• Dec 24 Tue 2013 14:37
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Source: Messenger-Inquirer, Owensboro, Ky.迷你倉Dec. 22--Regular sessions of the Kentucky General Assembly are always dominated by the adoption of a new state budget, and that will certainly be the case for the 2014 session beginning Jan. 7 in Frankfort.But this session is also shaping up as one that will focus heavily on education funding, or, more precisely, restoring funding for elementary and secondary education.In an interview Tuesday looking ahead to the 2014 General Assembly, Gov. Steve Beshear called for more money for the state's education system, with cuts elsewhere if necessary."I am determined to reinvest in education with this upcoming budget, so if I have to cut some other areas to do it, that is what I am going to do," he told reporters Tuesday, according to an Associated Press report.Beshear said the state needs to restore funding cuts made to education during the recession. While he didn't mention specific cuts, he said everything will be on the table when he prepares his budget.Another AP report said the state Department of Education has asked for $336 million in additional school funding in the two-year budget, most of it to restore per pupil funding to pre-recession levels. Support Education Excellence in Kentucky funding, or SEEK as it is known, is currently $3,827 per student. It was $3,866 in 2009. Other areas of school funding have been drastically cut as well.If school funding cuts are not restored, Kentucky Education Commissioner Terry Holliday has warned that school districts will have to cut up to 2,000 teachers and teaching assistants."Our most compelling job is to create a new two-year budget," Rep. Tommy Thompson, a Daviess County Democrat and member of the House leadership team, said. "It will be the most challenging budget in recent history because of the disconnect between the forecasted revenue we're going to have versus the needs that have been identified and expressed because of significant cuts and programs woefully underfunded over the last five years."Since the national recession began, Thompson said about $1.6 billion has been cut from the state budget. It had to be done, he said, but it has left a lot of programs in need of major funding restoration."The governor's top issue is education, and I certainly agree with that," Thompson said. "We all realize we need to restore education funding."Beyond restoring SEEK funding, Thompson said "flex focus grants" for such things as extended school services, professional development for teachers and school technology have been severely trimmed."We ought to strive to get back to at least 2009 levels," Thompson said. "I hope we can find money for flex focus grants and the technology needs of schools. Education is job one for our state. In this environment, it will be tough."Thompson said he has heard reports of funding problems associated with the state teacher retirement system, which could require $800 million over two years to fix."Plus, we had to cut child care assistance," he said. "People use it to work or go to school. If you don't have child care, you can't do either."Expect plenty of talk about expanded gambling and tax code reform, Thompson said. A pair of expanded gambling bills have already been filed, similar to bills allowing casinos filed in prior sessions."Whether there's any appetite for tax reform is very