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Source: Albuquerque Journal, N.mini storageM.Sept. 06--For 90 minutes Thursday, two mayoral candidates engaged in heated debate with an empty chair.That's because incumbent Albuquerque Mayor Richard Berry decided not to attend the Mayoral Public Safety Forum hosted by the police and firefighter unions. The mayor called it a "made-for-media publicity stunt" and opted instead to attend the ceremonial groundbreaking of the new Interstate 25/Paseo del Norte reconstruction project.Candidates Paul Heh and Pete Dinelli, however, showed up and largely agreed on topics posed to them by elected state and national representatives and retired police and fire department officials."As your mayor, I would never ... disrespect you like the mayor has disrespected you today," Dinelli told the crowd of about 100 union members and others at the Carpenters Union Training Center. "That empty chair is a reflection of the empty leadership the city has had for the last three and a half years."Heh also took the mayor to task during the debate, which addressed topics including the mayor's role in appointing department chiefs, collective bargaining rights, federal automatic budget cuts known as "sequestration" and privatization of public services.In response to a question about whether the City Council should have a role in the appointment of public safety chiefs, Dinelli and Heh said they thought appointment of the fire and police chiefs should be left to the mayor.Heh said Berry chooses not to show up at debates where the crowd might disagree with him."Every forum I show up at, the mayor doesn't attend unless it's held by his so-called friends," Heh said.The candidates have had three forums in recent weeks, including one held by the local commercial reaself storage-estate development association. All three candidates showed up for those events.Berry said by phone Thursday that he didn't think the debate's location and timing allowed for a productive debate, since it was held in a union headquarters an hour before the groundbreaking. He said the carpenters union is behind the large, red "Shame on You" signs held during labor strikes at small businesses, so the venue was inappropriate for a balanced debate on public safety."That doesn't mean we can't have really meaningful discussions about public safety. I'm more than willing to have those conversations," Berry said. "... My door has been, and continues to be open to the APOA leadership" and other unions, he said.The union and the mayor have been at a negotiation impasse during his tenure over raises and the use of tax dollars on union business, and the number of officers has dropped in the meantime. A union-funded committee uploaded a video to You-Tube on Wednesday criticizing the mayor for the decrease in officers, especially in specialized units.Berry said he thinks the video was a waste of time and resources that could have been better spent on finding a solution to the three-and-a-half-year negotiation impasse.As for his opponents, the mayor said they haven't posed any "big ideas" in the last three debates they've had. The candidates are scheduled for three more TV debates before the Oct. 8 election."Quite frankly, I haven't seen my opponents bring any big ideas," he said. "I've only heard them tear down the police department and the city."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) Visit the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) at .abqjournal.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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迷你倉新蒲崗 未能提供文字內容。.scmp.com/business/money/markets-investing/article/1305215/chinese-government-bond-futures-start-trading-again迷你倉出租

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  • Sep 06 Fri 2013 16:08
  • 臺灣

台灣私人飛機市場仍處於萌芽階段,迷你倉提供的服務包括商務、觀光、醫療等私人包機,與私人飛機托管等;私人包機是以計時收費,飛特立航空包機每小時新台幣24萬元起跳,也可以客製化私人旅遊,馬爾地夫頂級五天四夜,含交通食宿約20萬美元(約新台幣600萬元)。私人商務專機飛行時間彈性,完全配合客戶需求,且享有高度隱秘性,在美國極為興盛。飛特立董事長楊宿智表示,只要三小時前通知,隨時起飛,全球機場都可以起降,在松山機場即可搭乘,並安排貴賓通關與快速登機,較一般飛機省七成時間。私人專機服務計時收費,目前飛特立航空商務專機包機每小時約8,儲存倉00至1.5萬美元(約新台幣24萬至45萬元),除商務考察外,也有不少顧客包專機觀光旅遊,飛特立航空表示,最近才帶客人到非洲肯亞看動物大遷徙,也有客戶包機五天到馬爾地夫度假,食宿交通全部客製化服務,包含機場停機、機組人員待命等費用,共約20萬美元。醫療包機服務則是針對緊急須返國醫療者,飛特立航空表示,傳統是臨時加裝擔架的醫療包機,飛特立醫療專機主打擁有醫療配備與救援團隊,最快七小時完成bed to bed醫療救援,平均每趟約新台幣200萬元;也獨創會員制,年費6.6萬元,只要達到簽約標準,就能啟動救援,但每年以一次為限。迷你倉價錢

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南都訊 記者陳靜 黃超 通訊員凌有福 東莞有什麼好玩的?9月5日上午,迷你倉由市旅遊局和鳳崗、常平、橋頭等8個鎮街聯合舉辦的“2013東莞旅遊文化節”,就為來自各地的遊客提供了12種不同的選擇。在旅遊節期間,可以來常平鎮品嘗來自70多個國家的啤酒,到鳳崗參觀傳統客僑婚嫁文化,還能到橋頭欣賞千畝油菜花田。據瞭解,本次旅遊節從9月27日開幕,將一直持續至明年2月。文化節為期三個月昨日上午,來自省內外近20家新聞媒體的代表及各鎮街負責旅遊工作的負責人等100多人出席了發佈會。東莞市旅遊局副局長余建民介紹今年旅遊文化節籌備情況時稱,旅遊文化節將于9月27日上午在鳳崗鎮龍鳳山莊影視旅遊區舉行開幕式,整個旅遊文化節共由13項活動組成,為期三個月。2013東莞旅遊文化節活動可分為主題類、節慶類、惠民類三大類,其中主題類活動包括:十佳旅遊精品線路評選、十佳婚紗攝影景區評選、“繽紛精彩在東莞”旅遊展示會、“萬人互游深莞惠”活動;節慶類活動包括:開幕式、第八屆廣東國際啤酒節、謝崗登山旅遊節、第二屆東莞美食節、2013中國旅遊服裝服飾設計大賽、2013香博儲存暨第四屆旅遊文化節、橋頭第二屆油菜花節、橫瀝“百年牛墟”風情節;惠民類活動包括:幸福大家游景區繽紛節慶季。鳳崗將展示客家民俗節目鳳崗鎮副鎮長張新偉在發佈會上透露,在開幕式上鳳崗鎮安排了傳統客家婚俗、客家麒麟舞等民俗特色節目,該鎮將參加展示推廣休閒旅遊和民俗旅遊兩大特色;活動期間,鳳崗龍鳳山莊景區將安排集體婚禮等婚慶主題活動,在園內各主題景點也會組織特色表演活動。“到鳳崗可以看客家民俗、逛旅遊展覽、游婚慶景區、嘗客家美食。”張新偉向廣大嘉賓和遊客現場發出了邀請。對於將本屆旅遊文化節開幕式和主場館定在鳳崗的原因,東莞市旅遊局副局長余建民告訴記者:一是鳳崗的旅遊資源非常豐富,有全國唯一以婚慶為主題的4A級景區龍鳳山莊,二是鳳崗的生態建設也很好,三是鳳崗具有特殊的歷史文化資源,有碉樓、麒麟、美食等客家文化特色元素,四是鳳崗的地理位置極具優勢,可以更好地輻射深圳、香港的遊客。“我們想通過這次的旅遊文化節對鳳崗的旅遊資源進行整合、包裝、挖掘,把鳳崗的旅遊元素及東莞的旅遊元素結合起來,形成一個大的品牌,然後把它推介給我們珠三角、粵港澳的遊客。”新蒲崗迷你倉

