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長沙市道德模範“身邊好人”交流會現場。 鄒麟 攝 記者 朱敏 實習生 羅紅核心提示人們都說,新蒲崗迷你倉做好人不難,難的是一輩子做好人。在中國類別繁多的人物評選中,“中國好人”的稱呼顯得格外質樸平實,向社會傳遞著強大的正能量,于點滴間帶給大家最深切的感動。7月22日至24日,“中國夢·好人之夢(長沙篇)”大型網絡訪談暨道德模範、“身邊好人”交流互動活動,分五場在長沙晚報高清演播廳舉行。長沙17位“中國好人”做客本報,現場分享自己的感人故事。第一場關鍵詞:孝老愛親用愛為親朋撐起一片藍天訪談嘉賓岳麓區廖月娥、瀏陽市何平、望城區胡海濤、天心區張明珠4位“中國好人”所屬區縣(市)文明辦負責人等市委宣傳部副部長、文明辦主任 鄭力虎事跡簡介廖月娥是一名農村婦女,30年來卻贍養了4位非親非故的孤殘老人,並為其中3人養老送終;何平的父親身體殘疾,母親智力殘疾,弟弟患有先天性心臟病,但堅強的她支撐起全家並考上了研究生;胡海濤為愛離開家鄉河南,紮根星城長沙,成為岳父的好兒子、鄉親的好幫手,為愁雲慘淡的家庭撐起一片天;張明珠十年如一日伺候婆婆吃喝拉撒,攙扶婆婆在與病魔抗爭中溫暖前行。點評擷英唐南沙(岳麓區文明辦):廖大姐對養父母的養育之情深懷感恩,她將這份感激回報給了鄉鄰、社會。善良和感恩,就是她行動的源泉和動力。潘立(瀏陽市文明辦):因為有愛,何平牢記責任、敢於擔當;因為有愛,何平珍惜親情、甘于付出。她看起來是一位文弱女生,精神上卻是真正的強者。曾永勝(望城區文明辦):胡海濤沒有驚心動魄的壯舉,卻被人們口口相傳;沒有驚天動地的偉績,卻是人們心中的楷模。做一位有愛的實在人、平凡人,足矣。周紅輝(坡子街街道):張明珠常說,家家有老人,人人都會老,善待老人就是善待明天的自己。這是一個簡單樸素的道理,被她演繹得深刻動人。鄭力虎:4位好人的孝行故事,都是凡人善舉、常人小事。但小善堆積就成了大德。目前,長沙已有全國道德模範2人,全國道德模範提名獎獲得者5人,中國好人88人,“好人”就像一張靚麗的名片,閃耀在星城大地。第二場關鍵詞:敬業奉獻用心將平凡崗位變得不凡訪談嘉賓開福區董志平、岳麓區杜貞、寧鄉縣歐有才、雨花區辜大為、長沙縣楊松青5位“中國好人”所屬區縣文明辦負責人等市文明辦副主任 丁德喜事跡簡介董志平紮根建築行業24年,從普通鋼筋工成為多次獲得“魯班獎”的專家、全國勞動模範,並將技術無條件傳授他人;杜貞1988年進入國稅系統,不斷深造成為業界佼佼者,並用真誠和關愛贏得納稅人的敬重;歐有才每天為21個行政村、385個投遞點送達包裹郵件和匯款單,把累計30萬公里、可繞地球7.5圈的崎嶇山路,走成了一條感天動地的愛心郵路;辜大為是一位德藝雙馨的醫者,曾使兩家醫院渡過難關,將無數命垂一線的病患從生死邊緣拉回;楊松青放棄幼兒園事業開辦老年公寓,成為160多位老人的“兒子”,竭盡所能關愛老人。點評擷英彭震(開福區文明辦):正是有了不驕不躁、無私奉獻的道德品質,董志平從一個“活魯班”變成一個“活雷鋒”,成為很多人追捧的“工地明星”。陳燦(岳麓區國稅局):杜貞親切的語言不需要粉飾雕琢,卻永遠表達著最溫暖的情感,溫暖著納稅人的心,成為國稅系統文明道德建設的一面旗幟。鄒素武(寧鄉縣文明辦):寧鄉年前殺豬那天會邀請親朋喝“血酒”,歐有才總會有接不完的電話。為人樸實、工作出色的他,贏得了數不清的榮譽和喜愛。陳澤香(雨花區衛生局):無�德者,不可作醫。辜教授數十年用默默行動堅守醫道精誠,到哪兒都能率先垂範有所建樹,深得病友們好評和尊敬。張再明(長沙縣文明辦):楊松青常說:“只要把服務對象當親人,把老人當父母,就沒有做不了的事。”他是這樣說的,也是這樣做的。丁德喜:這些“敬業奉獻好人”,幾十年來如一日,在平凡的工作崗位上,mini storage責任感、使命感化作堅定的動力,為社會發展做出了貢獻。我們要學習他們抑制浮躁、喧囂,用心靈的寧靜和道義在自己的崗位中打造一份幸福和安寧。第三場關鍵詞:誠實守信用誠把所有諾言一一兌現訪談嘉賓寧鄉縣南鳳梅、芙蓉區楊溢2位“中國好人”所屬區縣文明辦負責人等市文明辦副主任 楊立平事跡簡介農村儲金會倒閉讓村民的血汗錢打水漂,南鳳梅老人承擔起不屬於自己的債務,借1000元開店還債,歷經愛人中風、女兒得癌症的艱辛,10年後終於還清5.7萬元借款;楊溢是芙蓉區的一位地稅工作者,她忠於事實敢於承擔,以“誠實做人,誠信做事”為信條,言出必行,生活中也樂於為他人排憂解難。點評擷英鄒素武(寧鄉縣文明辦):十年冷暖辛酸,只為一個承諾。南鳳梅老人經歷的、承受的遠比我們所能看到、想到的更多更難,但她做到了,讓人欽佩。李向華(芙蓉區文明辦):楊溢無論是工作,還是生活,都真誠待人。只有各行各業都做到誠實守信、公開透明,我們整個社會才能和諧溫暖。楊立平:欲做事先做人,欲做好事先做好人。誠實守信是公民的第二個“身份證”,兩位“中國好人”的故事讓我們感受到,只有做到真誠無偽,才可內心無愧、坦然寧靜,正如美妙的心靈雞湯讓人神清氣定。第四場關鍵詞:助人為樂用善為他人點燃新希望訪談嘉賓雨花區譚映天、望城區消防大隊、開福區王達佳、芙蓉區李沁珂4位“中國好人”所屬區縣文明辦負責人等市文明辦副主任 胡述斌事跡簡介55歲女教師譚映天為了幫在湘抗日的無名女兵完成遺願,拖著曾骨折過的雙腿,行程7000公里,尋訪80余名老校友,終於讓女英雄魂歸故里;望城區消防大隊資助貧困學子43人,捐助各類書籍5000余冊,捐款60多萬元,長期幫扶駐地困難家庭22戶,為群�做好事6000余件,捐款捐物價值30多萬元;王達佳是一名17歲的高三學生,堅持做了10年慈善義工,累計為慈善公益募集並捐贈款物30多萬元;李沁珂是純淨而羞澀的11歲兒童,入學起便悉心照料班上一位智障女孩,幫助這個不能正常上課的同學融入校園。點評擷英曾永勝(望城區文明辦):望城區消防大隊是唯一一支集體榮登“中國好人榜”的部隊。35年來,他們營救被困群�806人,搶救保護財產價值10億多元,被望城人民稱為“社會的鎮災石,百姓的守護神”。胡述斌:王達佳和李沁珂的事跡,是對“人之初性本善”的完美詮釋。她們的行為既溫暖了別人,也照亮了自己。4位“中國好人”身上都閃耀著人性的光輝,體現著人心的美好。能幫助別人的人,一定是生命豐盈、內心強大的人。第五場關鍵詞:見義勇為為陷入險境的人伸出援手訪談嘉賓瀏陽市胡孝順、天心區易劍皓2位“中國好人”所屬區縣(市)文明辦負責人等市文明辦副主任 丁德喜事跡簡介三級殘疾的胡孝順聽聞3名小孩落水,忙碌一天疲憊不堪的他,多次撲救挽救了一個鮮活的生命。因體力透支而臥床不起時,他婉拒了酬謝和媒體採訪。易劍皓見到一對男女青年被持刀圍攻,他奮而挺身,在右手食指被當場砍斷的情況下,毫不畏懼浴血救人,讓對方倉皇而逃。事後,他既沒留名也沒告訴單位,獨自在醫院承受疼痛和醫藥費。點評擷英潘立(瀏陽市文明辦):胡孝順不擅長說大道理,當別人追問他為什麼時,他淡淡地說:“我只是盡了做人的一點道義,沒什麼大不了”。正因如此,他奮不顧身、舍己救人、不圖名利的精神,在當地更加廣為傳頌。楊軍(天心區文明辦):英雄絕非偶然的衝動,他們背後有著不為人知的習慣養成和德行修養。易劍皓的義舉被報道後,他婉拒了一家房產公司的捐助,對�人的追捧處之泰然,在講道義的同時,依然保持著自己的定性。丁德喜:兩位勇士和長沙無數見義勇為好人一樣,面對災難和死神,大義凜然知險而上,把平安和生機讓給別人,把犧牲和流血留給自己,觸動我們內心最柔軟的部分。他們這種人民至上、他人至上的英雄情懷是我們一生的課堂。self storage

