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【綜合外電報道】德國總理默克爾的手機被揭疑遭華府竊聽,self storage令美國國家安全局(NSA)的監控醜聞愈鬧愈熱,更令外界關注各國元首及政府高級官員使用的智能手機,及他們手機的加密程度。然而法國手機加密商指,不少政治人物擁有專用加密手機,仍會持有私人智能手機,增加被竊聽的風險。默克爾所使用的是經特別加密的黑莓(Blackberry)Z10。德國政府早前向加拿大手機製造商黑莓購入一批配備頂級安全機制的黑莓Z10。該批手機裝有由德國機密公司Secusmart研製的高度加密卡,可把手機內的電郵、短訊等資料特別加密,每部售價達二千五百歐元(約二萬六千七百港元)。當中默克爾專用的總理公務Z10,更有德國國旗黑、紅、黃三色及國徽的鷹標誌。德國《每日鏡報》引述政府消息人士指,今次默克爾遭監聽的手機不是總理公務手機,而是她作為基督教民主聯盟領袖的黨公務手機,故洩露的國家機密不多。評論指即使只是黨公務手機,亦應確保安全。美國總統奧巴馬的迷你倉莓亦曾接受美國特工安裝特別加密軟件,而俄羅斯總統普京則使用由中俄合製的MTC MTS-Glonass 945手機,更內置俄自家製的�星系統。北韓領導人金正恩早前被發現使用HTC旗艦機Butterfly。泰國總理英祿五部手機中,其中一部為諾基亞Lumia 920。英國首相卡梅倫亦是黑莓的支持者,英國皇室則力捧iPhone系列。薩爾科齊抗拒用加密手機法國總統奧朗德喜歡用回自己的智能手機,品牌不詳。法國手機加密商Cryptofrance始創人阿夫里爾稱,政治人物擁有專用的加密手機,他們通常亦會持有另一部iPhone或黑莓,甚至抗拒使用特製的加密手機。阿夫里爾指,常提醒客戶不要使用一般智能手機談公事或收發電郵。資訊安全專家紹爾舉例指,法國前總統薩爾科齊抗拒使用國防承包商Thales製造的加密手機Teorem,此款手機的售價約三萬五千港元。紹爾表示,這些政治人物慣常在未經加密的手機上使用應用程式,令他們的手機更易洩密。mini storage

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香港文匯報訊(記者 方楚茵)香港與內地經貿合作諮詢委員會昨舉行首次會議,自存倉特首梁振英指出,南沙、橫琴、前海和河套地區將為港提供珍貴土地資源,而香港過去30年工業北移騰出資源,令港成功轉型發展服務業的成功經驗,將可複製至此三地,期望委員會積極提出建議。委員會主席蘇澤光透露,小組現階段共識是由遠至近,先探討南沙、前海及橫琴的配合發展,及利用河套地區的土地資源,作為本港與內地間的緩衝,同時服務內地旅客。 梁振英昨日在會議上指出,未來南沙、橫琴、前海和河套地區將為港提供珍貴土地資源。而本港過去30年工業北移騰出資源,令港成功轉型發展服務業的成功經驗,將可複製至此三地,期望委員會積極提出建議,而毋須忌諱投資內地會否令香港空洞化的言論。 他說:「如果用英文說,那些迷你倉Why』我們已經知道了,我們為何要坐下來談這個問題,因為內地是一個發展得很快的經濟體,國家給我們很多的支持,香港亦都有需要走出去,這個『Why』已經知道的了。去哪裡投資?以及投資甚麼?大家都心中有數。除了這個『Why』、這個『What』及這個『Where』之外,我們很需要的就是『How』。具體怎樣去做?」蘇澤光:由遠至近配合發展 蘇澤光在會後介紹,將成立3個小組進行分組討論,分別為經貿組、專業服務組及青年事務組,分別由委員會兩位副主席鄭家純、李宗德及委員林建岳擔任小組主席。小組將通過實地考察及調研等,探討內地與香港進一步合作並提出實際建議,現階段共識是由遠至近,若可成功發展南沙、前海及橫琴,將為香港商界、專業人士帶來商機,及為青少年帶來創業及就業機會。mini storage

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受3D辣招拖累,迷你倉住宅前景被看淡,投資者紛紛轉戰酒店項目,昨日截標的中環美利大廈酒店活化項目,獲18財團爭崩頭競逐,反應比住宅地熱烈,除了發展商及酒店經營者外,連私募基金亦有參與,而信置(00083)則夥拍資本策略(00497)、麗新發展(00488)及帝國集團入標,以分擔風險。本年度首幅酒店用地──中環美利大廈項目昨日截標,合共接獲18份標書,反應理想。據現場所見,有份入標的財團包括長實(00001)、新地(00016)、新世界酒店、華大地產(00201)、永泰地產(00369)、帝盛集團(02266)、富豪酒店(00078)、信置財團及私募基金A&FCapital Management等。上述財團當中,不少擁有營運酒店的經驗,包括長實、新地、新世界酒店、富豪酒店及華大地產等。其中,華大地產投資主席鄭啟文表示,公司已持有8間酒店項目,具備發展經驗,由於美利大廈位置好,外形吸引,所以值得投資,倘若公司成功投得項目,計劃打造成4星半級酒店,合共提供650個酒店房文件倉,平均每房面積約300餘方呎,項目10%樓面則會撥作商場及餐廳,預計提供8間餐廳,天台則會興建酒吧。至於去年積極競投豪宅地皮的A&F CapitalManagement執行董事合夥人李英豪表示,住宅樓市動盪,所以近期推出招標的豪宅地,該基金暫沒有出手競投,在看好香港酒店及旅遊業前景下,決定獨資競投美利大廈,雖然項目不准拆卸,令設計受到局限,但反而有利競爭,倘若成功投得項目,計劃打造為200餘房間的5星級酒店。此外,信置發言人表示,集團夥拍資本策略、麗新發展及帝國集團控股合作,遞交美利大廈項目標書,據資料顯示,帝國集團公司地址與新地非執行董事郭炳湘其他公司地址相同,亦與早前夥拍麗新投得將軍澳68A2區住宅地皮的公司同名。美聯測量師行董事林子彬表示,雖然美利大廈為活化項目,發展具一定限制,但由於市場對優質酒店房間需求大,尤其是項目坐落中環區,鄰近纜車站、香港公園等地利優勢,有利打造為高檔酒店。資料顯示,中環區目前不足3000間酒店房,故美利大廈酒店發展相當具潛力。存倉

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為加快推進“寬帶中國”戰略的實施,迷你倉最平近期工信部決定在現有北京、上海、廣州三個互聯網骨幹直聯點外,在成都、武漢、西安、沈陽、南京、重慶和鄭州七個城市增設骨幹直聯點。建成後,這七個骨幹直聯點將和現有的北京、上海、廣州骨幹直聯點一起成為互聯網的國家級骨幹網互聯樞紐。據瞭解,目前,我國八家互聯網骨幹網單位均通過設在北京、上海、廣州三地的骨幹直聯點和互聯網交換中心實現骨幹網互聯互通,本次增設國家級互聯網骨幹直聯點,使我國互聯網互聯互通的節點數量大幅增加,而且布局得到顯著優化,對於加快落實寬帶中國迷你倉略,推動互聯網行業發展具有積極促進作用。新的骨幹直聯點的設立,將進一步完善我國互聯網頂層架構,提高網間流量疏導能力和互通效率,改善網絡質量和安全性能,提升用戶上網體驗,讓互聯網更好地服務廣大群�和經濟社會發展。同時,為雲計算、數據中心等各種互聯網業務應用的發展創造有利條件,引導吸引產業集聚,拉動信息消費,促進互聯網經濟的繁榮,加快當地經濟轉型和升級,推動區域協調發展。今後,根據實施效果及形勢發展的需要,工信部還將充分研究論證增設新的骨幹直聯點,推動互聯網網間互聯架構持續優化。 (張達)儲存