questionable," Thompson said.Sen. Joe Bowen of Owensboro said the session will boil down to setting spending priorities."While we will have fairly impressive revenue growth numbers, and our structural imbalance is not as mini storagead as it has been, the numbers I've seen are we've got about $4 billion in additional requests from agencies, which is off the chart," Bowen said. "The requests are so astronomical. Education, corrections, retirees, Medicaid -- we're going to have to obviously prioritize."Fiscal challenges will dominate the session, Bowen predicted, but policy issues will be thorny as well, he said."Gambling has resurfaced, it just has," he said. "And there will be more discussion of the Medicaid expansion and the challenges that presents. The governor has brought up tax reform at a late hour. We needed a real foundation of interim discussion. We needed to study the report of the (tax reform) commission."Bowen said he supports comprehensive tax code reform. "We need it, I'm for it, but it's a lot to crowd into the session at this late hour," he said.Along with education funding, other big issues sure to gain the attention of lawmakers include the growing heroin problem in Kentucky, whether cities and counties should have the option to levy a local sales tax, a statewide smoking ban and government employee pension issues."I'm for comprehensive tax reform," Bowen said. "I don't think we need to continue to piecemeal it. I would support (local option sales taxes) if, in fact, it could show it would bring relief to the state budget."Bowen said he was considering filing a bill that would move final authority for the adoption of state regulations from the executive branch to the legislative branch."What we see in Washington and Frankfort, the executive branches are doing things by executive order and moving away from balance of powers," he said. "People want balanced power."Bowen said he is also interested in more use of public-private partnerships. "We need to embrace the private sector to solve public problems," he said. "... There's all kinds of ways the private sector can do things better than government."Democratic Rep. Jim Glenn of Owensboro, a college professor, called for attention to education funding."I want to make sure we have solid funding for kindergarten though 12," Glenn said. "I want to make sure we have enough dollars for new technology in schools. Kentucky is the first in the nation to have Internet access in every school. I want to make sure we don't fall behind. We are transitioning away from hard copy textbooks to online textbooks, which gives students faster access to content. We need to make sure we keep funding teacher training."Glenn said education is Kentucky's answer to surviving global economic change.As for expanding gambling in Kentucky, Glenn is skeptical because he said casinos in the border states of Ohio and Indiana are already established."I'm not sure how much money is left on the plate for us," he said.Republican Suzanne Miles, the newly elected representative from the 7th District, said she attended a budget review session in Frankfort early last week."I'm trying to get ready, looking over bills and topics," Miles said. "The budget will be the first thing."Miles, who defeated Democrat Kim Humphrey on Dec. 10, will have had less than a month to prepare for the session. Regular sessions have 60 working days, but the session won't end until mid-April."Several state legislators have agreed to help me in every way possible, to help me navigate and do my new job," Miles said.Steve Vied, 691-7297, svied@messenger-inquirer.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 Messenger-Inquirer (Owensboro, Ky.) Visit the Messenger-Inquirer (Owensboro, Ky.) at .messenger-inquirer.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

