12/31起 到超商買高鐵票 免排隊、省時又方便春節假期即將到來,自存倉台灣高鐵春節疏運期間(2014年1月27日至2月5日)車票,將自12月31日凌晨零時起開放預售,高鐵公司建議旅客,自開賣當日起,全國九千八百多家24小時服務的便利超商都可購票,只要便利超商走一趟,3分鐘即可買到車票,輕鬆安排好春節假期行程。高鐵公司根據歷年售票經驗,車票開賣的第一時間,高鐵網路訂票及「T Express」手機購票訂位系統,常因瞬間湧入大量訂票,致系統速度較慢;而超商不僅門市多,買票不用排隊,避開網路塞車之苦,更可以直接付款取票,搭車日直接持票進站,從此過年返鄉不必再拎著大小行李排隊取票,輕鬆返鄉團圓。超商買高鐵票 屢創新高台灣高鐵通車已七年,旅運人次已突破二億四千萬大關,今年初元旦假期更創下單日21萬人次的疏運量。尤其,台灣高鐵推出便利商店購票服務,將售票據點向外擴增到全台九千八百多家的便利商店門市,更獲得旅客的好評,在服務據點大幅提升及積極推廣下,今年元旦當天的便利商店車票使用率將近四成二,創下高鐵公司單日便利商店車票使用率的新高,顯示傳統的購票模式已逐漸打破,便利商店購票的便利性開始獲得民眾喜愛與肯定。春節全家出遊 搭高鐵最放心春節期間四處滿滿的人潮,充滿著一種幸福的年味,高鐵春節疏運十天期間將加開291班次列車,總計提供1632班次列車的旅運服務,以充足運能提供旅客服務。但如果卡在長長的排隊人龍中,可就掃興了!高鐵公司提醒旅客確定行程後,儘早撥空到就近超商查詢各班次列車訂位情形並完成購票,到了車站就不用加入購票隊伍,輕鬆瀟灑地展開愉快的旅程。高鐵乘車小叮嚀1. 高鐵公司呼籲擬安排假期返鄉、出遊的旅客,於確定行程後儘速至便利超商訂位取票,並多加利用離峰車次之對號座,避開車站人潮擁擠高峰。2.迷你倉已完成網路/語音/手機訂位卻尚未付款或取票者,建議出發前先至超商完成付款取票作業,以免車站窗口或自動售票機排隊取票人潮眾多,影響原定出發行程。3. 提醒旅客取票後務必確認票面乘車資訊,以免乘車日期或班次錯誤,影響乘車權益及出遊好心情。4. 春節期間市區或車站附近容易塞車或找不到停車位,提醒旅客早點出門或改搭乘大眾運輸工具,以確保行程順暢。最後,台灣高鐵公司預祝各位春節愉快、旅途平安! 超商購票 好康報你知全台近萬家超商,24小時不打烊的服務,購買高鐵車票省時又省力,更棒的是還能省錢,各家超商為搶搭高鐵商機,紛紛推出特惠活動,憑高鐵繳費收據或票根,就能以優惠的價格換購各項產品,聰明的您千萬不要錯過!超商高鐵購票優惠 註:手續費10元統一 2014/1/1起憑統一超商高鐵車票同時享有以下多重優惠:1. CITY CAF�中杯熱美式咖啡買一送一優惠。再享星巴克咖啡同品項第二杯半價。2. COLD STONE享「經典冰淇淋享買大送大」優惠。3. Mister Donut:享甜甜圈買4送2優惠。4. 21世紀風味館:享「香草烤雞腿指定組合送香草烤雞腿乙隻』優惠。5.博客來網站購物優惠:憑統一超商高鐵車票右上方優惠序號,網站單筆消費699元現折50元。全家 2014/1/1~2014/06/30憑全家高鐵車票可享Let’s caf� 中杯熱美式買1送1或COMEBUY飲料同品項第2杯半價。萊爾富 2014/01/01~2014/01/28憑交易收據下方之兌換券可兌換『健酪乳酸水蜜桃飲料580ml一瓶』。OK 即日起~2014/2/5憑交易收據下方之兌換券,可兌換『生活泡沫綠茶飲料300ml一瓶』,送完為止。※相關兌換規定或限制,以上述超商門市或所屬網站公告為準。mini storage

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mini storage 【小知識】移動通訊轉售業務,即虛擬營運牌照,開放民營資本進入電訊領域,不僅限於現時的內地三大電訊商:中國移動(941)、中國聯通(762)及中國電信(728)。獲虛擬營運牌照的企業於試點期間,可向中國移動等基礎電訊商購買流動通訊服務,以自有品牌開展電訊業務,包括話音服務、SMS(短訊)及MMS(彩訊)、流動數據等,並從中賺取利潤,並將取消網內網外差別定價限制。工信部文件指,今次電訊業改革轉型,將有助激發通訊業的市場競爭力及創新力,為內地的消費者提供更多電訊服務選擇。迷你倉

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昨日下午由中山市委市政府和南方報業,迷你倉西貢傳媒集、團聯合舉辦的“珠西崛起:珠江口西岸跨越發展的方向與路徑選擇”高端論壇在中山舉行省委常委珠海市委書記李嘉。省委、政,研室主任張勁松省實施《珠三角規劃綱要》領導小組,專職副組長蘇澤群中山市委書記薛曉峰江門市委書記劉,海等人就,推動珠西崛起的構想及策略等議題展開研討南方報業傳媒集團總,編輯南、方日報社社長張東明主持論壇。論壇上珠中江三市市委書記專家對珠,及江西岸城市未來的大交通項目給該片區帶來的騰飛意義給予高度重視李嘉。指出未來幾個高速路鐵路城際軌道的,及建成將、把珠中江三,地推向國際都市圈的崛起模式他指出珠江西岸城。市發,展,既要抓住當前的機遇實現騰飛同時也要有淡定從容,的節奏,遵循珠中江原有的環境資源及人文優勢謀劃發展、以更務實,的態度謀劃二次騰飛。薛曉峰表示未來幾年深中通道港珠澳大橋,等大交通、項目建成後珠江西岸城市的戰略區位顯著提升珠,中江體化進程,將大一大加速。他提議,未來三市合作將沿著以大平台撐起“發展脊樑”、以大交通加快實現一體化、以大產業推進區域發展、以大改革構建更加優良發展環境等方向推進,共同推進珠西岸的崛起。劉海透露,目前江門已經沿600多公里海島線搭建大廣海灣經濟開發區,為珠江西岸崛起提供了後花園。他介紹,未來江門將強化與珠海、中山等周邊城市的交通接駁,盤活江門經濟發展。張勁松和中山大學港澳珠三角研究中心主任陳廣漢、省社科院研究員丁力作主題發言,分別就區域發展的類型和影響因素、珠江口東岸與西岸發展比較、推動珠西崛起的構想及策略等議題展開研討。當前,從經濟總量看,珠江西岸城市的經濟發展水平仍低於東岸,珠海、江門的發展速度也較慢;但珠江西岸地區的外貿依存度比東岸低,在社會管理、生態環境方面擁有較大優勢,人均GDP指數較高。統計數據顯示,珠中江的產業結構較為相似,三市在產業延伸、交通建設、環境治理等方面有廣闊的合作空間。■高端聲音省委常委、珠海市委書記李嘉:三市深度合作還有更大提升空間改革開放30多年,不管是珠三角東岸還是西岸,不管是廣東還是浙江,借勢改革紅利都取得了豐碩的果實,各有看頭各有優勢。但放在歷史長河來說,看一個地方的發展,30年的時間是不全面的,可能要兩個30年或者更長的時間。珠中江三市今天聚在一起,不僅是為了規劃近幾年的合作,更是為了謀劃未來更長時間的發展。這既體現了我們齊心合力的一種決心,也體現了我們從容發展的淡定和抱團崛起的信心。齊心合力的決心,來自我們對未來謀劃發展的一個大共識。這也是今天我們在這裡總結過去合作經驗、探討未來合作框架的原因。我相信珠江西岸的崛起,是珠中江三市人民共同的夢想。從容發展的淡定,來自我們對未來發展模式的清醒認識。可以說珠中江在過去30多年中積攢下來的最大優勢,就是並沒有依靠拼速度、拼資源來獲取成績,留下了難得的後發優勢,也迎來了難得的先發優勢。現在橫琴新區的開發,就是一個深度開發的過程,這不僅僅關乎珠海的發展,同時也關係到珠中江的發展。抱團崛起的信心,來自于我們未來發展強勁的後發動力。幾年後,深中通道和港珠澳大橋的建成將使珠中江三市進入國際都會發展模式,再依托我們的環境、土地及海洋資源、人文底蘊等優勢,珠江西岸的崛起就有了深厚的基石。根據省委、省政府“走出一條與珠三角東岸不一樣的發展道路”要求,珠江西岸城市早在幾年前就展開了合作,在公交服務、社保醫保、環境治理等方面都取得了實質性的進展。但未來應該怎麼合作,如何進行更加深度的合作,我想還有更廣闊的強化空間,珠中江三市的合作不要局限于固定的聯席會議,而要給珠江西岸崛起提供更多元、更務實的渠道。在這裡我提一個建議,推進深化改革,我們可以在聯席會議的基礎上建立更高效的互動合作形式,如在三市成立由市長主導的緊密合作機制,給三市深度合作提供更大的空間。這種機制的運作,可以通過由專家、政府組成的專門責任委員會來推動,在城市規劃、交通建設、產業對接、環境共治、機制研究等領域展開深度合作。具體來說,在城市規劃領域,可以通過成立專責委員會,在珠中江三市層面對未來的城市建設提出更長遠的建設性意見,體現更高視野的統籌格局;在交通建設領域,通過專責委員會對三地交通網絡覆蓋進行更及時有效的對接;同樣地,在產業對接、環境治理等層面,也可以通過類似的機制,站在更高更長遠的平台去規劃、建設和合作;甚至在機制體制研究方面,我們三個城市也可以通過這樣的形式來推動,給珠中江的合作注入最大的動力、活力和執行力。 中山市委書記薛曉峰:構建珠西崛起的“四大支撐”從第七屆珠中江聯席會議開始,珠中江三市的合作進入了戰略層面。“珠西崛起”的命題,更是延續了戰略層面的探討,找到了珠中江在珠三角優化發展中的歷史定位,通過這個命題,珠中江三市找到了符合全省乃至三市自身發展的最大公約數。我認為,珠西崛起應有“四大支撐”,即在平台建設、產業合作、交通對接、改革創新等領域深化合作、攜手共進,努力在新起點上實現二次騰飛。首先,要以大平台支撐珠江西岸“發展脊樑”。重大平台建設,是珠江西岸未來發展競爭力和影響力的戰略性引擎和推動器,事關產業轉型升級、城市擴容提質、深化改革開放。目前,珠海、江門已分別瞄準橫琴新區、大廣海灣經濟開發區等平台謀求更大發展,中山則依托偉人孫中山故里的文化積澱,著力推進翠亨新區建設。今年3月,翠亨新區正式掛牌成立,按照一城雙核的戰略格局與最低碳、最宜居、最現代化的定位,目前包括基礎設施和重點項目在內的各項建設正步步為營,扎實推進。總額達600多億元的重大項目簽約落戶;7月舉行的第二屆海峽兩岸中山論壇上,翠亨新區又與港澳台達成了總額40億美元的合作意向。目前,新區先進智造區入園項目已達52個,在整合與提升高新區原工業智造園區的基礎上,一批文化創意與包括遊艇旅遊在內的現代服務業項目正在洽談與建設中。此外,正在籌建產值達1000億元的高端智造園區,已在全面推進即將投產。我希望,珠中江三市以橫琴新區、翠亨新區、大廣海灣經濟開發區等為平台,整合資源,集約發展,構建起圈層清晰、錯位發展、互補互促、合理競爭的具有較強國際競爭力的現代產業體系,最終以三大平台之力,撐起珠西“發展脊樑”。珠中江三市應加強產業合作,努力形成錯位發展、優勢互補的格局。