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近日內地有人出售電腦後,self storage被人利用復原程式將網購密碼恢復再盜款。本報追查發現,原來內地正熱賣復原密碼程式,價錢低至一元人民幣(下同)甚至可在網上免費下載,就可將用家的密碼恢復。記者委託電腦專家測試軟件後發現,短至四秒,長則只需一分鐘,就可破解電腦開機密碼、網站登入密碼、甚至加密檔案都全部現形。市民電郵帳戶、社交網站甚至銀行及網購密碼,分分鐘被一覽無遺。不過法律界人士警告,購買程式雖然並不違法,但使用電腦程式作不法用途,均屬刑事罪行,隨時換來牢獄之災。上月底,內地警方調查後發現,一名從事二手電腦買賣人士使用復原程式,將電腦內的檔案及密碼還原,繼而登入原來用家的網購戶口,將戶口內一萬八千多元存款提走。事件揭發即使電腦檔案有密碼保護,亦出現嚴重保安漏洞。其實復原程式非常普遍,內地購物網站有近百個密碼程式可選購,售價由一元至數十元,甚至有人將程式上載到討論區,供免費下載。該類程式功能多樣,包括修改開機密碼、破解檔案密碼甚至網站登入名稱和密碼等。記者透過網站購買三款售價一元至數十元的電腦程式,分別是復原開機密碼程式、復原壓縮檔案軟件WinRAR及WinZip的密碼程式,及恢復網站登入密碼和辦公室文書套裝Office密碼的程式,並委託香港互聯網協會網絡保安召集人楊和生測試,結果證實三款程式都可輕易恢復電腦所有設定密碼,時間最短更只需四秒。楊和生測試時,先將一款聲稱可恢復開機密碼的程式放入USB手指內,插入電腦重啟電腦。當電腦顯示設定畫面時,梁啟動USB內程式,數秒後,畫面顯示曾經在這台電迷利倉登記過的帳戶(即原有用家)名稱,再經過簡單程序,這就可以自訂新密碼,輕易登入視窗。原為忘記密碼準備隨後楊和生再安裝復原WinRAR及WinZip密碼程式。他將已設密碼的壓縮檔案放入密碼程式內,程式就自動計算指定WinZip檔案的密碼,選取適當的指令,四秒就破解了密碼。至於第三款聲稱可復原網站登入密碼及Office檔案密碼的程式。程式可以自動搜尋網頁曾經儲存的密碼,然後顯示免費電子郵件Gmail及社交網站facebook的登入戶口名稱及密碼,整個過程只需四秒。程式亦成功拆解Office的文書處理軟件Word檔案密碼,需時二十四秒。楊指出,程式設計時的原意是為忘記電腦密碼用家尋回密碼,但不排除有不法之徒將之安裝於網吧或二手電腦,伺機盜取別人資料作犯罪用途。普通格式化欠安全由於三個程式安裝簡易,以很短時間就可輕易獲取用家的檔案資料,包括在電郵、各大討論區、社交網站的登入資料,被盜密碼的用家難以察覺,「香港人保護電腦資料意識好低,�網站輸入登入密碼時,一般都貪方便順手將密碼儲存�電腦。」他建議電郵、facebook等涉及個人資料的網站,每次登入時應重新輸入密碼。香港資訊科技商會會長方保僑指出,不少人以為棄置或轉售二手電腦前,將電腦格式化一次就安全,但原來此舉非常危險,「Format(格式化)可能只係剷�檔案�目錄,但唔代表資料已經洗晒,如果想安全�,可以用Low level format(硬碟低階格式化)部電腦,再重裝電腦,擺入無謂檔案、程式,覆蓋硬碟原有資料,或者將整個硬碟拆走。」迷你倉

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  • Dec 23 Mon 2013 12:49
  • 台灣

她是兩岸出版銷售量最多的作家,mini storage也是台灣第一任文化部長,同時也是最受新聞媒體關注的部會首長。 明年元月文化部將遷至新莊副都心聯合辦公室,卻傳出文化部長龍應台一人享有三間辦公室,被質疑「狡兔三窟」浪費公帑,讓她不得不出面說明:「我是笨兔,只有一間辦公室,」駁斥傳言。 一場與雲門舞集創辦人林懷民的閒聊,也引來報導。在總統馬英九頒授林懷民「一等景星勳章」會場上,陪同出席的龍應台在與林懷民寒暄時,以「部會輪流失火」形容目前紛擾政局,被外界視為不厚道,也逼得她不得不出來道歉。 從文壇到政壇,龍應台去年二月十五日接下文建會主委一位,五月二十日成為第一位文化部長,從上任時自信滿滿,覺得別人應該了解她,到體會需要多對外溝通與整合,才能在「充滿老樹和雜草」的文化部,進行「換腦袋工程」,整整花了她一年半時間。 面對盤根錯節的整合事項,也讓這位看過「大江大海」的部長,必須「抓大也抓小」,她每天「開會坐到屁股都疼了。」 有人批評她是一個只知道計畫,不懂執行的人,我們卻意外發現她用數位工具WhatsApp,「盯著」司長們落實政策。「早上七點到晚上十二點,都會收到她的訊息,」文化部綜合規畫司司長李連權觀察:「小到樓下替代役是成大建築系畢業,她都知道。重要的是,訊息最後一定提醒,政策擬定要回到目的去思考。」剛到任時,一年時間,她扮演的是內部「龍老師」的角色。 《野火集》裡那位慓悍批判的龍應台,也在這兩年越磨越柔軟了。十二月十二日下午,三個小時預算審查接近尾聲,立法委員鄭麗君提出質疑,向廉政署查詢,兩星期前龍應台在立法院教育及文化委員會曾答應,要將退休的前文建會科長劉永逸違反旋轉門一案送交,卻延遲送案。 甚至,主任秘書表示已送出卻又被發現還沒發出,龍應台的行政領導能力被嚴重質疑,過程中,她三度向立委道歉,並表示:「這件事不該發生,我必須扛起責任。」歷經政治的洗禮,她清楚要彎腰、道歉,才可能止血。 回到部裡,開會檢討,會後,她透過WhatsApp群組發了訊息,寫著:「親愛的同仁,我是政務官有天會離開,你們是事務官,一切都要謹慎再謹慎……。」工作占據了她所有時間,唯一跳離忙碌龍部長身分的時間,是每兩個星期回到屏東,探望已經失智、不認得她的老媽媽應美君。 接下文化部長第一天,龍應台下的第一個命令是要求七司、兩局,將任內事務不合理之處盤點出來,將近五百七十天的日子,她做的事情是摸清文化部「地下管線」的盤根錯節,她發現「管線很複雜,很多地方接不起來;文創產業發展不起來,在於結構性原因」,沒有處理文化「下水道工程」,投入再多預算,文創也不會起飛。 她認為文化創意產業要真正成為台灣下一個產業引擎,必須形成跨部會、國家級「文創總動員」的結構。只是,各部會溝通管線不通,焊接不易,「戰場很大,如何落實?」以下是龍應台專訪摘要。 談當「龍部長」心情種了許多老樹,要整出一個花園,這工程不可同日而語的 《商業周刊》問(以下簡稱問):擔任文化部長已經超過五百七十天,剛上任時接受媒體訪問,提到「後悔」,現在還會有這種感覺嗎? 龍應台答(以下簡稱答):不會啦,絕對不會後悔啦!大家都很熟悉Robert Frost(編按:美國詩人佛羅斯特,一八七四∼一九六三年)的詩提到,我們永遠是站在三叉路口選一條路走,不可能走回頭路,不可能回到原點。既然不可能回到原點,那就不存在後悔的事。差別只是,每條路的風景都不一樣。 小孩子一定會出麻疹,出過就好了。過了也就過了,也就牽涉到不會後悔這件事。 問:上任多久後有這樣的體悟? 答:上任一年的時候。決定進來時,心裡還在想說,我在台北市政府創制了文化局,哪裡有比那更難的事。帶著這種認知進來,可以說是完全錯誤。 給你一塊荒地從頭墾荒、播種、整地,讓你決定種什麼;跟給你一塊已經種了許多老樹,而且要整出一個花園,這個工程是不可同日而語的。要把來自各路人馬的四個單位(指文建會、新聞局、教育部和研考會部分業務)合成一個,更何況,市府公務員平均年齡三十到四十歲,中央政府平均五十歲到六十五歲,定型程度跟市府完全不一樣。 這個認識,在我剛進來時,是沒有的。所以剛開始,會比較憂鬱,鬱卒時刻滿多的。後來慢慢看見團隊聚在一起有共識,鬱卒就少了,這也是前面提到跟出疹子一樣,要發過才會好(笑)。 談國家文化工程趕快把結構做出來,就覺得是大功一件了 問:為何在要此時提出「國家文創總動員」工程? 答:摸索了一年多,才走到這一步。我是習慣看基礎面的人。到一個陌生城市,下一場暴雨就大鬧水災,你會知道地下道工程有問題。來到文化部,我花了十二個月去看(過去)的「下水道建設」,例如電影輔導金實施政策、社區營造系統,與數字分析結構。 問:管線很複雜嗎? 答:很複雜,而且很多地方接不起來(笑)。到了第二年就發現,過去文創被視為新興產業,但看不見起飛是有原因的,而且是結構性原因。不面對、分析、處理它,不管投入多少預算,永遠都不會起飛的。 比如說,流行音樂最大市場是在中國,但產業進入中國市場卻很艱難,也曾與對方專責機關溝通,卻發現這並不是一個文化部可以處理的。 再以電視產業為例,大家看到八點檔都是韓劇、陸劇,開始緊張。我們要扶植自製內容比例,但卻發現文化部只能去獎勵電視台和製作公司,可是應該要有配套的監管機制,像是韓國或者法國都有黃金時段自製內容比例的規定,但台灣管制單位是在NCC(國家通訊傳播委員會),不在文化部。 另外,產業調查的前提是數字要對,才能在此基礎上預測趨勢,擬定政策。但依照目前產業分類,真實性差異很大,例如,「兒童樂園、綜合遊樂場」竟然也歸屬在數位內容產業統計項目。再來,要讓文化創意產業有資金的活水,又必須跟金管會、財政部合作。 十八個月來,一條線路、一條線路去盤點、摸索,現在把線路摸清楚後,才產生「國家文創總動員」結構。這是提升到行政院階層,而不是單一個部會來做。 問:但有很多部會是文化部長管不到的,如何確認各部會能執行起來? 答:所以要花很多時間。我們第一個形成的平台是跟外交部,司長跟司長每星期會討論,然後跟觀光局也已有溝通管道;與教育部、勞委會要也要成立一個職訓平台。目前已經在進行跨部會工作小組的成立。 問:把握度有多高? 答:把握,不是最重要的事。重要的是,提出的結構落實。因為部長、院self storage會換,但若無結構,下一個人來又要從管線開始摸起,那麼就又散掉、零星化了。如果我說會心急,就是希望把結構快建立起來,從跨部會平台溝通開始,連我們內部同仁都要從頭開始學習。 所以我根本想不到把握度的問題,而是趕快把結構做出來,就覺得是大功一件了。事情很多,一個部長要做五十年才做得完(大笑)! 談輔導金政策改革商業片是引進投資者投資製作,輔導金則給像蔡明亮的《郊遊》 問:過程中,優先性法案修改推動的,有哪些? 答:《電影法》最優先。若不修改《電影法》,按原法案,導演林正盛無法成立公司拍電影的,因為現行《電影法》規定,高中沒畢業不能成立電影製作公司。原有五十八條,我們刪掉剩下二十四條,例如強調愛國、民族意識等用來宣傳政令,都刪掉。還取消映演執照,將電影基金放進法令。用基金扶植電影,變成一個正面循環。 問:原本就有輔導金制度,為何還需要電影基金?一年影視音輔導金合約九億元,過去常被詬病為「派糖」,為何不將此預算投入所謂的電影基金? 答:輔導金是用政府預算,直接給你錢,當政府財源少了,這筆錢就沒了;但電影基金不同,不會因為預算少而改變。 過去將電影扶植當作派糖工作,一直到今年,輔導金還是很大筆給了大製作的電影,但明年會進行改革,大製作商業片不是用輔導金概念,而是引進投資者投資商業製作。 輔導金則用來像是如蔡明亮的《郊遊》,票房不高但對國家形象提升很大的電影,那不是用錢可以計算的。輔導金是對價值面的提升;投資是對產值面的處理。兩種不同哲學。 問:輔導金明年重大改革,明文了嗎? 答:對,已經裁定,明年作業辦法會改變。 談未來跨部門合作要將單個、獨立的電線焊接起來,這些才是文化部該做的事情 問:國家電影中心為什麼要從三十人擴增到一百零四人的財團法人?明年一月一日開始,電影相關負責單位就有三個(影視及流行音樂司、影視及流行音樂局和國家電影中心),需要這麼多人嗎? 答:國家電影中心是財團法人,簡單說,就是把過去電影相關委外工作,全部收攏到國家電影中心,如國際紀錄片和海外影展招標等委外工程,讓資源不流散,經驗和人脈可以累積,而且可讓用人有彈性。 未來影視司、局,內部還會進行二次組織微調,真正跟國家電影中心重疊的人,並不多。位於新北市的台灣電影文化中心,兩年後才會建好,但一月一日我就要啟動國家電影中心組織。 問:資源很少,但為什麼還需要影視司、影視局,兩組人馬監管一組業務嗎? 答:不需要!這牽涉到組改(組織改造)。我很尊敬把文化部牽成的人,當初要讓過去的新聞局退場,是多麼難的事,但卻做到了。當時組改只進行大結構工程,我進來時才發現很多樹枝是對不起來的,這需要第二階段調整。 問:時程會是什麼時候? 答:我們內部有討論過,但我的時間真的不夠!總動員已經用了文化部所有人力與時間,內部組織微調部分會在後面處理。 問:「國家文創總動員」規模很大,但聽起讓人來滿憂心,因為血路沒有一個通的。 答:倒過來想,終於開始整合啦!現在要將單個、獨立的電線焊接起來。這些才是文化部該做的事情。 問:回到個人身上,聽說同仁有給你取個外號叫「龍老師」,因為妳總是準備很多資料和「教導」事情。自我評估,覺得去年的妳,與現在的妳,以及明年的龍部長,哪些層面有什麼不同與改變? 答:過去,花最多時間做內部溝通部分,做龍老師的部分(笑)。 我總覺得政務官來來去去,文化部事務官如果沒有建立上游的思想、國際視野,又沒有做基礎工程的研究與認識,沒有建立做事方法,那麼我來就是白來了。至於你說,方式對不對,這個我就不知道了。但前面上課階段過去了,接下來要調整的是,我應該往外走,多跟外面溝通。 【延伸閱讀】跨部會救文創,龍應台還有7關未打通——文化部「國家文創總動員」現況檢視 市場-兩岸協商、行銷統合任務1. 結合觀光行銷與觀光局規畫,結合旅行社設計行程 任務2. 文化海外行銷與觀光局已經建立平台,將台灣文化透過影視傳出去任務3.文創業進入大陸市場障礙排除?兩岸文創產業協商,尚未提升至兩會層級牽涉部會:陸委會、交通部(觀光局)、經濟部、外交部 智財-智財保護與數位授權任務1. 流行音樂輸出大陸獲利保障?對於流行音樂智財權,還在釐清規則任務2. 數位匯流的版權授權策略?對於節目戲劇數位版權部分,還在釐清規則牽涉部會:經濟部(智財局) 人才-產學結合任務1. 影視音產業後製人才培訓?尚未建立任務2. 結合技職教育再造?尚未建立牽涉部會:教育部、勞委會 環境-統計及法規監輔合作任務1. 文創統計和行業別修訂與主計總處商議行業重新分類工作任務2. 提高置入性行銷開放幅度與NCC討論置入性行銷效益最大化任務3.保障自製節目在黃金時段播映比例?尚未與NCC討論限制比例牽涉部會:主計總處、NCC 資金-多元挹注任務1. 文創產業投資與輔助問題金管會提出「金融挺創意產業計畫」,鼓勵銀行放款增至3,600億元任務2. 影視音創作無形鑑價問題文化部已經委託台灣金融服務公司進行影視音無形鑑價任務3. 租稅優惠問題負責文創產業融資事務的文創院設立草案還未通過牽涉部會:金管會、國發基金、經濟部、財政部 註:本文僅列出「國家文創總動員」部分問題資料來源:文化部 整理:黃亞琪 【延伸閱讀】六大荒謬,阻礙台灣文創發展 台灣文創產業至今看不到起飛,除了「管線不通」,其中不合時宜法令、行業別錯置造成產值誤差等荒謬,都是原因。 荒謬一:限制電影人學歷。現行電影法中,電影製作公司負責人須要高中畢業(按此規定,高中沒畢業的導演林正盛拍電影是違法的)。 荒謬二:古板的政令宣導。現行電影法中,還規定國片一定要宣傳愛國思想。 荒謬三:行業分類錯置。例如說,「黃金批發」列在工藝產業;「兒童樂園、綜合遊樂場」「其他遊樂園及主題樂園」歸屬在數位內容產業;「雕塑」被歸類為製造業的其他類,跟寵物批發放在一起。 荒謬四:有智慧、沒財產。台灣流行音樂在大陸市占七成,收到錢比率不到一成。 荒謬五:黃金檔拱手讓人。二○○二年WTO談判時,全面開放外來劇可上黃金檔,但我們卻無法登上他國黃金播映時段。文化部僅有獎勵機制,配套的監管機制卻是在NCC。 荒謬六:法令不符現實。大陸簡體書零售進來,須證明是大學用書。換句話說,坊間大陸小說都違法。(文●黃亞琪) 迷你倉