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mini storage 據新華社曼穀10月25日電(記者/常天童 明大軍)據泰國媒體報道,泰國政府正在計劃從明年開始向入境外國遊客徵收入境稅,同時還計劃將泰國各機場的機場稅調漲。據《星暹日報》25日報道,泰國公共衛生部長巴迪·信他瓦那龍透露,目前制訂的計劃為,入境逗留時間超過3天的外國旅客每人須繳付500泰銖(約合100元人民幣)的入境稅;逗留不超過3天的遊客,每天須繳付30泰銖。巴迪表示,相關議案獲得通過後,徵收入境稅的新措施最早將于明年元旦開始實施。不過,考慮到元旦期間是旅遊旺季,為避免引起混亂,不排除新措施延遲到明年1月中實施的可能。迷你倉

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中環美利大廈酒店活化項目今截標,迷你倉為保留大廈布局,項目規定只准改裝,但市場相信仍具吸引力,估值約22億至32.2億元。另下周截標的九龍灣宏照道商貿地,由於加入不准拆售條款,中原調低估值達三成,最新估值約21.4億元,每方呎樓面地價3,850元。高力國際(香港)估價及諮詢服務部董事譚智仁稱,上述美利大廈酒店項目,可建樓面約32.5萬方呎,最少70%樓面須用作客房用途,並規定不可拆卸現有大樓,相信發展商出價將考慮相關因素,項目估值約22億元,每方呎樓面地價約6,768元。數字屬市場估值下限,至於現時最高估值約32儲存5億元,每方呎樓面地價約1萬元。宏照道地估值減三成此外,上述九龍灣宏照道與臨利街交界商貿地,罕有地加設不准拆售條款,將大大影響項目做價。中原測量師行執行董事張競達認為,政府致力發展九龍東,可惜該地增設只准全幢轉售規條,故調低地皮估值三成,由30.5億元減至21.4億元,最新每方呎樓面地價3,850元。另同日截標的西貢篤康村路限量地,須提供最少270伙,市場估值由約7.82億元起。而政府今日亦推兩幅屯門住宅地招標,美聯測量師行董事林子彬指,上述屯門青山公路-大欖段地皮及小欖冠峰街地皮,料估值合共約1.401億元。mini storage

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self storage Forty pro-establishment legislators made a rare joint statement criticizing three pan-democrats who earlier went to Taiwan to discuss with former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) leader Shih Ming-teh to make use of pro-independence people in Taiwan to promote the Occupy Central movement, while the movement's organizer was not slow to distance himself from Shih. People know that if a movement for universal suffrage is linked to Taiwan independence, it will greatly increase the central government's wariness, which means digging a grave for universal suffrage. One of the Occupy Central organizers Chu Yiu-ming, Alliance for True Democracy convener Joseph Cheng Yu-shek and Labour Party chairman Lee Cheuk-yan last weekend visited Taiwan to meet with Shih, who not only took a high profile in advance, but also clearly stated that he was willing to send people from Taiwan to support Occupy Central. At the same time, Lin Cho-shui, who prepared the Taiwan independence party programme for the DPP, also grabbed the opportunity of attending a seminar in Hong Kong to say that there is "no need to fear Hong Kong independence". Such moves and talks have drawn a series of attacks from mainland semi-official Global Times and local pro-Beijing media, some of which even questioned whether it was an attempt to lead the SAR into Hong Kong independence, in a "blend" with Taiwan independence. Some people's representatives and members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference also echoed. Provoking central government's suspicion may lead to tightening of political system This time pro-establishment legislators made a rare joint statement that included those often described as "not behaving" and some who supported pan-democrats' "entry" to chief executive election. It shows that whatever the political stand, people believe that involving Taiwan independence will create bigger barriers for the CE universal suffrage struggle. The DPP has a lot of experience in mass movements. Shih had once successfully organized an occupy presidential palace area by 100,000 "red shirts", to force Chen Shui-bian, who was caught in a corruption scandal, to step down. Some Hong Kong democrats believe that they can learn from that and want support from Taiwan's public. But without adequate assessment, these moves will make Hong Kong's democratic movement pay the price. The Colonial Flag appeared in demonstrations as some local campaigners were not satisfied with Hong Kong being "Chinalized", provoking the conflict between the two regions, about which China is already wary, being on guard against intervention by foreign influence and Taiwan independence people and promotion of separation of Hong Kong people. The central government wants universal suffrage for Hong Kong's chief executive election, but there must be a mechanism to ensure it will not result in Hong Kong people going against the central government. If those fighting for universal suffrage side up with Taiwan independence and increase the central government's suspicion, it will greatly raise the threshold of running in the election that is unacceptable for the pan-democrats, which may pull down universal suffrage. Taiwan independence benefits from ruining Hong Kong's universal suffrage Look at it from the angle of Taiwan independence. Which will be most favourable for it: the successful implementation of universal suffrage in the SAR or having the political system unchanged while causing a series of social unrest and prolonged social divide? The answer is not difficult to imagine and there are clues too. Earlier, some people who support local movements went "anti-Leung" and, in addition to placing an ad in Hong Kong, put up an ad in the form of "an open letter to the Taiwan government and people" in Taiwan's Green Camp newspaper, with the headline changed into "Hong Kong's facing serious Chinalization, a lesson for Taiwan", about which Taiwan independence people made a big fuss. To Taiwan independence people, the more successful the "one country, two systems" is implemented, the smaller the market for it. The more chaotic economic and social conditions in Hong Kong are, the more blocked the democratic process with more opportunities for Taiwan independence agenda to provide an "unbreakable" negative example. If those fighting for universal suffrage want to learn from Taiwan independence experience and boost their strength with its help or think that siding up with it will force Beijing to yield, the risk of ruining universal suffrage may be greatly increased. Published in the Sing Tao Daily on October 24 Vocabulary distance (v) —— 保持距離 wariness (n) —— 戒心 grave (n) —— 墳墓 seminar (n) —— 研討會 semi-official (adj) —— 半官方的 echo (v) —— 附和 barrier (n) —— 障礙 Chinalize (v) —— 中國化 fuss (n) —— 小題大作 agenda (n) —— 議程 Useful Terms pro-establishment legislator —— 建制派立法會議員 joint statement —— 聯署聲明 presidential palace —— 總統府 social divide —— 社會分裂 negative example —— 反面教材 Did you know? Pro-establishment legislators condemned the recent meeting of Occupy Central initiators with pro-independence political figures in Taiwan on Wednesday. They warned against attempts to challenge the "one country, two systems" principle. Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong lawmaker Tam Yiu-chung expressed concern that initiators of the movement made use of pro-independence forces in Taiwan to promote the Occupy Central movement, saying this would result in violence and challenge the "one country" bottom line. Tam urged the three to stop contacting the pro-independence forces in Taiwan and give up Occupy Central. Movement organizer Chan Kin-man said it is ridiculous to say they colluded with Taiwan's pro-independence power. He said they also contacted other groups in Taipei and they will communicate with Taiwan people, no matter what their political stance. 1. The word _____ in the fourth paragraph is the opposite of "common". 2. Three _____ earlier went to Taiwan to discuss with former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) leader Shih Ming-teh on Occupy Central. 3. In the passage, the word _____ means "mix". 4. The Colonial Flag appeared in demonstrations because _______________________________. 5. According to the last paragraph, Hong Kong politicians should not _____ up with Taiwan independence. Answers 1. rare 2. pan-democrats / democrats 3. blend 4. some local campaigners were not satisfied with Hong Kong being "Chinalized" 5. side 翻譯︰George 消「獨」才有望普選特首 四十位立法會建制派議員,罕有地發表聯署聲明,批評早前赴台與民進黨前主席施明德交流的三位泛民主派人士,借助台獨分子推動「佔領中環」,佔中發起人則急與施明德劃清界�。大家都知道,如果爭取普選的運動與台獨扯上關係,大增中央戒心,只會為普選掘墳墓。 佔中運動發起人之一朱耀明、真普聯召集人鄭宇碩和工黨主席李卓人,上周末到台灣與施明德交流。施明德不止事先張揚,而且表明願意安排台灣人來港支持佔中。同一時間,為民進黨制訂台獨黨綱的林濁水,亦利用來港出席研討會的機會,說「港獨也不必怕」。 這些舉動和言論,引來內地半官方《環球時報》和本地親北京傳媒連篇炮轟,當中甚至質疑是否要把香港引向港獨和台獨「兩獨合流」,一些人民代表和政協委員亦紛紛附和。 惹中央猜疑恐收緊政制 今次立法會建制派議員,罕有地發表聯合聲明,當中包括平時被形容為「不大聽話」的議員,以及一些贊成泛民可以「入閘」參選特首的議員,顯示無論政治立場如何,大家都認為扯上台獨會令爭取普選特首平添重大障礙。 民進黨有豐富群眾運動經驗,施明德曾成功策動十萬「紅衫軍」霸佔總統府一帶,要貪瀆醜聞纏身的陳水扁下台。本港部分民主派人士認為,可以從中取經及爭取台灣民眾支持,可是沒有充分評估,這些舉動令本港民主運動要付出代價。 本港示威行動出現港英年代的龍獅旗,部分本土運動人士不滿香港「被中國化」,激化兩地矛盾,中央已經有戒心,嚴防外國勢力和台獨分子插手,鼓吹港人離心。中央希望香港能夠普選特首,但要設定機制,確保不會搞成港人與中央對抗,如果爭取普選人士與台獨沾邊,增加中央猜疑,大大提高參選門檻,導致泛民難以接受,普選就可能拉倒。 葬送港普選台獨可得益 大家不妨試從台獨的角度推算,究竟本港成功推行普選,還是政制原地踏步,引發連串社會動盪和持久的社會分裂,哪一種發展方向最有利台獨呢?答案不難想像,而且有往�可尋。 早前有支持本土運動的人士「倒梁」,在港登廣告外,還以「給台灣政府及人民的公開信」的面貌,在台灣綠營報章賣廣告,標題變成「香港面對嚴重中國化 請台灣引以為鑑」,台獨分子趁機用來大做文章。 對台獨分子來說,一國兩制運行得愈成功,台獨市場就愈縮窄。香港愈是經濟差,社會亂,民主進程愈受阻滯,就愈能夠替台獨議程提供「振振有詞」的反面教材。爭取普選者如果向台獨分子取經,以及借力擴大聲勢,或者以為可借靠攏台獨的威脅逼北京就範,葬送普選的風險恐將大增。 刊於十月二十四日《星島日報》 迷利倉