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  惡劣天氣頻發,儲存倉航班延誤屢現,尷尬近十年的航班延誤險再次引起公�注意,但與“熱議”相比,“冷對”的現實依然難有改觀。  業內人士分析指出,航延險當前所遭遇的市場尷尬主要原因之一在於需求方難成規模,險企利益難以確保,而真正解決此問題的關鍵則有賴于航空管理體制和保險運作模式等多重突破。供需雙方均不積極  需求方難成規模也是險企對航延險缺乏興趣的主要原因之一。  早在2004年,外資財險公司美亞就在推出的兩款旅遊險產品中涉及到了相關航班延誤的保障事宜,近十年過去了,推出此款保險產品的險企仍為數不多,“現在對航班延誤進行賠付最多的還是機場方和銀行信用卡推出的相關業務。”一家大型財險公司有關負責人告訴《中國經營報》記者。  2006年5月,中信銀行信用卡在國內首家推出航班延誤保障服務,只要所持機票是通過指定商旅專線訂購並使用中信信用卡支付,飛機起飛晚點達4個小時以上,乘客即可申請賠償,最高可獲達5000元的機票賠付款。  而此類業務保險公司卻很少涉足,“一個主要原因是現在賠付的算法不太清晰,沒有統一的標準,市場費率沒有統一起來,所以在研發此類產品的時候,保險公司都還處在嘗試階段。”上述大型財險相關負責人表示。  同時,盈利問題也制約著險企對該類產品的投入。據某險企電子商務部總經理介紹,保險公司現在做航延險主要還是通過渠道,與航空公司和旅遊類網站合作,還有一些險企會在自家網站及第三方網絡平台上銷售,效果不及前者理想。“與傳統的航意險類似,諸如渠道費、運營費等附加費占保費比例較高,保險公司很難從中盈利。”  除此之外,需求方難成規模也是險企對航延險缺乏興趣的主要原因之一。  攜程網做過的一項調查顯示,有八成網友會在出行前購買一份20元的航意險,但很少有人聽說過航延險,有的航意險中也搭售航延險,對此大多數受訪者都表示不知情。然而,對於很多購買了航延險的乘客而言,賠付過程繁瑣,賠付金額抵不過浪費的時間成本更是降低了產品的吸引力。  據悉,一般航延險要航班延誤達4個小時以上才會賠付,而十幾、二十幾元的保費所能獲得的賠償也就在兩三百元左右,在仔細衡量後,很多人都放棄再次購買航延險。一 位經常到全國各地出差的IT界銷售人員告訴記者,如果遇到航班延誤需要索賠的情況,通過信用卡所推業務獲得的賠償要比保險公司快得多,手續也更簡單。  “如果我有決定權的話,很可能會放棄這塊業務。”上述財險公司有關負責人直言,“沒有賠付的保險不存在,但要天天出險保險公司肯定受不了,現在航延險是個熱門話題,保險公司也就先賺賺吆喝,想盈利還得改變整個迷你倉沙田業環境。”多頭突破方能做大市場  此類業務的推出並不簡單取決于險企的業務創新能力,還牽扯到航空公司的管理體制,甚至有賴于技術的成熟和模式的突破。  航延險的尷尬也正在於此:航班的延誤幾乎司空見慣,在這種情況下,航延險盡管有市場空間,但卻難以保證險企利益。  中國民用航空局發佈的《2012年民航行業發展統計公報》顯示,2012年我國航空公司平均航班正常率僅為74.83%,創近5年來新低。公報分析,造成航班不正常最主要的是航空公司自身原因,占38.5%,流量原因、天氣原因,分別占到25%、21.6%。其中,航空公司自身原因已連續三年位居航班不正常原因首位。  因此,保監會財產保險監管部相關負責人也曾公開表示,希望航空公司投保“延誤責任險”,發生航班延誤後,由保險公司支付航空公司對乘客的部分或全部經濟補償。同時,延誤責任險還可通過上調費率來約束航空公司的航班延誤頻率,如果航班延誤頻頻發生,保險公司賠多了,下一年就要上調保費。航空公司不願增加保險支出,就會主動作為,減少航班延誤。  而此類業務的推出並不簡單取決于險企的業務創新能力,還牽扯到航空公司的管理體制,甚至有賴于技術的成熟和模式的突破。  “要想這塊業務未來有發展,必須擴大民用飛機的航空資源,其中的風險不是保險公司能夠測量的,是航空公司管理體制存在問題。”某航空公司內部人士對記者表示。據透露,該公司曾專門成立過一個項目小組,研究開發航延險方面的服務,也先後和幾家大的保險公司接洽過,“可能雙方未能在具體合作方式上談妥,這個項目組成立一兩年時間了,進展緩慢。”  而上述某險企電子商務部總經理則認為,在改進航空公司管理體制問題的同時,市場上還應該有一個需求方的“召集者”,“很多航延險產品現在就是不能很好地契合消費者需求,等C2B模式漸趨成熟,航延險的市場潛力就會被大大激發。”  在其看來,雖短期內想要召集所有乘客的需求不太現實,但可以循序漸進,如由民航總局作為召集人,各家公司先大致測算好賠付,然後再跟保險公司議價、研發產品,保險公司可以根據實際情況找再保險公司合作。  而互聯網的技術手段也提供了這樣的可能性。未來互聯網的發展將會是C2B模式占主流,這種模式是把客戶端的需求匯集整理,向企業端傳遞。  “未來拿到C端的需求就相當于拿到了談判的籌碼,但誰能拿到這在目前來看還是個難題,有可能是航空總局,有可能是某一家機場,也有可能是像攜程、去哪兒之類的網絡平台,或許三五年、或許一兩年,只有有人主張,形成合力,航延險的業務做出來不成問題。”上述險企電子商務部總經理強調。迷你倉價錢

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【本報綜合報道】為方便聾啞人士與其他人溝通,儲存微軟亞洲研究院開發一個可利用Kinect體感偵察器來讀取手語的軟件,透過追蹤雙手的動作軌�來解讀手語,並把內容轉換成文字或語音。軟件亦可反過來,把用家輸入的文字,轉換成手語在螢幕上顯示,加強聾啞人士與一般人之間的互動。Kinect是應用於遊戲機的體感遊戲配件,讓玩家使用手勢或語音指令來操作遊戲。微軟亞洲新蒲崗迷你倉究院的研究人員,正設法將這個體感偵察器的功能擴大,為其撰寫一個可用來辨認手語和顯示手語的應用軟件,除支援中國式手語外,還可讀取美式手語,現仍處於測試階段,希望打破聾啞人士與其他人的隔膜。詳情可登入www.channel9.msdn.com/coding4fun/kinect/Using-the-Kinect-to-read-Sign-Languagemini storage

