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英國藝術家Damien Hirst 去年在TateModern 舉行的個人回顧展,<b><A href='http://www.kfstorage.com/prices.php' title='迷你倉價錢'><span style='color:blue;'>迷你倉價錢</span></A></b>雖然成為這間美術館史上最賣座的個人展,但近日曝光的觀眾投訴,卻令他登上新聞網站的熱門搜尋榜。細讀這些觀眾投訴,除了折服於英國人掌握尖酸文字的造詣、笑出聲好幾次,也不禁反思這些挖苦�面,不乏真知灼見。儘管如此,藝術界仍視Damien Hirst 為重量級人馬;有他份兒的展覽,新聞都必定把他的名字加粗、放在起首一段。Damien Hirst 詮釋幸福與虛榮現於德國漢諾威kestnergesellschaft 國際當代藝術學院舉行的展覽便是如此。參展的作品, 出自25 位藝術家之手,Damien Hirst 與日本的草間彌生、德國的Andreas Gursky 等,都是展覽中最為人熟悉的名字,學院當然也視他們為介紹重點。這次展覽的主題是Der Schein:這個字在德文的意思是「光芒」,但也可解作「外表」和「幻象」。光滑閃亮的東西「因為其表面反映的影像太強烈,物體本身因而化為背景, 變為虛無」——學院如此解釋。所以即使是鋼鐵、黃金甚至鑽石這些閃爍而又代表雋永的東西,到頭來也<b><A href='http://www.kfstorage.com' title='迷你倉'><span style='color:blue;'>迷你倉</span></A></b>以是虛空。Damien Hirst 作品Tears of Joy,給人的感覺大抵如是:一個金色的藥櫃�,整齊排�一顆顆鑽石。收到鑽石的人或會流下喜悅之淚,可是幸福和虛榮感與臉頰上的淚,哪樣蒸發得更快?展覽便展示了這件作品印製成的牆紙;草間彌生曾在47 年前威尼斯雙年展上展出的作品,亦在今次展覽亮相,值得注目。Der Schein | Glanz, Glamour, Illusion地址:kestnergesellschaft, Goseriede 11,30159 Hanover日期及時間:即日至11月3日,上午11:00至下午6:00;周四至晚上8:00;周一休息門票:7 歐元(約72 港元)網址:.kestnergesellschaft.deTears of Joy以Damien Hirst 作品Tears of Joy 製成的牆紙,與德國藝術家Joseph Beuys 的銅像雕塑一起展示。Narcissus Garden草間彌生的作品Narcissus Garden,本由1500 個不鏽鋼球組成,這次展覽展出其中800 個。文:郭瑋瑋圖:法新社<b><A href='http://www.kfstorage.com/contacts.php' title='儲存'><span style='color:blue;'>儲存</span></A></b>

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前個月我在此說過 MOOC (Mass Open Online Course) 近年在網絡日漸流行,迷你倉為甚麼互聯出現近二十年,現在 MOOC 才起步?其最大吸引力是甚麼?網上評估學生成績有多準確?與及 MOOC 學生能成功修完一科的平均百分率若干?答完即時知道對錯還可再答回答首兩個問題很容易。用家所需的視頻和互動性,互聯網發展至今才能提供足夠快的速度,加上 YouTube 和演示教材筆記軟件統一化,學員通常不用加添額外裝置便可馬上上課。其次,吸引我們在網上學習的課程都是由世界著名學府主辦,令我們信心大增,而且非常 Update。傳統教科書印刷需時,在書本上學到的尤其是科技新發展,起碼是兩三年前的事;憑藉互聯網的即時性,教授往往可以把短短兩三個月前才證實到的實驗成果或剛成立的理論及重要文獻,馬上納入課程,保證絕對不會過時,同時拓闊學員的視野,甚至可以透過教授推薦網上輔助教材深造。當然有些歷久不衰的學科例如文史哲等,知識沉澱最為可貴,選讀 MOOC 在追求學問的大前提下,和上大學無異。更有過之而無不及者,就是一些教授都是全球最接近那選科的權威人馬,而且大多平易近人,這種遠在天邊近在眼前的學習模式,無私傳授,以前真不可想像!還有一點:在 MOOC 上課是可以選老師的!老師對學員的重要性我不用多談,中小學生說讀歷史沉悶;讀數學艱澀;讀生物太多生字記,不想讀任何一科都可以堆砌出不同藉口。其實對任何人來說,一位好老師才是最重要!他可以化腐朽變神奇!好了,上了大學,選科有了一點自由度,但卻沒有保證一定有好老師。MOOC 可以提供的選擇很多,學員可以在試聽後,滿意老師的教學法才自行決定,反正是不收費的。至於網上評估學生成績,所謂的測驗,通常模式是每周登出十至二十條選擇,到大考時可能是要答四十題或做寫作作業。不要看輕這些選擇題的設計,每題可以讓你重複答很多次(由三次至一千次!),以最高分數那次作準,直到自己滿意為止!慣走精面的學員初初以為很容易,若非親自嘗試過不會知道,如對課程內容和基本概念未明白透徹,僥倖並不存在。而且,這種「答完即時知道對錯還可再答」的模式設計,在不知不覺間激發起學員精益求精的鬥心,如同令人沉迷打遊戲機的心理一樣;與此同時,還能激發大腦對新知識的臨時記憶,從而轉化成長期記憶的化學功能!至於要經人手評分的寫作作業,MOOC 的模式是電腦隨機抽樣分派學員互相評估,你的作業會被分發到另外三名學員手上進行評分,你自己也要負責評另外三名不同學員的分數。所以,如果只為興趣,抱�每周只花少於一小時儘管聽聽,學而不認真做測驗的學員,得益多半只是蜻蜓點水,除非你有特異功能,甚至有過目不忘的本領,學到多少知識當然沒壞,但比起每周多花兩小時做測驗的學員,能擁有終生知識划算得多吧!很可惜,直至目前為止,估計能成功修完一科的 MOOC 學員平均只有百分之五!換句話說,一百人中只有五個人有做測驗和考試!這裡有三個可能性:一是大部份人以消閒心態報讀 MOOC;二是很多人選錯班;三是很多人眼高手低,滿腔熱誠報讀,但很快便因種種環境因素應付不來。文件倉這並不能用來低估 MOOC的效用,我們不要忘記,一些 MOOC 科目在沒設篩選的情況下報讀人數可達四、五萬人之高,因此百分之五並不是一個小數字!另類世界公開大學?這裡令我聯想到九七年香港公開大學開始不限年齡、不論學歷、只需面試收生正式入讀學位課程,香港人趨之若鶩,排隊報名,記得好像還要抽籤,數年後一次和老同學,當時的副校長晚膳,我問他:「你係咁收人,學術水平點樣保證?成效如何?」還記得他氣定神閒答我:「我們是一所政府一毛錢也沒資助、自負盈虧的大學,採取的方針是易入難出,收了你未必等如保證一定可以畢業,我們的課程與其他大學一樣,但彈性度高,方便在職人士,如果四年畢唔到業咪讀五年、六年囉……」今天回想起來,MOOC 現在的免費模式,將來會不會演變成另類世界公開大學?MOOC 當然和傳統大學不同,現今只能以散科為主,而沒有一個完整的 Curriculum,此外還有一個漏洞:就是只能「認名不認人」,找人代讀代考或多人共讀共考,均可以神不知鬼不覺,這漏洞看來不易堵塞。現在的做法是「得個信字」,在交功課前在網頁承認全程不假人手。另外一個方法是用一個叫 Signature Track 的機制來驗明正身,有助部份學員用這張 Statement of Achievement 證書納入自己履歷之用,但要參加此計劃可是收費的。目前 MOOC 課程是不計學分的,前篇文章我說過一些美國大學準備用 MOOC 輔助讓學生拿取正式學分,實行起來可以想像:學生理應是集中在班房上網做測驗及考試吧!至於校園生活,當然付之闕如,換來的是網上 Discussion Forum。這感覺也不錯,學生可在地球任何角落簽到,在分佈圖上那個國家最「好學」就一目了然。最近我在 Coursera 上的科目比較冷門,在香港只找到一位同學,深圳三個,但意大利有超過五百人,他們自己組織 Discussion Forum,全用意大利文溝通,有些科目多華人學習也會用中文。此外,Coursera 鼓勵同 Meetup 軟件聯絡當地同學,香港有三百多人,亦有人搞過聚會。順帶一提,雖然全部課程都是以英語授課,最近國立台灣大學有參與提供國語授課,其中一課是「中國歷史人物—秦始皇」。這股全球學習風氣何時吹到香港我不知道,但值得香港人驕傲的是,短短二十年間已成為全球首七百間大學榜第三十三位的科技大學也是 MOOC 一分子,目前已計劃推出五個課程(https://.coursera.org/hkust),打頭陣的是極具香港愛吃文化色彩的 The Science of Gastronomy,上月中已經開課,還未完結,中途加入亦可,咪走雞!C(MOOC•二之二)劉兆生,七十年代留學美國,數學碩士。回港後從事電腦行業三十年,第一身見證當代資訊科技發展。八十年代初開始在報章雜誌上發表文章,寫作題材涉獵甚廣,從嚴肅的電腦述評文字到嬉笑怒�的世情百態。現為全職寫作人,以閱讀、寫作及打高爾夫球為樂。(slau8@netvigator.com)Blog: mind-of-steven.blogspot.com存倉