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Source: The Charleston Gazette, W.儲存Va.Dec. 23--CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- The death toll has risen steadily in the U.S. in recent years: the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre that resulted in 32 fatalities, the 2012 theatre shooting in Aurora, Colo., that killed 12 people, and the Sandy Hook shooting last year, in which 20 children and six educators lost their lives.For one organization, the tragedies highlight an issue that has divided people for decades: whether the sale of guns and ammunition should be regulated, and to what degree the Second Amendment gives people the "right to bear arms."According to Dee Price Childers, leader of the West Virginia chapter of the national organization Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, tragedies like Sandy Hook should serve to remind parents that the climate in America has allowed unprecedented gun access, and a dearth of background checks for those purchasing guns and ammunition means that nearly anyone can own a gun."After the Sandy Hook disaster, I think it was a wake-up call to a lot of people," Childers said. "Being a mother of three myself, I looked into Moms Demand Action and found that I was in line with their goals."Moms Demand Action was formed last December in the wake of the Sandy Hook school shootings. The shooter, 20-year-old Adam Lanza, had been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder, and had refused to speak to his mother for three months prior to the shooting. He also barred her from entering his room, where he had blacked out the windows and hung a poster detailing a list of the worst mass shootings in history, in order, by the number of deaths. He also was believed to have been obsessed with researching and correcting Wikipedia articles about mass shootings, according to the Hartford Courant.In the wake of the tragedy, many media outlets and organizations questioned whether Lanza was mentally unstable, but for Childers, that question overlooks another facet of the problem -- whether those with a history of mental illness or crime are able to purchase guns and ammo without question."We're not anti-Second Amendment or anti-guns -- we're just in favor of common-sense gun laws," Childers said. "Our No. 1 priority is requiring background checks for all gun and ammunition purchases, which should be common sense."The organization, which has more than 125,000 members nationwide, has worked toward enacting legislation that would require background checks for those purchasing guns or ammunition. Moms Demand Action recently announced a plan to merge with another group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, another national organization with more than 1,000 mayors in 46 states, as well as 1.5 million registered supporters. West Virginia is one of four states that do not have a mayor pledged as a member of the group迷你倉"Together, we will continue the momentum for new and stronger solutions to lax gun