。”因為南山路等地的遊客不多,做自行車租賃的報刊亭等,僅僅是賺個外快而已。違法成本低、懲處缺乏震懾,管理效果不佳  事實上,相關部門對於這些自行車的管理並沒有停止過。杭州還出台了《杭州西湖周邊自行車租賃點整治工作方案》,從今年4月份開始,上城區就組織城管、公安、交警、工商、街道等職能部門對環湖非法自行車租賃進行了專項整治。  截至目前,集中整治超過32次,查扣違法租賃自行車538輛,取締違法經營店點位58個。  但是,為什麼西湖邊的無證自行車還是越來越多?  記者調查發現,這些管理措施並不能對違章自行車產生震懾——  獲得證照的商戶如果僅僅在店內租車,收益非常有限,現實逼迫他們必須把車子推到遊客多的西湖邊擺攤;其次,為了防止城管部門查扣,租車攤一般最多擺個幾輛,不夠的話再去店里取,萬一被查扣也就是幾輛,這樣的損失和收益不可比,說不定已經收回成本,無所謂了;交警對騎車的遊客處罰更不現實,遊客太多、車輛也太多,現有警力根本應付不過來。  由於涉及到多個部門,每次現場執法都需要協調行動,誰來牽頭也是一個問題。4月21日晚上,上城區城管、公安(交警)、工商等部門也曾對西湖邊無照、超範圍經營的自行車進行集中整治。  還有一個重要原因就是利潤太大,讓很多商戶鋌而走險。相關部門做過一個統計,國慶期間,50輛車規模的一家自行車租賃點,日營業額在2-3萬之間。上城區:暴力抗法、團伙行動,整治難度一直存在  無證自行車出租攤絕大部分在上城區範圍內。  上城區相關部門負責人在接受採訪時表示整治的難度一直存在。  除了利潤空間之外,無證攤販也學會了應對整治的辦法,經營方法越來越隱蔽,導致取證難。“比如騎在自行車上到處攬客,擺放多輛自行車在路上,人在旁邊攬客,看到執法人員走開。少數規範自行車租賃點隨時轉化成無證,生意好的時候在規範點上經營,生意差時或管控力量薄弱時擺放到其他地方經營。”  更為嚴重的是,暴力抗法時有存在。無證自行車租賃95%為外地人,並且是團伙性質。出現“一整就無,整後反彈”的情況。  “5月至今每次整治有暫扣的均發生暴力對抗現象。因環西湖周邊均為風景商貿集中區域,整治時均有大量遊客圍觀手拿照相機、手機拍攝整治過程,整治時言行稍有不慎極易造成不良影響,不論公安或執法隊員在整治時都相對謹慎,造成無證經營人員氣焰越來越囂張。”  不過,上城區也表示,會疏堵結合,加強管理。增加執法人員,將自行車聯合整治的頻率調整和“四小車”整治一樣,通過高密度的整治壓縮無證自行車租賃生存空間。同時公安部門也會嚴格按照法律處罰因搶生意導致團伙間的鬥毆案件。  另一方面,增加公共自行車的投放量,用合理化競爭來引導市場走向,壓縮無證自行車生存空間。迷你倉

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應時而生在9月24日的勞資糾紛曝光之前,mini storage很多人並不怎麼知道四月網及其總裁饒謹。不過,在�多愛國青年看來,四月網始終籠罩在理想與情懷的光環當中,地位無可取代。2008年3月,C N N等西方媒體報道失實,引發國內一片憤慨。憑借愛國熱情和互聯網知識,再加一點嗅覺,從清華大學工程物理系畢業不到一年的饒謹,迅速註冊了Anti-C N N .com (反C N N網)的域名,致力于揭批歪曲報道。他還一併註冊了.com、.net和.org等域名,因“有商標意識,不想讓別人模仿”。後來,一系列事件讓網站聲名日盛,在創建7個月後便積累了20萬註冊用戶,全球點擊量排名一度保持在1800名左右。自然,饒謹也成了青年領袖,有外媒稱他“向西方媒體巨人挑戰”。那段時間,饒謹對外聲稱,網站每年運營所需的三四百萬元,全部由其個人投入。2010年,饒謹獲得了一筆1000萬元的商業投資,成立四月華文公司,A nti-C N N域名也改為M 4.cn。在紛繁複雜的互聯網輿論場,四月網一直旗幟鮮明,提倡愛國、理性、反擊西方輿論霸權,經常邀請一些學者錄製訪談視頻。不過,除了個別熱點集中的時期,網站流量一直不溫不火。勞資糾紛如此維持3年後,投資人以對流量數據不滿意為由,不再追加投資。今年8月16日,饒謹突然宣佈,“公司沒錢了”,要求員工回家辦公,拖欠的工資、社保或無法保證。一名員工向我透露,2011年8月後,四月網員工不超20人,工資過5000的不多,服務器托管和帶寬由相關部門幫助解決,開銷不會太大,“怎麼會這麼快沒錢了呢?”被要求回家辦公後,員工開始暗中調查饒謹個人的經濟問題。9月4日,投資人召集各方開會,員工一方稱饒謹涉嫌以空餉、轉租公司辦公室等方式非法牟利,饒謹對此言語支吾,難以辯駁,答應減持公司股份至20%,投資人則承諾將股份轉給員工持有。若如此,四月網的所有權將發生變更。在饒謹的支持者看來,員工圖謀把網站據為己有。對峙過後,承諾並未履行,饒謹搬走公司財務資料,員工轉移了設備,僵局形成。對我而言,採訪饒謹或員工一方的胡亦南、郝馨芳,面臨媒體立場分歧引起的情緒對立和戒備。勞資糾紛爆發後在網絡引發熱議,因為四月網的聲名,糾紛引發鋪天蓋地的調侃,四月網官微為此跟帖對胡亦南說,“不要被外人看笑話。”因此,聯繫和採訪相關當事人變得異常尷尬,似乎經歷過微博輿論場中對立、謾罵self storage場面,就很難回歸面對面的交往,雖然對立的局面跟具體個人並無直接關係。9月24日,見到胡亦南、郝馨芳時,他們也感覺氣氛明顯不對,“哎呀,這些標簽哪。”看似是他倆聊天,其實也在提醒我,“大家放輕鬆”。我向員工瞭解到的情況,則呈現了四月網作為“愛國網站”的另一副面孔。黃偉夫用親身參與的事例向我說明,四月網對他“打擊還是挺大的”———海南一名富商,想要將三亞的鹿回頭公園據為己有,“找饒謹幫忙,開價500萬”。“我開始也不懂,但是後來想明白了,四月網的姿態給人一種誤解,就是四月網或者饒謹有很深的政府背景。”黃偉夫說,饒謹設想,花錢找記者去三亞,曝光鹿回頭公園的徵地拆遷,用水軍炒作國有企業強拆,然後由富商接手。不過,鹿回頭項目最終因為饒謹的政府背景不可靠而流產。員工幾乎一致提及,饒謹熱衷社交,一些外國政界名人是他用以抬高身價、彰顯國際影響力的合影對象。直到勞資糾紛前,還常有政商知名人士造訪四月網。而對於網絡流傳的謠言,諸如四月網與一些知名人士的隱秘關係,饒謹也從不加以澄清,這引起員工極大不滿,“他樂於營造自己有很多背景的印象或者說誤解。”一門生意面對外媒,饒謹是中國青年的意見領袖,無論中美關係還是世界傳媒格局,他的發言似乎總能切中要害。但熟悉他的人覺得,饒謹其實沒有什麼立場,“不懂也不關心”。在前不久接受外媒採訪時,他甚至現場通過Q Q把問題傳給四月網總編胡亦南,由後者在線作答再傳回給他。也許是經營壓力,饒謹關心的只是“新愛國主義文化產業”怎麼賺錢,8月現金流斷裂後,他曾想發展高端旅遊,蘇格蘭漂流、尼泊爾冥修之類,但公司賬面上的穩定收入只有百度聯盟的廣告收入一項,每月一萬多塊。很多人稱饒謹是投機分子,我也曾打算就相關質疑當面求證。撥通電話,他顯然很驚訝,“你剛說你是哪個媒體?”隨即他表示,“勞資糾紛已經解決,倒是可以跟你聊聊。”約定的採訪時間爽約後,記者多次聯繫,他依舊禮貌客氣,不置一詞。這與他在糾紛當中的形象反差很大———對員工的舉動,他被稱作“惡奴欺主”。採訪開始後,我還見到了項樸仁,一個超出其年齡應有沉穩的90後。他告訴我,網上很多語出驚人的學者其實不怎麼關心底層利益,他們總是希望利用言論去博取資源,背後的商業邏輯很清晰。小項言談帶著一種看破的口吻,抱怨了一通四月網員工的理想如何被利用。他說,“只講立場,很不靠譜”。南方人物周刊記者 杜強迷你倉

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self storage 倫敦市長、英國大使館代表等代表近日來華推介“奢華倫敦高端定制游”。�多知名品牌首次開放私人博物館、設計室、產品庫及檔案室,為遊客提供內部專屬服務,帶領中國賓客深入領略世界頂級品牌風尚。迷你倉

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記者方華在互聯網時代,迷你倉沒有�久的贏家,只有永遠的對手。支付寶還沒有笑到最後,“騰訊系”微信5.0版本又迅速推出了支付功能,“掃一掃”二維碼完成支付的方式和龐大且高活躍度的微信用戶群,吸引了�多品牌電商接入微信支付平台。國內首個互聯網保險公司———�安在線財產保險股份有限公司(以下簡稱“�安財險”)日前獲准開業,這也是全球第一個網絡保險牌照獲得者,叩開了互聯網新金融的大門。繼�安財險之後,深圳正低調籌備國內第二家專注于互聯網行業的創新型保險公司。今年9月,保監會專門就網絡保險公司的開業驗收制定了相關規定,要求設立獨立的信息安全部門、配備專職信息安全工作人員、保留交易相關日誌、確保交易行為可稽核等。互聯網經濟最大的顛覆性,莫過於競爭態勢的不可預見性———線上交易便捷但線下服務未必匹配、交易量活躍但安全性有待完善、客戶年輕化但忠誠度相對較 低。對金融業而言,互聯網時代尤其是O2O模式(OnlineToOffline,線上購買對線 下體驗)撬動的不僅是櫃面、銷售、業務受理界面的變遷,更是產品形態、營銷模式、服務理念、風險管理及監管思路的深層次變革。轉戰“自營業務”從門店零售到C2C(個人對個人,如淘寶)、B2C(商家對顧客,如京東商城)、O2 O模式的漸次盛行,互聯網浪潮已經引致諸多行業的變革,這一輪撬動的正是金融業。近一年來,銀行、保險、基金公司紛紛布局互聯網渠道,普遍將互聯網金融提升至戰略性高度,如商業銀行積極開設移動銀行、微銀行、微信銀行等新興電子渠道,成為現有網上銀行、手機銀行、自助銀行、電話銀行之外的戰略性安排。保險機構此次先行一步,從利用互聯網平台代售保險蛻變為自建平台、自營業務。去年初獲批籌備以來,中國平安聯手阿里巴巴、騰訊共同打造的�安財險,日前順利通過保監會的開業審批並完成了工商註冊登記,目標致力于為互聯網參與者提供一系列保險解決方案,完全通過互聯網開展財產險的銷售和理賠。據稱,這張網絡新面孔在產品研發上將會“前無古人”,鎖定所有互聯網經濟的參與者為目標客戶,開發出互聯網環境下保障網絡用戶利益的險種,根據網絡用戶需求推出一攬子保險方案,以期分散和管理互聯網交易等風險,並有助于化解互聯網糾紛。這樣的選擇和定位是在情理之中的。來自商務部的數據顯示,2012年中國電子商務繼續快速增長,交易總額達8.1萬億元,同比增長31.7%;全行業營收超過2000 億元,超GDP增速4倍。但恰恰由於准入門檻低、監管條例滯後等因素,一併帶來了信息、賬戶、資金等安全隱患。顯然,互聯網服務供應商、電子商務商家、網絡購 物消費者、社交網絡參與者在內的互聯網參與者本身擁有不可估量的投保需求,並且作為股東方,阿里巴巴和騰訊已經擁有數以億計的客戶資源。但反過來,自營業務同時意味著自擔風險。“我們看好很多險種的前景,但前期或許要承擔很大的成本壓力和風險,很可能沒有保險公司願意去做,這種時候我們就要讓�安上。”這是股東阿里巴巴對�安財險功能的闡述。考驗“線下服務”在市場各方看來,作為一家真正意義上的網絡保險公司,�安財險鎖定互聯網參與者的保險需求進行“量體裁衣”,不僅會開闢全新的保險需求和客戶資源,還能在最大限度上自存倉保險業務的經營利潤留給自己,盡管創新風險在所難免。在2013年的行業詞典中,線上(廠家系統網站)購買和線下(實體店)體驗相結合的O2O模式無疑佔有重要一席,這也被視作“未來5至10年占據主流地位”的商業模式,通常由廠家親自給顧客發貨,顧客通過介紹顧客還可獲得廠家的讓利抑或積分回報,廠家只需要做好產品本身。而對於網絡金融企業而言,線下體驗需求或許不像有形的商品消費那麼明顯。如果金融產品適銷對路,通過互聯網即可以實現金融業務的在線全流程受理,比如按照�安財險的表述,公司將完全通過互聯網開展財產險的銷售和理賠。但也有一種疑問,如果產品銷售、用戶投保、保險理賠、賠款支付等流程可以在互聯網上完成,那麼核保、核賠這兩項關鍵的流程,能否同樣實現在線受理和遠程現場作業?