Source: Detroit Free PressAug.自存倉 16--There are classic American books that are required reading."Lee Daniels' The Butler," the powerful new film that opens Friday, should be required viewing.It is a reflection on love so strong that relationships wait for it -- and a nation can embrace it decades after being shamed by its absence."The Butler" is based on a news article written in 2008 by Wil Haygood, the incomparable American journalist and cultural historian whose articles have appeared in the Washington Post since 1991.The film is a study of the American civil rights movement with graphic looks at attacks on blacks demonstrating for equal rights. It reminds us that the movement was led mostly by young men and women, some of them students whose heroic exploits caused their parents to fear for their lives. But the central story belongs to a character named Cecil Gaines, a butler at the White House for more than three decades. He is a man for whom dignity is not a characteristic but a way of life, a man who served seven presidents, a man who fought in his own way for change.Besides its powerful storytelling, "The Butler" does something else very important: It displays all that is holy about what journalism can do, what movies should do and what most filmmakers aspire to and rarely achieve. And it uses the American civil rights movement not just as backdrop but as a supporting character, showing the breadth, depth and pain of being treated unequally and what years of suffering look like -- even in silence."It was a black 'Forrest Gump,' " said Daniels, who directed from a Danny Strong script and fought to ensure that the film, unlike other genre treatments, remained centered on the butler and his life through those times. "It was our history. It was American history, and to me, American history is the civil rights movement."Daniels said the cast of A-list actors (including Forest Whitaker, Oprah Winfrey, Jane Fonda, Vanessa Redgrave, John Cusack, Robin Williams and Liev Schrieber) didn't do the job for the money.They "are not just actors, celebrities," Daniels said. "They're also political activists in their own way, so they know the truth."And in one of the best seasons for films starring African-American men and African-American stories ("Fruitvale Station," "42," "Black Nativity," "12 Years in Slavery"), "The Butler" is a cut above. I have not and don't expect to see a film this year that is better.The film reflects a series of unearthings.First, Haygood unearthed Eugene Allen, the butler who served eight presidents in the White House, away from the limelight and history. Haygood, in an interview, recalled covering then-Sen. Barack Obama's presidential campaign in 2008 and seeing three white girls in tears at a North Carolina stop. "Their fathers did not like that they were supporting this black man, and they said they were defiant," he said. "So they had ultimately judged the man by the content of his character, not the color of his skin. ... I knew he was going to win, and I was determined to find somebody from the era of segregation to tell the story on the day that he won ... a plumber, a painter, somebody dealing with the curtains." Sixty-seven phone calls later, he found Allen. The day after the story was published, 15 movie producers called.Second, Forest Whitaker unearthed a performance that is as spellbinding as it is astonishing, transcending his own existence to live in the bones of the butler. Whitaker told me privately that he ranked this role as his best, just above his Academy Award-winning performance as Idi Amin in "Last King of Scotland," as saxophonist Charlie (Bird) Parker and as a hit man in "Ghost Dog." "There is an intimacy between the president and the butler that is very unique," he said. "People were not allowed to speak about anything that was going on. When you have men of power who have insecurities ... they need to be able to turn to somebody they know won't hurt them. I tried to talk to the butler for so long to get intimate details, and it was the strictest code of any group I've found. I had to go through all these chains. ... Luckily I was able to talk confidentially to a few people. But they see the way the president and his wife discipline their children. They know when the two of them are arguing ... and when the president is making a decision."Third, there is Daniels' stellar charting of the civil rights movement through the eyes of a man who served with dignity, grace 迷你倉新蒲崗nd an ability to bear the transgressions of an America learning to love its whole self. Through his eyes, we watch Lyndon Johnson fighting for voting rights, Richard Nixon battling the very Black Panthers that Gaines' son Louis had joined. Father and son take divergent paths to progress -- Gaines through tradition and Louis through revolution. The real butler, Allen, entered the White House in 1952 as a "pantry man" but became a butler and later maitre d'. The character, beautifully drawn by writer Strong, watches the struggles of black folks while serving the white folks sometimes responsible for those travails.As I sat with a Florida audience at the recent National Association of Black Journalists convention, I sobbed and wondered why I never asked my grandmother: Did someone ever spit on you? She wouldn't have said. She, too, suffered with dignity while making life better for two generations of children.Epic films recount the history of an event, a choice, a war. Others explore the history of a single person. But rarely, if ever, has a film done both so well. The way "Born on the Fourth