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宮崎駿引退,迷你倉叫人惋惜,同時亦令我想起新潟。新潟縣出產漫畫家之多,全日本數一數二,當地人說因為冬天豪雪,人們在家沒事幹便畫畫。我於秋夏到訪,發覺這地方簡樸純美,日落醉人,優美環境才是培育漫畫家的養分。文、圖:梁綺蓮(.facebook.com/LoveTravel.HKG) 鳴謝:新潟縣 相機提供:Sony RX100II新潟的日落全國知名,看太陽落入日本海,好美!日本人說冬天的新潟比北海道還要冷,新潟縣雪量驚人,積雪可達5米之高。由於西面臨海,中南部是連綿山丘,冬天從西伯利亞吹來的寒風,經過日本海帶來相當潮濕的冷空氣,受高山阻隔在此地降下大量的雪。漫畫情報館長久以來,12月到3月新潟人習慣被厚厚白雪包圍,大部分時間留在室內,高橋留美子的《山T女福星》、《相聚一刻》和《亂馬1/2》,水島新司的《大甲子園》,重野秀一的《頭文字D》,和月伸宏的《浪客劍心》,還有我最喜歡的小林誠作品《What’sMichael?》,也許就是在風雪下完成。畫下畫下,其實有助振興經濟,當地政府大力推動漫畫相關產業,定期舉辦動漫節及漫畫比賽,將新潟市建立成漫畫與動畫之城。作為遊客,可到新潟市漫畫情報館來個精華遊,收藏近百位新潟出生的漫畫家作品,以多個電子互動遊戲介紹,包括體感遊戲、漫畫填色和動漫配音等,還有迷你影院。慢活單車遊新潟市並無地下鐵和路面電車,交通主要靠巴士,為方便遊客,特設兩架觀光巴士,分別為「高橋留美子犬夜叉號」及「水島新司Эロм⑦號」,循環行走各景點,上車後買儲存倉500日圓乘車證,全日任搭。單車是當地人常用的交通工具,政府亦鼓勵單車旅遊,在市內20個地點放置單車讓人免費使用,借車後,踩到另一地點還車,十分方便。此外,更與民間單車組織合作,購買多部高級版單車租予遊客,每架價值超過10萬日圓,踩起來的確輕鬆舒服。單車組織的骨幹成員皆50歲以上,幹事之一高橋正良,名片上印有「美腳ソ魔術師」,看看他身形真的好fit,原來他們每天會踩遍市內,鍛鍊之餘並檢查路面,確保適合單車使用。遊客租車,可預約他們作嚮導,帶你細看新潟風光,到信濃川河畔,到日本海海邊,看著太陽西下沉入日本海,感受慢活的好處。1. 能夠與兒時偶像米高「合照」,感到好榮幸。 2. 政府為推動漫畫產業增加城市魅力,設立新潟市漫畫情報館。 3. 館內的體感遊戲捉拿山T女福星,好受大小朋友歡迎。 4. 觀光巴士高橋留美子犬夜叉號,每小時一班,循環行走市內景點。 5. 信濃川的河畔環境舒服,建築優雅。info新潟市漫畫情報館地址:新潟市中央區八千代2-5-7万代ЁЪユBP2地下入場費:每位600日圓網站:nmam.jpKamifuru Cycle Station租單車地址:新潟市中央區古町通二番町529番地電郵:kamifurust@ma.tip.ne.jp(請預約)租單車:3小時1,500日圓、全日2,500日圓實用資料簽證:持BNO護照或特區護照均毋須簽證交通:於東京站乘新幹線至新潟站約1小時40分參考:新潟縣觀光資訊可查詢.enjoyniigata.com迷你倉價錢

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迷你倉   本報杭州9月5日訊 (通訊員 王佳平 記者 馬悅) 今天,由杭州市上城區政府主辦的“2013 VOGUE FNO摩登不夜城”暨“湖濱購物節”在湖濱商圈正式拉開帷幕,大湖濱商圈內150余家購物商場、市場、商店共同打造最璀璨的購物之夜。活動期間,包括杭州市民耳熟能詳的湖濱銀泰、西湖銀泰、利星名品、解百購物廣場、衣之家百貨、龍翔服飾城等都會有不同力度的促銷活動。儲存

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  利用職務之便,迷你倉大搞錢權交易,不到2年,竟受賄索賄上百萬元之巨。近日,原韶山永泉科技園管委會副主任、韶山市旅遊局原局長郭光輝被韶山市人民法院以受賄罪,一審判處有期徒刑10年,並處沒收財產10萬元。  今年4月,已調任韶山市旅遊局局長的郭光輝被韶山市人民檢察院立案偵查。案發前,郭擔心事情敗露,向行賄人退還了60萬元。案發後,他如實供述了犯罪事實,向辦案機關退贓71.58萬元(含退給行賄人的一部分自存倉。  法院審理查明,在兼任韶山永泉科技園管委會副主任期間,郭光輝在招商引資、工程承攬等方面為他人謀利,2009年4月至2010年11月不到2年,先後5次非法收受或索取他人財物共計人民幣101萬元,其中索賄40萬元。這是他主要集中受賄的階段。包括在擔任韶山鄉副鄉長期間收受的2萬元,郭光輝合計受賄103萬元。  ■三湘華聲全媒體記者 劉曉波  通訊員 韶法標簽:郭光輝 韶山市 人民檢察院 行賄人 索賄迷你倉新蒲崗