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文/晨報記者 陶令 製圖/劉真2013年即將過去,迷利倉盤點這一年的心路歷程,與諸多業內精英,分享攜手成長的喜悅。2014年將是一個新的開篇,旅遊業將實現重大轉型——綠色健康的旅程,個性體驗的旅行,度假休閒的方式。�程,去看更美的風景。2014年,我們也將打造新平台——搭建“圓夢之旅”公益平台,匯聚各方資源,讓更多的人能探知世界風景。投入“問鼎2013,旅遊行業大賞”的評選,為旅行放飛夢想。此次“問鼎2013,旅遊行業大賞”由上海影響力最大的日報平台《新聞晨報》主辦,騰訊大申網作為唯一網絡支持單位,翰榮傳媒全程策劃承辦。活動再次匯聚了包括旅遊景區、旅遊目的地、航空公司、旅遊電商、酒店、旅行社六大旅遊行業機構,旨在通過對旅遊行業全方位評優、推優及展示,為讀者及網友提供最全最新的旅遊資訊。英│雄│榜│選│票“問鼎2013,旅遊行業大賞”,六大行業聚首,46項大獎花落誰家?靜待您的參與。●投票規則本次活動將於今日正式進入投票階段,讀者及網友可以通過以下方式參與投票:1.登錄騰訊·大申網相關評選入口,進入本次活動專題頁面(sh.qq.com/zt2013/wd2013/index.htm)參與投票;2.剪下本張評選表格郵寄至上海市漢口路300號解放日報大廈3樓,《新聞晨報》旅遊周刊;3.微博微信投票,關注“《新聞晨報》旅遊周刊”新浪官方微博號或加“下一站精彩”新聞晨報旅遊周刊官方微信號,微博私信或微信發送獎項名稱及您想要投票的機構名稱。投票截至日期為2014年1月3日參與投票的讀者和網友,將有機會獲得精美禮品一份,最終獲獎名單及禮品將在騰訊·大申網上進行公佈。□旅遊電商獎項年度旅遊電商APP最具人氣獎 候選名單□攜程網 □藝龍網 □芒果網年度旅遊電商最受消費者信賴獎 候選名單□錦江電商 □悠哉網 □同城網□旅行社獎項年度最具行業權威旅行社 候選名單(單選)□上海錦江 □上海國旅 □上海中旅年度最具品牌價值度旅行社 候選名單(單選)□上海中旅 □春秋國旅 □凱撒旅遊(上海)年度最具發展潛力旅行社 候選名單(單選)□巴士國旅 □不夜城國旅 □大通之旅年度最佳品牌形象旅行社 候選名單(單選)□上海青旅 □上海國旅 □上海錦江年度最具市場競爭力旅行社 候選名單(單選)□中青旅 □上航國旅 □上海中旅年度最佳行業創新力旅行社 候選名單(單選)□上航假期 □巴士國旅 □凱撒旅遊(上海)年度最具行業影響力旅行社 候選名單(單選)□春秋國旅 □港中旅 □國旅總社(上海)年度最佳產品競爭力旅行社 候選名單(單選)□中青旅 □上航國旅 □東上海國旅年度最具行業先鋒旅行社 候選名單(單選)□上海錦江 □上海中旅 □上海國旅年度最具特色旅行社 候選名單(多選)□歡天喜地國旅 □神州國旅 □遠景國旅□上海旅行社 □海鑫國旅□景區獎項年度最受歡迎景區 候選名單 (多迷你倉)□上海歡樂穀 □常州恐龍園 □常州天目湖□泰州華僑城 □橫店 □溱湖□航空公司獎項年度最佳國際航空公司 候選名單□新加坡航空 □漢莎航空 □維珍航空年度最佳機上服務航空公司 候選名單□韓亞航空 □卡塔爾航空 □阿提哈德航空年度最佳經濟航空公司 候選名單□春秋航空 □亞洲航空 □宿霧航空年度最佳目的地航空公司 候選名單□泰國航空 □毛里求斯航空 □馬來西亞航空年度最具創意航空公司 候選名單□英國航空 □新西蘭航空 □澳大利亞航空年度最佳航線拓展航空公司 候選名單□海南航空 □東方航空 □吉祥航空年度最佳網絡運營航空公司 候選名單□美國聯合航空 □阿聯酋航空 □全日空航空年度最佳制服航空集團 候選名單□大韓航空 □國泰航空 □奧地利航空年度最具中國情結航空公司 候選名單□法航荷航 □達美航空 □瑞士航空年度最具活力航空公司 候選名單□大韓航空 □長榮航空 □印尼航空□酒店獎項年度最佳酒店集團 候選名單□凱悅酒店集團 □香格里拉酒店集團□希爾頓酒店集團年度最受消費者歡迎之中檔酒店品牌 候選名單□全季 □華美達 □智選假日年度最美酒店之風景 候選名單□浦東香格里拉大酒店 □浦東麗思卡爾頓酒店□世博洲際酒店年度最佳度假酒店之主題 候選名單□杭州九里雲松酒店 □杭州雷迪森龍井莊園□束河夢蝶莊年度最贊酒店之味道 候選名單□浦東文華東方酒店 □外灘悅榕莊□蘇州香格里拉酒店年度最具擴張態勢之酒店集團 候選名單□喜達屋 □洲際 □雅高年度最佳品牌之SPA候選名單□悅榕莊 □蔓達拉 □泉年度最具經典之酒店 候選名單□上海半島酒店 □上海外灘華爾道夫酒店□上海和平飯店年度最值得期待之新開酒店 候選名單□靜安香格里拉酒店 □廣州W酒店□西雙版納避寒皇冠假日酒店年度最佳設計建築 候選名單□蘇州吳宮泛太平洋 □滴水湖皇冠酒店□蘇州中茵皇冠年度最佳總經理 候選名單□蘇州凱賓斯基柏高德先生□無錫梁鴻濕地麗笙度假SHAFAR JAMALUDIN先生□上海夏陽湖皇冠假日酒店 柏哲先生□旅遊目的地獎項年度最佳探索地 候選名單□南非 □澳大利亞 □加拿大年度最佳自然美地 候選名單□塞舌爾 □瑞士 □大溪地年度最佳推廣目的地 候選名單□關島 □香港 □迪拜年度最佳美酒佳肴勝地 候選名單□法國 □西班牙 □美國年度最佳浪漫蜜月地 候選名單□馬爾代夫 □新西蘭 □泰國年度最佳精彩游輪 候選名單□歌詩達郵輪 □麗星郵輪 □皇家加勒比游輪年度最佳人氣聚集地 候選名單□印度 □韓國 □尼泊爾年度最佳滑雪天堂 候選名單□日本 □奧地利 □芬蘭年度最佳歷史之都 候選名單□英國 □土耳其 □意大利年度最佳日本人文藝術地 候選名單□香川 □京都 □名古屋年度最佳優雅旅遊地 候選名單□江源道 □佐賀 □名古屋年度最佳熱帶海島勝地 候選名單□泰國 □菲律賓 □馬來西亞★選票排名不分先後自存倉

