【明報專訊】曾經是基金愛股的中金再生(0773),迷你倉價錢被證監會出重手向高等法院申請委任臨時清盤人接管。中金再生「爆煲」的內幕正一件件曝光。負責這個燙手山芋的臨時清盤人CosimoBorrelli 接受本報記者訪面時,明言首要工作是保護公司的資產及現金狀�,而非要公司「執笠」,但是中金再生在營運上對很多不明朗情�。他在接管公司時,更非全部管理人員願意與他配合。「非全部管理人員願配合」中金再生的歷年財務報表已經顯示,該公司營運上長期出現資金淨流出(見另文)。Borrelli 指出,獲委任接管公司後,已經採取措施阻截資金流出,首要目標是取回中金再生的資金及資產的控制權。當Borrelli 接管中金再生後,便即入稟向集團主席秦志威索償,並且陸續出任中金再生旗下兩間公司的臨時清盤人,其行事速度之快極其罕有。「公司不正常遇到壓力」Borrelli 稱,他們能夠迅即行動,與證監會之前調查中金再生時提供的資料,以及他們接管中金再生後,發現到更多迷你倉庫料有關。他沒有進一步透露中金再生最新的財務狀�,只形容當前的營運狀�是「公司(的情�)並不正常,並且遇到壓力。」在接管公司運作時,亦非全部管理人員願意和他們合作。被問及中金再生最終被清盤的可能時,Borrellli 只稱,現時要「維持業務運作」,但是在面對眾多不明朗因素下,他相信,若要說找「白武士」拯救公司而最終「再生」,現階段可說言之過早。多名執董獨董相繼跳船本報曾經進一步聯絡秦志威及非執行董事黎煥賢,但是秦氏的手機長期出現關機信息,黎氏的手機則已由另一人接聽。此前,秦志威曾經出手,在法庭上力阻資產繼續被凍結。正當秦志威與中金再生的臨時清盤人於法庭上繼續糾纏之際,該公司的多名董事,包括執行董事馮嘉倫、獨立非執行董事梁創順及陳錦雄已經相繼跳船。摩根大通持股6.72% 不予置評持貨較多的基金股東之一的摩根大通方面,則以持倉非五大之一,因此不會就其在中金再生的狀�,作出評論。根據《彭博》資料顯示,摩根大通在中金再生持股6.72%。儲存

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港股上周五走勢反覆,文件倉�指收報22517點,跌21點,跌0.09%,大市成交錄得678.8億元,單日減少12.5%,窩輪成交錄得60.8億元,牛熊證成交錄得69.47億元,窩輪加牛熊證佔大市成交比例約為19.1%。 一眾石油石化股於本周公佈業績,中石油(857)近日遭證券商調低評級及下調目標價,全日表現受壓,收市跌約2.6%,報9.04元,失守10天平均線,正股及窩輪成交活躍,中石油為上周五成交金額第二大股份,相關窩輪成交全日錄得8000萬元,較上周四增加大約2.5倍,即市觀察有資金趁低流入中石油認購證,中海油(883)以及中石油將於本周二及本周三公佈業績。 反觀中海油連升五日,上周五靠穩,最多曾升約2%,觸及200天平均線的14.98元,收市升約0.7%,報14.78元,是第十大成交金額股份,中海油相關窩輪成交上周五亦較平日活躍,錄得1.2億元,單日增加約77%。 中石油認購證22433於上周五收市報0.048存倉,跌42.8%,其行使價10.39元,並於2013年10月到期,實際槓桿約為18.5倍,引伸波幅則約26.7%。 本文由渣打銀行(香港)有限公司之僱員撰寫,其並無持有上述股份。本文不構成任何買賣結構性產品之要約、建議或招攬。其為推廣目的而編制,並非獨立研究。結構性產品的價格可急升急跌,投資者可完全損失其投資。過往表現並不反映將來表現。可贖回牛/熊證具有強制贖回特點,可能被提早終止而導致:(i)N類可贖回牛/熊證的投資者將不會收到任何現金付款;(ii)R類可贖回牛/熊證的剩餘價值可能為零。投資前請參閱上市文件,作出風險評估及尋求專業意見。載列條款及細則之上市文件可於香港中環金融街8號國際金融中心第二期15樓查閱。渣打證券(香港)有限公司可能為結構性產品之唯一流通量提供者。Standard Chartered plc為集團之最終控股公司。本產品並無抵押品。如發行人無力償債或違約,投資者可能無法收回部份或全部應收款項(如有)。 自存倉

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Source: Tulsa World, Okla.迷你倉價錢Aug. 18--Historians in the 19th century described Cherokee stickball as an ancient but brutal tradition, leaving players bloodied and bruised, sometimes even maimed or dead.More than a game, it was an alternative to war, a way to settle disputes over hunting grounds and property, perhaps even child custody.Today, Cherokees play a gentler version of the sport. And serious disputes are, of course, settled in court.But some Cherokees still symbolically take stickball sticks with them to the courthouse.Baby Veronica's biological father, Dusten Brown, held a pair over his head as he walked out of a tribal hearing Friday -- a gesture of Cherokee pride, but not necessarily a sign of victory.The hearing in Cherokee Nation court Friday afternoon came immediately after a hearing in Cherokee County court Friday morning, stretching more than five hours combined.With a gag order put over the case and all records sealed, anybody in a position to know what happened can't talk about it.Everybody else is just guessing."With his sticks held high, he looked like a proud man" after the tribal hearing, said Cassy Shufeldt, a friend of Brown and his wife, Robin.Walking next to Dusten Brown on the way out of the Cherokee courthouse, Robin Brown flashed a smile at news cameras."She felt great yesterday," Shufeldt said. "I can tell you she felt great."But that doesn't necessarily mean that the two court hearings had gone well for the Browns, Shufeldt said.Their mood was lifted by supporters who waited on the courthouse lawn to cheer as the Browns left, she said.'A good day'Many of those same supporters turned out again Saturday for a noon protest in front of a state office building in downtown Tulsa.Meanwhile in South Carolina, the home of Veronica's adoptive parents, media quoted an unnamed attorney saying that Friday