laws, loopholes, and policies that jeopardize the safety of American children and families," said Kim Russell, national director of outreach for Moms Demand Action. "The majority of Americans support these laws -- if we join together and use our voices and votes, we will be unstoppable."Russell, the victim of a robbery and shooting that happened in Atlanta just days after the 1999 Columbine High School shooting and took the life of her friend, a high school teacher, said the merger would allow the organization to reach more people and create more awareness of the problems that exist in U.S. law."Gun violence is a problem that won't be solved until we get laws on the books that will protect all communities," she said. "We are bringing together a broad and diverse coalition of Americans -- from mayors to moms, law enforcement to faith leaders, gun owners and survivors -- who are committed to getting it done."Childers said one of the main barriers to preventive legislation is the level of lobbying in favor of unregulated gun sales. The National Rifle Association spent a record amount of money on lobbying in 2013, spending roughly $800,000 on lobbying in the first quarter -- more than any year previous, according to The Center for Public Integrity."People who profit from easy access to guns are controlling the conversation; they're out their 'defending' the Second Amendment, but really, they're pursuing their own agenda to make money from gun sales," she said. "It's almost to the point where you can't have a conversation about it."The state chapter of Moms Demand Action met with Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., earlier this year to discuss their goals. Manchin introduced legislation in April to expand background checks, but the bill was defeated in the Senate.For Childers, the fact that a mass shooting has not occurred in a school in West Virginia does not rule out the possibility."It could certainly happen anywhere there is easy access to guns. Even though West Virginia hasn't had a situation like the ones in Colorado or Connecticut, we certainly have our share of gun deaths," she said.Childers said those interested in joining the organization can visit its Facebook page or go to the national website, .momsdemandaction.org, and click "join" under the "Take Action" tab to connect to a local chapter."We want to let people know that we're out there, and that moms are concerned about the dangers of guns in this country and want action to be taken," she said.Reach Lydia Nuzum at lydia.nuzum@wvgazette.com or 304-348-5189.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Charleston Gazette (Charleston, W.Va.) Visit The Charleston Gazette (Charleston, W.Va.) at .wvgazette.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉

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迷你倉 dz.jjckb.cn//pages/webpage2009/html/2013-12/24/content_84316.htm?div=-1...(按新聞發生時間順序排列)1、多方推進TPP、TTIP、FTA貿易談判3月15日,日本首相安倍晉三正式宣佈,日本將加入《跨太平洋戰略經濟伙伴協定...mini storage