“從傳統意義上看,財產險的核保、核賠離不開現場查勘,作為一家專營財產 險業務的全新網絡保險公司,可能會考慮通過拍照、傳真等遠程作業手段在線完成核保、核賠流程,毫無疑問,這其實離不開線下保險業務的標準化作業能力、專業化服務品質和風險防控技術。”對外經貿大學保險學院博士後王東對記者稱。再以持續升溫的O2O模式為例,很多傳統的線下公司頻頻試水線上業務,但由於線下服務不匹配,結果導致線上客戶忠誠度極低,進而導致一大批企業難以為繼 。相比之下,�安財險擁有中國平安這樣的保險巨頭股東背景,又定位於一家模式全新、經營獨立的網絡保險公司,在市場各方看來,其核心競爭力除了耳目一新的線上客戶體驗外,“線下”保險服務的規範化、標準化水準依然是關鍵。意在“精准營銷”按照市場的預期,�安財險運營初期或以股東業務為主,如果進展順利顯然會開發出更多的互聯網保險產品。但最終,金融領域的競爭仍然會回歸到金融本質上來,資本只會流向最有效益的領域。以鎖定小貸業務的餘額寶為例,雖然方便快捷,用戶體驗勝出,但其收益率在同類產品中並不占優勢,在資金獲取成本、資金規模、政策保護等因素並不占優勢的情形下,要推出較傳統金融機構更具競爭力的產品並非易事。�安財險也面臨同樣的問題,除了互聯網交易本身潛在的新型保險需求這片藍海以外,互聯網用戶在個人、企業財產安全方面的保障需求,勢必與存量業務存在一定程度的交叉,要想從同業手中攫取這部分業務及其客戶資源,互聯網保險的優勢除了“便捷、靈活、經濟、高效”的用戶體驗以外,產品形態和保障功能是否真正契合互聯網用戶的需求,才是自身搶佔互聯網先機的關鍵。事實上,這也是“三馬”打造�安財險這一互聯網自營業務平台的真實目的———積累大數據,分析大數據,進而實施“精准營銷”戰略,即針對不同類型的互聯網用戶群開發出更具針對性的標準化產品,從而在用戶體驗、產品設計、成本覆蓋、風險管理上有能力實現在線全流程辦理業務和遠程現場作業。“在信息轟炸時代,信息不對稱的營銷模式已經基本終結,消費者對於所享受的服務和產品信息瞭解得越全面越透明,忠誠度越高,這就意味著,客戶需要瞭解金融產品特性,金融企業需要瞭解客戶需求,這種理想的狀態一定是基於採集和分析金融保險用戶消費行為等大數據的基礎之上做出的準確定位和精准營銷,在互聯網消費時代,這一切只能依托于互聯網平台才能較好地實現。”王東稱。迷你倉

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 為了防止盜版猖獗,self storage新加坡政府正研究封鎖可以下載盜版電影或音樂的網站,近期內將展開公眾諮詢。 新加坡律政部高級政務部長英蘭妮昨在國會表示,律政部正在和其他部門討論封鎖提供盜版電影或音樂網站的可能性,但要如何執行,還需要慎重考慮。 新加坡政府去年在一份報告中提出解決盜版問題,方法之一就是網站封鎖,不過無法100%保證一定能完全解決盜版問題。英蘭妮說,封鎖網站是最容易管理的方法,對象是網站,而非使用者,不過還需要與公共教育、法律迷你倉合,並需確保正版產品的價格一般人都負擔得起。 英蘭妮說,研究顯示,封鎖盜版網站的確能有效遏止民眾取得盜版內容,她舉例指,芬蘭、荷蘭、意大利、英國和比利時封鎖著名的盜版網站Pirate Bay後,這個網站在這些國家的流量下降了69%。但「道高一尺,魔高一丈」,該網站今年8月推出工具協助網民繞過政府封鎖,亦有網絡供應商組織指出,封鎖網站會影響隱私,又指網上音樂侵權與合法網上音樂銷售並無影響。  ■新加坡《海峽時報》/ ZDNet網站mini storage

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國家通訊傳播委員會(NCC)4G頻段執照開標,迷你倉由6家競價者競逐執照,由於競標總金額飆天價,正文執行董事楊正任認為,過高的標金勢必會加重業者營運的成本,將不利於未來4G商轉後的營運,對整體發展不見得有利。吳秀樺╱採訪 楊正任指出,台灣4G(4th Generation,第4代行動通信技術)執照釋照,標金天天創新天價,總投標金朝1000億邁進。不止外界關切何時會劃下句點,就連網通相關業者也擔心,參與競標廠商投入過高的標金,未來在4G在正式商轉之後,將過高的成本將會轉嫁給消費者,而高昂的費用可能會讓消費者無法負擔,不利於雲端服務的發展,同時整體創新服務恐全部卡住,對於整體產業而言並非好事。 成本將轉嫁消費者 楊正任說,雲端服務要能蓬勃發展,取決於人人都能時時上網、處處上網,還有各種設備都能上網,這樣雲端服務儲存各種e化靠著互連網,才能推動起來。但如果消費者因高昂上網費用,不是人人都能負擔,怕付錢而不敢上網,沒有使用者上網,那麼講再多雲端服務,也都只是空談。 ★楊正任小檔案 年齡:1960年出生,金牛座學歷:清大電機工程博士現職:正文科技執行董事元智大學通訊系副教授經歷:中科院副研究員正文科技共同創辦人資料來源:記者整理 【NCC副主委虞孝成回應】競標機制啟動 就無法停止 4G釋照競價作業由NCC負責,依照行動寬頻業務管理規則,對行動寬頻業務執照競價機制設計,只要競標機制一旦啟動就無法停止,由廠商自行加價競標,NCC無法壓低業者加碼的價格。標金過高經營成本確實會加重負擔,但執照只是4G經營中的一環,投標的業者都是具經驗的廠商或成功企業主,對未來經營策略、產品內容與服務項目,顧客、營收,在競標前已納入考量。mini storage

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免費行動通訊平台LINE在短短不到一個月內,mini storage新增用戶再添千萬,該公司最新數據顯示目前全球用戶為2.7億。該公司昨日表示,LINE遊戲平台推出不到5個月的遊戲LINE POKOPANG全球已突破2千萬下載。LINE表示,LINE POKOPANG是LINE遊戲平台中,第一個以非LINE人物為主角,卻能夠創下2千萬下載成績的一款遊戲產品。而該遊戲提供了英文版和日本版,未來也會支援繁體中文和泰文。LINE目前的主要營收是來自於遊戲。至9月中旬左右,所有的遊戲共有36款,而第二季的營收為1.3億美元,有一半的營收貢獻是來自於遊戲產品。這36款產品,創造了2億的下載次數。目前LINE的2.7億的用戶當中,仍密集的分布在日本、泰國及台灣等地,當然北美地區也有不少用戶,值得一提的是,歐洲地區的用戶集中在西班牙。儲存公司表示,LINE軟體研發起源於南韓NHN的日本子公司,但日本市場用戶僅占二成,其他八成用戶分散在世界其他國家。而台灣地區則是高達1,700萬的用戶,活躍用戶數達8成。該公司則是表示,相較於市場上其他即通訊軟體業者,如WHATSAPP的主要用戶集中於美國地區,騰訊的微訊及WECHAT的用戶以中國大陸居多,LINE在全球化的腳步明顯優於其他競爭對手。但根據南韓的新聞網站報導,LINE的下載數雖高,但活躍用戶數僅有7,000多萬,仍不如WHATSAPP及騰訊的微信。除了遊戲之外,其他營收來源則是可愛貼圖及B2B市場的企業贊助。貼圖的付費下載也相當可觀,占收入的三成。至於企業市場贊助貼圖,目前以台灣市場發展得最佳。日前南韓新聞網站則是報導,LINE的用戶到了今年底可望突破3億戶,屆時LINE也會考慮IPO。迷你倉

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預算、決算,迷你倉今後每年各市直部門都要在獲批復後20個工作日內公佈 南都訊 今年國慶節前一天,佛山市直63個部門同時向社會公開各自2013年“三公”經費預算。這只是“第一炮”。近日,市委辦、市府辦印發了《佛山市本級“三公”經費公開工作方案》,今後每年,市直各部門“三公”經費預決算情況,必須在財政部門批復後20個工作日內公開。通過哪些途徑公開?在市政府和部門網站、公共查閱室等處公開9月27日,市委辦、市府辦聯合印發了《佛山市本級“三公”經費公開工作方案》,要求63家市直單位公開自己的“三公”,這些單位包括黨政機關、人大辦、政協辦、法院、檢察院及各人民團體。《方案》規定,公開內容原則上應包括“三公”經費總額和分項金額,各部門還應根據實際情況自行公開“三公”經費支出的有關情況。為便於信息統計管理,在不改變原經費管理模式的情況下,將以下幾類部門在預決算編制和公開時歸口到主管部門合併反映,不再單列作部門反映:一是市政府的派駐市外機構併入市府辦反映;二是各辦事(或議事)機構併入牽頭部門反映。另外,《方案》要求,從2013年開始,上述各部門按規定在市政府網站和本部門網站上同時向社會公開“三公”經費;沒有部門網站的,除按規定在市政府網站公開“三公”經費外,還應選擇通過公共查閱室、信息公告欄或電子信息屏等場所、設施進行公開。作為公開的“頭一炮”,9月30日,佛山市直63個部門同時向社會公開“三公”經費預算。每年何時統一公佈?預算公開或不超過3月,決算公開或不超過10月9月30日那次的公開並不是“曇花一現”,今後佛山“三公”公開工作將成為常態。而且與這次公開的只是部門預算不同,接下來,預算、決算情況都要公開。《方案》要求,今後,各部門“三公”經費預決算情況,在財政部門批復預決算後20個工作日內,隨同本部門的預決算信息一併公開。南都記者瞭解到,每年在佛山市兩會期間(大多在1月或2月份),佛山市財政部門都會批復當年各市級部門的預算,並通過人大審議。這也就意味著佛山三公經費預算公佈的時間多數情況不會超過3月份。而佛山市近兩年市級部門決算公佈的時間多集中在9月、10月,例如今年佛山市財政局2012年部門決算公佈的時間為10月。南都記者瞭解到,佛山市財政局規定每年佛山市各區和市級部門報送決算報表時間均在年初的2月份或3月份。但根據程序,市財政局應該首先匯總、審核各部門決算、做出“關於佛山市本級財政決算草案”,然後由市人大批准後批復部門決算。而佛山市財政局每年所作的《關於佛山市本級財政決算草案的報告》多在8月或9月完成,再經人大批准後批復部門決算。按財政部門批復後20天時間推算,三公經費決算公開時間不會超過每年10月。何時能夠更細化?要求市財政局細化預算編制由於上一次市直各部門只公佈了三公經費總額和出國(境)費、車輛購置及運行費、公務接待費三個分項支出總額,專家曾建議佛山曬三公應進一步細化,“不僅要讓大家知道我花了多少錢,還要讓大家知道錢具體花到哪裡去了,花得值不值。”這份《方案》也提到,市財政局要不斷完善與“三公”經費信息公開工作相適應的預算管理制度,細化“三公”經費預算編制,為全面實行“三公”經費預決算信息公開創造條件。對於大家關注的未來區、鎮曬“三公”的時間表,《方案》雖沒有明確self storage一時間,但也要求各區政府負責本區政府“三公”經費公開的組織和實施工作,並對區直部門、鎮(街)的“三公”經費公開進行督促指導展。市財政局將規範和指導各區政府“三公”經費公開工作。社會有疑問點辦?市級各部門需主動宣傳解釋幾乎每一次“三公”經費的公佈,社會上都會對其中一些數據提出疑問。因此《方案》也要求市級各部門要關注社會輿情,主動做好宣傳解釋工作。《方案》提到,各部門要按照統一時間、統一口徑和規範文本的公開要求,及時、準確公開本部門“三公”經費信息,公開前,要認真匯總分析有關數據,充分做好各項準備;公開時,對本部門的特殊情況,要認真做好解釋工作;公開後,要及時瞭解社會輿情反映,認真做好解釋工作,積極採納合理建議。怎麼監督落實?市紀委監察局將定期專項檢查《方案》還提到,市紀委監察局將加強對“三公”經費信息公開工作的監督檢查,定期組織開展專項檢查,並對檢查中發現的問題按照有關規定進行督導、問責。市審計局則將加強對各部門“三公”經費預決算的真實性、完整性、準確性的審計監督,依法對違反財經法規行為進行審計處理。[記者觀察]佛山步驟“中規中矩”早在今年8月,財政部即發佈《關於推進省以下預決算公開工作的通知》,明確表示在2015年之前,各省內所有縣級以上政府都要公佈財政預決算、部門預決算及“三公”經費預決算。