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澳博(880)夥拍國際服裝品牌Palazzo Versace興建酒店,儲存為其路�綜合娛樂場度假村打響頭炮,澳博董事局主席蘇樹輝昨日表示,以Palazzo Versace概念興建酒店,是度假村其中一個酒店項目,目前仍有一至兩個項目洽商中,整個項目以非博彩元素為主,但投資預算則加碼至250億元,料整個項目於2017年落成。  澳博於今年5月獲得澳門政府批出,位於路�約7.04萬平方米土地,以發展綜合娛樂場度假村。蘇樹輝表示,逾7萬平方米的土地相對其他路�項目面積較細,所以該公司與常務董事梁安琪商討,向她租用其在路�南面擁有的土地,若兩者能將土地合併發展,土地面積可增至20萬平方米。蘇樹輝續稱,如果兩者能共同發展,梁安琪擁有的土地都會以非博彩元素為主。租梁安琪土地合併發展梁安琪表示,她擁有的路�南面土地,暫時構思用作興建主題公園及酒店,主題公園會有3個組合,她笑言3個組合的元素都可照顧可老、中、青的需要。面對澳門博彩業務的競爭,蘇新蒲崗迷你倉輝表示,已不能單靠博彩元素吸引顧客,故此澳博位於路�綜合娛樂場度假村,會以非博彩元素為發展方向,博彩元素只佔整個項目土地面積約5%,並會再引入一至兩個酒店品牌項目。與Palazzo Versace合作興建酒店的計畫,澳博負責建築及管理,Palazzo Versace則提供酒店的設計概念。至於賭�數目方面,澳博就該路�項目向政府申請經營700張賭�,蘇樹輝認為是否增加賭�,需要視乎政府的安排。不過,經營賭�的人手成本不輕,故不是多賭�就有利。成本上漲 加碼投資50億投資成本方面,蘇樹輝指出由於建築成本和人工上漲,所以投資金額較早前預算200億元,加碼至250億元。他續稱,投資金額大部分以內部資金支付,只有小部分為銀行融資。另外,Palazzo Versace行政總裁Gian Giacomo Ferraris表示,該集團計畫在3至5年上市,目前正積極擴充發展以配合上市,業務亦錄得雙位數字增長。澳博昨日收報20.1元,升1.9%。mini storage

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本報訊 (記者 郝思菡) 為慶祝即將到來的第29個教師節,迷你倉出租石象湖、天台山、海螺溝等景區紛紛推出教師節優惠套餐。記者瞭解到,石象湖景區9月7日至9月10日,凡2013年度榮獲成都市、區、縣級優秀教師稱號的教師,憑獲獎證書和本人證件可免費入園。歡樂穀9月1日至9月30日,出示教師證購買日場門票享5折優惠,隨行家屬還可迷你倉受130元/人特惠,限帶四名家屬。此外,9月7日至9月10日,五名學生購票可免費攜一名教師入園,10日當天還將向教師贈送一束鮮花。而海螺溝景區將在9月10日對進溝遊覽的教師遊客實行免門票,需要由本人持教師資格證原件及複印件辦理免票手續,但需交納門票成本費5元/人。同時,天台山景區也對所有持證的教師遊客實行免票政策。儲存倉

