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昨日央行在公開市場進行110億元7天期逆回購,存倉中標利率為3.90%,較上周二的7天期逆回購中標利率下行10個基點。  ■新快報記者 黎華聯  在逆回購維持量小價跌的同時,央行周一公告,對2010年第六十九期央行票據進行續做,續做量為755億元,期限為3年,中標利率是3.35%。本周公開市場原來有1300億元央票到期,在經過755億元央票續做後,實際到期央票變成545億元。  數據顯示,本周公開市場共有1300億元央票到期和460億元逆回購到期,無正回購到期;如果央行在公開市場不進行任何操作,則本周將實現淨投放840億元。在周一的755億元到期央票續做和昨日的110億元逆回購後,本周公開市場已經實現了195億元的淨投放。  央行二季度貨幣政策執行報告顯示,已對部分到期自存倉三年期央行票據開展了到期續做,續做對象是流動性相對充裕、市場影響力相對較大的金融機構;同時,央行根據一些參與續做機構的當期需要,向其提供了必要的短期流動性支持。這樣的創新組合被市場概括為“鎖長放短”。  央行近來一方面在公開市場通過逆回購維持短期流動性,另一方面通過央票續做的手段收縮長期流動性,業內人士指出,央行的“鎖長放短”操作反映了央行貨幣政策維持中性的意圖。  另外,據央行公告,財政部和央行定于8月15日進行2013年中央國庫現金管理商業銀行定期存款(六期)招投標,本期操作量500億元,期限3個月(91天),這將為貨幣市場帶來流動性。  中銀國際稱,預計下半年銀行間流動性將維持中性略緊態勢,在CPI同比回升、銀行調整資產結構背景下,中長期利率難以繼續下行。黎華聯迷你倉新蒲崗

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 香港文匯報訊  金管局昨表示,迷你倉出租歡迎公眾就5月22日發表有關儲值支付產品及零售支付系統的建議監管制度的諮詢文件提供意見。建議的監管制度旨在賦權金管局,就儲值支付產品及零售支付系統履行發牌、指定、監管及執法的職能,認為加強監管制度有助維持公眾對創新的零售支付產品及系統的信心,並且促進香港金融體系及支付系統的整體穩定及有效運作。

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政府連番推出辣招遏抑樓市升勢,自存倉除令第二季負資產重現外,亦使近月銀主盤有回升�象。有市場人士指出,現時市場銀主盤數量高達80個,較半年前顯著上升約20%,而委託私人拍賣場出售的個案更急增50%,當中以逾千萬元的住宅銀主盤升幅最為顯著。有銀行界人士預期,儘管現時市場上銀主盤數量有限,但利率一旦回升,銀主盤亦將顯著增加。重稅成本增 難獲承接市場銀主盤數量明顯增加,當中樓價逾千萬元的豪宅銀主單位,市場承接力並不理想,有市場人士認為,由於雙倍印花稅加重入市成本,加上豪宅按揭成數較低,故一般該類銀主盤較難獲承接,如近月多次推出市場拍賣的逾千萬沙田名家匯銀主盤,仍未到價而收回。而昨推出拍賣的九龍站君臨天下2座低層戶及紅磡海逸豪園悅濤灣12A座低層戶,昨分別開價約3,600萬與1,400萬元,低市價同約10%,其中君臨天下無人承價,海逸豪園僅被搶高20萬元,但同被收回。而近日售出的奧運站海桃灣銀主盤,亦大幅減價至1,390萬元成交,低市價約一成。反觀成功售出單位主要集中細價物業,資料顯示,日前以拍賣形式推售的屯門聚迷你倉新蒲崗山莊銀主盤,以328萬元售出,較開價高約17%。負資產重臨 增添變數據金管局最新資料,截至今年六月底止,第二季負資產宗數錄得27宗,為自去年第二季以來首次重現。事實上,負資產重臨,為樓市增添變數。經常接觸該類物業的環亞拍賣曾傑俊估計,包括銀行及財務公司,市場現有銀主盤約60至80個,較半年前約50至60個,升幅最少約兩成,而私人拍賣場銀主盤更大增50%。他續稱,現時銀主盤以住宅為主,逾千萬元住宅銀主盤佔整體約20%,近月所佔比例升幅顯著,「以前十個銀主盤,只有約一個樓價過千萬,依家該類豪宅銀主盤已佔去約2個。」他表示,雖然市場整體銀主盤未必會大幅急升,但他認為受到經濟環境拖累,相信逾千萬元住宅銀主盤數量會持續增加。倘一旦加息 個案爆升有銀行家表示,近期樓價仍然穩定,即使按揭借款人供款能力出現問題,亦可透過地產代理出售物業,償還貸款後取得樓價剩餘金額,做法更能有效率套現,而選擇拖欠後讓銀行收樓,並作銀主盤出售的誘因極小,不過,他亦指出,儘管現時市場上銀主盤數量有限,但利率一旦回升,銀主盤亦將顯著增加。迷你倉出租

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“民營銀行”或是最近各個政府金融文件里被提及最多的名詞之一。在昨日的金融支持小微企業發展實施意見中,儲存國務院再次提到要推動嘗試由民間資本發起設立自擔風險的民營銀行。此外,近日銀監會對《中資商業銀行行政許可事項實施辦法》的修訂中,適當放鬆了設立中資商業銀行的條件,更被視為明顯的政策鋪墊。之前有消息傳北京和溫州很可能成為民營銀行的試點,雖然消息一直沒被證實,但當前各地民營企業都摩拳擦掌,紛紛表達申請的意向。 ●南方日報記者 黃倩蔚 實習生 陳曉薇政策放寬發起人條件取消“資本充足率不低於8%”等多項要求日前,銀監會在官網上發佈公告稱,中國銀監會對《中資商業銀行行政許可事項實施辦法》進行了修訂。對照此前2006年版本,新辦法在中資商業銀行設立方面特別是境內企業發起設立中資銀行方面有一定放鬆。 記者看到,銀監會的《實施辦法》(徵求意見稿)對設立中資商業銀行法人機構的註冊資本仍然是10億元人民幣,城市商業銀行法人機構註冊資本最低限額為1億元人民幣,取消了此前規定的“地方政府不向銀行投資入股,不干預銀行的日常經營”。 發起人要求中,取消了“商業銀行資本充足率不低於8%,非銀行金融機構資本總額不低於加權風險資產總額的10%”和“權益性投資餘額原則上不超過其淨資產的50%”的要求。同時將境內非金融機構發起要求中的“在工商行政管理部門登記註冊”,改為“依法設立,具有法人資格”。 但對境內金融機構作為中資商業銀行法人機構的發起人,則增加了“社會聲譽良好,最近2年無嚴重違法違規行為和因內部管理問題導致的重大案件”的要求。並對境內非金融機構的入股資金由此前的“真實合法”變為“入股資金來源為自有資金,不得以委托資金、債務資金等非自有資金入股,法律法規另有規定的除外”。同時,還增加了“該企業代他人持有中資商業銀行股權,不得作為中資商業銀行法人機構的發起人”的條件。 中央財經大學中國銀行業研究中心主任郭田勇對媒體表示,銀監會的這個辦法與近期監管層頻繁釋放民營銀行設立信號有很大的關係。銀監會降低境內金融機構發起設立銀行的門檻,可能會吸引一些大型金融機構向中小型、區域性的銀行領域拓展,更深入到小微企業金融領域。 各地備戰北京擬建中關村銀行 廣東香江集團也遞交申請事實上,上周在中關村互聯網金融行業協會正式成立儀式上,中關村管委會宣佈將支持企業發起設立中關村銀行。據瞭解,設計中的中關村銀行是由�多民營資本發起並參與、風險自擔的民營銀行,主要為科技型、創業型、創新型中小微企業提供全面、快捷、低成本金融服務的科技銀行,以及基於創新信用機制和大數據運用的互聯網銀行。另有業內人士稱,中關村銀行或只是北京籌辦民營銀行的備選之一。目前北京另有民營企業正新蒲崗迷你倉發申請籌建銀行。 此外,在外貿發達的廣東和民資集中地溫州,也有�多的民營企業已經向相關監管部門遞交過發起申請。溫州中小企業促進會會長周德文此前曾透露,目前包括溫州、泉州、深圳、東莞、太原等地都在積極籌備,希望爭取到首批民營銀行的名額。 南方日報記者也獨家獲悉,廣東也已經有多家民營企業摩拳擦掌,向監管部門遞交了民營銀行的申請意向,其中包括已經入股城商行的香江集團,還有由多個企業組成的廣東揭陽市中德產業園。但具體的進展還得靜待政策出台。 昨日,廣東金融學院院長陸磊接受南方日報記者採訪時分析認為,對於民間資本進入銀行業此前部分文件里有說明,但民營銀行從獨立發起要時間,發起到籌建也需要很長一段時間,預計不會那麼快破冰。 “目前政策放開是可以的,但我認為成立民營銀行需要兩個條件:第一個是作為發起人的民間資本需要在第三方支付、小貸等相關方面有從業經驗,在自己的本行業系統內有這方面的需求。第二個,跟實體經濟結合度高,在實體經濟有相當的涉足,不能為了銀行而成立銀行。”陸磊表示。 對於試點破冰的地方,陸磊分析認為,第一批民營銀行應該會選擇在貿易相對發達、民營化程度高、產業轉型科技含量高的地區發起。“廣東當然有可能成為試點之一,但這個要看省政府還有各級政府的安排,以及實體經濟的發展是否需要。廣東的經濟發展有大量的民間資本,可以集合發起,由政府來引導。”■專家建言建立存款保險築好風控防線不過,也有專家擔心當前的政策和體制尚未完善,放開民營銀行有不少風險方面的擔憂。“對於民營資本辦銀行的風險,主要有三個方面:第一,擔心民營企業家或民營資本不懂銀行;第二,擔心民營銀行出現利益輸送,搞關聯交易;第三,擔心民營資本沒辦好銀行卷錢外逃,給社會帶來嚴重影響。”郭田勇分析表示。 對於此前有傳中關村銀行將會採取“風險自擔”的模式,銀行中央財經大學銀行業研究中心主任郭田勇認為,無限責任制未來如何增資是個問題,他認為,解決民營銀行經營失敗的風險有一個很簡單的辦法,那就是儘快設立存款保險制度。 陸磊也分析表示,從目前的制度環境和法律法規等條件看,民營銀行的發起並沒有太大的障礙,“反而是政府要加強監管,建立存款保障機制。無論美國還是歐洲的經濟危機,都給我們一個�示——在建立之初就要預計最壞的結果並做好保障措施,誰也不能保證哪天它就破產倒閉了。”著名經濟學家辜勝阻建議,民營銀行的開建可以借鑒美國硅穀銀行模式。“優先在高新技術開發區鼓勵民間資本試辦社區銀行,化解科技型創業企業融資難問題。在高新區外民營經濟發達地區,可放鬆金融管制,引導民間非正規金融發展成社區銀行,從制度上緩解中小企業創業融資。” 圖片說明: CFP供圖 mini storage