該通知列舉了“三公”數據公佈的基本格式,同時規定“每年集中時間將財政預決算、部門預決算及‘三公’經費預決算、匯總‘三公’經費預決算等內容向社會公開,上述公開工作原則上應于每年10月31日前完成”。佛山此次曬“三公”的步伐邁得並不大。9月30日,佛山市直63個部門同時向社會公開“三公”經費預算,其公佈的時間點正好是在10月前;其信息公佈的格式(列出三公總數和分項數據)均按照上述通知發佈的規範製作。而走在“三公”經費公佈前列的廣州,已經制定了曬“三公”細化到“項、目”的格式規範。[專家有話]曬“三公”無關技術,在乎決心中山大學財稅系教授林江表示,“三公”經費其實在機關系統內部本來就有一個明賬,接受內部的監督和監管,至於“三公”選擇的公開時間,公開的範圍,公開到哪一地步,“技術上根本沒有問題,只是看當地政府的決心到哪一步。”林江教授表示,國慶節前,佛山同時公開了市直部門的“三公”,這種做法值得肯定,但“只告訴了大家我花了多少錢,但錢具體花到哪裡去了,花得值不值,大家則無從得知。”林江認為佛山急需加大“三公”公開的力度,“畢竟公開‘三公’根本目的還是讓大家對政府財政支出形成監督作用,提高財政資金利用效率,如果公開得不徹底,不但起不到監督作用,反而會遭到社會的種種質疑。”[公開流程]每年市兩會期間,市財政部門批復各市級部門預算,並通過人大審議。而市財政局每年所作的《關於佛山市本級財政決算草案的報告》多在八九月完成,再經人大批准後批復部門決算20個工作日內,各市直單位需公開預算、決算“三公”經費總額和分項金額,還應根據實際情況自行公開支出情況“三公”應在市政府網站和本部門網站上同時向社會公開,沒有部門網站的,還應通過公共查閱室、信息公告欄或電子信息屏等場所設施公開面對社會疑問,各部門主動做好宣傳解釋市紀委監察局督導問責,市審計局審計監督統籌:南都記者 程俊採寫:南都記者 程俊 李文波迷利倉

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主持人:劉暢●證監會央行呵護股市心切上周三的股市殺跌,self storage主要源自“IPO改革方案發佈在即”的傳聞影響。因此,證監會通過上周末的新聞發佈會及時地予以澄清。同時,央行也主動與市場溝通,發出“我國銀行體系流動性供應總體上仍然比較充裕”等偏積極的信號。“論”:暖風頻吹,這段時間應該有一個不可多得的做多機會。●人民日報質疑創業板走牛人民日報載文稱,從今年首個交易日717.30點的開盤價算起,創業板僅用10個月的時間,完成了近乎翻倍的漲幅。同時指出,股市的高收益總是伴隨著高風險,納斯達克指數曾大漲331%,但又在兩年多的時間里跌去約80%。“論”:漲得越高,跌得越狠。創業板是否會重蹈納斯達克的覆轍?確實有些令人擔憂。●IPO停閘投行座次重洗牌相關數據顯示,招商證券目前在會IPO項目共有50個,首次超過國信證券和平安證券,居保薦數量的首位。然而,IPO一天不重�,這些“美麗”的數據就都是鏡花水月。招商證券投行部門甚至在《致內部公開信》中表示,“在接下來的兩個多月時間里,如果IPO不重�,投行總部年內將出現一定幅度的虧損。”“論”:在IPO暫停的一年裡,又遭遇迷利倉管層的財務核查,券商是真地感到痛了。●1173家公司本周公佈三季報統計顯示,在10月21日至10月27日期間,滬深兩市共有1173家上市公司擬披露三季報。其中有828家公司已公佈三季報業績預告,有478家公司業績預喜,占比57.73%。“論”:看看江南紅箭、金鴻能源、鑫茂科技等為代表的淨利潤增幅翻番的公司們,是否會掀起一輪業績浪行情呢?●6只ST股有望摘帽變鳳凰臨近年關,披星戴帽的T類公司又迎來重組大限倒計時。在IPO遲遲不開閘的背景下,T類公司的殼資源依然相對稀缺,有分析預計,*ST鞍鋼、*ST濟柴、*ST上控、*ST成霖、*ST韶鋼、*ST生化等6只最有希望上演“烏雞變鳳凰”的戲碼。“論”:A股總在上演“不死鳥”傳奇,垃圾股轉瞬間成了“香餑餑”,實在令人取捨兩難。●雲南銅業爆15億巨虧黑洞虧損局面愈演愈烈,業績預告顯示,今年1-9月份,歸屬於雲南銅業股東的淨利潤虧損15億元-15.5億元,基本每股收益虧損1.06元-1.09元,同比虧損幅度達到近3倍。“論”:公司的財務問題一直未解決,再加上有色金屬市場的不景氣,雲南銅業的全年業績可真懸了!迷你倉

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Source: The Seattle TimesOct.迷你倉 20--A handful of authors have tried to write the Amazon.com story. But no one had put together a definitive account of the juggernaut's rise from a Bellevue garage to a global power in less than two decades until Brad Stone wrote "The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon."The book, which debuted last week, includes little-known details about meetings, deals that never materialized, Bezos' interactions with other corporate giants, and roadblocks that almost derailed Amazon. It provides insight into a company that has been opaque for much of its history.While Bezos decided not to comment for the book, Stone, a senior writer for Bloomberg Businessweek, still got remarkable access to both current and former executives, as well as Bezos' family and friends. And in one of the book's most dramatic moments, Stone unearthed Bezos' biological father, who gave up his son nearly a half century ago when, as a teenager, he was ill-prepared for parenthood. Stone found Ted Jorgensen running a bike shop in Glendale, Ariz., and entirely unaware of who his son became.Stone, who will be speaking at Town Hall Seattle in conversation with The New York Times' Nick Wingfield Tuesday night, chatted with The Seattle Times about reporting the book and the insights he discovered about the company in the process.Here's an edited version of that conversation:Q: One of the most dramatic parts of the book is your meeting Jeff Bezos' biological father, Ted Jorgensen. After the meeting, were you worried that some journalist might come along and find Jorgensen before the book came out?A: Yes. Any piece of news that you uncover in the course of reporting a book has to remain quiet for a year or more because the book gestation process is a really long one.It seemed unlikely, I guess. Never underestimate the ability of any author to worry about even the smallest thing to go wrong, and I was definitely worried about it.Q: In the book, you note that 45 years ago or so Jackie Bezos [Jeff Bezos' mother] asked Ted Jorgensen to stay out of her life and Jeff's. Did you have any reservations about bringing Jorgensen back into their lives?A: I definitely did. But you know, Jeff has changed the world. Full stop. He has changed the way that we shop, the way that we read and the way that companies are built now.I went to explore this untold aspect of his story. I didn't know what I would find. And I didn't anticipate that he [Jorgensen] wouldn't have any knowledge of Amazon, of the influence that his biological son had had on the world. These were unanticipated consequences, and it was uncomfortable all the way around.Q: Do you think Jeff Bezos knew that the Ted Jorgensen who ran a bike shop in Glendale, Ariz., was his biological father?A: I have no idea.Q: You paint Bezos as a polarizing figure -- a guy who is brilliant, driven, ruthless and sometimes even cruel. Setting aside judgments about whether that's good or bad, do you think that personality type was required to create the juggernaut that Amazon has become?A: Absolutely. Amazon