第二屆中國精品論壇在渝召開,存倉業內人士認為中國精品消費時代已經來臨 重慶晨報訊 (記者 喻亞)在經濟快速發展的時代背景下,中國...

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年輕,mini storage就是要用力玩。因蘇力颱風休園2天的宜蘭童玩節,今天已重新開園囉!在冬山河親水公園裡為大、小朋友們準備的多元戲水設施皆完好無損,即日起至8/25可讓你濕身涼一夏。玩夠了水,隔天再來陸上的農村體驗,水陸雙享,做披薩、餵小羊,輕輕鬆鬆度過悠閒假期。 報導╱賴佳昀 攝影╱陳逸宏 已邁入第14屆的宜蘭國際童玩藝術節,今年主題設定為「轉」,保留了去年大受好評的倒轉水迷宮,讓遊客頂著頭上旋轉的噴射水幕,腳踩浮動滑溜的水床,大夥東倒西歪,一波未平一波又起,尖叫聲此起彼落。 恐龍裝置 拍照熱點 主設施「轉動水世界」大型滑水道更是刺激,哨聲響起眾人同時急速下衝,平衡感稍差的人很容易暈頭轉向跌個倒栽蔥。不過,眼尖的讀者可能會發現轉動水世界其實就是去年的「經典滑爾滋滑道」,只不過加裝了鏤空頂蓋與頂端的旋轉裝置藝術,好吧!也算是造型有「升級」。另外,新設施還有「星際水漩渦」,延續去年水漾三重奏的洗衣機概念,利用強力水流製造出大漩渦,放鬆身心在裡頭隨波逐流,也頗有樂趣。演出方面,今年共邀請來18個國家、22個團隊,以及國內18個表演團體參與演出。而幾米兒童繪本館與恐龍裝置藝術園區,也是今年參觀拍照的熱點。 農場找幸福 悠哉度假 整體而言,童玩節十分適合小朋友戲水,所有設施都有救生員陪玩,安全無虞,但就強度而言,高中以上的大朋友可能會覺得不夠刺激。再加上今年高溫屢屢破表,太陽一曬即使水深及腰,戲水池的體感溫度也會讓人覺得不夠清涼。難得來一趟宜蘭,光遊童玩節不免可惜,我推薦離羅東約半小時車程的幸福20號農場。佔地雖不大,但好玩的東西頗多,像是最受好評的水果披薩DIY,利用大進鄉在地盛產的水果做窯烤披薩,799元含2個披薩、4杯飲料和1個爆米花。農場主人輝哥還改裝果農載運農產品的鐵牛車,載人優游果園,40分鐘導覽每人收100元。大進鄉是水果鄉,春有番茄、夏產珍珠芭樂、秋出洛神、冬收金棗,不同季節來玩,就有不同的蜜餞DIY題材。另外,餵食動物也是小朋友們百玩不膩的好梗,羊咩咩、非洲鴕鳥、放山雞無不嗷嗷待哺,期待你溫情送好料來。原本從事園藝設計的農場主人輝哥,今年還在庭院增設翻轉黑板、幸福的鐘等設施供遊客拍照留念。 住好民宿 過生活 宜蘭全縣有800多家合法民宿,要找到一、兩間讚的絕對很容易。今天推薦2家離童玩節會場比較近的。入住真水蘭陽白鷺鷥,Check in時女主人會不定期奉上親自熬的青草茶與具有宜蘭特色的金棗蛋糕給你當下午茶。顧名思義self storage民宿周圍有許多白鷺鷥出沒,在房間內襯著利澤簡橋賞鳥,視線所及都美得像是一幅畫。浮水印則能看出民宿主人的好品味,業者從印尼訂製柚木與桃花心木家具、家飾供客人使用,我覺得質感更勝飯店;其中1間2人房的庭院還有蓮花池,乘鞦韆賞花真愜意。 【風味美食】無菜單創作料理 近悅遠來 近來無菜單創作料理在宜蘭有愈來愈流行的趨勢,但早在10年前,「差不多」創作料理就已搶佔山頭,如今已傳到第2代黃士捷手上。秉持不時不食的概念,店家只挑在地、當令的好食材來入菜,我每次前往都能吃到不一樣的好料, 料好實在 CP值高 生魚片前菜拼盤端上來真的是一大盆,裡頭有現流花枝佐芥末醬、甜蝦、鮪魚和鮭魚的生魚片、綠竹筍、蟹肉卷、煙燻合鴨肉卷和蛋白鱈魚肝、黃金泡菜、金棗醋。但我最愛的還是烏魚子翡翠飯,底下是以小芥菜和大蒜炒製的菜飯,上頭烏魚子一大片給得大方,配上當季的蘇澳飛魚卵,顏色、口感都豐富。2人1500元、3人1800元、4人以上每人500元起。 【旅遊資訊】 ◎開車 ★冬山河親水公園:國道5號下羅東交流道,依指標轉台7丙線可達。 ★幸福20號農場:台7丙線轉宜33鄉道(梅花路、大進路),轉446巷可達。 ★差不多創作料理:循羅東運動公園指標轉復興路,於竹林國小斜對面可見。 ★浮水印民宿:循傳藝指標行,轉傳藝路,再轉公園路,切公園二路可達。 ★真水蘭陽白鷺鷥:循冬山河親水公園指標行接親河路,即可見民宿指標。 ◎搭車 ★冬山河親水公園、真水蘭陽白鷺鷥、浮水印:可搭首都客運(0800-000-866)1570線,市府轉運站至親水公園直達車;葛瑪蘭汽車客運(03-956-6198)1917線,板橋轉運站、台北轉運站至親水公園直達專車。真水蘭陽白鷺鷥步行約12分鐘可達。浮水印步行約16分鐘可達。 ★幸福20號農場:自羅東火車站搭乘國光客運(03-956-7505)往寒溪方向公車,大進村站下。 ★差不多創作料理:搭羅東往三星的國光客運,於竹林國小下。 ◎相關資訊 ★宜蘭國際童玩節 (03)960-0322 即日起至8/25,09:00~19:00 ★幸福20號農場 (03)951-3771 09:00~18:00 ★差不多創作料理 (03)955-2682 周一休 ★浮水印 0930-262-829 2人房3200元起 ★真水蘭陽白鷺鷥 (03)960-6869 2人房2880元起迷你倉