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  ?隨�市場對中資股的前景改觀,迷你倉中資金融股短期上升勢頭仍不俗。  ?本欄挑選6隻較值得留意的中資金融股,包括招行(03968)、平保(02318)等。  資金重投中資股,中資金融股繼續成為市場焦點。中資股估值重估繼續,中資金融股升勢未完,本欄在當中挑選股份。捧中國復甦概念  中資金融股續成為資金埋手目標,昨日十大成交金額榜中,首6隻均是中資金融股。現時市場繼續炒作中國復甦概念,加上之前部分中資金融股較為落後,故短期估值重估仍有望持續。當中,內銀股屬市值較大的中資股,屬「買入中國」及「炒復甦」之選。  內銀股有估值收復之可能,現時,內銀股的預測13年度PE僅5至6倍,預測PB僅1倍左右。在中資股投資氣氛回暖下,即使盈利增長低,單靠估值收復,令股價再升10%左右,仍屬合理。中期業績可憧憬  內銀股即將公布中期業績,有券商指中期業績或是支持內銀股的因素。巴克萊及瑞銀均指出,內銀股第二季業績仍穩健。摩通預期,內銀股中期股本回報率(ROE)為20%,而費用收入或會有驚喜,這將會為內銀股構成提振作用。綜合券商預測,內銀股中期盈利,介乎下跌44%至上升12%。  巴克萊指出,內銀股中期業績中,宜留意資產文件倉素及拆借業務的發展。瑞銀則指,在低基數效應之下,內銀股第二季的費用收入將有不俗增長,但宜留意整體收入或會按季增長放慢、淨利息收益率(NIM)或會按季放緩。  中�而言,券商認為內銀股的業務前景仍具有不少挑戰。  摩通認為,內地影子銀行去槓桿化,中�或會使內銀資產質素惡化。此外,利率市場化正進行中,未來可能推出的措施,包括設立存款保險制度、調高存款利率上限以至取消存款利率限制等。若取消存款利率限制,將擠壓內銀的利潤率。搭順風車炒一轉  綜合而言,內銀股中短期在中資股氣氛回暖、資金追捧及季度業績支持下,可以看好。不過,中�反彈的力度暫仍有保留,因金融改革中�不利內銀盈利。策略上,內銀股暫時當炒上落市操作,趁「炒復甦」概念升溫時,搭順風車,待「炒復甦」概念退卻時,則要考慮減持。  大型內銀股中,可留意建行(00939)及農行(01288)。  建行存款業務表現較佳,以及將會在�指的比重增加,可以看好,中短�上望6.5元,留意此區的蟹貨阻力較大。  至於農行,屬四大國有銀行中,走勢較落後的股份,近兩日才發力向上,中短�可上望3.75元左右。  由於內銀股近兩日升幅不少,投資者可待股價稍為回落再作跟進。存倉

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(登嘉樓 龍運13日訊)龍運北加一名巫裔餐館業者今早被人發現臥屍在餐館前,存倉財物盡失,死者四輪驅動車也不翼而飛,初步懷疑遭劫匪殺害。登州刑事調查組主任馬諾哈蘭助理總監今日在新聞發佈會上表示,死者是50歲的莫哈末魯菲迪,他被發現滿身浴血倒臥在位於北加甘榜查察的餐館前,身上錢包及停泊在店前四輪驅動車不翼而飛,警方初步鑑定此案為劫殺案。他說,根據警方初步驗定,死者身上有兩處被利器刺傷的傷口,一個在胸部,另外一個在左邊肩膀。他指出,根據死者太太的口供,他們一家居住在餐館樓上,死者每日清晨4時30分出門,先會到銀行匯入餐館的收入,然後才去清真寺祈禱。他說,警方相信這起劫殺案在清晨4時30分左右發生,相信超過1人幹案,劫匪在刺殺死者後,駕走死者的四輪驅動車。他呼吁市民若看到自存倉者黑色的豐田四輪驅動車(CCL5445),馬上聯絡警方。他指出,警方援引刑事法典第302條文(謀殺)及第392/397條文(結夥持械搶劫)調查此案,死者遺體被送到蘇丹娜諾查希拉醫院進行解剖。匪疑熟悉死者作息另一方面,死者的太太諾祖達華蒂(25歲)在住家接受媒體訪問時表示,他們在當地營業餐館已經7年,丈夫向來都是在清晨4時30分左右出門,一直以來都沒有事,沒想到今日卻遇害。“可能匪徒熟悉丈夫的習慣,知道丈夫會在清晨出門到銀行匯入餐館的收入,所以趁機下手打劫。”她說,由於丈夫脾氣比較暴躁,相信是不甘被搶而頑抗,導致匪徒出手把他殺死。她聲稱,丈夫今日早上應該帶著約1萬令吉的現金出門,準備匯進銀行戶頭,事發後該筆現金不見了,車齡約4年的四輪驅動車也不見,相信被匪徒駕走。;迷你倉新蒲崗

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FARMVILLE, Va.self storage, Aug. 14, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- AT&T* has expanded the nation's fastest and most reliable 4G LTE network** in Farmville, bringing more customers the latest generation of wireless network technology. AT&T launched 4G LTE in Richmond on December 13, 2012, and the expanded coverage is part of its ongoing rollout across the market.(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120612/DA23287LOGO)Watch here to see several of the benefits AT&T 4G LTE provides, including:-- Faster speeds. LTE technology is capable of delivering mobile Internet speeds up to 10 times faster than 3G***. Customers can stream, download, upload and game faster than ever before. -- Reliability. AT&T not only has the nation's fastest 4G LTE network, but now also has the most reliable 4G LTE network. According to independent third-party data, AT&T has the highest success rate for delivering mobile content across nationwide 4G LTE networks. -- Cool new devices. AT&T offers several LTE-compatible devices, including new AT&T 4G LTE smartphones and tablets. -- Faster response time. LTE technology offers lower latency, or the processing time it takes to move data through a network, such as how long it takes to start downloading a webpage or file once you've sent the request. Lower latency helps to improve services like mobile gaming, two-way video calling and telemedicine. -- More efficient use of spectrum. Wireless spectrum is a finite resource, and LTE uses spectrum more efficiently than other technologies, creating more space to carry data traffic and services and to deliver a better network experience."We've seen positive response from customers on our 4G LTE launch, and as today's expansion shows, we're continuing our rollout of fast 4G LTE speeds to more areas in and around Richmond," said J. Michael Schweder, president of AT&T Mid-Atlantic.AT&T's 4G NetworkAT&T's innovation and investment have resulted in a nationwide 4G network with ultra-fast speeds and a more consistent user experience. The great performance of AT&T's fastest and most reliable 4G LTE network continues to be validated by independent third-party testing:-- Our 4G LTE service was recognized as having faster average download and upload speeds than any of our competitors in PCWorld/TechHive's most recent 20-market speed tests -- the second consecutive year that AT&T has ranked first overall. PCWorld/TechHive also ranked AT&T's as the fastest combination of 3G and 4G services in the 20 cities it tested.**** -- And AT&T was named America's fastest 4G LTE network in PC Magazine's 2013 Fastest Mobile Networks 30-market study -- and also swept the top rankings in all six U.S. regions from coast to coast: Northeast, Southeast, North-Central, South-Central, Northwest and Southwest.*****Even as AT&T continues to expand its 4G LTE coverage, customers can get 4G speeds outside of 4G LTE areas on our 4G HSPA+ network, unlike some competitors, where smartphone customers may fall back to slower 3G technologies when outside of LTE coverage.AT&T's focus to deliver the best possible mobile Internet experience goes beyond 4G to embrace additional connection technologies. AT&T operates the nation's largest Wi-Fi network****** including more than 32,000 AT&T Wi-Fi Hot Spots at popular restaurants, hotels, bookstores and retailers, and provides access to more than 402,000 hotspots globally through roaming agreements. Most AT&T smartphone customers get access to our entire national Wi-Fi network at no additional cost, an迷你倉 Wi-Fi usage doesn't count against customers' monthly wireless data plans.AT&T also is a leading developer of Distributed Antenna Systems, which utilize multiple small antennas to maximize coverage and speed within stadiums, convention centers, office buildings, hotels and other areas where traditional coverage methods are challenging.Over the past five years, AT&T invested nearly $98 billion into its wireless and wireline networks across the country. Since 2008, AT&T has invested more capital into the U.S. economy than any other public company. In a July 2012 report, the Progressive Policy Institute ranked AT&T No. 1 on its list of U.S. "Investment Heroes."*AT&T products and services are provided or offered by subsidiaries and affiliates of AT&T Inc. under the AT&T brand and not by AT&T Inc.** Limited 4G LTE availability in select markets. LTE is a trademark of ETSI. Speed claim based on a comparison of U.S. national carriers' average 4G LTE download speeds for Android(TM) and Windows smartphones and iPhone 5. Reliability claim compares data transfer completion rates on nationwide 4G LTE networks. 4G speeds not available everywhere.*** 4G LTE device and data plan required. Up to 10x claim compares 4G LTE download speeds to industry average 3G download speeds. Learn more about 4G LTE at att.com/network.**** PCWorld/TechHive, May 23, 2013, "AT&T clocks best overall speeds with 3G/4G combo"***** PC Magazine, June 17, 2013; .pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2420333,00.asp ****** A Wi-Fi enabled device required. Other restrictions apply. See .attwifi.com for details and locations.About AT&TAT&T Inc. is a premier communications holding company and one of the most honored companies in the world. Its subsidiaries and affiliates - AT&T operating companies - are the providers of AT&T services in the United States and internationally. With a powerful array of network resources that includes the nation's largest 4G network, AT&T is a leading provider of wireless, Wi-Fi, high speed Internet, voice and cloud-based services. A leader in mobile Internet, AT&T also offers the best wireless coverage worldwide of any U.S. carrier, offering the most wireless phones that work in the most countries. It also offers advanced TV services under the AT&T U-verse((R)) and AT&T ?DIRECTV brands. The company's suite of IP-based business communications services is one of the most advanced in the world.Additional information about AT&T Inc. and the products and services provided by AT&T subsidiaries and affiliates is available at .att.com. This AT&T news release and other announcements are available at .att.com/newsroom and as part of an RSS feed at .att.com/rss. Or follow our news on Twitter at @ATT.(C) 2013 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. 4G not available everywhere. AT&T, the AT&T logo and all other marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies. All other marks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.Cautionary Language Concerning Forward-Looking StatementsInformation set forth in this press release contains financial estimates and other forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties, and actual results might differ materially. A discussion of factors that may affect future results is contained in AT&T's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. AT&T disclaims any obligation to update and revise statements contained in this news release based on new information or otherwise.Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120612/DA23287LOGOAT&T Inc.CONTACT: Gayle Kansagor, On Behalf of AT&T, 202-295-8775,Gayle.kansagor@harbourgrp.comWeb site: .att.com/文件倉