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Source: Jordan Times, AmmanSept.儲存倉 04--AMMAN -- A Royal Jordanian (RJ) Tripoli-to-Amman flight landed at Amman's Queen Alia International Airport on Monday evening after being delayed because insurgents detained passengers on a Libyan aircraft at Tripoli airport forcing its closure for several hours, Al Rai daily reported.RJ Spokesperson Basel Kilani told The Jordan Times in a phone interview that the aircraft landed in Amman at around 9pm with all 120 passengers and members of the crew on board.He added that air traffic to and from Libya resumed according to schedule after Tripoli airport reopened at around noon.Gunmen seized a Libyan aircraft parked on the tarmac in front of the RJ plane, causing the delay and the airport's closure, Al Rai quoted Civil Aviation Regulatory Commission President Mohammad Quraan as saying."The aircraft was on the ground and denied permission to take off a迷你倉價錢 the runway was unexpectedly closed for reasons not immediately explained by the competent authorities," Quraan said, dismissing claims that the RJ airplane was forcibly "held at Tripoli international airport".RJ operates flights to the Libyan cities of Tripoli, Misrata and Benghazi.Armed gunmen had caused the closure of Tripoli's international airport in April this year, as clashes between rival Libyan insurgents erupted on the tarmac, causing the airport to cancel flights, Reuters reported.After the toppling of Libyan leader Muammar Qadhafi in 2011, the country has been dealing with security issues as rival groups armed with weapons from the revolution make it hard for the government to establish order, according to Reuters.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Jordan Times (Amman, Jordan) Visit the Jordan Times (Amman, Jordan) at .jordantimes.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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Source: San Antonio Express-NewsSept.self storage 06--To put a twist on an tired cliche, the Lord can be sneaky.He pops up where you don't expect him. You can find proof in four plain-Jane buildings in a hidden patch of scrub oak near Garden Ridge.Trinity Oaks isn't an awesome monument to faith and the wonders of God. Nor is it a vanity church project where well-heeled parishioners drop a few grand every summer to get their picture taken in some undeveloped nation.Instead, it's a testament to human decency. Fueled by donated meat and volunteer elbow grease, this place churns out 50,000 pounds of meat monthly. It's not tied to a church but works with faith-based organizations to distribute food to hungry people in San Antonio, South Texas, along the border and in northern Mexico.Just to be sure that we're clear here -- Trinity Oaks is producing food that goes directly to the tables of thousands of needy households and institutions from here to Monterey. It isn't lobbying government or other groups for help. It isn't making political statements. It's not pointing fingers, and it's not sitting on its hands.Trinity Oaks is making sure people are fed. You might not necessarily agree with its evangelical bent -- it only works with groups that minister while they feed -- but you can't quibble with its work.There are no visual clues about Trinity Oaks' mission at its remote meat plant. No crosses. No stained glass. No prayer books."There's nothing sacred out here," said Chuck Byrge, who runs the plant that constitutes most of the operation. "This is about ministering to people and feeding them."He's the only full-time staffer of the nondenominational project. His salary is donated by one of the organization's many benefactors. The group has no administrative costs, he said, so every other donated dollar goes to the production of food.Trinity Oaks contracts with various municipalities to take deer that are captured for public safety reasons. Hunters will also donate meat to the group during the season.Area ranchers raising exotics routinely cull their wildlife herds, and many call Trinity Oaks to collect the meat. "We'll get a call out of nowhere from a rancher who's got 10 nilgai," Byrge said. "He'll say it's ours if we come get it."Trinity Oaks also works with major retail chains such as H-E-B to accept more traditional fare, such as steak, beef and chicken.He showed me the walk-in cooler on a recent afternoon. They'd just taken a 3,000-pound donation of poultry from Tyson Foods. It was stacked along one wall. Another ton of meat hung from hooks or lined the other walls in boxes -- white-tailed deer, wild hog, nilgai deer, aoudad sheep, black buck antelope, water buffalo, zebra, axis deer. It was packed as chops, patties, fajita and stew meat.There's a receiving room where hunters can leave animals, as well as a smokehouse where meat is cured. The business end of the operation is the kitchen, where stainless steel tables, sausage stuffers, large grinders and power bone saws let Byrge and volunteers turn game into grub. I dropped in unannounced, by the way, and the place was spotless.Trinity Oaks started eight years ago. Founder Tom Snyder grew up as an outdoorsman. He wanted to give back, so he would take disadvantaged kids hunting. After the hunt, he'd pay to have the animals processed and donated to the kids' family. His wife, Nona Snyder, handled the books, and brother Michael Snyder helped with the hunting trips.Snyder's work was known around his church. When Byrge heard about it, he offered to process the meat for free.The group's original mission was to take kids and injured soldiers hunting and fishing. It's still a major part of the efforts, Snyder said. The group has built a wheelchair-accessible pier on the Texas coast. They've purchased three motorized wheelchairs that are customized to assist physically challenged hunters. And there's a fundraising effort underway to develop a fishing camp on the Guadalupe River .Food distribution grew out of those original efforts, Byrge and Snyder said. Twenty local organizations get Trinity Oaks meat and mix it with other staples to donate to the needy. Snyder and Byrge are always on the lookout for more groups to help, more volunteers to work, more meat to process.Donations would be good, too. They've got a fundraiser at Rebecca Creek Distillery on Bulverde Road on Sept. 27. The info can be found at TrinityOaks.org"Anything we can do to help or give, we do it," Snyder said."There's no such thing," Byrge said, "as serving too much."rbragg@express-news.net. Read Bragg's blog at blog.mysanantonio. com/atlarge. Follow @roybragg on TwitterTo put a twist on an tired cliche, the Lord can be sneaky迷你倉He pops up where you don't expect him. You can find proof in four plain-Jane buildings in a hidden patch of scrub oak near Garden Ridge.Trinity Oaks isn't an awesome monument to faith and the wonders of God. Nor is it a vanity church project where well-heeled parishioners drop a few grand every summer to get their picture taken in some undeveloped nation.Instead, it's a testament to human decency. Fueled by donated meat and volunteer elbow grease, this place churns out 50,000 pounds of meat monthly. It's not tied to a church but works with faith-based organizations to distribute food to hungry people in San Antonio, South Texas, along the border and in northern Mexico.Just to be sure that we're clear here -- Trinity Oaks is producing food that goes directly to the tables of thousands of needy households and institutions from here to Monterey. It isn't lobbying government or other groups for help. It isn't making political statements. It's not pointing fingers, and it's not sitting on its hands.Trinity Oaks is making sure people are fed. You might not necessarily agree with its evangelical bent -- it only works with groups that minister while they feed -- but you can't quibble with its work.There are no visual clues about Trinity Oaks' mission at its remote meat plant. No crosses. No stained glass. No prayer books."There's nothing sacred out here," said Chuck Byrge, who runs the plant that constitutes most of the operation. "This is about ministering to people and feeding them."He's the only full-time staffer of the nondenominational project. His salary is donated by one of the organization's many benefactors. The group has no administrative costs, he said, so every other donated dollar goes to the production of food.Trinity Oaks contracts with various municipalities to take deer that are captured for public safety reasons. Hunters will also donate meat to the group during the season.Area ranchers raising exotics routinely cull their wildlife herds, and many call Trinity Oaks to collect the meat. "We'll get a call out of nowhere from a rancher who's got 10 nilgai," Byrge said. "He'll say it's ours if we come get it."Trinity Oaks also works with major retail chains such as H-E-B to accept more traditional fare, such as steak, beef and chicken.He showed me the walk-in cooler on a recent afternoon. They'd just taken a 3,000-pound donation of poultry from Tyson Foods. It was stacked along one wall. Another ton of meat hung from hooks or lined the other walls in boxes -- white-tailed deer, wild hog, nilgai deer, aoudad sheep, black buck antelope, water buffalo, zebra, axis deer. It was packed as chops, patties, fajita and stew meat.There's a receiving room where hunters can leave animals, as well as a smokehouse where meat is cured. The business end of the operation is the kitchen, where stainless steel tables, sausage stuffers, large grinders and power bone saws let Byrge and volunteers turn game into grub. I dropped in unannounced, by the way, and the place was spotless.Trinity Oaks started eight years ago. Founder Tom Snyder grew up as an outdoorsman. He wanted to give back, so he would take disadvantaged kids hunting. After the hunt, he'd pay to have the animals processed and donated to the kids' family. His wife, Nona Snyder, handled the books, and brother Michael Snyder helped with the hunting trips.Snyder's work was known around his church. When Byrge heard about it, he offered to process the meat for free.The group's original mission was to take kids and injured soldiers hunting and fishing. It's still a major part of the efforts, Snyder said. The group has built a wheelchair-accessible pier on the Texas coast. They've purchased three motorized wheelchairs that are customized to assist physically challenged hunters. And there's a fundraising effort underway to develop a fishing camp on the Guadalupe River .Food distribution grew out of those original efforts, Byrge and Snyder said. Twenty local organizations get Trinity Oaks meat and mix it with other staples to donate to the needy. Snyder and Byrge are always on the lookout for more groups to help, more volunteers to work, more meat to process.Donations would be good, too. They've got a fundraiser at Rebecca Creek Distillery on Bulverde Road on Sept. 27. The info can be found at TrinityOaks.org"Anything we can do to help or give, we do it," Snyder said."There's no such thing," Byrge said, "as serving too much."rbragg@express-news.net. Read Bragg's blog at blog.mysanantonio. com/atlarge. Follow @roybragg on TwitterCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the San Antonio Express-News Visit the San Antonio Express-News at .mysanantonio.com Distributed by MCT Information Services文件倉