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Source: Standard-Examiner, Ogden, UtahJuly 28--Concerned lawyers and the Libertas Institute are heading a planned lobbying campaign of the Utah Legislature to ask for limits on police use of battering rams to serve search warrants for minor offenses.新蒲崗迷你倉The effort is in reaction to recent high-profile cases involving police and aggressive entries, sometimes called home invasion raids by their critics.Libertas founder and president Connor Boyack said proponents feel "high-risk, forceful entries" should only be used in cases involving violence or sexual abuse and not until absolutely necessary."Currently, heavy force is being used in circumstances that don't fall within that scope," said Boyack, whose Provo-based activist group takes Libertarian stances on personal liberties and advocates the abolishment of income and property taxes.State law guiding the serving of search warrants is minimal, he said, while allowing any and all search warrants to be served via forceful entries, also called breaches, conducted with battering rams and crowbars -- "which we believe is horrendously broad.""We're getting plenty of reaction as the Matthew David Stewart case is still fresh in people's minds, as well as Todd Blair's, and Eric Hill. There is still a lot of concern from those incidents and others," Boyack said."The legislators we are talking to are eager to see something done. We're still in the early stages with no specifics yet, just ideas, nothing drafted."He and John Mejia, legal director for the Utah arm of the American Civil Liberties Union, said they didn't want to say which legislators are interested until one has agreed to sponsor the envisioned bill."We'll be looking at proposals as they come through," Mejia said. "It's a little early to say what the final proposal will be."Mejia expects defense attorneys and the Utah Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers to be involved in the lobbying come January, when lawmakers convene."The Stewart case has raised a lot of concerns among the defense bar," Mejia said.A Jan. 4, 2012, shootout with police at the Ogden home of Stewart left him and six officers wounded, one fatally. In May, Stewart apparently hanged himself in his jail cell while awaiting trial. Stewart's death is under investigation.The slain officer, Jared Francom, was revered by his fellow officers and has since had the Ogden Public Safety Building renamed for him.The Stewart case is the most serious among five high-profile incidents involving aggressive police tactics in recent years."Reacting to the Stewart case with legislation won't prevent persons bent on killing police officers from trying to kill police officers," said skeptical Deputy Weber County Attorney Chris Shaw, one of Stewart's prosecutors.The Stewart warrant was a "knock and announce" warrant, he said."Let's not get confused here. It was not a 'no-knock' warrant where a suspect was completely surprised by a 'dynamic entry.' When people claim that legislation is necessary because of the Stewart case, or others like it, they mislead the public as to the real cause of the violence."The evidence, when examined critically, proves beyond a reasonable doubt that Stewart knowingly and intentionally chose to confmini storageont officers with deadly force."How in the world can legislation stop that kind of criminal conduct? Using the Stewart case as a basis for changing search warrant law or police tactics in the execution of a search warrant is an anomaly without equal."In September 2010, Todd Blair was fatally shot while brandishing a golf club when officers served a search warrant at his Roy home.In October 2012, a 76-year-old woman was victimized by a wrong-house raid by drug agents. Salt Lake City Police Chief Chris Burbank apologized for the no-knock snafu within days.In November 2012, a 20-year-old man fired at police breaching his home with a search warrant. No one was injured. He was subsequently found incompetent to stand trial because of developmental deficits.In December 2012, Eric and Melanie Hill and their two young daughters were startled by officers with M4 rifles massing at the door of their Ogden home with the wrong address looking for a military deserter.Officers rushed the home and handcuffed Hill when he answered the 2 a.m. knock at his door while holding a baseball bat. Ogden Police Chief Mike Ashment apologized for the mistake.Some of the legislators approached by Libertas so far are still "sitting on the fence," Boyack said. "Some want to know if this has been done anywhere else. We don't know of any other state that has attempted to restrain these police actions."Utah would have the opportunity to lead out, and these situations warrant Utah leading out. The Legislature, when appropriate, needs to delineate the boundaries regarding police use of force."Boyack also stressed the push for more restraint is not meant as any indictment of police."This conversation is being handled pretty broadly. We will be reaching out to appeal to those who justifiably mourn officer Francom's death."Our policy could have saved his life. We want to protect lives on both sides of the gun ... on both sides of the door."The proponents said discussions will also likely include the legal anomaly of evidence that isn't enough to make an arrest can be enough for a search warrant -- and a forceful entry with a battering ram.Defense attorneys say that oddity raises constitutional Fourth Amendment questions.Prosecutors argue they are different law enforcement tools, that arrest warrants are meant to detain an individual. Search warrants are tied to locations, not individuals, they explain, to develop the evidence to make an arrest.The scenario was raised by the Stewart case as prosecutors said evidence wasn't sufficient for his arrest but was enough for a search warrant of his home served forcibly.Boyack has contacted Randy Richards, Stewart's lead defense attorney."People are being put in danger, including the police," said Richards."It's a position I've taken all along. It endangers police as well as citizens. Half the population of Utah has guns in their homes. It's just a matter of time before someone gets shot again. We're losing good people."Case Files: More on the Stewart story: http://www.case-files.standardnetlive.com/Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah) Visit the Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah) at www.standard.net Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

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  • Jul 29 Mon 2013 12:56
  • 臺灣

半導體封測廠矽品(2325)將於31日舉行法說會,迷你倉沙田素有「景氣鐵嘴」之稱的董事長林文伯將發布景氣預測,在法說會前夕,市場對矽品本季營運看法翻多。分析師表示,隨著主力客戶本季營運動能轉強,矽品本季業績季增逾一成,優於外界原先預期。在台積電董事長張忠謀日前釋出對本季半導體將調整庫存的看法後,各界對供應鏈整體展望產生疑慮,不過,上周日月光對於本季提出IC封測業務季增1%至5%、電子代工業務(EMS)成長25%以上的看法,法人評估,日月光本季營收季增一成,緩解半導體供應鏈第3季的庫存疑慮。相較於日月光通訊產品所占比重較高,矽品的產業布局較為分散,且矽品積極開拓中國白牌供應鏈客戶,分散行動裝置產品在國際品牌與白牌產品銷售消長所帶來的風險,因此第2季以來營運成長較日月光穩健許多。法人指出,迷你倉價錢品本季來自全球手機晶片龍頭廠高通(Qualcomm)下單量持續增加,由於蘋果新一代iPhone進入拉貨期,加上稍早矽品與高通於去年底談定產能策略,因此可看到高通在矽品的投單量穩定成長,不過,矽品對此不作評論。在中國行動裝置市場方面,矽品除了受惠於大客戶聯發科新雙核心智慧手機晶片MT6572,以及邁威爾(Marvell)4G晶片本季出貨可望放量成長外,包括Rockchip等主攻白牌平板電腦處理器的中國客戶,因應十一長假備貨潮,下單也轉為積極。另外,因應全球兩大遊戲機廠索尼、微軟分別在Sony PS4、Xbox one產品供應鏈啟動拉貨,矽品本季來自超微的下單量可望同步擴增,加上可編程邏輯閘陣列(FPGA)晶片設計大廠賽靈思近期獲得中國4G LTE基地台訂單,讓矽品本季營運吃下補丸。迷你倉庫