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Appeal committee decides to grade exams but not projects of pupils who copied from internetThe 23 pupils from Modern College whose Chinese-language scores were invalidated for plagiarism have had their penalties reduced and were given partial grades in the subject, the examination board said yesterday.存倉The private secondary school pupils had received no score in the Diploma of Secondary Education subject after they were found to have plagiarised passages from the internet without citations in projects for the school-based assessment for the subject, which accounted for 20 per cent of the grade.After seven pupils appealed the decision, the Examinations and Assessment Authority said yesterday that its Appeal Review Committee had decided to invalidate all of the projects but would grade the pupils’ exam papers.The committee found in the course of its investigation that another three candidates from the college were caught plagiarising in their projects, but only their project grades had been invalidated as they had been caught by the school and not the authority, said authority spokeswoman Christina Lee Wong-wai.Lee said if schools found plagiarism, they could choose to give no score for just the projects, but if the authority found such cases, they would disqualify the pupil from all subject grades.“We consider the penalty of disqualification appropriate for serious case自存倉 of plagiarism,” she said. “But based on the principle of fairness, we’d like to apply the same penalty for similar cases.”She said the committee was bound by a rule that candidates cannot be downgraded in a review, so it decided to reduce the 23 pupils’ penalties so they were the same as the other three.A further three pupils from other schools disqualified for plagiarising in history and liberal studies projects also had their penalties reduced. The authority would not name the schools.The 23 pupils from Modern College all had the same teacher at its Prince Edward campus, and earlier said he had told them the project was just a minor part of the assessment and that they could freely copy material from the internet. “Students must realise that integrity is very important in exams,” said Lee. “Those who plagiarised should take responsibility, not blame others.”But she did say the committee had taken into account evidence obtained from talking to the pupils, college representatives and the teacher, who admitted he had mishandled the projects.One of the 23 pupils said yesterday: “We’re willing to take responsibility and we apologise for our mistakes,” she said. “We just wanted to tell the truth.”Education sector lawmaker Ip Kin-yuen said the penalty system should be unified. The authority said it would follow up on the case with the college and review the penalty system.迷你倉新蒲崗

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Longevity depends on lifestyle As home to a significant number of centenarians, Bama Yao autonomous county in the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region has attracted many visitors as well as property developers.迷你倉新蒲崗 The remote, mountainous county, despite some elements' attempt to capitalize on its new-found fame, shows how a simple but active lifestyle and a healthy environment make all the difference in longevity, says an article on gmw.cn. Excerpts: More than 30 of every 100,000 people in Bama are centenarians, which is a fairly high ratio. Fascinated by the secrets of longevity in Bama, thousands of people, including terminally ill patients, have flocked to the remote county in recent years to collect local spring water and breathe the fresh air at the entrance to limestone caves. Some people crawl up the mountain slopes, believing the exercise to be the best way of absorbing energy from the soil.Besides, apartments marketed as conducive to preserving health have sprung up across the county, with rents ranging from 500 yuan ($82) to 2,000 yuan a month. Even the operating rights of a local limestone cave have been contracted out, and visitors have to pay 70 yuan for a single visit, and a monthly pass costs 300 yuan.But despite this uncalled-for intrusion, local people continue to live a frugal and humble life. Of course, clean water, fresh air and a healthy diet are the secret of their longevity. People in Bama live longer also because they follow an easy, simple and tranquil lifestyle.Outsiders come to the bucolic refuge to find a way out of their anxiety, and search for peace and health in a short time. But the very manner in which they try to attain this - success in a short 迷你倉出租ime - contradicts the original purpose.Rash behavior of air passengers A flight from Chongqing municipality to Shijiazhuang, capital of Hebei province, was delayed for more than one hour recently because five first-class passengers refused to board the plane and adopted radical means to prevent its takeoff. Though security officers detained them later, they didn't charge them with disturbing airline services, which is cause for concern, says an article in Beijing Times. Excerpts: Flight delays have become common in China. According to FlightStats, a US-based provider of data on air travel, 82 percent of the flights from Beijing and 71 percent from Shanghai were delayed in June. The two cities rank at the bottom of 35 major international air travel hubs that were surveyed for flight delays and cancellations.Air traffic control problems and bad weather are the two most common causes of flight delays in China. But in some cases, like the recent incident in Chongqing, passengers are to blame.The five first-class passengers in Chongqing refused to board the plane because they were not ferried on an "exclusive bus" to the plane, and after the cabin door was closed, they wrapped their arms around the wheels of the towing vehicle. If they were unhappy with the airline's services, they should have negotiated with its staff instead of resorting to radical means and infringing upon the rights of other passengers.In similar incidents in Kunming and Guangzhou, passengers were held for abusing their rights and disrupting public order. The same treatment should have been meted out to the five passengers in Chongqing, but they were allowed to go scot-free, which is a disturbing development.儲存倉