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There’s a Chinese saying that it takes 10 years to grow a tree but 100 years to educate people.迷你倉The timing may be exaggerated, but the same principle might also apply to a theater.The Shanghai City Theater in Minhang, which first opened to the public in 2009, is still in its teething stages. It’s become popular with parents like Zou Minjin, who attend children’s shows, and with elderly people, who like its proximity to home, but it’s had some problems attracting the attention of young people who want quality contemporary entertainment.“Shanghai City Theater will introduce more good performances from home and abroad, and will take further steps to enhance the cultural appreciation of local residents,” said Fang Yongnian, vice general manager of East Shanghai International Culture, Film and TV Group, operator of the theater.“We are planning to expand into traditional Chinese folk music and building an exhibition hall to display traditional folk musical instruments and historical information,” he added.Zou, 33, a resident of the Xinzhuang area of Minhang, is a frequent visitor to the theater with her six-year-old son. This month they have attended the puppet show “Fantastic Journey to the Toy Country” and the multimedia fairy tale “Anderson Code.”“It’s close to home, has good facilities and performances, and is a good place for families with children,” Zou explained.Cultural enhancement The theater, located on Dushi Road, was built by the district government as part of its cultural enhancement program. The facility, an anchor of Chunshen Culture Square, covers 7,012 square meters and seats around 1,000. The theater’s performances rank about fifth in Shanghai, Fang said. The theater hosts concerts, ballet, modern dance, dramas, musicals, children shows, Chinese traditional operas and evening galas. Some 380 shows have been staged in the theater since it opened, drawing 350,000 people.Among the most popular performances were the Broadway musical “Fame,” the Chinese kungfu show “Soul of Shaolin” and the dance performance of “Thousand Hand Goddess.” In April, the Haydn Orchestra of Europe made its Chinese premier in the theater.Demand on contentsHowever, not every Minhang resident i自存倉 happy about the entertainment line-up.Luna Gu, 29, who describes herself as a “lover of the arts,” said she likes to see plays, musicals and painting exhibits but has been to City Theater only once.“It was two years ago,” she said. “I went to see the musical ‘Princess Sisi,’ performed by an international troupe. The tickets, at 80 yuan (US$13), were slightly cheaper than theaters downtown, and the theater was very nice inside, but the quality of shows there still isn’t up to venues like the Shanghai Oriental Art Center or the Grand Theater.”Gu’s criticism reflects the attitude of many in her generation.“We are different from the elderly or from children who live in our area,” she said. “Some of them just want a place to kill leisure time, while we place an emphasis on content. We want very professional shows.”It does take time and a lot of hard work to build the reputation of a new theater, said Yu Rongjun, general manager of the Shanghai Drama Arts Center in downtown.“In recent years, many theaters have been built in China and hailed as achievements by local officials,” he said. “But sometimes they are not willing to follow through with the support and effort it takes to make a theater truly great.”Still, the City Theater can’t be accused of not trying hard to please audiences with a wide variety of programming.This month’s schedule of performances includes American violist Gregory Harrington and pianist William Lewis; the Song Men, a UK chorus; the original musical drama “Zhou Xuan;” and the traditional Yueju Opera “Pan Qi Suo Qi” (“Asking for the Wife”). In September, popular actor Chen Peisi will appear in the drama “Balcony,” and Tchaikovsky’s “Swan Lake” ballet will be staged.Lectures are held in the theater twice a month, on Sunday afternoons. They are themed around the cultural arts, utilizing interactive multimedia and stage professionals. About 15,000 people have attended these sessions in recent years.But there’s more work to do. For example, the website for performance and ticketing information still doesn’t have an English version for expatriates who might like a night out at the theater, as Gu pointed out.迷你倉新蒲崗