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By CHEN WEIHUAin Washingtonchenweihua@chinadailyusa.儲存倉comIf Chinese and United States leaders hammer out and agree on their long-discussed investment treaty, Chinese officials and observers believe the deal will further encourage Chinese outbound investment in the US.With Chinese outbound direct investment rising dramatically, leaders from both nations reignited negotiations on the Bilateral Investment Treaty at the just-concluded China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue in Washington.“The two sides agreed to enter a more substantive stage of negotiation as soon as possible,” said Chinese Minister of Commerce Gao Hucheng on Thursday in Washington.Talks on a BIT have gone through nine rounds of preliminary discussions between the two countries, drawing a great deal of attention from business communities in both China and the US. Gao described the previous talks on a BIT as “technical negotiations” that laid a foundation for more substantive talks.China was the world’s third-largest outbound investor last year. Its direct investment into the US reached $20 billion, compared to $70 billion in US direct investment within China. In recent years, Chinese outbound investment has been rapidly growing.“This requires us to establish a better legal framework with our partners that will better protect the interests of Chinese investors,” Gao said.He predicted that in the next three to five years, the amount of Chinese outbound investments will exceed US investments into China.Gao said leaders stepped up negotiations on a BIT as a result of the consensus reached a month ago by Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Barack Obama in Sunnyl迷你倉沙田nds, California.He said investment is an important part of the China-US economic and trade relationship.“It requires creative thinking to build a cooperative and mutually beneficial environment,” he said.A senior official from the US Treasury Department hailed the discussion on the BIT at the S&ED, applauding some of the concessions from China, especially involving the service sector.“A high-standard US-China BIT is a priority for the US and would work to level the playing field for American workers and businesses by opening markets for fair competition,” said US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew in a statement on Thursday afternoon.Orville Schell, director of the Center on US-China Relations at the Asia Society, said if the two countries are serious about cementing better relations, it is essential that Chinese FDI in the US be explicitly welcomed.“By helping the US to capture more of the significant new investment capital now starting to seek exit from China, a US-China BIT would serve a critical purpose. One can only hope the treaty will find early agreement and lead to a more cooperative atmosphere that enables other more intractable, but even more important, bilateral issues to resolutions,” Schell said.While the US claims it offers the most open environment for foreign investors, many Chinese feel that Chinese FDI within the US has been unjustly targeted.Besides a possible BIT, a wide range of economic and trade issues were discussed over the two-day S&ED. China raised its concerns over US restrictions on high-tech exports to China and the US’ review process of Chinese FDI into the US. Both sides also discussed trade protectionism.迷你倉價錢