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Source: The Philadelphia InquirerSept.self storage 05--Sometimes, it hits you after you've openly posted comments about a product or a politician. Other times, it strikes you after an online transaction, such as buying an airline or concert ticket, or a Web search about a disease or a dance step. Twerking fans, you know who you are.Every day, those of us who live increasingly online are adding to a digital footprint others can access. And a study due out Thursday from the Pew Research Center suggests that many of us are increasingly wary of that prospect and are trying to regain a measure of control.The July survey, based on a sample of more than 1,000 American adults, found that more than eight in 10 said they had taken steps to remove or disguise at least some details of their digital activities.For instance, nearly two-thirds said they had cleared their Web browsers' history or cookies, the digital files companies use to track your browsing -- the source of those ads that trail you from site to site and know about your recent searches.More than a third had avoided a particular website because it required use of real names. One in four had created a temporary user name or e-mail to cover tracks. And between 10 percent and 20 percent had used fake names, encryptions, or services that enabled them to browse the Internet anonymously.Are such efforts effective? As recent disclosures about the National Security Agency suggest, there may be no sure way to foil a determined spy agency. But the Pew study shows that most Americans have more mundane concerns about privacy, yet still aren't sure they can protect themselves online.For example, 42 percent said it would be "very easy" for a company to identify them if they posted anonymous comments about its product, and 37 percent said it would be "somewhat easy."The truth? That isn't crystal-clear either, concedes study coauthor Lee Rainie, director of Pew's Internet and American Life Project."Some companies say that if they're served with a subpoena, they turn over the records. Other companies are more resistant," he said. "If it comes down to a legal showdown or it comes迷你倉down to a determined opponent, it's probably not possible."Joseph Turow of the University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg School for Communication said a 1990s law and the First Amendment protect third-party sites from legal challenges over users' comments."If you just say a product is bad, it's an opinion," he said. "Yelp has comments like that all the time."Pew's study found that 28 percent of respondents had tried to hide their activities from advertisers -- more than five times as many as those who said they had tried to shield information from the government or law enforcement.But the study also shows that Internet users, especially younger ones, are focused on controlling access to people within and outside their social circles."The research so far has emphasized the ways that people ignore privacy," said study coauthor Sara Kiesler, professor of computer science and human-computer interaction at Carnegie Mellon University. "This research suggests that people have realized there are things that can hurt them -- socially, or in getting a job -- just by having it associated with their real identities."Pew found, for instance, that 10 percent to 20 percent of Internet users had tried to hide information from people in their past, from those who might criticize or harass them, from employers or work supervisors or colleagues, or even from family members or romantic partners.Those findings were no surprise to Asta Zelenkauskaite, a Drexel University media researcher. "People want to decide who knows what about them, similar to what we have in face-to-face situations," she said.Zelenkauskaite didn't dispute Pew's finding that younger Internet users are more likely to consider controlling their online information a key concern. Quoting University of Amsterdam scholar Mark Deuze, she said, "We are no longer living with media but in media."Contact Jeff Gelles at 215-854-2776, jgelles@phillynews.com, or @jeffgelles on Twitter. Read his blog at .inquirer.com/consumer.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Philadelphia Inquirer Visit The Philadelphia Inquirer at .philly.com Distributed by MCT Information Services文件倉

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Source: Daily Press, Victorville, Calif.迷你倉出租Sept. 05--APPLE VALLEY -- The Victor Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority will begin construction this fall to permanently replace two major sewer lines that were damaged in Dec. 2010 and caused as much as 42 million gallons of raw sewage to spill into the Mojave River.The lines were dislodged when severe storms caused the river to flow at record levels, a spokesman for the VVWRA said on Wednesday. The storms and subsequent flood damage occurred across Southern California and a federal emergency was declared, he said.Construction to replace the impacted lines will require two operating permits from the Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District for emergency sewer pumps that will emit toxic and organic pollutants from two sites.According to the MDAQMD, the emissions calculations comply with local, state and federal air pollution regulations but are considered a "high priority" on the district's prioritization score index.The pollutants include particulate matter, oxides of nitrogen, oxides of sulfur, carbon monoxide, diesel particulate matter and volatile organic compounds, according to the MDAQMD notice.The two sites are both located within 1,000 feet of the outer property boundaries of the Academy of Academic Excellence/Lewis Center, the notice states. 迷你倉ite one is located on the west side of the Mojave River, east of the railroad tracks and east of Kemper Campbell Ranch Road.Site two is on the school grounds of the Lewis Center on the 17000 block of Mana Road in Apple Valley.A parent night will be held on Monday at 6 p.m. at AAE's Mojave River Campus to discuss the MDAQMD notice. VVWRA officials will be present to answer questions."They'll be there to answer questions and make sure our kids are safe," AAE President/CEO Rick Piercy said. "That's always the main concern. So far, from what we understand I don't think that our kids are going to be in any danger. They're a long ways away from where the pumps are."To prevent any potential future damage to the sewer lines, the new main interceptor lines will be built away from the river, Orr said. Construction is expected to take between nine and 15 months and cannot begin until October because the Mojave River is a flyway for migratory birds.For more information contact Guy Smith of the MDAQMD at 760-245-1661extension 1854.Brooke Self may be reached 760-951-6232 or BSelf@VVDailyPRess.com. You can also reach her on Twitter at @BSelf.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Daily Press (Victorville, Calif.) Visit the Daily Press (Victorville, Calif.) at .vvdailypress.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉