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ROCHESTER, N.mini storageY., Aug. 14, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- AT&T* has expanded the nation's fastest and most reliable 4G LTE network** to new areas of Monroe County including Nazareth College, St. John Fisher College, Northside, and Concrest and Spring Lake Parks. The 4G LTE network was also extended on Interstate 490 between exit 23 (Linden Avenue, Penfield) and exit 26 (Pittsfield, Palmyra) and on East Avenue (Route 96), Washington Road (Route 153), and Fairport Road (Route 31F).(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120612/DA23287LOGO)"Today's college students rely on their smart phones and tablets to give them the instant access they expect from the world around them, said Trina Marquez, Associate Vice President of Technology & Campus Operations at Nazareth College. "Nazareth is pleased that AT&T's most recent LTE expansion includes our campus and enables students, faculty and staff to stay connected to the information that matters most to them."Elsewhere in upstate New York, AT&T has upgraded the network to 4G LTE in areas of Buffalo, Batavia, Syracuse, Auburn, Seneca Falls, Ithaca, Binghamton, Cortland, Saratoga Springs, Albany, and Watertown.In the first half of 2013, AT&T invested nearly $225 million in its wireless and wired networks in New York. The 2013 year-to-date network investment builds on more than $1.4 billion that AT&T has invested in its New York wireless and wired networks from 2010 through 2012.Watch here to see several of the benefits AT&T 4G LTE provides, including:-- Faster speeds. LTE technology is capable of delivering mobile Internet speeds up to 10 times faster than 3G***. Customers can stream, download, upload and game faster than ever before. -- Reliability. AT&T not only has the nation's fastest 4G LTE network, but now also has the most reliable 4G LTE network. According to independent third-party data, AT&T has the highest success rate for delivering mobile content across nationwide 4G LTE networks. -- Cool new devices. AT&T offers several LTE-compatible devices, including new AT&T 4G LTE smartphones and tablets. -- Faster response time. LTE technology offers lower latency, or the processing time it takes to move data through a network, such as how long it takes to start downloading a webpage or file once you've sent the request. Lower latency helps to improve services like mobile gaming, two-way video calling and telemedicine. -- More efficient use of spectrum. Wireless spectrum is a finite resource, and LTE uses spectrum more efficiently than other technologies, creating more space to carry data traffic and services and to deliver a better network experience."We've seen positive response from customers on our 4G LTE launch, and as today's expansion shows, we're continuing our rollout of fast 4G LTE speeds to more areas of New York," said Marissa Shorenstein, New York President, AT&T.AT&T's 4G NetworkAT&T's innovation and investment have resulted in a nationwide 4G network with ultra-fast speeds and a more consistent user experience.The great performance of AT&T's fastest and most reliable 4G LTE network continues to be validated by independent third-party testing:-- Our 4G LTE service was recognized as having faster average download and upload speeds than any of our competitors in PCWorld/TechHive's most recent 20-market speed tests -- the second consecutive year that AT&T has ranked first overall. PCWorld/TechHive also ranked AT&T's as the fastest combination of 3G and 4G services in the 20 cities it tested.**** -- And AT&T was named America's fastest 4G LTE network in PC Magazine's 2013 Fastest Mobile Networks 30-market study -- and also swept the top rankings in all six U.S. regions from coast to coast: Northeast, Southeast, North-Central, South-Central, Northwest and Southwest.*****Even as AT&T continues to expand its 4G LTE coverage, customers can get 4G speeds outside of 4G LTE areas on our 4G HSPA+ network, unlike some competitors, where smartphone customers may fall back to slower 3G technoloself storageies when outside of LTE coverage.AT&T's focus to deliver the best possible mobile Internet experience goes beyond 4G to embrace additional connection technologies. AT&T operates the nation's largest Wi-Fi network****** including more than 32,000 AT&T Wi-Fi Hot Spots at popular restaurants, hotels, bookstores and retailers, and provides access to more than 402,000 hotspots globally through roaming agreements. Most AT&T smartphone customers get access to our entire national Wi-Fi network at no additional cost, and Wi-Fi usage doesn't count against customers' monthly wireless data plans.AT&T also is a leading developer of Distributed Antenna Systems, which utilize multiple small antennas to maximize coverage and speed within stadiums, convention centers, office buildings, hotels and other areas where traditional coverage methods are challenging.Over the past five years, AT&T invested nearly $98 billion into its wireless and wireline networks across the country. Since 2008, AT&T has invested more capital into the U.S. economy than any other public company. In a July 2012 report, the Progressive Policy Institute ranked AT&T No. 1 on its list of U.S. "Investment Heroes."*AT&T products and services are provided or offered by subsidiaries and affiliates of AT&T Inc. under the AT&T brand and not by AT&T Inc.** Limited 4G LTE availability in select markets. LTE is a trademark of ETSI. Speed claim based on a comparison of U.S. national carriers' average 4G LTE download speeds for Android(TM) and Windows smartphones and iPhone 5. Reliability claim compares data transfer completion rates on nationwide 4G LTE networks. 4G speeds not available everywhere.*** 4G LTE device and data plan required. Up to 10x claim compares 4G LTE download speeds to industry average 3G download speeds. Learn more about 4G LTE at att.com/network.**** PCWorld/TechHive, May 23, 2013, "AT&T clocks best overall speeds with 3G/4G combo"***** PC Magazine, June 17, 2013; .pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2420333,00.asp****** A Wi-Fi enabled device required. Other restrictions apply. See .attwifi.com for details and locations.About AT&TAT&T Inc. is a premier communications holding company and one of the most honored companies in the world. Its subsidiaries and affiliates - AT&T operating companies - are the providers of AT&T services in the United States and internationally. With a powerful array of network resources that includes the nation's largest 4G network, AT&T is a leading provider of wireless, Wi-Fi, high speed Internet, voice and cloud-based services. A leader in mobile Internet, AT&T also offers the best wireless coverage worldwide of any U.S. carrier, offering the most wireless phones that work in the most countries. It also offers advanced TV services under the AT&T U-verse((R)) and AT&T ?DIRECTV brands. The company's suite of IP-based business communications services is one of the most advanced in the world.Additional information about AT&T Inc. and the products and services provided by AT&T subsidiaries and affiliates is available at .att.com. This AT&T news release and other announcements are available at .att.com/newsroom and as part of an RSS feed at .att.com/rss. Or follow our news on Twitter at @ATT.(C) 2013 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. 4G not available everywhere. AT&T, the AT&T logo and all other marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies. All other marks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.Cautionary Language Concerning Forward-Looking StatementsInformation set forth in this press release contains financial estimates and other forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties, and actual results might differ materially. A discussion of factors that may affect future results is contained in AT&T's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. AT&T disclaims any obligation to update and revise statements contained in this news release based on new information or otherwise.Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120612/DA23287LOGOAT&T Inc.CONTACT: Ellen Webner, AT&T, +1-973-775-1321, Ellen.webner@att.comWeb site: .att.com/迷你倉

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中國貨幣政策將在穩健的基調下有所預調微調,迷你倉價錢在穩增長和防風險之間保持平衡。而央行最新這一系列工具創新與此前所強調的“靈活性”一脈相承,表明央行更關注貨幣政策本身,不僅要調整貨幣供應量,還要注意到與其他政策相配合,比如產業升級改革和結構調整的戰略部署。周子勳影子銀行激增,傳統信貸萎縮,這種暗藏風險的金融變異終於在7月止住了惡化的趨勢。央行日前公佈的金融統計數據顯示,7月信貸及貨幣增長超過預期:廣義貨幣(M2)同比增長14.5%,分別比上月末和上年同期高0.5個和0.6個百分點;狹義貨幣(M1),同比增長9.7%,分別比上月末和上年同期高0.7個和5.1個百分點。7月新增信貸6999億元,同比多增1598億元。與此同時,上半年狂飆的社會融資規模則踩下了剎車:7月社會融資規模為8088億元,比上年同期少2434億元。最主要的原因,是社會融資總量中的表外流動性(未貼現票據、委托信托貸款、債券股票融資)比去年同期下降2805億元。7月金融數據透露了三個積極信號:一是央行在努力糾正6月貨幣市場衝擊帶來的影響。受市場資金緊張、銀行流動性壓力較大的限制,6月貸款投放不多,以致部分貸款推遲到7月發放,促成了7月貸款的增長,這保證了流動性對促進經濟的支撐作用。二是三季度經濟呈現企穩向好的積極跡象。近期政府提出了支持鐵路、城市基礎設施、棚戶區改造、環保等領域的穩增長措施,這對信貸需求有一定提振作用。此外,放開貸款利率管制、減輕小微企業稅收負擔、擴大信息消費、支持實體經濟發展、促進進出口穩定增長,以及取消和下放部分行政審批權限,這些都在激發中國經濟的新活力。三是貸款結構出現積極變化。數據顯示,銀行貸款中,7月的對公中長期貸款增加2431億元,較上月多增490億元;短期貸款增加2284億元,較上月少增1546億元。對公中長期貸款環比多增與7月穩增長措施實施、部分項目開工有關。其占總新增貸款的比例也從上月的23%提升到35%,這顯然是實體經濟企穩的信號。在經濟出現企穩回升跡象而當前需求下降勢頭仍未遏制住的大背景之下,針對實體經濟的結構性信貸和財政政策將會繼續放鬆。可以預期,未來中國貨幣政策將在穩健的基調下有所預調微調,在穩增長和防風險之間保持平衡。毋庸諱言,為了穩定短期的流動性,央行採用了多種調控工具。可以看到,自6月下旬以來,央行連續5周未執行公開市場常規操作,並在時隔半年後于7月末重�7天逆回購,向市場投放流動性。而在流動性特別緊張的6月,央行通過常備借貸便利(SLF)為金融機構提供流動性支持。同時,央行還通過再貸款和再貼現向一些符合宏觀審慎要求的地方法人金融機構提供了流動性支持。截至6月末,全國流動性再貸款、再貼現總額度共計4641億元。現在看來,這些措施起到了穩定短期流動性的作用。央行的最新數據顯迷你倉庫,7月,銀行間市場同業拆借月加權平均利率為3.54%,比上月驟降3.04個百分點;質押式債券回購月加權平均利率為3.60%,比上月大跌3.22個百分點。與創新工具相比,傳統的央票發行在今年有所減少。今年上半年,央票到期量為4630億,但發行量僅為1140億。不過值得關注的是,央行在上周一掛出了名為“10央票60續”和“10央票65續”的債券交易流通要素公告。公告顯示,央行分別在7月15日和7月29日續發行1103億元的“10央票60”和735億元的“10央票65”,債券期限均為3年,續發規模合計1838億元。央行表示,央票續做對象是流動性相對充裕、市場影響力相對較大的金融機構,但續做後的央票可在銀行間市場交易流通,並作為公開市場操作工具。在筆者看來,這一系列舉措與此前央行所強調的“靈活性”是一脈相承的,表明央行更關注貨幣政策本身,需根據貨幣總量、流動性情況來靈活調整。而在8月3日結束的2013年央行支行行長座談會上,央行還強調了調控的針對性、協調性。這意味著,不僅要調整貨幣供應量,還要注意到與其他政策相配合,比如產業升級改革和結構調整的戰略部署。央行日前發佈的《2013年二季度貨幣政策執行報告》就明確指出,下階段將貫徹宏觀穩住、微觀放活和穩中求進、穩中有為、穩中提質的要求,堅持政策的穩定性和連續性,繼續實施穩健的貨幣政策。毫無疑問,央行如此密集的強調穩健貨幣政策不動搖,是與決策層在近期對經濟增長底線表態保持一致。在國際經濟難以出現巨大逆轉的情況下,尤其是外匯占款不出現巨大的波動情況下,面對市場的流動性需求,下半年央行的調控或仍將首選公開市場操作,毋庸置疑,正逆回購業務將繼續扮演著短期注資的角色。某種意義上說,通過連續逆回購,央行再次顯示了維護穩定的流動性的意圖,進一步穩定了市場預期。逆回購“量少價增”,實際表明央行並非真正有意要向市場注入大量資金,主要目的是為了在更高的資金利率水平上引導以形成更平穩的預期。因此,逆回購投放與其說是數量工具,還不如說是價格工具的指導意味更濃些。而央行對三年央票的續做更值得回味。這不僅令逆回購重�帶來的利好效應有所弱化,同時也意味著後續公開市場操作將更為靈活,當下整體貨幣政策基調將維持中性。央行稱,下階段將繼續相機開展此類操作,與其他政策工具相配合,有效實施穩健貨幣政策。其中一個已經得到確認的信號就是,中國支付系統有望於今年10月初升級至新一代。而新系統最大特色就在於將支持“一點接入,一點清算”, 這能減少資金在途對市場流動性的擾動,進而減小資金利率波幅,以緩解資金供求緊張 總而言之,從目前的市場流動性管理來看,穩定預期,指引市場資金流向實體經濟,公開市場業務將成為最重要的手段,這意味著工具創新與傳統央票共同承擔著調控的角色。(作者系資深財經評論人)儲存