is a company that grew from two guys in a garage in 1994 to almost 100,000 employees today, in addition to 70,000 temporary employees [hired for holiday sales].Amazon's biggest adversary has never been Walmart or Barnes & Noble. It's been chaos and the complexity that comes with a business that grows that fast. Bezos' insistence on excellence all around and high standards and the way he demands the best from his employees make Amazon an extremely challenging place to work. But it is also one of the biggest factors that contributes to its success.We've seen other companies that have grown that fast, whose outcomes are a lot different. Look at AOL. Look at Yahoo. These are all companies that rode the same wave but eventually crashed and burned because they didn't have the singular figure at the helm that had the clarity and the drive and the discipline to keep things operating smoothly amid the onslaught of growth.Q: Is it clarity and drive and discipline, or is it a willingness to think of employees as pieces of the machinery that move the engine forward rather than the way most of us think of them, as people?A: In the early years of Amazon, everyone left Bezos. That entire management team turned over, most voluntarily. At some point, he must have had to desensitize himself to churn. It's almost a fact of life in that kind of fast-growing business, when things are so intense.Q: Jeff Bezos seems of a similar mold to Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Larry Ellison, super smart guys that launched tech giants, but also polarizing figures. You even make the comparison in the book. Do you think that personality type is a causation or a correlation to building tech giants?A: I think it's required. I think it's no accident that we find these leaders have oversized personalities and are extraordinarily drive儲存 and focused.There are probably some disadvantages to being too nice. There are also some disadvantages to being too brutal. We've seen a lot of that, particularly on Wall Street. There's a middle ground. I'm not sure where it is.Q: Bezos often talks about a willingness to be misunderstood as he comes up with new innovations at Amazon. But then, you came across a memo he wrote for the senior leadership about the need to make Amazon better loved. Are those two ideas in conflict?A: In a way, both address how Amazon is looked at by the media and, to a certain extent, by shareholders. I've always viewed the willingness to be misunderstood as an impressive piece of rhetorical jujitsu.In way, it's saying: "You don't understand. We've got a long-term vision here. We're going to stick to our principles and not engage in the criticisms."In the "Amazon.love" memo, Jeff is being very analytical about a problem that all big retailers face, which is when you get to a certain size, you inevitably attract negative attention, particularly discount retailers because you're not just putting the big guys out of business, but the small guys, too. Often, there's a reflexive negative response to big companies.He was thinking out loud about when Amazon gets to be the size of Walmart -- and it still has a long way to go -- how does it avoid falling into the Walmart trap, which is that a lot of people, just instinctively, don't like you?And in brainstorming, he derives one lesson, which is as long as people think you're inventing, and trying to improve yourself, and doing things for your customers, they'll give you a little bit of a pass. We'll see in the coming years if that's true or not.Q: I spoke with a former Amazonian recently who said the day Jeff Bezos announces his retirement is the day he'll sell his stock. You write about the Jeff-bots at the company [loyal executives who try to channel the CEO]. But is there anyone at the company who understands the vision as clearly as Bezos and could help the company pursue it?A: Right now, the company is tailored toward the way that Jeff Bezos thinks and the way he processes information and the priorities he sets for the company and its culture.And it's such a diversified company, that it's hard to imagine anybody who'd be as versatile to run all parts of it from the retail side to the digital side to Amazon Web Services.That said, there are some executives who have been with him for over a decade and have really grown up by his side who would be the obvious candidates. The names that come to mind are Jeff Wilke, who runs the North American retail business; Andy Jassy, who runs Amazon Web Services; and Diego Piacentini, who runs Amazon's international businesses. They think, in large part, the way he thinks.Q: You write that it's nearly inevitable that Amazon will introduce a mobile phone and a Web-connected television set-top box because the company wants to control the way its services are offered. Why do you think the company hasn't introduced those yet?A: Because Jeff has an extremely high bar, and because they want to introduce something that's distinctive and inventive.I think that the