had been "a good day for Dusten Brown."ONE CHILD, TWO FAMILIESVeronica Capobianco: Her adoptive parents wanted a hearing Friday to end with them taking physical custody of her again, but they left having agreed to enter negotiations with the 3-year-old's biological father, a member of the Cherokee tribe.But that could just be because Veronica remained in Oklahoma, at least for the time being.Matt and Melanie Capobianco wanted Friday's hearing in Cherokee County court to end with them having physical custody of the 3-year-old girl again, according to a statement that their spokeswoman issued before the hearing.Instead, the hearing ended with both sides agreeing to enter mediation.Think of it as the modern court system's version of stickball -- an alternative to waging legal battles in front of a judge.The two sides will likely sit down face-to-face with no attorneys present, said Steven Hager, a former mediator who now serves as the director of litigation for Oklahoma Indian Legal Services.A trained mediator will lead the negotiations but not impose a settlement, Hager said."Mediation is more an art than a science," he said. "A good mediator knows when to be empathetic and when to be firm."It can take a few hours or a few days, but mediation usually comes to agreement that "both sides can live with.""You have to give up on the idea of winning," especially in the Baby Veronica case, Hager said."This is not going to end well. The hope is to find a compromise that ends it as gracefully and as least destructively as possible for the child."Arrest avoidedLast week started with authorities in Iowa promising to arrest Dusten Brown when he reported for duty Sunday morning at Camp Dodge, where his Oklahoma National Guard unit has gone for training this month.Instead, the Guard released him from training duties so he could answer a subpoena to appear in Cherokee Nation court, which has claimed jurisdiction over the custody battle because Veronica and her father are both members of the tribe.But Brown never showed up at Monday's hearing. He drove an hour south to Sallisaw, where he surrendered to authorities at the Sequoyah County courthouse.A warrant from South Carolina accuses him of custodial interference, a felony that carries up to five years in prison.Brown will fight extradition. But Gov. Mary Fallin threatened to speed up the extradition process if he didn't negotiate with the adoptive parents.The Capobiancos started the week with a press conference Monday in their neighborhood on James Island, a suburb of Charleston."Our daughter has been kidnapped," Matt Capobianco said, "and I expect the situation to be treated as such."He threatened to come to Oklahoma to find Veronica himself, if state authorities didn't do it."True to my word," he said Wednesday in downtown Tulsa, "here I am."But Wednesday's press conference at the Hyatt Regency struck a gentler tone, offering compromise."I haven't found the solution," Capobianco said, "but I'm here, wide-eyed, open-minded."With a crew filming the press conference, reality TV personality Troy Dunn -- "The Locator" -- stood at the podium to challenge Veronica's biological father to meet with him personally.And alone."Just you and I, Dusten, no strings attached."Two court hearingsAt the time, Cherokee officials wouldn't reveal Brown's location.But Thursday afternoon, Cherokee marshals escorted Dunn away from a VIP guest house at the tribal headquarters in Tahlequah, where the Brown family had been staying in recent weeks.He wanted to renew his offer to meet with Brown and work out a solution, Dunn said.But within hours, the Capobiancos filed a motion