就中山而言,要加快建設光電裝備、風電裝備、海洋工程裝備等省市共建戰略性新興產業基地,努力在新能源、健康科技、電子信息、遊迷你倉將軍澳及旅遊文化產業等領域率先取得突破。同時,要實施“新三百”計劃,培育更多的百億級企業和千億級產業集群,打造產業“航空母艦”,組建“聯合艦隊”。在珠中江產業合作中,應從行政區經濟轉向經濟區經濟,使各種生產要素在三市之間順暢流通,實現優化配置,不要再讓行政區劃有形的腳踩住市場無形的手。發揮市場在資源配置中的決定性作用,要通過創新互動合作的思路和方式,結合三地各自產業發展的現狀及要素稟賦,在更高層次上加強相互間的產業、資金、人力等要素資源的合理對接和有效配置。珠中江一體化,要充分利用港珠澳大橋和深中通道為核心的交通基礎設施建設帶來的歷史機緣,不失時機扎實推進。令人欣喜的是,珠江西岸迎來大橋時代越來越成為現實。目前,港珠澳大橋進展順利,預計將于2016年通車。而深中通道作為“深莞惠”與“珠中江”兩大經濟圈的唯一直連通道,其建成將加速珠江口東西兩岸人流、物流、資金流的流動,推動東西兩岸經濟社會融合發展。現在,深中通道方案已經上報,《珠三角規劃綱要》“九年大跨越”方案也明確規定了深中通道2015年開工建設,力爭2020年完工。我希望珠中江三市加快推進高速鐵路、高速公路、城際軌道等與港珠澳大橋、深中通道的科學合理銜接,打造聯結珠江口東西岸、環繞珠三角和港澳地區的現代交通網絡,同時推進珠中江三市的跨境交通銜接,著力打通三市跨界“斷頭路”,加快與粵東西北的交通路網建設,讓三地人民享受更加快捷便利的出行。 江門市委書記劉海:珠西崛起不能再搞諸侯經濟珠西崛起是一個非常深刻的主題,既總結了過去4年合作的成果,也是對未來發展的深刻闡釋。要實現珠西崛起,需要珠中江三市真正深入和合作,如果還像過去那樣搞“諸侯經濟”,是沒有前途的。三市應重點考慮與珠三角之間的交通對接、海洋經濟的發展,以及珠西崛起這一命題本身。江門過去為什麼相對發展比較慢?主要還是因為部分地區區位優勢不足。在江門的GDP總量中,鶴山、新會、江門市區占了75%,而地域遼闊的台山、開平、恩平等地,占比不足30%。這說明我們的南部,靠近珠海、中山的地方,還有很大的發展空間。港珠澳大橋的建設,將給江門發展注入新的動力。港珠澳大橋在珠海的落腳點到江門崖門大橋距離是62公里,到江門川島是120公里,到陽江是210公里。沿海的這段路程將會成為黃金通道,對江門來說是一個交通發展的契機。不僅如此,江門還有一個優勢,即北部是廣佛經濟圈。江門在區位上將是廣佛經濟圈輻射的一個點,並起到連接粵西與港澳的作用。但要發揮這種作用,首先要把交通打通。目前,江門正在抓緊實施一系列重點交通項目。例如,通往佛山順德的江順大橋將于明年底通車;連接順德與崖門大橋廣佛快速幹線北線已經開工,南線也已經奠基;從佛山的一環南延線,經過江門主城區,連接江門到珠海的高速公路。此外,還有深茂鐵路、珠開高速等項目也在建設中。而在交通一體化方面,公共交通必須先行。一定要把珠中江三個城市與珠三角的公共交通連接起來,不要等客流多了才去連接,而要通過連接,促使客流提升。珠西要實現崛起,珠中江三地還應合力發展海洋經濟。南海未來的大陸岸線就在珠西,珠西的崛起與海洋經濟有直接關係。今年,江門沿著600公里海岸線,劃出了3200多平方公里區域,組建了大廣海灣經濟開發區,並已形成了規劃。目前,相關規劃已經過省相關部門和專家的研究,現已報省政府批復。這一經濟開發區將會成為珠西崛起的後花園和動力源泉之一。目前,省政府對大廣海灣經濟開發區給予了明確定位:全省海洋經濟發展的新引擎,珠三角實現大跨越發展的新的增長極,珠三角輻射粵西及大西南的樞紐性節點,珠江西岸粵港澳合作的重大平台,全省華僑文化的生態宜居港灣。珠中江三地可依托珠海橫琴、中山翠亨、江門廣海灣等戰略平台,按照錯位發展、突出特色的原則,統籌推進現代海洋產業體系。例如,江門大廣海灣區重點發展船舶修造、海洋工程裝備等臨海先進製造業,與珠海橫琴的清潔能源、中山綠色裝備製造、海洋生物醫藥的海洋產業體系形成錯位互補。 ■權威建言省實施《珠三角規劃綱要》領導小組專職副組長蘇澤群:“珠西崛起”是珠中江人民的願望珠西崛起將有力推動實施《珠三角規劃綱要》實現“九年大跨越”。今天,珠三角三市聯手舉起了大旗,絕對是人民之聲。在“怎麼崛起”的戰術層面,我認為首先應該是低碳崛起、綠色崛起。珠江西岸和東岸對比,山清水秀,可持續性不比東岸差,珠西崛起要走出自己的路。其次應該是改革崛起、開發崛起。廣東華僑�多,他們在改革開放中發揮了很充分的橋樑作用。�多華僑的優勢不僅如此,他們對深化改革有更強的適應性,這種形勢更易創造出良好的法制環境、創業環境、投資環境。再者便是從容崛起、合作崛起。所謂從容就是不要著急,發展的急迫感催生了到處可見的、極速發展的大系統與大開發。珠海高欄港的布局與建設用了整整20年,廣州的珠江新城,從1993年開始建設花了17年。在我們崛起的過程中,一定要認識到艱巨性,並用科學的態度保證基礎設施建設的規律性、科學性。珠西崛起千萬不能急進,只要盯著目標一直堅持下去,總有一天能實現。珠中江本來就是一家,要在一體化的情況下開發,不合作不團結自然沒有出路。 珠中江大事記2009年4月17日珠中江區域合作第一次聯席會議召開三市黨政主要領導參加會議,共同簽署《推進珠中江區域緊密合作框架協議》,確定規劃統領、交通先行、對接港澳、服務粵西、產業協作、環境共治、科技交流、應急協同八個方面的重點合作領域。2009年5月26日《珠中江環境保護區域合作協議》簽訂 在飲用水源、跨市河流等水環境保護方面實施統一標準,確保交界斷面水質達標;在日常環境監管方面,建立三地監測數據互動機制,實施定期通報制度;三地還將在區域大氣聯防聯治、打擊跨界環境違法行為等方面開展一系列合作;明確規定每半年召開一次聯席會議,推進合作協議的具體落實。2009年7月14日《珠中江區域醫療衛生服務緊密合作框架協議》簽訂 截至目前,珠海市的中山大學附屬第五醫院、上沖醫院,江門的市中心醫院、五邑中醫院、佛山市順德區的桂洲醫院被納入中山市定點醫院,在中山已參保的居民可在上述醫院進行無障礙就醫結算。珠海、中山、江門三市門診病歷“一本通”、部分輔助檢查“一單通”等制度已逐步推行。撰文:羅麗娟 徐旭珊 唐繼宜 高薇 孫嘉琳 王子威 韋嘯 攝影:王雲圖片說明:; “珠西崛起”高端論壇共論珠中江“大橋時代”。;;;迷你倉尖沙咀

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Source: Tulsa World, Okla.迷你倉將軍澳Dec. 25--Santa should have had his fill of Christmas cookies Tuesday night.But if you're looking to sweeten up your New Year's Eve buffet table -- or perhaps just want to stash away some great recipes for next year -- we wanted to recap the winners of this year's Tulsa World and Hiland Dairy 12 Days of Cookies Contest.From no-bake to bar cookies and sugar cutouts to filled thumbprints, we've got all of the cookie bases covered.All the winners -- who by the way received a free one-year supply of Hiland milk -- were excited to share their family recipes with our readers.Here are some general baking tips to keep in mind anytime you make cookies.Not all ovens are the same: Get to know whether your oven has hot spots and if you need to turn the cookie sheet around once during the baking process.Don't skip the fridge: If the recipe says to chill the dough, chill the dough. It makes a big difference in how the cookie spreads and how fast it bakes.Wait to cool cookies before icing them: Your icing will just set up better.Lighter cookie sheet heats more evenly. Keep a closer eye on dark metal cookie sheets. The dough bakes faster around the edges.Measure ingredients such as flour, baking soda and sugar carefully Add-ins such as nuts, dried fruits and chocolate chips can be adjusted to taste. But make sure your basic ingredients are measured precisely.Here's another look at our 12 Days of Cookies winners:Nicole Marshall Middleton 918-581-8459nicole.marshall@tulsaworld.comCOFFEE-GLAZED OATMEAL COOKIES-- Pati Casillas1/2 cup butter1/2 cup butter-flavored Crisco1 cup brown sugar1 cup granulated sugar2 eggs1 teaspoon vanilla1 1/2 cups flour1 teaspoon baking