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自Windows 8的出現,mini storage平板與筆電的界線已被模糊,多個品牌已發展出類平板的筆記型電腦。而SONY早前推出的VAIO Tap 11更突破筆電的界限,用上9.9毫米厚度的超薄身設計,而重量更只有0.78公斤,但竟內建Intel Core i5的處理器,完全將Ultrabook的性能融入平板電腦內。經過對VAIO Tap 11的實測,感受到最大威力是它的輕巧與高性能的平衡。它的便攜性非常高,長時間攜帶�也不覺累。而手握�當作平板使用期間發覺甚至比一般平板更輕,但性能就高好多班。很多時纖薄的平板都不能打機,因為魚與熊掌豈能兼得呢。但VAIO Tap11機身細小竟內建Intel Core i5處理器及HD4200 Display,筆者梗係要測試下打唔打到機啦。平時PC才能玩的迷你倉IFA14,在VAIO Tap 11玩也沒有問題,不過如用高畫質當然仍會窒機,但調較至中畫質時,暢順無比,加上螢幕是全高清的Triluminos芒,視覺體驗非常有驚喜。操作方面,機身背後的支架可以全角度調較亦是一個貼心設計,惟支架太幼不方便在膝上使用,但部機咁輕,拿上手用都得啦。另外,機身只有少量插位,支援Micro-SD卡及HDMI輸出,惟只有一個USB3.0插位可能不太夠用。而最有趣的分體式鍵盤,打字手感一流,雖然非常薄身但按鈕回彈力非常夠,但鍵盤上的觸控版設計麻麻,板上顆粒有手感但不太順手,加上下方的按鍵「真係好難撳」。總括而言這是一部非常強勁、超薄高性能的平板電腦,除了價錢外,實無其他地方挑剔了。SONY VAIO Tap 11查詢:2345 2966(SONY)文件倉

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(吉隆坡24日訊)“獅城D J被控非禮案”於週四續審,文件倉被告“Ken”劉永健曾要前往警局自首!原告丁奕澄(譯音)於週四中午再次被傳召出庭供證,披露在她報案前曾接獲被告妻子“May子”劉慧美的手機簡訊,說會向警察認錯。“May子說會確保Ken會向警察承認所有事。”她在接受辯護律師拉蒂花交替盤問時,應要求讀出有關手機簡訊時也指出,這些有關May子或Ken的手機簡訊,她全通過iPhone智能手機傳送至手提電腦,當中還包括May子掌摑Ken道歉的短片,繼而全數存檔在隨身碟並交給法庭。她續說,以上短片是由龍紋敏(第三名證人)從May子電郵獲得,繼而轉發電郵給她,大約是在她於去年7月24日報案後一週內獲得這則短片,惟遲至今年在庭上供證後才交給法庭。隨後推事擇定11月11日續審,屆時控方將傳召科學鑒證組官員供證。現年28歲的劉永健是於去年9月10日被控上庭,他共面對兩項非禮的控狀,他否認有罪。首控狀指他於去年7月22日約凌晨4時30分,在位於檳榔路的文華東方酒店(Mandarin Oriental)門牌604的房間內,向31歲又9個月的女子丁奕澄(譯音)行使暴力,即企圖非禮對方,摸其胸部和舔對方的右耳。次控狀指他在上述相同日期、時間與地點,非禮31歲的蕭慧敏,即掀開對方被單及摸其胸部。劉永健在上述兩項控狀下被指抵觸刑事法典第354條文,一旦罪成,可被判最高監禁10年或罰款,或鞭笞,或其中兩項刑罰。稱May子陷兩難窘境就Ken涉嫌非禮,May子找不到解答所以很痛苦!丁奕澄聲稱,其實在報案當天(2012年7月24日)傍晚6時57分,即中午報案完畢後接獲May子的手機簡訊如下。“Yan Jing,對不起。我也找不到解存倉,很痛苦。沒辦法安慰自己所以也忽略你了。對不起。你不應該受這樣的傷害,你值得好好的,這不是你的錯,我感激你的勇氣和對我的關心。非常對不起。”由此可見May子猶如陷入兩難窘境,並對丁奕澄所承受的傷害深感抱歉和難過。無論如何,丁奕澄說,她接獲這則手機簡訊後,並沒有給予May子任何回復。龍紋敏:短片交丁作為證據May子與K e n自拍掌摑短片,是由龍紋敏教路?!當拉蒂花詢問龍紋敏,事發後May子帶Ken離開後曾傳送手機簡訊向她道歉,而她向May子說掌摑Ken之類的話。但龍紋敏直言不記得,或許她確實有這樣說過,並披露May子後來電郵掌摑短片後,曾說她本身就此事深感抱歉,並會確保Ken向警察承認錯。她解釋,直至警方聯絡她前往錄供才獲知丁奕澄已報案,事前一點兒也不知此事,而有關短片也是後來想到可交給丁奕澄作為證據,所以才轉寄給後者。據丁奕澄早前供證指出,Ken在被提控之前的數天,自稱被判入獄的機率很高,與May子自拍短片,讓May子狠摑他近13個巴掌,以示懺悔。短片是從低角度拍攝,談話內容大概是May子斥責Ken做了不能挽回的事,無論如何也不能“這樣做”,從影片可知May子打下去的巴掌聲非常響亮,每一巴掌都用力掌摑,同時還隱約聽到“這是給丁奕澄的、這是蕭慧敏的……”。“醉”或“罪”翻譯不同到底是“醉”還是“罪”?May子在短片掌摑Ken後的尾端曾說“無論你到底有沒有醉(或罪),都不能這樣”,就此拉蒂花分別要求丁奕澄和龍紋敏就這段華語對話作出英文翻譯,到底是“Drunk”(醉)還是“Guilty”(罪)。而兩人各有不同的翻譯,丁奕澄翻譯為“guilty”,而龍紋敏則是“drunk”,因此仍不知到底是誰對誰錯。;儲存

