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為籌編明(103)年度政府總預算,迷你倉出租經建會、交通部、財政部三大部會將被迫賣股票,除已知處分國發基金手中台積電持股外,其他持有上市櫃股票也評估中,初估須處分包括中華電、兆豐金、第一金、合庫等標的,釋股總額超過800億元。 這是馬政府近5年首度編釋股預算籌措財源。 政府知情人士說,此次處分國發基金持股,嚴格說不能稱為「釋股」,因多數不會直接處分,而會依證交法22條之2洽特定人出售,擬洽政府四大基金承接,且採分散標的釋出,以免對股市產生動盪衝擊。 103年度總預算籌編困難,一度缺口高達3,000億元,上週副院長毛治國密集與各部會協調,希望釋股以彌補歲入缺口800億以上。歲入方面,央行再度蟬聯盈餘繳庫第一名,挹注1,800億元財源;第二名是國發基儲存倉,明年盈餘繳庫超過350億元。 國發基金持有台積電6.38%股權,這次釋出不及0.7%,依股價計可挹注國庫180億元;此外,該基金持有世界先進等12∼13檔上市櫃股票也列入釋股標的規劃中。 另外,交通部持有中華電信也被相中,目前公股持有35%,計畫洽特定人釋出1∼2%,至少為國庫貢獻繳庫1、200億元,但不影響公股在中華電董監席次的布局。 公股行庫部分,為兼顧金融政策,公股主導權地位等考量,選擇股價及獲利表現均不錯的兆豐、一銀、合庫等公股行庫為釋出標的,但釋股比率都不大。 馬政府曾在97年度編列中華電釋股7%作追加預算財源,但遭藍綠立委聯手擋關,98年編台菸酒釋股30%被凍結,在立院附帶決議反對下,近年皆未再編釋股預算。(相關新聞見A2)迷你倉沙田

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☉本報記者 王誠誠 王慧娟對於收益分毫必爭的債券投資,迷你倉庫每一個較大級別的波段,都是債基管理人彎道超車的絕佳時機。今年上半年的債市,就為基金管理人提供了這樣的土壤。回顧近期業績,金鷹公司固定收益團隊可謂打了一場漂亮仗,在過去一年裡,金鷹基金管理的固定收益類基金淨值增長達8.06%,在可比的58家基金公司中排名第2。針對該公司操作思路以及對債市頻發“黑天鵝”事件,記者專訪了該公司投資總監邱新紅。資產配置+優選券種助力業績領跑“從債券行情來看,2013年上半年信用債表現相對較好,能夠把握個券風險並杠杆適當的債基都能取得較高收益。此外,一季度權益類市場較大級別的反彈,也給可以並且參與此類配置的管理人帶來絕佳機會。”回顧上半年的債券市場,金鷹基金投資固定收益總監邱新紅表示。憑借自身豐富的海內外投資經驗,邱新紅帶領的金鷹固定收益團隊過去一年中成績斐然。海通證券數據統計顯示,2012年7月1日至2013年6月28日期間,金鷹基金管理的固定收益類基金淨值增長達8.06%,在可比的58家基金公司中排名第2。此外,邱新紅自己管理的數只基金也表現優異。截至6月28日,金鷹保本近兩年以11.78%的淨值增長高居同類榜首,而今年上半年該基金也以5.46%的收益排名同類第1;同樣由其管理的金鷹持久回報最近一年以8.06%的收益位居110只同類基金第4。觀察上述基金操作,與邱新紅市場判斷相得益彰。據透露,金鷹旗下一些債基表現較好一定程度上是由於抓住了1-5月債券市場比較好的行情。另外,大類資產的合理配置也對金鷹旗下債基的良好表現具有一定的貢獻,以金鷹保本為例,在一季度時適當加大了權益類資產的配置比例,並及時進行了盈利兌現,大類資產的配置能力也對金鷹保本基金上半年良好的表現具有一定的貢獻。債市整體信用風險可控受6月末開始的“錢荒”衝擊,債市陡轉直下,調整壓力重重。此外,伴隨債券市場罕見的信用降級頻發事件,上半年牛氣沖天的信用債漲勢也“戛然而止”。上述因素疊加,儲存得債市近期調整氛圍濃重。“信用債評級下調,我們認為是一種正常狀況,畢竟中國債券市場上未出現實質性的違約現象,但是對於一個逐步發展的債券市場而言,債券出現實質性的違約是遲早應該出現的一個狀況,尤其是在現在信用債發債主體越來越多的條件下。”邱新紅表示,對部分行業的債券持謹慎態度,但是,目前債市整體信用風險仍然是可控的,經濟不大幅下滑的情況下應該不會出現整體的信用風險。而針對資金成本能夠回落到上半年水平,邱新紅認為,短期資金成本是受多種因素影,尤其央行公開市場操作。而央行公開市場的操作要考慮多種因素,如經濟狀況和通貨膨脹狀況,存在一定的不確定性,因此短期資金成本中樞是不是上行還是不確定。“但是從近期央行公開市場操作的逆回購的量來看,下半年資金面難以再出現今年1季度的相對寬鬆狀況,同時6月份資金面如此緊張的狀況也是難以出現,貨幣市場利率應該保持在一個較為穩定的水平。”綜合上述判斷,邱新紅認為,債市調整應該說還處於進行中,還未到尾聲。他坦承,首先由於資金成本仍處於相對高位,較高的資金成本使得投資者有降杠杆的壓力;另外,審計署對地方政府性債務仍在審計中,在審查結果出來之前在一定程度上制約城投類企業債的表現。把握四季度債市入場良機不過從中長期看,由於債市基本面尚未發生變化,上述事件性機會恰恰給市場帶來入場良機。針對後市債基表現以及下半年資產配置,邱新紅認為,由於經濟基本面短期反彈可能下不大,通脹水平尚處在較低水平,隨著央行連續逆回購維持資金成本,下半年債券仍可配置。“下半年我們仍然是相對看好債市的,畢竟短期經濟還沒看到明顯的反彈的信號,通脹仍然不高,資金成本雖然較高但是近期仍相對穩定,另外,經過6、7月份的調整,目前債券收益率處於一個相對較高的水平,投資者可以根據自己的風險承受能力選擇適合自己的債基。”針對具體買入時點,邱新紅表示,看到資金面比較寬鬆或者經濟下滑較明顯時應該是個不錯的買點,當然投資者也可以根據債券收益率調整狀況逐步的買入債基。新蒲崗迷你倉