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湖北日報訊 圖為:21日,迷你倉載有玻利維亞通信衛星的長征三號乙運載火箭點火發射。 (新華社發)據新華社西昌21日電 12月21日0時42分,我國在西昌衛星發射中心用長征三號乙運載火箭,成功將玻利維亞通信衛星發射升空,衛星順利進入預定軌道。玻利維亞通信衛星是玻利維亞擁有的第一顆衛星。玻利維亞總統莫拉萊斯來到西昌衛星發射中心,現場觀看了衛星發射。這是外國國家元首首次到中國航天發射場觀看衛星發射。當日,國家主席習近平與已在中國訪問並觀摩玻星發射的玻利維亞總統莫拉萊斯就玻星成功發射相互致賀。玻利維亞通信衛星採用東方紅四號衛星平台研製,設計壽命15年。衛星將定點于西經87.2度赤道上空,覆蓋玻利維亞全國及南美地區。衛星主要用于玻利維亞及周邊地區的廣播通信及遠程教育、遠程醫療等民生工程,對於玻利維亞改善國家基礎設施,建設與國際銜接的信息高速公路,提升災害應急通信能力,提高人民生活水平,促進經濟繁榮和社會進步具有積極意義。這次發射任務是根據中國航天科技集團公司所屬中國長城工業集團有限公司與玻利維亞航天局于2010年12月13日簽署的《玻利維亞通信衛星系統項目合同》實施的。玻利維亞通信衛星和用于這次發射的長征三號乙運載火箭由中國航天科技集團公司負責研製。這是長征系列運載火箭的第188次飛行。高原之國將實現通信全普及玻利維亞地處南美洲內陸,主要地形為高原,平均海拔超過3000米,被稱為“高原之國”。由於地形複雜鋪設光纜困難,全國通訊落後,給人民生活帶來諸多不便。據悉,隨著衛星的逐步應用迷你倉西貢玻利維亞將實現固定電話、手機通信、互聯網業務全國普及,廣播電視網絡覆蓋全部國土及人口,造福全體國民尤其是偏遠山區及邊境地區、高原地區民�。未來玻利維亞還將有能力為南美其他國家提供衛星服務。該衛星系統還將改善玻利維亞國家基礎設施,通過衛星電信港,建設玻利維亞與國際銜接的信息高速公路;構建移動寬帶通信網絡、遠程教育和遠程醫療網絡;提升政府的災害應急通信能力等;促進社會經濟等各領域的發展。在玻利維亞宇航局局長桑布拉納看來,這顆衛星還具有特殊的意義。玻利維亞航天事業是隨著衛星項目的實施而建立和成長起來的。中國還為玻利維亞培訓了首批航天人才。中國已出口5顆國產通信衛星2008年,我國成功發射委內瑞拉一號通信衛星,首次向拉丁美洲提供整星出口和在軌交付服務。此次發射成功的衛星,是中國航天向國際用戶出口的第5顆國產通信衛星,也是繼委星一號後中國向拉美用戶提供的第2個通信衛星整星在軌交付項目。秘魯、智利、厄瓜多爾等也對與中國航天開展合作充滿興趣。近年來,中國航天大力推進航天國際商業合作,已為22個國家、地區和國際衛星組織實施了包括5次通信衛星、1次遙感衛星在軌交付在內的39次國際商業發射,發射了45顆衛星,還提供了8次搭載服務。“作為航天大國,我們將致力于讓全球更多民�樂享航天技術創造的現代文明。”航天科技集團董事長許達哲指出,隨著中國在衛星遙感、定位導航、載人航天、深空探測等方面持續發展,將提供更多的航天合作和空間技術全球應用,讓頂尖的航天科技更多造福人類。(據新華社西昌21日電)迷你倉將軍澳

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隨�訪港旅客愈來愈多,迷你倉尖沙咀旅遊糾紛亦不斷增加,其中部分固然緣於香港不良業者�客欺客,但亦有部分係旅客無理取鬧造成。呢,尋日又有旅霸大鬧香江,簡直令人嘆為觀止。件事係咁�。一批內地旅客參加香港和台灣九日遊,部分人因為簽證問題去唔到台灣,前晚起滯留香港,除�報警求助,並�落馬洲管制站通宵抗議,要求賠償,其後大部分旅客接受旅行社賠償五千元另加機票,返回內地,但依然有部分人拒絕接受,堅持要賠五萬元或十倍團費,否則「死在這兒都不走」,甚至要去政府總部集會抗議咁話。結果擾攘超過廿四小時都未解決,唔止驚動本地相關部門,旅遊業議會介入調停,連國家旅遊局都派人落�了解事件。冤有頭,債有主,成件事係因為部分旅客被台灣列入黑名單而簽唔到證,首先係旅客�「身份」有問題,其次係內地旅行社�責任,關香港乜事呢?再講�,旅客分別畀�二千至六千元旅費,家陣可以�番五千元賠償同機票,雖然無緣去寶島,但變相免費遊香港,除笨有精,咁都仲唔滿足,仲要撒野發爛渣,已經唔係無理取鬧咁簡單,而係變相勒索!正如有人話齋,如果旅客真係咁夠膽,使乜欺善怕惡包圍港政府�,索性踩上天安門,包圍中南海�,笨!講開又講,香港已經唔係第一次發生旅霸事件�啦。早前五一黃金周發生「黃金客來港掘金」事件,旅行社息事寧人,賠錢了事,功夫茶當時已經預言,此例一開,後患無窮,果然不幸而言中。有業者明言,近年香港旅遊業糾紛愈來愈多,當中大部分都唔關香港事,只係因為內地法治不彰,令香港成為抗爭之地,受害旅客知道返內地後追索無門,所以故意�香港發難,拉香港落水,搞到本港旅遊業形象受損,根本就係無妄之災。即係咁,凡事都要合情合理合法,處理旅遊糾紛都係一樣,如果香港唔�,當然要承擔要改善,但反過來講,如果錯不在香港,旅遊業者就應該據理力爭,否則旅霸得寸進尺,得隴望蜀,有樣學樣,咁仲成世界�。當然,香港每年接待幾千萬內地旅客,大部分都係循規蹈矩講道理�,只可惜一粒老鼠屎搞壞一鍋粥,旅霸雖然唔多,但影響惡劣,唔只破壞內地人形象,引起港人反感,仲搞到中港矛盾火上添油,簡直豈有此理!今次事件再次提醒業界,旅霸之風不可長,絕對唔可以姑息養奸。你愈係息事寧人,佢就愈有恃無恐,愈無理取鬧,香港遲早畀人玩殘。mini storage

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【本報訊】今次內地客滯留香港,迷你倉最平一度靜坐、示威、要求10倍賠償的170名內地旅客,大多身穿印有「無限極」商標的橙紅色風褸,他們聲稱在內地花數百至數千元買入無限極中草藥健康食品,才獲得以3,000多元優惠價參加中港台9至14日團,未料無法赴台變成人球。指旅行由經銷商舉辦無限極(中國)有限公司是李錦記健康產品集團成員,屬李錦記集團旗下。無限極(中國)有限公司董事長李惠森,正是李錦記掌舵人李文達的四兒子。無限極92年成立,在中港台馬均有辦事處,根據內地傳媒迷你倉道,它在內地至少有28服務中心及逾4,000專賣店,在內地的營業額達數十億、甚至上百億元。對於滯留團友指是買無限極產品後參加其優惠旅行團來港,並曾在廣東參觀耗資30億元建成的無限極生產基地。無限極(中國)回應稱,今次旅行是經銷商自行舉辦的,無限極並無參與,但無限極對消費者的不快經歷深表同情,會吸取經驗,公司已通知業務部門加強與經銷商溝通,若日後舉辦類似活動前,須確保簽證已發出才可起行,這也是該公司以往自行舉辦獎勵經營商或員工的旅遊活動時一向採取的做法。mini storage