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無線高頻元件廠璟德(3152)公告第3季財報,mini storage雖然營收3.51億元較第2季衰退1%,但毛利率拉高1.4個百分點至52.7%、並創下新高紀錄,單季獲利1.3億元約與第2季持平,每股淨利1.88元符合市場預期。累計今年前3季每股淨利5.17元,賺贏去年全年的4.76元。璟德第3季營收維持高檔,主要是受惠於行動裝置對WIFI模組的強勁需求。璟德與博通、高通合作可說是愈來愈緊密,並開放更多平台與璟德合作,包括手機及平板採用的WIFI射頻前端模組(FEM)就是採用璟德的解決方案。璟德第3季營收3.51億元,較第2季小減約1%,但毛利率因生產效率提升而創下52.7%新高,單季毛利及營業利益均高於第2季,稅後淨利則達1.3億元,與第2季持平,每股淨利1.88元。璟德今年前3季營收合計達9.93億元,約較去年同期成長19%,稅後淨利達3.57億元,較去年同期大增42%,累計獲利已超過去年全年,今年前3季每股淨利達5.18元,亦大於去年全年的4.self storage6元。下半年中低價智慧型手機成為市場主流,璟德因為手機天線開關模組(ASM)及高頻元件的價格比日商低,不僅獲得大陸手機廠青睞,手機晶片廠聯發科、高通、博通、展訊等也找上璟德合作。其中,璟德已被高通指定為3G/4G參考設計公板(QRD)零組件供應商之一,高頻元件及模組將自明年第1季起,配合高通的4G晶片開始出貨。法人指出,平價智慧型手機銷售暢旺,市場已進入降低成本(COST DOWN)階段,低價方案供應商接單強勁,璟德高頻元件及模組因為價格低於日商,成功打入聯發科、高通、展訊、博通等晶片廠公板設計並搭配出貨,所以下半年營運成績將優於上半年,並將延續到明年的4G世代。不過,第4季因為大陸市場十一長假結束,手機晶片廠出貨力道放緩,璟德營收恐將隨之走跌,但因明年初中國農曆春節時間落在1月底,春節前備貨需求將在12月浮現,加上璟德打入的遊戲機無線模組市場出貨穩定,法人預估,璟德第4季營收跌幅將比過去幾年第4季的衰退幅度小,營運將是淡季不淡。迷你倉