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□中國銀河證券策略團隊7月主要經濟數據基本好于預期,儲存向市場傳遞企穩的積極信號,同時預計央行將繼續在公開市場進行逆回購投放流動性,大盤有望繼續企穩回升。另一方面,成長股在反彈9個月後基本進入分化的時間窗口。回顧7月份,成長股的絕對優勢導致了“成長投資理念”的大一統,但調整腳步也開始漸行漸近。成長股需要休整夯實,但在分化和夯實之後,市場將繼續探索成長的方向。宏觀環境偏暖經濟數據向市場傳達積極的信號,短期大盤有望繼續企穩回升。7月經濟數據公佈,物價方面,CPI同比增長2.7%,低於市場預期,暫時處在一個相對溫和的位置;PPI同比下降2.3%,降幅繼續收窄,企業盈利有望回升。增長方面,工業增加值同比增長9.7%,比上月上升0.8個百分點,超出市場預期,表明工業經濟經營活動有所好轉。固定資產投資增速繼續穩定在20.1%,社會消費品零售總額增速為13.2%。同時,7月進出口均出現明顯回升,表明內外需均在企穩。聯繫之前公佈的7月PMI數據,我們認為三季度經濟狀況好于此前市場預期,短期大盤有支撐,有望繼續上漲。8月流動性環境好于7月。上周央行在公開市場繼續進行逆回購,周二進行120億元7天逆回購,中標利率為4%,比此前一周下降0.4%;周四進行150億元14天逆回購,中標利率為4.1%,同樣比此前一周下降0.4%。逆回購的“縮量降價”發行表明央行有意引導銀行間資金價格下行,但利率中樞依然高於今年5月份之前的水平。另外,央行在二季度貨幣政策報告中披露,7月對兩期到期的三年央票進行續做,“鎖長放短”的操作方式表明央行對於流動性的判斷仍不明確,希望加強對短期流動性的管理,使其保持中性偏緊平衡。但周四公佈的7月進出口數據,顯示當月外貿實現順差178億美元,大超市場預期。我們認為,7月外匯占款的投放規模可能會比6月高一些。整體看,8月流動性環境好于7月份。成長股進入分化期根據我們的研究,成長股是有自身運行節奏的,即反彈9個月進入分化的時間窗口。歷次底部反彈的規律大致是:第一個月並無風格上的規律新蒲崗迷你倉此後六個月小盤股跑贏大盤50%以上;到第九個月的時候,成長股的超額收益不再擴大,成長股內部也出現明顯分化。從時間節奏上來看,創業板的反彈已經延續了8個月,已經進入第9個月,基本進入調整分化的窗口。回顧7月份,成長股的絕對優勢導致了“成長投資理念”的大一統,這也佐證成長股的調整腳步漸行漸近。但是,第一輪分化調整往往並不是泡沫破滅,而是一次去偽存真。當前創業板距離所謂的泡沫崩潰還比較遠,調整時間不會太長。從過去的經驗看,僅需要3個月左右的時間來消化。此時,應該梳理成長股的思路,為下一輪布局。對美國成長股的梳理髮現,成長股主要集中在三大領域:科技、醫藥和消費。在成長股的調整分化之際,我們應循著這三個思路,結合商業模式判斷,在調整分化中進一步優選,做好長期布局。總的來說,科技看景氣和普及率,醫藥講故事和創新能力,消費靠品牌和商業模式。減持壓力有所增加解禁潮的到來將加劇成長股調整風險。未來一個月,全市場解禁市值超過1800億元,主板、中小板、創業板分別在1000億元、300億元、500億元左右。其中,創業板未來一個月解禁市值占其板塊總市值的比重近4%。以平均值來看,未來一個月全市場平均每天有60億元解禁,創業板每天則達到16.5億元。分行業觀察,在絕對金額上,傳媒、機械、軍工、交運、電子、電力設備、食品飲料、醫藥解禁金額均在80億元以上;在解禁市值占總市值比重上,軍工、傳媒、紡織服裝、均超過2%,壓力較大。解禁潮的到來可能伴隨的是產業資本的大量減持,尤其是創業板與中小板,這將加劇成長股的震蕩風險。在具體品種方面,改革無牛市,轉型靠成長。改革就是對傳統產業的整頓,傳統產業應在理順整頓邏輯的基礎上,買入能夠穿越周期的行業寡頭和適應轉型的持續創新者。當然,更多的精力應探索轉型的方向,趨勢比估值更重要。結合中國轉型的特點,在成長股的分化後,我們持續推薦八大板塊:服務消費(含傳媒)、大�品牌、軍工、環保、工業機器人和3D打印、消費電子—可穿戴設備、嬰幼兒產業(含醫藥)、老年產業(含醫藥)。mini storage

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Everyone is for increasing transparency, even central bankers.文件倉 Just this month, European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi reaffirmed his commitment to “forward guidance”, a new policy he has introduced to the bank. He promptly informed markets that he intended to keep interest rates low for “an extended period”. He was followed by the new Bank of England governor Mark Carney, who has vowed to do the same until British jobless rate falls below 7 per cent.Both were acting in response to their American counterpart Ben Bernanke, who might have been a tad too transparent last month when he talked about tapering – or phasing out the Fed’s massive bond buying to keep rates low. He was so precise as to give a timetable: subject to improving economic conditions, it may start at the end of this year and end by the middle of next. That spooked markets around the world and caused the only major correction so far this year.Data about the US economic recovery and the latest quarterly company earnings have been lacklustre. Yet most developed markets have recovered. By their twisted logic, so-so economic improvement in the US is good news because it is seen as a reason for the Fed not to hurry into tapering存倉Bernanke’s predecessor Alan Greenspan had a reputation of speaking like an oracle. Not Bernanke. The Fed chairman prefers more direct communication. By being transparent, central bankers usually mean inflation targeting. Like the Bank of Japan, Draghi has said he targets 2 per cent inflation. He also plans in future to follow the example of the US Fed to release the minutes of policy meetings.But transparency can cut both ways. During the financial meltdown, the Fed’s priority was to reinforce market confidence and trust in the system. It did so effectively by making moral hazard its official policy. Savers were punished; speculators borrowing cheap money had a field day.The Fed has been transparent about tapering. But that’s just one part of the equation. Eventually, it will have to unwind assets from its massive bond buying programmes. The disposal of such assets must be done with no transparency in their timing so as not to reward some and punish others.There is a limit to clarity as to what the world’s major central bankers can say. After all, Draghi didn’t say exactly how “extended” this period of low interests would last. There is a necessary, even justified, vagueness in transparency.自存倉

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電影《華爾街》入面�名句「貪婪是好」,儲存倉令人容易將金錢世界同貪得無厭掛�,之不過,佛語有云「若見諸相非相,即見如來」,學星爺�《國產凌凌漆》話齋:「風筒只係佢表面�掩飾,佢其實係個鬚刨」,所以即使�市場打滾�金融界人士,亦可以跟佛理互融。由經濟盛衰睇因果聽聞,兩位醉心佛道�賓架──匯豐亞太區業務策略及經濟顧問梁兆基,同�生(011)執行董事馮孝忠,下月1號(星期日),會首次攜手,�一個名為「從心富起來」�心靈講座上,開壇講佛法。講座由新城電台聯同佛教雜誌《迷你倉沙田暖人間》主辦,內容環繞身心靈健康,假會展舉行,兩位資深市場中人,屆時會抒發銀行家眼中�佛、人生起跌感悟生命,同經濟盛衰睇因果報應等題目,聽落相當吸引。梁兆基謙稱,自己只係以一個非佛教徒�佛學愛好者身份,分享心靈富足�體會,同埋對財來財去�省悟,佢特別提醒華華,佢師傅兼港大佛學研究中心總監釋衍空法師�講論先至係重點。以在家居士身份修行�馮孝忠亦云,任何職業都一樣,冇分貴賤雅俗,只要符合佛理原則,皆可見佛境。李華華LiWaWa@AppleDaily.com 迷你倉價錢