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  (見習記者 孫靜)網友正以特殊的方式關注著李某涉嫌輪姦案件。昨日,self storage李某新律師王冉所在律師事務所的網站被發現遭黑客攻擊。當記者問及案件是否仍會堅持無罪辯護,王冉律師表示“不便回答”。  李某的新代理律師陳樞和王冉,近日兩次公開發聲,除了表示要為李某做無罪辯護,還在聲明中指責媒體報道的侵權和傾向性,並提及媒體“有義務愛護和保護大半生為人民群�帶來歌聲和歡笑的老藝術家們”。  這些輿論引發網友的非議。昨日,王冉所在的冉民律師事務所網站被發現遭到多名黑客攻擊,黑客們還在首頁“蓋樓”聊天。最先留言的“娃娃洗澡”自稱“只為還當事人一個公道”。“中國黑客”跟帖補充稱“也還大�一個公道”。  通過截圖可看到,律所合伙人頁面的頭像也全部被修改成同一卡通人物。昨天下午2點,該律所官方網站仍未恢複。通過百度快照,能看到黑客留言還在。下午3點,律所官網首頁已恢複正常,但各板塊無法進入。迷你倉兩分鐘,官網再次陷入“無法顯示該網頁”的狀態,並持續至晚上9時。  記者還發現,王冉及陳樞兩名代理律師實名認證的個人微博里,也被網友留下言辭激烈的評論。王冉律師最新一條微博發表于4月2日,但從評論中可看到,從7月10日起,陸續有網友留下質疑、不滿的言辭,都與該律師發表的李某案件最新言論有關。陳樞律師最新微博發表于1月26日,但也遭到200多名網友的攻擊。  昨天下午,記者聯繫上當事律師王冉。王冉回應稱,目前黑客攻擊仍一波波地不斷襲來,盡管技術上隨時能修復網站,但律所還是決定暫時不做任何舉措,維持現狀。  當記者提及其微博也正在遭受網友的言論攻擊時,王冉說:“我這幾天太忙了,沒顧得上看。”至於對網友的非議會否有所回應,他表示“再考慮”,其也未明確表明是否感受到了輿論壓力。  記者再問案件是否仍會堅持無罪辯護,王冉律師表示“不便回答”。標簽:李某某 王冉 北京 輪姦案 陳樞文件倉

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Source: Pioneer Press, St.文件倉 Paul, Minn.July 13--A Ramsey County district judge on Friday denied St. Paul's request to block a state takeover of city property inspections, saying the state has provided clear evidence of problems that threaten public safety.In June, Minnesota's Health and Agriculture departments told St. Paul that they planned to end "delegation agreements" whereby city workers rather than state officials have inspected everything from restaurants and grocery stores to swimming pools.The state agencies said the city's poor performance on inspections threatened public health -- a charge they sought to substantiate Friday by releasing a document that cited cases of "rat-gnawed food product" and pig blood dripping "over open boxes of beef chubs."A city official, however, said the examples cited by the state included inaccuracies and misleading statements.St. Paul sought a temporary restraining order this month, saying the city was making improvements to a program that for decades has been responsible for St. Paul inspections.In her order Friday, District Judge Elena Ostby said the city's claims were primarily economic in nature and didn't justify immediate court action."The city clearly admits to deficiencies in its inspection programs," Ostby wrote. "(The state agencies) have submitted uncontroverted evidence of such deficiencies. The current deficiencies jeopardize public safety."State officials welcomed the ruling."Our chief concern is in protecting the public'shealth, and this ruling allows us to move forward and complete the process to do just that," Ed Ehlinger, the state health commissioner, said in a statement.In an interview, Ehlinger praised the judge for ruling that the state has "clearly articulated reasons for declining to continue to delegate the inspection responsibilities."Ben Miller, manager of the food inspection program for the state Department of Agriculture, said in an interview that "St. Paul wasn't adequately meeting the terms of the agreement.""The judge's ruling allows us to go in and do the inspections for those facilities," Miller said.City officials said they are reviewing legal options that could include suing the state.In a statement, Mayor Chris Coleman noted the judge acknowledged that the city had made necessary investments in staffing, resources and policies for the inspections program."I am confident that the city of Saint Paul is best suited to conduct inspections of businesses," Coleman said."I plan to explore all options that return this important line of business back to the city," Coleman's statement later reads.Under its agreement with the Agriculture Department, the city was responsible for inspections of about 630 retail food facilities in St. Paul, such as grocery and convenience stores.The delegation agreement with the Health Department meant the city was responsible for inspecting food, beverage and lodging establishments as well as public pools.During an evaluation in June 2012, state health officials found serious problems with the city inspection program. In November, both sides conditionally agreed to resolve issues within two years.But the Health Department termina存倉ed the agreement this summer after determining the city wasn't making adequate progress.A review of 114 city inspection reports from May to June of this year found "serious" errors in 70 percent of them, state officials said. Among them: citing the wrong city code and leaving out enforcement deadlines.A sample of St. Paul swimming pools showed 74 percent were overdue for inspection. One downtown apartment building's pool was not inspected for more than three years past the scheduled inspection date, even though pools must be inspected annually.St. Paul Safety and Inspections Director Ricardo Cervantes and other city leaders have said the department was making improvements that included hiring six new inspectors, adding more than 1,900 hours of training and reducing case backlogs.A separate evaluation by the Agriculture Department in January and February also found problems with the city's inspection program.The majority of city inspectors could not conduct a risk-based inspection of retail food facilities, said Miller, the Agriculture Department official. City inspectors also didn't seem competent, he said, in reviewing safety plans at facilities that use specialized processes to prepare food, such as canning vegetables or curing meat.The Agriculture Department also had significant concerns that the St. Paul City Council had the ultimate say in imposing penalties against facilities."Having the decision making for enforcement actions rest in an elected and partisan political body is not sufficient to ensure that enforcement decisions are made appropriately and without political influence," the Agriculture Department wrote in a June report.On Friday, the Agriculture and Health departments released documents that highlighted specific health violations in St. Paul.In one case, city inspectors took photos but did not collect samples and issue a sanitary notice despite finding evidence of a rodent infestation, according to the Agriculture Department's document. The evidence included "rat gnawed food product, single service coffee filters had urine/feces on them/their boxes, rat hair present," the department said.In another case, city inspectors did not address "whole pigs dripping blood over open boxes of beef chubs in the meat area." In a third case, a St. Paul inspector did not discuss the problem of cross-contamination after observing multiple species of fish draped on top of each other in a display case, according to the Agriculture Department.Cervantes, the city official, said he was not aware of the incidents involving pig blood and fish, so he could not comment. But in the case of rodent infestation, city inspectors did issue a sanitary notice, he said, and ordered the immediate destruction of the contaminated products.St. Paul has said the state's move will cost it $1 million in lost fees and lead to 15 staff layoffs.Frederick Melo contributed to this report. Christopher Snowbeck can be reached at 651-228-5479. Follow him at ___ (c)2013 the Pioneer Press (St. Paul, Minn.) Visit the Pioneer Press (St. Paul, Minn.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services自存倉