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Source: The Miami HeraldDec.迷你倉 21--Christmas carols filled the Mall of Americas in Miami earlier this week as 10 insurance agents hunched over laptops connected to the Healthcare.gov. welcome screen. They all wore T-shirts that read, in English and Spanish, "Ask me about health care."After a stumbling start that has proven a political embarrassment for the Obama administration, people are taking up that offer in growing numbers.At the mall and other sign-up locations around South Florida, a surge of holiday healthcare shopping is underway -- sparked by a Dec. 23 deadline to ensure coverage kicks in on Jan. 1, the earliest possible date. For most uninsured people, the final deadline to sign up without incurring a tax penalty is March 31."This weekend is going to be a madhouse," predicted Odalys Arevalo, a co-founder of Sunshine Life and Health, whose agents have been enrolling give five to 15 people a day this month at the mall off West Flagler Street. "People have been sitting on the floors waiting. We'll have to get more chairs."Despite the increasing interest, the Obama administration late Thursday rolled out yet another revision to the Affordable Care Act. Bowing to pressure from both parties, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced a limited "hardship" exemption to the individual mandate that has been a lightning rod for critics. The change will give millions of people whose previous and often less expensive plans were canceled a new option to buy bare-bones "catastrophic' policies --without being hit with a tax penalty. Previously, that cheaper choice with minimal coverage had been reserved only for people under 30.The administration estimated that about a half-million people could qualify for the hardship, but others estimate the number could be much higher. Florida Blue alone, for instance, issued 300,000 cancellation letters.The restructuring -- on the heels of other delays and the bungled rollout of the government's healthcare website -- was only the latest fodder for Obamacare critics."The Administration is recognizing the grim reality that more Americans have lost health insurance than gained it under Obamacare," said Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., in a statement. "Holding a fire sale of cheap insurance is not a responsible fix for a broken program."Even with the ongoing debate, more than one million Americans signed up for Affordable Care Act health insurance in the first three weeks of December -- 500,000 of them enrolling through the federal exchange, President Barack Obama announced today.At Doral-based Epilepsy Foundation of Florida, which received a $637,686 federal grant to assist with health plan enrollments around the state, Nini Hadwen, a trained navigator, summed up the activity:"In a word, hectic. We're enrolling about 10 to 20 people a day compared with the whole month of October. Some people are desperate to meet the deadline," she said. One such client, a Miami man diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2013, had to mortgage his house and sell two cars to pay his medical bills. For him, coverage can't start soon enough.In Midtown, Borinquen Medical Centers extended its hours on Tuesday and Thursday and added Saturday hours to accommodate the crowds."We're slammed," said Borinquen navigator Jason Connor, who's adding two full-time and four文件倉temporary enrollment staff members to help handle the load.Although state and federal ACA enrollment websites officially opened Oct. 1, the now notorious technical failures of Healthcare.gov kept most people in 36 states including Florida from enrolling that month.By October's end, only 26,794 Americans had been able to enroll using the bug-ridden website, including fewer than 4,000 out of Florida's 3.8 million uninsured. After around-the-clock repairs, enrollment numbers rose to 17,908 in Florida and 110,000 nationally in November, while another 1.9 million people were able to apply and determine their eligibility for a subsidy, according to the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services' official count.The botched launch did win consumers a reprieve, as the White House extended its original Dec. 15 deadline to Monday for most people to enroll in plans with an effective Jan. 1 coverage date.Insurance companies also added an extension of their own this week, allowing those who enroll by Monday to pay their first month's premium by Jan. 10 instead of Jan. 1. Most uninsured have until the end of March to enroll."It's not the end of the world if you don't complete your enrollment by Dec. 23," said customer care director Carrie McLean of online health insurance giant eHealth.com. "You still have time to get out there and shop without fear of being declined."At the mall, many people seemed grateful for the chance to finally secure coverage.Kettely Mesidor, a nursing home employee from Haiti, waited patiently with her income statements in hand. Why was she enrolling? Her partner Willem Muller, who accompanied her to help translate, said, "Because we have nothing. Because life is vicious for our family, and if you have nothing, anything can happen to you."Business was so brisk that Sunshine's Arevalo passed around a paper bag of tequenos and papas rellenas -- savory Latin pastries -- for the agents, who didn't have time to stop for lunch.While the federal website has improved, Josue Arevalo, for one, wasn't having such a stellar Healthcare.gov day."I've been kicked off six times," the Sunshine agent frowned as he and 58-year-old Juan Hernandez worked on an application.Although they'd been at it for two hours and counting, Hernandez, a chef at Salvatore D. Restaurant in Miami, wasn't giving up. "Believe me, if you don't have insurance, you're dead," he said.The sole breadwinner for his household of four, he had put his son through college on $24,000 a year, just above the federal poverty line, but healthcare costs weighed him down: "It's $50 every time one of us has a doctor's visit, $350 for a specialist and $3,000 for a simple hospital visit," he said.Suddenly, his agent called out: "We're enrolled!"Hernandez had qualified not only for a subsidy, but also for cost-sharing assistance covering 94 percent of his out-of-pocket expenses. His Preferred Medical Silver plan will cover his wife, son, mother-in-law and himself for a $0 monthly premium with no deductible, and doctor's visits will cost about $15."When I first heard about Obamacare, I thought it might not be the best, but at least it's something," Hernandez said.But now: "I love it. I'm a lucky man.".Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Miami Herald Visit The Miami Herald at .miamiherald.com Distributed by MCT Information Services存倉

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Source: Pioneer Press, St.mini storage Paul, Minn.Dec. 21--As St. Paul leaders joined advocates for the homeless Friday to announce a campaign to relocate and expand the city's busiest shelter, comments from several community leaders suggest how difficult the task will be.Citing desperately overcrowded conditions, Catholic Charities plans to relocate and expand the Dorothy Day emergency shelter, spreading services across three buildings and two downtown St. Paul locations. The cost: about $63 million.State Rep. Tim Mahoney, DFL-St. Paul, has been fielding calls from East Side residents worried the proposed 470-person emergency shelter and housing facility northeast of downtown will be an unwelcome gateway to their neighborhood.Ramsey County Board Chairman Rafael Ortega has his own concerns, ranging from traffic patterns to job and transit access.And a key lawmaker at the state Capitol noted there will be a lot of competition for the money being requested."I'm meeting with (Catholic Charities) CEO Tim Marx next week sometime and really trying to keep an open mind on this. But it seemed kind of surprising," said Mahoney, who represents the East Side.City officials and advocates for the homeless are well aware they will have to make the case to the project's neighbors, lawmakers and the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency. And the Dorothy Day request will be no small job, but a city-led task force has found that homelessness is no small problem.The number of people living on the streets or in emergency shelters increased by 25 percent from 2006 to 2009, during the height of the recession. The increase has since slowed but continues. Some 10,000 Minnesotans are now homeless, as many as half of them children and teenagers.A kick-off event announcing Catholic Charities' "reVision" expansion campaign was led Friday by Mayor Chris Coleman at the Dorothy Day Center. He was joined by task force co-chairs Matt Kramer, president of the St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, and Carleen Rhodes, president of the St. Paul Foundation and Minnesota Philanthropy Partners.Also present were city council member Chris Tolbert and Ramsey County Commissioner Toni Carter, who served on the task force."We can do better for people that are clients here at Dorothy Day," Coleman told the crowd.They said the dangerously overcrowded Dorothy Day was built 30 years ago to offer coffee and doughnuts for 30 to 50 people. It now houses up to 250 people per night, most of them sleeping on mats on the floor."This is such, such a need," said city council member Dave Thune, who represents the neighborhood. "If you've got any kind of a heart, you look at what people endure ... now is the time to do it."SEEKING SUPPORTThe coalition of city, county and social service supporters will ask state lawmakers for $22 million in general obligation bonds. The campaign will seek an additional $17 million from a $100 million housing infrastructure bonding proposal, which will also go before the Legislature in the 2014 session.If the $100 million is approved, decisions about how the housing money would be distributed would rest with the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, and not with individual lawmakers, said state Rep. Alice Hausman, DFL-St. Paul.Competition for that money is expected to be fierce."My bonding bill will have $100 million in it for housing. But there's no way I can write this project in as a line-item," said Hausman, chairwoman of the House Capital Investment Committee. "It has to compete with all the other projects, and there are many."Hausman said the Dorothy Day Center project will be compared with others that have been waiting for state support, in some cases for years.The Wilder Foundation and House of Hope Presbyterian Church are asking for money for Prior Crossing, a housing development for homeless young people on University Avenue in St. Paul.Meanwhile, Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota hopes to build a "Center for Changing self storageives" project in Duluth, mirroring an existing facility in Minneapolis.In the case of Prior Crossing's proponents, "their anxiety level went up a little bit when this project was announced, and they're afraid they're going to get bumped," Hausman said.With about $3 billion in requests for the 2014 bonding bill, Gov. Mark Dayton is expected to propose about $1 billion in projects.APPEASING NEIGHBORSAs for the residents calling Mahoney with questions about the plan, he's been admittedly short on answers."This has really been handled poorly," said Mahoney, who said he learned of the plan a week ago through the Capitol rumor mill. "Nobody has stepped up to have a conversation with the neighborhood associations, or the politicians. ... You would think they would talk to the legislator in the district."Mahoney said he met with a longtime Payne Avenue business owner "whose shoulders just sagged" when he learned of the proposal. "I guess I want to know if they looked at Crocus Hill, or Highland Park, or Merriam Park, or anyplace else, before they put one more social service provider on the East Side," Mahoney said.Added Ramsey County's Ortega: "We have a long history in certain neighborhoods where we keep concentrating the poverty."The county, which will be expected to provide social services for the project, is generally supportive of the idea of providing an alternative to Dorothy Day, Ortega said. But questions about the location, and the types of services, still need to be sorted out."The concentration of poverty is not a positive, and we need to take a good look at how we do the best practices, and deliver the best services," he said.NEW WAY TO HELPIf approved by state lawmakers, the project's first phase would be built near the Ramsey County Law Enforcement Center off Lafayette Road, not far from the Union Gospel Mission.A five-level building would provide a 320-person emergency shelter on the first floor and 150 single-occupancy rooms or efficiency apartments above it. An adjoining Connection Center building would provide job counseling, meals and social services to the homeless.Pamela Davis, a Dorothy Day client who said she takes online classes and needs help with her resume, said programs such as job training have been needed."Just because we're homeless doesn't mean we don't want to work," she said.If funding become available, that phase could be complete by the end of 2017. A second phase calls for construction of 135 apartments to replace the current Dorothy Day Center and neighboring Catholic Charities' Mary Hall and St. Christopher Place.It would also preserve 226 existing affordable housing units nearby.John Dulin, a former union carpenter who has become a regular at Dorothy Day, said clients were told about the expansion plans by Catholic Charities managers not long ago, and he's interested in learning details."I want to see more," Dulin said.Gerry Lauer, program manager for the Dorothy Day Center, said Mary Hall and St. Christopher Place provide a variety of men's housing, including shelter space and federally funded public housing, as well as a floor dedicated to clients of Ramsey County Human Services who have mental health issues.He sees a need to reorganize, better separating distinct uses while grouping similar needs together.The top two floors of Mary Hall provide 75 public housing units, while three bottom floors provide transitional housing, mental health housing and a 25-man emergency shelter.At St. Christopher Place, which has 12 to 15 public housing apartments, "they're the less vulnerable folks," Lauer said. "They've kind of progressed through the system, and they're one step away from market-rate housing."Frederick Melo can be reached at 651-228-2172. Follow him at twitter.com/FrederickMelo.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Pioneer Press (St. Paul, Minn.) Visit the Pioneer Press (St. Paul, Minn.) at .twincities.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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自存倉 cqcbepaper.cqnews.net/cqcb/html/2013-12/22/content_1704309.htm...幾天前,“冰凍人”喻連淑的遭遇引來不少人的同情,因為植物神經紊亂,49歲的她無論穿多少,都會感覺寒冷。這則新聞引起許多人對寒...迷你倉