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  • Aug 12 Mon 2013 13:58
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沉寂了3年,自存倉本地中小型銀行的音樂椅遊戲再度啟動。市場傳聞創興銀行(1111)被越秀集團相中,併購指日可待,復牌後股價飆升。點指兵兵,本地中小銀行買少見少,大新(2356)和永亨(302)最有機會在下一輪遊戲中跑出。香港商報記者張威紅 創興賣盤傳了好多年 3年前,工銀亞洲被母公司工行(1398)私有化,曾觸發本地中小銀行賣盤憧憬。當時本報寫過一篇《港資行待嫁創興永亨好事或近》,漫漫3年過後,終於傳來好消息,股價累計升幅接近五成。看好創興的理由是:本港老牌家族銀行中,該行的股權最為集中,當年廖氏家族持有創興48.6%股權,可大大降低併購的難度和成本。目前廖氏家族股權已經增至50.2%。 另外,當年創興的估值在四大家族銀行中最低,在作價方面「有得傾」;加上網絡範圍廣,全港分行達51間,是中小型銀行中最多。對未曾涉足本港銀行業務的準買家而言,此規模相當吸引,可以節省不少擴張時間。其四是有不俗的業績支撐。 過去10年10 樁併購 上周三,傳出越秀集團將作價65.9億至87.8億收購創興,市帳率介乎1.5倍至2倍。消息一出,旋即成市場焦點,一眾本地中小銀行股價跟�狂歡,當日大新銀行飆升14%。創興系則嚴陣以待,開市前宣告停牌,當晚再發出公告證實,有獨立人士向主要股東廖氏家族洽購創興銀行,但尚未達協議。 糧草未動兵先行,雖未達成要約,創興翌日復牌後大升超過17%,市場已看好這樁久違的「婚宴」。翻開歷史,過去10餘年,約有10家本地中小銀行被收購,買家來自中資、台資和星資,賣家包括友聯銀行、第一太平銀迷你倉新蒲崗、道亨銀行、華人銀行、港基國際銀行、華比富通、亞洲商業銀行、美銀亞洲及永隆銀行(詳見表)。 倘創興成功「出閣」,將是繼08年招商銀行(3968)購永隆銀行後,又一宗中資併購港銀案例。當年招行幾乎以歷史高價收購永隆,作價高達363億元,市帳率3.07倍,遠高於創興最多2倍的估值。可見,港銀賣盤非想像中那麼容易,當中間隔了整整5年。 本地中小行買少見少 本地中小銀行買少見少,再看餘下幾間銀行,數大新最符合市場胃口。首先,大新銀行分行網絡適中、股權集中度也高,截至去年底,大新金融(440)持有74.59%股權;另外,市帳率只有0.79倍,股東回報率(ROE)7.93%;加上近年發展進取,在信用卡和保險業務方面積極拓展。從其股價反應來看,已被市場認定是下一個併購大熱。 估值分歧為主要障礙 然而,有分析指,受估值影響,短期內難見到有港銀達成併購交易。美銀美林發表研究報告指,買賣雙方最難解決的是估值分歧,賣家期望能以較高的溢價出售,而買家盡量壓低價格。 該行續指,向來港銀的潛在買家為內銀,及區內的其他銀行,前者主要目的為擴大本港零售銀行業務,後者則為拓展其他地區業務。然而,透過併購港銀來建立業務版圖,將會越來越困難,由於本港零售銀行回報下降,中小型港銀的市佔率,近年又被本地及國際大型銀行搶走。 根據過往經驗,收購港銀的均有銀行業務,若越秀集團成功買盤,將成為首家進入港銀版圖的綜合性企業。資深投資銀行家溫天納指出,主要的中資銀行在港的布局幾乎已完成,未來再有收購將會集中在一些欲分散業務的綜合企業。迷你倉出租

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張涵隨著國際遊資從新興市場進一步撤離,迷你倉新蒲崗新興市場貨幣貶值已不可阻擋。彭博資訊追蹤的20種交易最活絡的發展中國家貨幣,過去三個月兌美元平均貶值5.3% 摩根士丹利最近更是給五個跌幅最大的新興市場貨幣取了個諢名——將南非蘭特、印度盧比、巴西雷亞爾、印尼盾和土耳其里拉稱作“脆弱五兄弟”。盡管中國最新公佈的強勁貿易數據提振了商品貨幣,南非蘭特曾在最近一周兌美元上漲近1.4%,但仍無法挽救整個新興市場貨幣的頹勢。印度盧比貶至破紀錄的61.805盧比兌1美元;巴西雷亞爾也觸及2.3162兌1美元的四年新低。且期權交易價顯示,印尼盾、里拉、雷亞爾都將繼續走貶。毫無疑問,投資者擔心美聯儲將可能在下個月退出貨幣刺激政策,從而導致資金逃離新興市場,這是新興市場貨幣承壓的直接原因,但其迅速下滑卻與國內經濟結構直接相關。印度、土耳其和南非的巨額經常賬戶赤字,令其本幣匯率、股價和債券價格都遭受了重創,使得這些市場更容易受到美聯儲退出貨幣刺激政策的影響,並導致資金成本增加。摩根士丹利表示,“脆弱五兄弟”愈來愈難吸引外國資本來填補貿易逆差。以貶值幅度較大的印度為例,在截至今年3月底的一個財年中,印度的經常賬戶赤字占GDP的比例為4.6%,達到880億美元,較上一財年增加了100億美元。印度同時還面臨著巨大的結構性挑戰,並且該國政客一直未能解決預算赤字問題,急需迷你倉出租經濟改革也無進展。布朗兄弟哈里曼銀行(BBH)新興市場貨幣策略師Ilan Solot表示:“印度集合了所有新興市場存在的漏洞。”他表示,阻止盧比匯率繼續下跌的理想方式是通過印度官方解決該國的預算赤字問題。事實上,赤字問題可能反映了一個更深層次的原因,那就是與發達市場相比,新興市場經濟活力的銳減。最新數據顯示,新興市場商業活動4年多以來首次收縮,7月匯豐新興市場服務業和製造業指數(EMI)跌至49.4,這是EMI自2009年4月以來首次低於50榮枯線,而前一個月該指數為50.6。這些國家製造業活動下降而服務業陷入停滯。而與此同時,7月美國PMI完成了5個月以來最高升幅,英國服務業PMI數據實現了2007年以來的最大躍升。美國7月製造業擴張速度創2011年6月來最快,發展中國家製造業卻陷于萎縮,為2009年來最差。中國經濟減速,拉低原物料價格,打擊從巴西鐵礦砂到馬來西亞棕櫚油等商品的出口需求。MSCI新興市場指數顯示,約有54%的成分企業第2季財報低於預期,而發達國家MSCI世界指數中僅有35%季報低於預期。MSCI新興市場指數8月7日收跌0.9%至937.86點,創7月10日來最低,使今年來跌幅擴大至11%;MSCI世界指數同期大漲14%。富國顧問公司策略師克里斯多福說:“市場等待美聯儲收回刺激措施,這對投資新興市場將變得更不利。”儲存倉

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Shanghai’s Disneyland will be a major beneficiary of the HK$314b Agbank loan to help the city make the most of its impending free-trade zone statusThe Agricultural Bank of China has just sprinkled a lot of magic over Shanghai in the form of a huge loan, and the beneficiaries will include Mickey and Minnie and friends.mini storageAgbank, one of the Big Four state lenders, has signed an agreement with the city government for a 250 billion yuan (HK$314 billion) loan – equivalent to 12.5 per cent of Shanghai’s GDP last year.The loan will help fund the government-controlled joint venture that is building China’s second Disneyland and pay for improvements needed to implement the city’s much-heralded free-trade zone.Senior government officials insist the loan does not mean Beijing will launch a nationwide economic stimulus package – as it did in 2008 – to ensure the world’s second-biggest economy grows 7.5 per cent this year, the target agreed by leaders, including President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang earlier this year.But the sources said Beijing did not rule out so-called “unofficial economic stimulus” to help key cities and provinces like Shanghai boost local economic growth.Other banks may quickly copy Agbank’s huge loan plan for Shanghai and support other areas such as Guangdong province, where the export industry has been badly hit, the sources say.Shanghai Mayor Yang Xiong and Agbank chairman Jiang Chaoliang signed the loan deal in Shanghai last Tuesday.In late 2008, Beijing announced a landmark 4 trillion yuan economic stimulus package to help keep the economy growing amid the meltdown in the West. It also announced a 10 trillion yuan loan expansion.But the stimulus package has been roundly criticised by scholars and even senior officials. Leading economist Wu Jinglian described it as “ridiculous”, as most of the money went to state-owned enterprises and big national infrastructure projects rather than helping private small and medium-sized companies, which often struggle to secure funding.Although SMEs make up more than 60 per cent of the mainland’s GDP and are a major source of jobs, the state-owned behemoths poured much of the extra money into real estate, creating asset bubbles and stoking public discontent about rising property prices.Five years on, the economy is weakening across the board, with even the previously robust retail and services sectors enduring shrinking revenue growth.According to an internal government memo, Agbank said it wanted to take a leading role in a new round of economic reforms in Shanghai and help upgrade the city’s infrastructure.Agbank would support “the construction of key international tourism and resort projects in Shanghai, in particular the Disneyland project” and it would self storagelso “play an active role in the construction of the Shanghai free-trade zone”, the memo says.Shanghai is facing economic challenges at home and abroad. Last year, its GDP growth was 7.5 per cent, behind the national rate of 7.8 per cent.On July 3, Beijing announced it would build the mainland’s first Hong Kong-style free-trade zone in Shanghai, which Premier Li described as a snapshot of an “upgraded Chinese economy”.Shanghai announced in 2009 that it would host the mainland’s first Disneyland theme park after years of speculation. It will be built in several phases, eventually being bigger than Hong Kong Disneyland.The Hong Kong theme park, majority owned by the city government, has struggled since it opened more than seven years ago and lost money until last year, though a series of recent expansions has led to hope of a turnaround.Like the Hong Kong park, the Shanghai development will be managed by a joint venture between the local government, which will own the project, and Disney. As well as funding construction, the loan is expected to help fund public transport and infrastructure improvements.The Shanghai park is due to open in 2015, setting the stage for an intriguing battle between Hong Kong and Shanghai on the tourist front that may parallel their tussle for the status of China’s leading financial sector.Beijing has declared its ambition to make Shanghai one of the world’s top three financial centres by 2020, putting it on a par with New York and London.Last Monday, the South China Morning Post reported that Beijing had delayed the announcement of rules for Shanghai’s free-trade zone as lawyers worked to close potential legal loopholes.But a source said Premier Li was still keen to launch the zone “as soon as possible”, so he personally supported loan arrangements like the one by Agbank to help the city get it started.The Shanghai free-trade zone is expected to be a testing ground for major policy reforms, including the liberalisation of interest rates and foreign exchange rates.The key man behind the loan deal is Agbank chairman Jiang Chaoliang, who has close ties with top leaders in Shanghai from his days as chairman of the Bank of Communications, the Shanghai-based lender partly owned by HSBC.It is considered rare for one bank to offer such massive loans to one party, even a local government. More commonly, banks form syndicates so they can bear the risks together.Meanwhile, the Shanghai government is lobbying Agbank to set up a so-called “second head office” in Shanghai as part of the city’s ambition to be a global financial centre. So far, Agbank has set up about 10 key departments in Shanghai, including its national data centre, credit centre and the head office of its private banking business.迷你倉