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By Cecily Liu in London ( China Daily) "Location, location, location," the mantra of homebuyers and sellers, is equally paramount when it comes to setting up shop - and is especially so as China's urbanization drive continues to present retailers with various opportunities for expansion and development.迷你倉Over the years, many foreign companies have taken advantage of China's urbanization, such as General Motors, which formed a joint venture with China's SAIC and rapidly expanded to include hundreds of dealerships in many of China's smaller cities.Another US major fast-food chain, KFC, developed warehouses and supply chains to create scale at regional and national level. It also creatively structured its expansion into smaller cities, carefully planning and sometimes taking years to select the right locations for outlets, according to Yuval Atsmon, a partner at the international consultancy McKinsey & Co."The best retailers take a lot of time to study bus routes, train routes and where roads are built," says Atsmon, a former head of McKinsey's Greater China consumer retail practice."Choosing locations is easy in the US, because people typically travel by car and urban development is slow. But in Chinese cities, the exact location of where you put your stores makes a huge difference." Atsmon also says the rising level of consumption-related infrastructure in cities is bringing urban residents increasingly diverse and affordable products."Modern retail resulting from urbanization can operate at higher efficiency. Such efficiency, as well as increasing competition, is making products cheaper for customers," he says."Take supermarkets and hypermarkets for example. Chinese cities' rapidly growing number of roads and railways has made it economical and convenient for people to visit them, so they can stock a large amount of goods and reduce costs." Walmart Stores Inc and Carrefour SA have already opened hundreds of stores in China, with increasing penetration into China's third- and fourth-tier cities, as these cities gradually increase in size."Global experience suggests that people want to buy at a store that is no more than a 15 minute commute from their home. They prefer even closer locations for day-to-day items such as fresh food," he says. "This creates market demand for more supermarkets to open in urban areas, where the population is more concentrated."Because many urban residents have cars, they can drive to supermarkets and hypermarkets for their shopping. But rural areas would have less demand for supermarkets that typically stock 15,000 items, because the lack of efficient transport means people would buy from small shops locally." Atsmon says there are also products that can only be offered with an urban infrastructure, such as cold-chain items."You cannot buy ice-cream without cold chain. The same goes for frozen food and even chocolates in hot regions," he says. "Another example is auto文件倉otives, which you can only deal in where there are good roads, which come as a result of urbanization." Another driver of increasing consumption is the rise in average income as an economy urbanizes."If I'm quite poor, I'm more likely to focus on necessities, including clothing, diapers and baby food, as well as basic electronics such as a refrigerator and washing machine," he says."These items are relatively basic, but their consumption increases in urban areas where people can find these goods more easily and at better prices. They start to buy them more regularly." As people's income grows, they can afford extra consumer items on top of the basic ones, and sectors such as luxury goods, travel services, communications, cars, skincare products and restaurants would see even faster growth, he says.Also, urbanization increases the speed of communication and interaction. This encourages consumption through a network effect because people's buying decisions influence those of friends.As the Chinese become increasingly sophisticated in demanding better products, they prefer to buy more premium or innovative products.In China's toothpaste market, Atsmon notes, US manufacturer Procter & Gamble developed Crest more than 10 years ago as a quality line for the Chinese.It offered a green tea-flavored version and kept prices low through basic packaging and other means, he says. But over time, as the Chinese became wealthier, they looked for more, so brands such as Colgate have grown market share with more premium versions.Atsmon says that although foreign brands are increasingly eyeing opportunities in the Chinese market, they are facing increasing competition from local competitors."I think 10 to 15 years ago there was a big difference between foreign and local brands on, for example, expertise on how to open fast-food restaurant chains."Now, some foreign players may still have a scale advantage, but the knowledge is also available to Chinese players." PepsiCo and Coca-Cola Co used to have the advantage of management expertise, but China's beverage companies, such as giant Hangzhou Wahaha Group Co Ltd, are catching up.In other sectors, Atsmon adds, Chinese consumer brands, such as the household appliances company Haier Group and technology firm Lenovo Group Ltd, are leading their markets in China. Some are even leading sales globally.He says these brands have the advantage of extensive distribution networks and the ability to take full advantage of urbanization, even in the smaller Chinese cities."Sometimes it's harder for foreign brands that are less flexible in the cost model to come in," he says. "But new opportunities still exist for everyone." Atsmon believes that as China's urban centers mature, it will be more difficult for new foreign consumer brands to enter, because they would face tough competition from both foreign and Chinese brands that entered the market early.cecily.liu@chinadaily.com.cn存倉

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Source: Pittsburgh Post-GazetteJuly 28--From signage to stationary, billboards to personnel badges, Highmark Inc.自存倉 will have to invest tens of millions of dollars and up to five years to convince Pittsburghers of the existence of the Allegheny Health Network, let alone the merits of the new brand, experts say.The Allegheny Health Network is Highmark's new seven-hospital provider wing, made up of the former West Penn Allegheny Health System, Jefferson Regional Health System and Saint Vincent Health System in Erie. The insurer bought controlling stakes in those health systems as part of a strategy to save WPAHS from bankruptcy and build a competitor to UPMC.But there's more to branding a new health network than rolling out a bunch of TV ads. Settling on a name and logo can take up to a year -- brainstorming, whittling the list, running everything by focus groups and employees, tweaking colors and font sizes.The first decision to make?"What is the equity in the existing name?" said Steve Rivkin, founder of Rivkin & Associates, a New Jersey marketing firm that specializes in hospital branding.Highmark decided that, despite WPAHS's financial troubles, there is indeed some value in its name, retaining the "Allegheny" portion of AHN's West Penn Allegheny network and of the Allegheny General Hospital."Candidly, that brand and name had equity" that we wanted to keep, said Steven Nelson, Highmark's senior vice president of product, marketing and strategy.Highmark, working with branding firms Marshall Strategy Inc. and Lippincott, contemplated other geographically descriptive names -- playing on three rivers, bridges and more. And it considered variations on the ultimate winner -- would focus groups, for example, prefer Allegheny Health Network or Allegheny Health System? (They preferred "Network.")In the end, the word Allegheny had recognition and "equity in areas we didn't expect it to, [far] outside the region," Mr. Nelson said, including New York and Ohio, states from which Allegheny Health Network hopes to draw patients, even though Highmark's insurance arm doesn't have a major business presence there.Built-in brand recognition is a double-edged sword: The new network could retain some of WPAHS' baggage, but it also will have an easier time getting customers to make the mental jump from the old name to new. An all-new name usually takes longer to sink in.Still, health systems take the gamble. When Methodist Hospital, Indiana University Hospital and Riley Hospital for Children merged in 1997, the hospitals tried a wholly fabricated name, Clarian Health. It never really stuck, and even a decade later, the name "Clarian" didn't mean much to Indiana patients. So in 2010, system directors changed Clarian's name to Indiana University Health.Advocate Health Care in Chicago, on the other hand, doubled down on its own fabricated name, created in 1995 when Evangelical Health Systems Corp. merged with Lutheran General HealthSystem. The 13-hospital network is now one of the most recognized in the Midwest, but that recognition costs millions a year -- and 18 years later, many people still refer to the system's flagship hospital as Lutheran General, not Advocate Lutheran."Every case is different," said Rob Rosenberg, president of Chicago-area Springboard Branding, another hospital marketing firm. "Some hospitals have a poor reputation," and in those cases, it might make sense to fully sever the old name from the new one. Either way, it can take five years or more for a new brand to sink in, he said.Getting customers to accept the a health network name is just part of the job, though; the next part is getting them to understand which hospitals are part of it. There are two main approaches -- system dominant and system subordinate.UPMC is an example of a health network that uses the "system-dominant" approach, slapping the UPMC name in front of nearly every hospital it acquires (most recently, Hamot Medical Center in Erie became UPMC Hamot in 2011, and this year, Altoona Regional Health became UPMC Altoona).A system-subordinate branding effort, on the other hand, allows the hospital to retain more of its institutional identity and goodwill, which can take years or decades to build. In such cases, branding is built around logos, color themes and common fonts, but the health network name plays only a supporting role -- as in Centennial Medical Center, part of TriStar Health, to use a real-life example out of Tennessee.This is the approach Allegheny Health Network is taking for now, scrubbing the former golden laurel wrea迷你倉新蒲崗h logo from the WPAHS website, and describing the relationship thusly: West Penn Allegheny Health System, a proud part of the Allegheny Health Network.That doesn't preclude Allegheny Health Network from shifting to a system-dominant, UPMC-style approach in the future, but right now, putting the letters "AHN" in front of West Penn would mean little to Pittsburghers. "Maybe 10 years from now, it will," Mr. Nelson said.Whichever approach, long memories can vex the best of marketing campaigns.In marketing focus groups, "it's amazing the people who, top of mind, unaided, will refer to [a] hospital by its old name," Mr. Rosenberg said, even years after a name or brand change.Which goes to show that, for all the hours and millions of dollars invested in branding, few hospital network brands amount to much, said Dan Beckham, a hospital branding expert and head of The Beckham Co. in South Carolina. Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Clinic are probably the best examples of brands that count, and that didn't happen overnight."They've built those brands over 100 years. And they stand for something. It's not just an empty name and logo," he said. In the case of the Mayo Clinic, the monetary value of the brand actually exceeds the value of the health system's physical assets."It's one thing to come up with a new mission and put it on the walls. But consumers and physicians are going to do a sniff test" and try to figure what differentiates the new brand and logo from the old ones, Mr. Beckham said.The new brand must also differentiate itself from brands that already exist in the market -- in Allegheny's case, that's UPMC. And when one brand already claims the mantle of top dog, in a clinical sense, that leaves rivals with few options.One is to brand around patient experience. The other, new to this industry (but common in most others), is to brand around value. "With the changing economics of health care, [some] organizations might be able to win on the basis of" marketing equivalent care at a cheaper price, Mr. Beckham said. It's a tack that Highmark is taking, making the case that UPMC is the high-cost player in the market, driving up the cost of care -- and health insurance -- for everybody.As Highmark markets the new brand to potential customers, Belinda Yeager Carter, co-founder of Pittsburgh branding and ad firm Simply Fluid, said the company would be wise to focus on the internal audience, as well. When a merger or acquisition occurs, "you really have to bring [employees] along ... make everybody feel comfortable with it, and think it's a positive thing."That's because employees -- Allegheny Health Network has about 17,000 of them -- have the potential to be the health system's best ambassadors, delivering the hospitals' new messaging to neighbors, friends and relatives. It's more than just an awareness campaign; it's also about engagement, training employees to recruit patients to the new system, and then keep them there.That requires buy-in from specialists on down to clerical staff at physicians' offices."Once you deliver the name, you have to deliver the promise," Mr. Nelson said. "Culture will eat strategy for lunch."And if staff doesn't buy in, the public may not either; clashing corporate cultures can lead to lingering ill-will.Exhibit A might well be the 1999 merger of West Penn Health System and Allegheny General Hospital, to create the West Penn Allegheny Health Network. The corporate merger took nine years to complete, and even 14 years later, the stain of the Allegheny Health, Education and Research Foundation bankruptcy was never quite erased.WPAHS had been a "struggling health system for so long, so that has a stigma to it," Ms. Carter said. "Sometimes it never goes away."She also noted that the challenge before Allegheny Health Network is somewhat different than the one faced by UPMC whenever it acquires a hospital. UPMC already has an established brand identity, so that set of values and preconceptions -- good or ill -- is transferred instantly.Highmark, on the other hand, must simultaneously market the new brand, as well as communicate the values and philosophy behind that brand. It's more of a revolutionary branding technique than an evolutionary one, taking place "across multiple hospitals and health networks" at the same time. "It is going to make it more difficult," Ms. Carter said.Bill Toland: btoland@post-gazette.com or 412-263-2625.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at www.post-gazette.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉出租