soda1 teaspoon salt3 cups old-fashioned oats1. Cream the softened butter and Crisco with the sugars. Add eggs and blend.2. Add vanilla, then the dry ingredients. Add the uncooked oatmeal last. At this point you can chill dough or bake.3. Roll into balls, about 2 tablespoons per ball. Place balls on an ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 375 degrees for about 10 minutes. Cookies will spread. Remove immediately from sheet when done. Place on waxed paper and glaze with frosting.Glaze:3 tablespoons of butter1 cup powdered sugar1 tablespoon strong liquid coffee1 teaspoon vanilla3/4 teaspoon cinnamon1. Melt butter and then mix in all ingredients.2. Drizzle on cookies and enjoy.BOURBON STREET BAR COOKIES-- Jocelyn WhitneyMakes approximately 48 barsCrust:1/2 cup sugar1/2 teaspoon salt2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour2 sticks (1 cup) butter, softened1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees2. Spray a 10-by-15-inch baking dish with cooking spray3. Combine the dry ingredients for crust and then cut in the butter until the mix is fairly uniform and crumbly. Gently press this into the baking dish and bake until golden brown, about 25 minutes.Filling and topping:4 eggs1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla1 tablespoon bourbon or whiskey1 tablespoon flour1 1/2 cups sugar1 1/2 cups light corn syrup2 1/2 cups pecan halves1 cup mini chocolate chips1. Combine and mix until thoroughly blended. Pour over the hot crust.2. Generously sprinkle with 1 cup of mini chocolate semi-sweet chips to top it off.3. Bake another 25 minutes, until it's firm around the edges. Cool and cut into squares.CRANBERRY JEWELS-- Doris McGuire1/2 cup sugar1/3 cup packed brown sugar1/4 cup margarine or butter2 cups white flour1/2 teaspoon baking powder1/2 teaspoon baking soda1/4 teaspoon salt1/4 cup orange juice1 egg1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract1 tablespoon grated orange peel1 1/2 cups chopped cranberries1/2 cup chopped pecansGlaze:2 cups powdered sugar2 tablespoons orange juice2 tablespoons chopped cranberries1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Cream sugar, brown sugar, and margarine together. Blend in flour, and dry ingredients into creamed mixture.2. Add 1/4 cup orange juice, egg, vanilla extract, and orange peel. Stir in chopped cranberries and nuts. Drop dough by the teaspoon onto a greased cookie sheet.3. Bake at 375 for 9-13 minutes. Remove from sheets. Let cool. Dip cookies in glaze or baste over the top. Let set.DULCE DE LECHE AND COCONUT YO-YO COOKIES-- Elsa Elena Escobar1 2/3 cups all-purpose flour2 1/2 cups cornstarch1/2 teaspoon baking soda2 teaspoons baking powder16 tablespoons butter (2 sticks minus 2 tablespoons)3/4 cup white sugar3 egg yolks plus 1 whole egg1 tablespoon cognac or milk1 tablespoon vanilla extract1 tablespoon lemon zest1 can dulce de leche (make it yourself or look for it in the Latin American or international food aisle, or near the sweetened condensed milk)1 package coconut flakes1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.2. Line cookie sheets with parchment paper.3. Using a stand or electric mixer, beat butter until smooth and fluffy. Add sugar, eggs, cognac or milk, and vanilla extract.4. In separate bowl, add dry ingredients (flour, cornstarch, baking powder, baking soda and lemon zest); mix, then add to other mixture.5. Mix the dough for 2 minutes, and take it to a floured board; put it together. It should be soft and easy to handle.6. Cut in 3 or 4 pieces. Roll each piece with a floured rolling pin to 3/4-inch thickness, and cut with a very small round cookie cutter.7. Place on prepared cookie sheets 1/2 inch apart. Bake for about 8-12 minutes. Keep an eye on them; they should be white. Do not over-bake.8. Let them cool. Open the can of dulce de leche, and fill the flat side of 1 cookie with a teaspoon or so of the cream. Cover with another cookie to make a yo-yo form. Press the two cookies gently so part of the filling shows by the border.9. Place the coconut in a small tray, and roll the edges of the filled cookies through it.IRISH CREAM CHEESE COOKIES-- Shari BradleyMakes 3 1/2 dozen3/4 cup butter (room temperature)3 ounces cream cheese (room temperature)3/4 cup sugar3/4 cup brown sugar2 large eggs (room temperature)2 cups flour2 teaspoons baking powder1 teaspoon vanilla1/2 teaspoon almond extract1 1/2 cups pecans (toasted and chopped)1/4 