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Source: Odessa American, TexasAug.迷你倉沙田 11--Dean McCann looked for three years before he finally found a home.During that time, the 49-year-old Army veteran was living in a townhouse worrying about rising rent prices. While many have noted the difficulty in finding temporary housing, McCann said he wasn't having an easy time finding a permanent home either."Because of the oil boom, the house prices just started sky rocketing," the Odessa native said in a phone interview. "What we were going to do was wait for the house prices to go down, but just browsing over years, they didn't."Knowing there wasn't much he could do, McCann said he filled out a packet with Veterans United Home Loans and sent it to realtor Steve Oliver. The next day, McCann said Oliver showed him a three bedroom, two bathroom house that also included a two-car garage and an enclosed patio on the northeast side of Odessa."As luck would have it, that's the one we bought," McCann said, adding his mortgage is only $100 more than the rent he was paying for the town home.The City of Odessa, which city officials have estimated to have a population of around 140,000, is experiencing one of the biggest booms in the town's history. As droves of people continue to come into the area for work, the area is starting to see an increase in building permits for single family homesA single family home is described as a household that houses a single family.In June, city documents stated 75 new residential housing permits, up from 41 in June 2012. In May, the city had 67 new permits, 41 in April, and 58 in March. Since the beginning of the year, the city has a total of 337 new permits.The six month total surpassed was equal with the total number of housing permits issued in 2011 and, if the pace holds up, will surpass the 524 residential building permits issued during 2012."We're definitely seeing that (a growing housing) trend," Assistant City Manager for the City of Odessa Michael Marrero said.According to documents provided by the Odessa Development Corporation, the average home value in Odessa in 2012 was $119,362.With several new subdivisions in the works, Marrero said national residential building companies like D. R. Horton have taken noticed of the area and have permitted to build several homes in the area. City records state the company currently has 61 building permits for new residential buildings.Other construction companies, like Betenbough Ho迷你倉價錢es and Permian Homes LLC, are also listed as having several permits in Odessa.Most of the newer homes are currently scheduled to be built in the northern and eastern parts of Odessa, which Marrero said is currently part of the city's plan for expansion."I think with the continuing growth of the oil industry ... I think there's going to be a greater demand for residential areas."State Demographer Lloyd B. Potter said in a previous Odessa American story migration patterns that involve work usually see single men come into area, not looking for permanent housing. However, he added, married men, who usually come into the area alone, will bring their families with them at a later time and start looking.Gayle Hirsch, president of the Odessa Board of Realtors, said in the past few months, she has seen an increase in the number of people looking to buy homes. However, Hirsch added, it's sometimes hard to put people into homes."A lot of the people coming in from the oilfield and don't have the credit to buy a home," Hirsch said. "We also have a lot of people coming in that you can consider white collar ... and it's easier for them to buy a $250,000 home than someone looking at $100,000 or less."On average, Hirsch said, a buyer needs a credit score of about 640 and about three open lines of credit that they haven't defaulted on. Some of the examples she used were cell phone bills, paying rent on time, credit cards."A lot of these kids will take out a lot of credit cards in college and not pay them and that will drop your score," Hirsch said.Working as a field superintendent for an oil company in Midland, Eric Copley said he and his family were originally from Carlsbad, N.M., and were looking in the area for "six to eight months" while looking for a home.In that time frame, Copley said he and his wife looked at about 20 homes before buying a five bedroom home in Gardendale. The hardest part of his search, he added, was finding something that fit what he and his wife were looking for."Yeah, it took a while for us to find what we were looking for," Copley said. "There were all sorts of available homes, but we were looking for a certain acres."--Contact Nathaniel Miller on twitter at @OAgovernment, on Facebook at OA Nathaniel Miller or call 432-333-7769Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Odessa American (Odessa, Texas) Visit the Odessa American (Odessa, Texas) at .oaoa.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉庫

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In the move towards greater gender diversity, how we get there is as important as getting there.文件倉 By MAK YUEN TEENIN AN upcoming report on board diversity in nine Asia-Pacific economies, Singapore does not fare well when it comes to gender representation.With female directors forming just 6.8 per cent of the board members, Singapore ranks behind Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, China and Hong Kong.This study, a collaboration between Korn/Ferry International and myself, is an update of a 2011 study and added two other economies - Japan and South Korea. It is based on the largest 100 domestic listed companies in each of these economies. Singapore only ranks ahead of three economies where gender inequality in society is widely recognised - India (5.8 per cent), South Korea (2.4 per cent) and Japan (2 per cent).There is a problem of boards not adequately tapping into the pool of potential female director candidates, and missing out on better diversity of viewpoints, skills and experience.When we consider that women make up 29 per cent of chief financial officers of companies listed on the Singapore Exchange, the high proportion of women in many professions and industry sectors, and that female graduates have outnumbered male university graduates in many disciplines, including accounting and business, since at least the mid-1990s, it is not just a leaking talent pipeline we are talking about in Singapore. The pipeline to the board has burst as far as women are concerned.Clearly, something needs to be done, but what? There is a great temptation to focus only on the numbers (the symptoms), but not enough on the causes. In addressing the lack of gender diversity, how we get there is just as important as getting there.This brings me to a Bloomberg BusinessWeek article which caught my attention a few months ago on a long flight to New York. In this article, a female director who currently sits on the boards of some of the most "blue chip" of US companies, shared advice on how women can get onto boards. She recounted how she got her first break.She was 28 and vice-president of sales at a small vendor to cable companies. She decided she wanted to get elected onto the board of a national association, so she called up all 2,000 members to get them to vote for her. She got elected on her second try. At that time, she was "at least three management levels down" from everyone else on the board. She started writing a newsletter and "befriended all the CEOs". That helped her get business for her company, but she also got to know people who recommended her onto boards that they served on. She also got her first CEO job through her board connec存倉ions, having served on boards with many of those who recruited her to be CEO.As I reflected on this director's experience in getting onto boards, it reminded me of the advice that I have heard or read given to women seeking to be directors - "go and network", "trumpet your achievements", "make yourself known".Then I started getting worried that in the great desire to reach an important destination - having better gender diversity on boards - women fall into the same trap as many men by repeating what they have done - getting onto boards purely through connections.By her own admission, the woman in that article was "at least three management levels down from everyone else" on the first board she was elected onto. While a board needs a diversity of viewpoints, experiences and backgrounds, and not every board member needs or should be a CEO or ex-CEO, it does need people who are appropriately qualified to be able to make a difference. Her experience actually shows the flawed process which many boards use to recruit directors, where networking is such an essential part of it.I also wondered whether her keenness to get onto boards means that she would be too afraid to offend others by disagreeing with the CEO or fellow board members. Can shereally be independent if she is so keen to get onto boards through networking?An important reason why many boards are in a bad state today is because they have the wrong people, recruited through flawed search and nomination processes. There is too much reliance on an old boys' network and too many "Superman" directors who keep getting onto more boards because of mistaken impressions that they are the real deal.There is clearly a need to improve the search and nomination processes of boards through much greater pressure exerted by regulators, investors and other stakeholders. Better means to identify "board ready" female candidates and to develop more female board candidates are important. Setting targets or getting companies to do so can ensure that we stay on the right track towards improving gender diversity.What we want is to have the poor (mostly male) directors shunted off boards and replaced by better directors, including the most qualified women candidates. This does not mean that they must have served on a listed company board before (this has never disqualified men when they joined the first board). What we do not want is an old boys' network becoming a golden girls' network, and "Superman" directors being replaced by those dressed up in "Wonder Woman" costumes.The writer is an associate professor in the NUS Business School and chairs the judging panel for the Investor Relations Award自存倉