of July" told the story of a life through war, "The Butler" tells the story of a life through the movement. Unlike "Fourth," I remember every character in "The Butler." Oprah Winfrey is a revelation, no hint of wealth or talk show visible. Cuba Gooding Jr. finally has a role worthy of his talent. What Jane Fonda and Vanessa Redgrave do with essentially walk-on parts is stunning.One of Daniels' great challenges was to make sure that minor characters didn't overshadow the butler or the times. It was easier for him, he said, because it was his life, too."The inside of the Gaines home is all in my head from my grandmother's home and my parents' home, so I sort of knew instinctively what images were on the walls," he said.But Daniels also had to make people relive -- or some, live for the first time -- the hatred of the movement."The hardest scene to shoot was the scene on the bus," he said of an attack on a Freedom Riders bus that is central to the film. "It's always a movie. For me it's not real, it's make believe and cut and action. ... But on the bus we were on a bridge that blacks actually hung from. That was a real place. We're on a bus on a bridge, and I'm inside of the bus with the actors because I like to be close to the actors when I'm working. It's hot in the bus because the bus is old and it doesn't have air-conditioning, and I yell action and all these white hoods come from out of the blue with crosses and Nazis and swastikas and we get intense and they start rocking the bus and shaking the bus and spitting on the bus, and I yell 'Cut!' And they keep going. They keep going because they can't hear me because I'm in the bus. They can't hear me and for a millisecond, just for a millisecond, I thought, 'Oh my God, I know what these kids went through.' I broke down crying."Daniels said he has not spent time watching the film,.but watching people watch the film, including President George Bush and former first lady Barbara Bush, who asked him to screen the film for them in Maine."Mrs. Bush was crying ... when they watched some of the atrocities that took place. It was so powerful. Both of them hung their heads, and that was a gift for me, knowing that they felt, and they knew. That was a gift for me."Daniels said that the work -- and the finished product -- also had a profound effect on his own family."Nobody's rougher on me than my family," he said. "I have a 91-year-old uncle, Billy Allison. He was the first pediatric surgeon of color in America. And when he saw this movie, I can't explain to you what it was like. ... I'm watching through his eyes, and it was the biggest gift. He cried from the beginning until the end. He laughed from the beginning until the end. It's his story."At the Florida screening, young people so far removed from Jim Crow laws that they barely study them in school seemed stunned. Two stood at film's end, asking what they could do. Here's an idea: Know that it happened. The movement, the hatred, the deaths, happened. Don't ever forget.And don't let anyone else forget either.The man from Haygood's story and Whitaker's performance and Daniels' direction was real. What is most important is that he lived, and what he lived happened. And it should never happen again.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Detroit Free Press Visit the Detroit Free Press at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉出租

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□記者 江華晨報訊 昨天,self storage東航聯手上海機場集團,首家在浦東國際機場推出飛機與長途班車相互銜接的“空巴通”,乘客在航空與高鐵之外,還能實現航空與巴士的無縫隙中轉。此次東航與上海機場攜手打造的“空巴通”首批上線城市為昆山、蘇州和無錫;預計本月底,還將開通浙江方向的嘉興、杭州等城市;到十月底前,“空巴通”還將覆蓋長三角包括上述地區在內的8-9個主要客源城市。東航相關負責人介紹,“空巴通”將長途巴士班次以虛擬航班形式錄入民航訂座系統,並在訂座系統中實現巴士運輸段的銷售。旅客可以通過東航95530服務熱線或者全球任意東航客票銷售網點購買“空巴通”聯運產品,同時訂妥往返浦東機場的長途巴士票和迷你倉出浦東機場的東航機票。而且購買東航來回程機票的旅客,還可自由組合東航“空巴通”和“空鐵通”產品,靈活搭配。例如,以前蘇州乘客可預訂坐高鐵到虹橋、再從虹橋飛往外地的“空鐵通”,但如果回程航班降落浦東機場,該乘客只能取道虹橋,才能通過“空鐵通”回蘇州,但有了“空巴通”,該乘客就可直接從浦東乘上大巴返回蘇州。東航表示,目前“空巴通”產品中的巴士行程將實行免費,而且東航將在“空巴通”產品上延續以往“空鐵通”的做法,確保旅客購買“空巴通”打包產品的價格,低於旅客分別購買機票和車票的總價。統計顯示,目前浦東機場的航線網絡已初具規模,覆蓋國內81個、國際和地區81個航點,每天運送旅客約13萬人次。文件倉

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By Cao Yin and Zhang Yuchen in Beijing, and Wang Ying in Shanghai ( China Daily) Disorderly parking on the sidewalk is a common problem in big cities, especially Beijing and Shanghai.儲存倉 Feng Yongbin / China Daily A warden collects a parking fee from a driver in Beijing. Feng Yongbin / China Daily Parking in inappropriate places, such as bus lanes, often results in traffic jams in downtown Beijing. Provided to China Daily Poor management and bogus fee collectors add to the problem, report Cao Yin and Zhang Yuchen in Beijing, and Wang Ying in Shanghai.He Xiaobei, 25, is always frustrated when he drives in downtown Beijing. He is worried about parking because it can often take 15 minutes or longer to find a space.On a recent trip, it took him more than 30 minutes to find a space on Gulou Dajie in Xicheng district. The fee, 15 yuan ($2.45) for 15 minutes, drove him crazy too.There is no fixed citywide tariff and different areas charge differently."You would not believe how many times I drove around in circles, desperate for a parking place," he said. "Many people just leave their cars on the side of the road, but I'm wary of doing that because it is against the law. I was once fined 200 yuan for doing that." "The convenience of parking has become my first consideration when I drive, especially on the weekends," he said.He is just one Beijing resident concerned about the lack of parking spaces as a result of the massive increase in vehicle ownership in recent