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連接珠江口東西兩岸的港珠澳大橋預計在2016 年竣工。從1983 年香港合和實業公司(054 )主席胡應湘提出建設大橋的構想,迷你倉到現在已經三十年過去了。雖然這座大橋最終得以建成,但這三十年來粵港澳三地的經濟情況已經發生了很大的變化,大橋建成時的效用和服務對象,亦與當時的設想發生了很大變化。從香港方面來說,有必要對港珠澳大橋落成後對香港帶來的經濟影響和機遇做一個新的評估。八十年代粵熱港冷上世紀八十年代的時候,廣東成為中國大陸改革開放的先行省份,而珠三角東岸的深圳、東莞等城市,利用毗鄰香港的優勢,迅速承接了香港的製造業轉移,並很快就繁榮起來。而位於珠江西岸的珠海等城市,因為與香港隔�珠江而交通不便,所以經濟發展較珠三角東岸的城市遜色不少。珠海的領導很希望通過建設一座大橋連接香港,帶動當地的發展。尤其是當時主政珠海的梁廣大,更視大橋、機場等大型基建項目為珠海發展的關鍵所在,提出了建「伶仃洋大橋」連接珠海和香港屯門的方案。到了九十年代的時候,梁廣大成功利用國務院領導來珠海視察的機會,說服中央首肯「伶仃洋大橋」的方案,由國家計委正式立項。不過,當珠海將此方案轉交給當時在英國管制之下的香港,希望大橋在香港上岸,並表示只要香港政府同意,不用香港出資的時候,這一方案被末代港督彭定康否決了,給出的理由是大橋上岸處位於屯門,不符合香港的交通運輸布局。回歸後則港熱粵冷但回歸後的數年間,香港經濟低迷。而且此時隨�深圳港口的崛起,珠江東岸的出口貨物不一定需要經過香港再出口,這對已經多年居於世界貨櫃吞吐量第一的香港構成很大壓力。於是香港開始寄望於通過建設一條大橋連接珠江西岸,把東岸「前店後廠」的模式複製到西岸去。然後在西岸製造的工業品再用貨櫃車通過大橋運到香港的碼頭,出口到世界各地,從而強化香港的港口物流中心地位。因此,香港方面對大橋的興趣有了一個很大的轉變,主動提出建設港珠澳大橋。但此時廣東的經濟實力和經濟結構已經發生很大變化,兩地政府對待港珠澳大橋的態度變成了「港熱粵冷」。廣東省政府提出大橋可能對珠江生態和環境產生影響,還可能會影響到北江大堤。同時,由於當時的深圳市領導提出希望大橋在珠江東岸也建一個分支與深圳連接,港珠澳大橋又陷入單Y 和雙Y 方案之爭。到了2005-2007 年的時候,各方對大橋融資方案又出現分歧,久拖不�。汪洋來粵擔任省委書記之後,對粵港合作更加積極,情況才有所改變。中央最終拍板決定由中央和三地政府各自注入部分資本來興建港珠澳大橋。大橋終於得以動工興建。大橋貨運作用降低但此時國際國內的形勢已經發生了很大的變化。在國際金融海嘯的影響下,外部需求不振。中央明確提出要依靠擴大內需來促進文件倉濟發展作為長期目標。而廣東省更是提出要「騰籠換鳥」,逐步淘汰或轉移技術含量低的加工貿易型企業。珠三角東岸的眾多港資出口加工企業已經成為明日黃花。珠江西岸城市,也不再簡單複製過去東岸的「兩頭在外」的出口加工貿易模式,而是更注重內銷市場。這意味�即使將來歐美經濟復蘇,從珠三角西岸經港珠澳大橋進入香港的貨物不會如原先設想的那麼多。為大嶼山帶來機遇因此,建成後的港珠澳大橋的效用必定和當初的構想發生相當大的變化。使用大橋的汽車中,大型貨櫃車的比重會比預計的少,將來很可能出現的局面是「客運為主,貨運為輔」。而由於廣東和澳門的普通私家車不可以進入香港,因此使用這條大橋的車輛將主要是專營客運巴士和數量有限的兩地牌車輛。但與此同時,港珠澳大橋功能的變化會對香港帶來一些新的機遇。香港受益最大的將是香港機場及其周邊的大嶼山地區。香港政府公布的統計數字顯示,離島區(主要是大嶼山)已經取代元朗區,成為香港人均收入最低的一個區。雖然大嶼山擁有多項基建設施和各種資源,包括國際機場、海天碼頭、迪士尼樂園、國際會議展覽場地等。但這些設施卻未能帶動當地經濟發展和居民生活質素的提升,其中一個重要的原因是,這個地區現在處於香港區域�面一個交通盡頭的位置,只有一條公路及鐵路與香港其他地區連接,猶如地處「天涯海角」的一個孤島。但隨�港珠澳大橋和屯門與赤�角連接路(與深圳灣大橋相連)的建設,這個地區不但將成為香港的一個重要交通交匯處,而且還會一躍成為整個大珠三角地區的重要交通樞紐,能夠直接輻射珠三角東岸和西岸各市鎮。澳門、珠海、深圳、東莞及廣州南沙都可以在一小時之內到達大嶼山。因此,對於香港來說,這個投資累積逾千億元形成的交通樞紐,如果僅僅限於交通功能,那就太可惜了。香港需要利用這個機會,同時依托大橋和機場,把大嶼山北部地區發展成為一個綜合性的「橋頭經濟區」,通過各項商務、消費、旅遊、休閒設施的經營,吸引世界各地的旅客和周邊珠三角的五千萬居民來此進行消費和商務活動,令其成為一個人流、物流、經濟及旅遊消費的聚集地,成為香港一個新的經濟增長點。香港經濟新增長點過去香港對這種大型交通基建引導的發展模式重視得不夠,錯失了一些機會。以港深西部通道跨海大橋為例,深圳政府在大橋的深圳一側的後海地區積極規劃和發展商務和商業區,做大「橋頭經濟」。而香港一側的天水圍和屯門卻沒有任何與大橋配合的商業規劃。如果當時新界西北能夠利用這個大橋發展出一些面向珠三角居民的大型商業中心,就能帶動新界西北的發展和增加當地就業機會,天水圍也不會變得那�「悲情」了。因港珠澳大橋形成的交通樞紐所帶來的機會,香港不應該再失去了!作者為一國兩制研究中心總研究主任方舟存倉