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本報訊 近日,mini storage中國銀行汕頭分行營業部為工廠發生火災,辛苦打工積蓄遭受燒損的幾位外來務工人員收兌近5萬元殘幣,受到客戶的高度讚譽。當天一大早,幾位特殊客戶神情焦急地走進了該行營業部,提著裝滿一大堆燒損鈔票的黑袋子,到櫃台詢問兌換事宜。該行營業部迅速反應,經瞭解得知,他們是在汕頭潮南區某工廠打工的外來務工人員,前不久工廠發生火災,他們多年打工積攢的49000多元在那場大火中未能幸免于難,不同程度被燒損。他們攜帶當地村居委開具的證明和燒損的現金跑了多家銀行都沒有能夠得到兌換,self storage般無奈之下,抱著最後一絲希望,經過1個多小時的顛簸,來到該行營業部。得知這一情況,該行營業部沒有絲毫推脫,急客戶之所急,一方面引導客戶到客戶服務區休息,提供茶水耐心安撫客戶,明確答複客戶,只要符合人民銀行有關殘破幣兌換規定,中行就可為其提供殘破幣兌換服務。另一方面,組織開展殘鈔清點整理工作。該批燒損殘幣面值有5角、1元、5元、10元到50元、100元不等,且因火燒水泡,部分殘幣粘連嚴重,清點難度極高。經過三天艱辛的清點、拼湊、黏貼,該行營業部最後為客戶兌換了36000多元。迷你倉

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□ 何代欣現行土地制度是推動土地價格上漲,儲存進而拉升房地產價格的重要誘因。保障房只能解決最基本的問題,在解決中低收入人群住房方面起到托底的作用,而不太可能完成抑制房價這樣艱巨的任務國家統計局數據顯示,今年1至6月,全國商品房銷售面積和住宅投資增速分別達28.7%和20.8%。6月份,70個大中城市住宅銷售價格與5月相比上漲的有63個。這些關鍵性的指標說明,現階段我國房地產市場仍持續火爆。4月,住房城鄉建設部公佈2013年保障房建設管理時間表,較之去年提出的保障性住房建設目標,更實更細。如此局面下有人質疑:為何近兩年的保障房建設沒能有效抑制商品房價格上漲?筆者認為,保障房與商品房之間複雜的相互關係,尚未被客觀全面地分析。首先,現行土地制度是推動土地價格上漲,進而拉升房地產價格的重要誘因。多年來,我國施行城鄉分治的土地管理制度。大致上,城市土地用于基本建設,農村土地用于農業生產。基於維護戶籍管理和保證農業生產等原因,兩種土地之間沒有正式轉換關係。這使得城市用地隨著城市規模擴大,越來越稀缺,土地價格也隨之抬高。現實中,各地保障性住房大多建設在城鎮土地上,雖說這一做法確保了保障性住房的公共設施配套,卻加劇了城市用地稀缺。換言之,在城市土地作為稀缺資源的客觀情況下,保障房與商品房用地存在爭奪關係。其次,低價低租的保障性住房可能進一步推高商品房價格,而不是降低。長期以來,我們習慣于通過增加市場供給的方式來穩定價格。就像糧食漲價,補貼種糧戶,增加播種面積,提高糧食產量,遏制新蒲崗迷你倉格上漲。但住房問題的特殊性就在於,土地管理不變,只調整住房政策往往不夠。加之各地方政府都有意無意地將土地出讓收入作為本級財政收入重要來源。大量的基礎設施建設,市政供暖、供氣和供水,都依靠財政資金作為支撐。為保證公共事業開支,低價供應的保障房用地,需要剩餘的城市土地承擔起相應差價,以維持地方財力的可持續。如此一來,土地成本再次被拉升,也更難以控制商品房價格上漲。再次,有人認為讓富人多掏錢購買商品房,是補貼保障房建設的一個途徑。但事實可能並非如此。從收入分配統計數據看,大多數購買商品房的人群,可能就是前腳剛剛走出保障房的人。這些家庭或許僅僅是為了改善擁擠的居住條件,傾其所有增加一些居住面積,但卻被迫承擔了超額房價。因此,調整現行土地制度,或許才是根本的出路,也符合我國城鎮化建設的戰略部署。房地產市場持續火爆,除了土地價格的原因,還有貨幣流量、信貸規模和財政體制的多方因素。保障房只能解決最基本的問題,而不太可能完成抑制房價這樣艱巨的任務。比如,市場上的大量貨幣,必然要有出處。股票市場和債券市場比較低迷的情況下,房地產成為主要的集中地。錢來得多,商品的價格自然就高。再比如,銀行貸款,追求利息收益並無過錯。住房貸款就是一個相對高收益的領域。信貸推動房價,也是多年來一直存在的事實。還比如,地方政府沒有穩定的收入來源,卻承擔比較繁重的公共支出責任,推高地價獲得更多的收入,也是不得已而為之。可以說,保障房建設只是一項住房政策部署,只能在解決中低收入人群住房方面,起到托底的作用。mini storage

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Source: The Philadelphia InquirerAug.迷你倉價錢 12--Ten times in February, Tarik Hooks walked into area banks with plans to rob them.He easily succeeded six times. The others, not so much.Even as FBI agents scrambled to put a name to the guy they saw on surveillance video sporting a goatee, glasses and caps, Hooks was at times scared off by bank employees who were less than responsive to his requests, court filings show.Two tellers complained they could not read his handwritten demand notes. Hooks abandoned another stickup when the woman behind the window told him he had to show ID to get the money, according to the records, an FBI affidavit and a prosecutor's memo.In a fourth bid, Hooks was shooed away by a busy teller who directed him to another window. There, the employee glanced at Hooks' "I need cash" note but just didn't get it. "What's up?" the teller asked.The would-be bandit nervously slinked away.On Monday, Hooks pleaded guilty to the robberies, the fruitful and not-so-fruitful ones. His case stands out not so much for his methods or the take -- he netted about $24,000 in all -- but because his spree coincided with an unusual surge in bank heists this year.Through July, Philadelphia had logged 53 bank robberies, its highest pace in five years, according to FBI data. Almost half remain unsolved, although agents and city police, who jointly investigate bank robberies, have suspects for some of them, an FBI spokeswoman said.Dressed in green prison garb, Hooks, 35, sat silently during his plea hearing as the prosecutor, Special Assistant U.S. Attorney Pedro de la Torre, recounted the crimes.U.S. District Judge Berle M. Schiller asked if the details were accurate. "Yes," said Hooks, speaking slightly above a whisper.He told the judge that he had been treated for anxiety and depression and had just been released from the hospital when he began the holdups. He didn't elaborate.Hooks never brandished a weapon or threatened to use one. According to court records, his notes were typically succinct: "No dye packs. No bait money. No alarms. Give up the cash," said one.Those words were sufficient to net him $1,350 from a Citizen's Ba迷你倉庫k branch inside the Acme supermarket on City Avenue on Feb. 2 and $247 more from a Wells Fargo branch on Baltimore Avenue in Lansdowne six days later.But his scheme also hit speed bumps.When Hooks presented a similar note at the TD Bank along the 5500 block of Ridge Avenue on Feb. 14, a teller told him he had to show ID in order to get the money, the records show.Miffed, Hooks left and traveled two miles to a Sovereign Bank branch along Belmont Avenue in Bala Cynwyd. There, he again handed over his standard note.But that teller couldn't decipher his handwriting, so Hooks snatched the piece of paper back and this time scrawled a clarification -- "this is a robbery" -- and pushed it back. He got $8,800 and fled.He had abandoned another attempt Feb. 9 at a Clifton Heights Citizen's Bank branch when a teller there couldn't read his note, and was nearly foiled the next day at a Citizens Bank in Wilmington by an employee who tried to pass him a dye pack with his money.According to court records, Hooks "felt the dye pack inside and returned the money to the teller with a disapproving look on his face."The teller then relented and gave him $1,075.Surveillance videos, an anonymous tip and cooperation among multiple police departments led agents and officers to Hooks' home on Spruce Street in late February. He confessed to the crimes and agreed to write apologies to his victims.Schiller scheduled Hooks' sentencing for Nov. 12. His lawyer, Kevin Mincey, said sentencing guidelines suggest a prison term of at least seven years.Mincey said he and Hooks expect to explain his background and crimes more fully at his sentencing hearing. In an online resume posted at LinkedIn, Hooks had described himself as an MBA and the budget manager at a Delaware County social services agency.Court records show Hooks has previous convictions on theft and weapons charges.Mincey, his lawyer, said Hooks blamed the thefts on "financial pressures" at home."He has a large family he was taking care of," Mincey said.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Philadelphia Inquirer Visit The Philadelphia Inquirer at .philly.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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銀行主管指出,儲存繼友達之後,光寶科以及華碩旗下的和碩聯合也陸續提報相關聯貸需求,合計該3大案的聯貸總金額已直逼600億元,由QE退場引發的企業搶貸潮一觸即發。美國量化寬鬆(QE)政策退場效應已經提前引爆借新還舊資金需求出籠。金融圈人士透露,為了避免QE退場後帶動升息潮,使得借款成本墊高,今年底、明年初,有借款到期的企業,大部分均已經提前展開借新還舊布局,以「鎖」住利率。聯貸銀行指出,友達、光寶科及和碩聯合3筆聯貸案,均已敲好管理銀行,友達300億元及和碩聯合的120億元聯貸案,將由台銀出任管理銀行,至於光寶科150億元聯貸案,則由花旗出任管理銀行,借款年期均為5年,且清一色全為「借新還舊」的REFIANCING,而非資本支出。利率方面,友達利率約在2%以上,至於光寶科及和碩聯合,利率則約在1.5%左右,上述3件聯貸案全為新台幣聯貸新蒲崗迷你倉顯見企業因應QE退場而提前進行的資金布局已非只有美元,相關影響已蔓延至新台幣資金調度。行庫主管表示,由於預期QE退場效將加速央行升息腳步,因此企業不分傳產或高科技,一律加速資金布局,其中有不少今年底或明年初才到期的舊聯貸案,現在企業已先行找銀行籌組新聯貸案辦理借新還舊,以在央行升息前完成新的訂價、適用較低利率。據相關人士表示,群創在上月原本已委託台銀出任管理銀行,對今年到期的聯貸債權進行約300億元債權重組新聯貸案,但如今已由於奇力光電而發生變數,屆時恐因其他債權銀行的反對而作罷。長期主管聯貸業務的行庫主管指出,即使不計入群創,友達、光寶科、和碩聯合等3家科技業者的新聯貸案需求集中在8月登場,一個月就創下逼近600億元的聯貸商機,可說相當少見。聯貸銀行認為,這只是開始,隨美國QE退場時間逼近,「下月起將有更多借新還舊的需求浮現」。mini storage