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6/9-17/10 李靜嫻 與你紙上談港 李靜嫻以傳統中國剪紙工藝的表達方式呈現當下香港社會及政治現況,儲存其中一幅長達兩米的剪紙,將香港一眾風頭人物的逸事共冶一爐,回顧 2013 年社會大事,與你談盡最熱門的話題:首長大話連篇、局長囤地取利、官員互租單位,拉布剪布……•地點:柴灣嘉業街 18 號明報工業中心 A 座 10 樓 Artify Gallery•時間:星期二至五 10am-7pm;星期六 11am-7pm;星期一及日休息•查詢:3543 1260 artifygallery 即日 - 1/9 環保回收開學祭 東港城正舉行第四屆環保開學祭,家長小朋友可選購以循環再用的環保物料製成文具或節能產品,另如家中有多出或仍新淨的書包、電腦、電子教學用品、電子辭典等,可捐往文具回收站,由基督教勵行會回收,再轉贈至區內低收入家庭學童。•地點︰將軍澳坑口東港城一樓展覽場•時間︰11am - 9pm•查詢︰2628 7399 即日 - 30/9 消費換韓國機票 凡於 LCX 消費每滿 $200,可獲蓋印一個,累積滿 75 個蓋印可以優惠價$1,500,換購大韓航空來回首爾機票一張;累積滿 125 個蓋印,可免費獲得機票一張(稅項及燃油附加費)。未儲夠蓋印,單一消費滿 $1,000 即可報名參加周末多個韓國文化工藝工作坊,同場現展出韓籍藝術家 Mari Kim 多個系列的 Eyedoll 作品。•地點︰尖沙咀海運大廈三階 LCX•時間︰10am - 10pm•查詢︰3102 3668 30/8-1/9 開學有禮 即抽即中獎 於沙田中心或沙田廣場以電子貨幣消費滿 $500 或以上,憑最多兩張不同商戶發出的即日有效發票,連同相符的正本電子貨幣顧客付款交易存根,即可參加「開學有禮」即抽即中獎遊戲活動,贏取不同開學禮品。•沙田中心及沙田廣場•時間:1pm-10pm 31/8錦標賽 免費學玩飛盤舉行一年一度沙灘飛盤「帽子」錦標賽,共有 120 名男女混合參賽者透過四對四的形式爭奪金牌;而有興趣體驗玩飛盤樂趣亦可以在特設的公眾練習場地,由具國際競賽經驗的選手免費教授拋飛盤的技巧、基本規則及玩法。有得睇比賽又可以免費學玩!•地點:愉景灣大白灣沙灘•時間:9am-7pm•查詢:nick_tsaoao@hotmail.com (Nick Tsao) hkbeach.hattournaments 6-7/9華語紀錄片節 《長洲誌》 《長洲誌》是華語紀錄片節 2013 的開幕電影,亦是「紀錄片大師班──青年訓練營」學員的創意結晶。25 個年輕人帶�攝錄機,七日七夜,發掘長洲小島上形形色色的故事。•地點:香港太空館演講廳•時間:9 月 6 日 7:30pm 長洲誌─大師班結業作品(一)、9 月 7 日 7:30pm 長洲誌─大師班結業作品(二)•門票:$60、$40•查詢:2540 7859 27-29/9忘靈之境 生命到盡頭,哪段回憶最想保留?全劇場全家出動,玩沙畫出神入化的海潮,載歌載舞的美姬藍與女兒蔡星靈,邀來古印度舞大師及少林武術演員等分享回憶、死後及重生的見解。•地點:西灣河文娛中心•時間:9 月 27 及 28 日,8pm;9 月 29 日,4pm•門票:$200、$140•查詢:6489 40201 9-21/9中秋入住 贈奧比斯月餅 於上述期間入住帝景酒店的中秋佳節住宿計劃,可獲贈「奧比斯奇華迷你低糖月餅一個」或「奧比斯吹氣飛機燈籠一個」;而室外游泳池及池畔旁更會放滿五光十色的浮水波燈及燈籠,讓你手持燈籠賞月。月滿池畔•住宿計劃﹙豪華客房 $1,098﹚;汀九月色•住宿計劃﹙豪華客房 $1,698﹚。•地點:荃灣帝景酒店•查詢及預訂:3716 2888 7/9-6/10中韓畢業設計優秀作品展來自首爾和北京共四家頂尖大學的設計和藝術系學生,以不同的混合媒介作品向被世界遺忘的簡單事物致敬;批判物質主義和即食複製的數碼時代、對社會同質化的傾向提出質疑等;兩種亞洲文化在創意和人文的問題上展開對話。•地點:9 月 7 日 至 10 月 6 日 K11 art space、9 月 7 日 至 10 月 2 日 Atrium•查詢:3118 8070 K11concepts 13-15/9火之鳥•八百比丘尼想恢復女兒身的左近介為了不讓患了絕症的殘暴父親獲得醫治,滂沱雨夜來到蓬萊寺,卻經歷時空逆轉。原著作者手塚治虫希望大家重新體會生命真義,藝堅�重演得獎舞台劇。•地點:葵青劇院•時間:9 月 13 及 14 日,8pm;9 月 15 日,3pm•門票:$200、$160、$120•查詢:9359 9003 13、14/9Suddenly Frida 芙烈達,一字粗眉,剛烈刻在臉上,潑於畫布。黎海寧以舞蹈描繪墨西哥藝術家的傷痛與激情。事出突然,和諧忽變粗暴,馬才和用肢體紀錄生命無常。多空間演出。•地點:尖沙咀香港文化中心•時間:8pm•門票:$220、$180•查詢:2268 7323 4-15/9TES 2013 德國創遊樂分享展覽 為基層勤奮學生提供的《TES 2013 德國創遊樂》學生學習計劃,今年遠赴德國,共有 10 間中學合共 40 位師生參與,同學把在德國兩周間的見聞和感受化作文字及多媒體影像,與大家分享。•地點:又一城 LG2 層•查詢:2844 2223 festivalwalk 4-25/9威爾第與華格納男高音柯大衛暢談兩大歌劇作曲家的音樂,鋼琴家曾華琛現場示範。威爾第與華格納生於十九世紀,留下極豐富名作。講座系列比較威爾第與同期作曲家,欣賞華格納歌劇外的作品。•地點:尖沙咀香港太空館•時間:逢星期三,7:30pm•門票:每場 $50•查詢:2268 7321 6/9-19/10意大利新寫實主義電影二戰時期片場難以運作,意大利電影人以實景、自然光及非職業演員拍了一系列反映社會基層的電影。第昔加及維斯康堤等名導影響了法國新浪潮。香港觀眾有機會回顧這批優秀電影。 •地點:西灣河香港電影資料館、尖沙咀香港科學館•門票:$55•查詢:2734 2900 text︱Ami、Helen edit︱Helen art︱dZ 31/8、1/9 搖搖大賽 高手雲集 高手出招:迴轉、逆轉、繞手、掃月……說的是「全港搖搖公開大賽」中各參加者將會使出的招式,有的甚至配合音樂及舞步,務求爭奪各組別的「香港冠軍」榮銜,繼而爭取明年於捷克舉辦的世界搖搖大賽及亞太區搖搖大賽決賽權資格。還有世界賽三連冠,兼兩項健力保士者鈴木裕之現場獻技,大家拭目而待。 ·地點:德福廣場一期中央展場·時間:8 月 31 日(初賽)及 9 月 1 日(決賽)12nn-7pm·查詢:2750 0877 即日起 嘟一嘟 多啦 A 夢 3D 八達通超得意,超得意,多啦 A 夢 3D 八達通有得賣啦!多啦 A 夢 3D 八達通每個約 6 cm 高,小巧,且有三種設計款式,成人版附有別致的隨意門掛飾,可作匙扣之用;而小童版則有粉紅色和粉藍色兩款單色特別版,均配有精美頸繩。Fans 勢必搶購這隨身法寶,輕鬆嘟新蒲崗迷你倉嘟! 【嘟~~】 ·售價︰每款 $178(不設按金及儲值額)·售賣點︰全� 7-Eleven 便利店及八達通網上商店·查詢︰2266 2222 14-15/9 米芝蓮嘗味美食禮遇 於同一商場以電子貨幣消費滿 $600 或以上,憑最多兩張不同商戶發出的即日有效發票,連同相符的正本電子貨幣顧客付款交易存根,即可參加「米芝蓮嘗味美食禮遇」現場即抽即中獎遊戲一次,有機會贏取翠亨�嘗粵精品宴(供四位用,價值 $1,480)、翠亨�迷你奶皇月餅(八件裝,價值 $228)等豐富禮品。·地點:荃灣城市中心 I & II、屯門時代廣場、沙田中心及沙田廣場、元朗千色廣場及粉嶺中心指定遊戲攤位·時間:2pm-10pm·查詢:3568 4033 31/8-22/9 低碳生活周末展 要吃得自然,活得低碳,可以在這幾個周末到 ZCB 零碳天地逛逛,有各類型攤位售賣有機蔬果、天然產品及本地特色工藝和飾品,同場還有多個 DIY 環保工作坊。·地點:九龍灣常悅道 8 號零碳天地園境區·時間:逢星期六及日 12pm-7pm(9 月 14 及 15 日除外)·費用:免費·查詢:2100 9800 即日起 逸東酒店 推出家庭客房 嶄新的家庭客房,設有主、副�室及衛生間,能同時舒適地容納四位成年人或父母及三位小童。主�室為父母而設,備有豪華雙人床及其他影音娛樂設施,而副�室則設有標準雙層床及一張單人沙發床,適合成年人及小童住宿。·地點:九龍彌敦道逸東酒店·預訂︰2782 1818 21-22/9 午夜探索 香港科學園 可免費夜探科學園,機會難得,有導師帶領,走進入夜後的科學世界,透過各種遊戲和活動,寓學習於娛樂,發掘日常生活事物背後令人驚歎的科學原理。·地點:沙田香港科學園·時間:9 月 21 日 6pm 至 9 月 22 日11am·費用:免費(香港科技園公司將安排膳食及交通,而小朋友則需要自備睡袋、衣物及日用品)·報名及查詢:https://nightexplorer.hkstp.org/·備註:9月4日 截止報名 29/8-4/9 Metrobooks書展展出近萬本中英文兒童書籍外,同時亦陳列德國設計品牌 Hape 的兒童教育玩具、寶麗萊即影即印數碼相機及多款手工藝創意素材;同場舉行多項活動及工作坊,包括「Pilot JUICE �喱筆彩繪工作坊」、「彩色瓦坑紙暑期工作坊」及「小廚神」創意攝影服務等。·地點:太子道東 Mikiki 地下中庭·時間:8 月 29 日 及 9 月 2 至 4 日 12nn-9pm; 8 月 30 日 12nn-10pm;8 月 31 日及 9 月1 日 11am-10pm 31/8-31/1/2014 高伍聯展《概念的徒步》 展出兩位中港新晉當代藝術家高偉剛、伍韶勁的一系列共 14 件裝置、油畫 、錄像及混合媒介近作。且細看他們概念化的表現方式背後,所關注的社會、環境及人文。·地點:尖沙咀廣東道 5 號路易威登旗艦店藝術廊·時間:10am-10pm 14、15、21、22/9 EGGLAND 迷你書作品展 《蛋誌》是一本把要發表的內容限制在 45 毫米以內的書,內容是最精華的,外觀設計更有創意;現場除作品展外,更有迷你書製作示範、免費導賞、最愛《蛋誌》投票活動及免費派發《蛋報》。·地點:石硤尾白田街 30 號賽馬會創意藝術中心 L3 公共空間·時間:1pm-7pm·費用:免費 即日-20/10 馬榮成 漫畫作品展 《一個英雄的誕生─馬榮成漫畫作品展》展示馬榮成的漫畫原稿及其跨媒介創作,以及由其作品延伸開來的周邊創作;更會展出受馬先生作品所啟發的人士,從中探究這位漫畫大師對本地創意工業的影響。八款《風雲》明信片亦會於展覽期間派發。·地點:灣仔茂蘿街 7 號動漫基地·時間:10am-8pm(逢星期一休息)·費用:免費·查詢:2824 5303 / chb@hkac.org.hk 31/8、7/9、21/9、5/10 博物文化騎行 夜探圍村 周末行街睇戲食飯已無新意,不如試下約埋班朋友一齊參加「博物文化騎行」夜探古老圍村:大圍村,欣賞一級歷史建築物─曾大屋及品味失傳的懷舊小吃「狗仔粉」,還另設「自然生態騎行」及「科學夜攝騎行」。·時間:博物文化騎行 8 月 31 日、10 月 5 日 4pm-7pm;科學夜攝騎行 9 月 21 日 4pm-8pm;自然生態騎行 9 月 7 日 4pm-7pm·名額:20 人·費用:於新城市廣場作任何消費,再加 $220 報名費,大小同價(包單車租借、安全頭盔租借、夜間騎乘配備租借、寄存物件儲物櫃租借、雨衣、路�導賞服務及團體意外保險。)·報名:.newtownplaza.com.hk / 於新城市廣場 1 期 4 樓報名專櫃·查詢:2684 9175 28/9-3/11 「300家─樂。 活。當下」攝影展請來十二個攝影藝術工作者的組合,為香港 300 個「家庭」拍攝照片,每位藝術家對於「家庭」有不同的詮釋,攝影師希望透過這些照片,喚起對家庭以至生活的正面態度。·地點:將軍澳景嶺路 3 號 HKDI 香港知專設計學院 Gallery·時間:10am-8pm·費用:免費 26/9 支持香港無冷氣夜 身體力行減少溫室氣體排放,節約能源,地球才會長壽;於 9 月 26 日 建議於晚上 7 時至翌晨 7 時不開冷氣,一齊過個無冷氣夜,為了大家及下一代的未來,除了當日,平日亦應節約減少使用空調。·接受網上登記 goo.gl/sfmkti 16-22/9 手下留情 孫潔冰、孫潔珠作品展 一對熱愛藝術創作,抱�澎湃感情和摯誠追求的姊妹,從黏土細工及繪畫,表現她們在不同創作方向對藝術與現實世界的連繫和關注。·地點:尖沙咀香港文化中心地下 E3, E4 展覽廳·時間:9 月 16 日 3pm-6pm,9 月 17 日 21 日 9am - 8pm,9 月 22 日 9am-6pm·費用:免費 20-22、29/9 海濱寵物嘉年華 2013 又係成班狗狗及主人柴娃娃開 Party 的時候!以狗狗�生活品味為主題,現場設有各式攤位活動,內容圍繞狗狗身心健康、樂趣、社交技巧等。還有狗狗舞會派對、狗狗星級名模大賽、更三度挑戰狗狗健力士世界紀錄,讓你與愛犬歡度精采周末。·地點:赤柱廣場 ·時間:12nn-6pm·費用:免費·備註:慈善狗巴士將接載狗主及愛犬往返中環碼頭、旺角、元朗、大埔及赤柱廣場。只需捐款 $30﹙每程每人/狗,寵物不佔座位可免﹚即可登上慈善狗巴士,全數撥捐保護遺棄動物協會﹙SAA﹚。 14-15、20-22/9 香港海洋嘉年華 2013 以非常優惠的價錢參加橋咀島地質知趣遊及直立板海上漂浮初體驗或橋咀島浮潛初體驗(2 選 1),欣賞香港美麗的海洋及豐富的生態特色;費用已包括器材租用及活動保險,還有其他精采活動,詳情留意 Facebook 公布。·地點:西貢惠民路 18 號西貢海濱長廊·時間:2pm-6pm·費用:$120·報名:上 Facebook text & edit︱Helen art︱Kawai mini storage