cup cream cheese (room temperature)4 tablespoons powdered sugar4 tablespoons Irish cream liqueur (can substitute Irish cream coffee creamer)1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Beat butter with 3 ounces cream cheese on medium speed of mixer until creamy. Gradually add the sugars, beating until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time. Combine flour and baking powder.2. Gradually add to the butter mixture, beati迷你倉尖沙咀g well. Stir in vanilla and nuts. Cover and chill 1 hour. Drop dough by rounded tablespoon 2 inches apart onto ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes or until edges are golden brown. Cool 2 minutes, then remove to cooling rack. Cool completely.3. Beat or whisk softened cream cheese, powdered sugar and Irish Cream until smooth. Drizzle glaze over cookies.BRICKLE CARAMEL THUMBPRINTS-- Marty Ramsey1/2 cup sugar1 cup margarine, softened (butter can also be used)1 teaspoon vanilla1 egg2 1/4 cups flour1 teaspoon baking powder3/4 cup almond brickle baking chips1. In a large bowl, beat sugar, egg, margarine or butter and vanilla until fluffy. Add flour and baking powder. Beat until well blended.2. Mix dough and 3/4 cup almond brickle baking chips. Knead to blend. Refrigerate dough 30 minutes.3. Shape dough into 1-inch balls. Place them 2 inches apart on ungreased baking sheet. With thumb, make imprint in the center of the cookie.4. Bake at 350 degrees for 11 to 14 minutes or until lightly browned around edges. Immediately remove from cookie sheet. Cool completely.Caramel filling:20 caramels1/4 cup half and half milk1. In a small saucepan over medium heat, melt caramels in milk. Stir until smooth. Spoon 1/2 teaspoon into the center of each cookie.THREE KINGS SPICE COOKIES-- Hilary Kamplain3/4 cup butter2 teaspoons clementine or orange zest1 cup sugar1/4 cup unsulphured molasses2 tablespoons spiced dark rum1 egg2 teaspoons baking soda1/2 teaspoon salt1/2 teaspoon ground cloves1/2 teaspoon ground ginger1 teaspoon cinnamon1/4 teaspoon ground mace or grains of paradise2 cups plus 1 tablespoon flour(1/4 cup sugar for finishing cookies, edible gold glitter, or dragees for decorating)1. In medium saucepan, melt butter over medium heat and cook until the butter becomes golden brown and fragrant.2. Remove from heat and add orange zest and rum, stirring to combine. Set aside to cool slightly, and prepare dry ingredients.3. In medium bowl or gallon-sized zip-top bag, combine baking soda, salt, flour and spices. Set aside dry ingredients. To browned butter mixture, add sugar and molasses. Stir with wooden spoon to combine and cool, then mix in the egg.4. Pour dry ingredients into saucepan and gently stir until the flour mixture is completely incorporated. Transfer dough to a gallon-size zip-top bag or bowl, and chill at least 1 hour and up to 5 days.5. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Roll chilled dough into 1-inch balls, and roll dough balls into sugar.6. Place on parchment-lined baking sheets an inch apart, sprinkle with edible glitter or dragees if using, and bake 8-10 minutes.CHOCOLATE DOUBLE CRUNCHERS-- Rose Ann BaconMakes about 2 dozen cookies1/2 cup butter, softened1/2 cup sugar1/2 cup packed brown sugar1 egg1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract1 cup all-purpose flour1/2 teaspoon baking soda1/4 teaspoon salt1 cup quick-cooking oats1 cup crushed cornflakes1/2 cup flaked coconutFilling:2 packages (3 ounces each) cream cheese, softened1 1/2 cups confectioners' sugar2 cups (12 ounces) semisweet chocolate chips, melted1. In a mixing bowl, cream butter and sugars. Add egg and vanilla; mix well.2. Combine flour, baking soda and salt; add to creamed mixture and mix well. Add oats, cornflakes and coconut. Shape into 1-inch balls and place 2 inches apart on greased baking sheets. Flatten with a glass dipped lightly in flour.3. Bake at 350 degrees for 8-10 minutes or until lightly browned. Remove to wire racks to cool.4. For filling, beat cream cheese and sugar until smooth. Add the chocolate; mix well. Spread about 1 tablespoon on half of the cookies and top each with another cookie. Store in the refrigerator.SUGAR COOKIES WITH THIN BUTTER ICING-- Beth Bovaird1 1/2 cups sifted powdered sugar1 cup butter1 egg1 teaspoon vanilla2 1/2 cups flour1 teaspoon baking soda1 teaspoon cream of tartar1. Mix sugar and softened butter. Add egg and vanilla. Mix thoroughly.2. Stir dry ingredients