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【本報消息】今屆“青年就業博覽會”活動昨日結束。主辦方估計入場人次逾四千四百多人,mini storage加上不少參展企業清晰地突出職位空缺的詳情及晉升制度,認為活動達預期目標。展望未來,將增加講座、工作坊場次,也會邀請未被關注、但具很大發展前景的行業作深入講解與推廣,刺激青年人的求職意慾。逾三千五空缺學聯與新青協前日起一連兩天假旅遊塔會展娛樂中心四樓大禮堂合辦“青年就業博覽會二○一三”活動,吸引六十個來自旅遊、地產、電訊、保險、博彩、酒店、工程、科技、物業管理、航空等領域單位參展,提供四十類工種、三千五百多個職位空缺。“青年就業博覽會”統籌劉佐春受訪稱,今屆活動規模及參展企業為歷年之冠,估計有逾四千四百人次參與。他表示,社會一直探討本澳居民晉升管理層的機遇,對企業有著促進作用。從整個博覽會職業配對情況來看,不論參展企業規模多大,明顯看到其設立了相當完善的人員培訓系統,如以擇優取錄方式聘請實習生,培育人才,增加了本地居民尤其是青年的晉升機會,負起社會責任。今屆博覽會self storage關注外地升學的本澳學生就業問題,因他們雖可循多渠道得悉尋找工作的資訊,但難以全面且深入地瞭解。對此,今年特意邀請物業設施管理、航空以及政府部門代表舉行多場講座、工作坊,增進求職者對行業的認知。吸收今屆經驗,計劃未來盡可加強分享元素,如增加講座、工作坊場次,也會邀請參加企業尤其是不少未被關注、但具很大發展前景的行業作深入講解與推廣,突出職位詳情。願付出必收穫有企業批評時下青年著重薪酬待遇高於發展空間。劉佐春認為,年輕人要有長遠目光,重視自身事業;不管擔任甚麼職位,都需要有承擔、實事求是,熟悉所屬企業的整個工作鏈,以及在社會上承擔何等使命。只要願意付出,其收穫定當成正比。社會有必要持續灌輸年輕人這種正向意識,讓他們及早投入角色,緊守崗位。談到時下企業人員流失嚴重,他回應指出,因應本地就業環境良好,失業率持續處於低位,企業流失人員是正常現象,但關鍵是要積極儲備後續人才。相信企業具備健全管理制度、企業文化,能清晰展示企業前景與信念,有利增加員工的歸屬感。迷你倉

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灕江巡邏。容科彪 文/圖“文明號長”令如劍出灕江,新蒲崗迷你倉山水風光秀甲天下。千千萬萬中外遊客在此流連忘返,150多個國家的300多位總統、首相等政要曾在此駐足,平均每月都有國內外政要考察、遊覽。灕江水上交通安全監管之重要性、艱巨性不言而喻。而灕江陽朔段,數十年沒有發生一起重大水上安全事故。聯合國世界旅遊組織官員曾在遊覽灕江後表示:陽朔在“世界級”山水資源面前,實施了“世界級”管理與服務!為“世界之江”贏得讚譽之一者,正是曾榮獲“全國海事系統文明執法示範窗口”殊榮的桂林陽朔海事處那些敢為人先、嚴格執法、技術過硬的“海事尖刀”。“非法漂游橡皮艇,全部查處!”4月28日,隨著一聲令下,灕江上兩艘海巡船向執法目標沖去,查處非法漂游橡皮艇20艘,勸阻外國遊客40人。發號施令者名叫孟令劍。他2006年畢業于航海院校,2012年3月任陽朔海事處負責人。2012年他率領的桂林海事局團支部榮獲“自治區青年文明號”殊榮,而他便是“青年文明號號長”。“‘孟號長’一到陽朔海事處,便敢於‘亮劍’!”不管是本單位的員工、還是在灕江上的船主和筏工都知道,他敢管、敢打、敢闖!以前單位內部管理制度不健全,台賬、執法記錄不完善,他一到任便建立62項內部管理制度,如今員工工作有章可循、單位台賬清晰、一年執法記錄達1000多條。頂著利誘和恫嚇,對影響旅遊秩序和水上安全的違法違規行為,孟令劍實施零容忍態度。去年來,他帶領執法人員巡航2.5萬公里,查處船舶、排筏違法違規行為200多起,糾正排筏不安全行為8000余次。去年,灕江運送遊客超500萬人次,沒發生一起等級以上事故。在灕江,排筏怎麼管?這在全國來說還是個新鮮事物。為此,孟令劍推動灕江1100多名筏工參加了培訓、考試、執證上崗;促成灕江成立排筏公司,實施統一購票、統一安排筏工、統一出發線路和時間,排筏亂象一時大為好轉。敢於挑戰歷史難題,他闖出一條有效監管排筏的新路mini storage。30余載�安全之航泛舟灕江,遊客如在仙境遊玩。而這片仙境的背後,有一位英雄,他守護灕江30余載沒發生一起一般等級以上安全事故。他叫張�安,陽朔本地人,陽朔海事處監督官,當地人稱他為“張督察”。“安全第一!快協調車船將遊客送回縣城!”去年4月29日,張�安帶隊巡查灕江,發現兩艘遊船準備乘載200名遊客游江,但這兩艘船配員不足、未辦理船舶進出港簽証,張�安及時、從嚴處置重大險情隱患。“咱們是老鄉,幫幫忙,高抬貴手,別罰款了。”5月7日,一個與他同鄉的筏工因違規搭載遊客,被他毫不留情地開出罰單。因為在家鄉工作,很多行政相對人都是他的親戚朋友,但他從不徇私情。“他是灕江上‘安全巡查嚴、要求自己嚴、辦理證件嚴’的‘鐵面督察’。”灕江上的船主、筏工無不知曉,張�安“嚴字當頭”開�了灕江上的長治久安。30年來,他經手辦理船舶進出港簽証沒有發生一起與簽証責任有關的水上交通事故,現場查處的違法行為全部及時整改完畢,最大限度地保證了船舶的航行安全。憑實幹興業揚名“灕江水位達到封航水位線,必須封航!”“天黑水急,也要救人!”5月8日,他向決策層提出灕江排筏游封航令建議,並于當晚駕著衝鋒艇,頂著洪流,冒險救出6名被洪水圍困的村民。他就是陽朔海事處技術員劉興斌,人稱“劉實幹”,從事船艇技術工作30餘年,曾獲廣西旅遊局頒發的“廣西旅遊車船最佳駕駛員”榮譽稱號。“去年5月,汛期灕江,洪流翻騰。一艘遊船因主機故障在灕江上失控,情況萬分危急。劉興斌收到求救信息後,及時趕到為該船維修主機、恢複動力,使船上80多名遊客脫險洪流。”同事陽可春說。劉興斌憑借高超的專業技術,不僅在防洪搶險中勇立潮頭,而且水上安監執法同樣離不開他提供的後勤保障與技術服務。在他的帶領下,船員們嚴格做好船舶的“管、用、養、修”工作,打造了“平時工作叫得響、關鍵時刻沖得上,緊要關頭救得起”的海巡船,從未因設備故障而影響執法任務的完成。self storage