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By Rebecca Lo in Hong Kongsundayed@chinadaily.mini storagecom.cnWong Nai Chung Road is known for being the path to happiness: It surrounds Hong Kong Jockey Club’s Happy Valley racecourse where, every Wednesday, punters try their luck at a ticket to financial freedom.Many people on their way to watch the races are oblivious to the four cemeteries along the western side of Wong Nai Chung. Here, in the Muslim Cemetery, St. Michael Catholic Cemetery, Hong Kong Cemetery and Parsee Cemetery, the history of the city is written across crumbling gravestones and mausoleums, forever hushed next to all the racing action.Walkin is hoping to change that by bringing locals and visitors seeking in-depth knowledge of unusual sites. Founded this summer by four friends who love and know their city well, the group offers 120- to 150-minute themed and district-based walking tours.All the founders double as guides and have day jobs throughout the week. Walkin is currently operated only over the weekends, with a rotating schedule of different tours.From Monday through Friday, Paul Chan works in finance; Chow Chung-wah writes for travel publications, including Lonely Planet; Dora Choi is a television producer; and Haider Kikabhoy is an editor and translator.Once Saturday dawns, the team turns into walking and talking vessels for obscure facts and did-you-know commentaries, unveiling hidden corners of the city to budding history buffs. In just a few short months since their inception, Walkin has risen to become TripAdvisor’s number 12 of 98 activities in Hong Kong.I joined Walkin’s inaugural cemeteries tour, held on a sunny Saturday afternoon. Our group assembled in the lobby of the Cosmopolitan Hotel at the very end of Queen’s Road East, and Chow was our guide.“Happy Valley isn’t happy because of the racetrack,” she begins. “It is a euphemism for our final resting place.”Our group consisted of tourists, expats and locals who trouped after her as she led us to Ho儲存g Kong Cemetery’s entrance. Once within its gates, the sounds of nearby traffic along Wong Nai Chung and Canal roads receded and we were surrounded by the peace and tranquility of its well-manicured gardens.That couldn’t be said about the actual grave sites. Many of the older ones were sadly neglected, as the cemetery housed expats including tai pans and missionaries from Hong Kong’s infancy. There were women who died during childbirth or who fell during the plague of 1894. I spotted a few familiar names like Pottinger and pointed them out to Kikabhoy.“It’s an unusual surname, so he was most likely related to our first colonial governor Henry Pottinger (1789-1856),” agrees Kikabhoy.“The Hong Kong government takes care of the cemetery’s grounds, but it is up to the deceased’s descendents to take care of the graves themselves,” Chow notes, as she continued the walk. “You can see that many of the headstones have eroded over time — many of these people probably don’t have relatives who live in Hong Kong anymore.”On another tour, the theme was urban myths and aimed to expose some of the city’s most popular legends. “We use the term myth loosely,” Kikabhoy says, as he proceeds to tell tall tales about how popular culture relates to each of the sites we’re visiting.We started at the Hopewell Center and moved onto places like the 1937 Wanchai market with The Zenith, a new residential tower, grafted on top of it. We moved onto the neoclassical 1920s Grade 1 historical building Blue House before climbing up the hill to Pak Tai Temple.“This temple includes a chamber that pays homage to Bao Zheng, an 11th century Chinese government official who still stands as a symbol for justice,” says Kikabhoy, drawing connections between the architectural gems we were looking at to how we live our lives today. “As recently as last night, he was being depicted on TVB serials.”if you goCheck Walkin’s website for upcoming tour dates and times. .walkin.hk.迷你倉

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Survey finds that even those who are less trusting are keen to volunteer or donateMost Singaporeans do not trust others easily, but their levels of involvement in volunteer work and charity-giving do not differ much from the rest who feel that most people can be trusted.These were the follow-up findings by two dons from the National University of Singapore Business School based on a previously released 2011 survey.Close to 70 per cent of respondents believed they "can never be too careful" when interacting with others, while the rest thought "most people can be trusted", according to the analysis conducted last month.From the group of respondents who were less trusting of others, 35 per cent of them often donated money to charity, while a quarter of them (25 per cent) often volunteered.In comparison, the figures for the group who said most people can be trusted were 40 per cent and 30 per cent, respectively - a margin of difference of just around 5 percentage points.Some studies in the West have shown that those who are more trusting of others tend to have higher levels of civic engagement such as doing volunteer work.Associate Professor Tan Soo Jiuan, who co-wrote the report, told The Sunday Times: "These findings were intriguing to us at first, as it showed that despite a low propensity to trust, they were not that different from those who are more trusting, when it involved giving in terms of time or money."She and Dr Siok Kuan Tambyah had previously conducted a mini storageurvey of 1,500 Singaporeans in 2011, in areas ranging from perceptions of their well-being to the values they find important.In their latest findings, they also found out that those with a religion or are more satisfied with their lives tend to give their time and money to charity more often.For instance, 38 per cent of those with a religion often donate to charity, compared to 21 per cent of those without a religion.Also, 34 per cent of those with "high" levels of life satisfaction said they often find time to be involved in community work, compared to 25 per cent and 12 per cent of those with "medium" and "low" levels of life satisfaction, respectively.Prof Tan said the link between life satisfaction and civic engagement could also apply the other way around. She said that those who volunteer or donate regularly are more likely to be satisfied with their lives.Her comment is supported by the conclusion of a separate survey commissioned by the National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre.Singapore Management University professor David Chan, who was the consultant for the survey, said in October: "Happy people are more likely to give, but people who give also tend to become happier."Prof Tan agreed. "Our findings suggest the overall well-being of Singaporeans could have a positive impact on our society."She added: "Social organisations could take this into consideration when designing campaigns to promote more charitable behaviour among Singaporeans."goyshiyi@sph.com.sg迷你倉

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耶誕節前夕,迷你倉嘉義市耐斯王子大飯店為家扶中心及修緣育幼院弱勢兒童圓夢,舉辦的耶誕心願卡募集活動溫馨落幕,10名小朋友昨天提前拿到心目中耶誕禮物,笑得合不攏嘴,1名7歲男童拿到夢想「直排輪」禮物直說「好開心喔!」飯店員工及善心人士當耶誕老人共幫280名兒童圓夢。創世、華山、人安基金會昨天與500多名雲林高中職學生,分別在斗六、虎尾、北港等大街,高喊「寒士吃飽30─幫助寒士呷飽呷平安」,勸募發票及尾牙宴、年夜菜經費,幫助寒士們歡度年節;斗六市豐泰企業也捐贈夜光天使弱勢學童耶誕節禮物,由豐泰企業總經理王慧文把禮物交給小朋友,場面溫馨。耶誕心願卡認領活動從上月23日展開,飯店昨天舉辦贈禮儀式,10名家扶小朋友從飯店self storage經理曾慶欑手中,收下期待已久耶誕禮物,笑開懷。「1張耶誕心願卡,圓孩子1個夢想!」耐斯飯店心願卡認領活動第7年,除家扶中心250名孩童參與,增加30個名額給私立修緣育幼院,家扶中心人員帶10名兒童到飯店領禮物。創世基金會斗六分會表示,創世、華山、人安基金會將於1月23日,在全台15處聯合舉辦「第24屆寒士吃飽30─街友暨獨居長輩、清寒單媽尾牙宴」,預計邀請2萬6250人參加,期盼社會各界共襄善舉,讓弱勢朋友感受過年團圓氣氛。「寒士」指的是街友、獨居長輩和清寒單親家庭成員等,希望美食佳餚幫寒士度過寒冬,參加尾牙宴者都能領到500元紅包,讓寒士們至少能維持30小時溫飽。創世斗六分會愛心專線(05)5377855。迷利倉

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美國啟動退市機制,迷利倉港股偷步沽貨連跌三周,惟有一批趕尾閘上市的新股依然搶鏡,上周四便有5隻齊齊掛牌,到周五再有6隻上市,包括多次只聞樓梯響的光大銀行(06818)。按會計師行安永指,今年共有96家公司在本港上市,共集資一千六百多億元,較去年大幅上升八成。新股連珠爆發,個別抽中的股民有錢賺,惟短暫「燦爛煙花」過後,這批勝在無蟹貨的新股,便到短兵相接、實力比併的時候。今期《投資動向》找來四個不同行業新股作比較,一齊箇中尋寶。今年上市集資額較大股份鳳凰醫療憧憬併購三中全會決定啟動社保和醫療改革,現時公立醫院幾佔體系逾八成半,私人醫院佔比只為小數的醫院市場,未來增長潛力巨大。鳳凰醫療(01515)十一月底上市,是現時上市公司中唯一一隻純醫院概念股份,以北京為業務基地。截至六月底共有11間綜合醫院、1家中醫院及28家社會診所。內地新一輪經濟改革,鼓勵民間資本進入包括醫療在內的市場,鳳凰已有經營私家醫院的經驗,是內地最大民營醫院,集資所得將用作網絡擴展,在北京以外的地方找尋落腳點,未來或有併購進行。醫療需求增加內地消費力提升,國民對醫療等基本需求,國營的公立醫院未必能完全滿足,尤其是一班有消費力的中產或富有階層,質素、管理較佳,而收費又高的私人醫療市場實在大有可為,佔整體醫療市場的比例有機會提升至兩成以上。鳳凰醫療上市首日勁升35%後,續試高位,最高升至12.82元後橫行整固,現價估值高,但未來市場步入高增長階段,併購壯大,有望再穿上次高位。耐世特業務料轉佳耐世特(01316)是汽車轉向及動力傳動產品供應商,轉向產品排全球第五大。一直依賴出口市場,著名車廠通用汽車、福特、快意、佳士拿及標緻雪鐵龍皆是其客戶。近兩年公司業績倒退,上半年盈利再跌1.2%,似乎未受惠北美市場汽車銷售復甦,其中一個原因是車廠為求谷銷量提供優惠,影響到毛利率,但隨經濟進一步復甦,車市復甦持續下,上游供應商業務將見好轉。耐世特前身於百多年前成立,早年收歸於通用汽車名下,輾轉迷你倉手落在太平洋世紀(北京)汽車零部件公司手上,太平洋世紀其後又被國企中航工業子公司購入,變身為國企一員,是既具歷史又有技術的汽車零件商,因現時中國市場佔其業務份額僅5.5%,未來增長空間大。海螺創業估值仍低海螺創業(00586)上周四上市,是一家投資控股及節能環保解決方案的大型綜合供貨商,透過間接持有海螺集團而持有海螺水泥(00914)約23.1%,亦持有15.7%在內地上市的蕪湖海螺。野村估計,未來三年單是持有這兩隻股份,便可為每股盈利帶來複合年增長13%。水泥生產餘熱發電供貨方面,公司是內地第二大,佔市場份額21%,海螺水泥是其最大客戶。由於內地不斷收緊環保要求,海創正計劃豐富節能環保解決方案品類,開始綠色建材、如CCA板及木絲水泥板,是環保且成本低的建材,並計劃引入歐洲生產設備。按其市盈率,上周五收報16.82元,約為一二年市盈率17倍,較同業股14.5至39倍相比,屬下限水平,未反映公司背景及規模,仲有上升水位。IGG耐心等候上車IGG(08002)是全球網絡遊戲開發商及營運商,截至今年十月底,共提供30款遊戲。4G落實,智能手機的功能發展加快,手遊市場持續高速增長,今年上市的雲遊(00484)、博雅互動(00434)都是遊戲商,IGG選擇創業板上市,近兩年錄得虧損,但具新加坡背景,又引入DYNAM JAPAN(06889)為基礎投資者。另外,在策略股東名單上有淡馬錫及光大證券。上市時表示今年已推出9款手機遊戲,未來計劃每年開發20至30隻遊戲,每隻遊戲研發費用50萬美元。手遊具競爭力擁較強的研發團隊,手遊支援多種語言,具競爭力,其中所開發的「城寶爭霸」在香港Android遊戲收入排名第四,是最受歡迎的遊戲。市場相信,手機遊戲等科網概念繼今年熱炒後,明年隨新技術及新遊戲推出,料可延續升勢,投資者可繼續留意,惟內地文化部現正整治手機網絡市場,涉及賭博或誘導用戶付費及未經批准擅自經營的企業,消息不利,投資者要耐心等候時機,搵位上車。自存倉