years.By March 2012, around 5 million autos had been registered with the municipal government of Beijing. However, the number of parking spaces is only 2.48 million, according to a joint report by Beijing University of Technology and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, which noted that the capital needs another 2.5 million spaces in the inner-city areas to meet the rising demand.The report noted that three types of parking sites are currently in use in Chinese cities: Specially built lots in shopping centers, railway stations, airports and other large buildings; off-road public parking lots; and parking either on the side of the road or on the sidewalk."The on-the-road or pavement parking areas are the source of most of the parking-related problems in the city, such as arbitrary charges and disorderly parking, but the companies that manage the spaces are not the only ones at fault," said Ding Limin, a professor who specializes in traffic safety at Chinese People's Public Security University.The problems, including the rise of bogus wardens who charge drivers illegally and the use of fake parking fee invoices, require more action from the government. "Parking is a public service, and the government should devote more time and resources to it. It should be handled like public transport," said Ding.Confusion reigns A development plan for Beijing will see the establishment of 280,000 more parking spaces of all kinds in a bid to alleviate the difficulties faced by drivers, said the report.Tang Di, a supervisor of parking lot services in the city's Haidian district, said the number of spaces in the city is far from sufficient and urged the government to clearly identify the areas where parking is allowed to avoid confusion."The establishment of new parking areas is a slow process and doesn't satisfy demand. In addition, many drivers have no idea which areas are legal parking lots because some of the street signs are difficult to see," said Tang, who noted that the situation provides opportunities for illegal charging and disrupts the use of parking lots.A list of the location of legal parking lots and the fees is available on the website of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport. In theory, drivers simply have to enter the name or area code of the place they plan to visit to discover the location of lots and the local fees.In reality, very few drivers take advantage of the site, according to Tang."After all, most people don't search for parking lots before they set off," he said.In recent years, so-called multi-layered parking lots, where cars are stacked by hydraulic lift, have been used in many old communities, including the hutong, the narrow alleys that crisscross Beijing, and lanes, "but the maintenance fees are too high," said Tang, adding that the fees are the main reason the technology has failed to develop as expected.Wang Yan, an officer responsible for the management of wardens employed by Jinganda Parking Co, echoed Tang's comments, saying that the poorly labeled parking sites also confuse her employees."We provide regular training and tests for the wardens and ask them to wear their uniforms and display their ID cards, but we can't ensure that every one of them abides by the regulations and charges drivers the correct amount," said Wang, whose company employs more than 30 wardens."We can't supervise them (the wardens) all day, every day, so we can't exclude the possibility of people asking for extra parking fees in unregulated areas, where the municipal commission doesn't make it clear if parking is allowed," she explained.Shi Xiangqian, a warden responsible for spaces on Huixin Dongjie in Beijing's C迷你倉沙田aoyang district, admitted that he doesn't know the standard fee for the area and said that he sometimes reduces the charge for drivers he meets regularly, while upping the rate for newcomers."If drivers park their car for the entire day, I charge 15 yuan or 20 yuan, but sometimes I give up charging after 8 pm because I don't have time to wait around for drivers to return to their cars," said Shi, who earns 3,000 yuan a month.Wang Bing works on a stretch of road roughly 100 meters from Shi's. He charges drivers 9 yuan per hour, but said he is powerless to act if they refuse to pay."Sometimes we've even had disputes with car owners who claimed that we have damaged their cars and used that as an excuse not to pay," he said.Bogus wardens In addition to these issues, new problems have arisen recently, such as bogus wardens who issue fake parking fee receipts that unscrupulous drivers use to make money from their company expense accounts, said Liu Xuming, a prosecutor in Dongcheng district.Between January and June, Dongcheng district dealt with the six cases of people suspected of either masquerading as wardens or of using fake receipts. One of the suspects, a man surnamed Zhu, is accused of illegally charging drivers in the area around Hepingli Hospital in Chaoyang district. He netted almost 3,000 yuan during a two-week period, much more than his monthly salary, according to Liu.In the past, misdemeanors such as this were punished by fines, but a recent change in the law means those who pose as wardens or who produce and sell fake invoices in amounts of more than 100, or to the sum of 400,000 yuan and more, face two years in prison.Li Long, another prosecutor in the authority, said wardens should hand in invoice fees to their companies, but they will make more money at little cost if they buy fakes.In one case, a man bought 200 fake invoices at 25 yuan each. However, the