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Source: The Pueblo Chieftain, Colo.儲存Sept. 05--This Pueblo psychologist heard and heeded the 1960s' message of brotherhood and equality.Carlos Rodriguez says his long career in mental health has been influenced by what he learned as a teen at Boys Town near Omaha, Neb. -- and by the disparity between that knowledge and what he observed in Pueblo.Rodriguez, 68, and his late brother Nicholas attended high school at Boys Town, where, Carlos says, "boys of every race, creed and color were treated equally. I believed that was the way it was (elsewhere); that was the perception I had of society. But growing up in Bessemer and coming back to Pueblo, it was clearly evident that everyone wasn't on an equal playing field."Adding to his notion that all people were equal was what he heard at home because of his immigrant steel worker father's union activities.Rodriguez says he grew up early, selling newspapers and shining shoes on Northern Avenue, and was "street smart" when he left for Boys Town in eighth grade. Bessemer was different then, he says, more vibrant, more familycentered and filled with people who wanted to create a better life for their children.At that time, youths went to Boys Town because they were homeless, neglected or underprivileged, and the Rodriguez boys were considered the third."My parents were good parents, strong parents, but they had eight kids," Rodriguez says.Education valuedWhile at Boys Town -- Carlos graduated in 1963 and his brother graduated in 1962 -- Rodriguez learned the value of education."It was very good for academics and spirituality and sports," he says. "I didn't go out for sports, but they really prepared me for academics. Whe新蒲崗迷你倉 I left, I wanted to become a medical doctor."Instead, Rodriguez studied psychology at Southern Colorado State College and helped start a Chicano student organization. He earned a bachelor's degree right before being drafted and going to Vietnam. When he returned from the Army, he continued his education at Colorado State University and earned a doctorate.During more than 40 years in the mental health field in Pueblo, he's worked in geriatrics; with adults, teens and children; at the Parkview Family Counseling Center; and he started New Beginnings Mental Health services on Pueblo's West Side. He also worked as a family life consultant, providing care to veterans and families at area military facilities, including Fort Carson, Peterson Air Force Base and the Air Force Academy.Sibling honorsRodriguez and his late brother both were honored in the spring by Mental Health America of Pueblo; Carlos received the top honor, the Robert Hawkins Award. And they both were honored in late July with induction into the Boys Town Hall of History for community service since high school graduation.Rodriguez says he wasn't looking for prestige or to make lots of money from a career in mental health."I wanted to help other people and to make sure what needed to be done, could be, and that everybody be treated fairly and equally."Semi-retired now and trying to help indigent people access resources to which they're entitled, Rodriguez says, "I'm trying to be a helper for people who need help."maryp@chieftain.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Pueblo Chieftain (Pueblo, Colo.) Visit The Pueblo Chieftain (Pueblo, Colo.) at .chieftain.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage

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Source: Dayton Daily News, OhioSept.迷你倉 05--VANDALIA -- VANDALIA --A local pharmaceutical manufacturer is planning a $4 million addition to its facility, according to the Vandalia's Development & Engineering Services Department.Last month, Aptalis Pharmatech sought a building permit for its center at 845 Center Drive.A representative of the company did not immediately return a phone call by the Dayton Daily News.The company's website states it "manufactures, markets and distributes a broad line of pharmaceutical products and services used in the treatment of cystic fibrosis and gastrointestinal disorders in more than 40 countries, via a combination of its own personnel and a network of global partners."The center in Vandalia is a 110,000-square foot warehouse and plant.In September of last year, Vandalia City Manager Rob Anderson told the Dayton Daily News the company added more than 100 jobs over the last six years.Aptalis is a global company headquartered in Bridgewater, N.J. with fa儲存倉tories in Montreal, Paris and two in Milan.The Vandalia location actually started as a capsular products division of NCR Corp. in the 1950s, when it helped develop carbon-less paper.The encapsulation technology led to other products such as "scratch and sniff" technology and other uses, including pharmaceuticals.By 1984, NCR began divesting itself of subsidiaries, and what became Aptalis last year was owned by several companies, including A.H. Robbins, American Home Products, Phizer, then Eurand.That coating technology used in carbonless paper was reworked as a coating for bitter-tasting pills and as a way to slow down the release of medicine in the body.Now, the company focuses on gastrointestinal diseases and cystic fibrosis, and recently released Viokace, which helps treat exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Dayton Daily News (Dayton, Ohio) Visit the Dayton Daily News (Dayton, Ohio) at .daytondailynews.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉價錢