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Slowing economy and sales restrictions in some cities As we expected, sales of light vehicles — including passenger and light commercial vehicles — in June continued May’s trends, rising 8.self storage5 percent year on year to 1.72 million units. Passenger vehicle sales reached 1.32 million units, slightly higher than May. Light commercial vehicle sales increased by 4.2 percent year on year to 400,000 units. Based on first-half figures, full-year sales of light vehicles are projected to hit 21.05 million units, up 12 percent year on year. Estimates for passenger vehicles remains high at 16 million units sold in 2013, up 14.9 percent, while the total for light commercial vehicles is projected to reached 5.1 million, up 4 percent. The SUV segment remained the main contributor to sales growth in June, when 286,000 units were sold, up 23 percent year on year. Strong SUV sales mainly came from newly launched models such as the Ford Kuga, Hyundai Santa Fe, Ford Ecosport and Peugeot 3008. The entry-level minicar and subcompact segments continued to perform sluggishly in the face of fierce competition from the compact cars and SUVs. The compact car segment performed much better, thanks to the strong demand for the Volkswagen Sagitar and Bora, and some other newly launched models. More than 3.3 million compacts were sold in the first half of the year, up 20 percent from 2012. Japanese brand vehicles continued迷你倉to lose ground in China, selling only 1.38 million units in the first half, down 11 percent year on year. In contrast, most non-Japanese carmakers increased sales, especially Korean carmakers, whose combined numbers in the first half surged 29 percent. As the economy slowed, we found that the strong 19 percent growth in vehicle sales in the first quarter “normalized” in the second quarter by rising 12 percent. As we mentioned in the previous executive summary, the risks of slowing sales growth continue to accumulate. We forecast growth in the second half will decline to 10.2 percent. As well, more regulations to limit new car purchases will probably be implemented in several second-tier cities in order to reduce air pollution. According to China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, 400,000 potential new vehicle sales could be eliminated, more than 2.5 percent of the total passenger vehicle market. To summarize, we retained our passenger vehicle forecast for 2013 at 16.07 million units, up 12.8 percent. We also retained light commercial vehicle forecast at 5.3 million units, up 6.2 percent. However, since no subsidy policies are expected in the second half and growth in fixed-asset investment was weaker than expected, we will decrease the light commercial vehicle forecast in the next few months. The writer is a market analyst at LMC Automotive, who can be contacted at XCui@lmc-auto.com 文件倉

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  • Jul 29 Mon 2013 10:58
  • 臺灣


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澳門青年企業家協會日前就關於珠澳跨境工業園區發展問題與會員企業舉行座談,存倉冀珠澳兩地政府繼續緊密合作,共同研究出臺的優惠政策,促進珠澳跨境工業園區轉型升級。同時呼籲本澳中小企充分利用《粵澳合作框架協議》優勢,優化產業結構和發展, 擴大兩地企業交流合作, 推進粵澳合作步伐。會長馬志成、常務副會長何嘉倫、理事長李居仁及秘書長林家偉等出席共主持座談會。 馬志成表示, 珠澳跨境工業區分兩個園區,其中澳門園區約0.11平方公里,珠海園區約0.29平方公里。2006年正式投入運營后,兩個園區發展情況不盡相同:澳門園區�由政府建造的工業大廈吸引幾十家企業進駐,包括製衣、電子、玩具、飲料、物流等,運作較為順利,另有多個地塊由企業自建廠房使用。珠海園區內共累計註冊企業約100家,總投資額約3億美元,其中澳資企業占七成以上。然而,隨著珠澳兩地經濟形勢的發展變化,受當初自身定位及通關、監管政策的影響,目前珠海園區發展現狀與當初設想相去甚遠,珠海園區內只有40多家企業在艱難運作,廠房空置率近70%。珠海園區難以看到工業園區本應由的車水馬龍,也聽不到轟隆作響的機器聲。珠海園區最初也曾吸引不少澳門企業入駐,但在這裡賺不到錢,只好撤離了,甚至一些企業已經關停破產。目前仍然在珠海園區堅守的企業也普遍存在經營壓力,勉強維持運營。由於園區經濟缺乏活力,珠澳跨境工業區專用口岸較冷清,鮮見車輛往來。 馬志成指出, 一是經濟形勢的重大變化。設立珠澳跨境工業區最早是由澳門部份成衣界人士提出,旨在應對2005年全球紡織品及成衣配額制度取消對澳門所帶來的衝擊,利用珠海的土地資源優勢和生產成本相對低廉優勢,推動澳門紡織成衣等傳統製造業轉型升級,解決澳門數萬紡織工人就業問題。然而澳門開放賭權后,勞動力也被博彩業旅遊業吸納,甚至出現短缺,這些紡織工人在園區廠房尚未建成時就已成功轉移就業,就業壓力不復存在。兩地政府對工業區重視程度日趨淡化,澳門製造業升級轉型動力不足,跨境工業區產業層次偏低,企業生存艱難。 二是部份政策與企業經濟的矛盾。珠澳跨境工業區實行24小時通關、專用口岸以及保稅區及出口加工區稅收政策,然而得天獨厚的政策優勢並未使跨境工業區實現其原本的設想、一些企業和園區管理者認為,導致出現這種狀況主要有幾個方面的原因:1、通關關卡重重。面積為0.4平方公里的園區設置了三道關卡,區外貨物出口需要報3次關,比普通工業區還要複雜。澳門和珠海兩個工業區分而治之,不能形成良性互動,兩地企業難以展開有效跨境合作。24小時通關政策只針對出入境人員而言,貨物無法做到24小時通關。 2、監管模式較繁瑣。由於澳門園區未封閉,作為專用口岸的跨境口岸聯檢單位監管制度與一般口岸無異,通關手續繁瑣。貨物由澳門入珠海存放採用備案制管理,但實際實施申報制,與正式報關程式無異,手續並無簡化。 3、園區配套不足,入園企業運營成本較自存倉。珠海園區內部允許工人住宿,企業只能每天用大巴接送工人。同時園區內也沒有配備食堂等生活設施,工人不願來此上班。此外,內地生產成本、勞動力成本不斷增長,也使園區發展工業的優勢逐漸消失。 2009年1月,習近平視察珠澳跨境工業區時,特別強調要積極推動珠澳跨境工業區的發展。《粵澳合作跨境協議》中明確,要推動珠澳跨境工業區(珠海園區)轉型,重點發展高端物流、展覽展銷、中轉貿易、服務外包等現代服務業,建設現代物流商務園區。澳門特區政府與珠海市政府在推動珠海園區轉型發展上也逐步達成了相關共識,確立了由加工業向商務服務轉型的發展方向,定位為面向澳門的物流配送基地和面對內地的進口商品展銷中心。去年8月28日,珠澳跨境區進口街正式開幕營運,首家進駐的澳門宇上品公司開門迎客,標誌著珠澳跨境工業區轉型升級邁出實質性的步伐。作為澳門業界,我們期待兩地政府繼續緊密合作,共同研究出臺相關政策,加快推進跨境工業園區轉型。 一是建議澳門政府和廣東省政府共同向中央申請橫琴有關優惠政策適用於跨境工業區珠海園區,主要包括:1. 珠澳跨境工業區珠海園區保留現監管設施及『一二線設置』,實行橫琴新區通關政策,按照『一線』放寬,『二線』管住、人貨分離、分類管理的原則實施分線管理;2. 二是允許珠澳跨境工業區珠海園區內居住人員;3. 允許在珠澳跨境區內建設商務酒店、餐廳、商場等商業性生活消費設施和開展商業零售等業務,重點發展物流配送、展覽展銷、商務服務等產業。 二是建議政府部門與珠海市政府共同幫助澳門中小企業『零門檻』、『零費用』進駐珠澳跨境區進口街。希望通過珠澳兩地政府合作,為澳門中小企業進駐珠海園區審批提供『一站式』服務,實現『零門檻』;希望由澳門有關行業協會牽頭、特區政府從資金、政策方面給予支援,幫助澳門中小企業進駐珠海園區,如政府支持對珠海園區有關工貿大廈進行改造,以更優惠租金轉租給有意進駐珠海園區的澳門中小企業,甚至對澳門中小企初期店鋪租金實現『零費用』。發揮澳門商貿服務平臺作用,通過品牌代理、連鎖加盟等形式幫助澳門中小企業到內地發展,使珠澳跨境區成為彙聚全球優質正貨的展銷平臺和進口商品的集聚地和消費地。 三是建議聯檢部門通關便利化。建議推動海關、檢驗檢疫等部門加強對監管模式、通關手段的創新,推動聯檢部門資訊共用、查驗結果互認。支持一些政策在珠澳跨境工業區先行先試,破解一些跨境合作的制度性問題。 四是建議加快鴨涌河污染問題治理。跨境工業區緊臨鴨涌河,希望政府能夠給出整治鴨涌河生態環境的具體時間表,解決這一環境污染問題。 討論會上,會員及企業積極發言。有會員關注現時報關程序繁瑣以及報關成本高,也有會員反映現時園區內難以請人等問題。澳青企協綜合會員意見後, 將於短期內前往拜會跨境工業區有關部門, 以探討協調本澳中小企在珠澳跨境工業區發展過程中把握的機遇,促進青年企業投入粵澳區域合作與發展。 迷你倉新蒲崗