face value was 500 yuan, so he made 475 yuan every time he presented one of the receipts, said Li.However, collecting evidence of wrongdoing is difficult, said Zhou Zhijun, a prosecutor at the Chaoyang investigation department."So many people park cars every day, it's hard to work out who is buying the fake receipts or how many have been sold," said Zhou. "Sometime we catch people red-handed, but they usually only carry a small number of receipts and that makes it difficult to prosecute them." Zhou and Li suggested that point-of-sale machines should be used to collect parking fees; drivers could either swipe a prepaid card or use a credit card to pay, thus reducing the incidence of fraud and lowering the cost of hiring so many wardens.However, Wang said the plan would be impractical "because the companies would have to invest a large amount to establish the system and monitoring the machines would take up too much time." Coordinating authority Zhu Tao, a lecturer at the school of sociology at Beijing University of Technology, said an overall coordinating authority should be established to tackle the capital's parking problems."There's a lack of focused management, and governance is weak. The municipal government should think about giving power to a parking authority that could handle all the issues such as planning, building and pricing the lots, plus regulating and managing all the facilities and their use," he said. Zhu suggested that the city government could learn from the experiences of other large cities, both in China and overseas.Shanghai, one of China's largest municipalities, is also exploring developments in the field of parking.By June 2012, the city had 389,000 parking lots, providing space for 80 million cars annually, according to Zhou Huai, deputy director of the Shanghai Transportation and Harbor Administration at a media briefing held by the local government.To improve the efficiency of public parking lots, the city has set up 267 information boards in the downtown districts of Huangpu, Xuhui, Jing'an, Changning and Yangpu. The boards provide drivers with information about the availability, location and fees of 193 parking lots in those areas, said Zhou.The city will also add more than 10,000 parking spaces this year. They will be located in residential areas and close to hospitals and schools, according to the news portal People, which cited the Shanghai Static Traffic Management Work Conference.In Beijing, the State-run Beijing Gonglian Co is the biggest player in the field of parking management, far overshadowing its rivals. That's an unhealthy situation, according to Ding."A lack of efficient competition in the market and an unfair pricing system means the parking business in Beijing is in poor shape," he said. Ding urged greater competition among parking-management companies and also suggested that communities and government departments should allow drivers to rent prepaid parking spaces that are unoccupied during the day when their owners are at work: "In this way, the pressure on the side-of-the-road parking areas would be alleviated, and we could make full use of these temporarily unoccupied spaces." Contact the writers at and迷你倉價錢

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早報記者俞凱儲靜偉實習生楊漾受《旅遊法》出台的影響,mini storage原本低價團層出不窮的泰國游市場有可能出現一波暴漲行情。據旅遊業人士預測,從10月起,各大旅行社的泰國游價格很有可能比現在漲一倍左右,低於四五千元的低價團產品或將銷聲匿跡。自費項目總共數千元長期以來,泰國游、港澳游等包括了強制購物行程的中低價團一直是投訴“重災區”。6天5晚的泰國游最低只要一兩千元就能成行,但圖便宜的遊客去了才發現,有一半的行程被導遊安排去各種購物點強制購物,跳島游、人妖表演等也無一例外成為必須參加的“自費項目”。泰國國家旅遊局有關負責人對早報記者表示,從去年起,泰國國家旅遊局在中國北京、上海、廣州、昆明等地推出了出行價格不低於4000元、不含強制購物內容的泰國品質游系列產品,總的來說反響還不錯。但記者從滬上旅行社瞭解到,一旦旅遊法實施後,泰國游價格還將上漲四成以上,黃金周可能翻番。舉例來說,泰國“曼穀+芭堤雅6天游”行程,是短途出境游的一條經典線路,正常的淡季價格常常在四五千元。從旅行社的安排看,今年“十一”前後,這條線路的行程及價格變化頗大。目前,各家旅行社的“曼穀+芭堤雅6天游”產品大同小異,都會安排遊客在曼穀self storage自費的鱷魚表演;芭堤雅的人妖歌舞秀也是必不可少的收費項目,還有“泰國特產燕窩展示中心”或“原石博物館”二選一,這都是展示加賣產品的場所。除此之外,諸如空中降落傘邀游、水上電單車、快艇、香蕉船、深海潛水等水上活動,也都是自費活動。遊客如果在這些場所消費,將花去人民幣1000 -3000元。去掉這些購物項目後,這個6天游的跟團價格將大幅度上漲。一家出境旅行社的相關負責人昨日透露,國慶節期間,這條線路價格將達到8000元左右,節後仍然將維持在6000至7000元。在泰國日均花900元華東地區一家旅行社的業務總監林先生認為,旅遊法封殺低價購物團對旅行社來講未必是壞事,以前,低價團導遊的心思都花在如何“忽悠”遊客到購物點消費,如今低價購物取消了,團費漲上去了,導遊的收入從增加的團費中直接“提成”,有助于他們更好地將精力放在提高服務水平上,導遊在遊客心目中的形象也會得到改觀。來自泰國旅遊局的最新統計顯示,去年一年前往泰國的中國遊客數量達270萬人次,較2011年增長61 . 91%,中國遊客在泰國平均住宿時間為8天,每日每人平均消費為4471泰銖,約合人民幣900元,8天人均消費7200元左右。迷你倉

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Music industry veteran Song Ke has a new plan to save the business.新蒲崗迷你倉 He is organizing large-scale outdoor music festivals to tour 60 cities around China for a year. Chen Nan finds out the details. Being a central figure in the development of China’s music industry for nearly two decades, Song Ke seems to have a little monster in his head guiding him to make wise decisions. “I am a good foreseer of music market,” says the 48-year-old Song with confidence. “When I watch music shows on TV while studying in the United States in 1990, I could tell which song would be a hit and which singer would be popular. Within three months, the news would confirm my judgment.” It could be an inborn talent coupled with his science training at Tsinghua University, which had provided him with sound logical thinking. In the transforming music industry where traditional market formula is dying, Song has announced a new plan to save it. Instead of holding an outdoor music festival once a year, 60 outdoor music festivals titled Evergrande Star Music Festival will be held in 60 cities around China from Sept 14 until August 2014. The plan is this: Two neighborhood cities will have the music festival, one on Saturday and another on Sunday, each with