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剛到東京一趟,self storage跑了很多地方,雖說每晚氣溫都在攝氏十度以下,可是當地熱鬧的聖誕氣氛及璀璨燈飾,卻能驅走寒意,讓人感受一股溫暖節日風情。要數一眾聖誕燈飾及慶典會場,我推薦大家必不可錯過東京Midtown、後樂園、台場及Skytree這四大熱點,準能看得盡興而歸。文、圖:林逸汐留 互動奇幻燈海  汐留的聖誕燈飾,以Caretta汐留大廈前方的會場最精采,今年則一如過往用不同顏色的LED燈砌出大型幻夢燈海,描繪出當年汐留一帶還是一片大海的景象。另外,因為去年新增的3D投影影像效果大獲好評,今年便在汐留再度登場,包括三條可愛小魚、一隻海龜及一顆海星等五位主角,便會在Caretta汐留的投影外牆每隔二十分鐘出現一次,最特別是觀眾們可透過拍掌聲改變影像及周遭的夢幻燈飾效果,帶來不一樣的聖誕賞燈樂趣。網頁:.caretta.jp台場 滿布浪漫燈影  來到以彩虹橋為地標的台場地區,聖誕燈飾更是多姿多采,區內多個商場都有自家的燈飾慶典活動,建議大家先來到VenusFort商場賞燈,因為該商場的燈飾位於室內,就是白天也能欣賞每逢正點在商場二樓噴水廣場上演的浪漫燈飾匯演,有關燈飾由正點至三十分也會亮�,看畢便可在入夜後前往其他景點賞燈。其他商場方面,今年最受人注目便是在富士電視台大樓外牆上演的音樂煙光秀,由下午六時起,每逢正點及三十分都會變身音樂煙光秀舞台,另在其餘時間也會亮起如聖誕樹、聖誕襪等裝飾外觀,予人耳目一新的感覺,配合Decks Tokyo Beach商場前面二十米高兼飾以約十二萬個燈泡的聖誕樹及附近的浪漫心形燈飾裝置,還有Aqua City台場的海洋魔法主題燈飾裝置,以及Diver City東京Plaza藉四十萬個樹掛燈泡襯托氣勢雄偉的巨大高達擺設,同樣令人看得�迷。Midtown 遊趣百花齊放  東京Midtown是我今年最欣賞的聖誕賞燈地點,在名為Midtown Christmas的聖誕慶典中,遊人便可賞到璀璨的樹掛燈路Starlight Road及奇幻迷人的Starlight Garden燈海,其中第七年登場的Starlight Garden,大約二千平方米的草地上,以約二十八萬盞LED燈營造出浩瀚宇宙效果,引人注目是今年更引入世界首創的Crossover Illumination技術,令燈飾更具立體感。此外,在通往外苑東通的通道上,便有十二個聖誕老人擺設,最有趣是這些聖誕老人都造型各異,有畫家模樣,也有會跪地向人送花的,成為遊人取景對象,加上商場內還設有高約四米、掛�約一千八百個小型聖誕老人的特色聖誕樹裝飾,配合售賣聖誕精品的聖誕小屋,絕對教人逛得樂而忘返。新宿 尋七色幸運星新宿也一如以往變身賞燈勝地,透過大約三十七萬個燈泡,把新宿Terrace City照得璀璨。新宿Terrace City,大致可分為JR新宿站南口及西口兩大區域,燈飾區全長約八百八十八米,其中南口的燈飾便集中在高島屋Times Square對面、小田急Century Southern Tower酒店前面的新宿Southern Terrace,注目點包括九株七米高燈飾聖誕樹、飾以浪漫燈海的行人步道,以及盡頭處供人許願兼會呈現出七種顏色幸運星的三角形星光之塔等等。網頁:.odakyu.jp/terrace-city原宿 投影呈現愛意來到原宿,你會發現整條名店林立的表參道在入夜後便會亮起樹掛燈飾,變身迷人的燈飾大道。另在沿�表參道的東急原宿表參道Plaza及表參道Hills等兩大商場,也各有耀目燈飾可賞,不過較得我心便是表參道H迷利倉lls的燈飾匯演,在高聳的中庭內,每隔二十分鐘便會有一場投影秀,最好玩是在每逢四十分鐘上演的一場更有特別效果,可看到浪漫的心形投影,另在完結後走到投影場地下方,更可以手控形式令其投射出Love這個浪漫字句。網頁:.omotesandohills.comSkytree 熱鬧聖誕市集  東京新地標Tokyo Skytree這個名為Tokyo Skytree Town Illumination 2013的慶典,最教人矚目是六百三十四米高的Tokyo Skytree,便會變身世界最大聖誕蠟燭,當中更會以五款不同燈光主題示人,加上遊人還可在其腳下賞到特設的聖誕主題表演,稱得上是極具吸引力。  至於Skytree Town則會飾以大約五十萬盞LED燈飾,並在其左右兩側樓梯亮起特色燈光圖案的光之階段。值得留意是直至12月25日,每天上午十一時至晚上十時,Skytree腳下的露天廣場便會化身歐洲式聖誕市集,一眾聖誕小屋便有售德國香腸、啤酒及各式應節禮品,滿有聖誕風情。有心來訪,可要留意同樣直至25日的每日下午四時四十五分至五時半,更有平原綾香等人氣偶像作現場表演;下午五時五十分至七時五十分,每隔半小時,東翼六樓及七樓外牆更有約七分鐘的精采聖誕主題投影秀呢!後樂園 亮至凌晨一時  有大型商場、遊樂園地及著名的東京巨蛋棒球場的後樂園,是我另一個心水賞燈好去處。跟其他東京賞燈熱點比較,後樂園燈飾亮燈時間最長,每晚都亮至凌晨一時,稱得上是深宵取景的絕佳地方。今年後樂園的燈飾慶典,區內五大會場共有多達二百萬個燈泡,分別構成一百四十米長的燈飾隧道,也有直徑十二米的燈光巨蛋,今年園區更新增大型吊燈、水上浮波、多株高聳聖誕樹、燈飾樹掛、萬花筒、宇宙星體裝置及燈光瀑布等景點,東京巨蛋更因慶祝開幕二十五周年,更首次亮起多彩燈光迎聖誕。要留意是在燈光巨蛋及燈飾隧道旁均有互動電子裝置,遊人對�鏡頭移動雙手,便可看到點點星光落下的效果。網頁:.tokyo-dome.co.jp丸之內 聯乘賀迪士尼東京商業區丸之內一帶,同屬聖誕賞燈好去處,由大手町至有樂町那段長約一點二公里的丸之內仲通,路旁約二百四十株樹木便會飾以逾一百萬盞LED燈。更吸引是今年是美國迪士尼公司九十周年紀念,直至12月25日,丸之內一帶便辦有Bright Christmas活動,在丸大廈、新丸大廈、三菱一號館Bright Square及丸之內Oazo便可賞到以米奇、迪士尼公主、小熊維尼為主題的聖誕樹。網頁:.marunouchi.com賞燈小貼士東京賞燈熱點眾多,對逗留日子有限的遊客來說,如欲賞遍一眾燈飾,便得好好編配時間。要留意現時東京下午四時半左右便開始入黑,由此直至晚上十一時都是賞燈黃金檔期,每晚可按個人喜好走訪兩、三個場地,建議投放較多時間的重點區域包括東京Midtown(可聯遊六本木)、後樂園(可聯遊新宿、原宿及澀谷)、台場(可聯遊銀座、汐留),以及Skytree(可聯遊東京站、丸之內及有樂町),但要注要尾班鐵路時間,以免要乘的士返回酒店。旅遊記事簿持BNO護照或特區護照均免簽證。查詢:2522 1184   (日本領事館)包括國泰航空香港至東京成田機場來回機票連兩晚酒店住宿的套票,未連相關稅項及附加費,每位3,230港元起。查詢:.cxholidays.com(國泰假期)xmas.walkerplus.com/list/ar0313/(東京聖誕燈飾情報網頁).welcome2japan.hk(日本國家旅遊局網頁)註︰所有商品價格僅作參考,以商戶最新公布為準。迷你倉

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(吉隆坡19日訊)澳洲駐馬最高專員署提醒大馬民眾,存倉提防有廣告或有人聲稱可用錢購買到澳洲簽證的詐騙案,並勸請民眾通過正當與合法管道,申請澳洲簽證。澳洲駐馬最高專員邁爾斯庫帕指出,近日出現越來越多簽證騙案甚至有廣告聲稱,可在大馬尤其是吉隆坡,購買到真的澳洲簽證。“我們要提醒民眾提防那些聲稱可以出售簽證者,澳洲簽證只能透過官方管道申請,絕對沒對外銷售,大馬民眾應確保通過正當且有信譽的管道申請澳洲簽證。”邁爾斯庫帕是針對大馬媒體報導有人非法出售簽證給人口販子,聲稱這些簽證可讓尋求庇護的難民入境澳洲,作出上述回應。他也說,澳洲政府提供系列旅遊與移民簽證,其中對象包括國際旅客、商務旅客以及尋求移民的家庭,而澳洲與大馬國民通過上述簽證便利,維持頻密的雙邊聯繫。發現騙案通知專儲存署澳洲駐馬最高專員署也呼吁民眾,如發現任何涉及澳洲簽證的騙案,可電郵integrity.kualalumpur@dfat.gov.au通知專員署。至於如何通過正確管道獲取澳洲簽證的詳情,可瀏覽澳洲最高專員署網頁.malaysia.highcommission.gov.au或澳洲移民與邊境保護局網頁.immi.gov.au。其他獲取簽證管道可瀏覽專員署服務供應商VFS Global網頁.vfsglobal.com/australia/malaysia。另外,大馬人可在澳洲電子旅遊簽證(ETA)下獲得短期旅遊簽證,獲得專員署授權協助處理電子旅遊簽證申請的代理名單,可在電子旅遊簽證網頁中查詢https://.eta.immi.gov.au/ETA/etas.jsp。;迷你倉