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http://bjyouth.ynet.com/3.1/1307/29/8168763.html...  “7月24日,儲存倉北京鐵路局通過微博發佈消息,稱目前北京站和北京西站等客運站為照顧“老幼病殘孕”乘客,均開闢了“愛心通道”。然...

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新西蘭旅遊簽証對中國申請者補加新規新西蘭移民局要求中國的旅遊簽証申請者,迷你倉庫在申請之前,必須在中國居住兩年以上。據報道,暫停工作學業、背著背包到異國他鄉邊旅遊邊打工,這是很多年輕人增加人生閱歷的一種方式。新西蘭移民局近年來把申請者的雅思成績要求提高到5.5分。除此之外,今年新增加一項是,在申請之前,申請者必須在中國居住兩年以上。據瞭解,這類型的簽証為期1年,申請者必須為18-30歲的中國公民等條件此次依然沒變。德國打出“自駕游”招牌吸引中國年輕遊客以“年輕就要去德國”為主題,近日德國旅遊局與Travelzoo旅遊族等各個主流在線旅遊平台建立了戰略合作,主打“自駕游”招牌,專門吸引中國年輕遊客。據世界旅遊組織的估計,中國海外游市場將在2020年將達到驚人的1億人次,世界各國都在為這個巨大市場的到來而進行戰略布局。為此,德國旅遊局將2013年針對中國市場的策略定為“青年人旅遊”,向中國年輕一代推廣德國的文化形象。並且,還特別發佈了中英文手機APP,為中國年輕人自駕游提供旅行錦囊。並針對性地為中國年輕遊客設計了包括古堡之旅、南部德國豪車之旅等9條各具特色的自駕游線路。9月北京門頭溝徒步將帶動京郊新休閒中坤杯第四屆北京國際山地徒步大會報名工作日前正式�動。本屆徒步大會以“徒步古道古村落,引領休儲存新生活”、“徒步京西、樂享四季”為主題,由北京市體育局、門頭溝區人民政府、北京市體育總會、北京市民間組織國際交流協會聯合主辦,將于9月14、15日在門頭溝區齋堂鎮舉行。本屆大會共設置5條徒步線路,9月14日進行100公里極限挑戰、30公里原生態、20公里千年古剎三條徒步線路,15日進行20公里水庫風情、10公里紅色之旅兩條徒步線路。網絡“淘”票正流行 百家景區聯合促銷眼下正值7月份暑期旅遊旺季,不少市民籌備著帶孩子出游放鬆。各大旅行機構顯示,以家庭為單位的親子游成暑期出游主力軍,各地的主題樂園、水上世界、海洋館炙手可熱。值得關注的是,隨著市民消費形式的改變,越來越多的市民選擇網絡“淘”票,不僅能享受優惠的價格,還能獲得便捷的服務。業內人士告訴記者:“從今年的景區門票預定情況來看,親子游依然是出游的主力軍。”為了讓更多的家庭在暑期享受旅遊快樂的同時享受優惠的價格,同程網在九周年之際聯合數百家知名景區舉辦“同程九年 冰點狂促”大型促銷活動,屆時市民通過同程網在線預訂景區門票均能享受優惠的價格,如杭州極地海洋世界門市價180元(網絡預訂120元);大明山市價135元(網絡預訂88元);杭州野生動物世界門市價180元(網絡預訂170元,7.15-8.30暑期兒童免費)。(實習生 劉慧萍綜合)新蒲崗迷你倉

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昨天上午,自存倉三個身著漂亮的中式傳統服裝的模特走在王府井大街上,繁複精緻的刺繡和華美奪目的款式吸引了�多遊客的目光,展示了中國傳統服裝的精髓。晨報記者 王穎/攝

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原本已想好此篇文章的內容,文件倉執筆前,看到報上本澳作者何瑪麗的旅遊介紹,被其中的文字所觸動,臨時更改了文章的話題。 容許我搬字過紙一次,因為以下的文字深深觸動了我的思?。 “華沙是波蘭首都,歷史上屢遭浩劫,尤其是一九四四年的華沙起義,希特勒揚言要在短期內消滅波蘭,百分之八十五的房屋被德軍炸毀。波蘭人出於對祖國建築文化遺產的熱愛,華沙大學建築系的師生們把華沙古城的主要街區、重要建築物都作了測繪記錄,把這些圖紙資料全部藏到山洞裡,房屋街道雖然炸毀了,但它的形象資料卻保存了。 戰後重建華沙,蘇聯人主張要建一個嶄新的華沙。華沙大學的師生們把戰前畫的老城市圖紙拿出來展覽,人們逐漸形成了一致的意見,要恢復華沙原有古城的風貌,並最終迫使政府改變了原來的決定。當恢復華沙古城的消息傳開後,旅居在國外的波蘭人一下子歸來了三十萬,整個波蘭掀起高漲的愛國熱潮。華沙古城後來作為特例列於一九八○年《世界遺產名錄》。”保護文化遺產存倉�正意義是甚麼?上面的文字引起了我的反思。 近十年來,神州各地熱衷於發掘文化遺產,有價值的被爭先恐後地開發,不少歷史街區被“打造”成另類的“主題樂園”,重申報、輕保護的現象屢屢皆是。而沒具太大價值的,雖然有些已被評為文物,仍然消失於推土機下,敵不過發展的巨輪。 文化遺產固然可以作為旅遊資源,但是旅遊與經濟價值,絕非文化遺產的唯一與全部意義。 看看波蘭人在二戰後重建華沙古城,並非只出於打造“世遺”與旅遊目的地,而是對自身民族文化與歷史的�誠熱愛。戰火可毀滅城市的樓房,卻不能摧毀一個民族的團結,災後的重建更增強了民族的自信心、凝聚力與歸屬感,這些都是創建未來的堅實基石。 成文於“澳門歷史城區”申遺成功八周年之際、立法會為新文遺法作最後階段的審議,望能以此短文,引起社會對文化遺產保護�正意義的思考。 tianzh.mo@gmail.com http://tianzh.blogspot.com/ 田中泓 自存倉

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