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Source: Alaska Journal of Commerce, AnchorageAug.迷你倉價錢 08--Alaska Communications Systems Group Inc. announced its second quarter results Aug. 1, posting a strong performance including increased revenue and progress toward debt reduction.The telecom's second quarter revenue was $97.7 million, up $7.7 million, or 8.6 percent, compared to the second quarter of 2012.Alaska Communications also continued its debt reduction program, and is on track to complete $100 million in debt reductions this year, with $30.4 million paid off in long-term debt through the end of the second quarter, and an additional $65 million payment coming in July from the closing of the Alaska Wireless Network transaction, which provided ACS with certain cash payments from General Communication Inc., or GCI.ACS and GCI closed on AWN, which merges the companies' infrastructure, after receiving federal regulatory approval in July. AWN began operating July 23.Overall, ACS President and CEO Anand Vadapalli said he was pleased with the company's performance."Our results for the quarter were stellar," Vadapalli said.At the end of the second quarter, the company's net debt was $509.9 million, down from $546.8 million at the end of the second quarter of 2012.The telecom also offered investors guidance on its expected revenue for the rest of 2013 for the first time this year during its Aug. 1 investor call."Now that the Alaska Wireless Network has closed, we'll also provide a longer term view of our business," Vadapalli said during the Aug. 1 call.For 2013, the company expects revenue in the range of $340 to $350 million for the full year.That's based on the known $188.7 million in revenue for the first half of the year, plus the telecom's expectations for the second half. Business and wholesale revenue are expected to decline slightly as backhaul moves to AWN, and wireless roaming will also move to AWN, changing that figure. Consumer and wireless service revenue is expected to hold steady. Access line revenue should increase, according to the telecom, while CETC will likely decrease about 10 percent due to rule changes.The company expects adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization, or EBITDA, of about $105 million to $110 million, capital spending of about $50 million, cash interest expense of about $35 million, free cash flow of about $20 million to $25 million, and net debt at the end of the year of about $420 million to $430 million.The growth in revenue this quarter was driven largely by a $6.1 million increase in roaming revenue.Aside from the growth in roaming reve迷你倉庫ue, Alaska Communications saw the strongest growth in business and wholesale revenue, up $2.2 million or 8.7 percent compared to the same quarter in 2012, and wireless revenue, up $5.4 million or 15.8 percent.Wireless subscribers were up 328 compared to the prior quarter, and both business and consumer broadband connections increased compared to the prior quarter as well.The telecom also saw a decrease in its cost of service and sales. That metric was down $2.9 million to $37.2 million, largely because the cost of devices and accessories was down $4.9 million compared to the same quarter of 2012.Labor costs were up, however, driving an overall increase in the cost of selling, general and administrative costs of $1.9 million, or 7.5 percent, compared to the second quarter of 2012.Some metrics continued to fall, such as consumer access lines, which was down to 52,438 compared to 54,037 in the prior quarter, and business access lines decreased slightly from 80,770 in the first quarter to 80,517 in the second.EBITDA was up 32.9 percent year-over-year, at $33.9 million for the second quarter compared to $25.5 million for the second quarter of 2012, and cash interest expense and free cash flow were also up year-over-year.Capital spending, however, was down. AWN is also expected to strengthen the Alaska Communications cash flow. The company will receive preferential distributions of $50 million for the first two years, and then a diminishing amount, and eventually just a share inline with its one-third ownership share of AWN.Of the $100 million the company received at closing, it used $65 million to pay down debt, another chunk is going to costs, and the company expected to have about $20 million to $25 million in liquidity. Alaska Communications was still deciding how to best use that money during its investor call.That is expected to mitigate other losses in cash flow, such as declines in high cost support, according to the telecom.Alaska Communications also announced build out plans with its quarterly results. It will work on a fiber-to-node build to improve broadband capabilities. That work will start in Anchorage, with a primary initial benefit to business customers.Alaska Communications stock has been on the rise, closing at $2.55 Aug. 1, and $3.15 Aug. 2 after its earnings report.More recently, the price Aug. 7 was $3.41, just off its 52-week high of $3.61.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Alaska Journal of Commerce (Anchorage, Alaska) Visit the Alaska Journal of Commerce (Anchorage, Alaska) at .alaskajournal.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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Source: Odessa American, TexasAug.迷你倉價錢 11--Last weekend, another family mourned the death of their beloved child -- another young person lost their life on the treacherous streets and highways in the Permian Basin.A rollover accident in the 8600 block of Highway 191 claimed the life of 20-year-old Dustin Wiginton when his Chevrolet Blazer collided with a Dodge Avenger and rolled several times landing in the eastbound lane of 191.Sunday in a Facebook post, his obviously heartsick father, Ricky Wiginton, asked if anyone remembered when people "used to drive with respect for other drivers around here." He pleaded with everyone to please people be careful, your life depends on it, my son Dustin was taken in a car accident on 191 Friday night..."Ricky is one of many parents, family members and friends who have lost loved ones on area roadways and tragically, the death toll continues to climb.I can say, Ricky, while people used to drive with a bit more courtesy in Odessa, the roads have always been a bit dicey. But the roads were not lined with folks trying to text or get somewhere in a hurry, or with as many 18-wheelers as is the case today. Back in the day, the fatal, tragic accidents almost always had to do with speeding.Remember the slogan "Drive Friendly?" Well, that's not the case around here anymore. Gene Powell, public information officer at the Texas Department of Transportation, wants to revive that mantra."We are seeing more wrecks and fatalities and it is about driving patiently and respectfully," he said.He's right, and he added that we are seeing plates from all 50 states down here and not everyone is used to our traffic patterns."It's not to say it's outsiders -- it's everybody," Gene said.He told me recently that they are installing wire cable barriers along I-20 from west Odessa to Loop 250 in Midland and this should be strong enough to stop an 18-wheeler from crossing the median. Well I'm putting in my request for another barrier along 191.But here's a scary thought. We need to be aware of what the folks driving around us are doing. Case in point, I heard a report the other day from someone who was driving down a busy highway and this person witnessed a girl with her feet on the dash, the steering wheel between her knees and what? A cell phone was in her hands. A fatal wreck waiting to happen.Ten years ago, we respected other drivers, Gene observed."Today, you can expect the worst from everyone around you," Gene said.Five years ago it was safe to come out of the H-E-B pa迷你倉庫king lot. Today it's not. So take alternate routes or "the roads less traveled." It may take a little more time, but what's time when you are making the road safer for everyone.As for the Wiginton family, our hearts reach out to them and the many other families who have tragically lost loved ones. And so did many, many others via Facebook posts."So very sorry for your loss. You are right. People now days are either super careless and don't pay attention because of their phones or they have such a huge sense of entitlement that they feel that they own their spot on the road and will run you off the road instead of be courteous and share the road," Shannon Krugman posted."My prayer is that Dustin's death be a learning experience for the many careless drivers in the area, and that people see how easily one lapse in judgment could take someone's child from this earth. God bless you in this time of hurt and prayers for your family and a change in this community!" wrote Stephanie Niemann Tibbets."I moved back here to be with the grand kids and my aging father after being in San Antonio for 21 years," posted Angela Fenton Ayers. "Thought coming back to West TX would be a good break from the traffic in San Antonio...yeah right. Have been rear ended and run off the road. Ran off the road on 191 when someone changed lanes, went across the center median into oncoming traffic lost control of the car on rocks skidded back across the direction I was going and ended up on the service road. Don't know how I kept the car upright. The lady did turn around and came to see that I was ok. I'm so sorry for your loss. God's peace to you and your family."Michelle Alexander Snell posted: " I cannot imagine the depths of your pain but I've had 4 friends who've lost their sons so I've seen the pain. I only hope you can find a tiny bit of comfort in the memories and stories you share about Dustin. ..Nothing is that important to be speeding like a fiend to get somewhere unless it's a real emergency."And finally, Dustin's father, who is a local truck driver, pleaded with drivers to slow down."I see every day people doing things and driving like there is no tomorrow, please let's change the way we think behind the wheel."Come on, folks, we can do this.Contact Celinda Hawkins on twitter @OAciti, on Facebook at OA Celinda Hawkins or call 432-333-7779.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Odessa American (Odessa, Texas) Visit the Odessa American (Odessa, Texas) at .oaoa.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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Source: The Baltimore SunAug.新蒲崗迷你倉 10--Whether the Carroll County commissioners meet to discuss zoning, the budget or other local issues, they start the same way -- with prayer.Commissioners take turns offering the prayer, often invoking God or Jesus. All five commissioners stand, as do any audience members who choose to, and then the lawmakers go ahead with their business."Prayer adds a certain sort of reverence to what we're about to do," says Douglas Howard, president of the Carroll County Board of Commissioners.That view is not unusual in the Baltimore area. Three counties open meetings with a lawmaker's prayer, and the Baltimore City Council begins with the words of local clergy. But a lawsuit scheduled to reach the Supreme Court this fall could affect the ways such prayers are made.The high court will review a ruling that a town near Rochester, N.Y., had violated the First Amendment ban on "establishment of religion." For years, the Greece town supervisor had invited a local minister to deliver an opening prayer at the council's monthly meeting. Members of the public attending the meeting were encouraged to join in the prayers.Two residents, one Jewish and one an atheist, complained for several years that the prayers were offensive and inappropriate. Until they sued in 2008, only Christians had been invited to lead the prayers.Seen through the eyes of a "reasonable observer," the town's prayer policy "must be viewed as an endorsement of ... a Christian viewpoint," the U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals said in ruling against the town. The Supreme Court agreed in May to hear the town's appeal.The case has led to an unusual agreement between the Obama administration and congressional Republicans that town councils should be allowed to open their meetings with a Christian prayer.Lawyers for the administration and two groups of lawmakers from the House and Senate, nearly all Republicans, separately made that argument in briefs to the Supreme Court last week. The high court should relax the constitutional limits on religious invocations at government meetings, they said.The American Civil Liberties Union disagrees and plans to file a brief supporting the plaintiffs in the New York case, said Daniel Mach, director of the group's Program on Freedom of Religion and Belief."The [Obama] administration brief takes a cramped view of religious liberty," Mach said. "It ignores the basic idea that government should never play favorites with faith. It suggests the town's practice in Greece was OK, notwithstanding [the] clear alignment of the local government with the majority faith. It suggests that government-sponsored sectarian prayer inflicts no harm."Mach said he hopes the Supreme Court affirms a lower court's decision that governments can offer prayer in public meetings, as long as it doesn't align the government with any one faith.Baltimore-area localities take a range of approaches to prayer at public meetings -- including no prayer at all, a moment of silence and spoken prayers offered by lawmakers or ministers. Baltimore County, for example, opens with a moment of silence. Anne Arundel and Harford, like Carroll, usually have invocations from lawmakers.But the prayer issue has sparked at least one lawsuit locally -- and a personal protest by an Annapolis alderman.Carroll County established its current practice in December, when the county altered its form of government -- opting to elect its commissioners by district -- and created a set of governing principles.Howard said the first thing he noticed about the outgoing commissioners was that they "didn't even say the Pledge of Allegiance, so I added that right away."Another commissioner suggested an opening prayer as another principle. "Everyone agreed, and we adopted that, too," Howard said, adding, "Prayer is a way of seeking guidance and wisdom."The Republican said the fact that prayers have tended to include Christian language should not be considered exclusionary because no one pressures the commissioners to pray in any particular way."If there were a Muslim commissioner, or an atheist, they could pray however they wished, or not pray at all, or invoke a moment of silence," he said. "After all, I wouldn't want anyone to tell me how to pray. It's a matter of free choice."Neil Ridgely of Finksburg has challenged that view. He's one of two plaintiffs who sued the county over the issue in May. The county has asked U.S. District Judge William D. Quarles Jr. to dismiss the lawsuit; he has not yet ruled.Ridgely, who attends most of the meetings, says that for several months, every commissioner has chosen a prayer that favors Christianity above other faiths, a fact he considers a violation of First Amendment freedoms."Believe me, we have Jewish people, we have Muslims, we have plenty of atheists in Carroll Cmini storageunty, and that pattern excludes them. It's offensive to me," he said.In Anne Arundel, both the County Council and the Annapolis city council open meetings with invocations offered by members. Most keep their remarks pretty general, though God is often mentioned.John Grasso, vice chairman of the County Council, said he prefers that colleagues keep comments short and sweet, "wishing the best for the meeting to go well."Grasso, a Glen Burnie Republican, supports prayer at meetings -- and in schools. But he said that doesn't mean everyone has to be subjected to a full sermon where "you feel like you're sitting in church."The County Council's invocation dates back at least to the 1960s, said Amy Tate, the council's legislative counsel. While the invocation was once the Lord's Prayer, at some point it was changed, and now council members offer their own thoughts, she said.There is one time a clergy member prays before the Anne Arundel County Council: at the beginning of the annual budget session.In Annapolis, when Alderman Jared Littmann's turn for the invocation came up in May, he made a point to say that he wouldn't lead a public prayer. Instead, he implored fellow aldermen to treat each other well and do their best to serve city residents. He posted a copy of his remarks on Facebook, where he drew a mix of supportive and critical comments.Littmann, who is Jewish, said he has no problem with people who are religious or who use religion as part of their support for an issue. But he draws the line at having a prayer as a formal part of a government meeting."It's not a matter of whether you are one religion or another. Some people, including myself, are uncomfortable in including religion in government proceedings," said Littmann, a Democrat.When his colleagues pray, Littmann stands quietly. He's not sure what he'll do for his next turn to give the invocation, but is considering asking people in the council chambers to shake hands with those around them "in the spirit of collegiality."The Harford County Council also has prayers offered by members, said Councilman Chad Shrodes, a Republican who represents the northern part of the county.Some council members change their prayer each time; others repeat the same prayer. Some opt to bring a clergy member from their district.When it's his turn, Shrodes tailors his prayer to any pertinent or pressing events in the community or the nation. He usually begins with "our heavenly father," which he hopes is "broad enough not to exclude anyone.""In any case, I've never heard any complaints," he said.Shrodes said Council President Billy Boniface, a Republican, always opens with the Serenity Prayer: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference."In Baltimore, City Council members recommend clergy members from their districts to give an invocation. The clergy are encouraged to be inclusive of people of all faiths, said Lester Davis, spokesman for President Bernard C. "Jack" Young, a Democrat."No one will get up and say specifically Jesus Christ. They're supposed to be speaking for all faiths and even nonbelievers," Davis said.Other localities shy away from prayer altogether.The Baltimore County Council starts meetings with a moment of "silent meditation."There are no prayers at any other public meetings in the county, either, spokeswoman Ellen Kobler said. "We recognize there's a lot of diversity in our county."Howard County Council meetings don't have a prayer at all, said Sheila Tolliver, the council's administrator. She said that's been the case at least since 1992, when she started working for the council.In Cecil County, the prayer issue sparked a recent debate.The county changed its form of government in December, and as the newly elected body set out to define regulations and procedures, Republican Councilwoman Diana Broomell brought up the idea of opening meetings with a prayer.The proposal sparked sharp and immediate debate, as well as strongly worded letters in the Cecil Whig. The council discussed the matter over a course of weeks before voting in May for a moment of silence rather than a prayer.County Council President Robert Hodge, a Republican, noted that Cecil residents hold a variety of religious beliefs."We know that some people strongly support Christian prayer in public meetings and that some people oppose it just as strongly," he said. "We just didn't want to get into that debate or wade into any court battle or court fight, in my opinion."Tribune news services and Baltimore Sun reporter Alison Knezevich contributed to this article.pwood@baltsun.comjonathan.pitts@baltsun.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Baltimore Sun Visit The Baltimore Sun at .baltimoresun.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