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Source: Pioneer Press, St.存倉 Paul, Minn.Sept. 04--Amid the tears and stifled sobs of a grieving family, the question loomed large in a Ramsey County courtroom: Why did such a good young man have to die?Aung Thu Bo, 19, was a Hamline University computer science student who was shot to death Aug. 10, 2012, after he responded to the killer's Craigslist ad for a cellphone.Two of Bo's three sisters and his mother took turns sitting in front of Ramsey County District Judge Margaret Marrinan. Through written statements, they described -- or tried to, before breaking down -- the man who always smiled, who volunteered at a nursing home, who turned all his paychecks over to his immigrant parents and worked hard to get through high school and into college.He never even got a speeding ticket.Marrinan took it all in and then sentenced his killer, Steven Emmanuel Lewis, 27, of Maplewood to more than 24 years in prison.Lewis apologized for his actions. "It never was supposed to go the way it did," he told the court. He has said previously that the gun went off accidentally.Lewis pleaded guilty July 10 to second-degree murder and aggravated robbery.Bo and his girlfriend, Annie Moua, drove in Bo's Mitsubishi Lancer to look at an iPhone 4S Lewis advertised on Craigslist.They met Lewis at Leo's Chow Mein on Hudson Road in St. Paul about 12:40 p.m.Lewis said he had left the phone's charger at home and wanted to go get it. Bo asked to look at the phone to see if he was interested in it. Lewis then said that the phone was at his house, too. He lived right around the corner, he said."Bo told the man that he didn't do transactions at a house," the complaint said. But Lewis persuaded them to go. Lewis got in the back seat and Bo drove about two blocks, as Lewis directed.Lew迷你倉s then pulled out a black handgun. He met no resistance from Bo and Moua, said Assistant Ramsey County Attorney Lawrence Schultz."When it became apparent that this was a robbery, they couldn't give thedefendant the articles of any value fast enough," Schultz said.Lewis reached into the front seat and searched Bo's pockets with his left hand. The gun went off. A bullet entered the right side of Bo's head, exiting through the left.Doctors determined that the wound would be fatal. His family took him off life support the next day.The prosecutor decried the killing, pointing to other recent violence in St. Paul."It's as if there's an open season on good people on the East Side," Schultz said.He asked Marrinan to give Lewis the most severe sentence she could. She did.Lewis was given credit for the 390 days he has served in custody and ordered to pay $3,574 in restitution to Bo's family, $10,299 to the Crime Victims Reparations Board (which paid the family for funeral expenses) and $218 to Moua for the loss of her two phones.At the sentencing, Bo's 15-year-old sister, Thanda Bo, said her brother taught her many things -- including the importance of respect."He was always respectful to adults and showed an amazing attitude towards them. Respect is a very important trait because it's what keeps society together."As for Lewis, she said, she asked the judge for "a reasonable sentenceso he will know not to steal from others and hurt others ever again."Lewis had seven felony convictions since 2004, Schultz said.Emily Gurnon can be reached at 651-228-5522. Follow her at twitter.com/emilygurnon.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Pioneer Press (St. Paul, Minn.) Visit the Pioneer Press (St. Paul, Minn.) at .twincities.com Distributed by MCT Information Services自存倉

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NEW YORK, Sept.儲存倉 5, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Kerrisdale Capital Management, a private investment management firm and beneficial owner of more than 4% of the shares of Morgans Hotel Group ("Morgans Hotel" or "Morgans") , issued the following letter on Thursday, September 5(th) to the stakeholders of Morgans Hotel Group:(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130620/NY35162LOGO )Dear Stakeholders of Morgans Hotel Group,Kerrisdale Capital Management intends to nominate a separate set of directors to the board of Morgans Hotel Group in the 2014 board of directors election. Kerrisdale believes that the current directors of Morgans Hotel do not adequately represent the interests of the majority of shareholders. We believe that the views of OTK Associates, which owns less than a 15% economic interest, are currently over-represented on the Morgans Hotel board, and the views of the other 85% of shareholders are severely under-represented.We believe that the overwhelming consensus view of the company's ownership is that Morgans should initiate an immediate public sale process to sell the company to one or multiple strategic acquirers. Despite repeated calls for an immediate sale process by shareholders including Caerus Global Investors and ourselves, as well as significant creditor Yucaipa Companies, the new Board has yet to issue a public response.Kerrisdale will support a carefully chosen slate of financial, industry and mergers and acquisitions experts to serve as directors of Morgans. As Kerrisdale previously detailed in our letter on June 20(th), Morgans provides an attractive luxury boutique hotel platform for an international hotel company. A well-capitalized and proven global operator can effectuate the expansion of the Mondrian, Delano and Hudson brands far faster and at better economics than the currently undercapitalized Morgans. Maintaining Morgans Hotel as a standalone entity is highly undesirable because we doubt that any management team can add sufficient operational value relative to the value leakage incurred by delaying a sale process. In addition, recent litigation and notices of default from Yucaipa and迷你倉價錢Andrew Sasson will prove not only distracting to management, but will also waste shareholder capital that could be otherwise used for Morgans' operations.Based on the current board's tepid response to the very obvious solution of an immediate sale process, which we believe is widely supported by the vast majority of the Morgans shareholder base, we believe that Morgans shareholders will be best served by the slate of directors that Kerrisdale will nominate in 2014.Sincerely,Sahm AdrangiChief Investment OfficerKerrisdale Capital Management, LLCAbout Kerrisdale Capital Management, LLCKerrisdale Capital Management, LLC is a fundamentally-oriented investment manager that focuses on long-term value investments and event-driven special situations. Kerrisdale has $250 million in assets under management and is based out of New York City.For further information please contact:Sahm AdrangiChief Investment OfficerKerrisdale Capital Management, LLC1212 Avenue of the Americas, 3rd FloorNew York, NY 10036Telephone: 212.792.9148KERRISDALE ADVISERS, LLC AND/OR KERRISDALE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LLC (COLLECTIVELY, "KERRISDALE") INTEND TO FILE WITH THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (THE "SEC") A DEFINITIVE PROXY STATEMENT AND ACCOMPANYING PROXY CARD TO BE USED TO SOLICIT PROXIES IN CONNECTION WITH THE 2014 ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS (INCLUDING ANY ADJOURNMENTS OR POSTPONEMENTS THEREOF OR ANY SPECIAL MEETING THAT MAY BE CALLED IN LIEU THEREOF) OF MORGANS HOTEL GROUP CO. (THE "COMPANY"). ALL STOCKHOLDERS OF THE COMPANY ARE ADVISED TO READ THE DEFINITIVE PROXY STATEMENT AND OTHER DOCUMENTS RELATED TO THE SOLICITATION OF PROXIES FROM THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE COMPANY, BY KERRISDALE AND OTHER PARTICIPANTS IN SUCH SOLICITATION WHEN THEY BECOME AVAILABLE, BECAUSE THEY WILL CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION. WHEN COMPLETED, THE DEFINITIVE PROXY STATEMENT AND FORM OF PROXY WILL BE FURNISHED TO SOME OR ALL OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE COMPANY AND WILL, ALONG WITH OTHER RELEVANT DOCUMENTS, BE AVAILABLE AT NO CHARGE ON THE SEC'S WEB SITE AT .SEC.GOV.Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130620/NY35162LOGOKerrisdale Capital Management, LLC迷你倉