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In other mar- kets, like the UK, food e- commerce is about con- venience.迷你倉庫Here, there's going to be a higher qual- ity and safety premium.Chen Yougang Partner at consultancy McKinsey Chinese consumers are responding to a powerful new marketing tactic that plays to a widespread fear of food contamination -- the prom- ise of safe groceries sold online.Pledging produce direct from the farm, vendors have found food is becoming one of the fastest-growing segments of Internet retailing as they cash in on scares from cadmium-tainted rice to recycled cooking oil.The trend is adding momentum to a Chi- nese online retail boom driven by a rapidly expanding middle class, with companies such as COFCO Ltd and Shunfeng Express betting a decent slice of a 1.3 billion popu- lation will pay for the peace of mind they say their services offer."I think people are willing to pay a higher premium than in the West. In other mar- kets, like the UK, food e-commerce is about convenience. Here, there's going to be a higher quality and safety premium," said Chen Yougang, a partner at consultancy McKinsey.But convincing some skeptical Chinese consumers on food quality will remain a battle. Shanghai-based Zhang Lei expressed doubt on the credentials of some products being touted as organic."Everyone knows that in China organic is not the real thing," said a mother.Nonetheless, total online sales of fresh produce in China could rocket to 40 billion yuan (US$6.5 billion) in five years from about 11.5 billion yuan this year, said Zhou Wenquan, a senior analyst at Beijing Orient Agribusiness Consulting.Research firm Euromonitor has more modest expectations, but still sees growth comfortably beating major overseas mar- kets. It looks at volumes rather than values of online purchases of 'fresh food, with the Chinese market expected to grow by around 8 percent by 2017 from 664 million tons this year, compared to US growth of about 5 percent from 77 million tons.So far, most food sold on China's largest online shopping sites such as Yihaodian, majority owned by Wal-Mart, and Jingdong Mall has been packaged items or fruit with a relatively long shelf-life. But a wave of new businesses are focusing on fresh and premium produce, using the Internet to target higher-income consumers than su- permarkets, which typically serve a broader customer base, analysts say."The vegetables are really fresh," said Bei- jing resident Lei Na, who shops on websites such as Womai.com, owned by China's top food processor and trader COFCO."Supermarket food doesn't look that fresh, especially if you only get there in the evening." Shunfeng Express, China's largest deliv- ery compan儲存, last year launched Shunfeng First Choice offering a range of food to around 500,000 consumers. About 70 per- cent are imported products such as wine and milk powder, but it also sells local seafood, meat and vegetables."We go directly to the farms to pick the produce, and then using our own logis- tics, deliver straight to the consumer. So from the tree to the consumer's dining table, we'll remove all the sectors in be- tween," said Yang Jun, director of sales and marketing.Delivering on promises?Persuading customers they can meet promises on food safety is crucial for on- line retailers."If I'm busy I use websites. But if I have time, I prefer to drive to the supermarket and choose vegetables myself," said Zhang in Shanghai.But vendors say that cutting out middle- men increases freshness and makes food more traceable, while packaging barcodes that can be read by smartphones help con- sumers verify the origin of items.And companies go to some lengths to describe their products online. Customers looking at free-range chickens on the Ben- lai Shenghuo website, a 2012 start-up whose name roughly translates as "original life," get details on the breed they are selecting and its diet, along with photos of the birds wandering on farms.Online. customer reviews and ratings are also key in convincing potential buyers of quality, said Chen Liang, a senior research expert at Alibaba, owner of China's biggest online marketplace Taobao.With its 10 million users per minute, Tao- bao has ridden the e-commerce boom in China, with its customers moving from non- essential items such as books and electronics to clothes and recently food. Its sales of meat, seafood, fruit and vegetables grew 42 percent last year to nearly 1.3 billion yuan."Before, people thought the Internet wasn't suitable for selling clothes. But now it's the most suitable channel. I think food will follow this trend," Chen said.Another major challenge facing e-com- merce food firms is the cost of developing nationwide cold chain logistics, with McKin- sey's Chen suggesting players work together to connect suppliers with a network of cold storage facilities.But with food scandals hitting Chinese shoppers thick and fast-products from the world's largest dairv exporter Fonterra have just been recalled from Chinese shelves -- firms are confident they can overcome hurdles in the market."During the bird flu outbreak, our chicken sales exploded," said Steve Liang, founder of Shanghai-based online retailer Fields, refer- ring to a jump in sales after a new strain of the virus discovered in February that killed more than 40 people on the Chinese main- land and Taiwan.(Reuters)新蒲崗迷你倉

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Source: Standard-Examiner, Ogden, UtahAug.self storage 12--SALT LAKE CITY -- In response to an emergency request for assistance from the Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands, Gov. Gary Herbert has authorized deployment of Utah National Guard resources as part of the air assault to combat the State and Millville fires in northern Utah.The State Fire is near the town of Portage in Box Elder County, close to the Utah-Idaho border, and has burned more than 11.000 acres. The Millville Fire is in Cache County, just south of Logan.Due to new fires in other parts of the state, air resources are scarce and the assistance of National Guard Blackhawk helicopters is warranted to tac迷你倉le flames in a steep canyon west of Portage and in Millville, according to State Forestry officials. According to current reports, six ground crews are on scene at the State Fire and five more are en route. The erratic fire keeps jumping fire lines and making significant runs due to high winds.The National Guard has initiated mobilization efforts, in coordination with the Division of Emergency Management and Utah Department of Public Safety. Two Blackhawk helicopters are expected to deploy any minute.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah) Visit the Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah) at .standard.net Distributed by MCT Information Services文件倉