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Source: The Eagle, Bryan, TexasOct.self storage 24--Q: What's the most important credential for a school board member to have?A: You know, it's going to sound really simplistic but honestly, the most important credential for a school board member to have is ... to be an involved parent. I don't think that having, if someone has a Ph.D or if someone has a high school diploma, I don't really think it has a direct impact so much as someone who has the ability to kind of see the greater good for their community and for their children and that's an involved parent, I'm kind of surprised, at home many people don't see what goes on in a daily basis, I honestly think that being an involved parent is probably the single most important credential for school board.Q: What kind of experience have you had balancing a budget, more than a household budget? Give specific numbers.A: I have several different experiences with that. First and foremost, I'm a small business owner, but operating my own business, I would say that definitely falls under any and all bearing for budgets. On different boards, on the Foundation Board for Bryan ISD, I'm on both the finance and budgetary committees, so one of my duties on the board is to go over the annual budget for the foundation board. When I was at Allen Academy on the board of directors, the board there was equally responsible with coming up with the operating budget for the school. We're talking budgets that went anywhere from a couple hundred thousand dollars to over a million dollar operating budget in a year.Q: Track record working on behalf of schools and students?A: I made a pretty solid track record with it, and of course you have to think the parent side more than the classroom side, but for all of my children's schools we've always been very involved at the PTO level, or with the administration on development committees. At Allen Academy, I taught Ancient History and Texas history, I've appeared as a guest lecturer in schools before as kind of an expert on 20th century military history. Obviously on the administrative side, I served on the foundation board for Bryan ISD and the school board for Allen Academy. We've worked with countless living history programs for museums which are not directly a classroom, but has much the same effect in delivering information to students. I run study groups outside of school for students, I'm currently working on an American history study group for students from Bryan High, overall I've tutored countless students for history classes; I'm a firm believer that you can make it interesting and fun. Those are probably some of the main points as far as experience on the educational side.Q: What are three of the problems the district faces, but more importantly, what do you think are the solutions?A: There's a couple of key ones. I think the first one is the concept of success for every child. But what I really boil this down to is that there's a large push for everybody to go to college, but that is just not a realistic goal for a multitude of reasons. You have students that are lacking in interest, you have students that lack the financial ability or the academic ability to go and perform well, and some just may not be interested in it at all. But one thing Bryan ISD can do to actually help that, it's easy for people to say we need to increase post-secondary readiness, we need to make sure these kids will have a job, but to actually do it, the No. 1 thing we need to do is we need to take certain programs and we need to expand those vocational programs to offer certifications at the end of the program. For example, the cosmetology program at Bryan High, where they can get a Texas State Cosmetology license, is kind of the pinnacle of what I'm talking about where you actually have the certification when you finish high school to go and have a career. That program is widely successful, but it has a waiting list. So what we need to do is we need to increase the chairs at the instructional level for that program. We need to make sure that every student that wants to be in that program has a chance to do it. If we do, the top 15-20 percent can apply for co-enrollment classes at Blinn where they get college credit for English, math and history, why aren't we sending our vocational students over to Blinn for co-enrollment programs as well? Blinn has a phenomenal welding and a machinist program, and I would like to see our kids who are in shop class ... going over to Blinn for co-enrollment, so maybe one year after they graduate from high school they'll have an associate's degree and be a machinist. Now you're talking about a kid that has a $25- to $30-an-hour job starting. Another example for a vocational program would be automotive/tech classes. We need to look into bumping the exposure in the automotive class and making sure the kids can take an ASE certification at the end of that class so that they're directly employable. And those are some examples, but I think those are very realistic. I hear all the time, "Oh, we need to fix this," but there's no solution. There's no fix. But those are very concrete things that we can do.I think the second one is that we need to work harder, and I apologize, this is a roundabout way to get to this, but long story short, Bryan ISD has a lot of really good programs at the elementary school level, at the junior high level we have Inquire and Odyssey, and at the high school level we have collegiate, we have Hammond-Oliver, we have AP and honors, we have international baccalaureate, so Bryan ISD has a bevy of top-notch programs that are innovative and do a great job educating kids. But what we need to do, we need to get more kids in these programs. I'm shocked at how few people really know what Bryan ISD has to offer in this department. As far as we're sitting here discussing what we would consider a top three issue, I honestly think that is a top three issue. Bryan Collegiate's a perfect example. You have a high school here in Bryan, and Bryan Collegiate's in the top 5 percent of high schools in the nation right now. Kids are graduating there with 60 credit hours on average. It caters to a lot of students who come from families where no one has gone to college, and what we need to do, we need to do a better job making sure kids get into that program. I have a lady that I met here, her daughter was top 10 percent at Sam Rayburn, she was an African-American lady, no one in the family had gone to college, she was very proud of her daughter and her daughter was fixing to graduate Collegiate with 60 hours. And she was telling me how her daughter was top 10 percent at Rayburn and the family mentioned is she going to Collegiate, and she had no idea what Collegiate was, and it's tailor-made for a family like that. So I would really like to see us ensure, not just for Collegiate, but we need to get more kids in IB, we need to get more kids in AP, we need to ensure, especially at the elementary level, at the schools that are predominantly economically disadvantaged ... that those kids are getting the opportunity to go into some special programs. So I think the programs already exist, we just need to do a better job of getting children into them. And I honestly believe that is definitely one of the top three. Another one that I think is important kind of touches off that one, but we need to ensure that we don't have a large educational gap in Bryan ISD. We need to ensure that every student is getting the same education across-the-board, and that we don't have certain elementary schools that are underperforming compared to other elementary schools, and honestly there are a host of factors that are involved, but honestly I think Bryan ISD is addressing the problem and starting to see it, but we need to continue to push a little harder on that... And there's just no substitute sometimes 迷你倉o mentoring and tutoring from teachers. And if that means we need to have more staff at elementary schools that are struggling, we need to possibly look at paying teachers and staff for overtime at certain elementary schools where they can provide tutoring and extended tutoring in the afternoon or the occasional Saturday schedule. I think that would help address that issue.Q: One of the main issues for a school board is to evaluate a superintendent: How is Dr. Wallis doing as the top administrator of the district? What does he need to work on? How would you measure his success?A: I think that it's kind of a little tough in the sense that he hasn't been here that long, but so far I think he's done a very good job. Unfortunately, I think sometimes to measure the effectiveness of your superintendent can take two, three four years to see the implementation. One thing I will say for sure is there's been some issues that have come up recently, Dr. Wallis has seemed extremely proactive at addressing these issues. I know you saw the last report that had come out with Bryan and Rudder failing to meet the metrics for the postsecondary readiness, and I've been impressed with his response. At nothing else, when a problem arises, I can't expect the superintendent to foresee everything that's going to come down the pipe, but I do believe he's been very proactive and aggressive when it has come up.Q: What do you think the highest predictor of success is for a student?A: I think the highest predictor of success for a student is probably involved parents or an involved teacher or administrator. I think students have to have somebody that truly cares and keeps them interested. Unfortunately, school in and of its own is not always that interesting for kids right off the bat, and it helps to have a positive influence. But I don't think a lot of times, and there are statistical, obviously statistically the higher socioeconomic standards are a good prediction for student success. But is that kind of the chicken and the egg, I don't think financial stability automatically makes it, I think the financial stability tends to increase or allow parents to be more involved. And of course we've seen schools that have done extremely well that have a large percentage of socioeconomic disadvantaged students. Kemp Elementary is a perfect example of a school that does not have a ton of funding but performs extremely well in testing. And I would say it's the parents and the administration in that school versus pointing to the national standard says that due to the socioeconomic bracket the children will perform "X." So I think parental and administrative and teacher involvement. That fantastic teacher in second or third grade can make the difference for a lifetime for a student.Q: Where do you land on teaching evolution in the schools? What about sex education (what grades, etc.)?A: That's a pretty fair question. I think that obviously evolution should be included in curriculum. I know that there are a lot of people who have objections to it in a religious belief context, for me personally, I think that it can be presented exactly what it is, which is the theory of evolution. It should be put out there, and it can always be predicated with a statement that this is a theory that is currently the most commonly held belief and the most commonly held theory and you explain it. I don't see a qualm with that. With sex education, this is a fine line, but I think that needs to be tweaked a little bit. First and foremost, I absolutely believe in a parent's right to decide what is correct and appropriate for their child versus the state or the school system. That being said, I think what you need to do is offer the alternative for a parent to opt their child out, because currently sex education falls under health class, so I think the parent should be able to opt their child out, and my belief is that the parent who cares enough to be vocal about it to opt their children out because of the way it's presented ... those people will take care of it on their own, so to speak. Maybe there's a way they want to present that information to their child, but I have a hard time believing that someone who would care enough to opt out would then just ignore the issue. Now that being said, and I think that's something that needs to be addressed, I think the time frame they do it is a little interesting. And I don't know what the magical age is where it needs to be done, but currently health is taken as a freshman in high school. I know from having daughters in the elementary to high school level, you're having no shortage of students hitting puberty in fifth or sixth grade, but sex education is being covered in ninth grade. We currently have girls that are pregnant in our junior high system. There was a pregnant eighth-grader at Sam Rayburn last year. I don't think health class a year after she has a child is going to help her. So that's my only concern with it being pushed off as late as it is, and I understand the concern that people don't want their child exposed to it at too early of an age, but we've kind of got to find that middle ground in there.Q: How do you think the district is handling growth and what can it be doing better?A: As far as growth goes, I actually think Bryan ISD is doing a phenomenal job. ... There was a lot of discontent when they talked about building a second high school, but I think the idea of having Bryan with two 4A schools and College Station with two 4A schools, I think that's going to hold the kids in the school district. It will save on transportation costs, it will increase rivalry inside of our hometown, in the elementary school level, I think the schools are meeting the needs of the students as far as total numbers in the schools. So I think the district is doing a good job growing, and inside of that growth I think they're doing a good job with keeping the schools balanced. I was really impressed when they redistricted between Rudder and Bryan High, I mean, when you look at the demographics between the two, they're extremely well balanced as far as composition of the student body, ethnic diversity, socioeconomic diversity, it's really tempting for someone to point a finger and say, 'Well, that's the good high school, and that's the bad high school,' and I think they've done a really good job of not allowing that to happen. I think with Bryan High and Rudder, I think all you can say is that's the older high school and that's the newer high school. I don't think one is inherently better than the other. ... It's not easy telling people to build a new school, we're going to change where you go to school, it always creates some concern in the community, but I think Bryan's done a good job.Q: Why should voters pick you over your opponent?A: You know, I'd love to be able to have some big dirty secret on my opponent but I'll be honest, I've met him and he's a nice guy. I don't have anything bad to say about him but I think that I'm the better qualified candidate. I've got three daughters in the district, elementary, junior high and high school level, so I think that kind of gives me a good perspective as to what's going on and I can bring to the table. I think I've got good experience with both public and private schools that kind of help shape my decision-making ability that might be a little different than someone else's, I'm passionate about education and I always have been, and especially when we talk about the vocational program and the student's ability to earn a living, this is something I've been extremely passionate about literally for years, and I think the time is finally right and the opportunity is there to put it into action.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Eagle (Bryan, Texas) Visit The Eagle (Bryan, Texas) at .theeagle.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage

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北京時間10月22日15點,迷你倉諾基亞首款平板Nokia Lumia 2520在阿聯酋阿布扎比召開的諾基亞世界大會上發佈了。北京時間10月23日凌晨1點,蘋果在位於舊金山芳草地藝術中心發佈了iPad Mini2。同為當地時間的10月22日發佈,同為平板電腦的兩款新產品不免讓人覺得有種狹路相逢之感,但究竟是蘋果iPad繼續領跑還是首次踏足平板的諾基亞一鳴驚人?我們不妨讓它們倆來個大比拼。硬件配置iPad Mini2的A7處理器更給力這兩款平板電腦的配置都還不錯。Lumia 2520採用了10.1英寸1080P顯示屏,屏幕亮度為650nits,整體效果出色,可視角度也很廣。配備了 Snapdragon 800 處理器,支持 LTE,設備預裝了Office辦公軟件,包括Outlook with RT 8.1。可惜運行的是Windows RT系統,應用軟件只能通過Windows 8 應用商城來進行下載安裝。iPad Mini2採用了與大號iPad相同像素的視網膜屏幕,7.9英寸屏幕分辨率達到2048×1536。iPad Mini2使用了新的A7處理器,支持LTE,強勁節能的A7芯片採用64位架構,令一切響應都異常靈敏,並能擁有長達10小時的電池使用時間。但Touch ID指紋識別功能並沒有用在它的身上。外觀設計方面兩款產品都沒什麼新意,iPad Mini2與前一代沒有任何區別,並且依舊是深空灰和銀色兩種配色,並沒有之前傳聞的土豪金,也許不免讓有些人失望了。Lumia 2520的一體式聚碳酸酯外殼設計以及時髦的曲面角度與現有mini storageLumia設備沒有什麼兩樣,此外擁有黑色、白色、藍色和紅色四種配色。特色功能Lumia 2520賣點挺多Lumia 2520在屏幕上的真正賣點是其5%的反射率,也就是說,Lumia 2520無論是置身室內還是室外,屏幕內容都同樣清晰可見。此外,Lumia 2520還配備了一個內置電池的外接鍵盤,可為平板繼續續航。發佈會中諾基亞CEO埃洛普說2520是一款拍照平板,攝像頭仍然是這款平板電腦的重要賣點,背面採用670萬像素卡爾蔡司攝像頭以及200萬像素正面攝像頭。支持StoryTeller功能,能夠按時間地點組織照片。iPad Mini2配備MIMO(多輸入多輸出)技術的802.11n無線網絡,帶來快達2倍的連接速度以及可接入世界各地高速蜂窩網絡的能力,讓你能以驚人速度下載內容、播放流媒體視頻和瀏覽網絡。配備了一系列強大的APP,可用來發送電子郵件、瀏覽網頁和進行視頻通話等。iPad Mini2擁護者應該更多兩款平板各有千秋,Lumia 2520系統不敵蘋果,但細節方面還是有著很多驚喜。iPad Mini2的A7處理器與視網膜屏幕都讓人感覺眼前一亮。綜合考慮,還是iPad Mini2更加完美一些。Lumia 2520預計會在今年年底上市,售價約人民幣 2740 元,鍵盤售價約人民幣 910 元。iPad Mini2將在11月份上市,首批包含中國大陸。Wi-Fi版本的售價中國地區2888元起售,而3G版本則529美元起。Lumia 2520也不便宜,至於親們買哪一款,還得根據自己的喜好。晨報記者 李小娟 實習記者 楊琳迷你倉