set-top box is imminent. With the mobile phone, it's a crowded market and they haven't quite figured it out exactly what Amazon's play is there.I called the book "The Everything Store" for a reason: It's expanding its limits in every single direction, internationally, devices, enterprise. They want to be everywhere.Q: With both those markets, there would seem to be first-mover advantages. Amazon doesn't have that, and the longer it waits, the harder it becomes for them to produce something that could be truly meaningful for and desirable by consumers.A: They have demonstrated two things.One, the ability to be incredibly patient. The tablet market they were late on. And while they haven't had outsized success, by all accounts, the Kindle Fire is a nice business. The first Kindle Fire wasn't that good. They've improved over the last two generations, and now they look pretty good.And second, they are willing to try new things and stop them if they don't work. The second Kindle device had a text-to-speech function where it read aloud from your book in a robotic voice. And they couldn't get a lot of the rights [to use that technology)] to books. People didn't really use it. And it's not around anymore.Q: Have you sent a copy of the book to Jeff Bezos?A: I did.Q: Have you heard anything from him about it?A: No.Q: How often are you checking the Amazon Sales Rank of your book?A: Like almost every other author, obsessively, and at a rate that disturbs my significant other. It's an illness like you can't stop.Jay Greene: 206-464-2231 or jgreene@seattletimes.com. Twitter: iamjaygreeneCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Seattle Times Visit The Seattle Times at .seattletimes.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage

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近日在電視上看到一個廣告,存倉身穿低胸連身裙的美女托�小多士,婀娜穿梭山城大街小巷,引來艷羨目光……叫人真想飛到意大利山城遊一趟!結果,我飛了去列吉尼亞(Liguria)的拉斯佩齊亞省(Provincia della Spezia)沿海地區,來到一個叫五漁村的地方(Cinque Terre),建於臨海崖上的山城,彩色小屋、石板小街,配上藍天碧海,我不禁高呼:「我想住�地方!」由Riomaggiore、Manarola、Corniglia、Vernazza、Monterosso al Mare五條村落組成的五漁村,各有自家風味,我走訪了位於東邊依山崖而建的Riomaggiore和Manarola,那�保留了昔日漁鄉風貌,甫進村已感覺被悠閒和歡樂氣氛濃罩,由米蘭開往Riomaggiore的火車,車上十之八九都是遊客,大部分人也穿上方便行裝�個背包,到山村展開兩日一夜之旅。Riomaggiore 漁村大門1997年列入世界文化遺產的五漁村,亦被闢為國家公園,Riomaggiore正位於公園的入口,Rio可解釋為「河流」,maggiore則是「大」,車站地下正是河流的出口,要進入漁村先要穿過車站旁的隧道,海藍色的牆上有手繪或貝殼砌成的海洋生物圖畫,在賣藝者的美妙風琴聲帶領下,古典石板街隨即出現眼前,彷彿走進了夢幻世界。由於小村建於臨海山崖上,不少遊客也會到海邊花十元八塊租用裝備,戲水一番,我則繼續沿小路走往崖上,沿路欣賞滿山紅紅黃黃的小屋、遠眺水清見底的海灣,偶有出海的小漁船經過,美如明信片的風景真是隨手已可拍攝得到。想看多一點?東邊有小碼頭供遊人登船暢遊周邊離島,以及穿梭各漁村。走過又斜又長的石板街來到城中,得要醫肚補充氣力,Riomaggiore只有一條主街,紀念品店、餐廳都集中於此。想快食又想品嘗地道海鮮,Mamma Mia! Take Away是推介之選,餐廳門口放了客炸得金黃的Fish and Chips作招徠,看得人垂涎,我叫了一客,內有當地盛產的鯷魚、煙韌的魷魚圈和炸得外殼爽脆的海蝦,即叫即製熱辣辣,好味到不禁說句Mamma Mia!吃飽飽再次拾級而上,沿途秋風送爽十分舒服,不一會已來到村莊最高點San Giovanni教堂。早於1340年建成的教堂,外表與列吉尼亞(Liguria)地區的傳統教堂風格大相逕庭,因1820年時換上了哥德式的建築,不過內部仍保存了黑白相間的標誌性風格。Mamma Mia! Take Away地址:Via Colombo 208, Riomag儲存ioreChurch of San Giovanni Battista地址:Via Telemaco Signorini, RiomaggioreManarola 風味農產若說Riomaggiore是五漁村的客廳或前院,那麼Manarola絕對是最好的廚房和糧倉,這個同樣依山崖而建的小城,面積比Riomaggiore大得多,漁業可能比較遜色,卻擁有強勁的農產品,街巷上垃圾桶似的東西是最佳引證,其實它是古老的葡萄榨汁機,上面為攪壓葡萄的控桿,下面則收集果汁,再細看民居的大門上,有的掛滿收成的白葡萄,可推想他們有自釀白葡萄酒的習慣,亦有商店專售地道農產品。Burasca是Manarola較為具規模的自家品牌,煮食的橄欖油、餐飲用的白葡萄酒,以及各式醃製魚蔬等,也只售幾歐元至十多歐元,相宜又夠風味。但論最搶眼,則非意大利人最愛的檸檬酒(Limoncello)莫屬,同樣幾歐元一瓶,卻有心形、高跟鞋或長頸花樽等不同造型,有的更又紅又黃,用來點綴家居挺不錯!喜愛健行的朋友不妨到山上靜待夕陽西下,遠眺附近兩條漁村的黃昏美景,寫意度過一天旅程。Burasca地址:Via Discovolo 267,Manarola網址:.burasca.com/火車通票 縱橫意大利歐洲鐵路發達,穿州過市的火車旅遊絕對是方便之選,不過在生活節奏偏慢的意大利,排隊購票每次最少要花10分鐘或以上,加上來往城市間的火車票價大部分由EUR10(約HK$105)起跳,來回車費分分鐘要數百港元。所以,出發前先訂購火車通票最方便,以意大利基本的3天火車通票為例,只需約HK$1,631,已可自選單獨3天於2個月內無限次搭乘Trenitalia等國有鐵路,二等車廂有小食售賣及設洗手間,數小時車程坐得相當舒適,10月29日前預訂更可獲8折優惠添!網址:.raileurope.hkInfo簽證:持特區護照或BNO毋須簽證機票:乘新加坡航空由香港經新加坡飛米蘭,來回經濟客位機票約HK$4,200起。網址:.singaporeair.com交通:乘Trenitalia由米蘭中央車站至Riomaggiore站(途中需轉一次車),車程約3.5小時,單程收費EUR18.9(約HK$198)起住宿:經Agoda.com可預訂Riomaggiore及Manarola共多達93間酒店,並享有4%至7%積分回饋,於下次訂房時獲得更多折扣。 網址:.agoda.com貨幣:EUR1約兌換HK$10.5天氣:10月份氣溫約13℃-21℃時差:慢香港7小時迷你倉

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Source: The Florida Times-Union, JacksonvilleOct.迷你倉 21--11:21 a.m.Ronald Parker testified that on Aug. 29, 2009, he worked at AeroInstant, a facility adjacent to New Hope Mobile Home Park where Russell Toler Sr. and other family members had worked.Parker said he was around Guy Heinze Jr. and that he had complained that his father was going to give money to victim Joseph West for a shrimp boat and money for a truck to someone else."He said,"He ain't never give me and my borther anything. I'm going to kill him. I'm going to kill 'em all," Parker testified.Toler Jr. and Heinze got into a "little tussle" at the factory over Toler Jr.'s car, but Toler Sr. arrived and calmed them down, Parker testified.That happened three to five weeks before the deaths, he said.When defense lawyer Newell Hamilton Jr. asked when he was interviewed by police, he testified he didn't keep up with the dates.Parker repeated he observed the fight between Toler Jr. and Heinze.Hamilton asked Parker if he would be surprised to learned that