a target audience of more than 20,000. The first two cities to launch the festival will be Xi’an in Shaanxi province and Zhengzhou in Henan province. According to Song, the general manager of Evergrande Music, although the tours were solidified early this year, the idea was mooted years ago. Evergrande Music is a music company under the Evergrande Real Estate Group, one of the country’s largest real estate developers. “I have been researching the Chinese film market for years. What makes the film industry successful with millions in revenues? Even some bad movies sell well,” says Song, “because watching films during weekend is becoming a lifestyle among Chinese young people. Why don’t we run the music business like the film industry?” To attract young people back to the music scene without spending too much, tickets for the music festival will be priced the same as the movies in the city — below 100 yuan ($16). It’s a bold idea and Song’s friends told him that it’s crazy because holding one three-day music festival consumes lots of money and energy, let alone 60. He is not worried about the money because he has sponsors. What he aims for is to make attending a music festival a habit for young Chinese people, just like watching movies. Gao Xiaosong, the managing director for Evergrande Music’s music department, says among all the forms of products in China’s music industry, outdoor music festivals have developed fast and well. “In the United States, every weekend you can enjoy some musical events at open squares. That is what we need,” he says. “We hope the new way of enjoying music could be healthy and helpful to the development of China’s music market.” With two stages, pop and rock, the music festivals will have a mixture of big stars and new singer-songwriters from the local cities. The first star Song invited is China’s godfather of rock ’n’ roll, Cui Jian, who will perform at more than 20 stations. “He is the symbol of China’s live music scene and I believe he can help ignite the passion of music festivals,” Song says. Cui is excited about the tours. “It’s more than a few days of shows, which will have fans rocking for a very long time,” Cui says. “The tours can also help rock music get back to the mainstrmini storageam.” He also points out that the outdoor music festival is still new in China and takes time to be widely accepted by audiences. Most of the outdoor music festivals in China are held in developed cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. It is not a healthy trend for the music industry, Song says. He had spent a year watching live house shows at second- and third-tier cities, where he observed the potential of new music powers. “I found very good singers at small bars in those smaller cities but they don’t have the chance to perform on a larger stage. Our music festival tour will give those artists the opportunity,” he says. It’s not the first time that Song has broken conventions in the industry. In 1996, he spent 200,000 yuan to help Gao Xiaosong, who was also a student of Tsinghua University, release the album Youth with No Regrets. It proved to be a sound investment. The album sold millions of copies in China and kicked off an era of campus ballads music genre. Then the two joined hands to form Taihe Rye Music Company, discovering and producing albums for many pop stars, like Pu Shu, Lao Lang and Li Yuchun. As the former general manager of Warner Music China, Song was the earliest to produce and publish digital music in 2003. The ring tone download service earned him 20 million yuan in 2004. In 2008, he withdrew from the scene and opened a Peking roast duck restaurant in Beijing’s CBD area. Upon his return in 2012 to work at Evergrande Music, his focus was on purchasing copyrights from indie labels such as Thirteen Months Company and TV shows. Among them include the popular talent show Chun Wan Express, which selects new artists to perform at CCTV’s Chun Wan, the most-watched annual Spring Festival Gala. Song opines that there is a missing link in the music industry between singer-songwriters and the audiences. He points out that as the number of TV shows broadcasting music videos and radio program introducing new songs reduces, talented Chinese singer-songwriters do not have a regular and effective platform to introduce their music. On the other hand, young music fans are eager to listen to different types of new songs, which is why they visit live shows in bars, watch talent shows on TV and listen to online music to discover new faces and new works. “When I was in the university, everyone listened to the same song, like Cui Jian’s. But today, young Chinese music fans want a variety of music, which displays their individualities,” he says. Shen Lihui, the founder and director of Modern Sky, one of the largest indie music labels in China, says the music festival tour is another business form to run the music industry. “The main contribution of having the outdoor music festival tour for such a long time is to widen the influences of outdoor music festivals among Chinese audiences,” says Shen, who founded Strawberry Music Festival, one of the country’s biggest outdoor music festivals, in 2009. He also says that since the market of music festivals in China is still new, he is not worried about competition, and there is room for growth. With about 100 outdoor music festivals already taking place around China every year, he predicts that more than 500 music festivals will be held in the next three to five years. Contact the writer at It’s more than a few days of shows, which will have fans rocking for a very long time. The tours can also help rock music get back to the mainstream.” cui jian rocker self storage