together and blend with above mixed ingredients. Refrigerate 2-3 hours.3. Roll out on floured board. Cut and sprinkle with granulated sugar. Bake at 375 degrees for 7-8 minutes.THIN BUTTER ICING2 tablespoons butter1 cup powdered sugar, packed1 1/2 tablespoons milk1/2 teaspoon vanilla1. Melt butter over hot water in a bowl.2. Add sugar and milk until smooth. Can use food coloring for various colored icing.LEMON CHEESE BALL COOKIES-- Dawn Palmer1/2 cup butter3 ounces cream cheese1/2 cup sugar1 tablespoon grated lemon rind1 cup flour1 teaspoon baking powder1/4 teaspoon salt1 3/4 cups coarsely crushed cornflakes1/2 teaspoon lemon extract1. Cream the butter and cream cheese. Beat in sugar.2. Add lemon rind and flavoring. Sift together dry ingredients.3. Stir into creamed mixture. Chill dough.4. Form into 1-inch balls and roll in crushed cornflakes.5. Make a dent in the center of each ball and put 1/4 teaspoon of jelly or a small pecan in the dent.6. Bake on a ungreased cookie sheet at 325 for 15 minutes or until the cookies are a delicate brown.CHOCOLATE PEPPERMINT BARS-- Jacque SandersMakes 24-30 barsLayer 12 ounces unsweetened chocolate1/2 cup butter2 eggs1 cup sugar1/2 cup flour1/2 cup chopped almonds (optional)1. Melt chocolate and butter. Cream eggs and sugar.2. Add flour and chocolate mixture. Mix well. Add almonds if using.3. Bake in 8-by-8-inch buttered pan at 350 degrees for 20 minutes, then turn oven off and leave pan in oven 5 more minutes. Cool.Layer 21 1/2 cups powdered sugar3 tablespoons butter2-3 tablespoons cream1 teaspoon peppermint extractRed or green food coloring, optional1. Cream sugar and butter. Blend in cream and peppermint and food coloring.2. Spread on cooled first layer. Refrigerate until chilled.Layer 33 ounces unsweetened chocolate3 tablespoons butter1. Melt chocolate and butter together. Cool till just warm.2. Pour over peppermint layer. Chill. Cut into small squares.BRENDA'S PEANUT BUTTER NO BAKE COOKIES-- Betty Rohde3/4 cup white syrup3/4 cup peanut butter1/4 stick butter3/4 cup sugar2 cups Rice Krispies2 cups corn flakesNuts and coconut, optional1. Melt all ingredients and pour over Rice Krispies and corn flakes.2. Add nuts and coconut if desired.3. Drop onto wax paper or shape into balls, and roll in coconut.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) Visit Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) at .tulsaworld.com Distributed by MCT Information Services

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磁帶的應用由來已久,迷你倉未有CD或DVD光碟以前,我們多數會用錄音帶和錄影帶儲存音樂和影片。此外,在硬碟機流行之前,電腦已經使用磁帶來儲存數據。不過,磁碟、光碟、機械硬碟,以至SSD固態硬碟等新技術推陳出新,令磁帶的應用逐漸式微。然而,大數據(Big Data)應用出現,磁帶技術似有「鹹魚翻生」之勢,磁帶設備的銷量在今年竟有輕微增長。以全球最大的粒子物理學實驗室CERN為例,該機構利用磁帶來儲存粒子撞擊實驗的龐大數據。據負責CERN資料儲存的Alberto Pace指出,在龐大數據量的應用情況下,使用磁帶比硬碟機更具優勢。首先是數據的可靠性,他指出,硬碟容易損壞,一旦損壞,便會導致部分或全部數據遺失。雖然mini storage帶也會遇到損壞的情況,例如斷裂。但斷裂後的磁帶仍然可以重新接上,修復後只會造成數百MB的損失。但硬碟機的容量往往以TB計,一旦損壞,一台硬碟機已可造成1TB以上的數據損失。目前該實驗室每年的數據儲存量約為100PB(1PB相當於1,000TB),但每年只會損失數百MB。若把數據儲存在硬碟上,數據損失將可達數百TB。大部分人以為磁帶的讀取速度慢,然而,使用磁帶最大的麻煩,只是裝卸磁帶到讀帶機上較為費時而已。一旦裝上以後,磁帶的讀取速度可以達到硬碟的4倍。由此可見,在大數據時代,由於資料用量過於龐大,使用磁帶似乎比其他新的儲存媒介更具優勢。電郵:ray@openrice.com鍾偉民(Ray)?飲食網站創辦人self storage

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本周二,儲存國內三大運營商日前先後發佈公告,稱收到了工信部通知,從2014年1月1日起,基礎電信運營商公網網間結算標准將進行調整。經過調整後,中國聯通、中國電信向中國移動支付的網間結算費將降低約三分之一。據瞭解,此次調降的網間結算費用包括了語音、短信、彩信等多項內容。調整後,聯通、電信的相關成本將會出現明顯的下降,這一舉措未來或許會導致聯通、電信的資費套餐出現進一步的下調。聯通、電信網間結算費大降工信部的通知顯示,自2014年1月1日起,在移動通信領域,中國聯通、中國電信用戶呼叫中國移動的用戶(不含TD-SCDMA專用的188、157號段),中國聯通、中國電信向中國移動支付的網間結算費由0.06元/分鐘減至0.04元/分鐘,其他現行語音網間結算標準維持不變。此外,工信部還宣佈調整了短信、彩信的網間結算標準,短信網間結算標準由每條0.03元減至0.01元,彩信網間結算標準由每條0.1元減至0.05元。“就調整幅度而言,此次工信部向聯通、電信的傾斜力度還是比較大的,語音網間結算費直接少了三分之一,短信網間結算費少了三分之二,這對於扶持聯通、電信發展,以制衡中國移動還是會有積極效果的。”Reational AB分析師張星告訴記者,所謂網間結算費,就是不同通信網絡之間的債權債務結算。之所以會產生這樣的費用,是因為聯通、電信的用戶向移動網絡的用戶發起語音呼叫或者短信發送的時候,利用了移動的網絡資源。“值得注意的是,此次調整只涉及到了聯通、電信向移動方面需要支付的網間結算費,並沒有提到移動向聯通、電信支付的網間結算費,所以應該算是對聯通、電信的利好。”根據工信部的相關統計數據顯示,截至今年9月30日,中國移動用戶總數約7.5億,而中國聯通、中國電信的移動用戶數分別約為2.7億、1.8億。若按新規實施,這一政策利好中國聯通和中國電信,因為要支付給中國移動的網間結算費將大大減少。對此,中國電信在其23日的公告中也予以了證實:“按照2012年的移動網間話務量、彩信及短信的使用量測算,2012年,迷你倉國電信的網間結算收入將減少5.6億元,但中國電信對外支出的網間結算費減少了31.4億元,整體收益大幅增長。”移動利潤因此將減收不少聯通、電信網間結算費支出的減少,無疑則意味著中國移動在網間結算收入方面減少。根據中國移動的公告表示,按照母公司今年上半年的移動網間實際話務量、短信及彩信使用量測算,假設上述調整於今年1月已生效,推算只會令公司今年上半年結算收入減少約43.1億元,結算支出減少約8.4億元。“這應該算是工信部給聯通、電信的一種變相補償吧。”張星表示,就算規模、利潤而言,中國移動遠超中國聯通、電信,此番4G發牌,工信部又只發放了中國移動力推的TD-LTE牌照,對於聯通、電信期盼已久的FDD LTE牌照採取了懸而未決的做法,這不僅使得聯通、電信在4G業務開展方面處於相對被動的狀態,同時也導致這兩家運營商不得不因為要採用融合組網而產生一些不必要的開支。“如果直接給聯通、電信發放FDD LTE牌照的話,這兩家運營商的組網就會簡單很多,但現在同時還要對TD-LTE進行建網、測試和維護,難免會有額外人力、財力投入,所以適時調整網間結算費用並直接傾向聯通、電信還是能夠起到比較好的安撫效果的。”張星稱。根據三大運營商2012年報顯示,中國移動營運收入5604億元,淨利潤1293億元;中國聯通營業收入約為2489億元,淨利潤71.0億元,中國電信經營收入約為2831億元,淨利潤149億元。聯通、電信的利潤總和相加還不夠移動的零頭,但4G建網投資方面動輒就是數百億的需求,因此對於聯通、電信而言,2014年的利潤壓力實際上是大幅增加的。這種情況下,通過一些特殊手段為他們兩家“減負”也算是情理之中的事情。“不過這件事也可能導致一些直接對用戶利好的結果,在網間結算費下調的情況下,聯通、電信的資費套餐定價也將出現一定的空間,尤其是在目前虛擬運營商已經開始全面招募的情況下,如果聯通、電信能夠將批發給虛擬運營商的價格調降一些,那麼未來基礎電信服務的資費體系還將更加豐富。”張星表示。南方日報記者 程鵬儲存倉