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信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/12月23日,self storage網友用手機掃一掃“會買房”。張磊攝  獎品:5部小米2S手機,100張50元移動充值卡。    華西都市報打造線上買房第一利器??“會買房”微信平台  截至昨日,上線只有5天時間,華西都市報傾力打造的線上買房第一利器??“會買房”微信平台,已吸引超過8000名用戶的關注。不僅如此,隨著4部小米手機、80張手機充值卡等大獎的送出,“會買房”集納的有效客戶在最近3天出現集中“爆棚”之勢,據不完全統計,截至昨日下午6時,已超過3000名用戶填寫了購房意願,希望通過“會買房”平台拿到給力的購房優惠。8000余人點擊關注近4成報名表達買房意願  12月19日,目前國內最領先的房產類微信平台“會買房”正式上線,為“微友”提供房源查詢、在線詢價、團購優惠、地圖導航四大實用功能。  作為6億微信網友在線買房的“第一利器”,“會買房”一上線就受到了各地微信用戶的瘋狂圍觀。截至目前,已超過8000名買房人點擊關注了“會買房”平台。這些用戶中,有3000多名在平台上報名,填寫了自己的意向性購買樓盤。  從用戶情況看,“會買房”用戶的線上活躍度十分高漲。從區域搜索的情況來看,很多用戶都關注地鐵線附近的樓盤;從品牌查詢來看,品牌開發商開發的樓盤被很多用戶關注,比如保利、萬科、藍光、綠地、龍湖,都是用戶查詢最多的品牌;按總價查詢來看,80萬元總價的產品最受關注,其中,更多的用戶關注放在剛需產品上,比方說,套二、套三等小戶型。  值得一提的是,雖說該平台目前囊括的1000多個樓盤均為大成都範圍內的住宅產品,但關注“會買房”的微友卻有不少是二級城市的潛在購房者。  “除了成都用戶,來自德陽、宜賓、瀘州、綿陽、樂山、南充、達州、自貢等二級城市的購房者,報名的也很多,在線查詢的活躍度很高。”該平台相關負責人表示,這樣一方面說明瞭成都樓市對二級城市客群的吸引力,另一方面,也證明二級城市的手機用戶活躍度之高、對微信平台的高度認可和信息依賴。  此外,“會買房”用戶關注度最高的置業區域,更多的集中在五城區內,其中以金牛區的新開樓盤關注度最高。其次,錦江區、成華區、高新區、武侯區、青羊區的關注度也居高不下;在二、三圈層中,用戶關注度較高的區域,依次為雙流、龍泉驛、郫縣、新都、溫江、都江堰等區域。3000名用戶期待“獨家讓利”開發商主動上門給優惠  “對買房者來說,‘會買房’是一個強大的服務、讓利平台。要買哪種類型的房子,想在哪個區域買,手上預算有多少,在這個平台上一找,信息就出來了。當然,買房最關心的優惠情況,這個平台也會源源不斷地獨家提供給大家。”據平台相關負責人介紹,“會買房”有一功能就是你對某個盤感興趣了,就可以在線詢價或報名團購,在迷利倉菜單、戶型列表、樓盤文章等位置都可以提交你的詢價或團購信息。  信息提交後,華西都市報將為買房小伙伴提供專屬的“一起來砍價”團房服務,包括保利、藍光、綠地,以及華潤、萬科、龍湖、中海等在內的100多家開發商,只要購房者的數量達到一定規模,華西都市報就會向開發商發出“砍價”邀請,開發商將提供全成都最優惠的獨家讓利,最高讓利額或將突破上限,達到10%以上!  據不完全統計,截至昨日下午6時,有超過3000名用戶在“會買房”平台上報名,填寫了自己的真實購房意願,希望通過“會買房”拿到給力的購房優惠。  也正因為此,“會買房”上線不到一周,已引起超過10家開發商的高度關注。除了一線品牌開發商,也有新進入成都拿地的四川省二級城市開發商。該開發商在看到華西都市報推出“會買房”的報道後,主動撥打96111華西傳媒呼叫中心,希望加盟“會買房”進行待售樓盤的推廣。  據透露,不少品牌開發商對“會買房”頗感興趣。某一線開發商在關注了“會買房”平台的當天,主動邀約洽談合作事宜。目前,該合作正在緊鑼密鼓的籌備之中,最快將于一周內推出。屆時,該開發商旗下覆蓋成都東西南北的多個品質樓盤,將集中向“會買房”用戶提供獨家讓利,對於�多正在觀望中的意向性買房市民來說,史無前例的年度獨家特惠將降臨你的身邊。  “會買房”將持續推出更多轟動全城購房者的特價優惠、禮品贈送活動,只要關注“會買房”,各種“驚喜”將陸續擴散到廣大微友身邊。倒計時最後一天關注“會買房”免費得小米手機  自本月20日起,“會買房”微信平台給大家帶來了價值上萬元的“見面禮”,在2013年12月20日-12月24日期間,每天抽出1位小米手機獲獎者、20位50元充值卡獲獎者。共計5部小米2S手機,100張50元移動充值卡在內的免費大獎,每天17:00點準時抽取,在5天內集中送出。  截至目前,已有4位用戶博得頭彩,通過加關注、參與抽獎的方式,各自免費領取到價值近2000元的小米手機。此外,也有80位網友獲得幸運獎,各自獲得價值50元的手機充值卡。  今日下午5點,第一波關注“會買房”送見面禮活動將關閘,最後一部小米手機,仍在等待一位幸運的微友免費領取。  只要按照以下步驟操作,就有可能免費領取到小米手機:  第一步??關注微信公�號“會買房”:打開微信,點擊“添加朋友”,再點擊“查找公�號”,輸入“huimaifang”或“會買房”,搜索後關注即可;  第二步??發送“?”,彈出主菜單:加入會買房,以團購價購房。留下你的姓名、電話以及意向樓盤,團購要優惠、抽獎領手機的事兒,就全部交給“會買房”去辦吧!  第三步??點擊“加入會買房:抽小米手機與50元移動充值卡”,進入認證。  完成以上三步,小米2S手機、50元移動充值卡就在等您了。  華西都市報記者盧佳麗迷你倉

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【本報消息】早前“澳門拉丁城區幻彩大巡遊”閉幕式上的四個巨型木偶昨起在聖誕假期間特定時間開放給居民和遊客操作試玩。昨日所見,迷你倉木偶吸引不少人拍照留念,大人帶同小朋友在工作人員指導下試玩,大呼過癮。有居民認為,此類文化活動值得讚賞,宜擴大宣傳,吸引更多人參與。昨日下午四時,由參與大巡遊閉幕式匯演的本地木偶操作員教授居民及遊客親身嘗試操作木偶,吸引不少特意前來、途經的大人及小朋友試玩,亦有不少人拍照留念。在工作人員指導下,居民透過用力扯線或推動木偶小腿,讓大木偶“活起來”,mini storage出各種曼妙舞姿,現場洋溢歡樂氣氛。展期至周四有到場的小朋友大呼“好好玩,大木偶好得意”!有居民笑言,木偶有一定重量,不易控制,幸有工作人員從旁指示。認為本澳在文化創意方面的活動頗多,網上都可查詢有關資訊。居民梁先生表示,當局投入大量資源舉辦如此大型活動,能在聖誕期間延續,讓居民遊客近距離目睹巨型木偶的機會難得,惟宣傳方面有待加強。四個大木偶在塔石廣場作免費公開展示至本月廿六日,昨起至明天下午四時至五時、晚上八時至九時,以及廿六日下午四時至五時,開放予大�親身嘗試操作木偶。self storage

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  《經濟通通訊社24日專訊》摩根士丹利發表研究報告,迷你倉指維持中移動(00941)「與大市同步」評級,並繼續較看好中電信(00728)及中聯通(00762)。  該行指,中移動於1月17日開始售賣iPhone5s╱5c,對市場來說不是驚喜,惟集團並未公布訂購iPhone計劃詳情,不過大摩相信新TD iPhone初步只會於16個集團覆蓋4G的城市售賣。  大摩認為,與蘋果公司合作,並不會令中移動顯著增加市場份額,並估計目前已有4000至4500萬iPhone用戶使用中移動終端網絡,為內地iPhone市佔率約70%,相反大摩相信與蘋果公司合作,將令中移動最少未來兩至三年的盈利攤薄,預計若銷售1600至2000萬部iPhone,將令盈利攤薄12至15%。  不過, 大摩相信合作對中移動文件倉年盈利實際衝擊較預期少,主要由於銷售iPhone局限於16個城市,銷售數量相對少,而中移動傾向嚴控對iPhone的手機補貼。  大摩指出,較看好中電信及聯通,主要由於認為兩者於未來12至18個月內將可繼續搶佔中移動的市佔率,而FDD-LTE牌照發牌時間相信亦會較市場預期為早,預計為明年下半年,將可收窄中移動搶「頭啖湯」的利好因素,而近日下調網間結算收費,亦相信可令中電信及聯通盈利增加10至20%,相反中移動的盈利則會有單位數的下跌。(zy)  *編者按:本文只供參考之用,並不構成要約、招攬或邀請、誘使、任何不論種類或形式之       申述或訂立任何建議及推薦,讀者務請運用個人獨立思考能力自行作出投資決定       ,如因相關建議招致損失,概與《經濟通通訊社》、編者及作者無涉。存倉