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Emblaze Ltd("Emblaze" or "the Company")INTERIM RESULTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2013Herzeliya, Israel, 13 August 2013: Emblaze Ltd.迷你倉 today announces itsunaudited financial results for the six month period ended 30 June 2013 (the"Reported Period"). All references to $ are to US Dollars.Financial Highlights:- Cash position with cash and short term investments of $143 million;- Company has purchased 923,898 of its own shares in an amount of $687,000;- Revenue for the period ending 30 June 2013 totaled $1.1 million (2012: $0.9 million).Naftali Shani, Chairman of Emblaze, commented: "The Company remainsin strong cash position. Going forward we will continue to focus onprofitability and growth and we look forward to reporting on progress in thenear future.A copy of the Company's interim results for the six months ended 30June 2013 will shortly be available for inspection at the National StorageMechanism, which is located at .hemscott.com/nsm.doThe report is also available on the Company's website, .emblaze.comInformation in this announcement is based upon unaudited managementaccounts. In addition, certain statements made are forward looking statements.Such statements are based on current expectations and are subject to a numberof risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events or results to differmaterially from any expected future events or results referred to in theseforward looking statements.Enquiries:Piers Coombs/ Kit StephensonCanaccord Genuity Ltd. +44 20 7523 8000Emblaze is traded on the London Stock Exchange since 1996. .emblaze.comEmblaze holds EMOZE Ltd., an acknowledged world leader, providing transparent, synchronizedmobile push messaging and push content solutions for handset manufactures, mobile operatorsand enterprises. EMOZE supports all major email providers, instant messaging services andsocial networks. EMOZE push messaging solution is based on EMOZE patented technology andprovides real push experience combined with an efficient mechanism, minimizing both datatraffic and battery consumption to all mobile devices (feature-phones and smart-phones).EMOZE architecture is based on reliable, redundant, scalable server-technology that offersa low TCO and quick-to-market deployment. .emoze.comReviewEMOZE Ltd.Emoze Ltd., a 95 per cent. subsidiary of Emblaze, is a provider ofmobile push messaging and push content solutions for handset manufactures,mobile operators and enterprises. EMOZE is constantly evaluating how to adjustand better position its activity and offering in view of market trends and theincreasing share of Smartphones in the market.Intellectual PropertyIn July 2010, Emblaze filed a complaint against Apple Inc. forinfringement of the Company's U.S. Patent No. 6,389,473 through Apple's HTTPLive Streaming protocol used in Apple products such as iPhones and iPads[1].In October 2012, the Company filed a complaint for patentinfringement against Microsoft Corporation ("Microsoft"). The complaintasserts that Microsoft's IIS Smooth Streaming system infringes Emblaze's U.S.patent No. 6,389,473 for media streaming technology[2].Legal proceedings in these two cases are ongoing.Share repurchase programOn 19 March 2013 the Company resumed a share repurchase programme,which was previously approved by the Company's board of directors up to amaximum consideration of US$2 million.The repurchase program was undertaken in accordance with IsraeliCompanies Law, the FSA Listing Rules (the "Listing Rules") and the CommissionRegulation (EC) No 2273/2003 (the "EC Buy-back Regulations"). The program wasimplemented by way of market purchases of the Company's own shares fortransfer into Treasury. In accordance with the Listing Rules, the maximumprice which may be paid by the Company was not more than the higher of (i) anamount equal to 105% of the average market closing price (as derived from theLondon Stock Exchange Daily Official List) for the five dealing daysimmediately preceding such purchase; and (ii) the amount stipulated by Article5(1) of the EC Buy-back Regulations, exclusive of expenses.The Company now holds 30,587,902 of its shares in Treasury,including shares which have been purchased up until the end of the interimperiod but registered after June 30, 2013. Following the share repurchase, thenumber of shares in issue (excluding shares held in Treasury) is now109,990,252. The total issued share capital of the Company as at June 30, 2013is 140,578,154.Trading since the end of June 2013 has shown a similar trend to the preceding six months.Risks and UncertaintiesThe Board's primary focus areas when reviewing key risks anduncertainties considers strategic, operational and financial risks andidentifies actions to mitigate those risks. Pursuant to the requirements ofthe Disclosure and Transparency Rules the Company provides the followinginformation on its principal risks and uncertainties, in addition to thosedetailed in the Company's 2012 Annual Report and Accounts, which areincorporated hereto as an integral part of this review:- The continuing challenges in macro-economic environment andturbulence in the overall financial markets economy as well as the drive forour technology solutions and products directly or indirectly by consumerdemand and preferences - all of which may have an impact on the Company'sbusiness;---------------------------------[1] Apple, iPhone and iPod Touch iPad and Snow Leopard are proprietarynames of Apple Inc.[2] Microsoft, IIS Smooth Streaming and Windows Azure Media Servicesare proprietary names of Microsoft Corporation.- Investment efficiency: the Company's growth is dependent oncreating a portfolio of quality options and investing in the best options.Ineffective strategy, investment selection and/or subsequent execution couldlead to loss of opportunity, loss of value and higher capital expenditure;- People and capability: the Company relies on recruiting andretaining high-quality employees to execute its strategic plans and to operateits business. In addition, management attention continues to be required inthe ongoing management of the intellectual property claims filed by theCompany against third parties, as well as responding to matters related to theclaims brought against the Company, and some of its directors and officers, inthe context of a former director's bankruptcy proceedings and personalfinancial affairs (see Note 4 for further information). Key managementpersonnel will need to continue to devote attention to these matters, whichmay negatively impact on their capability to timely and effectively addressother operational matters unrelated to the litigations;- Shareholders support: the lack of shareholders' support couldpossibly result in impairment of the board's ability to execute its plannedmandate.The directors monitor the key risks and uncertainties and the boardwill take appropriate actions to mitigate these risks and their potentialoutcomes. These actions include close review and monitoring of the economicenvironment to ensure the business can respond appropriately to changes intrading conditions, careful management of costs across all areas of thebusiness with increased expenditure only in those areas that the board decidesare appropriate to drive growth and deliver long term strategic benefits, aswell as maintaining focus on establishing the Company's position as a leadingprovider of innovative technology and advanced, high quality solutions.Related party transactionsTransactions between the Company and its subsidiaries, which arerelated parties, have been eliminated on consolidation.Directors' responsibilitiesResponsibility statement of the directors in respect of the half-yearlyfinancial report:We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:- the unaudited financial results for the six month period ended 30June 2013 have been prepared in accordance with IFRS. These results follow theguidelines of IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by the EU, whichdefines the minimum content of an interim financial report as includingcondensed financial statements and selected explanatory notes. The interimfinancial report is intended to provide an update on the latest complete setof annual financial statements. Accordingly, it focuses on new activities,events and circumstances, and does not duplicate information previouslyreported, except for completeness.- the interim management report includes a fair review of theinformation required by:(a) DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being anindication of important events that have occurred during the first six monthsof the financial period and their impact on the condensed set of financialstatements; and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for theremaining six months of the period; and(b) DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, beingrelated party transactions that have taken place in the first six months ofthe current financial period and that have materially affected the financialposition or performance of the entity during that period; and any changes inthe related party transactions described in the last annual report that coulddo so.By order of the Board,Naftali ShaniChairmanEMBLAZE LTD. AND ITS SUBSIDIARIESCONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETSU.S. dollars in thousandsJune 30, December 31, 2013 2012 Unaudited AuditedASSETSCURRENT ASSETS:Cash and cash equivalents $ 6,337 $ 9,333Short-term deposits 112,100 122,000Financial assets at fair value throughprofit or loss 24,362 13,360Available for sale financial assets 205 215Restricted deposits 199 195Accrued interest receivable 699 966Prepaid expenses and other receivables 911 1,001Total current assets 144,813 147,070NON-CURRENT ASSETS:Equipment, net 62 67Total assets $ 144,875 $ 147,137EMBLAZE LTD. AND ITS SUBSIDIARIESCONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETSU.S. dollars in thousandsJune 30, December 31, 2013 2012 Unaudited AuditedLIABILITIES AND EQUITYCURRENT LIABILITIES:Trade payables $ 289 $ 268Deferred revenues and accrued expenses 3,463 4,341Total current liabilities 3,752 4,609NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES:Employee benefit liabilities, net 24 34EQUITY:Share capital 416 416Share premium 469,931 469,911Treasury shares (76,962) (76,275)Other capital reserve 122 132Accumulated deficit (252,035) (251,346)Equity attributable to Company's equity holders 141,472 142,838Non- controlling interest (373) (344)Total equity 141,099 142,494Total liabilities and equity $ 144,875 $ 147,137EMBLAZE LTD. AND ITS SUBSIDIARIESCONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOMEU.S. dollars in thousands, except share and per share dataSix months ended Year ended June 30 December 31 2013 2012 2012 Unaudited AuditedRevenues $ 1,065 $ 893 $ 2,149Cost of sales 272 224 525Gross profit 793 669 1,624Operating expenses:Research and development 761 820 1,751Selling and marketing 134 376 800General and administrative 1,549 1,375 2,620Total operating expenses 2,444 2,571 5,171Operating loss (1,651) (1,902) (3,547)Financial income 883 1,244 2,460Financial expense (110) (26) (58)Other income - 2,002 2,061Net income (loss) from continuing operations (878) 1,318 916Net income (loss) from discontinuedoperations, net 160 (19) (30)Net income (loss) $ (718) $ 1,299 $ 886Other comprehensive income (loss):Gain (loss) from available-for-salefinancial assets $ (10) $ (6) $ 34Actuarial loss from defined benefit plans - - (32)Total other comprehensive income (loss) $ (10) $ (6) $ 2Total comprehensive income (loss) $ (728) $ 1,293 $ 888Net income (loss) attributable to:Equity holders of the Company $ (689) $ 1,197 $ 968Non controlling interests (29) 102 (82)$ (718) $ 1,299 $ 886Total comprehensive income (loss)attributable to:Equity holders of the Company $ (699) $ 1,191 $ 970Non controlling interests (29) 102 (82)Net income (loss) $ (728) $ 1,293 $ 888Basic and diluted net earnings (loss) pershare attributable to Company's equityholders (note 5)Earnings from continuing operations $(0.01) $ 0.01 $ 0.01Earnings from discontinued operations - - -Net earnings (loss) per share $(0.01) $ 0.01 $ 0.01EMBLAZE LTD. AND ITS SUBSIDIARIESSTATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITYU.S. dollars in thousandsNon- Share Share Treasury Available-for- Accumulated controlling Total capital premium shares sale reserve deficit Total interest equityBalance as of January 1,2012 $ 416 $ 469,864 $ (75,555) $ 98 $ (252,282) $ 142,541 $ (266) $ 142,275Net income - - - - 968 968 (82) 886Other comprehensiveincome (loss) - - - 34 (32) 2 - 2Total comprehensiveincome (loss) - - - 34 936 970 (82) 888Cost of share basedpayment - 47 - - - 47 4 51Purchase of treasurystock - - (720) - - (720) - (720)Balance as of December31, 2012 416 469,911 (76,275) 132 (251,346) 142,838 (344) 142,494Net loss - - - - (689) (689) (29) (718)Other comprehensive loss - - - (10) 文件倉 - (10) - (10)Total comprehensive loss - - - (10) (689) (699) (29) (728)Cost of share basedpayment - 20 - - - 20 - 20Purchase of treasurystock - - (687) - - (687) - (687)Balance as of June 30,2013 (unaudited) $ 416 $ 469,931 $ (76,962) $ 122 $ (252,035) $ 141,472 $ (373) $ 141,099EMBLAZE