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Source: Tulsa World, Okla.迷你倉最平Dec. 25--For the rest of the college football world, it's the Cotton Bowl. For Oklahoma State and Missouri, it's Chapter 52 in a series.The former Big Eight and Big 12 rivals will meet for the 52nd time when the Cotton Bowl kicks off Jan. 3 in Arlington, Texas.The series dates to World War I, and the next meeting will come almost a century after the first (1915).The Cowboys and Tigers need no introduction, but here's an introduction to what came before:Missouri owns a 28-23 edge and, coincidentally, that was the score of one of the biggest OSU victories in series history. The Cowboys upset a third-ranked Tigers team 28-23 in Columbia on Oct. 11, 2008.OSU has been playing catch-up from Day 1. Missouri won 15 of the first 17 meetings, including the first five.Oklahoma and Nebraska were the flagship programs of the Big Eight era, but OSU was a strong No. 3 for a chunk of the 1980s, thanks in part to an 11-2 record against Missouri from 1978-1990.Said former OSU coach Pat Jones of those Tiger teams: "When they took the field to warm up, you could have put crimson and cream or red and white on them and they would have looked every bit as good as Oklahoma or Nebraska."Jones (8-3 against Missouri) is one of four OSU coaches with a winning record against the Tigers. The others are Dave Smith (1-0), Jimmy Johnson (3-2) and Mike Gundy (3-1).OSU and Missouri worked overtime when they transitioned into the Big 12. Three of their first four Big 12 meetings were decided in overtime, including a double-overtime game in 1997 and a triple-overtime game in 2001. The Tigers swept those games.At least one team in the series has been ranked in 20 of the previous 51 meetings. But the Cowboys and Tigers will meet for only the fourth time when both are ranked.Jimmie Tramel 918-581-8389jimmie.tramel@tulsaworld.comBest gambles1987: OSU decided to go for it on fourth-and-9 in the fourth quarter instead of attempting a field goal into the wind. Mike Gundy threw a 19-yard pass to Hart Lee Dykes. That led to a game-winning TD pass to J.R. Dillard with 7:46 left. The Cowboys rallied from a 17-7 halftime deficit to win 24-20.1949: Missouri was backed up near its own goal line and, on a second-down play, Phil Klein dropped back as if he was going to punt the ball. Instead, Klein threw a pass to Ken Bounds for a 59-yard play that led to a touchdown in a 21-7 win.1966: Missouri faced fourth-and-1 at its 41 in the third quarter. Quarterback Gary Kombrink sneaked for a first down and, three plays later, lateraled to Ray Thorpe for a 49-yard TD and a 7-0 triumph.1993: Missouri, on its first series, faced fourth-and-1 at its 36. Punter Kyle Pooler threw a pass to Greg Smith, who ran to the 22 and set up a Jeff Handy-to-A.J. Odofile TD pass. The gambit launched a 42-9 landslide.Gambles that backfired1989: OSU won 31-30 because John Stollenwerck's two-point conversion pass was incomplete with 3:48 remaining. "We needed a win," MU coach Bob Stull said when asked about his decision to go for two. Maybe Stull considered that defensive stops were few and far between. The Cowboys and Tigers combined for 995 yards.1997: OSU was 6-0 before losing 51-50 in double overtime to Missouri. The game was decided when the Cowboys decided to go for two at the end of the second OT. Quarterback Tony Lindsay was hauled down at the 2.Surviving bad day1986: Quarterback Mike Gundy was a freshman starter for OSU. He threw only five interceptions all season. Four -- three were batted balls -- came in this regular-season finale against Missouri. The Cowboys salvaged a 10-6 win, but the picks cost Gundy a chance to tie former Nebraska quarterback Jerry Tagge's Big Eight record for fewest interceptions in a season. Tagge threw one interception in 1971.Best proof karma exists2000: OSU called three second-half timeouts. The Cowboys threw interceptions on the first play after each timeout