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Latest exercise vastly different from previous sessions to engage the peopleThe Government was just one participant in the national conversation, said Our Singapore Conversation (OSC) committee members and chairman Heng Swee Keat, as they pointed to efforts to reach out to Singaporeans from all walks of life.迷你倉新蒲崗This made the process remarkably different from past engagement exercises, with marginalised voices being drawn out, and diverse groups coming together.Of the 47,000 who attended OSC dialogues, 4,000 went to sessions organised by community associations and voluntary welfare organisations, and participants included taxi drivers, the families of prisoners and the disabled.For theatre practitioner and committee member Kuo Jian Hong, 46, the inclusion of "people and voices in places that are not obvious" was important.Another committee member, Singapore Management University law professor Mahdev Mohan, 34, said that the format of small group discussion, as opposed to a townhall style where people face a policymaker, put people at ease and allowed them to speak freely.Ministers were only peripherally involved in the sessions.If they were present, they roved from group to group and listened in on discussions.Entrepreneur Stanley Chia, 26, said that "in townhalls, only a few vocal ones stand up and ask questions". "So it was radically different in that sense."That the OSC became the place where scientists met artists, or the young and the old interacted, impressed Singapore Muslim Women's Association board member Noorul Fatha As'art, 35."We tend to be (in) silos in our respective communities," she said, adding that the OSC has taught "respectful disagreement".Mr Heng, who is also Education Minister, said he hopes that the habit of deep and respectful conversation迷你倉出租continues.At a press conference last Tuesday to mark the end of the national conversation and the launch of its newsletter, Reflections, he also repeatedly urged Singaporeans to refrain from judging the exercise by how much impact it had on policymaking.It did not want to imitate previous engagement exercises like 2003's Remaking Singapore, he said.That concluded with a list of policy recommendations like the five-day work week.This time, the committee has distilled five core aspirations from the extensive discussions, and these will guide policymaking in future (see graphic).Mr Heng added that rather than discrete pieces of legislation, the OSC's policy imprint has been broad and intangible, shaping the real-time drift of policymaking.For example, a pilot of five Ministry of Education kindergartens, designed for children from disadvantaged backgrounds, was announced in February after OSC sessions showed him "how children from low-income family have difficulties in catching up".The Reflections newsletter has taken pains to illustrate this, with two timelines running parallel to each other.One marks the milestones of the OSC process, which comprised more than 660 dialogues; the other lays out policy changes that have occurred through the year as a result, such as new Housing Board flats for singles, and the free off-peak MRT travel pilot."Policymaking is not something where you stop mid-stream and say, well, since we are going to have the conversation, nothing gets done and therefore let's finish the conversation, then let's debate what should be done," Mr Heng said. "It is an ongoing, iterative process."Some 60,000 copies of Reflections will be distributed to the public.The newsletter is also available online at .oursgconversation.sg/reflectionsrchang@sph.com.sg儲存倉