LTD. AND ITS SUBSIDIARIESCONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWSU.S. dollars in thousandsSix months ended Year ended June 30, December 31, 2013 2012 2012 Unaudited AuditedCash flows from operating activities:Consolidated net income ( loss) $ (718) $ 1,299 $ 886Less - gain (loss) from discontinuedoperations 160 (19) (30)Income (loss) from continuing operations (878) 1,318 916Adjustments to reconcile income fromcontinuing operations to net cashprovided by (used in) operatingactivities :Depreciation 16 15 30Cost of share-based payment 20 22 51Change in financial assets at fair valuethrough profit or loss 328 - (70)Decrease (increase) in accrued interestfrom assets at fair value through profitor loss, short term deposits andrevaluation of restricted deposits, net 263 (294) (614)Interest received-adjustment (1,411) (854) (1,426) (784) (1,111) (2,029)Changes in asset and liability items:Decrease (increase) in receivables andprepaid expenses 109 (150) 35Decrease in trade payables, deferredrevenues, accrued expenses and otherliabilities, net (580) (867) (3,103)Interest received 1,411 854 1,426Net cash provided by (used in) operatingactivities from continuing operations (722) 44 (2,755)Net cash provided by (used in) operatingactivities from discontinued operations (146) 5 5Net cash provided by (used in) operatingactivities $ (868) $ 49 $ (2,750)EMBLAZE LTD. AND ITS SUBSIDIARIESCONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWSU.S. dollars in thousandsSix months ended Year ended June 30, December 31, 2013 2012 2012 UnauditedCash flows from investing activities:Purchase of property and equipment, net $ (11) $ (17) $ (38)Investment in short-term bank deposits - (105,792) (122,000)Maturing of short-term bank deposits 9,900 - -Purchase of financial assets at fairvalue through profit or loss (12,712) - (15,133)Proceeds from sale of financial assets atfair value through profit or loss andavailable for sale financial assets 1,382 10 1,713Net cash used in investing activities (1,441) (105,799) (135,458)Cash flows from financing activities:Repurchase of own shares, net (687) (215) (720)Net cash used in financing activities (687) (215) (720)Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (2,996) (105,965) (138,928)Cash and cash equivalents at thebeginning of the period 9,333 148,261 148,261Cash and cash equivalents at the end of $ 6,337 $ 42,296 $ 9,333the period.NOTE 1:- GENERALEmblaze Ltd. ("Emblaze" or "the Company") is an Israelicorporation. The Company's shares are traded on the London Stock Exchange("LSE") under the symbol BLZ.EMOZE Ltd. ("EMOZE"), a provider of Push email and PersonalInformation Management ("PIM") synchronization to mobile users, is a 95% ownedsubsidiary of Emblaze.ELSE Ltd. ("ELSE"), a 99% owned subsidiary of Emblaze, was engagedin the design of advanced mobile devices.NOTE 2:- BASIS OF PREPERATIONa. Statement of compliance :The Company changed its financial reporting principles from generally acceptedaccounting principles in the United States ("U.S. GAAP") to InternationalFinancial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"). The Company consolidated financialstatements for the year ended 31 December, 2012 were the Company's initialannual financial statements prepared in conformity with IFRS.This consolidated interim financial statements of 30 June, 2013 and for thesix month periods then ended ("interim consolidated financial statements")have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 - "Interim Financial Reporting".The interim consolidated financial statements should be read in conjunctionwith the annual consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31December, 2012, which have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as mentionedabove.See Note 6 regarding the impact of the transition from reporting in accordancewith U.S. GAAP to reporting in accordance with IFRS on the consolidatedstatement of comprehensive income for the six months ended 30 June, 2012.b. Judgments and estimates :In preparing these interim consolidated financial statements, Management makejudgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of accountingpolicies and the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income andexpense. Actual results may differ from these estimates.The significant judgments made by Management in applying the Company'saccounting policies and key sources of estimation uncertainty were the same asthose that applied to the consolidated financial statements as at and for theyear ended 31December, 2012.NOTE 2:- BASIS OF PREPERATION (Cont.)c. Significant accounting policies :Except as described below, the accounting policies applied in these interimconsolidated financial statements are the same as those applied in theCompany's consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 31December, 2012. The following changes in accounting policies did not have amaterial effect on the financial statements.Changes in accounting policies:- IAS 19 Employee benefits (2011)- IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements (2011)- IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements.- IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement.- Presentation of items of Other Comprehensive Income (Amendments to IAS 1)NOTE 3:- SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATIONDuring the period between January 1, 2013 and June 30, 2013 theCompany has purchased 923,898 of its own shares through the market in anamount of $687, net of related expenses. The Company now holds 30,587,902 ofits shares in Treasury, including shares which have been purchased up untilthe interim period but registered after June 30, 2013. Following the sharerepurchase, the number of shares in issue (excluding shares held in Treasury)is now 109,990,252. The total issued share capital of the Company as at June30, 2013 is 140,578,154.NOTE 4:- LEGAL PROCEEDINGS1. Emblaze, and some of its directors and officers, were nameddefendants in a few proceedings in the context of Bankruptcy proceedingsbrought personally against Mr. Eli Reifman, a former director of the Company.As part of his fiduciary and regulatory obligations, Mr. Reifman was requiredto timely report to the Company of changes in his shareholding position. Mr.Reifman's reports were duly reflected in the Company's annual and immediatereports, respectively. Several of Mr. Reifman's creditors have filed claimsagainst numerous parties, as well as against the Company and some of itsdirectors and officers, asserting reliance on information provided by theCompany with respect to Mr. Reifman's holdings in the Company. Some of theclaims were directed at the Company, and some also named part of its directorsand officers as defendants, as detailed here below:a. In November 2010, a claim was filed against the Company and itssubsidiary, ELSE Ltd., in the Tel Aviv Labor Tribunal, claiming fortermination indemnities in respect to an employment cessation of a formeremployee. The amount of the claim is NIS 2,700,000 (approximately $ 746 as ofJune 30, 2013). The claim against the Company was withdrawn in December 2011.In May 2013, the claim against ELSE Ltd. was dismissed by settlement betweenthe parties according to which ELSE Ltd's agreed to make an ex-gratia releaseof pension funds already accrued to the benefit of the former employee in anamount of approx. NIS 179,000 (approximately $ 49 as of June 30, 2013).NOTE 4:- LEGAL PROCEEDINGS (Cont.)b. In April 2012, two of Mr. Reifman's creditors filed a claimagainst the attorneys that represented them in their transaction with Mr.Reifman, alleging malpractice, negligence and failure by their attorneys toproperly secure their loans to Mr. Reifman. As part of this claim, the twocreditors have also named Emblaze, and some of its directors and officers, aswell as the Company's external legal advisor and auditors, as defendants for"caution reasons". The claim is for a sum of NIS 73,340,642 (approximately $20,271 as of June 30, 2013). The claim was referred by the court to mediationbetween the various parties.c. In June 2012, several other creditors of Mr. Reifman filed aclaim against Emblaze, some of its directors and officers as well as againstits external legal advisor and auditors. The claim is for a sum of NIS86,549,093 (approximately $ 23,921 as of June 30, 2013). In June 2013 theDistrict Court has accepted in-part the request for dismissal filed by theCompany and some of its directors and officers. The District Court dismissedthe claim with respect to two of the claimants, thus reducing the total sum ofthe claim to NIS 81,755,986 (approximately $ 22,597 as of June 30, 2013). TheCompany still waits decision of the Supreme Court on its appeal against thepermission granted on December 26, 2011 by the Bankruptcy Court in Israel tothe trustee to Mr. Reifman's bankruptcy to represent the majority of the Mr.Reifman's creditors in this claim.d. In November 2012, two creditors of Mr. Reifman have filed aclaim for NIS 30,000,000 against the attorneys involved in their transactionswith Mr. Reifman. The said attorneys submitted a third-party notificationagainst numerous parties that were involved in the transaction, as well asagainst Emblaze and some of its directors and officers, asserting that theyare to be indemnified in the event that the claim will be ruled against them.The third party notification is for a sum of NIS 7,600,000 (approximately $2,100 as of June 30, 2013). On December 25, 2012, the said attorneys alsofiled an application to join the Company as one of the defendants in the claimfiled against them.While the cases described above in sections 1(b), (c) and (d) arestill in preliminary stages, the Company's legal advisors are of the opinionthat the chances of success of these claims are remote.e. At the request of the Administrator for Mr. Reifman's bankruptcy(who was later appointed as the trustee to Mr. Reifman's bankruptcy), the Tel-Aviv District court issued an ex-parte temporary injunction on September 6,2010, ordering the Company to withhold 27.75% of any dividend the Company maydecide to distribute, to be held in trust by the General Administrator andOfficial Receivers Department of Israel's Ministry of Justice. The Courtclarified that any such amount belongs to all Company's shareholders.Following an appeal filed by the Company, the Supreme Court cancelled theinjunction on November 29, 2010, and limited the Company's responsibility onlyto notification obligation in case a decision on dividend distribution ismade.2. The Company and/or its subsidiaries may be involved in variouslegal disputes within the ordinary course of business. The Company'smanagement is of the opinion that at this point the potential exposure of suchdisputes is immaterial.NOTE 5:- EARNINGS PER SHARESix months ended Year ended June 30 December 31 2013 2012 2012 Unaudited AuditedNumber of shares used for calculation ofearnings per share - Basic 111,325,572 111,710,807 111,498,570Adjustments for share options 34,548 5,516 11,180Number of shares used for calculation ofearnings per share - Diluted 111,360,120 111,716,323 111,509,750Continuing operations:Net income (loss) from continuingoperations $ (941) $ 1,267 $ 916Basic and diluted earnings per share toCompany's shareholders $ (0.01) $ 0.01 $ 0.01Discontinued operations:Net income (loss) from discontinuedoperations $ 160 $ (19) $ (30)Basic and diluted earnings per share toCompany's shareholders $ - $ - $ -Total earnings (loss) per share $ (0.01) $ 0.01 $ 0.01NOTE 6:- RECONCILIATIONS OF THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTSUNDER US GAAP TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS UNDER IFRSa. Company reconciliation of total comprehensive income for the sixmonths ended June 30, 2012:Effect of transition to IFRS and IFRS as at other June 30, US GAAP adjustments 2012Revenues $ 893 $ - $ 893 Cost of sales 224 - 224Gross profit 669 - 669Operating expenses: Research and development 820 - 820 Selling and marketing 376 - 376 General and administrative (2) 1,411 (35) 1,376Total operating expenses 2,607 (35) 2,572Operating loss 1,938 (35) 1,903Financial income (1) 1,234 11 1,245 Financial expense 26 - 26 Other income 2,002 - 2,002Profit for the year from continuing operations 1,272 45 1,318 Profit from discontinued operations, net (19) - (19)Profit for the year to Company's shareholders $ 1,253 $ 45 $ 1,299Other comprehensive income : Loss from available-for-sale financial assets $ - $ (6) $ (6) Actuarial loss from defined benefit plans - - -Total comprehensive income for the year to Company's shareholders $ 1,253 $ 39 $ 1,293b. Notes to reconciliations:1. Accordingly to reclassification of financial assets presentedas short-term investments under US GAAP to available-for-sale financial assetsunder IFRS in accordance with IAS 39, gains and losses from fair valueadjustments are recognized to other comprehensive income.2. Adjustment of post-employment benefits from undiscounted methodunder US GAAP to an actuarial calculation (projected unit credit method) underIFRS. Under IFRS actuarial gains and losses are included in othercomprehensive income in the period in which they arise.XLON存倉

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