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  中秋將至,self storage一家團聚又點少得應節食品?未決定入手哪款美食,不如到德福廣場及青衣城走一轉吧!事關由9月5日至18日,將舉行「香港中秋美食節2013」,集合近二十間香港老字號餅店,包括有「蓮蓉第一家」之譽的蓮香老餅家、逾半世紀歷史的榮華、首創冰皮月餅的大班,以及以老婆餅馳名的恆香老餅家等。另外,植根元朗的大同老餅家、潮式月餅代表和記隆及用馬來西亞D24榴槤製作月餅的醉榴香,也會於場內推出獨家首創的特色月餅。??若然喜愛特色食品,更可到涼果大王上海么鳳及英記茶莊,加上花燈專家寶泰行都會在場內坐鎮,想買靚靚燈籠,記得咪迷你倉iss啦!香港中秋美食節2013日期: 9月5日至9月18日時間:中午12時至晚上10時地址:九龍灣德福廣場一期中央展場/ 2750 0877     青衣城夢幻島大堂/ 2186 7284送20盒月餅及桂花糕  德福廣場現送出鴻星食品3D迷你金莎奶黃月餅(迷你八個裝),以及龍門紅豆蓮子桂花糕各二十盒,名額20個。只須將個人姓名、聯絡電話及地址電郵至feature@hkheadline.com,並註明「我要月餅及桂花糕」,便有機會免費各得一盒。.得獎者將會有專人通知,不作另行公佈。.截郵時間為8月31日(今)下午一時文件倉