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Source: Philadelphia Daily NewsDec.mini storage 20--IKE REESE, the former Eagles Pro Bowl special-teamer and now the smarter and better-looking half of WIP's "Mike & Ike Show," was talking the other day about Chip Kelly's decision not to kick the ball to the Vikings' dangerous kickoff returner, Cordarrelle Patterson, in the Birds' 48-30 loss last Sunday.On the Eagles' first five kickoffs, Kelly had Alex Henery go with shorter squib kicks and mortar kicks. Patterson never got a return opportunity, but the strategy gave the Vikings a short field.They started three of those drives at their 34-, 38- and 46-yard lines, and the Vikings' average starting field position for the game was their 39. It was the second-best average starting field position against the Eagles this season.Reese, who played for the Eagles for seven seasons from 1998 through the 2004 Super Bowl year, vehemently disagreed with Kelly's strategy, as did most everyone else in Philadelphia.He said that if John Harbaugh, who was the Eagles' special-teams coordinator back then, ever had suggested doing that, he would have marched into Harbs' office with some of the other special-teams leaders and pleaded with him to kick the ball deep and give them an opportunity to stop Patterson the old-fashioned way.Yesterday, I asked Eagles special-teams coordinator Dave Fipp if any of his players had done that last week when he informed them that they weren't going to be kicking to Patterson, who was averaging a league-best 33.9 yards per return and had two touchdown returns."I won't talk about what we talked about behind those doors," Fipp said.Safety Kurt Coleman, who is one of the Eagles' top special-teams players and a guy with 29 career starts, said he didn't really have a problem with the decision not to kick to Patterson."You want to play aggressive," he said. "But you also have to understand that this guy was leading the league in kick-return yards."It's just a strategy, like anything else. Like double coverage or having somebody over the top [on a pass play]. I don't see it being a bad call. It was all about, let's not let him win the game. Make somebody else beat us. And that's what it came down to."Which brings us to this Sunday. The Eagles will be facing another prolific return man: the Bears' Devin Hester. This time, they'll almost certainly be without Coleman, who is out with a hamstring injury, and another of their top coverage people, Colt Anderson (knee).Which is to say that there's a pretty good chance we'll be seeing more mortar and squib kicks this week."Everything's on the table," Fipp said.This probably wouldn't be an issue if Henery could get more of his kickoffs through the end zone. But he has the ninth-lowest touchback percentage (.446) in the league this season."Any time you kick off the ball, you have to weigh all of the conditions and situations," Fipp said. "How far can your kicker kick it? What are the [weather] conditions? Who is the returner you're kicking to? There's a multitude of variables that you have to play out. That's how we develop a game plan."Hester, who has 18 career kickoff and punt returns for touchdowns, is fifth in the league in kickoff-return average (28.6) and sixth in punt-return average (12.2)."He's a great returner," Fipp said. "He's arguably one of the best in the history of the game. We have a ton of respect for him. We have a huge challenge ahead of us. We'll see what happens."The Eagles also hope to limit Hester's punt-return opportunities. Punter Donnie Jones has had just 33.3 percent of his attempts returned this season (25 of 75). That's the fourth lowest in the league."You want to try to eliminate those guys from the game," Jones said. "We did that the entire game last week. Australian-rules punts. It worked pretty well except for the last punt, which I kind of mishit."Cary ventsCary Williams longs for the NFL of yesteryear when the rules of the game were based on common sense rather than the potential for punitive damages.Like most defensive players, the Eagles cornerback hates what the league is doing to the game in the supposed name of safety. Last Monday night, he watched in disbelief as Lions safety Louis Delmas was flagged for unnecessary roughness for a sideline hit on Ravens receiver Marlon Brown. Brown and Lions cornerback Bill Bentley were entwined just as Joe Flacco's pass arrived. Delmas, coming over from his safety position, tried to break up the pass and collided with both Brown and Bentley. The officials called him for illegal contact to the head and neck area on a defenseless player."That call was horrible," Williams said. "Those types of [calls], they make me upset. It kind of grinds my gears a little bit. It's one of the things that frustrates me as a defender."You're taught from [when you're] a young kid to jar the ball away. Especially when they have it close to their body. You're supposed to put your body on his body."Back in the day, you put your helmet on the shoulder pads or helmet on the helmet. Doing whatever it takes. Now, you've got to let the guy catch it, then he has to fall down. If he's not looking at you, then he's a defenseless receiver. I just don't understand what a defenseless receiver is."If you're out there, you know you're going to get hit when you catch the ball. Receivers, that's what they signed up for. They're going to catch the ball and they know people are going to try and hit them."I think the league is just covering their tails for the concussions and all this other junk, if you really want to be honest. It's a cover-up. [They're saying], 'You're not going to get any money out of us later on in life. No. Concussions? No."I don't like the calls at all. We might as well just let receivers catch the ball across the middle. Put a soft pillow down for them to lay on after they catch it. It makes no sense, man. It's frustrating."The longest yardIn the Eagles' first 13 games this season, LeSean McCoy was money in short yardage. He converted 15 of 18 "and-1" situations and 27 of 35 situations of 2 yards or less.Which is why it was so shocking Sunday to watch a Vikings defense that was ranked 22nd in the league against the run at the time, stop McCoy on consecutive third-and-1 and fourth-and-1 plays midway through the third quarter."If we get the first down there," center Jason Kelce said, "maybe that game turns out differently. I don't want to say it was the turning point because we were already losing [24-9] at that point. But it would have been a turning point in our favor if we had gotten that."Kelce's breakdown of what went wrong on the two plays. First, the third-and-1:"It was a pulling play for me and [left guard] Todd [Herremans] designed to hit right off the tight end. When I pulled, there was a down block [defensive tackle Letroy Guion] that ended up getting some penetration. I got picked off on that, so it slowed me down on my call [blocking assignment]."What happened then was Shady got out in front of me. When Shady gets out in front of me, he sees my guy [linebacker Chad Greenway] in the hole and he has to bounce it outside. When he bounces it outside, you never know what's going to happen. It wasn't the way it was supposed to hit. And that'sself storagewhat kind of killed that play."On fourth-and-1:"It was an inside zone play to the left. Me and [left guard Evan] Mathis, because it's short yardage, we want to start off with a double team [on Guion] to get good vertical push. But because of the way their linebackers were playing, playing downhill so much and so wide, the reason they do that is to get you off double teams."So Mathis comes in hard initially and then he has to come off [Guion] quick. So I'm on only half a man [with Mathis]. Then Evan leaves [to block linebacker Audie Cole] and I have to try and push the guy [Guion]. In hindsight, I think we would have been better-suited if I would have let Evan go straight to the 'backer and manned [Guion] up myself. Because I would have been able to get on top of him right away."If we would have done that, I think Shady right away would have cut behind me and cut behind what was a pretty good push from our backside tackle and guard [Herremans and Lane Johnson]. That's what we wanted to do. That's the part of the play that gets the best push -- the backside tackle and guard. And that's kind of where most of them have been hitting in short yardage."This and that--The Eagles have won the opening coin toss in eight of their 14 games. The first five times they won the toss (the first Redskins and Giants games, Chargers, Bucs and Cowboys), they took the ball. The last three times -- against the Raiders, Cardinals and Vikings -- they deferred.--Bears right guard Kyle Long played for Chip Kelly at Oregon last season. Says he's like an uncle to him. During a media conference call this week, Long was asked for a favorite story about Kelly's coaching style. "Chip made blocking on a screen play very easy for me when he explained it," Long said. "He called [former Oregon tight end] Colt Lyerla and me over once. We had botched a screen in practice. He took out a piece of paper and drew a square with a circle in it. He said, 'Look, this is a pizza box with a pizza in it. I'm about to cut the pizza into two slices.' He said, 'Colt, this is your slice. Kyle just ate it. What are you going to do? Are you going to complain about it or are you going to take Kyle's slice?' That's how he explained blocking to me. The most-dangerous-man concept. If I block him, then you pick up my guy. That's just a small example of [wondering], how the hell does he think about this?"--When the Eagles have faced bigger receivers the last few weeks, such as Lions' Calvin Johnson and the Cardinals' Larry Fitzgerald and Michael Floyd, defensive coordinator Bill Davis frequently has had linebacker Connor Barwin line up across from them and delay their entry into their route. He is expected to do a lot of that again against the Bears' 6-4, 230-pound behemoths, Alshon Jeffery and Brandon Marshall. "They're big, physical receivers," Barwin said. "You want to try to slow them down at the line. It takes them a little longer to get going [than smaller receivers]."Figuring the Eagles--LeSean McCoy, who leads the NFL in rushing with 1,343 yards, is on pace to finish with 1,535 yards. That would be the lowest total to win a rushing title since LaDainian Tomlinson did it in 2007 with 1,474 yards, and the third-lowest winning total in the last 21 years. Fourteen of the last 20 rushing champions made it to the playoffs. Five made it to the conference championship game. Four made it to the Super Bowl: the Seahawks' Shaun Alexander in 2005 (lost), the Broncos' Terrell Davis in 1998 (won) and the Cowboys' Emmitt Smith in 1995 (won) and '93 (won).--The Eagles have accumulated a league-high 14 defensive pass-interference penalties, including two by Bradley Fletcher and Roc Carmichael in last week's loss to the Vikings. The 200 yards they have been penalized for those 14 infractions is the second most in the league (Houston has 263). Fletcher has a team-high five of those 14 penalties (for 50 yards). Carmichael and Cary Williams each have three (for 54 and 27 yards, respectively), Brandon Boykin has two (62 yards) and DeMeco Ryans has one (7 yards). Check out the chart on this page for a club-by-club breakdown of pass-interference penalties.--The Eagles are 26th in the league in third-down defense (41.3 percent). In the last 3 years, just five of the 36 teams that qualified for the playoffs had a higher percentage than that.2-minute drillFROM THE LIP--"He's never asked for that. He's never intimated any of that. And it's easy to say, it's easy to speculate, 'Well, he was in college and he had full control and he wants full control here.' That sounds great until you actually get to reality. And Jim's never really ever asked for that." -- 49ers CEO Jed York on a report that coach Jim Harbaugh wants more control over personnel decisions--"There's no excuse for it. Because he's such a good player, we're all going to make excuses for him. But what he did was wrong. They were a little lax on him when he first came in as a rookie. Maybe they let him do things they shouldn't have, things that they have to live with now." -- Hall of Fame coach John Madden on Cowboys receiver Dez Bryant going to the locker room before the end of Sunday's loss to the PackersTHE WISDOM OF CHIP--"I'm smart enough to know what I don't know. And there's a lot that I don't know. So I'll defer to the guys who really do know it." -- Kelly on dealing with injuriesBY THE NUMBERS--Teams have combined for 1,190 touchdowns this season. That's the most TDs at this point in the season in league history. Of those 1,190 TDs, 722 have come on passes, which also is the most ever through the first 15 weeks.--Lions receiver Calvin Johnson has 5,094 receiving yards since the start of the 2011 season. He's the first player in history to notch 5,000 receiving yards in any three-season span.--Four teams that were in or tied for last place in their division last season -- the Eagles, Saints, Panthers and Chiefs -- currently are in or tied for first place. If any of them win their division, it will be the 11th straight year that at least one NFL team has done the worst-to-first thing.--The Broncos are averaging a league-best 38.2 points per game this season. That's the second most in history. The only team that averaged more was the 1950 Los Angeles Rams (39.8).--There currently are 11 quarterbacks with a passer rating of 90 or better. Last year, there were 10. In 2003, there were just four.Domo's rankings1 Seahawks 12-2 (4 last week)2 49ers 10-4 (5)3 Broncos 11-3 (2)4 Chiefs 11-3 (7)5 Panthers 10-4 (8)6 Patriots 10-4 (1)7 Saints 10-4 (3)8 Ravens 8-6 (9)9 Cardinals 9-5 (11)10 Colts 9-5 (12)11 Bengals 9-5 (6)12 Bears 8-6 (14)13 Lions 7-7 (13)14 Chargers 7-7 (16)15 Eagles 8-6 (10)16 Dolphins 8-6 (17)17 Packers 7-6-1 (18)18 Steelers 6-8 (19)19 Cowboys 7-7 (15)20 Rams 6-8 (20)21 Jets 6-8 (21)22 Vikings 4-9-1 (25)23 Jaguars 4-10 (22)24 Titans 5-9 (23)25 Bucs 4-10 (24)26 Giants 5-9 (26)27 Falcons 4-10 (29)28 Bills 5-9 (30)29 Browns 4-10 (28)30 Raiders 4-10 (27)31 Texans 2-12 (31)32 Redskins 3-11 (32)Email: pdomo@aol.comOn Twitter: @PdomoBlog: ph.ly/Eagletarian.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Philadelphia Daily News Visit the Philadelphia Daily News at .philly.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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商報訊(記者李彥琴通訊員張若虛)“爸爸去哪兒”,mini storage12月17日,一出心酸版“爸爸去哪兒”的尋找行動在蘭州客運段列車上展開。一個出生僅百天左右的男嬰被家人抱上列車後,家人不見了蹤影。列車工作人員和旅客一同在列車上為男嬰尋找“爸爸”最終尋找無果,列車員精心照顧之餘,將孩子移交給車站警方。孩子在座位上抱娃的男子卻不見了當日,旅客王先生從嘉峪關乘坐蘭州客運段擔當的K9662次列車準備去蘭州,列車從酒泉開車後,他旁邊座位上來了一名懷抱嬰兒的男子,上車後不久,男子將嬰兒放在座位上便離開了。起初,王先生並未在意以為男子去上廁所了,可近半個小時後仍未見男子的蹤影,看到座位上孤單的嬰兒,王先生找到了列車員,希望能幫助尋找嬰兒的家人。接到列車員的報告後,列車長高虎迅速和乘警趕到了嬰兒所在的17號硬座車廂。打開一層單薄的繈褓後,大家發現是一個男嬰,目測身體並無缺陷。全車尋找原來孩子他爸已經下車列車長立即通知列車廣播,按照李先生所提供的男子體貌特徵在全列車進行找尋,並發動列車員逐個車廂尋找該名男子。列車長和乘警則對車廂旅客走訪瞭解。然而,半個小時過去了,並沒有發現男子的蹤跡和線索。高車長沒有灰心,他和乘self storage繼續對車廂的其他旅客進行走訪,希望找到有關線索。在走訪中一名旅客的回憶引起了大家的注意。該名旅客告訴列車長,列車到達清水站時,有一名形色匆匆的男子下車,而這名男子和李先生所提供的抱嬰兒男子的體貌特徵極其相似。考慮到多方尋找無果,高車長決定先將男嬰抱到餐車照看。在列車餐車,高虎車長和乘警一同打開男嬰繈褓,希望從中再尋找線索,這時 ,從繈褓的夾縫中露出了200元錢,大家繼續尋找再未發現其他物品和線索。至此,大家已經能確定這名男嬰就是一個棄嬰。天冷繈褓單薄,必須想辦法保暖,列車工作人員找來被子將嬰兒包裹起來,並從餐車準備了糖水給男嬰喂服,幾名女列車員還輪流抱著孩子用體溫為其取暖。當晚11時34分,列車到達張掖站,列車工作人員和乘警一同將男嬰移交給了張掖車站派出所,並辦理了交接手續。作為流動人員集中的公�場合,近年來,列車上頻現被遺棄的嬰兒。來自蘭州客運段的消息是,僅2013年一年中,該段擔當的列車上已發現了3名棄嬰,列車工作人員除了精心照顧外,只能按規定向公安機關移交,為此,鐵路部門在呼籲社會各界共同關愛嬰童的同時,也希望所有父母樹立正確家庭價值觀,切實承擔好撫養 子女的社會和家庭責任。迷你倉