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Tea houses are places of relaxation and fun while chatting with friends and having a bite to eat in China.迷你倉 The traditional ones in China’s mainland feature Chinese architectural characteristics such as up-turned eaves, carved beams and painted rafters, and serve Chinese dim sum, including dumplings, steamed stuffed buns, porridge and mellow tea.But the tea houses in Hong Kong differ from traditional mainland tea houses. They are a combination of Chinese tea house and Western cafe. People often call them Hong Kong-style cafes or tea restaurants.In recent years, with the spread of popular Hong Kong TV series, mainland residents have gotten to know the tea restaurant culture of this special administrative region. Hong Kongers gather there at lunchtime or at teatime, having a satisfying meal and chatting with friends.The delicacies offered by Hong Kong tea restaurants generally are comprised of two parts — Chinese snacks such as Cantonese dim sum and traditional noodles and desserts, and Western cuisine, such as sandwiches, salad, coffee and macaroni.  Tea restaurants always have set meals. The breakfast set meal usually is made up of tea, an omelet, buns and a sandwich. The lunch and dinner set meals are similar but add perhaps some roast pork and fruit.As a kind of grassroots eatery, the Hong Kong-style cafe is noted for its convenience and low cost. A set meal including beverage, staple and fruit is only around 30 to 40 yuan (US$4.90-6.50). Service usually is fast.This type of tea restaurant is seen more and more in the Chinese mainland, including Hangzhou. Shanghai Daily has picked some classical dishes from Hong Kong-style cafes that you can enjoy in Hangzhou’s tea restaurants.Pineapple bunsPineapple buns, also known as rocky buns with butter, are a common food in Hong Kong tea restaurants. The name comes from its checkered top, resembling the outside of a pineapple. The bun consists of sugar, eggs, flour and lard and its top is crunchy and sweet.The bread dough underneath is soft and fragrant. The bun is brought hot from the oven to the diner’s table, and served halved with a large slab of chilled butter between the halves.The butter quickly melts into the hot bread. Bit文件倉ng into the bun fills a diner’s mouth with rich flavors and aroma.Where to get:• Charme RestaurantAddress: 2/F, D Pavilion, Hangzhou Tower, No. 1, Wulin SquareTel: (0571) 8789-9245 • Ling Long TownAddress: 198 Nanshan RdTel: (0571) 8702-5558Hong Kong-style milk teaMilk tea is a must-have in Hong Kongers’ daily lives, typically served as part of the afternoon tea. It enjoys nearly the same ubiquitous status that coffee holds in the West.Hong Kong-style milk tea is made of a blend of Ceylon tea, milk and sugar, with the last ingredient added by the customers themselves except in the case of take-out. Sometimes vendors use evaporated milk instead of milk and sugar to give the tea a richer mouthfeel.Hong Kong-style milk tea became a habit during British colonial rule over Hong Kong (1841-1997). Though the British learned to drink tea from the Chinese, they altered the plain tea by adding milk and sugar. This way to drink tea quickly became popular around the city.During the brewing of Hong Kong-style milk tea, a cloth bag is used to filter the tea leaves. It is considered to make the tea smoother. The shape of the bag resembles a silk stocking, giving the Hong Kong-style milk tea a nickname of “silk stocking” milk tea. Where to get:• Xi Wang Tea RestaurantAddress: 6 Hubin RdTel: (0571) 8791-1798 • Jia Le Tea RestaurantAddress: 18 Wantang RdTel: (0571) 8720-9188Cha shaoCha shao, meaning “pork skewered with long forks” in Chinese, is a kind of barbecued pork in Cantonese cuisine.The pork is seasoned with a mixture of honey, five-spice powder (a Chinese seasoning mix), red fermented bean curd (preserved tofu), dark soy sauce, hoisin sauce (a dipping sauce and glaze used in Chinese cooking) and rice wine.After roasting over a fire, the exterior layer of the meat turns dark red. Sometimes the chef uses malt sugar to give cha shao an aromatic taste.In Hong Kong tea restaurants, cha shao is consumed with rice, buns or noodles. It also may be served as a main dish at feasts. Where to get:• New Taste Tea RestaurantAddress: 285 Fengqi RdTel: (0571) 8671-5261 • Ge Zai Huang Tea RestaurantAddress: 6 Baifu RdTel: (0571) 8848-3436 存倉

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CITY OF INDUSTRY, Calif.存倉, Sept. 5, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- CupDepot.com has reduced pricing for Karat Earth( )eco-friendly plastic and paper cups for the month of September.(Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130905/PH74738 )The eco-friendly clear Polylactic (PLA) plastic cups are derived from 100% renewable resources and odor-free, maintaining product integrity. Comparable to petroleum-based plastic, PLA is a nonvolatile and odorless polymer used in a variety of industries and generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the FDA. Unlike most PLA products in the market, Karat Earth PLA cups and lids are made in standard cup and lid sizes for convenient switch and storage. Available from 3-24 oz. starting as low as $85 per case, the eco-friendly plastic cups are fully compostable. Also derived from renewable resources, Karat Earth's eco-friendly paper hot cups are heat resistant against temperatures of up to 190 degrees F, certified compostable in the U.S. and Japan, Cedar Grove Certified, and available from 8-24 oz. starting as low as $60.50 per case.Other September promotional items include new red and green Karat heavy-weight teaspoons for as low as $23.50 per bag, Karat jumbo wrapped straws for as low as $49.95 per case, Karat PP 迷你倉lastic flat lids for as low as $68.95 per case, and Karat PS plastic flat lids for as low as $30 per case.About CupDepot.comCupDepot.com is an online food packaging supplier under Lollicup((R)) USA, Inc. specializing in beverage and food packaging. CupDepot offers a wide range of products needed in operating a cafe, restaurant, or other foodservices; products include premium paper and plastic cups, containers, utensils, and other related food packaging items. Please visit .cupdepot.com for more information.About Karat((R))Based in City of Industry, CA, Karat specializes in food and beverage packaging products such as paper cups, plastic cups, food containers, dessert cups, cup lids, straws, utensils, and more. As well as carrying an eco-friendly line of paper and plastic products under Karat Earth, Karat also offers custom-printed containers, cups, and napkins for a personalized touch. Please visit .karatcup.com for more information.If you'd like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview, please call Michelle Lam at (800) 857-1988 or e-mail Michelle.Read more news from CupDepot.comPhoto: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130905/PH74738PRN Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.comCupDepot.comWeb site: .cupdepot.com/自存倉

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