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BARROW, Alaska, Aug.自存倉 30, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- ASRC today filed a notice of intent to sue the Department of Commerce, challenging the listing of two bearded seal populations as "threatened". Arctic Slope Regional Corporation joins the North Slope Borough and Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope (ICAS) in filing its challenge. This coalition of Alaska Native groups is seeking relief for the government's violation of the Endangered Species Act. NANA Regional Corp. and the Northwest Arctic Borough are currently considering filing similar challenges."As I stated in 2011, the Alaska Native community has long been a key partner in the effort to maintain a healthy population of marine mammals along the North Slope," said Rex Rock Sr., ASRC president and CEO. "It's disappointing to see our input, our insight, and our legitimate concerns once again disregarded by the federal government."In his letter explaining ASRC's intent to sue, Rock stated, "The best available science does not support listing the bearded seal" as threatened, and pointed out that the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has "acknowledged that bearded seal populations are currently robust, are widely distributed throughout their range, have a high degree of genetic diversity, and are not currently at risk of extinction."The notice of intent to sue also alleges that the NMFS improperly relied on long-term projections that are inconsistent with the requirements of the Endangered Species Act. The model projected 87 years into the future, in a departure from NMFS's previous practice where they acknowledged in 2008 that modeling beyond 2050 yielded results "too divergent for reliable use."George Olemaun, President of the Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope, explained, "The bearded seal is and has always been a part of our preparation for our whaling, as the skin for our boats and for our sustenance prepared for our seal oil and dried meat. The bearded seal is as much a part of our whaling culture as the whale. The decision to list our oogruk as endangered species will have a determent to our way of life as Inupiaq."A copy of the letter can be found on the ASRC website: .asrc.com.About ASRCArctic Slope Regional Corporation is owned by and represents the business interests of the Arctic Slope Inupiat. Since opening enrollment in 19迷你倉新蒲崗9 to Alaska Natives born after 1971, the corporation's shareholder base has nearly tripled, growing from the 3,700 original enrollees to around 11,000 today. Corporate headquarters are based in Barrow, Alaska, with administrative and subsidiary offices located in Anchorage and throughout the United States. ASRC, along with its family of companies, is the largest Alaskan-owned company, employing approximately 10,000 people worldwide. The company has five major business segments: petroleum refining and marketing, energy support services, construction, government services and resource development.About ICASThe Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope (ICAS) is a Regional Alaska Native tribal government governed by the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, and a tribal constitution as amended, that represents and is selected by the Inupiat people of the Arctic Slope region. ICAS was established as an IRA in August 26, 1971. The mission of ICAS is to exercise its sovereign rights and powers for the benefit of tribal members, to conserve and retain tribal lands and resources including subsistence and environmental issues, to establish and carry-out justice systems including social services pursuant to Inupiat Tribal law and custom, and to increase the variety and quality of services provided to current tribal members and for our future generations. Economic development to generate sustainable funding sources for ICAS as a regional tribal government will be pursued to enhance the existing human resource services.About NSBThe North Slope Borough is committed to having healthy communities, economically, spiritually and culturally. The Borough works with the tribes, cities, corporations, schools, and businesses to support a strong culture, encourage families and employees to choose a healthy lifestyle, and sustain a vibrant economy. For more information: .north-slope.org.CONTACT:ASRC NSB ICASTy Hardt Richard Camilleri Doreen LampeDirector of Communications Chief Advisor to the Mayor Executive DirectorOffice 907.339.6888 Office 907.852.0200 Office 907.852.4227thardt@asrc.com richard.camilleri@north-slope.org executive@inupiatgov.comArctic Slope Regional CorporationWeb site: .asrc.com/迷你倉出租