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金秋時節,迷利倉走進南昌經濟技術開發區蛟橋鎮,一棟棟整齊的房子坐落在道路兩旁,寬闊的休閒廣場坐著一群群老人在閑暇聊天,不時傳來一陣陣笑聲,一群群小孩在廣場上來回奔跑、嬉笑打鬧……近年來,蛟橋鎮黨委、政府堅持以人為本,著力改善民生,全面提升人民群�幸福指數。在加大民生投入、統籌城鄉發展、推進新型城鎮化建設、引導百姓致富的同時,加強社會治安綜合治理,維護社會穩定,加大文明建設,提升群�幸福指數,取得了可喜的成效。加快推進城鎮化今日的蛟橋,道路寬闊,環境優美,是一座功能齊全的新城區。蛟橋鎮按照宜居宜業宜商的生態總要求,精心搞好城鎮規劃,以“因地制宜、一村一品、統籌規劃”的原則,先後開展了9個村的新村建設,全面提升和改善村民的居住環境,按照“建設一個、完善一個、打造一個”的總體目標要求,不斷完善新村基礎設施建設和管理機制。各新村都設立了物業管理中心,制定了村規民約、文明村建設規定,淨化了新村環境。為切實給農民一個安逸的居住環境,全鎮各村建立垃圾屋,聘請了保潔員,每天定時清掃清理垃圾,並及時組織黨員幹部開展義務勞動和宣傳活動,不斷提升農村自我管理、自我服務的能力。同時大力開展“拆違章、抓整治、強管理、樹形象”活動,重點整治轄區內的亂搭亂建,占道經營,亂停亂放,加強農村自身建設的長效管理機制,探索出適合新村管理機制。改善民生提質量蛟橋鎮黨委、政府始終把保障和改善民生放在突出位置,不斷加大投入,著力解決廣大人民群�養老難、看病難、出行難、上學難等難題。幾年來,依據國家政策規定,該鎮先後規範了新型農村合作醫療、鄉村醫療站點建設、失地農民養老保險、失地老人養老保障等工作。初步構建起多層次、寬領域、廣覆蓋的農村社會保障體系。完善了全鎮13個村的村民醫療站點建設,解決了群�就近看病問題;加大村級學校硬件設施建設投入,改善了城鄉學生的就學條件。針對雙嶺、麥園、衛國等幾個村村民的安全用水問題,鎮黨委政府高度重視,把保障群�的生命安全和切身利益作為工作中的重中之重。通過與市區相關部門協調溝通,於今年初開始自來水全面安裝到各家各戶,解決三個村近5000村民的飲用水安全問題。一項項惠民工程,讓廣大群�特別是困難群�充分享受到發展帶來的成果。全鎮農民的幸福指數不斷提高,2012年農民人均收入達到9350元,同比增長20.6%。抓好發展富一方原來的蛟橋農民一直靠種地為生,日子過得緊巴巴,自開發區建立以來,蛟橋鎮黨委、政府以“為官一任,造福一方”為己任,結合各村特色,大力發展集體經濟,帶領群�共同致富。龍譚村依托江西旅遊商貿學院迷你倉歐菲光企業輻射功能,因地制宜,按照服務高校和企業的總體思路,先後建設了高校學生後勤服務區和服務企業的商業街,預計2013年村集體收入達1000多萬元,同時引導農民緊抓機遇,出租閑暇房屋和大力發展第三產業。農民的收入得到大幅度的提高。麥園村黨總支堅持“穩步發展、和諧發展”的原則,先後在劉王小區、李家新村建設了綜合樓、綜合市場等實體,村級經濟收入逐年提高,2012年達到130多萬元,年均按10%的速度遞增。下羅村以村民投資入股的方式,先後建設了正元購物中心、凱豐大街、下羅綜合樓等實體,每年每人年底分紅近2000元。瀛上村在經濟基礎較好的情況下,仍不忘發揮優勢,投入1億元購買經濟發展商舖,村級經濟發展後勁強勢有力。2012年全鎮財政收入達到10億元。在鎮黨委、政府的引導下,全鎮各村結合實際,以“一村一品、一村一業”的思路,大力發展集體經濟,引導村民共同致富,全鎮上下集體經濟發展顯現出一片喜人的局面,農民人均收入逐年提升。文明之花遍地開每當夜幕降臨,蛟橋鎮所轄的下羅、上羅等村和社區廣場上便會奏響起一首首歡快的樂曲,隨著優美的音樂,人們歡快地舞動起來,臉上洋溢著幸福的笑容。隨著南昌著力打造核心增長極,經開區“工業立區、三產富區、功能活區”的發展思路,蛟橋鎮黨委政府全面按照區工委管委的部署,以服務經開區的發展為取向、提升民生為根本,在抓經濟發展的同時,以和諧發展為基礎,以全面提升群�素質為目標,以活動為載體,加強精神文明建設,大力開展群�喜聞樂見的活動,破除迷信陋習,促進鄰里和諧,在鎮黨委政府和各村(社區)的重視下,各村(社區)組建了各具特色的文體活動隊伍。如範家採茶戲團、瀛上腰鼓隊、下羅竹板隊、新宇社區的合唱團等等,隨著活動的不斷開展,參與的人越來越多,這些隊員有的70多歲,有的只有20來歲,盡管她們可能隔著幾代人,但她們的距離卻只有幾步,她們為群�帶來了歡笑。今年8月,從她們中抽調部分人員參加南昌“舞動贛鄱,健康江西”全民健身廣場舞比賽,榮獲全市銅獎。“從群�中來,到群�中去”,是蛟橋鎮開展精神文明建設的基本原則,以點帶面、以新除舊是他們不懈的追求。經過不斷的努力,文明之風在悄然興起,蛟橋鎮的農民走上了新的舞台,舞出了新的精彩。(陳 霞)(系列展示)富裕·和諧·秀美● 江西省文明鎮● 江西省百強鄉鎮● 全省人口與計劃生育依法行政示範鄉鎮● 蛟橋鎮下羅村被評為全國文明村、麥園村被評為江西省文明村第5屆蛟橋鎮:發展·富裕·文明中心集鎮區華茂廣場一期全景圖苗木基地重陽節義診活動農民腰鼓隊農民新村休閒廣場自存倉