in Cherokee County to have Brown, his wife and his parents all appear in court Friday morning.They asked for the hearing after they found out that a Cherokee court had scheduled a hearing Friday to consider guardianship of Veronica under tribal law, according to a family spokeswoman.Special District Judge Holli Wells' writ of habeas corpus named Veronica herself, too. But the Brown family walked into court without the little girl, and officials confirmed that she wasn't inside.Veronica has now spent roughly half her life with each set of parents.Her birth mother arranged a private adoption with the Capobian迷你倉庫os in 2009, and they came to Oklahoma for the birth.Matt Capobianco even cut the umbilical cord.Brown says he didn't know about the adoption until four months later, when he signed papers that he thought would only give custody to his ex-fiancee.He fought a two-year court battle and won custody of Veronica in December 2011.But the Capobiancos appealed the case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.And in a 5-4 decision, the justices sent the case back to South Carolina to be reconsidered.Courts there gave custody back to the adoptive parents.And this month, a judge in Charleston, S.C., demanded that Brown hand over the girl "immediately." An arrest warrant was issued when he didn't comply.'Dr. Phil' show invites rep from Indian agencyAs court hearings were still underway Friday afternoon in the Baby Veronica case, the National Indian Child Welfare Association received an invitation from the "Dr. Phil" show.Veronica's adoptive parents are scheduled to be on the show in early September, according to an email to the association from Dr. Phil's senior associate producer.The show asked NICWA to send a representative to appear with Matt and Melanie Capobianco to discuss the U.S. Supreme Court's recent decision and its impact on Indian tribes.The Capobiancos appeared on the show last year with reality TV personality Troy Dunn, who came to Tulsa with them last week.Dunn told the Tulsa World last week that he had been with the Capobiancos "24/7" in Tulsa and that his crew was documenting the behind-the-scenes story, but it's not clear if he continued to follow them after a judge issued a gag order Friday, instructing all sides to stop talking to the media. It's also not clear what effect that will have on Dunn's project or the "Dr. Phil" show.- MICHAEL OVERALL, World Staff WriterTimelineSeptember 2009: Baby Veronica born in Oklahoma, taken to South Carolina for adoption.January 2010: Father, Dusten Brown, signs away custody but files an appeal a few days later.December 2011: Baby Veronica returns to Oklahoma after a family court in South Carolina grants custody to the father.July 2012: South Carolina Supreme Court upholds the custody decision.January: U.S. Supreme Court agrees to hear an appeal from the adoptive parents, Matt and Melanie Capobianco.April: U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments in the case.June 25: U.S. Supreme Court rules that federal law doesn't require that Veronica be given to her biological father. The court did not clear her adoptive parents to immediately regain custody.July 9: Cherokee Nation District Court officials confirm that Dusten Brown's mother and father, Alice and Tommy Brown, have filed for adoption of Veronica -- in line with Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor's dissenting opinion.July 17: Cherokee Nation courts name three of Dusten Brown's family members as joint guardians, giving them the power to make legal and medical decisions for Veronica and complicating the issue for South Carolina courts. Later