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Source: Bangor Daily News, MaineDec.迷你倉 23--Chris Shorette has been the public address announcer at Old Town High School basketball games for the last 15 years.And short of taking advantage of technological advances to add music before and during breaks at the games he works, little has changed in how he has approached the job."It's basically common sense," he said. "My goal is just to add a little something to the game, to make the kids feel like they're playing somewhere bigger than just another high school gym."Such PA duties vary from high school to high school in Maine. Many announcers merely announce the participating teams' lineups before the games, while others provide more detailed, game-related information throughout the contest such as naming the player scoring a basket or committing a foul.It's the latter information that has drawn some scrutiny from those who oversee the contests.The National Federation of State High School Associations made an editorial change in its rulebook for the 2013-14 season stating, "the announcer shall be prohibited from making announcements while the clock is running during the course of the contest."In addition, Maine high school public address announcers have been offered some updated do's and don'ts for what information should and should not be announced during a game."The announcer is asked, along with the athletic director, to respect the game and is encouraged to make basic informational announcements such as who commits the foul, who is attempting the free throw, which team is being granted the timeout, the type or length of the timeout and whether it's 30 seconds or 60 seconds, or who is entering the game," said Maine basketball commissioner Peter Webb during the Maine Principals' Association's annual video clinic for coaches."On the other hand, the announcer shall not announce the amount of time remaining in a quarter or the game, or the number of fouls on a player or a team, or the number of timeouts for a team or the number of timeouts remaining. The rationale behind that is those kinds of announcements could affect the play of players or the thinking of coaches and so forth, and additionally the announcer's information is not official information and there could be mistakes that take place."So the announcer is encouraged to be part of it but to honor and respect the game and stick to the basic information," Webb added.Public address announcers generally have complied with the spirit of most, if not all, of those do's and donmini storagets over the years."I can't talk when the ball is live, with the only exception being to announce who scores," said Gerry Jones, the public address announcer for basketball, track and field and soccer at Presque Isle High School since 2003. "I know as long as the referee has the ball, it's a dead ball."But there are exceptions to those rules that follow PA practices at other levels of the sport, such as the college and professional ranks."I usually say how many fouls there is on someone, like his third and the team's fourth, but it's on the scoreboard anyway," said Shorette, who is a track and field official. "I sit right next to the timer and scorer, so if I have a question they're right there for me to ask them."Jones has opted not to announce the number of individual and team fouls."Coaches have assistant coaches to keep track of those things for them," he said. "I'm not trying to influence the game."Most PA announcers share a greater familiarity with and affinity for their home teams, and