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○二年七月電盈(00008)為減債忍痛賣斷CSL,mini storage兜兜轉轉十一年後終於可以「回歸」母公司,而當年的香港電訊品牌和架構亦重新「歸位」。科網爆泡 賣仔減債話說○○年盈科數碼動力(電盈前身)以總代價2,900億元,「鯨吞」香港電訊,當年在時任盈動主席的李澤楷之名牌效應下,令這隻「八號仔」股價一度創27.8元的歷史新高,市值升至2,500億元。惟盈動以蛇吞象進行併購導致債台高築,兩家公司合併後的電盈儲存債估計逾100億美元,加上當年科網股泡沫爆破,令公司借貸利息成本急升。為應付債務,電盈先於○○年起引入澳電訊(Telstra)「泵水」,包括將Reach的50%,以及CSL的60%股權售予Telstra。鑑於當年本港電訊市場開放不久,競爭者少,CSL在流動電訊業務曾領導市場,每月每戶平均消費(ARPU)在業內稱冠。其後在○二年七月,電盈以4.75億美元將CSL餘下的40%股權悉售予Telstra。迷你倉

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再過幾天就是聖誕節,mini storage南台灣的高雄,聖誕氣氛濃厚,除了世運大道約900公尺長的燈海、以及聖誕主題區藝術創作,全港都175處教會、機關也同步點燈慶祝。百貨商場更上演薑餅人襲擊巨蛋的戲碼,小朋友還有旋轉木馬可坐,南台灣節慶感十足。報導╱賴佳昀 攝影╱張世平 相較於台北、台中,南台灣的高雄聖誕氣氛可也一點兒不遜色。今年高雄市政府大手筆在世運大道布置了綿延900公尺的燈海,以藍、白色系為主,璀璨而不失質感,拍照時即使調到最大景深,看起來卻一點都不雜亂,不論是走過或開車經過,浪漫無敵,真的很美。相較之下,在世運主場館的29公尺高LED主燈,卻沒那麼令我驚豔,百貨商場、精品店或飯店裡的任一棵樹都比它還像聖誕樹。周圍大片燈海已走冷色調,主燈卻還是同色系,孤單立於空曠的場館上,看起來竟有些寂寞。 玫瑰堂 耶穌在裡面 不過,市府團隊在世運大道人行道上的各種聖誕布置,可見用心,其中一座借用天主教玫瑰堂外觀、以木板搭建的臨時展館,裡頭陳設大幅耶穌3D地景畫作,有8種方式拍出最佳3D效果,互動性高,我覺得很有趣。此外,今明兩天(12/21、12/22)在世運主場館晚間都有節目表演,12/24則有愛心園遊會,有空就來去逗熱鬧吧!另一個我很喜歡的是漢神巨蛋今年耗資370萬所搭起的北歐小村莊,場景拍來超有FU,還附送故事。話說,聖誕節同時也是禮物節,人人都期待得到好禮,心急的薑餅人以為聖誕老公公忘了準備他的,一氣之下變的超巨大,成為帶刀疤的薑餅壞人,還大膽綁架聖誕老公公。真糟糕,這下禮物誰來送?難不成要去找花媽(陳菊市長)要?村民唯一可以擊敗他的武器就是彈弓…啊結果咧?就像看電影先知道結局那電影就不好看了,欲知薑餅壞人後事如何,敬請親自揭曉。有錢出國到北歐度聖誕那是很理想啦,但如過沒錢又沒閒,來巨蛋拍拍照,效果也差不多差不多! 百萬木馬 小孩超愛 漢神大手筆的不只巨蛋,在本館門外另有一座百萬旋轉木馬,小朋友都超愛的,不過,媽媽可能不愛,因為要消費滿2000元才能搭1次。聖誕節的意義除了全家團圓、互贈禮物,最重要的是幫愛世人的耶穌慶生,再替祂把愛心送到大街小巷家家戶戶,這個月在高雄可參觀飯店、百貨商場的精巧裝置,而全高雄教會聖誕月同步點燈,更像愛的種子一般,伴隨悠揚聖樂,在冬夜裡發光發熱,溫暖著每一個人。 【風味美食】澎湃聖誕餐 海陸到位 歡慶聖誕,全台飯店皆推出特製套餐搶客。12/24選在高雄君鴻39樓大廳酒吧用餐(每人1680元+10%),參加聖誕趴免費,飯店除找來樂團現場開唱,並準備了國標舞、聖誕舞、互動迷你倉戲等節目,前50名訂餐另贈白麝香乳液。主菜2選1,牛排使用最高等級(Prime)的菲力牛,6盎司煎約3~5分熟,中心猶見美麗的粉紅色。不吃牛,可選海鮮,肉質結實、油脂豐富的藍斑魚加上煎明蝦,一盤雙享,紅醋栗醬汁充滿節慶感,其中還摻入水果醋,酸甜清爽的確跟海鮮頗對味。前菜清蒸澳洲龍蝦口味也很讚,醬汁以檸檬汁、奶油、白酒、紅蔥頭、蝦夷蔥、番茄製成,濃郁而不膩口。而馬賽海鮮湯也是料好實在,裡頭匯集日本干貝、北海道帝王蟹、淡菜、草蝦等海味,作為節慶湯品澎湃夠格。甜點是松露巧克力慕斯蛋糕,巧克力甘納許灑上金粉,外觀高雅討喜。 【旅遊資訊】 ◎開車 ★世運主場館聖誕主燈、世運大道天主教玫瑰堂展館、星雨大道:國道10號下左營端,接台17線轉世運大道可抵。 ★漢神巨蛋:台17線轉明誠三路,接博愛二路可抵。 ★五福三路天主教玫瑰堂:台17線轉五福三路可抵。 ★鹽埕長老教會:五福四路轉瀨南街可抵。 ★漢神百貨:台17線轉新田路。 ★高雄君鴻:台17線轉三多四路。 ◎搭車 ★世運大道天主教玫瑰堂展館、聖誕主燈、星雨大道:搭高雄捷運至世運站下。 ★漢神巨蛋:搭高雄捷運至巨蛋站下。 ★五福三路天主教玫瑰堂:搭高雄捷運至後驛站下,轉搭高雄市公車33路至高雄女中站下。 ★鹽埕長老教會:搭高雄捷運至鹽埕埔站下。 ★漢神百貨:搭高雄捷運至中央公園站下,轉搭免費接駁車。 ★高雄君鴻:搭高雄捷運至三多商圈站下。 ◎相關資訊 ★世運大道天主教玫瑰堂展館 10:00~22:00 無休 ★世運聖誕主燈、星雨大道 點燈至2014元宵節,17:00~00:00 無休 ★五福三路天主教玫瑰堂 (07)282-3860 09:00~17:00,周日不開放 ★鹽埕長老教會 (07)561-1315 ★漢神百貨 (07)215-7266 旋轉木馬平日18:00~21:30、假日13:30~17:00、18:00~21:30 消費滿2000元+超集卡過卡1次,即可免費搭乘旋轉木馬1次,平日限300人,假日限600人 ★漢神巨蛋 (07)555-9688 11:00~22:00、周五11:00~22:30、周六10:30~22:30、周日10:30~22:00 無休 ★高雄君鴻 (07)566-1161 12:00~01:00,聖誕套餐12/24、12/25供應,楓糖聖誕薑餅屋即日起~12/25供應 無休 聖誕套餐每人1680元+10%,楓糖聖誕薑餅屋300元 楓糖聖誕薑餅屋宜預約文件倉

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