Heinze's last day of employment was about a year before the deaths."When he told me he was going to kill them, I was working on a tool box for the plant," said Parker, who no longer works there.Heinze also said that victim Chrissy Toler was setting him up with a girl from Alabama and that if the girl didn't have sex with him that he would beat to death Chrissy and the Alabama girl."I told him you can't be doing that," Parker testified.When he told Toler Sr., his reaction was "He's just talking," Parker said.When his wife awoke him Aug. 29 and told him about the deaths, Parker testified "I said Lord have mercy."Parker said his dates may be off, but he did not recant what he had observed.Other witnesses have said Heinze was building houses about the time Parker claimed to have heard Heinze's threats and witnessed the fight.Parker said he and others had been laid off when the slayings occurred.When he heard about it, "I was quick to say he did that ... because he's clever enough to have did that."Hamilton accused Parker of lying."You're coming into this courtroom and making this up," to get your 15 minutes of fame and be on that camera right there, Hamilton said pointing to TV cameras.Parker then said he was a traveling preacher.Judge Stephen Scarlett called a recess for lunch.10:50 a.m.Margaret Orlinski, who lived two doors away from Guy Heinze Jr. and the eight he is accused of slaying, testified she saw someone drive into New Home Mobile Home Park in a blue-gray car then saw a frantic Heinze a short time later on the morning of Aug. 29, 2009.Heinze came running down her driveway yelling, "Help, help, help," she testified on the sixth day of Heinze's death penalty murder trial."Guy was out there screaming, 'My whole family's dead. My whole family's dead,' " she testified.He told her to call police, and she used her cell phone to call 911."He was out in front of my truck dry heaving, trying not to puke," she testified.Heinze was understandably in shock, she said.Orlinski said she had never seen anyone but Russell D. Toler Jr. drive the Mercury Cougar that was parked beside the trailer that Heinze and his father shared with the eight members of Russell D. Toler Sr.'s extended family. Heinze told police he had borrowed the car from Toler Jr., a victim in the slayings."That was his baby," she said of the car.She also said that Buddy, the Toler family's dog, was tied up on the front porch and that "He was a barker."Orlinski testified that to her knowledge Heinze had no cell phone of his own and nor had she seen him with a shotgun that morning.Heinze told police that he had taken a shotgun out of the house before he had Orlinski call 911 and put it in the car. Heinze explained he had paid $25 for the gun but believed it had been stolen.Police have introduced an ATF transaction record showing that the senior Toler had bought the shotgun years before.Examining a picture of Heinze, she said that it appeared to be the way he was dressed that morning, in a striped blue polo shirt and in khaki shorts "other than he was barefoot.""That whole family never had shoes on. I don't understand it," with all the fire ant and other things out there, she testified.Under cross-examination from defense lawyer Newell Hamilton Jr., Orlinski said that she saw Heinze play with Byron Jimerson, who survived being severely beaten."My dog would have barked had he heard Buddy bark. He would have alerted me ... My dog would have gotten riled up," she testified.Buddy didn't bark every time someone came to the house, but he was aggressive toward strangers, she testified.Michael Nixon testified he lived next door to Orlinski and close to the Toler family's mobile home."I heard the dogs going crazy outside, barking," Nixon testified about the morning the deaths were discovered.When he heard voices, he looked out and Russell Toler Jr.'s car, Orlinski and Heinze and then went outside."He said his whole family was dead, they had been beaten to death," Nixon said.Heinze repeated that his family was dead and asked to borrow Nixon's phone to call his brother, Tyler., he testified.Nixon said he called the park manager to let her know what was going on.Nixon testified he saw Heinze go back in the house three times, and "I told him he needed to stay out of there."Buddy was a bull mastiff about a year old and "was fine with me," but couldn't stand the other maintenance man who teased him儲存Of Toler Jr.'s car, Nixon said he had never seen anyone but Toler Jr., his father and sister Chrissy drive the car."That was his treasure," he said of the car.Under cross-examination, Nixon identified a pair of khaki shorts and said they appeared to be the ones he was wearing that morning.Nixon said he heard Heinze yelling from inside the trailer, "Michael's still alive. Call an ambulance."Michael Toler survived until the next day when he died at a Savannah hospital of severe head injuries.He confirmed Orlinski's testimony that the two of them had had beer and tequilla together the night before