overzealousness in that area may cause problems given the NFHS's goal of providing an impartial atmosphere at the games.Jones and Shorette said they make it a point to recognize the achievements by players on both teams but that it's human nature for their primary allegiances to sneak through at times."I try not to be too one-sided, but I'm getting paid to announce an Old Town game so I tend to be a little more enthusiastic when I'm making a call for an Old Town player," said Shorette. "But I'm not ignoring it when someone on the other team makes a good play, and every now and then I get a compliment from an opposing parent."Jones recalls being quite enthusiastic over the microphone a few years ago about the 3-point shooting accuracy of some of the Presque Isle basketball players but says he's now less emphatic in such cases in the sought-after spirit of public address announcers treating both teams the same way.Truth be told, though, he'd probably still prefer to be just a little more animated when the Wildcats are at their best, seeing it as part of the home-court advantage."As far as the feedback from the fans, they seem to like it. I've never had a complaint from an opposing coach that I treated a kid unfairly," Jones said."I don't want to embarrass anyone. I just want to give the players some recognition."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Bangor Daily News (Bangor, Maine) Visit the Bangor Daily News (Bangor, Maine) at .bangordailynews.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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  近年不時有人公開表示,迷你倉最平擔心香港人失去can-do精神。  「甚麼都有可能做到」,能克服表面看來的限制,是香港人素來引以為傲的特質。  3個普通人卻以他們的故事證明香港人仍有can-do精神,沒指望外人幫助,憑毅力和信念圓夢。  荃灣廣場的「奇幻倒誕屋」有180度倒轉的飯廳和廚房,桌子和廚櫃倒掛在天花板,連餐桌上的意粉和紅酒也彷彿快要從天花板傾瀉下來,倒到你的頭上,路過的市民都非常好奇。  廁所及睡房的所有家具包括床和馬桶就旋轉90度。入場拍照時只要跳起,就可以模仿飄浮的動作,「體驗」在無重狀態下如廁和睡覺。  這是錯視藝術(trick art),是黃俊飛和兒子的作品。黃俊飛是香港第一個錯視藝術家,憑自學而成。  黃俊飛05年首次在網上接觸歐美非常流行的錯視藝術。「當時YouTube才剛剛開始成立,連教學短片都未有」,他就只靠看網上相片自學。他更利用電腦3D軟件,模擬真實環境的角度和光�,製作出錯視藝術的透視變形效果。美航邀創作 全港最大錯視畫  同年阿飛接受美國航空公司邀請,在機鐵站內製作大型錯視作品。「同行都話我太大膽,好容易失手,第一次做就做這麼難的事。但我不管啦,做了才算!」  這份作品是全港首幅、也是全港至今最大幅的錯視藝術,全長1.6公里,繪畫了美國10個著名景點,包括大峽谷、金門橋等。全幅作品由黃俊飛統籌,動用共6位插畫師之力,用3個星期完成,「真的日以繼夜,好緊張,全力以赴」。  結果作品大獲好評,甚至有觀眾要求以後有類似的創作要通知他,讓他帶小朋友去欣賞。阿飛認為錯視藝術可令觀眾融入畫作,也令他更有滿足感。「以往做廣告,出了街都不會有feedback(回應)。今次是第一次感受有觀眾很享受我們的創作。可能做的時候好辛苦,但創作可以令別人滿足,自己都很滿意。」  熱愛創作的阿飛,喜歡用新元素創作。20多年前剛從設計學院畢業,在廣告公司當了幾年插畫師,公司買了第一台電腦,打算開發電腦設計,但無同事想用,他就把握公餘時間在公司試用,「就算在公司通宵,睡不�我都會拿來用。」當先行者 投資百萬足可買樓  89年他成立設計公司,當時電腦印刷迷你倉驟繁複,要先將電腦的設計檔案打印成底片,才可再印刷廣告,全港只有1間電腦打印公司,要兩三天時間才完成打印。然而,不少廣告製作時間緊逼,要花兩三天印刷,創作時間就會大大壓縮,阿飛遂把心一橫,以分期付款方式用100萬元左右買印刷機。「10幾年前的100萬元,我估買層樓都可以,但實在好想用電腦,用新的方法去做自己的工作。」他一直投放大量資金更新軟件、購置新電腦,成為行業中的先行者。在2000年,整個廣告行業的平面廣告,更有一半出自他手筆。  不過,他的創作生涯絕非無風無浪,97年金融風暴,他的收入只能勉強支�公司營運,但他仍然樂觀,「做到幾多就做幾多,環境再差我都試過。」住天台屋苦讀 問路人借車錢  他出身低下階層,與兄弟姐妹撿電�賣,幫補家計。中五畢業後,他一個人租住天台木屋,又要賺學費修讀設計課程,每天做兩份兼職,早上在餐廳當侍應生,晚上到報館當排版員。他更試過無錢坐車回家,要問路人借錢。好幾次借不到,唯有用幾個小時從佐敦道走路回荃灣。「不覺得是苦,我還邊走邊唱歌,更有很多時間可以思考」。年輕時的艱苦,磨練了黃俊飛的耐力和對信念的堅持。「樣樣事都有辦法解決,只要你肯去試!」  他和兒子黃揚(Alex)說,奇幻倒誕屋「不止倒轉咁簡單」,屋子不但上下倒轉,還斜插在地上,每個角的高度都不一樣。此外,屋內要利用真實家具,製造倒置的效果,更要克服不少技術困難,例如將大型家具如廚櫃等倒轉,穩定在天花板上。  勇於挑戰的阿飛計劃下次創作加入影像、動畫和燈光等新元素,並希望錯視藝術衝出街頭,「外國街頭四處都是trick art,但香港卻大多在商場,我想將錯視大眾化。」他更希望仿效日本和南韓等地,建立錯視藝術博物館,有長久擺放錯視藝術的地方。他們正考慮向政府申請資助,籌備建館的資金。  阿飛現時54歲,計劃明年逐步減少廣告等商業作品,專注創作,他正構思製作一幅牆畫,將香港各區特色風景盡收其中。  年輕時阿飛嫌生活苦悶,特意在4度嚴寒下去天台沖凍水涼,又曾穿睡衣在中環睡覺梳洗,體驗流浪。隨心而行,期待阿飛往後的創作將觀眾帶到一個顛覆視覺、打破悶局的幻想世界。  (系列一)mini storage

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