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迷你倉 bjrb.bjd.com.cn/html/2013-08/31/content_104374.htm...分佈式光伏發電每度補貼0.42元 本報訊(記者 劉宇鑫)國家發改委昨日發佈的《關於發揮價格杠杆作用促進光伏產業健康發展的通知》明確...儲存倉

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About 12,000 staff members of Alibaba Group, China’s largest e-commerce company, began moving Saturday to the group’s new site located on Wenyi Road W.self storage in Hangzhou’s Yuhang District after having been located in Chengxi District for 13 years.The move i迷你倉 expected to conclude before October 20. The new site has 2,270 parking spaces.A total of 160 shuttle buses will also be ready to pick up company staff members. A taxi booking system has already been put into use. The company’s new site started operation on Monday.文件倉

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Source: Connecticut Post, BridgeportAug.迷你倉 29--Movie buffs will sometimes talk more passionately about bad movies they love -- from "Plan 9 from Outer Space" to "Mommie Dearest" -- than acknowledged classics such as "Citizen Kane" or "Vertigo.""When people talk about good movies, they're polite, but when they talk about bad movies their interest always ratchets up," Fairfield critic Phil Hall says of the impulse that led him to write "The Greatest Bad Movies of All Time" (Bear Manor Media, $21.95).In a recent interview, Hall said there is often "more fun in talking about bad movies. ... People will often quote dialogue from them."The longtime critic for the Film Threat website has gathered together an amazing array of bad movies, from cult favorites like "Airport 1975" to such oddities as Jean-Luc Godard's little seen version of "King Lear," starring Woody Allen and Molly Ringwald.Hall also takes readers into the underground of stinkers that have been long unavailable except in bootleg editions, including the four-hour version of Bob Dylan's "Renaldo and Clara."The movies in his book are what Hall calls "the anti-classics," ranging over most of the major genres, from drama to comedy, documentary to porn.In the introduction, Hall writes, "If there is a common ground, it comes via the audience's shock: It is hard to comprehend that such films exist."The critic said he wasn't interested in filling a book with schlocky horror movies or cheap Japanese science-fiction films from earlier eras -- those targets are too easy. Instead, Hall shows us how some of the greatest stars, such as Rex Harrison and Richard Burton, stumbled in terrible films like the 1969 disaster, "Staircase."Hall said the trigger for the book happened a few years ago when he was acting in an independent film and someone on the set said, "Have you seen 'The Room'?"A laptop was pulled out and cast members started quoting lines from the notorious 2003文件倉cult film, starring Tommy Wiseau, which some fans believe is the worst-acted movie of all time (choice clips are available on YouTube).Part of the fun of really obscure bad films, Hall said, is having to track them down on YouTube and Internet sites, such as iOffer, specializing in unlicensed bootleg copies of films that have never been released via legitimate video sources."YouTube is an extraordinary source, a godsend for films you can't find on DVD," Hall said, adding that buffs who post these goodies always seem to figure out ways to elude cease-and-desist orders from copyright holders.The book includes a 1975 20th Century Fox release, "All This and World War II," which became a lost film after rights to the Beatles music on the soundtrack were withdrawn, making a videocassette or DVD release impossible."I searched for that film for four or five years," Hall said. "I finally got a copy from a washing machine repairman in Belfast (Ireland) who had taped it off the BBC. ... It is very unlikely that it ever will be re-released."Hall said one of his favorite films in the book -- "Airport 1975" -- might have played a role in his eventual occupation as a critic, when he saw it as a 9-year-old child in the Bronx, N.Y."I realized even then that there was something wrong in that movie," he said, laughing, of the daffy plot about a stewardess (Karen Black) who has to take over the controls of a 747 after the entire flight crew is killed in a collision with a small passenger plane.Hall's book is permeated with affection for the bad movies we love."I didn't want to use the book just to make fun of bad movies. ... They're a part of our pop culture, and film history ... a parallel universe," he said.jmeyers@ctpost.com; Twitter: twitter.com/joesviewCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Connecticut Post (Bridgeport, Conn.) Visit the Connecticut Post (Bridgeport, Conn.) at .ctpost.com Distributed by MCT Information Services存倉

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The drop in air fares will likely narrow as the carrier showed a 9pc decline in passenger yieldThe drop in air fares on the mainland will narrow in the second half of the year as demand on domestic routes shows signs of a rebound, Air China said.迷你倉價錢The Beijing-based carrier saw a 9 per cent drop in revenue per passenger per kilometre flown, better known as passenger yield, to 60 fen from 66 fen a year earlier, as the anti-corruption campaign launched at the end of last year trimmed demand for business and first-class travel.“We expect the drop will be less in the second half as demand in the domestic market has bottomed out and Air China will increase capacity on long haul flights,” said Gao Lihua, general manager at the accounting and settlement department for Air China, at a press conference in Hong Kong yesterday.Air China is the only carrier among the big three airlines that managed to break even in its core business in the first half, analysts said.China Southern Airlines posted 344 million yuan in net profit, helped by a handsome 1.5 billion yuan exchange gain but translating to a 1.2 billion yuan loss in its underlying business. Chin迷你倉 Eastern Airlines will report today.Air China has turned the corner with narrower price discounts since June, said Davin Wu, a transport analyst at Credit Suisse. Any sign of economic stabilisation and upcoming visa policy changes by Thailand and South Korea could be a catalysts to its stock, he added.Gao said the capacity of transpacific routes will grow 40 per cent in the second half from the first half of this year. More flights would be added to Central America, he added.Air China has yet to relaunch fuel-hedging measures because they are pending approval from the regulator. “We have adopted various measures, including rejuvenating the fleet to increase the fuel efficiency and cut down fuel costs,” said Fan Cheng, vice-president for Air China. He expected the geopolitical tension in Syria will only be a short-term overhang for oil prices.Fan said Air China is closely monitoring the development of budget carriers in the mainland but it has no immediate plan to tap into the market.Beijing is expected to roll out an incentive programme to encourage low cost carriers because the penetration rate of air travel is still low in the mainland.儲存