and that he was intoxicated.Nixon said the only time he had seen Heinze drive the Mercury Cougar before, Toler Jr. was in the car.Once the Tolers' mobile home was moved about a year later, Nixon testified, he tore down the concrete steps and found a framing hammer."It mainly looked like dirt on it to me," he testified of material on it.9:35 a.m.A man who cooked Heinze breakfast said he appeared very nervous in a St. Simons Island restaurant.Jason Ogden said that in the early morning hours of Aug. 29, 2009, he was managing the Huddle House on St. Simons Island. He was doing paperwork in the office when waiter Candy Anderson came into the office and said she was uncomfortable."I came out front and started cooking,'' he said.He said Guy Heinze Jr., who he knew, was there with someone who could have been his brother along with some other customers."He paced back and forth. He sat still about two minutes and then walked outside the restaurant,'' Ogden said.He seemed very tense and he and the male he was with got their food to go.Checking a register receipt record, it appeared Heinze was there was at at 7:08 a.m., Ogden testified."A Philly cheese omelet and a order of hash browns all the way,'' he testified examining the bill."They could have been there 15 minutes, tops, just long enough to cook the food,'' Ogden said.They left in a gold Dodge Charger and Heinze was in no shape to drive "as nervous and tense as he was," Ogden testified.Heinze exhibited the symptoms of being "on some kind of speed,'' which Ogden had seen in family members, Ogden testified during cross-examination."Cold sweat, nervous, walking back and forth ... that's what I've been seeing all my life,'' Ogden said. "That's why my waitress came and got me. He made her nervous."He saw Heinze walk across a parking lot to a Friendly Express store and come back but didn't know if he came back inside the Huddle House, Ogden testified.Just over an hour after Heinze left the restaurant, Heinze told a 911 operator he had come home to find his whole family "beat to death.''8:55 a.m.BRUNSWICK -- Glynn County Deputy Sheriff Rocky Mortoriet testified Monday in Guy Heinze Jr.'s death penalty murder case that he heard a juror violating the judge's instructions to not discuss the case until deliberations begin.Judge Stephen Scarlett heard evidence, held a sidebar confernce with prosecution and defense attorneys and then called the jury in to resume the trial without issue issuing any ruling.Mortoriet, who has been acting as a bailiff protecting the jurors from outside influence, getting them lunch and taking them to their hotel rooms, said it began Wednesday when he took the juror to the gym."He said there is no way I can convict this gentleman," that there is no evidence against him, Mortoriet testified.The juror said that before the trial, he had called a homicide detective in California and asked how he would rate the trail, Mortoriet told Judge Stephen Scarlett.Under questioning from District Attorney Jackie Johnson, the deputy said the the juror said the detective rates interviews with suspects from one to 10.Then he takes an average of his rating, the deputy said the juror said.Sunday when Scarlett allowed the jurors to meet with close family members, he heard the juror talking with his wife about what he had heard in the courtroom."I explained to them there would be absolutely zero conversation about the trial," he said.Five minutes later he was again talking about the trial, Mottoriet testified.Mortoriet said he got closer to them and, "I heard him say, 'and the roaches were so bad.' "There has been testimony in the case that some of the eight people beaten to death in a mobile home, for which Heinze is charged with malice murder, had cockroach bites on their bodies.Another bailiff, who Mortoriet referred to as Deputy Justice, said she had heard the juror, idenfied only as No. 152, tell his wife that Heinze had consumed a lot of cocaine.Deputy Justice caught his eye and shook her head to indicate it was not allowed.The deputy said he and Justice have cautioned him to not discuss the case."Three times counting yesterday when I told him absolutely no conversation," the deputy said.Other jurors have complained they believe he's trying to discuss the case with other jurors, but he conceals his conversations by shielding the side of his face with his notepad.When the jury was seated at 8:50 a.m., Scarlett again cautioned them "that it would be improper to discuss this case.""If any of you hear another juror discussing this case or commenting on this case, you are to immediately report it to a bailiff," Scarlett said.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Florida Times-Union (Jacksonville, Fla.) Visit The Florida Times-Union (Jacksonville, Fla.) at .jacksonville.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage

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mini storage 昨天天氣晴好,北京園博園成都園里兩只大熊貓“琪琪”和“芝芝”溜達出溫室曬太陽,憨態可掬的樣子,吸引遊客駐足觀看。本報記者 吳鏑攝self storage