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本報記者 沈則瑾8月7日、8日,mini storage上海中心氣象台都在上午發佈高溫紅色預警。空調耗電量大幅攀升,城市用電負荷屢創新高,商場、酒店和展館里的人卻不見少,涼爽舒適的環境讓人流連。記者連續兩天穿行在大街小巷,調查公共建築是否按要求的夏季室內空調溫度設置不得低於26℃。雖然帶著溫度計,但其實從體感就能感覺到這一標準執行得相當不錯——室外熱浪滾滾,一天中最熱的時段里想將溫度打得低於26℃怕也很難。記者于中午12點前後趕到南京西路上緊挨著的高檔購物中心梅龍鎮廣場、中信泰富廣場和�隆廣場,以及附近的久光百貨。梅龍鎮中庭正在舉辦夏季日本商品展,吃飯的白領順道進去逛逛,人多溫度高,中庭溫度一度近30℃,直到過了飯點人少了很多,室溫才降至27.5℃。將自然光引入建築設計中,是另外3家購物中心的共同點,這樣的設計據說能使建築造型展現迷人魅力,節約照明和空調用電,增加人的舒適感,但正午時分陽光從空中直瀉而下,雖有白色帷幔遮擋,中庭里溫度還是在27.0℃上下,沒有往常高檔商廈里的陣陣“寒意”。這幾家購物中心是上海著名世界品牌集聚地,公共空間溫度雖然“達標”,可自行調節空調溫度的�多品牌專賣店卻自行其是,客人很少,溫度很低,且品牌知名度越高,溫度越低,在店內站一小會兒就想離開,溫度計的溫度也很快降至22℃、23℃,與櫥窗里陳列的秋裝一起讓人瞬間“穿越”到深秋。記者還先後來到人民廣場旁的來福士廣場、陸家嘴的正大廣場和國金中心,定位於年輕人時尚地標的來福士室溫約在28.0℃,人流量極大。正大廣場也是如此,幾部垂直電梯前都排著長隊,但因為空間寬敞,27℃上下依然體感舒適。與地鐵站在地下相連的國金中心將走出地鐵的人直接引入淡黃色大理石通道,十分涼爽。國金中心地下一樓有個影城,一位年輕姑娘想看電影,而一起來的母親卻說“裡面一定很冷的,不要看了走啦走啦”,邊說邊有點誇張地雙手交叉抱在胸前。記者來到集常年展示、短期展覽和辦公為一體的上海世貿商城,這裡溫度控制在26℃,運營副總陳暉告訴記者,大樓所有公共空間均實行實時溫度監測和即時自動調節,實施了外窗貼隔熱膜和中央self storage調冰蓄冷控制系統等措施,在整體降低建築物內部溫度的同時,達到了錯峰用電節約能源的目的。印象中,五星級酒店常將溫度調到很低,但無論是到虹橋開發區的揚子江萬麗大酒店還是到陸家嘴的金茂大廈採訪,記者都並不覺得空調溫度調得特別低。記者從上海市旅遊局瞭解到,上海三星級以上飯店節能目標都層層分解落實,完成情況納入員工績效考核範疇,今年單位建築面積能耗要降低1.4%,能耗增量要控制在3萬噸標準煤左右。據統計,今年一季度三星級以上飯店能源消費量為10.1萬噸標準煤,同比下降7.74%;單位面積能耗為0.014噸標煤/M2,同比下降7.71%。記者在下午時間走進陸家嘴金融城各家銀行發現,同是高大敞亮的一樓大堂,一些將自然光引入建築設計的銀行透過玻璃幕牆射進來的陽光依然灼人,局部溫度很高,盡管所有的門都緊閉,但還是只有走到大樓深處才覺涼爽。8月7日,上海最高氣溫達40.8℃,為有氣象記錄以來最高,8日也達40.2℃,與氣溫同創歷史新高的是用電負荷。來自上海市電力公司的數據顯示,7日和8日,上海全市用電負荷分別為2940萬千瓦和2920萬千瓦,其中8日用電負荷令今夏上海第9次刷新紀錄,如果繼續攀升,高峰時段可能將對部分地區的部分非居民用戶�動有序用電預案。空調負荷占上海電網總負荷的30%左右,電力公司工作人員告訴記者,相關研究和實驗表明,空調在製冷時,設定溫度每提高1℃可省電6%至8%。但在嚴格執行公共建築空調溫度控制標準時,還存在諸多難點,電力部門只能積極提倡和建議節能,不能強制控制用戶室內溫度。兩天的採訪讓記者感到,在極炎熱天氣中的公共建築節能情況,並不能完全反映日常的控制標準執行情況。但近年來,上海層層抓節能減排的工作機制和社會環境已經形成,只是新建建築在設計時還需在節能減排上多花些心思,既有建築如何進一步節能改造,也還有許多潛力可挖。上海世博會上出現過的“零能耗”建築不止一棟,採用其中一些成熟技術、讓合理用能成為常態,在技術上並不困難,關鍵在於是否想做好節能減排這篇大文章。希望今夏極端高溫對上海的“烤”驗,讓節能減排工作取得新進展。迷你倉