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The recent saturation of media coverage about alleged unfair pricing of imported vehicles has thrown China’s auto industry into the maelstrom of an ongoing anti-monopoly campaign in the country.存倉It all started with an article published by the Xinhua news agency last month, exposing appalling price gaps between foreign cars sold abroad and those sold in China. In extreme cases, the prices were double or even triple here, and carmakers were portrayed as profiteers.A few weeks later, another report said the China Automobile Dealers Association has been investigating whether carmakers have been setting minimum sticker prices for dealers on behalf of the National Development and Reform Commission since last year.In response to that, Xu Kunlin, head of the commission’s Price Supervision and Anti-Monopoly Bureau, said its next anti-trust investigations may include a range of consumer-related industries, like gasoline, communications, vehicles and banking.Though pharmaceutical and milk powder companies have already been fined and publicly chastised for monopoly practices, market observers said the development and reform commission may not be so willing to wield such a big stick over the auto industry. After all, it is one of China’s economic pillars, and its problems are deeply rooted in game rules set by the government itself.Since the implementation of a regulation related to automobile brand sales in China in 2005, all imported cars must be channeled through their company’s general distributor in China. That means the general distributor, often a trading company迷你倉established by the brand, naturally holds a stronger position than other dealers in pricing, said Su Hui, deputy director of the Auto Market Branch at the China Automobile Dealers Association.But that alone is far from enough to lay a charge of “vertical monopoly.”Earlier this month, when Johnson & Johnson became the first foreign company to be fined for such practices in China, the court said not all agreements involving the setting of minimum prices are illegal but ruled that Johnson & Johnson was aiming to control prices in an uncompetitive market.In the case of carmakers, minimum prices are often set to protect the image of car brands, and, more often, to prevent vicious price wars among dealerships, said Ye Sheng, auto research director at market research firm Ipsos.He added that the price gap between cars sold in China and the same cars sold overseas is not ludicrous because taxes and distributions costs for cars are much higher in China.“A 25 percent profit margin would be very reasonable for this industry, but many companies haven’t reached that level yet,” he said.In fact, the last time China slapped sanctions on imported cars was in 2011, when the Ministry of Commerce imposed anti-subsidy and anti-dumping taxes on sedans and sports utility vehicles of 2.5 liters or more displacement if they originated in the United States.It’s possible, as insiders suggests, that there is really no official investigation targeting vehicle pricing in China, and the press is simply jumping on the anti-trust bandwagon with vague speculation. 自存倉

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TORONTO, Aug.迷你倉出租 29, 2013 /CNW/ -FEATURESPrint cancellation is a "dose of reality" for Globe subscribers By Kelly Toughill The decision to pull the plug on the Labour Day edition of?The Globe and Mail?surprised news industry experts, who called it an international precedent, writes J-Source's Business of Journalism editor. And it gave readers a sharp reminder that advertisers - not subscribers - still rule the show in print.Star?and The Globe and Mail?reported on Mayor Rob Ford's family in an irresponsible, unethical manner.?Canadian Journalism Forum on Violence and Trauma creates guide on mental health reporting By Tamara Baluja The Canadian Journalism Forum on Violence and Trauma, in partnership with CBC News and the Mental Health Commission of Canada, has begun work on a comprehensive guide to mental health reporting called?Mindset - Reporting on Mental Health.?J-Source interviewed Cliff Lonsdale, the president of the charitable organization behind this effort, about the project.Town Crier employees buy the newspapers and prepare for September relaunch By Tamara Baluja When Multimedia Nova, the parent company that owned Toronto's?Town Crier?newspapers, went under in May, several employees banded together to buy the newspapers and are gearing up for a relaunch.?Best practices for live chats By Monique Beech It's a dreaded fear among digital journalists: that no one will ask a question or make a comment.?Sun Media's national media manager shares some of her tips for live chats and keeping readers engaged.?Melanie Coulson is J-Source's new education editor The Ottawa Citizen senior online editor and Carleton University instructor takes over the education section from Mary McGuire, who has been J-Source's education editor since its inception.????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? IN THE NEWS-- The Globe and Mail suspends delivery on Labour Day due to lack of advertising -- Centre of Media and Celebrity Studies launches in Canada -- Jessica Barrett awarded the Michelle Lang Fellowship -- CBC memo explains recent changes in management structure 迷你倉 -- Toronto Star public editor: Are real names a step toward online civility? -- CBC ombudsman: Inadequate reporting on court case in Whitehorse -- Nine staff take Waterloo Region Record buyouts -- Opinion: We Need a Digital-First Curriculum to Teach Modern Journalism -- CBC ombusdman says Marketplace segment on hearing aids needed more info -- Globe public editor: Bradley or Chelsea? How The Globe will refer to Private Manning -- Live blog: Everything you need to know about court reporting in real-time -- Globe public editor: A look at why comments are closed on some Rob Ford stories -- Canadian Journalism Forum on Violence and Trauma offers bursaries for freelance journalists -- Globe public editor: Do readers want just the facts?EVENTS CALENDAR-- Aug. 29: Launch of The Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies -- Sept. 4: River Building Lecture: Nahlah Ayed -- Sept. 7: AMPA PitchFest -- Sept. 11: Women of Influence Luncheon Series: Arianna Huffington -- Sept. 12: ONA Yeg Launch Party -- Sept. 14: AMPA PitchFest -- Sept. 19: CJF J-Talk with Gawker's John Cook -- Sept. 20-22: Fall ARCUP 2013 -- Sept. 20: Chris Hedges -- Sept. 20: Lasantha Event Fundraising Dinner -- Sept. 26: Maggie Awards -- Sept. 26: jhr Night for Rights Gala -- All eventsJ-Source and ProjetJ are projects of the Canadian Journalism Foundation in collaboration with leading journalism schools and organizations.------------------------------CJF News: ?Follow our sold-out Sept. 19 J-Talk featuring John Cook, editor-in-chief of Gawker, in conversation with Jeffrey Dvorkin, director of the journalism program at the University of Toronto Scarborough, via the J-Source liveblog or livestream of the event.Canadian Journalism FoundationCONTACT: Contact: The Canadian Journalism FoundationLa Fondation pour le journalisme canadien59 Adelaide St. E, Ste 500 / Toronto, ON / M5C 1K6416-955-0394 / programs@cjf-fjc.ca cjf-fjc.ca儲存倉