sgusers9 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()  “斯諾登身穿灰色襯衣,自存倉戴著眼鏡仍舊斯文,但與一個多月以前出現在媒體面前相比明顯消瘦了不少,頭髮也長了一些。”   北京時...

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尖東康莊道的消防總部昨日罕有地發生火警,迷你倉出租大樓內四百人需要疏散,一名女文員因為急步落樓梯而感不適,休息後無恙。調查後相信是大樓電腦房一支光管的火牛起火,沒有可疑。發生火警的消防處總部,地下是尖東消防局,消防員在起火一分鐘後到達現場,先後調派八部消防車和一部救護車,但毋須開喉灌救。  事發昨晨九時四十二分,總部十樓的行政電腦系統伺服器,一支光管懷疑火牛冒煙,由儲存倉房內無人,直至濃煙充斥才被發現,大廈內近四百人立即有秩序地疏散落樓,到先前指定的集合地點。負責救火的消防員派出煙帽隊進入總部,至十樓發現「火源」,但證實有煙無火毋須開喉,火警十二分鐘後宣告「撲滅」。  火警期間,一名女文職人員因為急速落樓,感到不適,到救護車上休息後無恙。  對於消防總部火警,卻有九部消防車和救護車到場,消防發言人指是根據一般程序,並無特別。迷你倉沙田

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  聯想(992)剛躋身全球最大個人電腦商,迷你倉新蒲崗即使PC市場銷量倒退,但外電引述聯想首席財務官黃偉明表示,筆記本及桌面電腦需求受到技術及經濟環境因素影響,惟現時在上述產品領域已看到一些積極的訊號,相信在經濟逐步復甦時,企業對商用PC的升級需求將會增加,而市場亦正逐漸習慣新的操作系統。PC市場規模目前仍達2000億美元,仍然非常龐大,認為該市場仍有很多機遇。  被問及Windows 8並未為PC市迷你倉出租帶來預期的拉動作用,他認為,市場需要更多時間適應由原來的Windows操作系統,轉換為觸控式系統,加上微軟會繼續改善相關系統,相信通過微軟及電腦廠商共同努力,市場將更認識到新操作系統的價值,並有助帶動需求。短期內不打算發債另外,聯想早前在世界各地路演,市場揣測公司或會發行美元債券,惟黃偉明表示,現時全球市場動盪,而公司擁有充裕資金,短期內不打算發債。聯想股價昨日逆市升0.56%,收報7.19元。儲存倉

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