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出走,mini storage可以讓大家放下眼前的苦惱,擴闊視野,從而更認識自己。全職去旅行的快樂女生REBEC HOHOHO遊走過數不盡的國家城市,足跡遍佈東南亞至歐洲,遇到無法預料的異地人與事,因而更為了解自己、了解當地文化。喜歡寫字(曾因寫字寫到一隻手麻痺)的她繼2010年把經歷化成文字的《50+1》私家旅遊系列後,推出全新的《好好好女遊》系列,以女生喜好為主導,介紹必去之處及路線。我們趁REBEC還未開始執拾行李到下個目的地前,相約她到一家休閒咖啡店,談生活品味,談旅行的意義。似曾相識?其實,熟悉《MILK》的讀者大概早已讀過REBEC的文字,皆因她曾於我們的雜誌留下過不少痕跡。「三年前,公司邀請我到北京開發國內版的《MILK》誌,因緣際會在當地認識了一家出版社,這促使我萌生撰寫著作的念頭。我是個性子急的人,想一次過出版好幾本作品,所以毅然放棄工作,全職寫書。」因此香港、台北、上海、北京及紐約五本《50+1》私家旅遊系列中,前四本均為一次性推出的。她找了五十位當地人如設計師、藝術家、文化人、牧師等,透過他們的眼睛帶領大家窺探該城市;加上她自己作為遊客的觀點,十分充實。出走原點作為全職旅人的REBEC究竟是何時開始出走?她憶道:「其實小時候已好想坐飛機,當其他小朋友要求媽媽買玩具時,我卻希望去旅行。最後,首次出走是在大學畢業後,獨自上路去台灣。」那次更讓她喜歡上一人行的狀態模式。談到狀態,REBEC表示其實喜歡去旅行的朋友無時無刻都會留意旅遊的資訊,因此她不會為短途旅行計劃行程,一切已在心中。談到她去過的地方,說實根本沒可能一下子數得完,但她仍盡力細數:「有一段時間,我很喜歡潛水,所以常到菲律賓、馬爾代夫;日本則因早前工作關係讓我有點嚇怕了,所以近年比較少去;近年,我則喜歡到金邊、柬埔寨等少旅行團去的地方;到蘇格蘭ROAD TRIP令我印象非常深刻,自己入油、與老太太聊天‥‥‥」迷路奇遇‥‥‥對REBEC來說,旅途中最為深刻不是甚麼景點美食,而是與人有關的回憶。「讓我再次到訪該地,必定是當地朋友。很老土的說,就是有牽掛。記得早年出走日本時,GPS還未流行,我是出名的『迷路怪』。天快要黑時,因不憧日文所以問路也沒有用,當我在徬徨之際,有位女生手口並用帶我走出MAIN ROAD,然後跟我說:『KARAOKE,OK? 』她原來想我聽她唱歌,這因而開展了一段友誼,更書信來往了好一陣子。要知道我不懂日文,所以每次寫信都要怒查字典,很有趣。self storage她笑言自己因迷路而認識朋友的機率很高,在台灣便因迷路而結識了一對男女。人情味道幸運地,她在旅途上也遇到不少好人。「記得有年秋冬到德國童話之路,雖不是滿街都是FAIR的夏天,但當地人得知我遠道而來,特意為我上演了一段白雪公主童話故事,很是感動。」是次這個《好好好女遊》系列雖以女生為基調,卻依舊找來代表性的當地人「帶路」。REBEC坦言這是她最喜愛的旅遊方式:「除了到訪當地外,我更希望與不同的人作交流,所以書中除了食買玩,我更增添了『好好好學』的部份,帶大家到處學習技藝及與同學聊天。」城市漫遊她在「好好好學」中走到廚房學做菜,動手貼花做手作,享受咖啡拉花樂。她笑說:「如時間安排得到,我都會到當地上COOKING CLASS,而每次都會讓我有所啟發,如柬埔寨的春卷並不像我們想像的一樣,重點原來在其魚露醬汁。」大家翻開書頁,更會發現一隻隻由REBEC親手繪畫的粉紅小兔。「我並不是屬兔(笑),只不過她就像我的狀態一樣跳來跳去,所以這隻小兔會帶著我的回憶出現於大家面前,由文字到圖案都在訴說我的經歷。」必到之處不少人都會有一堆旅行音樂,REBEC也沒有例外。「我每到一個地方,都必定去唱片店,入手一堆INDIE輕音樂。此外,我更會到當地的CAF�一趟,香港台灣的文化氣息較為濃厚、西藏的就只是一個坦蕩蕩的山洞、冰島的對於我們來說就是一個泳池而已。我亦會到訪書店,即使看不懂也會入手。」最後,問她下一站的目的地,「九月我會到首爾,預計年底會推出新書。未來,我還希望推出電子版的旅遊書及食譜。」Rebec旅行音樂之選——Left Top:Lonely Drifter Karen、Naomi & Goro、U900(日本Ukulele公仔組合)、Street Voice Collection(台北簡單生活節作品結集)/ Left Bottom:Tamas Wells(好Light好好聽)、Rainbow Cut(北京獨立女聲作品)、Priscilla Ahn(美日混血歌手)Rebec在台灣Simple Pleasure中親手做的手工記事本《好好好女遊──台北》ISBN:978─9888237210《好好好女遊──廣州》ISBN:978─9888237364售 價:$68 / 各出版社:知出版售賣點:各大書店text:Emily photo:kimio special thanks:after school(veune) design:laM迷你倉

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信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from檢查車輛。(資中交警大隊供圖)    今年夏天,迷你倉庫中央氣象台連續多日發佈高溫橙色預警,與此同時,四川大部分地區進入汛期,暴雨頻發,兩種極端天氣給四川人民的生活出行都帶來不少麻煩,也給交警部門出了難題。  面對暴雨隨時會來、高溫下的危化品運輸、探親流高峰將至等問題,這個夏天如何保障民�出行暢通安全成為資中交警大隊的頭等大事。內江市資中交警大隊提前全面部署,將可能出現的困難、險情扼殺在搖籃之中,力保民�在這個夏天安全出行無死角。嚴管路面交通深入檢查不留盲點  為消除重點車輛和駕駛人管控盲點,資中交警大隊對大中型客貨車、旅遊包車、校車、危化品運輸車、低速載貨汽車等重點車輛辦理年審、過戶等業務,要求一律在“重管辦”備案,實時錄入交通安全監管服務平台,實行動態監管。  截至7月20日,已約談9家客運企業、危化品運輸企業法人,下達限期整改通知書4份,客運車、校車、危化品車100%建立了規範化管理檔案。  為避免路面巡邏管控中的死角,大隊及時調整勤務部署,對重點路段、重點時段實施密度監管,以提高路面管控力度,嚴厲懲處各類嚴重交通違法行為,始終保持嚴查、嚴管、嚴治、嚴懲的高壓態勢,築牢交通事故預防的“屏障”。  在轄區國道321線、207省道實行全天候勤務方式,採取定點和流動巡邏相結合,嚴厲打擊各類嚴重交通違法行為。7月上旬至今,共查處各類交通違法行為2000余起。汛期24小時有人值班杜絕遲報、漏報  為打好夏日防汛戰,資中交警大隊做好了周全準備。首先是與氣象等部門建立完善了汛期信息預警通報機制,以便了解最新訊息,在“車馬”方面,建立了汛期交通安全責任制,嚴格落實警力、車輛及裝備保障儲存同時對道路危險路段、易漫水路橋、易積水和塌方路段儘快治理。  汛期中將實行領導帶班和24小時值班備勤制度,明確專人負責掌握汛期天氣情況和道路積水、交通擁堵、交通事故等信息。一旦遇有強降雨造成道路損毀、交通擁堵、發生重特大道路交通事故的,將及時逐級上報,堅決杜絕遲報、漏報問題的發生。迎探親流力保學生、兒童交通安全  進入7月,隨著大部分學校放假,學生出行特別是留守兒童探親高峰已經來臨,發生涉及學生交通事故的風險也隨之增大。  資中交警大隊針對暑假期間學生短途出行增多的特點,除加強對縣、鄉道路中短途客車的管控外,不懼高溫麻煩,將警力延伸至農村道路,加強對摩托車、三輪車違法載人違法行為特別是違法裝載學生、兒童的查處力度。管控危化品運輸有隱患車輛絕不上路  夏季高溫給民�出行帶來不少麻煩,對交通部門來說,最大的挑戰莫過於危化品的運輸管控。  為確保危險品運輸管控工作萬無一失,資中交警大隊除了加強道路安全大檢查外,還深入誠德、發翔等企業深入檢查。  在檢查過程中,發現部分車輛未按規定,存在“靜電帶接觸地面;使用翻新胎;滅火器超過使用期限”等問題,資中交警大隊當即責令運輸企業立即整改,要求企業不消除隱患不准上路。後勤到位確保安全出行無憂  為確保全力打造夏季安全出行環境,在後勤方面,資中交警大隊針對高溫天氣下民警體力消耗大,工作辛苦的情況,大隊從愛護民警、優待民警的角度出發,認真落實從優待警,做好後勤保障工作。各鄉鎮中隊科學合理調整民警執勤和休息時間,既保證重點地區、時段有足夠的警力執勤,又保證一線執勤民警得到必要的休息。同時在物質上還為民警準備了礦泉水、風油精等防暑降溫物品,切實保障高溫期間路面民警的健康和安全。  羅凱君 華西城市讀本實習記者 蔣勇新蒲崗迷你倉

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Source: Tulsa World, Okla.self storageAug. 15--Whether you're in the area for The Will Rogers & Wiley Post Fly-In or you're contemplating a fun day trip, Claremore has more than enough to keep you busy -- even for an entire weekend.Here are some of our favorite spots you should consider for a fun family itinerary, from shearing sheep at a farm and buying fresh milk and cheese to sipping fine tea, shopping antiques and learning more about the history of a town that Will Rogers called home.The Oklahoma Military Academy (OMA) MuseumRogers State University, Meyer Hall, 1701 W. Will Rogers Blvd.Telling the story of the 10,000-plus cadets who attended the academy from 1919 to 1971, the museum collects, preserves and exhibits items relevant to the school's history.In its day, OMA was hailed as the West Point of the Southwest. It was a cavalry school until the mid-1940s, when tanks arrived. During this time, OMA fielded strong polo teams. The legendary Will Rogers was a strong supporter of OMA.Be sure to see the Lone Cadet, standing sentinel by the flagpole at RSU, which evolved from OMA.Admission is free. Hours are 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday, except holidays.For more, 918-343-6888. Pink House210 W. Fourth St.This culinary landmark in Claremore has been serving lunch and tea for more than 30 years.Warm and inviting as the swing on its porch, the pink-painted restaurant offers a delectable menu, featuring quiches (the bacon and spinach is a must), salads with a variety of homemade dressings, sandwiches and wraps, and specialties like the Chicken and Broccoli Casserole and Chicken Enchilada Casserole.You can't come here without having dessert, with the Baked Fudge and Coconut