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香港文匯報訊 (記者 顏倫樂、蔡競文) 「舖王波叔」鄧成波持有的佐敦茂林街雅達行全幢,迷你倉新蒲崗市傳以4.3億元易手,提供約2.3萬方呎樓面計算,樓面呎價18,696元。據了解,物業現址為樓高17層的商廈,地下至3樓為商舖樓面。市場指物業已轉作酒店用途,提供約50個房間。另外,資深張姓投資者持有的天水圍俊宏軒地下G02號舖以3,980萬元售出,4個月賺25.9%。  鄧成波於2010年以1.2億元購入的佐敦茂林街2號至6號雅達行,2011年中曾經連租約推出招標,當時意向售價1.7億元,今日成交價一下子躍升至4.3億元,物業持貨約3年升值達3.1億元或2.58倍。據了解,地盤面積約2,029呎,被規劃為「商業」用途。物業原本為商廈,但後來波叔將物業「升值」,改裝為酒店,提供約50個房間。 天水圍地舖4個月賺26%  中原鍾浩文迷你倉出租示,資深張姓投資者持有的天水圍俊宏軒地下G02號舖,面積約1,000呎,今年4月以3,162萬元購入,剛以公司轉讓方式易手,成交價3,980萬元,呎價約39,800元。物業現由7-11便利店租用,每月租金13萬元,租期至2016年9月30日,回報約3.9厘。 醫局街舖提價70萬易手  在九龍區,市建局近年積極開展深水�多個重建項目,吸引投資者入市。中原(工商舖)陳潔廉表示,該行剛促成醫局街142號地舖連閣樓成交,成交價1,270萬元,新業主看準重建計劃下舖位會被收購,故有意購入作自用及長線投資二手準備。單位建築面積合共2,010方呎,按成交價計,平均呎價近6,300元。原業主在該舖經營家族式的五金行達57年,最初放盤價為1,200萬元,隨後因多名準買家出價洽購,故把叫價調高至1,300萬元,最後以1,270萬元易手。迷你倉

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本報南寧訊(記者/何明 通訊員/劉洪梅)日前,self storage經國家民航局及相關單位核准,百色機場正式更名為“百色巴馬機場”。巴馬瑤族自治縣是右江革命根據地的中心腹地之一,近年來成為國內外自然探險、紅色旅遊、民族風情和長壽探秘的熱點旅遊目的地,2013年初獲得“全國休閒農業與鄉村旅遊示範縣”稱號,是我區當前重點打造的“三大國際旅遊目的地”中的巴馬長壽養生國際旅遊區的核心區域。為加快巴馬長壽養生國際旅遊區的建設,不斷提升區域品牌、產業優勢和國際影響力,我區正式將“百色機場”更名為“百色巴馬機場”。

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本報訊 (記者 餘力)近日,儲存倉北川羌城旅遊區來蓉進行推介。並為成都遊客帶來了一系列優惠措施。據悉,北川羌城旅遊區位於北川羌族自治縣,由地震遺址紀念地、大愛文化旅遊景點、禹羌文化旅遊景點、川西民俗風情景點和現代農業科技觀光園組成。旅遊區除維斯特、尋龍山景點外所有景點都免收門票。而新建的北川羌城旅遊區遊客中心可為遊客提供免費咨詢、免費隨車講解等服務。而本次推薦會上除了展示新北川的旅遊面迷你倉價錢,還為大家帶來了�多的優惠政策:到9月30日,遊客到羌城旅遊區參觀可憑預約傳真減免20%的往返交通運載工具服務費。另外,遊客在參觀北川羌城旅遊區後再參觀尋龍山、維斯特農業觀光園、藥王穀、九皇山等景區,可在旅行社原有優惠價格基礎上再執行10—25元/人的優惠。而凡參觀北川羌城旅遊區後入住特定賓館、酒店,可享受在原有旅行社價格基礎上再執行8—48元/人的優惠,優惠幅度達10%—17%。迷你倉

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8月29日,self storage在南昌火車站的候車大廳內,一名身著制服的鐵路民警“大搖大擺”地提走了酣睡男子身旁的行李包,男子卻渾然不知。“喂,你包被拿走了。”民警拿走後,一好心旅客的提醒才將男子從睡夢中驚醒過來,四處張望尋找自己的行李物品。此時,一名女民警招手叫回了“偷包”的民警。原來,民警是通過這種方式提醒旅客注意財產安全。採訪中,記者發現,像這名酣睡著隨便將行李放在一邊的旅客並不少,南鐵警方提醒候車旅客,暑運期間,客流大,列車人多擁擠,廣大旅客應保管好自己的財物,以免讓小偷有可乘之機。文/圖黃蘇蘇顧小平記者陳飛

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一批立法會議員及社運人士,新蒲崗迷你倉發起集資登報紙要求更換行政長官。他們認為要收緊自由行,經濟發展不應該過分依賴內地,要求內地收緊審批單程證,特區政府亦應取回審批權,以免新來港人口太多,加重房屋負擔。 那些尊貴的議員和社運人士們,似乎真的開始關心香港經濟,為香港經濟持續增長而憂心。讀了他們的建議後,卻發現他們是住在上帝隔壁,不食人間煙火。 香港未來經濟發展動力,關係到所有港人的福祉,究竟採取哪一種經濟模式,才能讓香港維持長期、穩定的增長,需要政府、議員、政黨及學者提出有益、有建設性的建言。 今日,終於聆聽到向來只講政治,不論經濟的人,開金口講經濟了。好一個「經濟發展不應該過分依賴內地」mini storage卻隻字不提哪種經濟模式,哪種新興支柱產業,才能讓香港經濟維持穩定和持續增長、才能改善就業率、才能擺脫及取代經濟上「過分依賴內地」。廢而不興,沒有詳述廢之後如何興,更沒有詳述支�香港經濟增長點在哪�,就是空談。 收緊自由行容易,只要北京一聲令下,不要說自由行,甚至內地旅行團都可以卡在深圳河以北,但政客門沒有清楚交代,短期內由此產生的經濟真空期,由甚麼產業替代? 暫且不去猜測提出「經濟發展不應該過分依賴內地」的動機,實際效果是造成香港與內地割裂。正當歐美經濟強國都耗盡心思,在中國這龐大新興市場中尋找商機,連美國都計劃給予中國遊客更長簽證期的同時,個別政客卻要香港關起大門,實在居心叵測。 self storage

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