that day, the South Carolina Supreme Court terminates Brown's parental rights and gives full custody to the adoptive parents.July 24: Christy Maldonado, Veronica's birth mother, files a lawsuit with several other women who have placed children for adoption, seeking to have part of the Indian Child Welfare Act declared unconstitutional.July 26: Dusten Brown files a petition with the U.S. Supreme Court to review the case and require South Carolina courts to hold a best-interest hearing for Veronica.July 31: Prior to a hearing on transition details for Veronica, a Cherokee Nation attorney appointed for Veronica files a federal lawsuit in South Carolina seeking to temporarily stop the hearing and hold a best-interest hearing. It is denied.Aug. 2: The U.S. Supreme Court denies Brown's July 26 petition. Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor were the only dissenters.Aug. 5: A South Carolina judge orders Brown to surrender custody "immediately" after he didn't bring Veronica to a court-ordered visitation with the adoptive parents in South Carolina.Aug. 9: South Carolina officials issue an arrest warrant for Brown. He is expected to be taken into custody in Iowa, where he is training with the Oklahoma National Guard.Aug. 10: National Guard officials grant Brown requested leave from training after he is subpoenaed to appear in Cherokee Nation tribal court for an emergency hearing in Tahlequah.Aug. 12: Brown does not appear at the emergency hearing. He turns himself in to authorities in Sequoyah County and is released after posting $10,000 bond. South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley signs a warrant for Brown's extradition and sends it to Gov. Mary Fallin for her approval.Aug. 13: Fallin declines to sign off on the warrant, saying Brown has a right to contest extradition in court. She says she will not act upon the warrant until after Brown's next extradition hearing on Sept. 12. Capobiancos arrive in Tulsa that night.Aug. 14: Capobiancos hold news conference in downtown Tulsa saying they had been denied a chance to see Veronica and meet with Brown. Fallin says she will speed up Brown's extradition to South Carolina if he does not allow the Capobiancos to see Veronica. A South Carolina family court judge reiterates that he wanted Veronica returned to the Capobiancos "forthwith."Upcoming court action:Aug. 16: Both sides appeared in Cherokee County court as well as Cherokee Nation court. Records show that Brown and the Capobiancos have entered into a mediation agreement. A judge-imposed gag order prevented either side from speaking afterward.Aug. 23: Deadline for Brown to contest South Carolina's custody order in Oklahoma court.Sept. 4: A Cherokee tribal court will consider extending a temporary guardianship for Veronica's stepmother and grandparents, potentially claiming jurisdiction over the case.Sept. 12: Brown to return to Sequoyah County Court for a hearing on his extradition.Michael Overall 918-581-8383michael.overall@tulsaworld.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) Visit Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) at .tulsaworld.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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Unit learns criminal techniques to combat surge in illegal activity online since last yearA new Customs and Excise team has been set up to combat a sharp rise in illegal activity in cyberspace.