Cream Pie deserving your attention.Don't forget tea, which can be had by appointment, serving tea and scones for $4.99 per person, up to a mini tea for 10, afternoon tea for 16 or high tea for 22, with four courses. Also, they serve dinner 5-8 p.m. each Friday, and the restaurant's shop is brimming with great gift ideas, from cards and candles to jewelry, books and tea accessories -- and, of course, lots of tea.Hours are 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday-Saturday, 5-8 p.m. Friday, with tea any time by appointment.For more, 918-342-2544. House Restaurant1616 W. Will Rogers Blvd.Open since 1969, Hammett House is another Claremore landmark -- one that's best enjoyed when you're not on a diet or at least having a cheat day.Among our favorite menu items are the fried green tomatoes and Hammett House's award-winning chili -- and those are just the starters. You'll find great soups du jour, plus eight salads (the Caramelized Salmon Spinach one is amazing). Or you can feed your inner carnivore via fresh-cut steaks, pamper-fried chicken or, the speciality, pamper-fried steak. You'll also find sandwiches, seafood and burgers.Or be a little more daring and order the lamb or turkey fries -- or a combo of both. If you don't know what they are, ask your server. To celebrate your bravery, you have to have pie. From Sour Cream Raisin to our personal favorite, German Chocolate, the pies here are legendary. The Lemon-Pecan and Coconut Cream are also to-die-for.Hours are 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday, 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Sunday.For more, 918-341-7333. tulsaworldcom/hammetthouseBelvidere Mansion121 N. Chickasaw Ave.The family home of Claremore businessman John M. Bayless, this beautiful home has outlasted other beloved structures from his day, such as the Windsor Opera House and Sequoyah Hotel, said Morgan Williams, the buyer and manager of the mansion's gift shop.Among the intricate details of the 9,000-square-foot Victorian mansion are mosaic tiles, parquet flooring, stamped-tin walls and ceilings, marble wainscoting, decorative woodwork, four fireplaces, and a grand three-story ballroom. Although the house was converted into 12 apartments in the 1930s, the nonprofit Rogers County Historical Society bought it in 1991 and began an extensive renovation -- and it's still a work in progress, and it's all volunteer.On the first floor, you'll find the tea room, which serves lunch 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday -- and we recommend the Canterbury Classic chicken salad with pineapple, grapes and almonds, plus a peach iced tea. Also, the gift shop boutique is open 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday -- the same hours visitors may tour the mansion for free. Donations are appreciated for the mansion's ongoing work.For more, 918-342-1127. shoppingWest Will Rogers BoulevardYou'll find plenty of shopping opportunities in Claremore's historic downtown.For antiques and collectibles, pop into Antiques Et Cetera for old costume jewelry, glassware, home-decorating accessories, and old and new furniture. Other stops to make include Emerald Antiques & Collectibles, Hudson-Metcalf Antique Mall, Now & Then coffee house and antique mall, Nostalgia Nook and Willow Tree Mall.Specialty shops include A Gallery of the Arts, A Place of Grace Book Store, Bike-About Bicycles, Boarding House Books, Crafted (with hand-crafted, artisan items), Heins Jewelry, Leslie's Pottery Cottage, My Doll Castle, Savannah's Boutique (new women's clothing and accessories), Second Impressions Resale, Spot Lite Magic & Costume, Steve's Saturday Store (an old-fashioned country store), Taps Unlimited (dance and gymnastics apparel), The Horse of Course (largest inventory of horse equipment and tack in a five-state area), The Orange Owl Boutique, Thrift Harbor resale shop, and Waterfront Frame and Art.Hungry from all that shopping? Check out the '50s-style Boom-A-Rang Diner, which serves breakfast all day, or Dot's Cafe, which offers home-style favorites.For more, call Claremore Main Street, Inc., 918-341-5881. Rogers Memorial Museum1720 W. Will Rogers Blvd.Overlooking the scenic Tiawah Valley, this eight-gallery museum is constructed of native limestone, and it hosts a dozen theaters or television kiosks, as well as a famous saddle collection, and fine arts and artifacts depicting the life of Oklahoma's most famous humorist.Every day, visitors can view one of Rogers' 21 feature-length motion pictures or a documentary of his life. The lower-level children's museum features interactive exhibits and educational activities.And don't forget the famous statue of Rogers, which was cast twice -- one copy in the museum's rotunda, the other in the Statuary Hall in the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.Hou迷你倉s are 8 a.m.