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Source: The Arizona Daily Sun, FlagstaffOct.self storage 17--One of Flagstaff's only off-site shopping center signs has advanced toward final passage by the Flagstaff City Council.And if approved, the sign for the Flagstaff Mall might open the door to other off-premises signs, too.Macerich Corp., the owners of the Flagstaff Mall, has proposed a 22-foot high sign on North Country Club Drive at East Nestle Purina Avenue, just off Interstate 40.The sign was included in a legal settlement between the city and the mall owners in 2011, and its implementation is just now being brought to the council. Westcor owned the mall at that time.The Flagstaff Planning and Zoning Commission, made up of volunteers, voted unanimously last month against creating a special district needed to erect the sign -- the city code prohibits off-site signs and members said an exception for the mall was not warranted.But city staff noted that if the proposal was rejected, the city would likely incur more legal expenses in the matter.On Tuesday the council gave first reading to the ordinance establishing the sign district, with a final vote likely to take place in early November.Based on councilmembers comments, it appears the council is divided. A majority wants to approve the mall sign, but one faction wants to give all property owners an equal chance to get approval for a sign district, while another does not.The proposed sign, according to an artist's rendering, would announce the "Flagstaff Mall, The Marketplace and Auto Park" and contain panels for individual stores and other tenants, as shown in the staff report.The proposed sign area is 216 square feet for each sign face, 20 feet in height to the top of the sign cabinet, and 22 feet and six inches in overall height, as stated in the staff report.A settlement agreement signed in December 2011 between the city and Westcor, stipulated that the city would permit the construction of a new sign advertising the Flagstaff Mall and Marketplace, as stated in the report."Failure to adopt this ordinance may result in the City incurring additional legal expenses," as stated in the report.Councilmember Mark Woodson said: "I think the city has painted itself in a corner," noting it may have to give "preferential treatment" it doesn't give to others.Should the city change the sign rules to provide this opportunity to all businesses or not, Woodson asked.Mayor Jerry Nabours said not all off-premise 迷你倉igns are undesirable. Some can be "helpful" and provide direction. He said he did not include billboards in this category.During the public hearing, resident Matt White said: Imagine a view of Mount Elden and a sign five feet higher than the back of a semi-truck in the foreground of that view."This might be good for business, but I am worried about the domino effect," White said.Garrett Newland, vice president of Macerich, the mall owner, said: "Our company has worked very hard with the city for two years to reach a settlement. The sign easement agreement was approved by the (former) council and (it was) a good faith understanding."Newland said the sign agreement portion of the settlement was a "significant consideration as we went forward with the settlement. "He said the Flagstaff Mall is one of the top sales-tax generators in the city and employers."We are working with a major tenant and this sign is key to that tenant" deciding to come to the mall, he added.City Planning Commissioner Jim McCarthy, who voted against recommending the council approve the sign district in a unanimous decision, said: "The previous council made a private commitment to the (mall) land owner." Equal protection under the law, he added, does not allow one to have special treatment over another.Woodson said: "This sign really is 371 square feet. This is a very big sign."Councilmember Jeff Oravits said: "We've been asked to revise the sign code after the New Year. I will support this, but a precedent is being set"Added Oravits: "If we're doing this for one business, we need to (change the code) for other businesses. I look forward to the sign code discussion.Councilmember Scott Overton said: "I do not support changing the sign code," adding it would be best to restrict it to this one case.Councilmember Coral Evans said: "I am not interested in changing the entire sign code."The mayor reminded council to take into consideration that the mall is a regional shopping center containing more than 600,000 square feet of building space, including retail and restaurants.The council went into executive session for legal advice. When it returned, it voted to hold the first reading of the ordinance, moving the process along toward a final vote in November.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Arizona Daily Sun (Flagstaff, Ariz.) Visit The Arizona Daily Sun (Flagstaff, Ariz.) at .azdailysun.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage

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