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inWatch Z智能腕表項目正在�籌網上進行募資,self storage雖然距項目籌款完結還有40多天,所籌款項卻早已超過了原定募集的資金額度,365名出資人已使得目前累計資金達到了約108萬元。這只是�籌網上數十個正在募資項目中的一個。快男主題電影、那英演唱會、瀘州老窖、漢華商務機、“情感傳遞”可穿戴設備等在內多個閃爍著創意火花的項目都位列其中。事實上,�籌這一互聯網金融模式早已在海外市場蔚然成風,但是在國內還處於剛剛萌芽的階段。有專家指出,�籌�籌網站將分為兩類。一類是像�籌網這樣背靠資金實力強大的金融集團的綜合性�籌平台。目前,�籌網在科技、影視、娛樂、美食、活動、旅行、公益、攝影等領域均頻頻出擊,其發佈的�籌開放平台將成為一個�籌行業開放化合作與資源共建共享的線上平台,該平台可有效整合項目資源,促進市場資源共享。�籌網母公司網信金融CEO盛佳認為,基於�籌開放平台,�籌網迷利倉聯合國內多家�籌類網站,整合各家的優勢項目資源,通過線上平台,以各網站為項目單元,向市場展現更加多元化的項目品類和更加豐富的項目資源,從而形成產品集群的規模化效應,進而弱化�籌類網站之間的同質化競爭,突出合作,在開放的線上平台中各取所需,共享市場資源,實現產業共贏。�籌開放平台已經開放的領域包括科技、美食、娛樂、高端服務等四個領域,已經成為相關領域進行項目�籌的標配,未來有望成為這些領域項目�籌的首選。如今,�籌網率先開�行業整合之路。業內專家指出,並不是任何一個互聯網金融網站都可以走上整合重組行業的道路,首先必須有合作共贏和創新的精神,其次需要有強大的資金作為保證。�籌網無疑兼具這兩方面優勢。其母公司網信金融為開放平台的創立注資上億,成為該領域單筆最大的投資。此舉同時引發觀察家斷言,�籌網此番開�行業整合之路,將為�籌領域樹立競爭壁壘,行業未來將實現差異化發展。迷你倉

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晨報訊(記者 劉映花)記者昨日從京港會獲悉,儲存距離天安門18公里的“新首鋼高端產業綜合服務區”規劃已經正式獲批。其中,“西十筒倉項目”位於服務區北端的工業主題園,通過對極具工業特色的筒倉、料倉及周邊區域改造,植入鋼鐵文化,打造成特色街區,計劃于2014年10月建成。另外在昨天的推介會上,首鋼總公司的6大精品項目也吸引了不少香港企業的目光。除了西十筒倉街區改造項目,炙手可熱的互聯網金融概念,也將讓首鋼煥發生機。據介紹,“互聯網金融產業園”也將入駐服務區南側,主要依托現存二型材廠房進行改造建設,未來將吸納現代金融行業入駐。此外,新首鋼高端產業綜合服務區緊鄰長安街北側,還將打造占地約20公頃的首鋼廣場,構建以“金融商務”為核心的產業體系,塑造一個具有國際視野、復合功能、高端品質的特色現代商務功能區。在昨日舉行的“2013京港文化創意產業項目推介洽談會”上,超過750億元,擬融資金額超過144億元,投資總額超過900億元的文化創意產業項目亮相。北京首次推出了一批園區招商資源和樓宇、土地招商項目。此外,重點建設的大項目多。如園區招商資源中的天橋演藝區起步區、大山子時尚創意產業功能區等。■新聞鏈接豐台推出“園林式金融商務區”晨報訊(記者 韓娜)中國首個“園林式金融商務區”的麗澤地區成為最引人注目的亮點。豐台區常務副區長高朋在京港會上透露,豐台區推介的37個項目內容涉及高新技術、文化創意、金融服務、旅遊產業等方面,麗澤金融商務區是推介的重點項目。據介紹,麗澤金融商務區規劃綠地面積3000多畝,商務區內有6條綠帶縱橫交錯,蓮花河貫穿南北,豐草河從南側流過。交通方面,麗澤地區不僅構建了地鐵、高架橋、地下交通環廊等多元化的立體交通系統,還提供慢行林陰路、自行車租賃點、區內擺渡觀光車等交通服務。80多棟新建建築全部按照迷你倉色低碳指標進行建設,還將打造世界上最大規模的集中供冷系統。門頭溝明年建七星級酒店晨報訊(記者 劉映花)一座“超迪拜”的七星級酒店將于明年在門頭溝動工建設。昨日,門頭溝區政府和中東海灣投資集團、香港華通投資控股有限公司在京港會上就項目簽約。相關負責人接受記者採訪時表示,希望這個酒店能成為北京地標,也成為中國和中東文化交流的窗口。來自沙特的中東海灣投資集團首次進入中國市場,香港華通投資執行董事歐東浩告訴記者,華通投資是集團為此專門在香港註冊的公司,除了超級酒店,集團還將在門頭溝建設國際石油交易平台、會議中心、中東商貿中心、精品公寓等,其中包括配套的中東學校和清真寺,總投資額高達30億美元,一期投資10億美元。談到中東的七星級酒店與其他豪華酒店的差異,歐東浩表示,其最大特點在於服務而非硬件,“迪拜的七星級酒店,一個房間就有7個服務員。”中旅大廈麗都酒店36億元改造晨報訊(記者 張璐)在第十七屆京港洽談會上,擁有最多港企投資的朝陽區簽約總金額位居各區縣之首。港中旅集團今年起將對中旅大廈和麗都飯店進行升級改造。其中,中旅大廈選址中旅大廈南側土地,擬建立港中旅國內總部基地。麗都綜合體項目一期的新酒店工程已進入精裝修施工階段,二期綜合體開發擬打造包括商業、寫字樓、公寓、劇院、公園等業態的綜合體,打造麗都商圈的新核心。英皇集團投資的英皇集團中心(凱特大廈)項目將作為其在中國內地的總部基地。該項目位於建國門附近,為高端商業、影院及甲級辦公樓綜合體,並擁有3萬平方米商業配套。駿豪集團擬在京打造“駿豪中央公園廣場”,項目一期總投資40億元。朝陽區政府相關負責人介紹,目前港資企業在朝陽區投資建設的重大項目包括財富中心、中國大飯店、環球金融中心、賽特百貨等,截至今年上半年共有3468家港資企業在朝陽區投資,約占全市三分之一。self storage

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信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/本報訊(記者 朱麗)10月24日,自存倉省旅遊局和阿壩藏族羌族自治州政府簽署加快旅遊業發展的戰略合作協議,共同建設全國藏區旅遊發展示範區。根據協議,省旅遊局將把阿壩州納入四川旅遊業核心規劃建設區域,指導建設一批生態型、民族品牌型旅遊精品,實施15大藏區旅遊迷你倉範項目建設,支持阿壩州九環線智慧旅遊帶、紅原機場旅遊通道配套設施、自駕游體系等項目規劃建設。阿壩州政府將把旅遊業作為全州主導產業,建設“全域全時多元”景區,大力推進大九寨國際旅遊區、大東女國陽光休閒度假區、黃河大草原馬背文化旅遊區等重大旅遊項目建設,促進阿壩州中部和西部的旅遊業發展,爭取3年內新培育1至2家大型旅遊集團公司。mini storage