in a 24-10 loss. What comes around goes around? OSU's coach was Bob Simmons. On the same weekend 10 years earlier, he was a Colorado assistant when the Buffaloes got an infamous fifth down in a victory on the same field.Cowboy killers1967, 1968: Roger Wehrli returned a punt to the OSU 8 to set the stage for a 7-0 Missouri victory in '67. He was responsible for three of the Tigers' four interceptions in a 42-7 runaway in '68.1975: Henry Marshall set school and Big Eight records with 209 receiving yards in a 41-14 Missouri win. Steve Pisarkiewicz averaged a school-record 18.6 yards per completion (minimum 20 attempts) and passed for 371 yards.Tiger killers1990: Which Tailback U. player ran for the most yards in a game against Missouri? Gerald Hudson rampaged for 255 yards and three touchdowns in a 48-28 trouncing. Two years earlier, Mizzou pulled out all the stops to limit Barry Sanders to 133 yards. Hart Lee Dykes caught five passes for 135 yards, and Sanders watched the last 11 minutes of a 49-21 blowout from the bench.1982: Larry Roach kicked a school-record five field goals in a 30-20 OSU win. Ernest Anderson (227 yards rushing) was responsible for transporting Roach into f迷你倉eld-goal range.2011: Joseph Randle ran for 138 yards and set an OSU series record by scoring four touchdowns in a 45-24 victory. Brandon Weeden set OSU series records for completions (33), pass attempts (49) and passing yards (338).Memorable moments in the OSU-Missouri seriesBest Missouri comeback2001: Mizzou trailed 14-0 and won 41-38 in three overtimes. It's the second-biggest come-from-behind victory in program history.The Tigers have rallied from a double-digit deficit to defeat the Cowboys on three occasions. They came from 13 points down in 1951 and they dug out of a 10-point hole in 1983.Best OSU scoring flurries1985: OSU won 21-19 and scored all three touchdowns in a two-minute span of the second quarter. The Cowboys survived because Tigers kicker Tom Whelihan attempted a school-record seven field goals and missed three.1971: OSU roared to a 37-16 victory because Brent Blackman triggered three touchdowns in a seven-minute span of the third quarter. Blackman ran for a TD and threw TD passes to Dick Graham and Reuben Gant.Initiation1960: OSU's first Big Eight game was a 28-7 loss to Missouri. Coach Cliff Speegle asked athletic director and iconic basketball coach Henry Iba to address the Cowboys before the game. "You boys weren't born when OSU folks started working for this day," Iba said. "You are the men on whom this honor falls to play the first one."Worst job of spreading ball around1952: Missouri passers Jim Hook and Tony Scardino completed eight passes to teammates and seven to OSU defenders. Elmer Stout and Dorsey Gibson snared two interceptions each as the Cowboys won 14-7 for their first victory in series history.Best clutch play1972: OSU faced fourth-and-28 when OSU split end Steve Pettes got behind a defender and reeled in a 54-yard TD pass from Brent Blackman with 1:38 remaining. Eddie Garrett's PAT gave the Cowboys a 17-16 victory.Worst starts1970: OSU fumbled away the opening kickoff and the Cowboys lost another fumble on their first play from scrimmage. They trailed 14-0 before taking a second snap and lost 40-20.1991: OSU trailed 14-0 at 12:02 of the first quarter. Missouri began the game with a two-play, 57-yard drive. The Cowboys fumbled on their first offensive play. The Tigers drove 28 yards and led by two TDs after five offensive snaps. The final score was 41-7.Surprise!1992: OSU's Rafael Denson was a tailback in the first five games of the season. He was moved to flanker for a game against Missouri and caught four passes for 111 yards, including a 24-yarder for a touchdown, in a 28-26 victory.Best defense1965, 1966, 1967: Missouri shut out OSU in three consecutive seasons. In 1965, the Cowboys were limited to 137 yards and didn't cross Mizzou's 40.1981: OSU didn't score an offensive touchdown but won 16-12 because Rodney Harding returned a fumble 40 yards for a TD and because Pete DiClementi batted down a fourth-down pass with Missouri threatening in the final minute.2008: OSU wasn't known for winning games with defense in '08. But Andre Sexton, Patrick Lavine and Ricky Price intercepted Chase Daniel three times in the second half to preserve a 28-23 victory over the nation's third-ranked team. Mizzou didn't have a three-and-out possession in the first five