迷你倉庫The Electronic Crime Investigation Centre (ECIC) researches and develops investigative capabilities so that it can handle customs-related crimes committed by using new technologies before those crimes become a serious problem in society.The 17-strong squad is investigating how electronic crimes are committed, how to investigate such illegal activity and how to collect evidence.To stay ahead of crooks, officers have to find out how to use new technologies for illegal transactions and hide evidence. “The ECIC predicts the modes and types of electronic crimes that will happen in the future, then researches and develops suitable investigation methods and directions to tackle such crimes, targeting specific characteristics of various crimes,” said Dr Michael Kwan Yuk-kwan, a superintendent in the Intellectual Property Investigation (Oper儲存tions) Group at the Customs and Excise Department.“The newest technology – cloud platforms – is also an area of interest to the ECIC, especially when people illegally share movies and songs online,” the superintendent said.The latest figures on electronic crime up to July show 92 cases, more than 40 per cent higher than the 65 cases recorded for the whole of last year. About 80 of this year’s cases involved sales of counterfeit items at online auction sites. Last year, there were only 52 such cases.The ECIC is currently researching and developing investigative capabilities in three major types of crimes, namely internet services, telecommunications devices and hardware and storage media.The ECIC, set up with initial funding of HK$4 million, is staffed by officers with experience in investigating electronic crimes and who have detailed knowledge of computer investigation and verification.The team is working closely with local, mainland and overseas law enforcement agencies, the information technology industry and academics.新蒲崗迷你倉

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瑞士寶盛銀行(BANK JULIUS BAER)連續3年推出的「瑞士寶盛生活指數」,新蒲崗迷你倉最新公布2013年上升8.0%,顯示亞洲高資產淨值人士的高端生活成本,升幅高於一般通膨水平,惟步伐較2012年來的緩和。而且,今年的調查還新增臺北,與雅加達、吉隆坡等。該銀行表示,瑞士寶盛生活指數涵蓋20種高端產品和服務,從香港、上海、新加坡和孟買等4個主要城市的高端品牌供應商,取得這些產品和服務的價格作為樣本,反映在過去1年間亞洲高資產淨值人士的生活成本。根據該項指數,香港、新加坡、上海和孟買各自的主流通貨膨脹指標,於調查期間約上升5.30%,升幅與2012年的情況相近,惟價格變動多數主要受全球因素帶動,升幅最大的單一項目是教育支出。研究團隊指出,雖然著名寄宿學校的費mini storage大致不變,但牛津和哈佛大學學費卻平均上升30%,較漲幅次高的洋酒、酒店住宿,以及雪茄,超過逾1倍。瑞士寶盛銀行是具有120年歷史的瑞士私人銀行,聚焦於高端富裕客群的財富管理服務,亦宣稱亞洲是該銀行的第二個本土市場,卻遲未在台灣申請辦事處,僅由香港據點來台銷售瑞士寶盛基金。為拓展亞洲新興市場,連續3年在《瑞士寶盛財富報告》年度報告中增設瑞士寶盛生活指數,並大量採樣亞洲高資產人士的生活與消費行為,就近瞭解亞洲財富管理的面貌。該銀行表示,自從開始編制高端生活指數以來,全球局勢出現眾多巨變,多國央行積極擴大資產負債表的舉措,達到前所未見的規模,量化寬量的貨幣政策觸發嚴重通貨膨脹,面對各央行的這些特殊措施,建議投資者應以非常手段,例如利用避險基金,作為應對非典情況。self storage

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  • Aug 19 Mon 2013 08:51
  • 臺灣


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 【特訊】自澳門大學橫琴新校區正式移交澳門特區政府,迷你倉新蒲崗各項工作已有序地進行,為保障澳門大學新校區及河底隧道的消防安全,消防局將於明(十九日)日上午十時,調派人員臨時進駐澳大橫琴校區消防站。 鑒於現時消防站仍未具條件供消防局人員作全面進駐,但為了保障新校區及河底隧道的消防安全,以及滿足消防局召喚緊急救援的服務承諾,因此,消防局以臨時進駐的方式派員在新校區消防站駐守。是次進駐調派了四十名消防人員在橫琴校區消防站輪值工作,另外,進駐的救援車包括:搶救車、水泵車、消防雲梯車、救護車及其他緊急車輛,藉此為新校區提供消防救援及救護服務。◇

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  • Aug 18 Sun 2013 11:16
  • 臺灣

金融時報、彭博資訊等重量級財經媒體紛紛引述消息來源報導,自存倉三星電子下月初將發表智慧手表,顯見三星在穿戴科技戰場上這回合將暫時領先蘋果。 金融時報和彭博資訊報導,消息人士說,三星將在9月4日、也就是德國柏林消費電子展(IFA)開幕前兩天,發表名為Galaxy Gear的智慧手表。 該項產品將搭載Android作業系統,能上網、撥接電話和收發電郵,但不會配備可彎曲螢幕,預定今年上市。 日前華爾街日報和科技網站SamMobile則根據專利登記資料,推斷Gear可能搭載可彎曲螢幕。 蘋果近幾月也傳出為開發iWatch大舉招兵買馬,但預料這項裝置明年才會亮相。 今年全球手表業預估將創造逾600億美元營收,而第一家販售能多工作業腕表裝置的業者,可望將消費者「鎖」在自家平台,進而刺激智慧手機、平板電腦和電視的迷你倉新蒲崗售。 麥格理分析師丹尼爾•金(音譯)說,三星的智慧手表近期內絕對會上市。三星的對手不只蘋果,Sony的智慧表已正式問世,英特爾、Google和微軟證實正在研發,還有Pebble、Kreyos等後起之秀,也要爭食這塊大餅。 不過丹尼爾•金認為,這類裝置普及的速度恐怕遠不如智慧手機和平板裝置。製造商能否克服智慧手表的實用性、螢幕大小和電池壽命等挑戰,有待觀察。 丹尼爾說,電信業者對早期的智慧手機提供巨額補貼,使智慧手機市場迅速擴張,但不知是否也會補貼智慧表。 他還指出,智慧手表螢幕可能無法大於1.8吋的限制,也可能抑制需求。 野村控股分析師鍾昌元(音譯)則說,智慧手表絕對會創造利基,因為市面上還沒有這類產品。穿戴式裝置可望成為智慧手機市場的趨勢之一,但尚無法確定這個趨勢會由智慧手表或智慧眼鏡創造。」 迷你倉出租