-5 p.m. every day of the year. Members and those 17 or younger enter free; $5 adults, $4 seniors 62-plus and military with ID.For more, 918-341-0719. J.M. Davis Arms and Historical Museum330 N. J.M. Davis Blvd. (at the corner of Lynn Riggs Blvd and Fifth Street)J.M. Davis was a Claremore businessman, who for many years ran the city's Mason Hotel, and a long-serving mayor whose fascination with firearms began with his receiving his first rifle at age 7.By the time of his death in 1973, Davis had amassed some 50,000 weapons -- from a 500-year-old Chinese hand cannon to modern machine guns from around the world. These form the foundation of what is now the J.M. Davis Arms and Historical Museum.Guns of all types are on display in often dizzying profusion -- rifles, shotguns, pistols, both antique and modern. But the museum's collections go beyond things that go "bang-bang," with exhibits of beer steins, model trains and cowboy-related toys, antiques, saddles, Daisy BB guns, and items from Claremore's history.Hours are 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday. 1-5 p.m. Sunday (March through October). Admission is free, with suggested donation $5 individuals $10 families.For more: 918-341-5707, Rogers Downs16305 Oklahoma 20Billed as Oklahoma's No. 1 "racino," Cherokee Casino Will Rogers Downs offers casino gaming action and more. You can experience live-horse racing, including quarterhorse racing September through November and thoroughbred racing March to May, plus simulcast racing action each day from around the country. The new casino and entertainment complex offers Vegas-style electronic games and video poker, as well as dancing and food in the Dog Iron Saloon -- breakfast, breakfast buffet, lunch and dinner, each day of the week.Hours are 11 a.m.-1 a.m. Monday-Thursday, 11 a.m.-4 a.m. Friday, 10 a.m.-4 a.m. Saturday, 10 a.m.-1 a.m. Sunday. Simulcast is daily at 10 a.m. (see for schedule).For more, 918-283-8800. Bros. Dairy938 E. Fifth St.Started in 1928 with one cow by Harley Swan Sr., this farm has grown to include a herd of Holsteins, Brown Swiss and crosses of Holsteins, Brown Swiss and Jersey. In 1985, the dairy started producing quality cheeses.No colors are added, and no hormones are given to cows. It's all genuine, fresh cheese and milk. They sell whole, 2 percent and skim for $4.50 per gallon. Cheeses include raw and pasteurized colby, mild cheddar and sharp cheddar, pasteurized mozzarella, pasteurized hot pepper and mild hot pepper cheddar, raw smoked cheddar, and, their top sellers, pasteurized cheddar and hot-pepper cheddar curds. Half-pound blocks are $5.25 per pound, 1-pound blocks are $5.15 per pound, and 2 1/2-pound blocks are $4.95 per pound.Hours are 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Saturday.For more, 918-341-2298.'s Cross16792 E. 450 RoadA working farm, state-of-the-art touring facility and a Christian mission, Shepherd's Cross offers myriad activities, such as shepherding, Bible garden, wool mill and farm museum tours, as well as fiber classes and shearing. They also offer sheep for sale and handmade wool products, among others.Fiber arts classes include spinning with a drop spindle, spinning with a wheel, knitting, crocheting, wet felting, needle felting, wool washing and wool dyeing. Plus, the farm offers seasonal activities, such as a pumpkin festival in the fall and a living nativity during the holidays.Hours are 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Thursday-Saturday. Admission is free, but donations are appreciated.For more, 918-342-5911. Claremore eventsBluegrass & Chili FestivalThe 34th Annual Bluegrass & Chili Festival will be held Sept. 5-7 at the Claremore Expo Center, 400 Veterans Parkway.The weekend combines performances by some of bluegrass music's greatest talents, as well as an International Chili Society-sanctioned chili competition that attracts award-winning cooks from around the region.Among the national artists scheduled to perform during the festival are the Lonesome River Band, Grammy nominee Sanctus Real, IIIrd Tyme Out, the Brooke & Darin Aldridge Band, Dave Adkins and Republic Steel, Rhonda Vincent & the Rage, Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver, and the Sam Bush Band.Other activities include the Best Country in the City vocalist competition, a Junior Showcase for musicians and singers younger than 21, a Festival Market and Kiddie Korral, a car show, and antique tractor pull.The winner of the Mid-America Regional Chili Cook-off and Salsa Competition will earn a $1,000 cash prize and entry into World's Championship Chili Cook-off, to be held Oct. 11-13 in Palm Springs, Calif.Admission to the festival is free. For more information, call 918-341-2818 or go to Rogers Museum diamond jubileeThe Will Rogers Memorial Museum opened to the public in 1938, three years after Rogers' death in a plane crash.The museum will celebrate its 75th anniversary with two events, one in Claremore, one in Tulsa.On Sept. 19, the Claremore museum, 1720 W. Will Rogers Blvd., will host an evening honoring those who worked to help create the Will Rogers Memorial Museum.The evening will feature performances by fiddler Jana Jae, Wild West entertainer Kowboy Kal and world champion roper Doug Smith.Former governors Frank Keating and George Nigh serve as honorary co-chairs, and Oklahoma City University President Robert Henry will be the keynote speaker.Country music stars Jessi Colter and Shooter Jennings will be joined by Tulsa's own Red Dirt Rangers for a concert Sept. 20 at Cain's Ballroom, 423 N. Main St. Proceeds from this event will benefit the Will Rogers Memorial Museum.Tickets start at $20. marks the 78th anniversary of Will Rogers' death, when the plane piloted by Wiley Post crashed just after take-off near Point Barrow, Alaska, on Aug. 15, 1935.The Will Rogers Memorial Museum will mark the event with a wreath-laying ceremony 9 a.m. Thursday at the Rogers family tomb on the museum's grounds.Rogers' great-niece, Doris "Coke" Meyer, along with Claremore Mayor Mickey Perry, state Sen. Sean Burrage and state Rep. Marty Quinn, will take part in the ceremony.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) Visit Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services文件倉

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