games of the season. The streak ended on the Tigers' second series.Most-needed victory1995: OSU had gone 20 games without a Big Eight win and 30 without a league road win before Andre Richardson's 171-yard rushing performance sparked a 30-26 streak-breaker in Columbia.Shedding new light1984: Stillwater wasn't always equipped for night games. ESPN wanted a night broadcast, so temporary lights were installed and fans got to see Leslie O'Neal block two kicks, including a field-goal attempt that would have cut OSU's lead to 17-16. The Cowboys scored on consecutive possessions after the block on the way to a 31-13 victory.Best performances in defeat1992: Jeff Handy set Missouri records for completions (43), attempts (73) and passing yards (480) in a 28-26 loss.1977: Terry Miller ran 38 times for 246 yards, breaking a single-game rushing record that had stood since Bob Fenimore's 241-yard outing against Arkansas in 1945. It went for naught because OSU, which led 14-10 after three quarters, gave up 31 unanswered points in the fourth quarter.Best OSU comebacks2004: OSU rallied from a 17-0 deficit to defeat Missouri 20-17 in Columbia. Donovan Woods threw a touchdown pass to brother D'Juan Woods four seconds before halftime, then ran for a tying TD and led a game-winning drive that ended with 55 seconds left.1976: Terry Miller ran for 228 yards, and an OSU team that shared the Big Eight title rallied from a 16-0 third-quarter deficit for a 20-19 victory in Stillwater.1979: OSU's starting quarterback and tailback were out with injuries. The Cowboys trailed 13-0 at halftime. But Terry Suellentrop ran for 152 yards, and walk-on quarterback John Doerner directed a 14-13 upset of 15th-ranked Missouri.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) Visit Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) at .tulsaworld.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage

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安全生產是經濟發展的前提。12月20日至21日,存倉省政府安全生產第二考核督查組對武威市今年安全生產工作及安全生產大檢查“回頭看”工作情況進行綜合考核督查。考核督查組認為,今年以來,武威市委、市政府堅持“安全第一、預防為主、綜合治理”方針,強化安全監管措施,嚴格落實政府安全監管責任和企業安全主體責任,突出打非治違、隱患排查治理和安全生產大檢查工作,努力遏制各類事故發生,全市安全生產工作取得了較好的成效,較好的完成了省政府下達的安全生產目標任務。實現安全生產形勢穩定,杜絕各類安全生產責任事故發生,切實保障人民群�的生命財產安全,這是踐行堅持以人為本,全面、協調、可持續的科學發展觀的重要體現。武威市委把安全生產工作作為領導班子和領導幹部工作實績考核的一項重要內容,嚴格實行“一票否決”。今年以來,武威市委、市政府主要領導對安全生產工作作出批示20多次,市委常委會先後三次、市政府常務會先後五次聽取安全生產有關工作情況匯報,研究部署安全生產工作。市政府及時調整充實了安全生產委員會,組織召開六次安委會全體會議,對安全生產各階段工作及時進行部署。各副市長適時召開會議對分管行業領域的安全生產工作進行部署,適時帶隊進行安全檢查,促進各項工作有序開展。市政府制定《關於進一步加強安全生產基層基礎工作的實施意見》,並認真組織學習省委、省政府《關於進一步加強安全生產工作的意見》,著力構建“黨政齊抓共管、部門依法監管、企業全面負責、群�積極參與、社會廣泛支持”的安全生產工作體系。按照省委、省政府“黨政同責、一崗雙責、齊抓共管”的要求,靠實安全生產責任,市、區縣、部門、企業層層簽訂安全生產工作目標管理責任書,採取“月排序、季考核、全年綜合評價”的方式,加強安全生產動態監控。市安委會制定下發《武威市安全生產“黑名單”管理制度》和《武威市安全生產約談實施辦法》,強化安全生產責任追究,按照“四不放過”的原則,從嚴查處各類生產安全事故。在認真組織開展元旦春節、“五一”“國慶”、十八屆三中全會等重要節點安全生產檢查和煙花爆竹、危爆物品、道路交通、餐飲場 所、燃氣、汛期、液氨液氯、油氣長輸管道等安全生產專項檢查的同時,今年6月至9月,按照國務院、省政府的統一部署和“全覆蓋、零容忍、嚴執法、重實效”的工作要求,採取“企業自查、行業檢查、綜合督查”的工作方式,在全市開展了為期三個月的安全生產大檢查,制定了大檢查工作方案,細化了生產經營單位15項 自查內容,成立了4個督查組,採取綜合督查、專項督查和明查暗訪等方式,突出“打非治違”和隱患排查治理兩項重點工作,對各區縣和市直有關部門安全生產大檢查工作情況進行了16儲存督查。對查出的隱患問題,現場下達安全生產行政執法文書,並形成督查意見和督查通報向各區縣政府和市直有關部門直接反饋,確保安全生產大檢查工作取得實效。據統計,在安全生產大檢查期間,全市共查出各類安全隱患和問題5070條,目前已整改4875條,整改率96.15%。武威市全力整治重大隱患,以煤礦、非煤礦山、煙花爆竹、危險化學品、道路交通、消防、建築施工、農機、特種設備等高危行業、領域為重點,深化行業專項 整治。強化重大事故隱患整治,對省安委辦掛牌督辦的15處重大事故隱患,市安委會制發《關於認真整改省安委辦掛牌督辦重大安全生產事故隱患的通知》,明確隱患整治主體責任單位和參與責任單位,制定整改治理方案,確定治理措施、治理時限和治理要求,落實治理經費物資和安全保障措施,積極開展整治工作。市安委辦組織檢查驗收組,先後三次對整改到位的重大事故隱患進行了現場驗收。目前,15 處重大事故隱患全部得到有效整改。抓安全生產基層基礎是關鍵。武威市嚴把安全生產行政審批關,督促新建、改建、擴建項目辦理安全設施和職業衛生“三同時”手續;為符合條件的煤礦、非煤礦山、危險化學品企業辦理安全生產行政許可證照。市、區縣和相關行業部門嚴格落實省安委辦《關於推進公共安全保障工程的實施意見》,在交通安全、人員密集場所消防安全、工程建設及市政設施安全、水利安全、學校安全、特種設備安全、旅遊安全等領域大力推進公共安全保障工程,防範公共安全領域事故。加強應急救援體系建設,依托太西煤集團民勤實業有限公司救護隊建立了武威市煤礦應急救援基地,爭取項目資金200萬元。認真落實生產經營單位安全生產費用、風險抵押金和工傷保險三項經濟政策,全市煤礦、非煤礦山、危險化學品、煙花爆竹等高危行業安全生產費用提取使用、風險抵押金存儲、工傷保險參保覆蓋面均達100%。切實推進工貿企業安全生產標準化工作,督查企業對照相關行業評定標準,健全完善規章制度、操作規程和安全設施,改造或淘汰落後工藝技術設備,改善作業環境,提高安全保障能力。武威市積極推進煤礦停產整頓工作,市政府成立了以分管領導為組長的領導小組和23個煤礦停產整頓工作組,實行逐礦包幹,指導幫助煤礦企業制定停產整頓工作實施方案,按程序報批後監督實施。研究出台了《武威市煤礦資源整合重組實施方案》,對產能低於15萬噸的19處煤礦進行整合兼並重組和關閉。省上有關部門先後兩次對武威市上報的方案進行了專題研究,目前已正式批復。同時,按照“一礦一策、一事一議”原則,對停產整頓期間一些煤礦出現的安全隱患進行了科學整治。及時掌握煤礦動態,做好政策宣傳和引導工作,防止出現群體上訪事件,切實維護礦區社會穩定。迷你倉

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迷你倉尖沙咀 日本政府稱,中國最大搜尋網站百度提供的日語輸入法軟件,會收集使用者輸入的所有訊息,要求大約140個政府部門及機構停止使用。日本多達12家大學的電腦安裝百度提供的輸入法做測試,證實使用軟件後用戶資料會被收集,暫未知有否泄漏重要情報。另外,百度為手機製造的日語輸入法軟件,同樣會在未經使用者同意下,自行收集用戶資料。(綜合)

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