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Source: The Palm Beach Post, Fla.mini storageOct. 24--WEST PALM BEACH -- Update 3 p.m.: Closing arguments have begun. State prosecutors just finished saying that the presumption of innocence for Lopicola is gone, and the state has proven its case. The defense is now doing its closing statements.Update noon: Lopicola said he asked the teen to send nude pictures, but he refused.Update 11:45 a.m.: Lopicola speaking from witness stand says texts with teen were part of fantasy world he described as a "pornographic movie."Update 11 a.m.: Lopicola says he "sexted" a lot. He turned off texting ability on his phone because it was too distracting. While he says he never met his alleged victim in person, Lopicola said he saw the teen's Craigslist ad. "I was under the impression he was 18." He was not.Update at 10:45 a.m.: Upon taking the stand, Lopicola says that the first time he saw the teen he's accused of having sex with was in the courtroom yesterday. He said they had neither met nor had sex. He told the court the "accusations are humiliating."Former TV weatherman Rob Lopicola, who faces charges of sexual activity with minors, as well as computer pornography and child exploitation, will take the stand in his own defense, his attorneys said this morning.This morning, state prosecutors rested their case against Lopicola after questioning Palm Beach County Sheriff's Det. Linda Anderson, one of the lead investigators in the underage sex case since March 2011. Anderson interviewed Lopicola in July 2012, and prosecutors played back one of those video-taped interviews in which Lopicola described how he searched for hookups through online Craigslist ads.After the prosecution rested, Lopicala's defense attorneys moved immediately for an acquittal on the second count, which accuses charges the the former WPTV-Channel 5 weekend weatherman of touching or soliciting a person under 16 to commit lewd or lascivious act.The prosecution disagreed with the assertion saying soliciting means act must be done. Palm Beach County Court Judge Barry Cohen denied the defense motion.Today is the second day of testimony in the highly publicized case. On Wednesday, the儲存seven jurors heard from a young man, now 18, who tearfully described meeting Lopicola and the text messages they exchanged.The texting began when the boy, formerly from west Boca Raton, moved to Michigan after his sexual encounter with Lopicola. When he reached out to him again, the young man testified, Lopicola didn't immediately remember him, but the two quickly began talking about being in a relationship together and having sex. Lopicola, according to the teen, said they could act like father and son and still be lovers."All kidding aside, would you call me dad from now on please?" Lopicola allegedly asked in one of the texts.The teen said he and Lopicola had phone sex, discussed child and incest porn, and even discussed the possibility of the boy's willingness to have sex with Lopicola's "older friends".Prosecutors Michael Kugler and Jessica Kahn say although the boy's ad on Craigslist listed him as 18, Lopicola knew the boy was underage before they were intimate. Lopicola's attorneys, Assistant Public Defenders Kristy Militello and Bill Glenn, say Lopicola thought he was simply role-playing a fantasy with an adult male, adding that they believe the accuser was trying to set the former meteorologist up following the pattern of Dateline NBC's "To Catch a Predator" program.Lopicola faces up to 35 years in prison if a jury convicts him of lewd and lascivious battery and other charges related to his interactions with the boy he met through a personal ad on Craigslist.Lopicola, who abruptly resigned from WPTV in 2006 after eight years as their weekend meteorologist, first spoke with police about the case in April 2011, when the mother of the 17-year-old caught Lopicola hiding in her son's shower. Lopicola reportedly told police at that time that he met the Palm Beach Lakes High School student as the boy was walking on Village Boulevard.Check back for updates to this breaking news story.Staff writer Sonja Isger contributed to this report.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Palm Beach Post (West Palm Beach, Fla.) Visit The Palm Beach Post (West Palm Beach, Fla.) at .palmbeachpost.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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self storage 新疆巴楚縣美食節前日開幕,該縣「烤肉王」第5 代傳人明吾甫爾在「超級」烤爐中烤出一頭重達350 公斤的駱駝。明吾甫爾說,他用7 天時間挖了4.5 米深的�坑,在駱駝上塗了17 種調味料,以5 噸多木柴烤了5 個小時。這頭烤全駝以每公斤120 元的價格出售,很快搶購一空。(中新社)迷你倉

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Source: Daily Mail, LondonOct.迷你倉 24--When the word 'transformational' is used by analysts to describe any corporate deal, you can bet your life that fund managers will then take a closer look. There was certainly a surge in APR Energy's share price after the power generation company announced a spectacular purchase from General Electric, which leaves the US industrial giant with a 17pc stake in the enlarged group.It closed 195p or 20pc higher at a record 1150p after buying GE's turbine rental business, the third largest player in the global power rentals business. APR is paying pounds sterling 194m, of which pounds sterling 154m is being satisfied by the issue of 15.5m new shares at pounds sterling 10 per share and pounds sterling 39m in cash.APR's buoyant chief executive John Campion said: 'The deal diversifies our revenue base, gives us exposure to new geographies and sectors, and enhances our natural gas footprint.'Shares in APR have soared 80pc since February's low. The recovery was triggered in March when it announced the biggest contract in its history, a 250-megawatt deal in Libya for its dual-fuel turbines.The Footsie blew a fuse as dealers took some cash off the table following weak Asian markets overnight. The close was 21.18 points off at 6,674.48. There was some disquiet about a spike in China's short-term money market rates amid growing concerns about rising bad loans among China's biggest banks.Wall Street fell 67 points at the outset on fears that the People's Bank of China could decide to raise interest rates. Quarterly figures from Caterpillar also disappointed.Turnover in insurance group RSA swelled to almost four times the daily average to more than 48m as takeover speculation intensified. The shares rose 3.1p to 127p on continuing talk of a possible pounds sterling 6.6bn or 180p-a-share cash offer from rival Aviva, 0.5p dearer at 438.9p.Home banks came on offer after the European Central Bank said it would start to review the balance sheets of 130 institutions across Europe. Royal Bank of Scotland ? 81pc owned by the UK taxpayer and already in the doghouse this week on fears of a good-bank, bad-bank split ? shed 9.9p more to 352.1p. Barclays cheapened 4.4p to 268.2p.Buying on the back of a booming UK housing market, housebuilder Persimmon climbed a further 29p to 1256p.A Galvan Research recommendation helped broadcaster ITV feature a gain of 2.9p to 195p. It is a geared play to general UK economic recovery, but should also receive additional revenues from the World Cup in Brazil next year.UBC Media, the multimedia content and services comself storageany, soared 2.5p or 65pc to 6.4p after reporting growth at its London-based audio social network Audioboo. Registered users have increased from 600,000 to more than 1.7m in the past year and at an average pace of 5,000 new users a day.Confirmation of the appointment of Andria Vidler as chief executive from November 4 left Centaur Media underwhelmed at 51.75p, down 0.75p. It follows Tuesday's revelation that Geoff Wilmot is not proceeding with a bid for the company. Broker Peel Hunt is a seller with a target price of 45p because of continued uncertainty over direction.A Shore Capital sell recommendation following the third-quarter figures dragged International Personal Finance 45.5p lower to 623p. The broker reckons there is no real income support with a 2013 dividend yield of only 1.4pc.Zotefoams slipped 10.5p to 180.5p after seeing an unexpected shortfall in shipments to some European polyolefin customers in the third-quarter. Investec slashed its full-year pre-tax profit forecast to pounds sterling 4m from pounds sterling 5.8m. A profits warning left OMG 0.62p lower at 28.75p. The computer image company said that full-year profits would be lower than previous expectations after its film and gaming division suffered challenging trading conditions. Pre-tax profits for the year to end-September would be pounds sterling 3m instead of analyst expectations for pounds sterling 3.9m.Buying fuelled by revived takeover hopes lifted biotech company Angle 9p to 91.5p. An industry giant would probably like to get its hands on its Parsortix non-invasive cancer diagnostic product which already has a patent in America.Deltex Medical added 1.25p to 16.62p after announcing its second generation Doppler monitoring technology has been approved by the US Food & Drug Administration.Attempts by Quixant to reassure investors that it knows of no reason for the recent decline in the share price failed to stop the rot. The firm, which provides specialised computing platforms for casino gaming and slot machine applications, fell 4.5p to 116p.___Buyers chased HaloSource 4.25p higher to 17p on hearing that three directors, including chief financial officer James Thompson, had bought 40,000 shares each at around 15p a pop. The US-based clean water and antimicrobial technology company has four divisions: drinking water, recreational water, environmental water and coatings. It recently won a lucrative contract with Morf India.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Daily Mail (London, ) Visit the Daily Mail (London, ) at .dailymail.co.uk/home/index.html Distributed by MCT Information Services迷利倉

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