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地處賀蘭山旁、黃河上游的寧夏,mini storage包含了沙漠、草原、山地、森林、濕地等多層次特色鮮明的景色,自然風光成為寧夏發展生態旅遊業的優勢。根據寧夏統計局的公開資料,2012年全區接待國內外遊客達1340.89萬人次,比上年增長14.6%,實現旅遊總收入103.39億元,增長22.8%。自從去年寧夏內陸開放型經濟試驗區、銀川綜合保稅區獲批後,寧夏希望對外開放能以生態旅遊破題。今年8月,寧夏通過了《關於加強黃河銀川段兩岸生態保護的決定》,將以黃河河道為軸,對兩岸總面積約314平方公里的自然生態景觀實行分級保護。一級保護區重點保護黃河河流、灘塗、湖泊、濕地、植被、林木、野生鳥類、魚類等生態系統和生物多樣性;二級保護區重點保護農田、溝渠道路、林網林帶、經果林、湖泊、濕地、野生動物棲息地。 5月,寧夏被環境保護部確定為開展全國重點生態功能區環境保護和管理工作首批3個試點省區之一,確定推廣一批防沙治沙、水土保持、水源地保護、生態修復和汙染治理等項目和技術,實施生態環境保護與治理項目建設。 4self storage,寧夏旅遊局與中國旅遊研究院簽署了 《寧夏建設特色鮮明的國際旅遊目的地規劃委托合同》,將全區旅遊業按照銀川、中衛、固原三個組團進行規劃,並邀請國內高水平的專家用國際化視野和觀念對重點景區進行規劃。除了依靠自然風光,寧夏還希望借助底蘊深厚回族文化吸引更多國際遊客。寧夏已經建成了中華回鄉文化園和世界穆斯林城,開通了銀川至迪拜的航線,還將建設世界穆斯林民俗村、世界穆斯林文化博覽園、世界穆斯林歷史博物館等多項旅遊設施。據悉,在今年的2013中阿博覽會期間舉辦的“世界穆斯林旅行商大會”,將相繼上演豐富多彩的寧夏旅遊推薦活動,如“旅遊市長帶你游”,“全國穆斯林旅遊商品設計大賽入圍作品展”,“中國穆斯林旅遊洽談會”以及“穆斯林兄弟游寧夏”等。而在“中國—阿拉伯國家文化藝術展示周”上,通過中國—阿拉伯國家優秀劇目展演和國際民間藝術展演等活動將全面推動中阿之間的文化交流。寧夏希望借助融合了回族文化、西夏文化、沙漠文化、黃河文化以及絲路文化的生態旅遊,能進一步推動寧夏的對外開放。 (向北)迷你倉

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(吉隆坡9日訊)貨柜箱對你而言,迷你倉沙田是否只有裝載貨物的功能而已呢?其實不然。在工程師的巧思及鍥而不捨下,全馬首間貨柜箱酒店“誕生”了!坐落於吉隆坡市中心德利瑪路(Jalan Delima)的首間雙層貨柜箱酒店耗資100萬令吉,共有16間房。除了貨柜箱,該酒店也有不少房間是以工程用的水泥管改建而成。概念源自貨車房屋貨柜箱酒店已於7月杪竣工,並迎來住客。特別的貨柜箱酒店設計概念源自於流動式的貨車房屋。酒店的創辦人呂俊鋒表示,貨柜箱酒店也能打造成隆市的一個特徵及旅遊景點之一,讓更多感興趣的遊客入住,成為我國與各國遊客的聯繫。呂俊鋒:為隆上班族而設呂俊鋒(30歲,工程師)在受訪時透露,由於吉隆坡寸土如金,加上許多在隆市中心的上班族都是在市中心以外的地區租房子,因此他便在2年前興起了建設貨柜箱酒店的念頭。他說,貨柜箱酒店的對象主要是在隆市中心的上班族,因為不僅費用較為便宜,上班族更可避免塞車及節省交通費,一舉三得。他說,貨柜箱酒店不僅環保,建造期限也非常快,大約2個星期便能完工。目前已有一名日本籍遊客入住。父親支持實現計劃呂俊鋒透露,該酒店的計劃得來不易,當初提出建設貨柜箱酒店的概念時,身邊的人都因“無法想像”而不太看好及支持。惟身為建築師的父親對他的創意及新穎的概念大表贊同,讓他有了一股堅持實現計劃的力量。他坦言,雖然在建築行業已擁有7年多的建築經驗,但卻對發展商的工作領域一無所迷你倉價錢,造成他在開始實行貨柜箱酒店計劃期間經常碰釘子。“對我而言,最大的困難莫過於尋找合適的地段以及獲得吉隆坡市政局的批准。”他表示,他曾向市政局提呈建議3次但都被拒絕。為了獲得市政局的批准,他不惜在市政局待上一整天,只為可以巧遇吉隆坡市長。“可是隨著日子越拖越久,我也倍感壓力,甚至覺得這個概念是行不通的。所幸我一直獲得家人的支持,而沒有放棄該項計劃。”無論如何,該計劃最終成功啟動。呂俊鋒透露,他也已與市政局簽署9年的合約,打算擴展在隆市的貨柜箱酒店計劃。除了隆市,他也計劃在馬六甲及檳城打造更多的貨柜箱箱酒店。從概念到竣工身體力行完成夢想“這是屬於我個人的首個結晶品,從概念的產生直到貨柜箱酒店的竣工,過程中完全是自己一步一步的去完成。”呂俊鋒指出,該項計劃能夠順利完成,要特別感謝其未婚妻林秀穎、爸爸呂子良及弟弟呂偉立。“我非常感謝爸爸用心的栽培我,讓我成為工程師,對社會也能有所貢獻。如今總算有些許成績及能夠給他們一個交代,並希望他們能夠引以為傲。”貨柜箱酒店分3格局貨柜箱酒店主要分成3種格局,包括戶外(Outgoing)、探險(Adventure)及傳統(Conservative)。戶外模式是以雙層單人床的形式呈現,共有8個床位,內附浴室,費用為每人每晚56令吉;探險模式是以雙人床的洞穴方式呈現,外用浴室,費用為每晚84令吉;而傳統模式內附雙人床及浴室,每晚收費140令吉。;迷你倉庫

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Source: The Atlanta Journal-ConstitutionAug.迷你倉價錢 10--A DeKalb County police officer responding to a call early Saturday morning was killed in a single-car accident, according to DeKalb Police.Around 2:45 a.m. Saturday Officer Ivorie Klusmann's police vehicle left the road near the intersection of DeKalb Medical Parkway and Heritage Park Trail and struck a tree. Klusmann was pronounced dead at the scene, according to DeKalb spokeswoman Mekka Parish.Officials said some time around 2 a.m. Klusmann had pulled over a driver during a traffic stop near Snapfinger Woods Drive. The officer took the driver's information and went back to his patrol car, when the suspect fled the scene.Kl迷你倉庫smann pursued the driver for a short distance until the chase was called off. A short time later another police officer in the area notified dispatchers that he spotted the suspect driver. Klusmann was on his way to that location when the accident occurred.The 31-year-old father of two children has been with the DeKalb County Police Department since October of last year and worked in the East Precinct. He graduated from the police academy in April.The incident is still under investigation.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta, Ga.) Visit The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta, Ga.) at .ajc.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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