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Source: Daily Press, Victorville, Calif.迷你倉沙田Aug. 17--ADELANTO -- Modifications from a state fire inspection and other alterations have added another $1 million to the cost of the Adelanto Detention Center Expansion Project, a venture that was already more than $25 million over its original construction budget.The latest extra construction funds were approved at a recent meeting of the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors. According to the staff report by county Architecture and Engineering Department Director Carl Alban, about $710,000 of that money will go to Washington-based contractor Lydig Construction for labor and materials to address various fire safety issues arising from a state fire marshal inspection.Reasons for the additional costs included inconsistent firefighting water supply pressure from the city of Adelanto, improvements to staff and inmate security, and the normal "change order" process on major public works projects."There are a number of reasons the cost of the project is increasing," Alban wrote in an email to the Daily Press. "Clearly some are related to the smoke control systems, but also to issues related to water quality from the new well."The construction portion of the project budget was originally set at about $91 million. That figure has ballooned to about $118.3 million -- with additional costs on the way.The staff report states that total budget for the expansion remains at $144 million, which includes inspection, labor compliance, commissioning costs and other miscellaneous project costs. The Sheriff's Department also anticipates additional costs, according to the report. Transition planning costs at an estimated $1.4 million will bring the total project cost to $145.4 million,迷你倉價錢the report states.Even though the expansion was approved by the state fire marshal, as well as the Board of State and Community Corrections, the continuous process of fire safety inspections -- resulting in adjustments to a construction budget -- is normal, Alban said."The state fire marshal provides ongoing inspections during the entire construction process to ensure that the ongoing work, as well as the work that is contained above ceilings and behind walls that may not be accessible when completed, has the appropriate approvals," Alban explained.A combination of funding from both the state and county will pay for the expansion. The state's current share of the cost is $100 million, and the county's is $44 million.Of the county's share, about $39.2 million has already been funded by the board through various programs, such as the county's Future Space Needs Reserves and savings from the High Desert Public Safety Operations Center project.The remainder of the county's share, about $4.8 million, will be funded by money set aside for jail upgrades in the 2013-14 budget, the report states.Located at 9438 Commerce Way in Adelanto, the prison was formerly owned and operated by Maranatha Private Corrections, which sold it to the county for $31.2 million in 2005.The county awarded the construction contract to Lydig Construction in December 2010.Alban said the expansion project, which will add 1,392 beds to the existing 706-inmate facility, is about 90 percent complete.Jim E. Winburn can be reached at jwinburn@vvdailypress.com or at 760-955-5468.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Daily Press (Victorville, Calif.) Visit the Daily Press (Victorville, Calif.) at .vvdailypress.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉庫

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